コード例 #1
ファイル: xloginsert.c プロジェクト: bocap/postgres
 * Write a WAL record containing a full image of a page.
 * Caller should initialize the buffer and mark it dirty before calling this
 * function.  This function will set the page LSN.
 * If the page follows the standard page layout, with a PageHeader and unused
 * space between pd_lower and pd_upper, set 'page_std' to TRUE. That allows
 * the unused space to be left out from the WAL record, making it smaller.
log_newpage_buffer(Buffer buffer, bool page_std)
	Page		page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
	RelFileNode rnode;
	ForkNumber	forkNum;
	BlockNumber blkno;

	/* Shared buffers should be modified in a critical section. */
	Assert(CritSectionCount > 0);

	BufferGetTag(buffer, &rnode, &forkNum, &blkno);

	return log_newpage(&rnode, forkNum, blkno, page, page_std);
コード例 #2
ファイル: xloginsert.c プロジェクト: bocap/postgres
 * Register a reference to a buffer with the WAL record being constructed.
 * This must be called for every page that the WAL-logged operation modifies.
XLogRegisterBuffer(uint8 block_id, Buffer buffer, uint8 flags)
	registered_buffer *regbuf;

	/* NO_IMAGE doesn't make sense with FORCE_IMAGE */
	Assert(!((flags & REGBUF_FORCE_IMAGE) && (flags & (REGBUF_NO_IMAGE))));

	if (block_id >= max_registered_block_id)
		if (block_id >= max_registered_buffers)
			elog(ERROR, "too many registered buffers");
		max_registered_block_id = block_id + 1;

	regbuf = &registered_buffers[block_id];

	BufferGetTag(buffer, &regbuf->rnode, &regbuf->forkno, &regbuf->block);
	regbuf->page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
	regbuf->flags = flags;
	regbuf->rdata_tail = (XLogRecData *) &regbuf->rdata_head;
	regbuf->rdata_len = 0;

	 * Check that this page hasn't already been registered with some other
	 * block_id.
		int			i;

		for (i = 0; i < max_registered_block_id; i++)
			registered_buffer *regbuf_old = &registered_buffers[i];

			if (i == block_id || !regbuf_old->in_use)

			Assert(!RelFileNodeEquals(regbuf_old->rnode, regbuf->rnode) ||
				   regbuf_old->forkno != regbuf->forkno ||
				   regbuf_old->block != regbuf->block);

	regbuf->in_use = true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ginxlog.cpp プロジェクト: EccentricLoggers/peloton
static void
ginRedoInsertEntry(Buffer buffer, bool isLeaf, BlockNumber rightblkno, void *rdata)
	Page		page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
	ginxlogInsertEntry *data = (ginxlogInsertEntry *) rdata;
	OffsetNumber offset = data->offset;
	IndexTuple	itup;

	if (rightblkno != InvalidBlockNumber)
		/* update link to right page after split */
		Assert(offset >= FirstOffsetNumber && offset <= PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page));
		itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, offset));
		GinSetDownlink(itup, rightblkno);

	if (data->isDelete)
		Assert(offset >= FirstOffsetNumber && offset <= PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page));
		PageIndexTupleDelete(page, offset);

	itup = &data->tuple;

	if (PageAddItem(page, (Item) itup, IndexTupleSize(itup), offset, false, false) == InvalidOffsetNumber)
		RelFileNode node;
		ForkNumber	forknum;
		BlockNumber blknum;

		BufferGetTag(buffer, &node, &forknum, &blknum);
		elog(ERROR, "failed to add item to index page in %u/%u/%u",
			 node.spcNode, node.dbNode, node.relNode);
コード例 #4
ファイル: xloginsert.c プロジェクト: bocap/postgres
 * Write a backup block if needed when we are setting a hint. Note that
 * this may be called for a variety of page types, not just heaps.
 * Callable while holding just share lock on the buffer content.
 * We can't use the plain backup block mechanism since that relies on the
 * Buffer being exclusively locked. Since some modifications (setting LSN, hint
 * bits) are allowed in a sharelocked buffer that can lead to wal checksum
 * failures. So instead we copy the page and insert the copied data as normal
 * record data.
 * We only need to do something if page has not yet been full page written in
 * this checkpoint round. The LSN of the inserted wal record is returned if we
 * had to write, InvalidXLogRecPtr otherwise.
 * It is possible that multiple concurrent backends could attempt to write WAL
 * records. In that case, multiple copies of the same block would be recorded
 * in separate WAL records by different backends, though that is still OK from
 * a correctness perspective.
XLogSaveBufferForHint(Buffer buffer, bool buffer_std)
	XLogRecPtr	recptr = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
	XLogRecPtr	lsn;
	XLogRecPtr	RedoRecPtr;

	 * Ensure no checkpoint can change our view of RedoRecPtr.

	 * Update RedoRecPtr so that we can make the right decision
	RedoRecPtr = GetRedoRecPtr();

	 * We assume page LSN is first data on *every* page that can be passed to
	 * XLogInsert, whether it has the standard page layout or not. Since we're
	 * only holding a share-lock on the page, we must take the buffer header
	 * lock when we look at the LSN.
	lsn = BufferGetLSNAtomic(buffer);

	if (lsn <= RedoRecPtr)
		int			flags;
		char		copied_buffer[BLCKSZ];
		char	   *origdata = (char *) BufferGetBlock(buffer);
		RelFileNode rnode;
		ForkNumber	forkno;
		BlockNumber blkno;

		 * Copy buffer so we don't have to worry about concurrent hint bit or
		 * lsn updates. We assume pd_lower/upper cannot be changed without an
		 * exclusive lock, so the contents bkp are not racy.
		if (buffer_std)
			/* Assume we can omit data between pd_lower and pd_upper */
			Page		page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
			uint16		lower = ((PageHeader) page)->pd_lower;
			uint16		upper = ((PageHeader) page)->pd_upper;

			memcpy(copied_buffer, origdata, lower);
			memcpy(copied_buffer + upper, origdata + upper, BLCKSZ - upper);
			memcpy(copied_buffer, origdata, BLCKSZ);


		if (buffer_std)
			flags |= REGBUF_STANDARD;

		BufferGetTag(buffer, &rnode, &forkno, &blkno);
		XLogRegisterBlock(0, &rnode, forkno, blkno, copied_buffer, flags);

		recptr = XLogInsert(RM_XLOG_ID, XLOG_FPI_FOR_HINT);

	return recptr;
コード例 #5
ファイル: fsmpage.c プロジェクト: adunstan/pg-cvs-mirror
 * Searches for a slot with category at least minvalue.
 * Returns slot number, or -1 if none found.
 * The caller must hold at least a shared lock on the page, and this
 * function can unlock and lock the page again in exclusive mode if it
 * needs to be updated. exclusive_lock_held should be set to true if the
 * caller is already holding an exclusive lock, to avoid extra work.
 * If advancenext is false, fp_next_slot is set to point to the returned
 * slot, and if it's true, to the slot after the returned slot.
fsm_search_avail(Buffer buf, uint8 minvalue, bool advancenext,
				 bool exclusive_lock_held)
	Page		page = BufferGetPage(buf);
	FSMPage		fsmpage = (FSMPage) PageGetContents(page);
	int			nodeno;
	int			target;
	uint16		slot;


	 * Check the root first, and exit quickly if there's no leaf with enough
	 * free space
	if (fsmpage->fp_nodes[0] < minvalue)
		return -1;

	 * Start search using fp_next_slot.  It's just a hint, so check that it's
	 * sane.  (This also handles wrapping around when the prior call returned
	 * the last slot on the page.)
	target = fsmpage->fp_next_slot;
	if (target < 0 || target >= LeafNodesPerPage)
		target = 0;
	target += NonLeafNodesPerPage;

	 * Start the search from the target slot.  At every step, move one
	 * node to the right, then climb up to the parent.	Stop when we reach
	 * a node with enough free space (as we must, since the root has enough
	 * space).
	 * The idea is to gradually expand our "search triangle", that is, all
	 * nodes covered by the current node, and to be sure we search to the
	 * right from the start point.	At the first step, only the target slot
	 * is examined.  When we move up from a left child to its parent, we are
	 * adding the right-hand subtree of that parent to the search triangle.
	 * When we move right then up from a right child, we are dropping the
	 * current search triangle (which we know doesn't contain any suitable
	 * page) and instead looking at the next-larger-size triangle to its
	 * right.  So we never look left from our original start point, and at
	 * each step the size of the search triangle doubles, ensuring it takes
	 * only log2(N) work to search N pages.
	 * The "move right" operation will wrap around if it hits the right edge
	 * of the tree, so the behavior is still good if we start near the right.
	 * Note also that the move-and-climb behavior ensures that we can't end
	 * up on one of the missing nodes at the right of the leaf level.
	 * For example, consider this tree:
	 *		   7
	 *	   7	   6
	 *	 5	 7	 6	 5
	 *	4 5 5 7 2 6 5 2
	 *				T
	 * Assume that the target node is the node indicated by the letter T,
	 * and we're searching for a node with value of 6 or higher. The search
	 * begins at T. At the first iteration, we move to the right, then to the
	 * parent, arriving at the rightmost 5. At the second iteration, we move
	 * to the right, wrapping around, then climb up, arriving at the 7 on the
	 * third level.  7 satisfies our search, so we descend down to the bottom,
	 * following the path of sevens.  This is in fact the first suitable page
	 * to the right of (allowing for wraparound) our start point.
	nodeno = target;
	while (nodeno > 0)
		if (fsmpage->fp_nodes[nodeno] >= minvalue)

		 * Move to the right, wrapping around on same level if necessary, then
		 * climb up.
		nodeno = parentof(rightneighbor(nodeno));

	 * We're now at a node with enough free space, somewhere in the middle of
	 * the tree. Descend to the bottom, following a path with enough free
	 * space, preferring to move left if there's a choice.
	while (nodeno < NonLeafNodesPerPage)
		int			childnodeno = leftchild(nodeno);

		if (childnodeno < NodesPerPage &&
			fsmpage->fp_nodes[childnodeno] >= minvalue)
			nodeno = childnodeno;
		childnodeno++;			/* point to right child */
		if (childnodeno < NodesPerPage &&
			fsmpage->fp_nodes[childnodeno] >= minvalue)
			nodeno = childnodeno;
			 * Oops. The parent node promised that either left or right child
			 * has enough space, but neither actually did. This can happen in
			 * case of a "torn page", IOW if we crashed earlier while writing
			 * the page to disk, and only part of the page made it to disk.
			 * Fix the corruption and restart.
			RelFileNode rnode;
			ForkNumber	forknum;
			BlockNumber blknum;

			BufferGetTag(buf, &rnode, &forknum, &blknum);
			elog(DEBUG1, "fixing corrupt FSM block %u, relation %u/%u/%u",
				 blknum, rnode.spcNode, rnode.dbNode, rnode.relNode);

			/* make sure we hold an exclusive lock */
			if (!exclusive_lock_held)
				LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
				LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
				exclusive_lock_held = true;
			goto restart;

	/* We're now at the bottom level, at a node with enough space. */
	slot = nodeno - NonLeafNodesPerPage;

	 * Update the next-target pointer. Note that we do this even if we're only
	 * holding a shared lock, on the grounds that it's better to use a shared
	 * lock and get a garbled next pointer every now and then, than take the
	 * concurrency hit of an exclusive lock.
	 * Wrap-around is handled at the beginning of this function.
	fsmpage->fp_next_slot = slot + (advancenext ? 1 : 0);

	return slot;