コード例 #1
void v_ctl_altitude_loop( void )
  // Airspeed Command Saturation
  if (v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint <= STALL_AIRSPEED * 1.23) v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint = STALL_AIRSPEED * 1.23;

  // Altitude Controller
  v_ctl_altitude_error = v_ctl_altitude_setpoint - stateGetPositionUtm_f()->alt;
  float sp = v_ctl_altitude_pgain * v_ctl_altitude_error + v_ctl_altitude_pre_climb ;

  // Vertical Speed Limiter
  BoundAbs(sp, v_ctl_max_climb);

  // Vertical Acceleration Limiter
  float incr = sp - v_ctl_climb_setpoint;
  BoundAbs(incr, 2 * dt_navigation);
  v_ctl_climb_setpoint += incr;
コード例 #2
ファイル: guidance_v.c プロジェクト: AntoineBlais/paparazzi
inline static void v_ctl_climb_auto_pitch_loop(void) {
  float err  = estimator_z_dot - v_ctl_climb_setpoint;
  v_ctl_throttle_setpoint = nav_throttle_setpoint;
  v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err += err;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_SUM_ERR);
  nav_pitch = v_ctl_auto_pitch_pgain *
    (err + v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain * v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err);
コード例 #3
ファイル: nav.c プロジェクト: MarkGriffin/paparazzi
//static inline void fly_to_xy(float x, float y) {
void fly_to_xy(float x, float y) {
    desired_x = x;
    desired_y = y;
    if (nav_mode == NAV_MODE_COURSE) {
        h_ctl_course_setpoint = atan2(x - estimator_x, y - estimator_y);
        if (h_ctl_course_setpoint < 0.)
            h_ctl_course_setpoint += 2 * M_PI;
        lateral_mode = LATERAL_MODE_COURSE;
    } else {
        float diff = atan2(x - estimator_x, y - estimator_y) - estimator_hspeed_dir;
        float s = sin(diff);
        h_ctl_roll_setpoint = atan(2 * estimator_hspeed_mod*estimator_hspeed_mod * s * (-h_ctl_course_pgain) / (CARROT * NOMINAL_AIRSPEED * 9.81) );
        BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_setpoint, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint);
        lateral_mode = LATERAL_MODE_ROLL;
コード例 #4
ファイル: guidance_v.c プロジェクト: AntoineBlais/paparazzi
inline static void v_ctl_climb_auto_throttle_loop(void) {
  float f_throttle = 0;
  float controlled_throttle;
  float v_ctl_pitch_of_vz;

  // Limit rate of change of climb setpoint (to ensure that airspeed loop can catch-up)
  static float v_ctl_climb_setpoint_last = 0;
  float diff_climb = v_ctl_climb_setpoint - v_ctl_climb_setpoint_last;
  v_ctl_climb_setpoint = v_ctl_climb_setpoint_last + diff_climb;
  v_ctl_climb_setpoint_last = v_ctl_climb_setpoint;

  // Pitch control (input: rate of climb error, output: pitch setpoint)
  float err  = estimator_z_dot - v_ctl_climb_setpoint;
  v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err += err;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_SUM_ERR);
  v_ctl_pitch_of_vz = v_ctl_auto_pitch_pgain *
    (err + v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain * v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err);

  // Ground speed control loop (input: groundspeed error, output: airspeed controlled)
  float err_groundspeed = (v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_setpoint - estimator_hspeed_mod);
  v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err += err_groundspeed;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_GROUNDSPEED_MAX_SUM_ERR);
  v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled = (err_groundspeed + v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err * v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_igain) * v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_pgain;

  // Do not allow controlled airspeed below the setpoint
  if (v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled < v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint) {
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint;
    v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled/(v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_pgain*v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_igain); // reset integrator of ground speed loop

  // Airspeed control loop (input: airspeed controlled, output: throttle controlled)
  float err_airspeed = (v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled - estimator_airspeed);
  v_ctl_auto_airspeed_sum_err += err_airspeed;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_airspeed_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_AIRSPEED_MAX_SUM_ERR);
  controlled_throttle = (err_airspeed + v_ctl_auto_airspeed_sum_err * v_ctl_auto_airspeed_igain) * v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pgain;

  // Done, set outputs
  Bound(controlled_throttle, 0, V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_MAX_CRUISE_THROTTLE);
  f_throttle = controlled_throttle;
  nav_pitch = v_ctl_pitch_of_vz;
  v_ctl_throttle_setpoint = TRIM_UPPRZ(f_throttle * MAX_PPRZ);
コード例 #5
ファイル: guidance_v.c プロジェクト: Merafour/paparazzi
void v_ctl_landing_loop(void)
  static float land_speed_i_err;
  static float land_alt_i_err;
  static float kill_alt;
  float land_speed_err = v_ctl_landing_desired_speed - stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f();
  float land_alt_err = v_ctl_altitude_setpoint - stateGetPositionUtm_f()->alt;

  if (kill_throttle
      && (kill_alt - v_ctl_altitude_setpoint)
          > (v_ctl_landing_alt_throttle_kill - v_ctl_landing_alt_flare)) {
    v_ctl_throttle_setpoint = 0.0;  // Throttle is already in KILL (command redundancy)
    nav_pitch = v_ctl_landing_pitch_flare;  // desired final flare pitch
    lateral_mode = LATERAL_MODE_ROLL;  //override course correction during flare - eliminate possibility of catching wing tip due to course correction
    h_ctl_roll_setpoint = 0.0;  // command zero roll during flare
  } else {
    // set throttle based on altitude error
    v_ctl_throttle_setpoint = land_alt_err * v_ctl_landing_throttle_pgain
        + land_alt_i_err * v_ctl_landing_throttle_igain;
    Bound(v_ctl_throttle_setpoint, 0, v_ctl_landing_throttle_max * MAX_PPRZ);  // cut off throttle cmd at specified MAX

    land_alt_i_err += land_alt_err / CONTROL_FREQUENCY;  // integrator land_alt_err, divide by control frequency
    BoundAbs(land_alt_i_err, 50);  // integrator sat limits

    // set pitch based on ground speed error
    nav_pitch -= land_speed_err * v_ctl_landing_pitch_pgain / 1000
        + land_speed_i_err * v_ctl_landing_pitch_igain / 1000;  // 1000 is a multiplier to get more reasonable gains for ctl_basic
    Bound(nav_pitch, -v_ctl_landing_pitch_limits, v_ctl_landing_pitch_limits);  //max pitch authority for landing

    land_speed_i_err += land_speed_err / CONTROL_FREQUENCY;  // integrator land_speed_err, divide by control frequency
    BoundAbs(land_speed_i_err, .2);  // integrator sat limits

    // update kill_alt until final kill throttle is initiated - allows for mode switch to first part of if statement above
    // eliminates the need for knowing the altitude of TD
    if (!kill_throttle) {
      kill_alt = v_ctl_altitude_setpoint;  //
      if (land_alt_err > 0.0) {
        nav_pitch = 0.01;  //  if below desired alt close to ground command level pitch
コード例 #6
ファイル: guidance_v.c プロジェクト: AULA-PPZ/paparazzi
inline static void v_ctl_climb_auto_pitch_loop(void)
  float err  = stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z - v_ctl_climb_setpoint;
  v_ctl_throttle_setpoint = nav_throttle_setpoint;
  v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err += err;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_SUM_ERR);
  v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = v_ctl_pitch_trim - v_ctl_auto_pitch_pgain *
                         (err + v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain * v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err);
  Bound(v_ctl_pitch_setpoint, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MIN_PITCH, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_PITCH);
コード例 #7
ファイル: nav.c プロジェクト: EricPoppe/paparazzi
//static inline void fly_to_xy(float x, float y) {
void fly_to_xy(float x, float y) {
  struct EnuCoor_f* pos = stateGetPositionEnu_f();
  desired_x = x;
  desired_y = y;
  if (nav_mode == NAV_MODE_COURSE) {
    h_ctl_course_setpoint = atan2f(x - pos->x, y - pos->y);
    if (h_ctl_course_setpoint < 0.)
      h_ctl_course_setpoint += 2 * M_PI;
    lateral_mode = LATERAL_MODE_COURSE;
  } else {
    float diff = atan2f(x - pos->x, y - pos->y) - (*stateGetHorizontalSpeedDir_f());
    float s = sinf(diff);
    float speed = *stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f();
    h_ctl_roll_setpoint = atanf(2 * speed * speed * s * h_ctl_course_pgain / (CARROT * NOMINAL_AIRSPEED * 9.81) );
    BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_setpoint, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint);
    lateral_mode = LATERAL_MODE_ROLL;
コード例 #8
ファイル: vi_datalink.c プロジェクト: AE4317group07/paparazzi
void vi_update_wp(uint8_t wp_id)
  struct Int16Vect3 wp_speed;
  wp_speed.x = ViMaxHSpeed * vi.input.h_sp.speed.x / 128;
  wp_speed.y = ViMaxHSpeed * vi.input.h_sp.speed.y / 128;
  wp_speed.z = ViMaxVSpeed * vi.input.v_sp.climb / 128;
  VECT3_BOUND_BOX(wp_speed, wp_speed, wp_speed_max);
  int16_t heading_rate = vi.input.h_sp.speed.z;
  BoundAbs(heading_rate, ViMaxHeadingRate);
  navigation_update_wp_from_speed(wp_id , wp_speed, heading_rate);

コード例 #9
ファイル: guidance_v_n.c プロジェクト: BrandoJS/paparazzi
void v_ctl_altitude_loop( void ) {
  static float v_ctl_climb_setpoint_last = 0.;
  //static float last_lead_input = 0.;

  // Altitude error
  v_ctl_altitude_error = v_ctl_altitude_setpoint - estimator_z;
  v_ctl_climb_setpoint = v_ctl_altitude_pgain * v_ctl_altitude_error + v_ctl_altitude_pre_climb;

  // Lead controller
  //v_ctl_climb_setpoint = ((LEAD_CTRL_TAU*LEAD_CTRL_A + LEAD_CTRL_Te)*climb_sp + LEAD_CTRL_TAU*(v_ctl_climb_setpoint - LEAD_CTRL_A*last_lead_input)) / (LEAD_CTRL_TAU + LEAD_CTRL_Te);
  //last_lead_input = pitch_sp;

  // Limit rate of change of climb setpoint
  float diff_climb = v_ctl_climb_setpoint - v_ctl_climb_setpoint_last;
  BoundAbs(diff_climb, V_CTL_AUTO_CLIMB_LIMIT);
  v_ctl_climb_setpoint = v_ctl_climb_setpoint_last + diff_climb;

  // Limit climb setpoint
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_climb_setpoint, V_CTL_ALTITUDE_MAX_CLIMB);
  v_ctl_climb_setpoint_last = v_ctl_climb_setpoint;
コード例 #10
inline static void h_ctl_yaw_loop(void)

  // Actual Acceleration from IMU:
#if (!defined SITL || defined USE_NPS)
  struct Int32Vect3 accel_meas_body, accel_ned;
  struct Int32RMat *ned_to_body_rmat = stateGetNedToBodyRMat_i();
  struct NedCoor_i *accel_tmp = stateGetAccelNed_i();
  VECT3_COPY(accel_ned, (*accel_tmp));
  accel_ned.z -= ACCEL_BFP_OF_REAL(9.81f);
  int32_rmat_vmult(&accel_meas_body, ned_to_body_rmat, &accel_ned);
  float ny = -ACCEL_FLOAT_OF_BFP(accel_meas_body.y) / 9.81f; // Lateral load factor (in g)
  float ny = 0.f;

  if (pprz_mode == PPRZ_MODE_MANUAL || launch == 0) {
    h_ctl_yaw_ny_sum_err = 0.;
  } else {
    if (h_ctl_yaw_ny_igain > 0.) {
      // only update when: phi<60degrees and ny<2g
      if (fabsf(stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->phi) < 1.05 && fabsf(ny) < 2.) {
        h_ctl_yaw_ny_sum_err += ny * H_CTL_REF_DT;
        // max half rudder deflection for trim
        BoundAbs(h_ctl_yaw_ny_sum_err, MAX_PPRZ / (2. * h_ctl_yaw_ny_igain));
    } else {
      h_ctl_yaw_ny_sum_err = 0.;

  float Vo = stateGetAirspeed_f();

  h_ctl_ref.yaw_rate = h_ctl_yaw_rate_setpoint // set by RC
                       + 9.81f / Vo * sinf(h_ctl_roll_setpoint); // for turns
  float d_err = h_ctl_ref.yaw_rate - stateGetBodyRates_f()->r;

  float cmd = + h_ctl_yaw_dgain * d_err
              + h_ctl_yaw_ny_igain * h_ctl_yaw_ny_sum_err
  cmd /= airspeed_ratio2;
  h_ctl_rudder_setpoint = TRIM_PPRZ(cmd);
コード例 #11
void stabilization_indi_run(bool enable_integrator __attribute__((unused)), bool rate_control)
  /* attitude error                          */
  struct Int32Quat att_err;
  struct Int32Quat *att_quat = stateGetNedToBodyQuat_i();
  int32_quat_inv_comp(&att_err, att_quat, &stab_att_sp_quat);
  /* wrap it in the shortest direction       */

  /* compute the INDI command */
  stabilization_indi_calc_cmd(stabilization_att_indi_cmd, &att_err, rate_control);

  /* copy the INDI command */
  stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL] = stabilization_att_indi_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL];
  stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH] = stabilization_att_indi_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH];
  stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_YAW] = stabilization_att_indi_cmd[COMMAND_YAW];

  /* bound the result */
  BoundAbs(stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL], MAX_PPRZ);
  BoundAbs(stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH], MAX_PPRZ);
  BoundAbs(stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_YAW], MAX_PPRZ);
コード例 #12
void stabilization_rate_run(bool_t in_flight)
  /* compute feed-back command */
  struct Int32Rates _error;
  struct Int32Rates *body_rate = stateGetBodyRates_i();
  RATES_DIFF(_error, stabilization_rate_sp, (*body_rate));
  if (in_flight) {
    /* update integrator */
    //divide the sum_err_increment to make sure it doesn't accumulate to the max too fast
    struct Int32Rates sum_err_increment;
    RATES_SDIV(sum_err_increment, _error, 5);
    RATES_ADD(stabilization_rate_sum_err, sum_err_increment);
    RATES_BOUND_CUBE(stabilization_rate_sum_err, -MAX_SUM_ERR, MAX_SUM_ERR);
  } else {

  /* PI */
  stabilization_rate_fb_cmd.p = stabilization_rate_gain.p * _error.p +
                                OFFSET_AND_ROUND2((stabilization_rate_igain.p  * stabilization_rate_sum_err.p), 6);

  stabilization_rate_fb_cmd.q = stabilization_rate_gain.q * _error.q +
                                OFFSET_AND_ROUND2((stabilization_rate_igain.q  * stabilization_rate_sum_err.q), 6);

  stabilization_rate_fb_cmd.r = stabilization_rate_gain.r * _error.r +
                                OFFSET_AND_ROUND2((stabilization_rate_igain.r  * stabilization_rate_sum_err.r), 6);

  stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL]  = stabilization_rate_fb_cmd.p >> 11;
  stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH] = stabilization_rate_fb_cmd.q >> 11;
  stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_YAW]   = stabilization_rate_fb_cmd.r >> 11;

  /* bound the result */
  BoundAbs(stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL], MAX_PPRZ);
  BoundAbs(stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH], MAX_PPRZ);
  BoundAbs(stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_YAW], MAX_PPRZ);

コード例 #13
 * \brief
void h_ctl_course_loop ( void ) {
  static float last_err;

  // Ground path error
  float err = h_ctl_course_setpoint - (*stateGetHorizontalSpeedDir_f());

  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;

  float speed_depend_nav = (*stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f())/NOMINAL_AIRSPEED;
  Bound(speed_depend_nav, 0.66, 1.5);

  h_ctl_roll_setpoint = h_ctl_course_pre_bank_correction * h_ctl_course_pre_bank
    + h_ctl_course_pgain * speed_depend_nav * err
    + h_ctl_course_dgain * d_err;

  BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_setpoint, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint);
コード例 #14
 * \brief
void h_ctl_course_loop ( void ) {
  static float last_err;

  // Ground path error
  float err = estimator_hspeed_dir - h_ctl_course_setpoint;

  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;

  float speed_depend_nav = estimator_hspeed_mod/NOMINAL_AIRSPEED;
  Bound(speed_depend_nav, 0.66, 1.5);

  h_ctl_roll_setpoint = h_ctl_course_pre_bank_correction * h_ctl_course_pre_bank
    + h_ctl_course_pgain * speed_depend_nav * err
    + h_ctl_course_dgain * d_err;

  BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_setpoint, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint);
コード例 #15
/** Computes h_ctl_aileron_setpoint from h_ctl_roll_setpoint */
inline static void h_ctl_roll_loop( void ) {
  float err = estimator_phi - h_ctl_roll_setpoint;
  float cmd = h_ctl_roll_pgain * err
    + v_ctl_throttle_setpoint * h_ctl_aileron_of_throttle;
  h_ctl_aileron_setpoint = TRIM_PPRZ(cmd);

  if (h_ctl_auto1_rate) {
    /** Runs only the roll rate loop */
    h_ctl_roll_rate_setpoint = h_ctl_roll_setpoint * 10.;
  } else {
    h_ctl_roll_rate_setpoint = h_ctl_roll_rate_setpoint_pgain * err;
    BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_rate_setpoint, H_CTL_ROLL_RATE_MAX_SETPOINT);

    float saved_aileron_setpoint = h_ctl_aileron_setpoint;
    h_ctl_aileron_setpoint = Blend(h_ctl_aileron_setpoint, saved_aileron_setpoint, h_ctl_roll_rate_mode) ;
コード例 #16
ファイル: guidance_v_n.c プロジェクト: 1bitsquared/paparazzi
static inline void v_ctl_set_pitch ( void ) {
  static float last_err = 0.;

  if (pprz_mode == PPRZ_MODE_MANUAL || launch == 0)
    v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err = 0;

  // Compute errors
  float err = v_ctl_climb_setpoint - stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z;
  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;

  if (v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err += err*(1./60.);
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain);

  // PI loop + feedforward ctl
  v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = nav_pitch
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_pitch_of_vz_pgain * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_pgain * err
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_dgain * d_err
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain * v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err;

コード例 #17
ファイル: guidance_v_n.c プロジェクト: BrandoJS/paparazzi
static inline void v_ctl_set_throttle( void ) {
  static float last_err = 0.;

  if (pprz_mode == PPRZ_MODE_MANUAL || launch == 0)
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err = 0;

  // Compute errors
  float err =  v_ctl_climb_setpoint - estimator_z_dot;
  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;

  if (v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err += err*(1./60.);
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain);

  // PID loop + feedforward ctl
  controlled_throttle = v_ctl_auto_throttle_cruise_throttle
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_climb_throttle_increment * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_pgain * err
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_dgain * d_err
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain * v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err;

コード例 #18
ファイル: guidance_v_n.c プロジェクト: BrandoJS/paparazzi
static inline void v_ctl_set_pitch ( void ) {
  static float last_err = 0.;

  if (pprz_mode == PPRZ_MODE_MANUAL || launch == 0)
    v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err = 0;

  // Compute errors
  float err = v_ctl_climb_setpoint - estimator_z_dot;
  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;

  if (v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err += err*(1./60.);
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain);

  // PI loop + feedforward ctl
  nav_pitch = 0. //nav_pitch FIXME it really sucks !
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_pitch_of_vz_pgain * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_pgain * err
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_dgain * d_err
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain * v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err;

コード例 #19
inline static void h_ctl_roll_loop( void ) {

  static float cmd_fb = 0.;

  // Update reference setpoints for roll
  h_ctl_ref.roll_angle += h_ctl_ref.roll_rate * H_CTL_REF_DT;
  h_ctl_ref.roll_rate += h_ctl_ref.roll_accel * H_CTL_REF_DT;
  h_ctl_ref.roll_accel = H_CTL_REF_W_P*H_CTL_REF_W_P * (h_ctl_roll_setpoint - h_ctl_ref.roll_angle) - 2*H_CTL_REF_XI_P*H_CTL_REF_W_P * h_ctl_ref.roll_rate;
  // Saturation on references
  BoundAbs(h_ctl_ref.roll_accel, h_ctl_ref.max_p_dot);
  if (h_ctl_ref.roll_rate > h_ctl_ref.max_p) {
    h_ctl_ref.roll_rate = h_ctl_ref.max_p;
    if (h_ctl_ref.roll_accel > 0.) h_ctl_ref.roll_accel = 0.;
  else if (h_ctl_ref.roll_rate < - h_ctl_ref.max_p) {
    h_ctl_ref.roll_rate = - h_ctl_ref.max_p;
    if (h_ctl_ref.roll_accel < 0.) h_ctl_ref.roll_accel = 0.;
  h_ctl_ref.roll_angle = h_ctl_roll_setpoint;
  h_ctl_ref.roll_rate = 0.;
  h_ctl_ref.roll_accel = 0.;

  // update Kff gains
  h_ctl_roll_Kffa += KFFA_UPDATE * h_ctl_ref.roll_accel * cmd_fb / (h_ctl_ref.max_p_dot*h_ctl_ref.max_p_dot);
  h_ctl_roll_Kffd += KFFD_UPDATE * h_ctl_ref.roll_rate  * cmd_fb / (h_ctl_ref.max_p*h_ctl_ref.max_p);
#ifdef SITL
  printf("%f %f %f\n", h_ctl_roll_Kffa, h_ctl_roll_Kffd, cmd_fb);
  h_ctl_roll_Kffa = Max(h_ctl_roll_Kffa, 0);
  h_ctl_roll_Kffd = Max(h_ctl_roll_Kffd, 0);

  // Compute errors
  float err = h_ctl_ref.roll_angle - stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->phi;
  struct FloatRates* body_rate = stateGetBodyRates_f();
  float d_err = h_ctl_ref.roll_rate - body_rate->p;

  if (pprz_mode == PPRZ_MODE_MANUAL || launch == 0) {
    h_ctl_roll_sum_err = 0.;
  else {
    if (h_ctl_roll_igain > 0.) {
      h_ctl_roll_sum_err += err * H_CTL_REF_DT;
      BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_sum_err, H_CTL_ROLL_SUM_ERR_MAX / h_ctl_roll_igain);
    } else {
      h_ctl_roll_sum_err = 0.;

  cmd_fb = h_ctl_roll_attitude_gain * err;
  float cmd = - h_ctl_roll_Kffa * h_ctl_ref.roll_accel
    - h_ctl_roll_Kffd * h_ctl_ref.roll_rate
    - cmd_fb
    - h_ctl_roll_rate_gain * d_err
    - h_ctl_roll_igain * h_ctl_roll_sum_err
    + v_ctl_throttle_setpoint * h_ctl_aileron_of_throttle;

  cmd /= airspeed_ratio2;

  // Set aileron commands
  h_ctl_aileron_setpoint = TRIM_PPRZ(cmd);
コード例 #20
ファイル: guidance_v_n.c プロジェクト: BrandoJS/paparazzi
// Airspeed control loop (input: [airspeed controlled, climb_setpoint], output: [throttle controlled, pitch setpoint])
static inline void v_ctl_set_airspeed( void ) {
  static float last_err_vz = 0.;
  static float last_err_as = 0.;

  // Bound airspeed setpoint
  Bound(v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint, V_CTL_AIRSPEED_MIN, V_CTL_AIRSPEED_MAX);

  // Compute errors
  float err_vz = v_ctl_climb_setpoint - estimator_z_dot;
  float d_err_vz = (err_vz - last_err_vz)*AIRSPEED_LOOP_PERIOD;
  last_err_vz = err_vz;
  if (v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err += err_vz*AIRSPEED_LOOP_PERIOD;
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain);
  if (v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err += err_vz*AIRSPEED_LOOP_PERIOD;
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain);

  float err_airspeed = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint - estimator_airspeed;
  float d_err_airspeed = (err_airspeed - last_err_as)*AIRSPEED_LOOP_PERIOD;
  last_err_as = err_airspeed;
  if (v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_sum_err += err_airspeed*AIRSPEED_LOOP_PERIOD;
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_AIRSPEED_THROTTLE_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_igain);
  if (v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_sum_err += err_airspeed*AIRSPEED_LOOP_PERIOD;
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_AIRSPEED_PITCH_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_igain);

  // Reset integrators in manual or before flight
  if (pprz_mode == PPRZ_MODE_MANUAL || launch == 0) {
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err = 0.;
    v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err = 0.;
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_sum_err = 0.;
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_sum_err = 0.;

  // Pitch loop
  nav_pitch = 0. //nav_pitch FIXME it really sucks !
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_pitch_of_vz_pgain * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_pgain * err_vz
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_dgain * d_err_vz
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain * v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err
    - v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_pgain * err_airspeed
    - v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_dgain * d_err_airspeed
    - v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_igain * v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_sum_err;

  // Throttle loop
  controlled_throttle = v_ctl_auto_throttle_cruise_throttle
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_climb_throttle_increment * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_pgain * err_vz
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_dgain * d_err_vz
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain * v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err
    + v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_pgain * err_airspeed
    + v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_dgain * d_err_airspeed
    + v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_igain * v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_sum_err;

コード例 #21
ファイル: guidance_v.c プロジェクト: AULA-PPZ/paparazzi
inline static void v_ctl_climb_auto_throttle_loop(void)
  static float last_err;

  float f_throttle = 0;
  float err  = stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z - v_ctl_climb_setpoint;
  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;
  float controlled_throttle = v_ctl_auto_throttle_cruise_throttle
                              + v_ctl_auto_throttle_climb_throttle_increment * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
                              - v_ctl_auto_throttle_pgain *
                              (err + v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain * v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err
                               + v_ctl_auto_throttle_dgain * d_err);

  /* pitch pre-command */
  float v_ctl_pitch_of_vz = (v_ctl_climb_setpoint + d_err * v_ctl_auto_throttle_pitch_of_vz_dgain) *

#if defined AGR_CLIMB
  switch (v_ctl_auto_throttle_submode) {
      if (v_ctl_climb_setpoint > 0) { /* Climbing */
        f_throttle =  AGR_CLIMB_THROTTLE;
        v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = AGR_CLIMB_PITCH;
      } else { /* Going down */
        f_throttle =  AGR_DESCENT_THROTTLE;
        v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = AGR_DESCENT_PITCH;

      float ratio = (fabs(v_ctl_altitude_error) - AGR_BLEND_END)
                    / (AGR_BLEND_START - AGR_BLEND_END);
      f_throttle = (1 - ratio) * controlled_throttle;
      v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = (1 - ratio) * (v_ctl_pitch_of_vz + v_ctl_pitch_trim);
      v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err += (1 - ratio) * err;
      BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_MAX_SUM_ERR);
      /* positive error -> too low */
      if (v_ctl_altitude_error > 0) {
        f_throttle +=  ratio * AGR_CLIMB_THROTTLE;
        v_ctl_pitch_setpoint += ratio * AGR_CLIMB_PITCH;
      } else {
        f_throttle += ratio * AGR_DESCENT_THROTTLE;
        v_ctl_pitch_setpoint += ratio * AGR_DESCENT_PITCH;

      f_throttle = controlled_throttle;
      v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err += err;
      BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_MAX_SUM_ERR);
      v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = v_ctl_pitch_of_vz + v_ctl_pitch_trim + nav_pitch;
#if defined AGR_CLIMB
  } /* switch submode */

  v_ctl_throttle_setpoint = TRIM_UPPRZ(f_throttle * MAX_PPRZ);
コード例 #22
static inline void stabilization_indi_calc_cmd(int32_t indi_commands[], struct Int32Quat *att_err, bool rate_control)
  /* Propagate the second order filter on the gyroscopes */
  struct FloatRates *body_rates = stateGetBodyRates_f();
  stabilization_indi_second_order_filter(&indi.rate, body_rates);

  //The rates used for feedback are by default the measured rates. If needed they can be filtered (see below)
  struct FloatRates rates_for_feedback;
  RATES_COPY(rates_for_feedback, (*body_rates));

  //If there is a lot of noise on the gyroscope, it might be good to use the filtered value for feedback.
  //Note that due to the delay, the PD controller can not be as aggressive.
  rates_for_feedback.p = indi.rate.x.p;
  rates_for_feedback.q = indi.rate.x.q;
  rates_for_feedback.r = indi.rate.x.r;

  indi.angular_accel_ref.p = indi.reference_acceleration.err_p * QUAT1_FLOAT_OF_BFP(att_err->qx)
                             - indi.reference_acceleration.rate_p * rates_for_feedback.p;

  indi.angular_accel_ref.q = indi.reference_acceleration.err_q * QUAT1_FLOAT_OF_BFP(att_err->qy)
                             - indi.reference_acceleration.rate_q * rates_for_feedback.q;

  //This separates the P and D controller and lets you impose a maximum yaw rate.
  float rate_ref_r = indi.reference_acceleration.err_r * QUAT1_FLOAT_OF_BFP(att_err->qz)/indi.reference_acceleration.rate_r;
  BoundAbs(rate_ref_r, indi.attitude_max_yaw_rate);
  indi.angular_accel_ref.r = indi.reference_acceleration.rate_r * (rate_ref_r - rates_for_feedback.r);

  /* Check if we are running the rate controller and overwrite */
  if(rate_control) {
    indi.angular_accel_ref.p =  indi.reference_acceleration.rate_p * ((float)radio_control.values[RADIO_ROLL]  / MAX_PPRZ * indi.max_rate - body_rates->p);
    indi.angular_accel_ref.q =  indi.reference_acceleration.rate_q * ((float)radio_control.values[RADIO_PITCH] / MAX_PPRZ * indi.max_rate - body_rates->q);
    indi.angular_accel_ref.r =  indi.reference_acceleration.rate_r * ((float)radio_control.values[RADIO_YAW]   / MAX_PPRZ * indi.max_rate - body_rates->r);

  //Increment in angular acceleration requires increment in control input
  //G1 is the control effectiveness. In the yaw axis, we need something additional: G2.
  //It takes care of the angular acceleration caused by the change in rotation rate of the propellers
  //(they have significant inertia, see the paper mentioned in the header for more explanation)
  indi.du.p = 1.0 / indi.g1.p * (indi.angular_accel_ref.p - indi.rate.dx.p);
  indi.du.q = 1.0 / indi.g1.q * (indi.angular_accel_ref.q - indi.rate.dx.q);
  indi.du.r = 1.0 / (indi.g1.r + indi.g2) * (indi.angular_accel_ref.r - indi.rate.dx.r + indi.g2 * indi.du.r);

  //add the increment to the total control input
  indi.u_in.p = indi.u.x.p + indi.du.p;
  indi.u_in.q = indi.u.x.q + indi.du.q;
  indi.u_in.r = indi.u.x.r + indi.du.r;

  //bound the total control input
  Bound(indi.u_in.p, -4500, 4500);
  Bound(indi.u_in.q, -4500, 4500);
  Bound(indi.u_in.r, -4500, 4500);

  //Propagate input filters
  //first order actuator dynamics
  indi.u_act_dyn.p = indi.u_act_dyn.p + STABILIZATION_INDI_ACT_DYN_P * (indi.u_in.p - indi.u_act_dyn.p);
  indi.u_act_dyn.q = indi.u_act_dyn.q + STABILIZATION_INDI_ACT_DYN_Q * (indi.u_in.q - indi.u_act_dyn.q);
  indi.u_act_dyn.r = indi.u_act_dyn.r + STABILIZATION_INDI_ACT_DYN_R * (indi.u_in.r - indi.u_act_dyn.r);

  //sensor filter
  stabilization_indi_second_order_filter(&indi.u, &indi.u_act_dyn);

  //Don't increment if thrust is off
  //TODO: this should be something more elegant, but without this the inputs will increment to the maximum before
  //even getting in the air.
  if (stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_THRUST] < 300) {
  } else {
    // only run the estimation if the commands are not zero.

  /*  INDI feedback */
  indi_commands[COMMAND_ROLL] = indi.u_in.p;
  indi_commands[COMMAND_PITCH] = indi.u_in.q;
  indi_commands[COMMAND_YAW] = indi.u_in.r;
コード例 #23
inline static void h_ctl_roll_loop( void ) {

  static float cmd_fb = 0.;

  // Update reference setpoints for roll
  h_ctl_ref_roll_angle += h_ctl_ref_roll_rate * H_CTL_REF_DT;
  h_ctl_ref_roll_rate += h_ctl_ref_roll_accel * H_CTL_REF_DT;
  h_ctl_ref_roll_accel = H_CTL_REF_W*H_CTL_REF_W * (h_ctl_roll_setpoint - h_ctl_ref_roll_angle) - 2*H_CTL_REF_XI*H_CTL_REF_W * h_ctl_ref_roll_rate;
  // Saturation on references
  BoundAbs(h_ctl_ref_roll_accel, H_CTL_REF_MAX_P_DOT);
  if (h_ctl_ref_roll_rate > H_CTL_REF_MAX_P) {
    h_ctl_ref_roll_rate = H_CTL_REF_MAX_P;
    if (h_ctl_ref_roll_accel > 0.) h_ctl_ref_roll_accel = 0.;
  else if (h_ctl_ref_roll_rate < - H_CTL_REF_MAX_P) {
    h_ctl_ref_roll_rate = - H_CTL_REF_MAX_P;
    if (h_ctl_ref_roll_accel < 0.) h_ctl_ref_roll_accel = 0.;
  h_ctl_ref_roll_angle = h_ctl_roll_setpoint;
  h_ctl_ref_roll_rate = 0.;
  h_ctl_ref_roll_accel = 0.;

  // update Kff gains
  h_ctl_roll_Kffa -= KFFA_UPDATE * h_ctl_ref_roll_accel * cmd_fb / (H_CTL_REF_MAX_P_DOT*H_CTL_REF_MAX_P_DOT);
  h_ctl_roll_Kffd -= KFFD_UPDATE * h_ctl_ref_roll_rate  * cmd_fb / (H_CTL_REF_MAX_P*H_CTL_REF_MAX_P);
#ifdef SITL
  printf("%f %f %f\n", h_ctl_roll_Kffa, h_ctl_roll_Kffd, cmd_fb);
  h_ctl_roll_Kffa = Min(h_ctl_roll_Kffa, 0);
  h_ctl_roll_Kffd = Min(h_ctl_roll_Kffd, 0);

  // Compute errors
  float err = estimator_phi - h_ctl_ref_roll_angle;
#ifdef SITL
  static float last_err = 0;
  estimator_p = (err - last_err)/(1/60.);
  last_err = err;
  float d_err = estimator_p - h_ctl_ref_roll_rate;

  if (pprz_mode == PPRZ_MODE_MANUAL || launch == 0) {
    h_ctl_roll_sum_err = 0.;
  else {
    if (h_ctl_roll_igain < 0.) {
      h_ctl_roll_sum_err += err * H_CTL_REF_DT;
      BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_sum_err, (- H_CTL_ROLL_SUM_ERR_MAX / h_ctl_roll_igain));
    } else {
      h_ctl_roll_sum_err = 0.;

  cmd_fb = h_ctl_roll_attitude_gain * err;// + h_ctl_roll_rate_gain * d_err;
  float cmd = h_ctl_roll_Kffa * h_ctl_ref_roll_accel
    + h_ctl_roll_Kffd * h_ctl_ref_roll_rate
    - cmd_fb
    - h_ctl_roll_rate_gain * d_err
    - h_ctl_roll_igain * h_ctl_roll_sum_err
    + v_ctl_throttle_setpoint * h_ctl_aileron_of_throttle;
//  float cmd = h_ctl_roll_Kffa * h_ctl_ref_roll_accel
//    + h_ctl_roll_Kffd * h_ctl_ref_roll_rate
//    - h_ctl_roll_attitude_gain * err
//    - h_ctl_roll_rate_gain * d_err
//    - h_ctl_roll_igain * h_ctl_roll_sum_err
//    + v_ctl_throttle_setpoint * h_ctl_aileron_of_throttle;
  cmd /= airspeed_ratio2;

  // Set aileron commands
  h_ctl_aileron_setpoint = TRIM_PPRZ(cmd);
コード例 #24
ファイル: energy_ctrl.c プロジェクト: BCCW/paparazzi
 * Auto-throttle inner loop
 * \brief
void v_ctl_climb_loop(void)
  // Airspeed setpoint rate limiter:
  // AIRSPEED_SETPOINT_SLEW in m/s/s - a change from 15m/s to 18m/s takes 3s with the default value of 1
  float airspeed_incr = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint - v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint_slew;
  BoundAbs(airspeed_incr, AIRSPEED_SETPOINT_SLEW * dt_attidude);
  v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint_slew += airspeed_incr;

// Ground speed control loop (input: groundspeed error, output: airspeed controlled)
  float err_groundspeed = (v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_setpoint - stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f());
  v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err += err_groundspeed;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_GROUNDSPEED_MAX_SUM_ERR);
  v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled = (err_groundspeed + v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err * v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_igain) *

  // Do not allow controlled airspeed below the setpoint
  if (v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled < v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint_slew) {
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint_slew;
    // reset integrator of ground speed loop
    v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled / (v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_pgain *
  v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint_slew;

  // Airspeed outerloop: positive means we need to accelerate
  float speed_error = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled - stateGetAirspeed_f();

  // Speed Controller to PseudoControl: gain 1 -> 5m/s error = 0.5g acceleration
  v_ctl_desired_acceleration = speed_error * v_ctl_airspeed_pgain / 9.81f;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_desired_acceleration, v_ctl_max_acceleration);

  // Actual Acceleration from IMU: attempt to reconstruct the actual kinematic acceleration
#ifndef SITL
  struct Int32Vect3 accel_meas_body;
  struct Int32RMat *body_to_imu_rmat = orientationGetRMat_i(&imu.body_to_imu);
  int32_rmat_transp_vmult(&accel_meas_body, body_to_imu_rmat, &imu.accel);
  float vdot = ACCEL_FLOAT_OF_BFP(accel_meas_body.x) / 9.81f - sinf(stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->theta);
  float vdot = 0;

  // Acceleration Error: positive means UAV needs to accelerate: needs extra energy
  float vdot_err = low_pass_vdot(v_ctl_desired_acceleration - vdot);

  // Flight Path Outerloop: positive means needs to climb more: needs extra energy
  float gamma_err  = (v_ctl_climb_setpoint - stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z) / v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled;

  // Total Energy Error: positive means energy should be added
  float en_tot_err = gamma_err + vdot_err;

  // Energy Distribution Error: positive means energy should go from overspeed to altitude = pitch up
  float en_dis_err = gamma_err - vdot_err;

  // Auto Cruise Throttle
  if (launch && (v_ctl_mode >= V_CTL_MODE_AUTO_CLIMB)) {
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_nominal_cruise_throttle +=
      v_ctl_auto_throttle_of_airspeed_igain * speed_error * dt_attidude
      + en_tot_err * v_ctl_energy_total_igain * dt_attidude;
    Bound(v_ctl_auto_throttle_nominal_cruise_throttle, 0.0f, 1.0f);

  // Total Controller
  float controlled_throttle = v_ctl_auto_throttle_nominal_cruise_throttle
                              + v_ctl_auto_throttle_climb_throttle_increment * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
                              + v_ctl_auto_throttle_of_airspeed_pgain * speed_error
                              + v_ctl_energy_total_pgain * en_tot_err;

  if ((controlled_throttle >= 1.0f) || (controlled_throttle <= 0.0f) || (kill_throttle == 1)) {
    // If your energy supply is not sufficient, then neglect the climb requirement
    en_dis_err = -vdot_err;

    // adjust climb_setpoint to maintain airspeed in case of an engine failure or an unrestriced climb
    if (v_ctl_climb_setpoint > 0) { v_ctl_climb_setpoint += - 30. * dt_attidude; }
    if (v_ctl_climb_setpoint < 0) { v_ctl_climb_setpoint +=   30. * dt_attidude; }

  /* pitch pre-command */
  if (launch && (v_ctl_mode >= V_CTL_MODE_AUTO_CLIMB)) {
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_nominal_cruise_pitch +=  v_ctl_auto_pitch_of_airspeed_igain * (-speed_error) * dt_attidude
        + v_ctl_energy_diff_igain * en_dis_err * dt_attidude;
    Bound(v_ctl_auto_throttle_nominal_cruise_pitch, H_CTL_PITCH_MIN_SETPOINT, H_CTL_PITCH_MAX_SETPOINT);
  float v_ctl_pitch_of_vz =
    + (v_ctl_climb_setpoint /*+ d_err * v_ctl_auto_throttle_pitch_of_vz_dgain*/) * v_ctl_auto_throttle_pitch_of_vz_pgain
    - v_ctl_auto_pitch_of_airspeed_pgain * speed_error
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_of_airspeed_dgain * vdot
    + v_ctl_energy_diff_pgain * en_dis_err
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_nominal_cruise_pitch;
  if (kill_throttle) { v_ctl_pitch_of_vz = v_ctl_pitch_of_vz - 1 / V_CTL_GLIDE_RATIO; }

  v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = v_ctl_pitch_of_vz + nav_pitch;

  ac_char_update(controlled_throttle, v_ctl_pitch_of_vz, v_ctl_climb_setpoint, v_ctl_desired_acceleration);

  v_ctl_throttle_setpoint = TRIM_UPPRZ(controlled_throttle * MAX_PPRZ);
コード例 #25
 * \brief
void h_ctl_course_loop(void)
  static float last_err;

  // Ground path error
  float err = stateGetHorizontalSpeedDir_f() - h_ctl_course_setpoint;

  // Usefull path speed
  const float reference_advance = (NOMINAL_AIRSPEED / 2.);
  float advance = cos(err) * stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f() / reference_advance;

  if (
    (advance < 1.)  &&                          // Path speed is small
    (stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f() < reference_advance)  // Small path speed is due to wind (small groundspeed)
  ) {
    // rough crabangle approximation
    float wind_mod = sqrt(wind_east*wind_east + wind_north*wind_north);
    float wind_dir = atan2(wind_east,wind_north);

    float wind_course = h_ctl_course_setpoint - wind_dir;

    estimator_hspeed_dir = estimator_psi;

    float crab = sin(wind_dir-estimator_psi) * atan2(wind_mod,NOMINAL_AIRSPEED);
    //crab = estimator_hspeed_mod - estimator_psi;

    // Heading error
    float herr = stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->psi - h_ctl_course_setpoint; //+crab);

    if (advance < -0.5) {            //<! moving in the wrong direction / big > 90 degree turn
      err = herr;
    } else if (advance < 0.) {       //<!
      err = (-advance) * 2. * herr;
    } else {
      err = advance * err;

    // Reset differentiator when switching mode
    //if (h_ctl_course_heading_mode == 0)
    //  last_err = err;
    //h_ctl_course_heading_mode = 1;
  /*  else
      // Reset differentiator when switching mode
      if (h_ctl_course_heading_mode == 1)
      last_err = err;
      h_ctl_course_heading_mode = 0;
#endif //STRONG_WIND

  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;


  /* slew severe course changes (i.e. waypoint moves, block changes or perpendicular routes) */
  static float h_ctl_course_slew_rate = 0.;
  float nav_angle_saturation = h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint / h_ctl_course_pgain; /* heading error corresponding to max_roll */
  float half_nav_angle_saturation = nav_angle_saturation / 2.;
  if (autopilot.launch) {  /* prevent accumulator run-up on the ground */
    if (err > half_nav_angle_saturation) {
      h_ctl_course_slew_rate = Max(h_ctl_course_slew_rate, 0.);
      err = Min(err, (half_nav_angle_saturation + h_ctl_course_slew_rate));
      h_ctl_course_slew_rate += h_ctl_course_slew_increment;
    } else if (err < -half_nav_angle_saturation) {
      h_ctl_course_slew_rate = Min(h_ctl_course_slew_rate, 0.);
      err = Max(err, (-half_nav_angle_saturation + h_ctl_course_slew_rate));
      h_ctl_course_slew_rate -= h_ctl_course_slew_increment;
    } else {
      h_ctl_course_slew_rate = 0.;

  float speed_depend_nav = stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f() / NOMINAL_AIRSPEED;
  Bound(speed_depend_nav, 0.66, 1.5);

  float cmd = -h_ctl_course_pgain * speed_depend_nav * (err + d_err * h_ctl_course_dgain);

#if defined(AGR_CLIMB) && !USE_AIRSPEED
  /** limit navigation during extreme altitude changes */
  if (AGR_BLEND_START > AGR_BLEND_END && AGR_BLEND_END > 0) { /* prevent divide by zero, reversed or negative values */
    if (v_ctl_auto_throttle_submode == V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_AGRESSIVE ||
        v_ctl_auto_throttle_submode == V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_BLENDED) {
      BoundAbs(cmd, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint); /* bound cmd before NAV_RATIO and again after */
      /* altitude: z-up is positive -> positive error -> too low */
      if (v_ctl_altitude_error > 0) {
        nav_ratio = AGR_CLIMB_NAV_RATIO + (1 - AGR_CLIMB_NAV_RATIO) * (1 - (fabs(v_ctl_altitude_error) - AGR_BLEND_END) /
                    (AGR_BLEND_START - AGR_BLEND_END));
        Bound(nav_ratio, AGR_CLIMB_NAV_RATIO, 1);
      } else {
        nav_ratio = AGR_DESCENT_NAV_RATIO + (1 - AGR_DESCENT_NAV_RATIO) * (1 - (fabs(v_ctl_altitude_error) - AGR_BLEND_END) /
                    (AGR_BLEND_START - AGR_BLEND_END));
        Bound(nav_ratio, AGR_DESCENT_NAV_RATIO, 1);
      cmd *= nav_ratio;

  float roll_setpoint = cmd + h_ctl_course_pre_bank_correction * h_ctl_course_pre_bank;

  float diff_roll = roll_setpoint - h_ctl_roll_setpoint;
  BoundAbs(diff_roll, h_ctl_roll_slew);
  h_ctl_roll_setpoint += diff_roll;
  h_ctl_roll_setpoint = roll_setpoint;

  BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_setpoint, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint);
コード例 #26
void stabilization_attitude_run(bool_t  in_flight) {


  /* Compute feedforward */
  stabilization_att_ff_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL] =
    stabilization_gains.dd.x * stab_att_ref_accel.p;
  stabilization_att_ff_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH] =
    stabilization_gains.dd.y * stab_att_ref_accel.q;
  stabilization_att_ff_cmd[COMMAND_YAW] =
    stabilization_gains.dd.z * stab_att_ref_accel.r;

  /* Compute feedback                  */
  /* attitude error            */
  struct FloatEulers *att_float = stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f();
  struct FloatEulers att_err;
  EULERS_DIFF(att_err, stab_att_ref_euler, *att_float);

  if (in_flight) {
    /* update integrator */
    EULERS_ADD(stabilization_att_sum_err, att_err);
    EULERS_BOUND_CUBE(stabilization_att_sum_err, -MAX_SUM_ERR, MAX_SUM_ERR);
  else {

  /*  rate error                */
  struct FloatRates* rate_float = stateGetBodyRates_f();
  struct FloatRates rate_err;
  RATES_DIFF(rate_err, stab_att_ref_rate, *rate_float);

  /*  PID                  */

  stabilization_att_fb_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL] =
    stabilization_gains.p.x  * att_err.phi +
    stabilization_gains.d.x  * rate_err.p +
    stabilization_gains.i.x  * stabilization_att_sum_err.phi;

  stabilization_att_fb_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH] =
    stabilization_gains.p.y  * att_err.theta +
    stabilization_gains.d.y  * rate_err.q +
    stabilization_gains.i.y  * stabilization_att_sum_err.theta;

  stabilization_att_fb_cmd[COMMAND_YAW] =
    stabilization_gains.p.z  * att_err.psi +
    stabilization_gains.d.z  * rate_err.r +
    stabilization_gains.i.z  * stabilization_att_sum_err.psi;

  stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL] =
  stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH] =
  stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_YAW] =

  /* bound the result */
  BoundAbs(stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL], MAX_PPRZ);
  BoundAbs(stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH], MAX_PPRZ);
  BoundAbs(stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_YAW], MAX_PPRZ);
コード例 #27
void stabilization_attitude_run(bool enable_integrator)

   * Update reference
   * Warning: dt is currently not used in the quat_int ref impl
   * PERIODIC_FREQUENCY is assumed to be 512Hz
  static const float dt = (1./PERIODIC_FREQUENCY);
  attitude_ref_quat_int_update(&att_ref_quat_i, &stab_att_sp_quat, dt);

   * Compute errors for feedback

  /* attitude error                          */
  struct Int32Quat att_err;
  struct Int32Quat *att_quat = stateGetNedToBodyQuat_i();
  INT32_QUAT_INV_COMP(att_err, *att_quat, att_ref_quat_i.quat);
  /* wrap it in the shortest direction       */

  /*  rate error                */
  const struct Int32Rates rate_ref_scaled = {
    OFFSET_AND_ROUND(att_ref_quat_i.rate.p, (REF_RATE_FRAC - INT32_RATE_FRAC)),
    OFFSET_AND_ROUND(att_ref_quat_i.rate.q, (REF_RATE_FRAC - INT32_RATE_FRAC)),
    OFFSET_AND_ROUND(att_ref_quat_i.rate.r, (REF_RATE_FRAC - INT32_RATE_FRAC))
  struct Int32Rates rate_err;
  struct Int32Rates *body_rate = stateGetBodyRates_i();
  RATES_DIFF(rate_err, rate_ref_scaled, (*body_rate));

#define INTEGRATOR_BOUND 100000
  /* integrated error */
  if (enable_integrator) {
    stabilization_att_sum_err_quat.qx += att_err.qx / IERROR_SCALE;
    stabilization_att_sum_err_quat.qy += att_err.qy / IERROR_SCALE;
    stabilization_att_sum_err_quat.qz += att_err.qz / IERROR_SCALE;
    Bound(stabilization_att_sum_err_quat.qx, -INTEGRATOR_BOUND, INTEGRATOR_BOUND);
    Bound(stabilization_att_sum_err_quat.qy, -INTEGRATOR_BOUND, INTEGRATOR_BOUND);
    Bound(stabilization_att_sum_err_quat.qz, -INTEGRATOR_BOUND, INTEGRATOR_BOUND);
  } else {
    /* reset accumulator */

  /* compute the feed forward command */
  attitude_run_ff(stabilization_att_ff_cmd, &stabilization_gains, &att_ref_quat_i.accel);

  /* compute the feed back command */
  attitude_run_fb(stabilization_att_fb_cmd, &stabilization_gains, &att_err, &rate_err, &stabilization_att_sum_err_quat);

  /* sum feedforward and feedback */
  stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL] = stabilization_att_fb_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL] + stabilization_att_ff_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL];
  stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH] = stabilization_att_fb_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH] + stabilization_att_ff_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH];
  stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_YAW] = stabilization_att_fb_cmd[COMMAND_YAW] + stabilization_att_ff_cmd[COMMAND_YAW];

  /* bound the result */
  BoundAbs(stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL], MAX_PPRZ);
  BoundAbs(stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_PITCH], MAX_PPRZ);
  BoundAbs(stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_YAW], MAX_PPRZ);
コード例 #28
ファイル: guidance_OA.c プロジェクト: 2seasuav/paparuzzi
 * Update the controls based on a vision result
 * @param[in] *result The opticflow calculation result used for control
void OA_update()
  float v_x = 0;
  float v_y = 0;

  if (opti_speed_flag == 1) {
    //rotation_vector.psi = stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->psi;
    //opti_speed = stateGetSpeedNed_f();

    //Transform to body frame.
    //float_rmat_of_eulers_312(&T, &rotation_vector)Attractforce_goal_send;
    //MAT33_VECT3_MUL(*opti_speed, T, *opti_speed);

    // Calculate the speed in body frame
    struct FloatVect2 speed_cur;
    float psi = stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->psi;
    float s_psi = sin(psi);
    float c_psi = cos(psi);
    speed_cur.x = c_psi * stateGetSpeedNed_f()->x + s_psi * stateGetSpeedNed_f()->y;
    speed_cur.y = -s_psi * stateGetSpeedNed_f()->x + c_psi * stateGetSpeedNed_f()->y;

    opti_speed_read.x = speed_cur.x * 100;
    opti_speed_read.y = speed_cur.y * 100;

    //set result_vel
    v_x = speed_cur.y * 100;
    v_y = speed_cur.x * 100;
  } else {

  if (OA_method_flag == NO_OBSTACLE_AVOIDANCE) {
    /* Calculate the error if we have enough flow */
    opticflow_stab.desired_vx = 0;
    opticflow_stab.desired_vy = 0;

    err_vx = opticflow_stab.desired_vx - v_x;
    err_vy = opticflow_stab.desired_vy - v_y;

    /* Calculate the integrated errors (TODO: bound??) */
    opticflow_stab.err_vx_int += err_vx / 100;
    opticflow_stab.err_vy_int += err_vy / 100;

    /* Calculate the commands */
    opticflow_stab.cmd.phi   = opticflow_stab.phi_pgain * err_vx / 100
                               + opticflow_stab.phi_igain * opticflow_stab.err_vx_int;
    opticflow_stab.cmd.theta = -(opticflow_stab.theta_pgain * err_vy / 100
                                 + opticflow_stab.theta_igain * opticflow_stab.err_vy_int);

    /* Bound the roll and pitch commands */
    BoundAbs(opticflow_stab.cmd.phi, CMD_OF_SAT);
    BoundAbs(opticflow_stab.cmd.theta, CMD_OF_SAT);

  if (OA_method_flag == PINGPONG) {
    opticflow_stab.cmd.phi = ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(ref_roll);
    opticflow_stab.cmd.theta = ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(ref_pitch);

  if (OA_method_flag == 2) {
    Total_Kan_x = r_dot_new;
    Total_Kan_y = speed_pot;

    alpha_fil = 0.1;

    yaw_rate = (int32_t)(alpha_fil * ANGLE_BFP_OF_REAL(r_dot_new));
    opticflow_stab.cmd.psi  = stateGetNedToBodyEulers_i()->psi + yaw_rate;


    opticflow_stab.desired_vx = 0;
    opticflow_stab.desired_vy = speed_pot;

    /* Calculate the error if we have enough flow */

    err_vx = opticflow_stab.desired_vx - v_x;
    err_vy = opticflow_stab.desired_vy - v_y;

    /* Calculate the integrated errors (TODO: bound??) */
    opticflow_stab.err_vx_int += err_vx / 100;
    opticflow_stab.err_vy_int += err_vy / 100;

    /* Calculate the commands */
    opticflow_stab.cmd.phi   = opticflow_stab.phi_pgain * err_vx / 100
                               + opticflow_stab.phi_igain * opticflow_stab.err_vx_int;

    opticflow_stab.cmd.theta = -(opticflow_stab.theta_pgain * err_vy / 100
                                 + opticflow_stab.theta_igain * opticflow_stab.err_vy_int);

    /* Bound the roll and pitch commands */
    BoundAbs(opticflow_stab.cmd.phi, CMD_OF_SAT);
    BoundAbs(opticflow_stab.cmd.theta, CMD_OF_SAT);

  if (OA_method_flag == POT_HEADING) {
    new_heading = ref_pitch;

    opticflow_stab.desired_vx = sin(new_heading) * speed_pot * 100;
    opticflow_stab.desired_vy = cos(new_heading) * speed_pot * 100;

    /* Calculate the error if we have enough flow */
    err_vx = opticflow_stab.desired_vx - v_x;
    err_vy = opticflow_stab.desired_vy - v_y;

    /* Calculate the integrated errors (TODO: bound??) */
    opticflow_stab.err_vx_int += err_vx / 100;
    opticflow_stab.err_vy_int += err_vy / 100;

    /* Calculate the commands */
    opticflow_stab.cmd.phi   = opticflow_stab.phi_pgain * err_vx / 100
                               + opticflow_stab.phi_igain * opticflow_stab.err_vx_int;
    opticflow_stab.cmd.theta = -(opticflow_stab.theta_pgain * err_vy / 100
                                 + opticflow_stab.theta_igain * opticflow_stab.err_vy_int);

    /* Bound the roll and pitch commands */
    BoundAbs(opticflow_stab.cmd.phi, CMD_OF_SAT);
    BoundAbs(opticflow_stab.cmd.theta, CMD_OF_SAT)

コード例 #29
ファイル: guidance_v.c プロジェクト: AntoineBlais/paparazzi
/** \brief Computes slewed throttle from throttle setpoint
    called at 20Hz
void v_ctl_throttle_slew( void ) {
  pprz_t diff_throttle = v_ctl_throttle_setpoint - v_ctl_throttle_slewed;
  BoundAbs(diff_throttle, TRIM_PPRZ(V_CTL_THROTTLE_SLEW*MAX_PPRZ));
  v_ctl_throttle_slewed += diff_throttle;
コード例 #30
inline static void h_ctl_pitch_loop( void ) {
  static float last_err;

  /* sanity check */
  if (h_ctl_pitch_of_roll <0.)
    h_ctl_pitch_of_roll = 0.;

  h_ctl_pitch_loop_setpoint = h_ctl_pitch_setpoint + h_ctl_pitch_of_roll * fabs(stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->phi);

  // Update reference setpoints for pitch
  h_ctl_ref.pitch_angle += h_ctl_ref.pitch_rate * H_CTL_REF_DT;
  h_ctl_ref.pitch_rate += h_ctl_ref.pitch_accel * H_CTL_REF_DT;
  h_ctl_ref.pitch_accel = H_CTL_REF_W_Q*H_CTL_REF_W_Q * (h_ctl_pitch_loop_setpoint - h_ctl_ref.pitch_angle) - 2*H_CTL_REF_XI_Q*H_CTL_REF_W_Q * h_ctl_ref.pitch_rate;
  // Saturation on references
  BoundAbs(h_ctl_ref.pitch_accel, h_ctl_ref.max_q_dot);
  if (h_ctl_ref.pitch_rate > h_ctl_ref.max_q) {
    h_ctl_ref.pitch_rate = h_ctl_ref.max_q;
    if (h_ctl_ref.pitch_accel > 0.) h_ctl_ref.pitch_accel = 0.;
  else if (h_ctl_ref.pitch_rate < - h_ctl_ref.max_q) {
    h_ctl_ref.pitch_rate = - h_ctl_ref.max_q;
    if (h_ctl_ref.pitch_accel < 0.) h_ctl_ref.pitch_accel = 0.;
  h_ctl_ref.pitch_angle = h_ctl_pitch_loop_setpoint;
  h_ctl_ref.pitch_rate = 0.;
  h_ctl_ref.pitch_accel = 0.;

  // Compute errors
  float err =  h_ctl_ref.pitch_angle - stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->theta;
  float d_err = h_ctl_ref.pitch_rate - stateGetBodyRates_f()->q;
#else // soft derivation
  float d_err = (err - last_err)/H_CTL_REF_DT - h_ctl_ref.pitch_rate;
  last_err = err;

  if (pprz_mode == PPRZ_MODE_MANUAL || launch == 0) {
    h_ctl_pitch_sum_err = 0.;
  else {
    if (h_ctl_pitch_igain > 0.) {
      h_ctl_pitch_sum_err += err * H_CTL_REF_DT;
      BoundAbs(h_ctl_pitch_sum_err, H_CTL_PITCH_SUM_ERR_MAX / h_ctl_pitch_igain);
    } else {
      h_ctl_pitch_sum_err = 0.;

  float cmd = - h_ctl_pitch_Kffa * h_ctl_ref.pitch_accel
    - h_ctl_pitch_Kffd * h_ctl_ref.pitch_rate
    + h_ctl_pitch_pgain * err
    + h_ctl_pitch_dgain * d_err
    + h_ctl_pitch_igain * h_ctl_pitch_sum_err;

  cmd /= airspeed_ratio2;

  h_ctl_elevator_setpoint = TRIM_PPRZ(cmd);