コード例 #1
ファイル: regstr.c プロジェクト: lycaner/open-watcom-v2
static void GetNewRegValue( HWND hwnd )
    HWND            owner;
    DLGPROC         fp;
    INT_PTR         reg_modified;
    RegModifyData   modify_data;
    const char      *descript;
    unsigned        max_descript;
    mad_type_info   tinfo;
    mad_registers   *regs;

    owner = GetParent( hwnd );
    regs =  RegListGetMadRegisters( owner );
    modify_data.reg_set = RegListGetMadRegSetData( owner );
    owner = GetParent( owner );

    MADRegSetDisplayGetPiece( modify_data.reg_set, regs, GetDlgCtrlID( hwnd ),
        &descript, &max_descript, (const mad_reg_info **) (&( modify_data.curr_info )),
        &( modify_data.th ), &( modify_data.maxv ) );
    MADTypeInfo( modify_data.curr_info->type, &tinfo );
    modify_data.curr_value = alloca( tinfo.b.bits / BITS_PER_BYTE );
    BitGet( modify_data.curr_value, (unsigned char *)regs, modify_data.curr_info->bit_start, modify_data.curr_info->bit_size);
    MADRegSetDisplayModify( modify_data.reg_set, modify_data.curr_info,
        (const mad_modify_list **)( &( modify_data.m_list ) ),
        &(modify_data.num_possible) );

    switch( modify_data.num_possible ) {
    case 2:
        if( memcmp( modify_data.curr_value, modify_data.m_list[0].data, tinfo.b.bits / BITS_PER_BYTE ) == 0 ){
            memcpy( modify_data.curr_value, modify_data.m_list[1].data, tinfo.b.bits / BITS_PER_BYTE );
        }else {
            memcpy( modify_data.curr_value, modify_data.m_list[0].data, tinfo.b.bits / BITS_PER_BYTE );
        reg_modified = 1;
    case 1:
        fp = (DLGPROC)MakeProcInstance( ChangeRegisterDialog, Instance );
        reg_modified = JDialogBoxParam( Instance, "CHANGE_REG_EDIT", owner, fp, (LPARAM)( &modify_data ) );
        FreeProcInstance( fp );
        fp = (DLGPROC)MakeProcInstance( ChangeRegisterDialog, Instance );
        reg_modified = JDialogBoxParam( Instance, "CHANGE_REG_COMBO", owner, fp, (LPARAM)( &modify_data ) );
        FreeProcInstance( fp );
    if( reg_modified == 1 ) {
        MADRegUpdateStart( regs, modify_data.curr_info->flags, modify_data.curr_info->bit_start, modify_data.curr_info->bit_size );
        BitPut( (unsigned char *)regs, modify_data.curr_info->bit_start, modify_data.curr_value, modify_data.curr_info->bit_size );
        MADRegUpdateEnd( regs, modify_data.curr_info->flags, modify_data.curr_info->bit_start, modify_data.curr_info->bit_size );
コード例 #2
ファイル: regcrt.c プロジェクト: Azarien/open-watcom-v2
static void getMadString( mad_reg_set_data *data, mad_registers *regs, int i,
    RegStringCreateData *create )
    mad_type_handle mtype;
    mad_type_info   mti;
    mad_radix       radix;
    const mad_reg_info    *rinfo;
    void            *value;
    unsigned        max_len;
    const char      *descript;

    MADRegSetDisplayGetPiece( data, regs, i, &descript, &( create[i].maxd ), &rinfo, &mtype, &( create[i].length ) );

    if ( create[i].maxd == 0 && descript != NULL ){
        create[i].maxd = strlen( descript );
    if ( descript != NULL && IsEmptyString( descript ) == FALSE ){
        strcpy( create[i].buffer, descript );
        create[i].maxd ++;
    } else {
        create[i].buffer[0] = '\0';
        create[i].maxd = 0;

    if( create[i].length == 0 && rinfo != NULL ) {
       create[i].length = getMADMaxFormatWidth(mtype);

    if( rinfo != NULL ) {
        MADTypeInfo( rinfo->type, &mti );
        value = alloca( BITS2BYTES( mti.b.bits ) );
        BitGet( value, (unsigned char *)regs, rinfo->bit_start, rinfo->bit_size );
        radix = MADTypePreferredRadix( mtype );
        max_len = create[i].length + 1;
        MADTypeHandleToString( radix, mtype, value, create[i].value, &max_len );
    } else {
        create[i].value[0] = '\0';
コード例 #3
ファイル: engine_config.c プロジェクト: David-Hiker/waf-pe
 * 离线模式配置初始化
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_offline_configure(void)
    int i;
    apr_status_t rv;
    ap_directive_t *newdir;
    ap_directive_t *current;
    ap_directive_t *conftree;
    apr_pool_t *ptemp; /* Pool for temporary config stuff, reset often */
    char strbuf[STR_LEN_MAX];

    if (ap_off_iface == 0) {
        return DONE;
    /* 配置处理过程中的临时数据放在临时内存池里面 */
    apr_pool_create(&ptemp, pconf);
    apr_pool_tag(ptemp, "ptemp");
    rv = OK;
    /* 建立一颗临时的配置树 */
    conftree = NULL;
    current = conftree;

    newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
    newdir->filename = "offline mode";
    newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
    newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "OfflineEngine");
    newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "On");
    current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);
    conftree = current;

    /* 设定监听端口 */
    for (i = 0; i < OFFLINE_INTF_NUM; i++) {
        if (BitGet(ap_off_iface, i + 1)) {
            sprintf(strbuf, "eth%d", i);
            newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
            newdir->filename = "offline mode";
            newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
            newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "OfflineEthName");
            newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, strbuf);
            current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);

    newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
    newdir->filename = "offline mode";
    newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
    newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "OfflineLogLevel");
    newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "fatal");
    current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);

    /* 指令下发调试 */
    for (current = conftree; current != NULL; current = current->next) {
        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, ap_main_server,
                     "%s: line[%d] directive[%s] args[%s]",
                     current->filename, current->line_num,
                     current->directive, current->args);

    if (conftree) {
        rv = ap_process_config_tree(ap_main_server, conftree,
                                    pconf, ptemp);


    return rv;
コード例 #4
 Routine : calculate_probs
 Purpose : Calculate the probabilities for the tree, based upon
 the minimal cut sets.
    char *filename,       /* IN - filename to write report to */
    TREE *tree,           /* IN - tree                         */
    int   max_order,      /* IN - max order of cut sets to use */
    int   prob_n_terms,   /* IN - number of terms in expansion */
    float unit_time )     /* IN - unit time factor to be applied */
    BitArray *stop = BitCreate(1);  /* 1-bit zero */
    FILE  *file;
    Expr   e;
    Group *g;
    float *probs, *cp, *imp;
    float  p;
    int    num_bas, num_mcs, i, j;
/*     char  *mcs_file; */
/*     int    order; */
    clock_t time1, time2;
    time_t tp;
    BOOL success = TRUE;
	float one_increment /* value for one increment of the progress bar */;

 /* start clock */
    time1 = clock();

    if ( (file = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL) {
        printf("*** calculate_probs : error opening file\n");
        return FALSE;

/*     printf("calculate_probs()\n"); */

 /* include transfered-in trees and build the primary event list
  * We need to do something different to deal with Common Cause Analysis
  * We don't need the tree, but we do need the primary event list.
  * Need to add the common cause events into the primary event list.
 /* if necessary, expand tree */

 /* set probs in BASLIST from the events database */
    set_bas_prob( unit_time );

 /* get number of primary events */
    if ((num_bas = tree->num_bas) == 0) {
fclose( file );
        return FALSE;

  if (GenerateNumericalProbabilityCheckForInterrupt()) {
    success = FALSE;
fclose( file );
    return success;

 /* create array of probabilities of primary events */
    if ( !fNewMemory( (void *)&probs, ( num_bas * sizeof(float) ) ) ) 
        printf("\n*** calculate_probs 1 : malloc failed ***\n");

    if ( !fNewMemory( (void *)&imp, ( num_bas * sizeof(float) ) ) ) 
        printf("\n*** calculate_probs : malloc failed ***\n");

 /* fill array */
    get_probs( probs );

 /* get mcs list */
    e = tree->mcs_expr;

    /* num_mcs =  ExprCount(e); */

    /* how many mcs are actually used? */
	num_mcs = ExprCountOrder(tree->mcs_expr, max_order);

	/* make sure that max_term does not exceed number of mcs */
	/* if number of mcs is zero then return FALSE */
	if(num_mcs == 0) {
		return FALSE;
	} else if (prob_n_terms > num_mcs) {
		prob_n_terms = num_mcs;

	/* initialise Working dialog */
	/* most of the cpu time is taken up in the ExprProb() function */
	/* the working dialog is incremented in the combs() function */
	one_increment = 0.0;
	for(i = 1; i <= prob_n_terms; i++) {
		one_increment += nCr(num_mcs, i);

	/* set up progress bar */
	one_increment /= 100.0;

/*  ExprPrint(e);   */

 /* print header */
        "Probabilities Analysis\n"
    fprintf(file, "Tree   : %s\n", tree->name);
    fprintf(file, "Time   : %s\n", ctime(&tp));

    fprintf(file, "Number of primary events   = %d\n",   num_bas);
    fprintf(file, "Number of minimal cut sets = %d\n",   num_mcs);
    fprintf(file, "Order of minimal cut sets  = %d\n",   tree->max_order);
    if (max_order < tree->max_order) {
        fprintf(file, "               (order <= %d used)\n\n", max_order);
    } else {
        fprintf(file, "\n");

    fprintf(file, "Unit time span         = %f\n\n",   unit_time);

 /* calculate cut set probabilities - use ALL the cut sets */
    cp = ExprCutsetProbs(e, probs);

    fprintf(file, "Minimal cut set probabilities :\n\n");

    i = 0;
    for(g=e; !BitEquals(g->b, stop); g=g->next) {
        char **fp = BitPara( g->b, 30 );

/*         printf("(%3d) %s %-20s - %E\n", */
/*                i+1, */
/*                BitString(g->b), */
/*                fp[0], */
/*                cp[i]); */
/*  */
/*         for (j = 1; fp[j] != NULL; j++) { */
/*             printf("       %-20s\n", fp[j]); */
/*         } */

        if (GenerateNumericalProbabilityCheckForInterrupt()) {
            success = FALSE;
            return success;

               "%3d   %-30s   %E\n",

        for (j = 1; fp[j] != NULL; j++) {
                   "      %-20s\n", fp[j]);


 /* calculate top level probability  - use only up to max_order cut sets */
    fprintf(file, "\n\n"
                  "Probability of top level event "
                  "(minimal cut sets up to order %d used):\n\n", max_order);

    p = 0;


    for (i = 1; i <= prob_n_terms && i <= num_mcs && !GenerateNumericalProbabilityCheckForInterrupt(); i++) {
        float term;
        char *sign, *s, *bound;

        p += (term = ExprProb(e, probs, max_order, i));
        sign       = ((i % 2) ? "+" :  "-" );
        s          = ((i > 1) ? "s" :  " " );
        bound      = ((i % 2) ? "upper" :  "lower" );

        fprintf(file, "%2d term%s   %s%E   = %E (%s bound)\n",
                i, s, sign, fabs(term), p, bound);

    if (prob_n_terms >= num_mcs) {
        fprintf(file, "\nExact value : %E\n", p);

    if (GenerateNumericalProbabilityCheckForInterrupt()) {
        success = FALSE;
        return success;

 /* calculate importances of individual events */

    for (j = 0; j < num_bas; j++) {
        imp[j] = 0;

    i = 0;
    for(g=e; !BitEquals(g->b, stop); g=g->next) {
        for (j = 0; j < g->b->n; j++) {
            if ( BitGet(g->b, (g->b->n-1) - j) ) {
               imp[j] += cp[i];

    if (GenerateNumericalProbabilityCheckForInterrupt()) {
        success = FALSE;
        return success;

    fprintf(file, "\n\nPrimary Event Analysis:\n\n");

    fprintf(file, " Event          "
                  "Failure contrib.    "

    for (i = 0; i < num_bas; i++) {
        char *fs = BasicString(num_bas, i);
        fprintf(file, "%-15s %E            %5.2f%%\n",
                fs, imp[i], 100 * imp[i] / p);

    time2 = clock();

/*     printf("calculate_probs : num_terms = %d : time = %f\n",   */
/*            prob_n_terms, (time2-time1)/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);   */

/*     fclose(file); */
/*     FreeMemory(probs); */
/*     free(cp); */
/*     FreeMemory(imp); */

    return ( TRUE );

} /* calculate_probs */
コード例 #5
ファイル: engine_config.c プロジェクト: David-Hiker/waf-pe
/* 处理每个服务器策略下的指令 */
static int process_server_policy(server_policy_t *sp,
                                 server_rec *server_conf, apr_pool_t *ptemp)
    apr_status_t rv;
    ap_directive_t *newdir;
    ap_directive_t *current;
    ap_directive_t *conftree;
    virt_host_t *vhost;
    int sname_set;
    char strbuf[STR_LEN_MAX];

    /* 每个服务器策略建立一颗临时的配置树 */
    conftree = NULL;
    current = NULL;

    /* 限制了当启用KeepAlive时,每个连接允许的请求数量。*/
    newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
    newdir->filename = sp->name; /* 使用服务器策略名字作为指令文件名 */
    newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
    newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "MaxKeepAliveRequests");
    newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "500");
    current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);
    conftree = current;

    if (sp->work_mode == WORK_REVERSE) {
        /* 处理反向代理配置 */
        if (sp->orig_host->proto == PROTO_HTTPS) {
            sprintf(strbuf, "/ https://%d.%d.%d.%d:%d/",
                    NIPQUAD(sp->orig_host->ipaddr.s_addr), sp->orig_host->port);
        } else {
            sprintf(strbuf, "/ http://%d.%d.%d.%d:%d/",
                    NIPQUAD(sp->orig_host->ipaddr.s_addr), sp->orig_host->port);
        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, ap_main_server,
                     "backend host: %s", strbuf);

        newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
        newdir->filename = sp->name; 
        newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
        newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "ProxyPass");
        newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, strbuf);
        current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);

        newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
        newdir->filename = sp->name;
        newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
        newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "ProxyPassReverse");
        newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, strbuf);
        current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);
    } else if ((sp->work_mode == WORK_BRIDGE) || (sp->work_mode == WORK_ROUTE)) {
        /* 处理透明代理配置 */
        newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
        newdir->filename = sp->name; 
        newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
        newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "ProxyTransparent");
        newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "On");
        current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);

        if (!sp->is_default) {
            for (sname_set = 0, vhost = sp->virt_host->next; vhost; vhost = vhost->next) {
                if (strlen(vhost->server_name) > 0) {
                    newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
                    newdir->filename = sp->name; 
                    newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
                    if (!sname_set) {
                        newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "ServerName");
                        sname_set = 1;
                    } else {
                        newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "ServerAlias");
                    newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, vhost->server_name);
                    current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);

        newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
        newdir->filename = sp->name; 
        newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
        newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "ProxyPreserveHost");
        newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "On");
        current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);
    } else if (sp->work_mode == WORK_OFFLINE) {
        /* 处理离线模式配置 */
        if (!sp->is_default) {
            for (sname_set = 0, vhost = sp->virt_host->next; vhost; vhost = vhost->next) {
                if (strlen(vhost->server_name) > 0) {
                    newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
                    newdir->filename = sp->name; 
                    newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
                    if (!sname_set) {
                        newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "ServerName");
                        sname_set = 1;
                    } else {
                        newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "ServerAlias");
                    newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, vhost->server_name);
                    current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);
    } else {
        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, ap_main_server,
                     "work mode error");
        return DECLINED;

    /* 配置防护引擎 */
    if (BitGet(sp->opt_flags, ENGINE_FLAG)) {
        switch (sp->engine) {
        case BLOCK_OFF:
            sprintf(strbuf, "Off");
        case BLOCK_DET:
            sprintf(strbuf, "DetectionOnly");
        case BLOCK_ON:
            sprintf(strbuf, "On");
            sprintf(strbuf, "On");
        newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
        newdir->filename = sp->name;   
        newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
        newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "SecRuleEngine");
        newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, strbuf);
        current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);

    /* 配置审核日志 */
    if (BitGet(sp->audit_set, ACCESS_LOG)) {
        if (BitGet(sp->audit_log, ACCESS_LOG)) {
            newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
            newdir->filename = sp->name; 
            newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
            newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "SecAccessLog");
            newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "On");
            current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);
        } else {
            newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
            newdir->filename = sp->name; 
            newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
            newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "SecAccessLog");
            newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "Off");
            current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);
    if (BitGet(sp->audit_set, ATTACK_LOG)) {
        if (BitGet(sp->audit_log, ATTACK_LOG)) {
            newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
            newdir->filename = sp->name; 
            newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
            newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "SecAttackLog");
            newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "On");
            current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);
            if (sp->atlog_lev) {
                sprintf(strbuf, "%d", sp->atlog_lev);
                newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
                newdir->filename = sp->name; /* 使用服务器策略名字作为指令文件名 */
                newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
                newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "SecAttackLogLevel");
                newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, strbuf);
                current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);
        } else {
            newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
            newdir->filename = sp->name; /* 使用服务器策略名字作为指令文件名 */
            newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
            newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "SecAttackLog");
            newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "Off");
            current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);
    /* 离线模式不配置缓存模块 */
    if (sp->cache_root && sp->work_mode != WORK_OFFLINE) {
        newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
        newdir->filename = sp->name; /* 使用服务器策略名字作为指令文件名 */
        newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
        newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "CacheEnable");
        newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "disk /");
        current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);
        newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
        newdir->filename = sp->name; 
        newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
        newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "CacheRoot");
        newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, sp->cache_root);
        current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);
    } else if (sp->cache_root && sp->work_mode == WORK_OFFLINE) {
        newdir = (ap_directive_t *)apr_pcalloc(ptemp, sizeof(ap_directive_t));
        newdir->filename = sp->name; 
        newdir->line_num = (current == NULL) ? 1 : (current->line_num + 1);
        newdir->directive = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "CacheDisable");
        newdir->args = apr_pstrdup(ptemp, "/");
        current = ap_add_node(&conftree, current, newdir, 0);

    /* 配置安全策略和规则集 */
    rv = process_security_rule(sp, current, conftree, ptemp);
    if (rv != OK) {
        return DECLINED;

    /* 指令下发调试 */

    if (conftree) {
        rv = ap_process_config_tree(server_conf, conftree,
                                    sp->pvhost, ptemp);

    return rv;