コード例 #1
CCAffineTransform CPhysicsObject::nodeToParentTransform()

    b2Vec2 pos  = m_pB2body->GetPosition();

    float x = pos.x * PTM_RATIO;
    float y = pos.y * PTM_RATIO;

    if ( isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition() ) {
        x += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x;
        y += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;

    // Make matrix
    float radians = m_pB2body->GetAngle();
    float c = cosf(radians);
    float s = sinf(radians);

    bool needsSkewMatrix = ( m_fSkewX || m_fSkewY );

    if(!m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero) ){
        x += c*-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX + -s*-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y*m_fScaleX;
        y += s*-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleY + c*-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y*m_fScaleY;

    // Rot, Translate Matrix
    m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformMake( c * m_fScaleX,  s * m_fScaleX,
        -s * m_fScaleY,  c * m_fScaleY,
        x,    y );

    if (needsSkewMatrix) 
        CCAffineTransform skewMatrix = CCAffineTransformMake(1.0f, tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fSkewY)),
            tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fSkewX)), 1.0f,
            0.0f, 0.0f );
        m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformConcat(skewMatrix, m_sTransform);

        // adjust anchor point
        if (!m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero))
            m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformTranslate(m_sTransform, -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x, -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y);

    if (m_bAdditionalTransformDirty)
        m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformConcat(m_sTransform, m_sAdditionalTransform);
        m_bAdditionalTransformDirty = false;

    return m_sTransform;
コード例 #2
ファイル: CCNode_mobile.cpp プロジェクト: BigHand/cocos2d-x
CCAffineTransform CCNode::nodeToParentTransform(void)
	if ( m_bIsTransformDirty ) {

		m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformIdentity;

		if( ! m_bIsRelativeAnchorPoint && ! CCPoint::CCPointEqualToPoint(m_tAnchorPointInPixels, CCPointZero) )
			m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformTranslate(m_tTransform, m_tAnchorPointInPixels.x, m_tAnchorPointInPixels.y);

		if( ! CCPoint::CCPointEqualToPoint(m_tPositionInPixels, CCPointZero) )
			m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformTranslate(m_tTransform, m_tPositionInPixels.x, m_tPositionInPixels.y);
		if( m_fRotation != 0 )
			m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformRotate(m_tTransform, -CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fRotation));
		if( ! (m_fScaleX == 1 && m_fScaleY == 1) ) 
			m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformScale(m_tTransform, m_fScaleX, m_fScaleY);

		if( ! CCPoint::CCPointEqualToPoint(m_tAnchorPointInPixels, CCPointZero) )
			m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformTranslate(m_tTransform, -m_tAnchorPointInPixels.x, -m_tAnchorPointInPixels.y);

		m_bIsTransformDirty = false;

	return m_tTransform;
コード例 #3
void GHBoneSkin::transform()
    if(sprite == NULL || bone == NULL)return;
    float degrees = bone->degrees();
    CCPoint posOffset = positionOffset;

    CCPoint bonePos = ccp(((GHBone*)bone->getParent())->getPosition().x,

    CCAffineTransform transformOffset = CCAffineTransformTranslate(CCAffineTransformMakeIdentity(), bonePos.x, bonePos.y);
    CCAffineTransform transform = CCAffineTransformRotate(CCAffineTransformMakeIdentity(),
                                                          CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(degrees - angleOffset));
    //we need 2 points
    //origin - upward point, in order to calculate new position and new angle
    CCPoint origin = ccp(0,0);
    CCPoint upward = ccp(0, -10);
    CCAffineTransform transform3 = CCAffineTransformRotate(CCAffineTransformMakeIdentity(),
                                                           CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(degrees - angleOffset - connectionAngle));
    posOffset = CCPointApplyAffineTransform(posOffset, transform3);

    origin = CCPointApplyAffineTransform(origin, transform);
    upward = CCPointApplyAffineTransform(upward, transform);
    origin = CCPointApplyAffineTransform(origin, transformOffset);
    upward = CCPointApplyAffineTransform(upward, transformOffset);

    //now that we have the 2 points - lets calculate the angle
    float newAngle = (atan2(upward.y - origin.y,
                            upward.x - origin.x)*180.0)/M_PI + 90.0;
    sprite->setPosition(ccp(origin.x + posOffset.x, origin.y - posOffset.y));
コード例 #4
CCAffineTransform GAFSprite::nodeToParentTransform(void)
	if (_useExternalTransform)
		if (m_bTransformDirty)
			m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformTranslate(_externalTransform, -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x, -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y);
			m_bTransformDirty = false;
			GAFSprite * parent = dynamic_cast<GAFSprite*>(m_pParent);
			if (parent && parent->isUseChildTransform())
				m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformConcat(m_sTransform, parent->childTransform());
			m_bTransformDirty = false;
		return m_sTransform;
		return CCSprite::nodeToParentTransform();
コード例 #5
ファイル: GameObject.cpp プロジェクト: GITHZZ/BlackWhiteRush
CCAffineTransform GameObject::nodeToParentTransform(){
    if (_isBox2DBody) {
        b2Vec2 pos = _pB2Body->GetPosition();
        float x = pos.x * _ptmRadio;
        float y = pos.y * _ptmRadio;
        if (m_bIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition) {
            x += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x;
            y += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;
        float radians = _pB2Body->GetAngle();
        float c = cosf(radians);
        float s = sinf(radians);
        if (!m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero))
            x += ((c * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX) + (-s * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY));
            y += ((s * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX) + (c * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY));
        m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformMake( c * m_fScaleX,	s * m_fScaleX,
                                             -s * m_fScaleY,	c * m_fScaleY,
                                             x,	y );
        if (m_bTransformDirty)
            // Translate values
            float x = m_obPosition.x;
            float y = m_obPosition.y;
            if (m_bIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition)
                x += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x;
                y += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;
            // Rotation values
            // Change rotation code to handle X and Y
            // If we skew with the exact same value for both x and y then we're simply just rotating
            float cx = 1, sx = 0, cy = 1, sy = 0;
            if (m_fRotationX || m_fRotationY)
                float radiansX = -CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fRotationX);
                float radiansY = -CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fRotationY);
                cx = cosf(radiansX);
                sx = sinf(radiansX);
                cy = cosf(radiansY);
                sy = sinf(radiansY);
            bool needsSkewMatrix = ( m_fSkewX || m_fSkewY );
            // optimization:
            // inline anchor point calculation if skew is not needed
            // Adjusted transform calculation for rotational skew
            if (! needsSkewMatrix && !m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero))
                x += cy * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX + -sx * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY;
                y += sy * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX +  cx * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY;
            // Build Transform Matrix
            // Adjusted transform calculation for rotational skew
            m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformMake( cy * m_fScaleX,  sy * m_fScaleX,
                                                 -sx * m_fScaleY, cx * m_fScaleY,
                                                 x, y );
            // XXX: Try to inline skew
            // If skew is needed, apply skew and then anchor point
            if (needsSkewMatrix)
                CCAffineTransform skewMatrix = CCAffineTransformMake(1.0f, tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fSkewY)),
                                                                     tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fSkewX)), 1.0f,
                                                                     0.0f, 0.0f );
                m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformConcat(skewMatrix, m_sTransform);
                // adjust anchor point
                if (!m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero))
                    m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformTranslate(m_sTransform, -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x, -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y);
            if (m_bAdditionalTransformDirty)
                m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformConcat(m_sTransform, m_sAdditionalTransform);
                m_bAdditionalTransformDirty = false;
            m_bTransformDirty = false;
    return m_sTransform;
コード例 #6
ファイル: CCScale9Sprite.cpp プロジェクト: 0309/cocos2d-x
bool CCScale9Sprite::updateWithBatchNode(CCSpriteBatchNode* batchnode, CCRect rect, bool rotated, CCRect capInsets)
    GLubyte opacity = getOpacity();
    ccColor3B color = getColor();

    // Release old sprites


    if(this->_scale9Image != batchnode)
        _scale9Image = batchnode;


    m_capInsets = capInsets;
    // If there is no given rect
    if ( rect.equals(CCRectZero) )
        // Get the texture size as original
        CCSize textureSize = _scale9Image->getTextureAtlas()->getTexture()->getContentSize();
        rect = CCRectMake(0, 0, textureSize.width, textureSize.height);
    // Set the given rect's size as original size
    m_spriteRect = rect;
    m_originalSize = rect.size;
    m_preferredSize = m_originalSize;
    m_capInsetsInternal = capInsets;
    float w = rect.size.width;
    float h = rect.size.height;

    // If there is no specified center region
    if ( m_capInsetsInternal.equals(CCRectZero) )
        // CCLog("... cap insets not specified : using default cap insets ...");
        m_capInsetsInternal = CCRectMake(w/3, h/3, w/3, h/3);

    float left_w = m_capInsetsInternal.origin.x;
    float center_w = m_capInsetsInternal.size.width;
    float right_w = rect.size.width - (left_w + center_w);

    float top_h = m_capInsetsInternal.origin.y;
    float center_h = m_capInsetsInternal.size.height;
    float bottom_h = rect.size.height - (top_h + center_h);

    // calculate rects

    // ... top row
    float x = 0.0;
    float y = 0.0;

    // top left
    CCRect lefttopbounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                      left_w, top_h);

    // top center
    TRANSLATE_X(x, y, left_w);
    CCRect centertopbounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                        center_w, top_h);
    // top right
    TRANSLATE_X(x, y, center_w);
    CCRect righttopbounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                       right_w, top_h);

    // ... center row
    x = 0.0;
    y = 0.0;
    TRANSLATE_Y(x, y, top_h);

    // center left
    CCRect leftcenterbounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                         left_w, center_h);

    // center center
    TRANSLATE_X(x, y, left_w);
    CCRect centerbounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                     center_w, center_h);

    // center right
    TRANSLATE_X(x, y, center_w);
    CCRect rightcenterbounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                          right_w, center_h);

    // ... bottom row
    x = 0.0;
    y = 0.0;
    TRANSLATE_Y(x, y, top_h);
    TRANSLATE_Y(x, y, center_h);

    // bottom left
    CCRect leftbottombounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                         left_w, bottom_h);

    // bottom center
    TRANSLATE_X(x, y, left_w);
    CCRect centerbottombounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                           center_w, bottom_h);

    // bottom right
    TRANSLATE_X(x, y, center_w);
    CCRect rightbottombounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                          right_w, bottom_h);

    if (!rotated) {
        // CCLog("!rotated");

        CCAffineTransform t = CCAffineTransformMakeIdentity();
        t = CCAffineTransformTranslate(t, rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y);

        centerbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centerbounds, t);
        rightbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(rightbottombounds, t);
        leftbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(leftbottombounds, t);
        righttopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(righttopbounds, t);
        lefttopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(lefttopbounds, t);
        rightcenterbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(rightcenterbounds, t);
        leftcenterbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(leftcenterbounds, t);
        centerbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centerbottombounds, t);
        centertopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centertopbounds, t);

        // Centre
        _centre = new CCSprite();
        _centre->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), centerbounds);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_centre, 0, pCentre);
        // Top
        _top = new CCSprite();
        _top->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), centertopbounds);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_top, 1, pTop);
        // Bottom
        _bottom = new CCSprite();
        _bottom->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), centerbottombounds);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_bottom, 1, pBottom);
        // Left
        _left = new CCSprite();
        _left->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), leftcenterbounds);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_left, 1, pLeft);
        // Right
        _right = new CCSprite();
        _right->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), rightcenterbounds);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_right, 1, pRight);
        // Top left
        _topLeft = new CCSprite();
        _topLeft->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), lefttopbounds);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_topLeft, 2, pTopLeft);
        // Top right
        _topRight = new CCSprite();
        _topRight->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), righttopbounds);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_topRight, 2, pTopRight);
        // Bottom left
        _bottomLeft = new CCSprite();
        _bottomLeft->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), leftbottombounds);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_bottomLeft, 2, pBottomLeft);
        // Bottom right
        _bottomRight = new CCSprite();
        _bottomRight->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), rightbottombounds);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_bottomRight, 2, pBottomRight);
    } else {
        // set up transformation of coordinates
        // to handle the case where the sprite is stored rotated
        // in the spritesheet
        // CCLog("rotated");

        CCAffineTransform t = CCAffineTransformMakeIdentity();

        CCRect rotatedcenterbounds = centerbounds;
        CCRect rotatedrightbottombounds = rightbottombounds;
        CCRect rotatedleftbottombounds = leftbottombounds;
        CCRect rotatedrighttopbounds = righttopbounds;
        CCRect rotatedlefttopbounds = lefttopbounds;
        CCRect rotatedrightcenterbounds = rightcenterbounds;
        CCRect rotatedleftcenterbounds = leftcenterbounds;
        CCRect rotatedcenterbottombounds = centerbottombounds;
        CCRect rotatedcentertopbounds = centertopbounds;
        t = CCAffineTransformTranslate(t, rect.size.height+rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y);
        t = CCAffineTransformRotate(t, 1.57079633f);
        centerbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centerbounds, t);
        rightbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(rightbottombounds, t);
        leftbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(leftbottombounds, t);
        righttopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(righttopbounds, t);
        lefttopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(lefttopbounds, t);
        rightcenterbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(rightcenterbounds, t);
        leftcenterbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(leftcenterbounds, t);
        centerbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centerbottombounds, t);
        centertopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centertopbounds, t);

        rotatedcenterbounds.origin = centerbounds.origin;
        rotatedrightbottombounds.origin = rightbottombounds.origin;
        rotatedleftbottombounds.origin = leftbottombounds.origin;
        rotatedrighttopbounds.origin = righttopbounds.origin;
        rotatedlefttopbounds.origin = lefttopbounds.origin;
        rotatedrightcenterbounds.origin = rightcenterbounds.origin;
        rotatedleftcenterbounds.origin = leftcenterbounds.origin;
        rotatedcenterbottombounds.origin = centerbottombounds.origin;
        rotatedcentertopbounds.origin = centertopbounds.origin;

        // Centre
        _centre = new CCSprite();
        _centre->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), rotatedcenterbounds, true);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_centre, 0, pCentre);
        // Top
        _top = new CCSprite();
        _top->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), rotatedcentertopbounds, true);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_top, 1, pTop);
        // Bottom
        _bottom = new CCSprite();
        _bottom->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), rotatedcenterbottombounds, true);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_bottom, 1, pBottom);
        // Left
        _left = new CCSprite();
        _left->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), rotatedleftcenterbounds, true);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_left, 1, pLeft);
        // Right
        _right = new CCSprite();
        _right->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), rotatedrightcenterbounds, true);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_right, 1, pRight);
        // Top left
        _topLeft = new CCSprite();
        _topLeft->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), rotatedlefttopbounds, true);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_topLeft, 2, pTopLeft);
        // Top right
        _topRight = new CCSprite();
        _topRight->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), rotatedrighttopbounds, true);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_topRight, 2, pTopRight);
        // Bottom left
        _bottomLeft = new CCSprite();
        _bottomLeft->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), rotatedleftbottombounds, true);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_bottomLeft, 2, pBottomLeft);
        // Bottom right
        _bottomRight = new CCSprite();
        _bottomRight->initWithTexture(_scale9Image->getTexture(), rotatedrightbottombounds, true);
        _scale9Image->addChild(_bottomRight, 2, pBottomRight);

    if (m_bSpritesGenerated)
            // Restore color and opacity
    m_bSpritesGenerated = true;

    return true;
コード例 #7
bool CCScale9Sprite::updateWithImage(CAImage* image, CCRect rect, CCRect capInsets)
    GLubyte opacity = getOpacity();
    ccColor3B color = getColor();

    // Release old sprites


    m_capInsets = capInsets;
    // If there is no given rect
    if ( rect.equals(CCRectZero) )
        // Get the Image size as original
        CCSize textureSize = image->getContentSize();
        rect = CCRectMake(0, 0, textureSize.width, textureSize.height);
    // Set the given rect's size as original size
    m_spriteRect = rect;
    m_originalSize = rect.size;
    m_preferredSize = m_originalSize;
    m_capInsetsInternal = capInsets;
    float w = rect.size.width;
    float h = rect.size.height;

    // If there is no specified center region
    if ( m_capInsetsInternal.equals(CCRectZero) )
        // CCLog("... cap insets not specified : using default cap insets ...");
        m_capInsetsInternal = CCRectMake(w/3, h/3, w/3, h/3);

    float left_w = m_capInsetsInternal.origin.x;
    float center_w = m_capInsetsInternal.size.width;
    float right_w = rect.size.width - (left_w + center_w);

    float top_h = m_capInsetsInternal.origin.y;
    float center_h = m_capInsetsInternal.size.height;
    float bottom_h = rect.size.height - (top_h + center_h);

    // calculate rects

    // ... top row
    float x = 0.0;
    float y = 0.0;

    // top left
    CCRect leftbottombounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                      left_w, top_h);

    // top center
    TRANSLATE_X(x, y, left_w);
    CCRect centerbottombounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                        center_w, top_h);
    // top right
    TRANSLATE_X(x, y, center_w);
    CCRect rightbottombounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                       right_w, top_h);

    // ... center row
    x = 0.0;
    y = 0.0;
    TRANSLATE_Y(x, y, bottom_h);

    // center left
    CCRect leftcenterbounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                         left_w, center_h);

    // center center
    TRANSLATE_X(x, y, left_w);
    CCRect centerbounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                     center_w, center_h);

    // center right
    TRANSLATE_X(x, y, center_w);
    CCRect rightcenterbounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                          right_w, center_h);

    // ... bottom row
    x = 0.0;
    y = 0.0;
    TRANSLATE_Y(x, y, bottom_h);
    TRANSLATE_Y(x, y, center_h);

    // bottom left
    CCRect lefttopbounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                         left_w, bottom_h);

    // bottom center
    TRANSLATE_X(x, y, left_w);
    CCRect centertopbounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                           center_w, bottom_h);

    // bottom right
    TRANSLATE_X(x, y, center_w);
    CCRect righttopbounds = CCRectMake(x, y,
                                          right_w, bottom_h);

    CCAffineTransform t = CCAffineTransformMakeIdentity();
    t = CCAffineTransformTranslate(t, rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y);
    centerbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centerbounds, t);
    rightbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(rightbottombounds, t);
    leftbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(leftbottombounds, t);
    righttopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(righttopbounds, t);
    lefttopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(lefttopbounds, t);
    rightcenterbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(rightcenterbounds, t);
    leftcenterbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(leftcenterbounds, t);
    centerbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centerbottombounds, t);
    centertopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centertopbounds, t);
    // Centre
    _centre = new CAImageView();
    _centre->initWithImage(m_pImage, centerbounds);
    this->insertSubview(_centre, 0);
    // Top
    _top = new CAImageView();
    _top->initWithImage(m_pImage, centertopbounds);
    this->insertSubview(_top, 1);
    // Bottom
    _bottom = new CAImageView();
    _bottom->initWithImage(m_pImage, centerbottombounds);
    this->insertSubview(_bottom, 1);
    // Left
    _left = new CAImageView();
    _left->initWithImage(m_pImage, leftcenterbounds);
    this->insertSubview(_left, 1);
    // Right
    _right = new CAImageView();
    _right->initWithImage(m_pImage, rightcenterbounds);
    this->insertSubview(_right, 1);
    // Top left
    _topLeft = new CAImageView();
    _topLeft->initWithImage(m_pImage, lefttopbounds);
    this->insertSubview(_topLeft, 2);
    // Top right
    _topRight = new CAImageView();
    _topRight->initWithImage(m_pImage, righttopbounds);
    this->insertSubview(_topRight, 2);
    // Bottom left
    _bottomLeft = new CAImageView();
    _bottomLeft->initWithImage(m_pImage, leftbottombounds);
    this->insertSubview(_bottomLeft, 2);
    // Bottom right
    _bottomRight = new CAImageView();
    _bottomRight->initWithImage(m_pImage, rightbottombounds);
    this->insertSubview(_bottomRight, 2);
    if (m_bSpritesGenerated)
            // Restore color and opacity
    m_bSpritesGenerated = true;

    return true;