コード例 #1
ファイル: fcubes.c プロジェクト: alpertron/calculators
static void EvaluateQuadraticPoly(BigInteger *pResult, BigInteger *pValue, int quad, int linear, int constant)
  multadd(pResult, quad, pValue, linear);
  // Multiply result by value.
  (void)BigIntMultiply(pResult, pValue, pResult);
  addbigint(pResult, constant);
コード例 #2
ファイル: BigInt.c プロジェクト: unixpickle/Infinteger
BigIntRef BigIntCreateDecimal (const char * _decstr) {
	const char * decstr = _decstr;
	if (strlen(decstr) == 0) {
		return BigIntNew(0);
	if (_decstr[0] == '-') {
		decstr = &_decstr[1];
	// read each digit, multiplying something by ten
	// and adding the product of that and the digit
	// to the return value
	BigIntRef result = BigIntNew(0);
	BigIntRef digit = BigIntNew(1);
	BigIntRef base = BigIntNew(10);
	// call these so that we don't waste CPU
	int len = strlen(decstr);
	for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		char c = decstr[i];
		int digitVal = c - '0';
		if (digitVal < 0 || digitVal > 9) {
			return NULL;
		BigIntRef digitInt = BigIntNew(digitVal);
		BigIntRef adding = BigIntMultiply(digit, digitInt);
		BigIntRef newDigit = BigIntMultiply(digit, base);
		digit = newDigit;
		BigIntRef newSum = BigIntAdd(adding, result);
		result = newSum;
	if (_decstr[0] == '-') {
		result->flags |= kBigIntFlagNegative;
	return result;
コード例 #3
ファイル: gaussian.c プロジェクト: loccs-faker/calculators
static void DivideGaussian(BigInteger *real, BigInteger *imag)
  BigInteger Tmp, norm, realNum, imagNum;
  CopyBigInt(&Tmp, real);
  Tmp.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;
  BigIntMultiply(real, real, &norm);
  BigIntMultiply(imag, imag, &Tmp);
  BigIntAdd(&norm, &Tmp, &norm);
  BigIntMultiply(&ReValue, real, &realNum);
  BigIntMultiply(&ImValue, imag, &Tmp);
  BigIntAdd(&realNum, &Tmp, &realNum);
  BigIntMultiply(&ImValue, real, &imagNum);
  BigIntMultiply(&ReValue, imag, &Tmp);
  BigIntSubt(&imagNum, &Tmp, &imagNum);
  BigIntRemainder(&realNum, &norm, &Tmp);
  if (Tmp.nbrLimbs == 1 && Tmp.limbs[0].x == 0)
    BigIntRemainder(&imagNum, &norm, &Tmp);
    if (Tmp.nbrLimbs == 1 && Tmp.limbs[0].x == 0)
      BigIntDivide(&realNum, &norm, &ReValue);
      BigIntDivide(&imagNum, &norm, &ImValue);
      showNumber(real, imag);
コード例 #4
ファイル: fcubes.c プロジェクト: alpertron/calculators
   // Compute tmpP1 <- Base1^3 + Base2^3 + Base3^3 + Base4^3
   // Use tmpQ1 as temporary variable.
static void getSumOfCubes(void)
  (void)BigIntMultiply(&Base1, &Base1, &tmpQ1);
  (void)BigIntMultiply(&tmpQ1, &Base1, &tmpP1);

  (void)BigIntMultiply(&Base2, &Base2, &tmpQ1);
  (void)BigIntMultiply(&tmpQ1, &Base2, &tmpQ1);
  BigIntAdd(&tmpP1, &tmpQ1, &tmpP1);

  (void)BigIntMultiply(&Base3, &Base3, &tmpQ1);
  (void)BigIntMultiply(&tmpQ1, &Base3, &tmpQ1);
  BigIntAdd(&tmpP1, &tmpQ1, &tmpP1);

  (void)BigIntMultiply(&Base4, &Base4, &tmpQ1);
  (void)BigIntMultiply(&tmpQ1, &Base4, &tmpQ1);
  BigIntAdd(&tmpP1, &tmpQ1, &tmpP1);
コード例 #5
ファイル: BigInt.c プロジェクト: unixpickle/Infinteger
BigIntRef BigIntMultiply (BigIntRef bi, BigIntRef bi2) {
	if (bi2 == bi) {
		// create a copy of bi2, call, and release the copy
		BigIntRef nbi2 = BigIntCreateCopy(bi2, 0);
		BigIntRef answer = BigIntMultiply(bi, nbi2);
		return answer;
	BigIntRef productSum = BigIntNew(0);
	// sum up each new big int and replace
	// the productSum
	for (int i = 0; i < bi2->binDigits; i++) {
		// if we have a positive number in bi2
		// then we have to add up or something
		if (BitBufferGetBit(bi2->bits, i)) {
			// add the shifted sum
			BigIntRef product = BigIntCreateCopy(bi, i);
			// add
			BigIntRef newSum = BigIntAdd(product, productSum);
			/*printf("%s + %s = %s\n", 
			productSum = newSum;
	productSum->flags = 0;
	// check the negative stream
	BigBool neg1 = BigIntFlagIsSet(bi, kBigIntFlagNegative);
	BigBool neg2 = BigIntFlagIsSet(bi2, kBigIntFlagNegative);
	if (!neg1 && neg2) {
		productSum->flags |= kBigIntFlagNegative;
	} else if (neg1 && !neg2) {
		productSum->flags |= kBigIntFlagNegative;
	return productSum;
コード例 #6
ファイル: gaussian.c プロジェクト: loccs-faker/calculators
void GaussianFactorization(void)
  BigInteger prime, q, r, M1, M2, Tmp;
  struct sFactors *pstFactor;

  BigIntMultiply(&ReValue, &ReValue, &tofactor);
  BigIntMultiply(&ImValue, &ImValue, &Tmp);
  BigIntAdd(&tofactor, &Tmp, &tofactor);
  NbrFactorsNorm = 0;
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
  originalTenthSecond = tenths();
  if (tofactor.nbrLimbs == 1 && tofactor.limbs[0].x == 0)
  {                // Norm is zero.
    w("<ul><li>Any gaussian prime divides this number</li></ul>");
  if (tofactor.nbrLimbs > 1 || tofactor.limbs[0].x > 1)
  {           // norm greater than 1. Factor norm.
    int index, index2;
    char *ptrFactorDec = tofactorDec;
    NumberLength = tofactor.nbrLimbs;
    CompressBigInteger(nbrToFactor, &tofactor);
    strcpy(ptrFactorDec, "Re&sup2; + Im&sup2; = ");
    ptrFactorDec += strlen(ptrFactorDec);
    Bin2Dec(ReValue.limbs, ptrFactorDec, ReValue.nbrLimbs, groupLen);
    ptrFactorDec += strlen(ptrFactorDec);
    strcpy(ptrFactorDec, "&sup2; + ");
    ptrFactorDec += strlen(ptrFactorDec);
    Bin2Dec(ImValue.limbs, ptrFactorDec, ImValue.nbrLimbs, groupLen);
    ptrFactorDec += strlen(ptrFactorDec);
    strcpy(ptrFactorDec, "&sup2;");
    ptrFactorDec += strlen(ptrFactorDec);
    factor(&tofactor, nbrToFactor, factorsNorm, astFactorsNorm, NULL);
    NbrFactorsNorm = astFactorsNorm[0].multiplicity;
    pstFactor = &astFactorsNorm[1];
    for (index = 0; index < NbrFactorsNorm; index++)
      int *ptrPrime = pstFactor->ptrFactor;
      NumberLength = *ptrPrime;
      UncompressBigInteger(ptrPrime, &prime);
      prime.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;
      if (prime.nbrLimbs == 1 && prime.limbs[0].x == 2)
      {             // Prime factor is 2.
        for (index2 = 0; index2 < pstFactor->multiplicity; index2++)
          M1.nbrLimbs = M2.nbrLimbs = 1;
          M1.limbs[0].x = M2.limbs[0].x = 1;
          M1.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;
          M2.sign = SIGN_NEGATIVE;
          DivideGaussian(&M1, &M1);           // Divide by 1+i
          DivideGaussian(&M1, &M2);           // Divide by 1-i
      if ((prime.limbs[0].x & 2) == 0)
      {                               // Prime is congruent to 1 (mod 4)
        CopyBigInt(&q, &prime);
        NumberLength = prime.nbrLimbs;
        memcpy(&TestNbr, prime.limbs, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
        TestNbr[NumberLength].x = 0;
        subtractdivide(&q, 1, 4);     // q = (prime-1)/4
        memset(&K, 0, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
        memset(minusOneMont, 0, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
        SubtBigNbrModN(minusOneMont, MontgomeryMultR1, minusOneMont, TestNbr, NumberLength);
        K[0].x = 1;
        {    // Loop that finds mult1 = sqrt(-1) mod prime in Montgomery notation.
          modPow(K, q.limbs, q.nbrLimbs, mult1.limbs);
        } while (!memcmp(mult1.limbs, MontgomeryMultR1, NumberLength * sizeof(limb)) ||
                 !memcmp(mult1.limbs, minusOneMont, NumberLength * sizeof(limb)));
        K[0].x = 1;
        modmult(mult1.limbs, K, mult1.limbs);       // Convert mult1 to standard notation.
        UncompressLimbsBigInteger(mult1.limbs, &mult1);  // Convert to Big Integer.
        mult2.nbrLimbs = 1;                // mult2 <- 1
        mult2.limbs[0].x = 1;
        mult2.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;
        for (;;)
          // norm <- (mult1^2 + mult2^2) / prime
          BigIntMultiply(&mult1, &mult1, &tofactor);
          BigIntMultiply(&mult2, &mult2, &Tmp);
          BigIntAdd(&tofactor, &Tmp, &Tmp);
          BigIntDivide(&Tmp, &prime, &tofactor);
          if (tofactor.nbrLimbs == 1 && tofactor.limbs[0].x == 1)
          {        // norm equals 1.
          BigIntRemainder(&mult1, &tofactor, &M1);
          BigIntRemainder(&mult2, &tofactor, &M2);
          BigIntAdd(&M1, &M1, &Tmp);
          BigIntSubt(&tofactor, &Tmp, &Tmp);
          if (Tmp.sign == SIGN_NEGATIVE)
            BigIntSubt(&M1, &tofactor, &M1);
          BigIntAdd(&M2, &M2, &Tmp);
          BigIntSubt(&tofactor, &Tmp, &Tmp);
          if (Tmp.sign == SIGN_NEGATIVE)
            BigIntSubt(&M2, &tofactor, &M2);
          // Compute q <- (mult1*M1 + mult2*M2) / norm
          BigIntMultiply(&mult1, &M1, &q);
          BigIntMultiply(&mult2, &M2, &Tmp);
          BigIntAdd(&q, &Tmp, &Tmp);
          BigIntDivide(&Tmp, &tofactor, &q);
          // Compute Mult2 <- (mult1*M2 - mult2*M1) / tofactor
          BigIntMultiply(&mult1, &M2, &r);
          BigIntMultiply(&mult2, &M1, &Tmp);
          BigIntSubt(&r, &Tmp, &Tmp);
          BigIntDivide(&Tmp, &tofactor, &mult2);
          CopyBigInt(&mult1, &q);
          mult1.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;    // mult1 <- abs(mult1)
          mult2.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;    // mult2 <- abs(mult2)
        }            /* end while */
        CopyBigInt(&M1, &mult1);
        CopyBigInt(&M2, &mult2);
        BigIntSubt(&M1, &M2, &Tmp);
        if (Tmp.sign == SIGN_NEGATIVE)
          CopyBigInt(&Tmp, &mult1);
          CopyBigInt(&mult1, &mult2);
          CopyBigInt(&mult2, &Tmp);
        for (index2 = 0; index2 < pstFactor->multiplicity; index2++)
          DivideGaussian(&mult1, &mult2);
          BigIntNegate(&mult2, &Tmp);
          DivideGaussian(&mult1, &Tmp);
      }              // end p = 1 (mod 4)
      {              // if p = 3 (mod 4)
        q.nbrLimbs = 1;    // q <- 0
        q.limbs[0].x = 0;
        q.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;
        for (index2 = 0; index2 < pstFactor->multiplicity; index2++)
          DivideGaussian(&prime, &q);
        }            // end p = 3 (mod 4)
  // Process units: 1, -1, i, -i.
  if (ReValue.nbrLimbs == 1 && ReValue.limbs[0].x == 1)
    if (ReValue.sign == SIGN_POSITIVE)
    {             // Value is 1.
      if (NbrFactorsNorm == 0)
        w("No gaussian prime divides this number");
    {            // Value is -1.
  else if (ImValue.sign == SIGN_POSITIVE)
コード例 #7
ファイル: RSA.c プロジェクト: AllanMar/i2ceth
	static ROM BYTE *pe = NULL, *pend = NULL;
	static BYTE startBit;

	// This macro processes a single bit, either with or without debug output.
	// The C preprocessor will optimize this without the overhead of a function call.
		#define doBitROM(a)	putrsUART("\r\n\r\n  * y = ");	\
							BigIntPrint(y); \
							BigIntSquare(y, &tmp); \
							putrsUART("\r\nnow t = "); \
							BigIntPrint(&tmp); \
							putrsUART("\r\n  % n = "); \
							BigIntPrintROM(n); \
							BigIntModROM(&tmp, n); \
							BigIntCopy(y, &tmp); \
							putrsUART("\r\nnow y = "); \
							BigIntPrint(y); \
							if(*pe & a) \
							{ \
								putrsUART("\r\n\r\n!!* x = "); \
								BigIntPrint(x); \
								BigIntMultiply(y, x, &tmp); \
								putrsUART("\r\nnow t = "); \
								BigIntPrint(&tmp); \
								putrsUART("\r\n  % n = "); \
								BigIntPrintROM(n); \
								BigIntModROM(&tmp, n); \
								BigIntCopy(y, &tmp); \
								putrsUART("\r\nnow y = "); \
								BigIntPrint(y); \
		#define doBitROM(a)	BigIntSquare(y, &tmp); \
							BigIntModROM(&tmp, n); \
							BigIntCopy(y, &tmp); \
							if(*pe & a) \
							{ \
								BigIntMultiply(y, x, &tmp); \
								BigIntModROM(&tmp, n); \
								BigIntCopy(y, &tmp); \

	// Determine if this is a new computation
	if(pe == pend)
	{// Yes, so set up the calculation
		// Set up *pe to point to the MSB in e, *pend to stop byte
		pe = (ROM BYTE*)e->ptrMSB;
		pend = ((ROM BYTE*)e->ptrLSB) - 1;
		while(*pe == 0x00u)

			// Handle special case where e is zero and n >= 2 (result y should be 1).  
			// If n = 1, then y should be zero, but this really special case isn't 
			// normally useful, so we shall not implement it and will return 1 
			// instead.
			if(pe == pend)
				*(y->ptrLSB) = 0x01;
				return TRUE;
		// Start at the bit following the MSbit
		startBit = *pe;
		if(startBit & 0x80)
			startBit = 0x40;
		else if(startBit & 0x40)
			startBit = 0x20;
		else if(startBit & 0x20)
			startBit = 0x10;
		else if(startBit & 0x10)
			startBit = 0x08;
		else if(startBit & 0x08)
			startBit = 0x04;
		else if(startBit & 0x04)
			startBit = 0x02;
		else if(startBit & 0x02)
			startBit = 0x01;
			startBit = 0x80;
		// Process that second bit now to save memory in Y
		// (first round squares the message (X).  Subsequent rounds square Y,
		//   which is at most half that size when running the CRT.)
		BigIntSquare(x, &tmp);
		BigIntModROM(&tmp, n);
		BigIntCopy(y, &tmp);
		if(*pe & startBit)
		{// If bit is '1'
			BigIntMultiply(y, x, &tmp);
			BigIntModROM(&tmp, n);
			BigIntCopy(y, &tmp);
		// Move to the next bit as the startBit
		startBit >>= 1;
			startBit = 0x80;

		// We are finished if e has only one or two set bits total, ex: e = 3
		if(pe == pend)
			return TRUE;
コード例 #8
ファイル: fcubes.c プロジェクト: alpertron/calculators
static int fcubes(BigInteger *pArgument)
  int mod18, modulus, i, mod83, mask;
  int pow, exp;
  boolean converted = FALSE;
  CopyBigInt(&value, pArgument);
  // Compute argument mod 18.
  mod18 = getRemainder(pArgument, 18);
  if (mod18 == 4 || mod18 == 5 || mod18 == 13 || mod18 == 14)
    return -1;  // Applet does not work if the number is congruent to 4 or 5 (mod 9)
  if (mod18 == 16)
  {             // Change sign.
    converted = TRUE;
    BigIntNegate(&value, &value);
  for (i = 0; i<(int)(sizeof(sums)/sizeof(sums[0])); i += 10)
    modulus = sums[i];
    if ((getRemainder(&value, modulus) + modulus)% modulus == sums[i + 1])
  if (i<(int)(sizeof(sums) / sizeof(sums[0])))
    subtractdivide(&value, sums[i + 1], modulus);      // value <- (value-sums[i+1])/modulus
    multadd(&Base1, sums[i + 2], &value, sums[i + 3]); // Base1 <- sums[i+2]*value+sums[i+3]
    multadd(&Base2, sums[i + 4], &value, sums[i + 5]); // Base2 <- sums[i+4]*value+sums[i+5]
    multadd(&Base3, sums[i + 6], &value, sums[i + 7]); // Base3 <- sums[i+6]*value+sums[i+7]
    multadd(&Base4, sums[i + 8], &value, sums[i + 9]); // Base4 <- sums[i+8]*value+sums[i+9]
  else if (getRemainder(&value, 54) == 2)
  {           // If value == 2 (mod 54)...
    subtractdivide(&value, 2, 54);   // value <- (value-2)/54
    EvaluateQuadraticPoly(&Base1, &value, 29484, 2211, 43);
    EvaluateQuadraticPoly(&Base2, &value, -29484, -2157, -41);
    EvaluateQuadraticPoly(&Base3, &value, 9828, 485, 4);
    EvaluateQuadraticPoly(&Base4, &value, -9828, -971, -22);
  else if (getRemainder(&value, 83 * 108) == 83*46)
  {           // If value == 83*46 (mod 83*108)...
    subtractdivide(&value, 83*46, 83*108); // value <-(value - (83*46)) / (83*108)
    EvaluateQuadraticPoly(&Base1, &value, 29484, 25143, 5371);
    EvaluateQuadraticPoly(&Base2, &value, -29484, -25089, -5348);
    EvaluateQuadraticPoly(&Base3, &value, 9828, 8129, 1682);
    EvaluateQuadraticPoly(&Base4, &value, -9828, -8615, -1889);
      // Perform Pell solution of Demjanenko's theorem
      // Using these values of P, Q, R and S, a and b will be
      // always one and zero (mod 6) respectively.
      // P <- -112488782561 = -(52*2^31+819632865)
      // Q <- -6578430178320 = -(3063*2^31+687764496)
      // R <- -1923517596 = -(0*2^31+1923517596)
      // S <- P
      // P1 <- 1
      // Q1 <- 0
      // R1 <- 0
      // S1 <- 1
    P.limbs[1].x = S.limbs[1].x = 52;
    P.limbs[0].x = S.limbs[0].x = 819632865;
    Q.limbs[1].x = 3063;
    Q.limbs[0].x = 687764496;
    R.limbs[1].x = 0;
    R.limbs[0].x = 1923517596;
    P.nbrLimbs = Q.nbrLimbs = R.nbrLimbs = S.nbrLimbs = 3;
    P.sign = Q.sign = R.sign = S.sign = SIGN_NEGATIVE;
    P1.limbs[0].x = S1.limbs[0].x = 1;
    Q1.limbs[0].x = R1.limbs[0].x = 0;
    P1.nbrLimbs = Q1.nbrLimbs = R1.nbrLimbs = S1.nbrLimbs = 1;
    P1.sign = Q1.sign = R1.sign = S1.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;
    mod83 = getRemainder(&value, 83);
    pow = 71;
    exp = 0;
    while (pow != mod83)
      pow = (pow * 50) % 83;
    if (exp > 82 / 2)
      exp = 82 - exp;
      Q.sign = R.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;
    }  // Now exp is in range 0-41.
    mask = 32;
    while (mask > 0)
      // tmpP1 <- P1*P1 + Q1*R1
      // tmpQ1 <- (P1+S1) * Q1
      // tmpR1 <- (P1+S1) * R1
      // tmpS1 <- S1*S1 + Q1*R1
      // P1 <- tmpP1
      // Q1 <- tmpQ1
      // R1 <- tmpR1
      // S1 <- tmpS1
      (void)BigIntMultiply(&P1, &P1, &tmpP1);
      (void)BigIntMultiply(&Q1, &R1, &tmpQ1);
      (void)BigIntMultiply(&S1, &S1, &tmpS1);
      BigIntAdd(&P1, &S1, &tmpR1);
      BigIntAdd(&tmpP1, &tmpQ1, &P1);
      BigIntAdd(&tmpS1, &tmpQ1, &S1);
      (void)BigIntMultiply(&tmpR1, &Q1, &Q1);
      (void)BigIntMultiply(&tmpR1, &R1, &R1);
      if ((exp & mask) != 0)
        // tmpP1 <- P*P1 + Q*R1
        // tmpQ1 <- P*Q1 + Q*S1
        // tmpR1 <- R*P1 + S*R1
        // tmpS1 <- R*Q1 + S*S1
        // P1 <- tmpP1
        // Q1 <- tmpQ1
        // R1 <- tmpR1
        // S1 <- tmpS1
        (void)BigIntMultiply(&P, &P1, &tmpP1);
        (void)BigIntMultiply(&Q, &R1, &tmpQ1);
        (void)BigIntMultiply(&R, &P1, &tmpR1);
        (void)BigIntMultiply(&S, &R1, &tmpS1);
        BigIntAdd(&tmpP1, &tmpQ1, &P1);
        BigIntAdd(&tmpR1, &tmpS1, &R1);
        (void)BigIntMultiply(&P, &Q1, &tmpP1);
        (void)BigIntMultiply(&Q, &S1, &tmpQ1);
        (void)BigIntMultiply(&R, &Q1, &tmpR1);
        (void)BigIntMultiply(&S, &S1, &tmpS1);
        BigIntAdd(&tmpP1, &tmpQ1, &Q1);
        BigIntAdd(&tmpR1, &tmpS1, &S1);
      mask >>= 1;
    addmult(&a, &P1, -3041, &Q1, -52);   // a <- -3041*P1 - 52*Q1
    addmult(&b, &R1, -3041, &S1, -52);   // b <- -3041*R1 - 52*S1
    addmult(&Base1, &a, 27, &b, -928);   // Base1 <- 27*a - 928*b
    addmult(&Base2, &a, -9, &b, -602);   // Base2 <- -9*a - 602*b
    addmult(&Base3, &a, 25, &b, -2937);  // Base3 <- 25*a - 2937*b
    addmult(&Base4, &a, -19, &b, 2746);  // Base4 <- -19*a - 2746*b
    // a <- (value - Base1^3 - Base2^3 - Base3^3 - Base4^3)/(18*83)
    getSumOfCubes();  // tmpP1 = Base1^3 + Base2^3 + Base3^3 + Base4^3
    BigIntSubt(&value, &tmpP1, &a);
    subtractdivide(&a, 0, 18 * 83);      // Divide a by 18*83.
    multint(&tmpP1, &a, 10);             // Base1 <- Base1 + 10*a
    BigIntAdd(&tmpP1, &Base1, &Base1);
    multint(&tmpP1, &a, -19);            // Base2 <- Base2 - 19*a
    BigIntAdd(&tmpP1, &Base2, &Base2);
    multint(&tmpP1, &a, -24);            // Base3 <- Base3 - 24*a
    BigIntAdd(&tmpP1, &Base3, &Base3);
    multint(&tmpP1, &a, 27);             // Base4 <- Base4 + 27*a
    BigIntAdd(&tmpP1, &Base4, &Base4);

  if (converted != 0)
    BigIntNegate(&Base1, &Base1);
    BigIntNegate(&Base2, &Base2);
    BigIntNegate(&Base3, &Base3);
    BigIntNegate(&Base4, &Base4);

      // Sort cubes
  SortBigIntegers(&Base1, &Base2);
  SortBigIntegers(&Base1, &Base3);
  SortBigIntegers(&Base1, &Base4);
  SortBigIntegers(&Base2, &Base3);
  SortBigIntegers(&Base2, &Base4);
  SortBigIntegers(&Base3, &Base4);

  // Validate

  getSumOfCubes();  // tmpP1 = Base1^3 - Base2^3 - Base3^3 - Base4^3
  BigIntSubt(&tmpP1, pArgument, &tmpQ1);
  if (tmpQ1.nbrLimbs != 1 || tmpQ1.limbs[0].x != 0)
    return 1;       // Result does not validate.
  return 0;
コード例 #9
ファイル: dilog.c プロジェクト: loccs-faker/calculators
void DiscreteLogarithm(void)
  BigInteger groupOrder, subGroupOrder, powSubGroupOrder, powSubGroupOrderBak;
  BigInteger Exponent, runningExp, baseExp, mod;
  BigInteger logar, logarMult, runningExpBase;
  BigInteger currentExp;
  int indexBase, indexExp;
  int index, expon;
  limb addA, addB, addA2, addB2;
  limb mult1, mult2;
  double magnitude, firstLimit, secondLimit;
  long long brentK, brentR;
  unsigned char EndPollardBrentRho;
  int nbrLimbs;
  struct sFactors *pstFactors;
  enum eLogMachineState logMachineState;
  char *ptr;

#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
  lModularMult = 0;
  NumberLength = modulus.nbrLimbs;
  if (!TestBigNbrEqual(&LastModulus, &modulus))
    CompressBigInteger(nbrToFactor, &modulus);
    Bin2Dec(modulus.limbs, tofactorDec, modulus.nbrLimbs, groupLen);
    factor(&modulus, nbrToFactor, factorsMod, astFactorsMod, NULL);
    NbrFactorsMod = astFactorsMod[0].multiplicity;
  intToBigInteger(&DiscreteLog, 0);       // DiscreteLog <- 0
  intToBigInteger(&DiscreteLogPeriod, 1); // DiscreteLogPeriod <- 1
  for (index = 1; index <= NbrFactorsMod; index++)
    int mostSignificantDword, leastSignificantDword;
    int NbrFactors;
    int *ptrPrime;
    int multiplicity;

    ptrPrime = astFactorsMod[index].ptrFactor;
    NumberLength = *ptrPrime;
    UncompressBigInteger(ptrPrime, &groupOrder);
    groupOrder.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;
    BigIntRemainder(&base, &groupOrder, &tmpBase);
    if (tmpBase.nbrLimbs == 1 && tmpBase.limbs[0].x == 0)
    {     // modulus and base are not relatively prime.
      int ctr;
      multiplicity = astFactorsMod[index].multiplicity;
      CopyBigInt(&bigNbrA, &power);
      for (ctr = multiplicity; ctr > 0; ctr--)
        BigIntRemainder(&bigNbrA, &groupOrder, &bigNbrB);
        if (bigNbrB.nbrLimbs != 1 || bigNbrB.limbs[0].x != 0)
        {    // Exit loop if integer division cannot be performed
        BigIntDivide(&bigNbrA, &groupOrder, &bigNbrB);
        CopyBigInt(&bigNbrA, &bigNbrB);
      if (ctr == 0)
      {  // Power is multiple of prime^exp.
      // Compute prime^mutliplicity.
      BigIntPowerIntExp(&groupOrder, multiplicity, &tmp2);
      BigIntRemainder(&base, &tmp2, &tmpBase);
      // Get tentative exponent.
      ctr = multiplicity - ctr;
      intToBigInteger(&bigNbrB, ctr);   // Convert exponent to big integer.
      NumberLength = tmp2.nbrLimbs;
      memcpy(TestNbr, tmp2.limbs, (NumberLength + 1) * sizeof(limb));
      BigIntModularPower(&tmpBase, &bigNbrB, &bigNbrA);
      BigIntRemainder(&power, &tmp2, &bigNbrB);
      BigIntSubt(&bigNbrA, &bigNbrB, &bigNbrA);
      if (bigNbrA.nbrLimbs == 1 && bigNbrA.limbs[0].x == 0)
        intToBigInteger(&DiscreteLog, ctr);     // DiscreteLog <- exponent
        intToBigInteger(&DiscreteLogPeriod, 0); // DiscreteLogPeriod <- 0
      showText("There is no discrete logarithm");
      DiscreteLogPeriod.sign = SIGN_NEGATIVE;
    {     // modulus and base are relatively prime.
      BigIntRemainder(&power, &groupOrder, &bigNbrB);
      if (bigNbrB.nbrLimbs == 1 && bigNbrB.limbs[0].x == 0)
      {   // power is multiple of prime. Error.
        showText("There is no discrete logarithm");
        DiscreteLogPeriod.sign = SIGN_NEGATIVE;
    CompressLimbsBigInteger(baseMontg, &tmpBase);
    BigIntRemainder(&power, &groupOrder, &tmpBase);
    CompressLimbsBigInteger(powerMontg, &tmpBase);
    // Compute group order as the prime minus 1.
    showText("Computing discrete logarithm...");
    CompressBigInteger(nbrToFactor, &groupOrder);
    factor(&groupOrder, nbrToFactor, factorsGO, astFactorsGO, NULL);  // factor groupOrder.
    NbrFactors = astFactorsGO[0].multiplicity;
    NumberLength = *ptrPrime;
    UncompressBigInteger(ptrPrime, &mod);
    intToBigInteger(&logar, 0);     // logar <- 0
    intToBigInteger(&logarMult, 1); // logarMult <- 1
    NumberLength = mod.nbrLimbs;
    memcpy(TestNbr, mod.limbs, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
    TestNbr[NumberLength].x = 0;
    //    yieldFreq = 1000000 / (NumberLength*NumberLength);
#if 0
    char *ptrText = textExp;
    strcpy(ptrText, "<p>NumberLength (2) = ");
    ptrText = ptrText + strlen(ptrText);
    int2dec(&ptrText, NumberLength);
    strcpy(ptrText, "</p>");
    DiscreteLogPeriod.sign = SIGN_NEGATIVE;
    // Convert base and power to Montgomery notation.
    modmult(baseMontg, MontgomeryMultR2, baseMontg);
    modmult(powerMontg, MontgomeryMultR2, powerMontg);
    mostSignificantDword = NumberLength - 1;
    if (NumberLength == 1)
      leastSignificantDword = NumberLength - 1;
      firstLimit = (double)TestNbr[leastSignificantDword].x / 3;
      leastSignificantDword = NumberLength - 2;
      firstLimit = ((double)TestNbr[mostSignificantDword].x * LIMB_RANGE +
        TestNbr[leastSignificantDword].x) / 3;
    secondLimit = firstLimit * 2;
    for (indexBase = 0; indexBase < NbrFactors; indexBase++)
      NumberLength = *astFactorsGO[indexBase + 1].ptrFactor;
      UncompressBigInteger(astFactorsGO[indexBase + 1].ptrFactor, &subGroupOrder);
      subGroupOrder.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;
      strcpy(textExp, "Computing discrete logarithm in subgroup of ");
      Bin2Dec(subGroupOrder.limbs, textExp + strlen(textExp), subGroupOrder.nbrLimbs, groupLen);
      ptr = textExp + strlen(textExp);
      if (astFactorsGO[indexBase + 1].multiplicity > 1)
        *ptr++ = '<';
        *ptr++ = 's';
        *ptr++ = 'u';
        *ptr++ = 'p';
        *ptr++ = '>';
        int2dec(&ptr, astFactorsGO[indexBase + 1].multiplicity);
        *ptr++ = '<';
        *ptr++ = '/';
        *ptr++ = 's';
        *ptr++ = 'u';
        *ptr++ = 'p';
        *ptr++ = '>';
      strcpy(ptr, " elements.");
      NumberLength = mod.nbrLimbs;
      memcpy(TestNbr, mod.limbs, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
      NumberLengthOther = subGroupOrder.nbrLimbs;
      memcpy(TestNbrOther, subGroupOrder.limbs, NumberLengthOther * sizeof(limb));
      TestNbr[NumberLength].x = 0;
      nbrLimbs = subGroupOrder.nbrLimbs;
      dN = (double)subGroupOrder.limbs[nbrLimbs - 1].x;
      if (nbrLimbs > 1)
        dN += (double)subGroupOrder.limbs[nbrLimbs - 2].x / LIMB_RANGE;
        if (nbrLimbs > 2)
          dN += (double)subGroupOrder.limbs[nbrLimbs - 3].x / LIMB_RANGE / LIMB_RANGE;
      CopyBigInt(&baseExp, &groupOrder);
      // Check whether base is primitive root.
      BigIntDivide(&groupOrder, &subGroupOrder, &tmpBase);
      modPow(baseMontg, tmpBase.limbs, tmpBase.nbrLimbs, primRootPwr);
      if (!memcmp(primRootPwr, MontgomeryMultR1, NumberLength * sizeof(limb)))
      {        // Power is one, so it is not a primitive root.
        logMachineState = CALC_LOG_BASE;
        // Find primitive root
        primRoot[0].x = 1;
        if (NumberLength > 1)
          memset(&primRoot[1], 0, (NumberLength - 1) * sizeof(limb));
          modPow(primRoot, tmpBase.limbs, tmpBase.nbrLimbs, primRootPwr);
        } while (!memcmp(primRootPwr, MontgomeryMultR1, NumberLength * sizeof(limb)));
      {           // Power is not 1, so the base is a primitive root.
        logMachineState = BASE_PRIMITIVE_ROOT;
        memcpy(primRoot, baseMontg, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
      for (;;)
      {                  // Calculate discrete logarithm in subgroup.
        runningExp.nbrLimbs = 1;     // runningExp <- 0
        runningExp.limbs[0].x = 0;
        runningExp.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;
        powSubGroupOrder.nbrLimbs = 1;     // powSubGroupOrder <- 1
        powSubGroupOrder.limbs[0].x = 1;
        powSubGroupOrder.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;
        CopyBigInt(&currentExp, &groupOrder);
        if (logMachineState == BASE_PRIMITIVE_ROOT)
          memcpy(basePHMontg, baseMontg, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
          memcpy(currPowerMontg, powerMontg, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
        else if (logMachineState == CALC_LOG_BASE)
          memcpy(basePHMontg, primRoot, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
          memcpy(currPowerMontg, baseMontg, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
        {           // logMachineState == CALC_LOG_POWER
          memcpy(primRoot, basePHMontg, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
          memcpy(currPowerMontg, powerMontg, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
        for (indexExp = 0; indexExp < astFactorsGO[indexBase + 1].multiplicity; indexExp++)
          /* PH below comes from Pohlig-Hellman algorithm */
          BigIntDivide(&currentExp, &subGroupOrder, &currentExp);
          modPow(currPowerMontg, currentExp.limbs, currentExp.nbrLimbs, powerPHMontg);
          BigIntDivide(&baseExp, &subGroupOrder, &baseExp);
          if (subGroupOrder.nbrLimbs == 1 && subGroupOrder.limbs[0].x < 20)
          {       // subGroupOrder less than 20.
            if (!ComputeDLogModSubGroupOrder(indexBase, indexExp, &Exponent, &subGroupOrder))
          {        // Use Pollard's rho method with Brent's modification
            memcpy(nbrPower, powerPHMontg, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
            memcpy(nbrBase, primRootPwr, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
            memcpy(nbrR2, nbrBase, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
            memset(nbrA2, 0, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
            memset(nbrB2, 0, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
            nbrB2[0].x = 1;
            addA2.x = addB2.x = 0;
            mult2.x = 1;
            brentR = 1;
            brentK = 0;
            EndPollardBrentRho = FALSE;
              memcpy(nbrR, nbrR2, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
              memcpy(nbrA, nbrA2, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
              memcpy(nbrB, nbrB2, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
              addA = addA2;
              addB = addB2;
              mult1 = mult2;
              brentR *= 2;
                if (NumberLength == 1)
                  magnitude = (double)nbrR2[leastSignificantDword].x;
                  magnitude = (double)nbrR2[mostSignificantDword].x * LIMB_RANGE +
                if (magnitude < firstLimit)
                  modmult(nbrR2, nbrPower, nbrROther);
                else if (magnitude < secondLimit)
                  modmult(nbrR2, nbrR2, nbrROther);
                  mult2.x *= 2;
                  addA2.x *= 2;
                  addB2.x *= 2;
                  modmult(nbrR2, nbrBase, nbrROther);
                // Exchange nbrR2 and nbrROther
                memcpy(nbrTemp, nbrR2, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
                memcpy(nbrR2, nbrROther, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
                memcpy(nbrROther, nbrTemp, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
                if (addA2.x >= (int)(LIMB_RANGE / 2) || addB2.x >= (int)(LIMB_RANGE / 2) ||
                    mult2.x >= (int)(LIMB_RANGE / 2))
                  // nbrA2 <- (nbrA2 * mult2 + addA2) % subGroupOrder
                  AdjustExponent(nbrA2, mult2, addA2, &subGroupOrder);
                  // nbrB2 <- (nbrB2 * mult2 + addB2) % subGroupOrder
                  AdjustExponent(nbrB2, mult2, addB2, &subGroupOrder);
                  mult2.x = 1;
                  addA2.x = addB2.x = 0;
                if (!memcmp(nbrR, nbrR2, NumberLength * sizeof(limb)))
                  EndPollardBrentRho = TRUE;
              } while (brentK < brentR);
            } while (EndPollardBrentRho == FALSE);
            ExchangeMods();                  // TestNbr <- subGroupOrder
            // nbrA <- (nbrA * mult1 + addA) % subGroupOrder
            AdjustExponent(nbrA, mult1, addA, &subGroupOrder);
            // nbrB <- (nbrB * mult1 + addB) % subGroupOrder
            AdjustExponent(nbrB, mult1, addB, &subGroupOrder);
            // nbrA2 <- (nbrA * mult2 + addA2) % subGroupOrder
            AdjustExponent(nbrA2, mult2, addA2, &subGroupOrder);
            // nbrB2 <- (nbrA * mult2 + addB2) % subGroupOrder
            AdjustExponent(nbrB2, mult2, addB2, &subGroupOrder);
            // nbrB <- (nbrB2 - nbrB) % subGroupOrder
            SubtBigNbrMod(nbrB2, nbrB, nbrB);
            SubtBigNbrMod(nbrA, nbrA2, nbrA);
            if (BigNbrIsZero(nbrA))
            {     // Denominator is zero, so rho does not work.
              ExchangeMods();           // TestNbr <- modulus
              if (!ComputeDLogModSubGroupOrder(indexBase, indexExp, &Exponent, &subGroupOrder))
                return;   // Cannot compute discrete logarithm.
              // Exponent <- (nbrB / nbrA) (mod subGroupOrder)
              UncompressLimbsBigInteger(nbrA, &bigNbrA);
              UncompressLimbsBigInteger(nbrB, &bigNbrB);
              BigIntModularDivisionSaveTestNbr(&bigNbrB, &bigNbrA, &subGroupOrder, &Exponent);
              Exponent.sign = SIGN_POSITIVE;
              ExchangeMods();           // TestNbr <- modulus
          modPow(primRoot, Exponent.limbs, Exponent.nbrLimbs, tmpBase.limbs);
          ModInvBigNbr(tmpBase.limbs, tmpBase.limbs, TestNbr, NumberLength);
          modmult(tmpBase.limbs, currPowerMontg, currPowerMontg);
          BigIntMultiply(&Exponent, &powSubGroupOrder, &tmpBase);
          BigIntAdd(&runningExp, &tmpBase, &runningExp);
          BigIntMultiply(&powSubGroupOrder, &subGroupOrder, &powSubGroupOrder);
          modPow(primRoot, subGroupOrder.limbs, subGroupOrder.nbrLimbs, tmpBase.limbs);
          memcpy(primRoot, tmpBase.limbs, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
        if (logMachineState == BASE_PRIMITIVE_ROOT)
        {         // Discrete logarithm was determined for this subgroup.
          ExponentsGOComputed[indexBase] = astFactorsGO[indexBase + 1].multiplicity;
        if (logMachineState == CALC_LOG_BASE)
          CopyBigInt(&runningExpBase, &runningExp);
          logMachineState = CALC_LOG_POWER;
        {  // Set powSubGroupOrderBak to powSubGroupOrder.
           // if runningExpBase is not multiple of subGroupOrder,
           // discrete logarithm is runningExp/runningExpBase mod powSubGroupOrderBak.
           // Otherwise if runningExp is multiple of subGroupOrder, there is no logarithm.
           // Otherwise, divide runningExp, runnignExpBase and powSubGroupOrderBak by subGroupOrder and repeat.
          ExponentsGOComputed[indexBase] = astFactorsGO[indexBase + 1].multiplicity;
          CopyBigInt(&powSubGroupOrderBak, &powSubGroupOrder);
            BigIntRemainder(&runningExpBase, &subGroupOrder, &tmpBase);
            if (tmpBase.nbrLimbs > 1 || tmpBase.limbs[0].x != 0)
            {    // runningExpBase is not multiple of subGroupOrder
              BigIntModularDivisionSaveTestNbr(&runningExp, &runningExpBase, &powSubGroupOrderBak, &tmpBase);
              CopyBigInt(&runningExp, &tmpBase);
            BigIntRemainder(&runningExp, &subGroupOrder, &tmpBase);
            if (tmpBase.nbrLimbs > 1 || tmpBase.limbs[0].x != 0)
            {    // runningExpBase is not multiple of subGroupOrder
              showText("There is no discrete logarithm");
              DiscreteLogPeriod.sign = SIGN_NEGATIVE;
            BigIntDivide(&runningExp, &subGroupOrder, &tmpBase);
            CopyBigInt(&runningExp, &tmpBase);
            BigIntDivide(&runningExpBase, &subGroupOrder, &tmpBase);
            CopyBigInt(&runningExpBase, &tmpBase);
            BigIntDivide(&powSubGroupOrderBak, &subGroupOrder, &tmpBase);
            CopyBigInt(&powSubGroupOrderBak, &tmpBase);
            if (tmpBase.nbrLimbs == 1 && tmpBase.limbs[0].x == 1)
            BigIntRemainder(&runningExpBase, &subGroupOrder, &tmpBase);
          } while (tmpBase.nbrLimbs == 1 && tmpBase.limbs[0].x == 0);
          CopyBigInt(&powSubGroupOrder, &powSubGroupOrderBak);
          // The logarithm is runningExp / runningExpBase mod powSubGroupOrder
          // When powSubGroupOrder is even, we cannot use Montgomery.
          if (powSubGroupOrder.limbs[0].x & 1)
          {          // powSubGroupOrder is odd.
            BigIntModularDivisionSaveTestNbr(&runningExp, &runningExpBase, &powSubGroupOrder, &tmpBase);
            CopyBigInt(&runningExp, &tmpBase);
          {          // powSubGroupOrder is even (power of 2).
            NumberLength = powSubGroupOrder.nbrLimbs;
            CompressLimbsBigInteger(nbrB, &runningExpBase);
            ComputeInversePower2(nbrB, nbrA, nbrB2);  // nbrB2 is auxiliary var.
            CompressLimbsBigInteger(nbrB, &runningExp);
            multiply(nbrA, nbrB, nbrA, NumberLength, NULL);   // nbrA <- quotient.
            UncompressLimbsBigInteger(nbrA, &runningExp);
      CopyBigInt(&nbrV[indexBase], &runningExp);
      NumberLength = powSubGroupOrder.nbrLimbs;
      memcpy(TestNbr, powSubGroupOrder.limbs, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
      TestNbr[NumberLength].x = 0;
      for (indexExp = 0; indexExp < indexBase; indexExp++)
        // nbrV[indexBase] <- (nbrV[indexBase] - nbrV[indexExp])*
        //                     modinv(PrimesGO[indexExp]^(ExponentsGO[indexExp]),
        //                     powSubGroupOrder)
        NumberLength = mod.nbrLimbs;
        BigIntSubt(&nbrV[indexBase], &nbrV[indexExp], &nbrV[indexBase]);
        BigIntRemainder(&nbrV[indexBase], &powSubGroupOrder, &nbrV[indexBase]);
        if (nbrV[indexBase].sign == SIGN_NEGATIVE)
          BigIntAdd(&nbrV[indexBase], &powSubGroupOrder, &nbrV[indexBase]);
        pstFactors = &astFactorsGO[indexExp + 1];
        UncompressBigInteger(pstFactors->ptrFactor, &tmpBase);
        BigIntPowerIntExp(&tmpBase, ExponentsGOComputed[indexExp], &tmpBase);
        BigIntRemainder(&tmpBase, &powSubGroupOrder, &tmpBase);
        NumberLength = powSubGroupOrder.nbrLimbs;
        CompressLimbsBigInteger(tmp2.limbs, &tmpBase);
        modmult(tmp2.limbs, MontgomeryMultR2, tmp2.limbs);
        if (NumberLength > 1 || TestNbr[0].x != 1)
        {           // If TestNbr != 1 ...
          ModInvBigNbr(tmp2.limbs, tmp2.limbs, TestNbr, NumberLength);
        tmpBase.limbs[0].x = 1;
        memset(&tmpBase.limbs[1], 0, (NumberLength - 1) * sizeof(limb));
        modmult(tmpBase.limbs, tmp2.limbs, tmp2.limbs);
        UncompressLimbsBigInteger(tmp2.limbs, &tmpBase);
        BigIntMultiply(&tmpBase, &nbrV[indexBase], &nbrV[indexBase]);
      BigIntRemainder(&nbrV[indexBase], &powSubGroupOrder, &nbrV[indexBase]);
      BigIntMultiply(&nbrV[indexBase], &logarMult, &tmpBase);
      BigIntAdd(&logar, &tmpBase, &logar);
      BigIntMultiply(&logarMult, &powSubGroupOrder, &logarMult);
    multiplicity = astFactorsMod[index].multiplicity;
    UncompressBigInteger(ptrPrime, &bigNbrB);
    expon = 1;
    if (bigNbrB.nbrLimbs == 1 && bigNbrB.limbs[0].x == 2)
    {            // Prime factor is 2. Base and power are odd at this moment.
      int lsbBase = base.limbs[0].x;
      int lsbPower = power.limbs[0].x;
      if (multiplicity > 1)
        int mask = (multiplicity == 2? 3 : 7);
        expon = (multiplicity == 2 ? 2 : 3);
        if ((lsbPower & mask) == 1)
          intToBigInteger(&logar, 0);
          intToBigInteger(&logarMult, (lsbBase == 1 ? 1 : 2));
        else if (((lsbPower - lsbBase) & mask) == 0)
          intToBigInteger(&logar, 1);
          intToBigInteger(&logarMult, 2);
          showText("There is no discrete logarithm");
          DiscreteLogPeriod.sign = SIGN_NEGATIVE;
    for (; expon < multiplicity; expon++)
    {    // Repeated factor.
      // L = logar, LM = logarMult
      // B = base, P = power, p = prime

      // B^n = P (mod p^(k+1)) -> n = L + m*LM   m = ?
      // B^(L + m*LM) = P
      // (B^LM) ^ m = P*B^(-L)
      // B^LM = r*p^k + 1, P*B^(-L) = s*p^k + 1
      // (r*p^k + 1)^m = s*p^k + 1
      // From binomial theorem: m = s / r (mod p)
      // If r = 0 and s != 0 there is no solution.
      // If r = 0 and s = 0 do not change LM.
      BigIntPowerIntExp(&bigNbrB, expon + 1, &bigNbrA);
      NumberLength = bigNbrA.nbrLimbs;
      memcpy(TestNbr, bigNbrA.limbs, NumberLength * sizeof(limb));
      BigIntRemainder(&base, &bigNbrA, &tmpBase);
      CompressLimbsBigInteger(baseMontg, &tmpBase);
      modmult(baseMontg, MontgomeryMultR2, baseMontg);
      modPow(baseMontg, logarMult.limbs, logarMult.nbrLimbs, primRootPwr); // B^LM
      tmpBase.limbs[0].x = 1;   // Convert from Montgomery to standard notation.
      memset(&tmpBase.limbs[1], 0, (NumberLength - 1) * sizeof(limb));
      modmult(primRootPwr, tmpBase.limbs, primRootPwr);                    // B^LM
      ModInvBigNbr(baseMontg, tmpBase.limbs, TestNbr, NumberLength);       // B^(-1)
      modPow(tmpBase.limbs, logar.limbs, logar.nbrLimbs, primRoot);        // B^(-L)
      BigIntRemainder(&power, &bigNbrA, &tmpBase);
      CompressLimbsBigInteger(tmp2.limbs, &tmpBase);
      modmult(primRoot, tmp2.limbs, primRoot);                             // P*B^(-L)
      BigIntDivide(&bigNbrA, &bigNbrB, &tmpBase);
      UncompressLimbsBigInteger(primRootPwr, &tmp2);
      BigIntDivide(&tmp2, &tmpBase, &bigNbrA);                             // s
      UncompressLimbsBigInteger(primRoot, &baseModGO);   // Use baseMontGO as temp var.
      BigIntDivide(&baseModGO, &tmpBase, &tmp2);                           // r
      if (bigNbrA.nbrLimbs == 1 && bigNbrA.limbs[0].x == 0)
      {            // r equals zero.
        if (tmp2.nbrLimbs != 1 || tmp2.limbs[0].x != 0)
        {          // s does not equal zero.
          showText("There is no discrete logarithm");
          DiscreteLogPeriod.sign = SIGN_NEGATIVE;
      {            // r does not equal zero.
        BigIntModularDivisionSaveTestNbr(&tmp2, &bigNbrA, &bigNbrB, &tmpBase);          // m
        BigIntMultiply(&tmpBase, &logarMult, &tmp2);
        BigIntAdd(&logar, &tmp2, &logar);
        BigIntMultiply(&logarMult, &bigNbrB, &logarMult);
    // Based on logar and logarMult, compute DiscreteLog and DiscreteLogPeriod
    // using the following formulas, that can be deduced from the Chinese
    // Remainder Theorem:
    // L = logar, LM = logarMult, DL = DiscreteLog, DLP = DiscreteLogPeriod.
    // The modular implementation does not allow operating with even moduli.
    // g <- gcd(LM, DLP)
    // if (L%g != DL%g) there is no discrete logarithm, so go out.
    // h <- LM / g
    // if h is odd:
    //   t <- (L - DL) / DLP (mod h)
    //   t <- DLP * t + DL
    // else
    //   i <- DLP / g
    //   t <- (DL - L) / LM (mod i)
    //   t <- LM * t + L
    // endif
    //   DLP <- DLP * h
    //   DL <- t % DLP

    BigIntGcd(&logarMult, &DiscreteLogPeriod, &tmpBase);
    BigIntRemainder(&logar, &tmpBase, &bigNbrA);
    BigIntRemainder(&DiscreteLog, &tmpBase, &bigNbrB);
    if (!TestBigNbrEqual(&bigNbrA, &bigNbrB))
      showText("There is no discrete logarithm");
      DiscreteLogPeriod.sign = SIGN_NEGATIVE;
    BigIntDivide(&logarMult, &tmpBase, &tmp2);
    if (tmp2.limbs[0].x & 1)
    {     // h is odd.
      BigIntSubt(&logar, &DiscreteLog, &tmpBase);
      BigIntModularDivisionSaveTestNbr(&tmpBase, &DiscreteLogPeriod, &tmp2, &bigNbrA);
      BigIntMultiply(&DiscreteLogPeriod, &bigNbrA, &tmpBase);
      BigIntAdd(&tmpBase, &DiscreteLog, &tmpBase);
    {     // h is even.
      BigIntDivide(&DiscreteLogPeriod, &tmpBase, &bigNbrB);
      BigIntSubt(&DiscreteLog, &logar, &tmpBase);
      BigIntModularDivisionSaveTestNbr(&tmpBase, &logarMult, &bigNbrB, &bigNbrA);
      BigIntMultiply(&logarMult, &bigNbrA, &tmpBase);
      BigIntAdd(&tmpBase, &logar, &tmpBase);
    BigIntMultiply(&DiscreteLogPeriod, &tmp2, &DiscreteLogPeriod);
    BigIntRemainder(&tmpBase, &DiscreteLogPeriod, &DiscreteLog);
#if 0
  long t = OldTimeElapsed / 1000;
  labelStatus.setText("Time elapsed: " +
    t / 86400 + "d " + (t % 86400) / 3600 + "h " + ((t % 3600) / 60) + "m " + (t % 60) +
    "s    mod mult: " + lModularMult);