コード例 #1
ファイル: customlist.cpp プロジェクト: vata/xarino
// if up or down has been clicked, pass it on to the scrolling code
void CCustomListRowWnd::OnKeyDown(UINT32 nChar, UINT32 nRepCnt, UINT32 nFlags)
    if(nChar == CAMKEY(DOWN) && m_RowNum + 1 < m_Parent->m_RowCount)
    else if(nChar == CAMKEY(UP) && m_RowNum - 1 >= 0)

    CWnd::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
コード例 #2
ファイル: helpuser.cpp プロジェクト: UIKit0/xara-xtreme
BOOL HelpContents()

	// If F1 was pressed, popup help in the context of the current tool. Use the tool's OpToken (of 
	// the form "TOOL<ToolId>") to look-up its help page. Fixes #10489
	if (KeyPress::IsKeyPressed(CAMKEY(F1)))
		String OpToken;
		OpToken._MakeMsg( _T("TOOL%u"), Tool::GetCurrentID() );
		DWORD dwHelpIndex = LookupOperationTopic(OpToken);
		return ShowHelp(HELP_CONTEXT, dwHelpIndex);

	return ShowHelp(HELP_FINDER, 0);

	// On the viewer go directly to the contents page on all OS's
	#ifdef WEBSTER
		return ShowHelp(HELP_CONTEXT, _R(IDH_Contents));
	#else //WEBSTER
		return ShowHelp(HELP_CONTEXT, _R(IDH_Misc_Contents));
	#endif // WEBSTER
#endif // STANDALONE
コード例 #3
ファイル: helpuser.cpp プロジェクト: UIKit0/xara-xtreme
static LRESULT CALLBACK EXPORT F1HookProc(INT32 nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	// Check if it's the F1 key going down within a dialog box . . .
	LPMSG lpmsg = (LPMSG) lParam;
	BOOL fHandleOK = ::IsWindow(lpmsg->hwnd);
	if (nCode == MSGF_DIALOGBOX && lpmsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && lpmsg->wParam == CAMKEY(F1))
		// Simulate the help button within the dialog being clicked, if there is one.
		// Empirically I have discovered that the window handle contained within the
		// message is that of the first child window in the dialog.
		if (fHandleOK) FakeHelpButtonClick(::GetParent(lpmsg->hwnd));

	// Pass this event on to the next hook proc if it's valid.
	return (fHandleOK) ? ::CallNextHookEx(hF1Hook, nCode, wParam, lParam) : 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: customlist.cpp プロジェクト: vata/xarino
// respond to mousewheel events by paging or scrolling accordingly
BOOL CCustomList::OnMouseWheel(UINT32 nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt)
    si.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);

    INT32 nStep = GetKeyState(CAMKEY(CONTROL))<0 ? si.nPage : ROWHEIGHT ;

    INT32 newPos = GetVScrollBar()->GetScrollPos() - nStep*zDelta/WHEEL_DELTA;

    // force to zero if the first line would appear partially off screen
    if(newPos < ROWHEIGHT)
        newPos = 0;
    // keep the upper limit within bounds
    if(newPos > si.nMax)
        newPos = si.nMax;

    if (m_ScrollableArea)
        m_ScrollableArea->HandleScrollMessage(SB_THUMBPOSITION, newPos);
    return CWnd::OnMouseWheel(nFlags, zDelta, pt);