コード例 #1
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: VENGEL/StellarisWare
//! This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an unexpected
//! interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system
//! state for examination by a debugger.
//! \return None.
    // Disable all interrupts.

    // Turn off all the PWM outputs.
                              PWM_OUT_3_BIT | PWM_OUT_4_BIT | PWM_OUT_5_BIT,

    // Turn on STATUS and MODE LEDs.  They will remain on.
    BlinkStart(STATUS_LED, 1, 1, 1);
    BlinkStart(MODE_LED, 1, 1, 1);

    // Go into an infinite loop.
コード例 #2
ファイル: ui.c プロジェクト: VENGEL/StellarisWare
//! Update the firmware using the bootloader.
//! This function is called by the serial user interface when the firmware
//! update command is received.
//! \return None.
    // Emergency stop the motor drive.

    // Disable all processor interrupts. Instead of disabling them one at a
    // time (and possibly missing an interrupt if new sources are added), a
    // direct write to NVIC is done to disable all peripheral interrupts.
    HWREG(NVIC_DIS0) = 0xffffffff;

    // Also disable the SysTick interrupt.

    // Turn off all the on-board LEDs.
    BlinkStart(STATUS_LED, 0, 1, 1);
    BlinkStart(MODE_LED, 0, 1, 1);

    // Stop running from the PLL.

    // Reconfigure the UART for 115,200, 8-N-1 operation with new clock.
    UARTConfigSetExpClk(UART0_BASE, SysCtlClockGet(), 115200,
                        (UART_CONFIG_WLEN_8 | UART_CONFIG_PAR_NONE |

    // Return control to the boot loader. This is a call to the SVC handler in
    // the boot loader.
    (*((void (*)(void))(*(unsigned long *)0x2c)))();

    // Control should never return here, but just in case it does.
コード例 #3
ファイル: ui.c プロジェクト: VENGEL/StellarisWare
//! Handles the SysTick interrupt.
//! This function is called when SysTick asserts its interrupt. It is
//! responsible for handling the on-board user interface elements (push button
//! and potentiometer) if enabled, and the processor usage computation.
//! \return None.
    static unsigned int uDataUpdate = UI_INT_RATE / 10;
    static unsigned long ulLastPotPosition = 0;
    static unsigned long ulLastBlink = 0;
    static long lLastPotDelta = 0;
    static unsigned short usLastBusVoltage = 0;
    static unsigned char bFaultBlink = 0;
    unsigned long ulBlink;
    unsigned long ulADCCounts[8]; // 0-pot, 1-busV, 2-temperature
    long lSamples;
    long lPotDelta;

    // Get the motor status. This will update the fields in the
    // stepper status structure.
    pStepperStatus = StepperGetMotorStatus();

    // Compute the average current, which is what gets reported through
    // the UI.
    g_usMotorCurrent = (pStepperStatus->usCurrent[0] +
                       pStepperStatus->usCurrent[1] + 1) / 2;

    // Get the previous ADC samples, and start a new acquisition
    lSamples = ADCSequenceDataGet(ADC0_BASE, UI_ADC_SEQUENCER, ulADCCounts);
    ADCProcessorTrigger(ADC0_BASE, UI_ADC_SEQUENCER);

    // Read the bus voltage and convert to millivolts,
    // and the CPU temperature and convert to C
    if(lSamples == 3)
        g_usBusVoltage = (unsigned short)((ulADCCounts[1] * 81300) / 1023);
        g_sAmbientTemp = (59960 - (ulADCCounts[2] * 100)) / 356;

    // If the bus voltage has changed more than 0.5 volts, then call
    // the UISetMotorParms() function, which will force an update of
    // the PWM duty cycle calculation. This will insure that the PWM
    // duty cycle is correct if the bus voltage changes.
    if(ABS((int)g_usBusVoltage - (int)usLastBusVoltage) > 500)
        usLastBusVoltage = g_usBusVoltage;

    // Periodically send real time data
        uDataUpdate = UI_INT_RATE / 20;

    // If a fault just occurred, then start the status LED blinking
    // at a rapid rate.
    if(pStepperStatus->ucFaultFlags && !bFaultBlink)
        BlinkStart(STATUS_LED, 4, 4, INT_MAX);
        bFaultBlink = 1;

    // Else, if a fault was just cleared, then stop the status LED blinking.
    else if(!pStepperStatus->ucFaultFlags && bFaultBlink)
        BlinkStart(STATUS_LED, 1, 1, 1);
        bFaultBlink = 0;

    // Otherwise, as normal, blink the status LED according to the number
    // of steps moved.
        // Blink the status LED every so many steps.
        ulBlink = pStepperStatus->lPosition / ((2000 * 256) / 8);
        if(ulBlink != ulLastBlink)
            BlinkStart(STATUS_LED, UI_INT_RATE / 32, 1, 1);
            ulLastBlink = ulBlink;

    // Periodically call the blinker state machine.

    // Compute the new value for the processor usage.
    g_ucCPUUsage = (CPUUsageTick() + 32768) / 65536;

    // Do the following only if the on-board UI is enabled.
    if(g_bUIUseOnboard == 1)
        // Filter the potentiometer value. Make sure there is valid
        // ADC data.
        if(lSamples == 3)
            ulPotPosition = UIOnboardPotentiometerFilter(ulADCCounts[0]);
            // If ADC reading is suspect, then just use the last previous
            // reading.
            ulPotPosition = ulLastPotPosition;

        // Set the minimum value to be use as 10. This sets the minimum
        // speed for speed mode to 10.
        if(ulPotPosition < 10)
            ulPotPosition = 10;

        // Read the on-board switch and pass its value to the switch
        // debouncer. This will drive the button press functions
        // UIButtonPress() and UIButtonHold() which will be called
        // back if the button press or hold occurred.

        // Find the difference from the last pot measurement.
        lPotDelta = ulPotPosition - ulLastPotPosition;

        // Check if the direction is reversed. The following is used
        // to ensure that the pot reading does not actually cause
        // a change in direction (in position mode) due just to jitter
        // in the potentiometer reading. Only a change above a certain
        // value will be accepted. If the direction is not changed,
        // then no filtering is done.
        if((lPotDelta != 0) && ((lPotDelta * lLastPotDelta) < 0))
            // If the direction is reversed, but the change is less than a
            // certain amount, then don't accept the new potentiometer reading,
            // and set it back to its previous value.
            if(ABS(lPotDelta) < 20)
                ulPotPosition = ulLastPotPosition;

            // else, if the direction is reversed and changed more than a
            // certain amount, then just leave the new pot reading as is,
            // and remember the difference.
                lLastPotDelta = lPotDelta;

        // Else, the direction of the pot move was not reversed. Remember
        // the (signed) difference. The new pot value will be used below.
            lLastPotDelta = lPotDelta;

        // Check to see if the potentiometer has moved.
        if(ulPotPosition != ulLastPotPosition)
            ulLastPotPosition = ulPotPosition;

            // In position mode, the pot indicates the motor target
            // position, so update the target position and command the
            // motor to move.
            if(eUIMode == UI_MODE_POSITION)
                // Make sure that after conversion to steps, the target
                // position actually changed, before sending a new motion
                // command.
                // The pot position is adjusted so that one revolution
                // of the pot matches 200 steps, the number of steps in
                // the motor. This gives the position mode a 1-1 feel,
                // as the pot is turned, the motor turns a corresponding
                // amount.
                if(((ulPotPosition * 256 * 100) / 507) != g_lTargetPos)
                    g_lTargetPos = (ulPotPosition * 256 * 100) / 507;

            // In speed mode, the pot indicates the motor speed, so
            // command the motor to move using the new speed.
            else if(eUIMode == UI_MODE_SPEED)
                StepperSetMotion(g_lTargetPos, ulPotPosition,
                     g_sParameters.usAccel, g_sParameters.usDecel);

コード例 #4
ファイル: rtw_led.c プロジェクト: 383530895/linux
void BlinkWorkItemCallback(struct work_struct *work)
	struct LED_871x *pLed = container_of(work, struct LED_871x, BlinkWorkItem);