bool Properties::parseVec2(const char* str, Vec2* out) { if (str) { float x, y; if (sscanf(str, "%f,%f", &x, &y) == 2) { if (out) out->set(x, y); return true; } else { CCLOGWARN("Error attempting to parse property as a two-dimensional vector: %s", str); } } if (out) out->set(0.0f, 0.0f); return false; }
bool Properties::parseVec4(const char* str, Vec4* out) { if (str) { float x, y, z, w; if (sscanf(str, "%f,%f,%f,%f", &x, &y, &z, &w) == 4) { if (out) out->set(x, y, z, w); return true; } else { CCLOGWARN("Error attempting to parse property as a four-dimensional vector: %s", str); } } if (out) out->set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); return false; }
bool Properties::parseAxisAngle(const char* str, Quaternion* out) { if (str) { float x, y, z, theta; if (sscanf(str, "%f,%f,%f,%f", &x, &y, &z, &theta) == 4) { if (out) out->set(Vec3(x, y, z), MATH_DEG_TO_RAD(theta)); return true; } else { CCLOGWARN("Error attempting to parse property as an axis-angle rotation: %s", str); } } if (out) out->set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); return false; }
void RawStencilBufferTest::setup() { glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_BITS, &_stencilBits); if (_stencilBits < 3) { CCLOGWARN("Stencil must be enabled for the current GLView."); } for(int i = 0; i < _planeCount; ++i) { Sprite* sprite = Sprite::create(s_pathGrossini); sprite->setAnchorPoint( Vec2(0.5, 0) ); sprite->setScale( 2.5f ); _sprites.pushBack(sprite); Sprite* sprite2 = Sprite::create(s_pathGrossini); sprite2->setAnchorPoint( Vec2(0.5, 0) ); sprite2->setScale( 2.5f ); _spritesStencil.pushBack(sprite2); } Director::getInstance()->setAlphaBlending(true); }
bool CCTexture2D_richlabel::initWithRichString(const char *text, const char *fontName, float fontSize, const CCSize& dimensions, CCTextAlignment hAlignment, CCVerticalTextAlignment vAlignment) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) ccRichFontDefinition tempDef; tempDef._shadow._shadowEnabled = false; tempDef._stroke._strokeEnabled = false; tempDef._fontName = std::string(fontName); tempDef._fontSize = fontSize; tempDef._dimensions = dimensions; tempDef._alignment = hAlignment; tempDef._vertAlignment = vAlignment; tempDef._fontFillColor = ccWHITE; tempDef.m_shadowColor = 0; return initWithRichString(text, &tempDef); #else CCLOGWARN("CCTexture2D_richlabel::initWithRichString only support iOS and Android"); return false; #endif }
void CCScrollBar::attachToCCScrollView(CCScrollView* scrollView, ccInsets insets, bool horizontal) { // it must have parent node CCNode* svParent = scrollView->getParent(); if(!svParent) { CCLOGWARN("CCScrollView must be added to one node before calling attachToCCScrollView"); return; } // save flag m_horizontal = horizontal; // add to scroll view float thumbLength = 0; CCPoint svOrigin = CCUtils::getOrigin(scrollView); CCSize svSize = scrollView->getViewSize(); CCSize innerSize = scrollView->getContainer()->getContentSize(); CCSize sbSize; if(horizontal) { sbSize = CCSizeMake(m_track->getContentSize().width, svSize.width - insets.left - insets.right); setContentSize(sbSize); setAnchorPoint(ccp(0, 0.5f)); setPosition(ccp(svOrigin.x + svSize.width / 2, svOrigin.y + insets.bottom)); setRotation(-90); UIWidget* svpWidght = dynamic_cast<UIWidget*>(svParent); if(svpWidght) svpWidght->addNode(this, MAX_INT); else svParent->addChild(this, MAX_INT); // thumb length if(m_fixedThumb) thumbLength = m_fixedThumb->getContentSize().height; else thumbLength = MIN(1, svSize.width / innerSize.width) * sbSize.height; } else { sbSize = CCSizeMake(m_track->getContentSize().width, svSize.height - - insets.bottom); setContentSize(sbSize); setAnchorPoint(ccp(1, 0.5f)); setPosition(ccp(svOrigin.x + svSize.width - insets.right, svOrigin.y + svSize.height / 2)); UIWidget* svpWidght = dynamic_cast<UIWidget*>(svParent); if(svpWidght) svpWidght->addNode(this, MAX_INT); else svParent->addChild(this, MAX_INT); // thumb length if(m_fixedThumb) thumbLength = m_fixedThumb->getContentSize().height; else thumbLength = MIN(1, svSize.height / innerSize.height) * sbSize.height; } // add track m_track->setPreferredSize(sbSize); m_track->setPosition(CCUtils::getLocalCenter(this)); addChild(m_track); // clipping node to hold thumb CCClippingNode* thumbClipping = CCClippingNode::create(m_track); thumbClipping->ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false); thumbClipping->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5f, 0.5f)); thumbClipping->setContentSize(sbSize); thumbClipping->setPosition(CCUtils::getLocalCenter(this)); thumbClipping->setAlphaThreshold(0.5f); thumbClipping->setScaleX((sbSize.width - 4) / sbSize.width); thumbClipping->setScaleY((sbSize.height - 4) / sbSize.height); addChild(thumbClipping); // thumb or fixed thumb if(m_thumb) { m_thumb->setPreferredSize(CCSizeMake(sbSize.width, thumbLength)); m_thumb->setPosition(ccp(sbSize.width / 2, sbSize.height - thumbLength / 2)); thumbClipping->addChild(m_thumb); } else { m_fixedThumb->setPosition(ccp(sbSize.width / 2, sbSize.height - thumbLength / 2)); thumbClipping->addChild(m_fixedThumb); } // sync thumb position syncThumbPositionForCCScrollView(scrollView); // delegate m_oldCCDelegate = scrollView->getDelegate(); scrollView->setDelegate(this); // init fade out if(m_initFadeOut) { m_fadingOut = true; CCUtils::setOpacityRecursively(this, 0); } }
void SimpleAudioEngine::rewindBackgroundMusic() { CCLOGWARN("Cannot rewind background in Emscripten"); }
//.mtl file should at the same directory with the same name if exist bool Sprite3D::loadFromObj(const std::string& path) { std::string fullPath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(path); //find from the cache std::string key = fullPath + "#"; auto mesh = MeshCache::getInstance()->getMesh(key); if (mesh) { _mesh = mesh; _mesh->retain(); auto tex = Sprite3DMaterialCache::getInstance()->getSprite3DMaterial(key); setTexture(tex); genGLProgramState(); return true; } //.mtl file directory std::string dir = ""; auto last = fullPath.rfind("/"); if (last != -1) dir = fullPath.substr(0, last + 1); ObjLoader::shapes_t shapes; std::string errstr = ObjLoader::LoadObj(shapes, fullPath.c_str(), dir.c_str()); if (!errstr.empty()) return false; //convert to mesh and material std::vector<unsigned short> indices; std::vector<std::string> matnames; std::string texname; for (auto it = shapes.shapes.begin(); it != shapes.shapes.end(); it++) { indices.insert(indices.end(), (*it).mesh.indices.begin(),(*it).mesh.indices.end()); //indices.push_back((*it).mesh.indices); if (texname.empty()) texname = (*it).material.diffuse_texname; else if (texname != (*it).material.diffuse_texname) { CCLOGWARN("cocos2d:WARNING: more than one texture in %s", path.c_str()); } matnames.push_back(dir + (*it).material.diffuse_texname); } _mesh = Mesh::create(shapes.positions, shapes.normals, shapes.texcoords, indices); _mesh->retain(); if (_mesh == nullptr) return false; if (matnames.size()) { setTexture(matnames[0]); } genGLProgramState(); //add to cache if (_texture) { Sprite3DMaterialCache::getInstance()->addSprite3DMaterial(key, _texture); } MeshCache::getInstance()->addMesh(key, _mesh); return true; }
bool GAFAsset::initWithImageData(const std::string& jsonPath) { GAFData aConfigData; std::string fp = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(jsonPath.c_str()); aConfigData.delete_data = true; aConfigData.ptr = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData(fp.c_str(), "rb", &aConfigData.size); if (!aConfigData.ptr) { CCLOGERROR("Can not get data from json file : %s", jsonPath.c_str()); return NULL; } if (!aConfigData.getBytes()) { CCLOGWARN("can not init GAFAsset - invalid anImageData"); return false; } CCDictionary* configDictionary = CCJSONConverter::sharedConverter()->dictionaryFrom( (const char *)aConfigData.getBytes()); CCString *versionNode = (CCString*)configDictionary->objectForKey(kVersionKey); if (!isAssetVersionPlayable(versionNode->getCString())) { return false; } CCArray *animationConfigFrames = (CCArray *)configDictionary->objectForKey(kAnimationConfigFramesKey); CCArray *interactionObjectNodes = (CCArray *)configDictionary->objectForKey(kInteractionObjectsKey); CCArray *standObjectsNodes = (CCArray *)configDictionary->objectForKey(kStandObjectsKey); CCArray *textureAtlasNode = (CCArray *)configDictionary->objectForKey(kTextureAtlasKey); CCArray *animationSequences = (CCArray *)configDictionary->objectForKey(kAnimationSequencesKey); CCDictionary *objectNodes = (CCDictionary *)configDictionary->objectForKey(kAnimationObjectsKey); CCDictionary *masksNodes = (CCDictionary *)configDictionary->objectForKey(kAnimationMasksKey); CCDictionary *namedPartsNodes = (CCDictionary *)configDictionary->objectForKey(kAnimationNamedPartsKey); if (!animationConfigFrames || !textureAtlasNode|| !objectNodes) { CCLOGERROR("Error while creating GAFAsset. Required subnodes in dictionary are missing."); return false; } CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_textureAtlas); if (!textureAtlasNode->count()) { return false; } CCDictionary * atlasDictionary = (CCDictionary *)textureAtlasNode->objectAtIndex(0); float atlasScale = atlasScaleFromAtlasConfig(atlasDictionary); for (int i = 1; i < textureAtlasNode->count(); ++i) { CCDictionary * a = (CCDictionary *)textureAtlasNode->objectAtIndex(i); float as = atlasScaleFromAtlasConfig(a); if ( fabs(atlasScale - _currentDeviceScale) > fabs(as - _currentDeviceScale)) { atlasDictionary = a; atlasScale = as; } } _usedAtlasContentScaleFactor = atlasScale; CCArray * atlasesInfo = (CCArray *)atlasDictionary->objectForKey(kAtlasInfoKey); if (!atlasesInfo) { CCLOGERROR("Error while creating GAFAsset.atlasesInfo subnode is missing in atlasDictionary."); return false; } _textureAtlas = GAFTextureAtlas::create(fp.c_str(), atlasDictionary); if (!_textureAtlas) { CCLOGERROR("Failed to initialize GAFAsset. GAFTextureAtlas could not be created."); return false; } CC_SAFE_RETAIN(_textureAtlas); if (_objects != objectNodes) { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_objects); _objects = objectNodes; CC_SAFE_RETAIN(_objects); } if (_masks != masksNodes) { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_masks); _masks = masksNodes; CC_SAFE_RETAIN(_masks); } if (_namedParts != namedPartsNodes) { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_namedParts); _namedParts = namedPartsNodes; CC_SAFE_RETAIN(_namedParts); } if (interactionObjectNodes) { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_interactionObjects); _interactionObjects = CCArray::create(); CC_SAFE_RETAIN(_interactionObjects); for (int i = 0; i < interactionObjectNodes->count(); ++i) { CCDictionary * dict = (CCDictionary*)interactionObjectNodes->objectAtIndex(i); GAFInteractionObject * interObject = GAFInteractionObject::create(dict); if (interObject) { _interactionObjects->addObject(interObject); } } } if (standObjectsNodes) { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_standObjects); _standObjects = CCArray::create(); CC_SAFE_RETAIN(_standObjects); for (int i = 0; i < standObjectsNodes->count(); ++i) { CCDictionary * dict = (CCDictionary*)standObjectsNodes->objectAtIndex(i); GAFActionObject * interObject = GAFActionObject::create(dict); if (interObject) { _standObjects->addObject(interObject); } } } loadFramesFromConfigDictionary(configDictionary); if (animationSequences) { loadAnimationSequences(animationSequences); } return true; }
bool BillboardParticleSystem::initWithDictionary(ValueMap& dictionary, const std::string& dirname) { bool ret = false; unsigned char *buffer = nullptr; unsigned char *deflated = nullptr; Image *image = nullptr; do { int maxParticles = dictionary["maxParticles"].asInt(); // self, not super if(this->initWithTotalParticles(maxParticles)) { // Emitter name in particle designer 2.0 _configName = dictionary["configName"].asString(); // angle _angle = dictionary["angle"].asFloat(); _angleVar = dictionary["angleVariance"].asFloat(); // duration _duration = dictionary["duration"].asFloat(); // blend function if (_configName.length()>0) { _blendFunc.src = dictionary["blendFuncSource"].asFloat(); } else { _blendFunc.src = dictionary["blendFuncSource"].asInt(); } _blendFunc.dst = dictionary["blendFuncDestination"].asInt(); // color _startColor.r = dictionary["startColorRed"].asFloat(); _startColor.g = dictionary["startColorGreen"].asFloat(); _startColor.b = dictionary["startColorBlue"].asFloat(); _startColor.a = dictionary["startColorAlpha"].asFloat(); _startColorVar.r = dictionary["startColorVarianceRed"].asFloat(); _startColorVar.g = dictionary["startColorVarianceGreen"].asFloat(); _startColorVar.b = dictionary["startColorVarianceBlue"].asFloat(); _startColorVar.a = dictionary["startColorVarianceAlpha"].asFloat(); _endColor.r = dictionary["finishColorRed"].asFloat(); _endColor.g = dictionary["finishColorGreen"].asFloat(); _endColor.b = dictionary["finishColorBlue"].asFloat(); _endColor.a = dictionary["finishColorAlpha"].asFloat(); _endColorVar.r = dictionary["finishColorVarianceRed"].asFloat(); _endColorVar.g = dictionary["finishColorVarianceGreen"].asFloat(); _endColorVar.b = dictionary["finishColorVarianceBlue"].asFloat(); _endColorVar.a = dictionary["finishColorVarianceAlpha"].asFloat(); // particle size _startSize = dictionary["startParticleSize"].asFloat(); _startSizeVar = dictionary["startParticleSizeVariance"].asFloat(); _endSize = dictionary["finishParticleSize"].asFloat(); _endSizeVar = dictionary["finishParticleSizeVariance"].asFloat(); // position float x = dictionary["sourcePositionx"].asFloat(); float y = dictionary["sourcePositiony"].asFloat(); this->setPosition( Vec2(x,y) ); _posVar.x = dictionary["sourcePositionVariancex"].asFloat(); _posVar.y = dictionary["sourcePositionVariancey"].asFloat(); // Spinning _startSpin = dictionary["rotationStart"].asFloat(); _startSpinVar = dictionary["rotationStartVariance"].asFloat(); _endSpin= dictionary["rotationEnd"].asFloat(); _endSpinVar= dictionary["rotationEndVariance"].asFloat(); _emitterMode = (Mode) dictionary["emitterType"].asInt(); // Mode A: Gravity + tangential accel + radial accel if (_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY) { // gravity modeA.gravity.x = dictionary["gravityx"].asFloat(); modeA.gravity.y = dictionary["gravityy"].asFloat(); // speed modeA.speed = dictionary["speed"].asFloat(); modeA.speedVar = dictionary["speedVariance"].asFloat(); // radial acceleration modeA.radialAccel = dictionary["radialAcceleration"].asFloat(); modeA.radialAccelVar = dictionary["radialAccelVariance"].asFloat(); // tangential acceleration modeA.tangentialAccel = dictionary["tangentialAcceleration"].asFloat(); modeA.tangentialAccelVar = dictionary["tangentialAccelVariance"].asFloat(); // rotation is dir modeA.rotationIsDir = dictionary["rotationIsDir"].asBool(); } // or Mode B: radius movement else if (_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS) { if (_configName.length()>0) { modeB.startRadius = dictionary["maxRadius"].asInt(); } else { modeB.startRadius = dictionary["maxRadius"].asFloat(); } modeB.startRadiusVar = dictionary["maxRadiusVariance"].asFloat(); if (_configName.length()>0) { modeB.endRadius = dictionary["minRadius"].asInt(); } else { modeB.endRadius = dictionary["minRadius"].asFloat(); } if (dictionary.find("minRadiusVariance") != dictionary.end()) { modeB.endRadiusVar = dictionary["minRadiusVariance"].asFloat(); } else { modeB.endRadiusVar = 0.0f; } if (_configName.length()>0) { modeB.rotatePerSecond = dictionary["rotatePerSecond"].asInt(); } else { modeB.rotatePerSecond = dictionary["rotatePerSecond"].asFloat(); } modeB.rotatePerSecondVar = dictionary["rotatePerSecondVariance"].asFloat(); } else { CCASSERT( false, "Invalid emitterType in config file"); CC_BREAK_IF(true); } // life span _life = dictionary["particleLifespan"].asFloat(); _lifeVar = dictionary["particleLifespanVariance"].asFloat(); // emission Rate _emissionRate = _totalParticles / _life; // Set a compatible default for the alpha transfer _opacityModifyRGB = false; // texture // Try to get the texture from the cache std::string textureName = dictionary["textureFileName"].asString(); size_t rPos = textureName.rfind('/'); if (rPos != string::npos) { string textureDir = textureName.substr(0, rPos + 1); if (!dirname.empty() && textureDir != dirname) { textureName = textureName.substr(rPos+1); textureName = dirname + textureName; } } else if (!dirname.empty() && !textureName.empty()) { textureName = dirname + textureName; } Texture2D *tex = nullptr; if (textureName.length() > 0) { // set not pop-up message box when load image failed bool notify = FileUtils::getInstance()->isPopupNotify(); FileUtils::getInstance()->setPopupNotify(false); tex = Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addImage(textureName); // reset the value of UIImage notify FileUtils::getInstance()->setPopupNotify(notify); } if (tex) { setTexture(tex); } else if( dictionary.find("textureImageData") != dictionary.end() ) { std::string textureData ="textureImageData").asString(); CCASSERT(!textureData.empty(), ""); auto dataLen = textureData.size(); if (dataLen != 0) { // if it fails, try to get it from the base64-gzipped data int decodeLen = base64Decode((unsigned char*)textureData.c_str(), (unsigned int)dataLen, &buffer); CCASSERT( buffer != nullptr, "CCParticleSystem: error decoding textureImageData"); CC_BREAK_IF(!buffer); ssize_t deflatedLen = ZipUtils::inflateMemory(buffer, decodeLen, &deflated); CCASSERT( deflated != nullptr, "CCParticleSystem: error ungzipping textureImageData"); CC_BREAK_IF(!deflated); // For android, we should retain it in VolatileTexture::addImage which invoked in Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addUIImage() image = new (std::nothrow) Image(); bool isOK = image->initWithImageData(deflated, deflatedLen); CCASSERT(isOK, "CCParticleSystem: error init image with Data"); CC_BREAK_IF(!isOK); setTexture(Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addImage(image, textureName.c_str())); image->release(); } } _yCoordFlipped = dictionary.find("yCoordFlipped") == dictionary.end() ? 1 :"yCoordFlipped").asInt(); if( !this->_texture) CCLOGWARN("cocos2d: Warning: ParticleSystemQuad system without a texture"); ret = true; } } while (0); free(buffer); free(deflated); return ret; }
CCObject* CCJSONParser::load(const char* json, size_t length) { // use memory input stream CCMemoryInputStream* mis = CCMemoryInputStream::create((char*)json, length); // status of yajl yajl_status stat; // get gen instance yajl_gen g = yajl_gen_alloc(NULL); // register callback ccJSONContext ctx; ctx.g = g; ctx.root = NULL; ctx.objStack = new vector<CCObject*>(); ctx.flagStack = new vector<bool>(); yajl_handle hand = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, NULL, (void*)&ctx); // config yajl yajl_gen_config(g, yajl_gen_beautify, 1); yajl_gen_config(g, yajl_gen_validate_utf8, 1); yajl_config(hand, yajl_allow_comments, 1); // parse char buf[4096]; while(true) { // read data int rd = mis->read(buf, 4096); if (rd == 0) break; // parese data stat = yajl_parse(hand, (const unsigned char*)buf, rd); // if parse error, break if (stat != yajl_status_ok) break; } // complete parse stat = yajl_complete_parse(hand); // check error if (stat != yajl_status_ok) { unsigned char* str = yajl_get_error(hand, 1, (const unsigned char*)json, length); CCLOGWARN("parse json error: %s", str); yajl_free_error(hand, str); // when error, doesn't return anything ctx.root = NULL; } // free yajl_gen_free(g); yajl_free(hand); delete ctx.objStack; delete ctx.flagStack; // return return ctx.root; }
bool RapidParticle::initParticlePro( RapidParticle* particle ) { bool ret = false; unsigned char *buffer = nullptr; unsigned char *deflated = nullptr; do { int maxParticles = particle->getTotalParticles();; // self, not super if(this->initWithTotalParticles(maxParticles)) { // angle _angle = particle->getAngle(); _angleVar = particle->getAngleVar(); // duration _duration = particle->getDuration(); _blendFunc.src = particle->getBlendFunc().src; _blendFunc.dst = particle->getBlendFunc().dst; // color _startColor.r = particle->getStartColor().r; _startColor.g = particle->getStartColor().g; _startColor.b = particle->getStartColor().b; _startColor.a = particle->getStartColor().a; _startColorVar.r = particle->getStartColorVar().r; _startColorVar.g = particle->getStartColorVar().g; _startColorVar.b = particle->getStartColorVar().b; _startColorVar.a = particle->getStartColorVar().a; _endColor.r = particle->getEndColor().r; _endColor.g = particle->getEndColor().g; _endColor.b = particle->getEndColor().b; _endColor.a = particle->getEndColor().a; _endColorVar.r = particle->getEndColorVar().r; _endColorVar.g = particle->getEndColorVar().g; _endColorVar.b = particle->getEndColorVar().b; _endColorVar.a = particle->getEndColorVar().a; // particle size _startSize = particle->getStartSize(); _startSizeVar = particle->getStartSizeVar(); _endSize = particle->getEndSize(); _endSizeVar = particle->getEndSizeVar(); // position float x = particle->getSourcePosition().x; float y = particle->getSourcePosition().y; this->setPosition(x,y); _posVar.x = particle->getPosVar().x; _posVar.y = particle->getPosVar().y; // Spinning _startSpin = particle->getStartSpin(); _startSpinVar = particle->getStartSpinVar(); _endSpin= particle->getEndSpin(); _endSpinVar= particle->getEndSpinVar(); _emitterMode = particle->getEmitterMode(); // Mode A: Gravity + tangential accel + radial accel if (_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY) { // gravity modeA.gravity.x = particle->getGravity().x; modeA.gravity.y = particle->getGravity().y; // speed modeA.speed = particle->getSpeed(); modeA.speedVar = particle->getSpeedVar(); // radial acceleration modeA.radialAccel = particle->getRadialAccel(); modeA.radialAccelVar = particle->getRadialAccelVar(); // tangential acceleration modeA.tangentialAccel = particle->getTangentialAccel(); modeA.tangentialAccelVar = particle->getTangentialAccelVar(); // rotation is dir modeA.rotationIsDir = particle->getRotationIsDir(); } // or Mode B: radius movement else if (_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS) { modeB.startRadius = particle->getStartRadius(); modeB.startRadiusVar = particle->getStartRadiusVar(); modeB.endRadius = particle->getEndRadius(); modeB.endRadiusVar = particle->getEndRadiusVar(); modeB.rotatePerSecond = particle->getRotatePerSecond(); modeB.rotatePerSecondVar = particle->getRotatePerSecondVar(); } else { CCASSERT( false, "Invalid emitterType in config file"); CC_BREAK_IF(true); } // life span _life = particle->getLife(); _lifeVar = particle->getLifeVar(); // emission Rate _emissionRate = _totalParticles / _life; //don't get the internal texture if a batchNode is used if (!_batchNode) { // Set a compatible default for the alpha transfer _opacityModifyRGB = false; Texture2D* tex = particle->getTexture(); //Ìùͼ if (tex) { setTexture(tex); } else { CCASSERT(tex != nullptr, "particle texture is null"); } if( !this->_texture) CCLOGWARN("cocos2d: Warning: ParticleSystemQuad system without a texture"); } ret = true; } } while (0); free(buffer); free(deflated); return ret; }
void TMXFileParser::textHandler(void* ctx, const char* text, int len) { if (m_bFailed || m_stState.empty()) { m_bFailed = true; return; } ParserState s =; StatePointer p =; switch (s) { case ParserState::ParseStart: case ParserState::ParseMapNode: case ParserState::ParseTileSetNode: case ParserState::ParseTileSetImageNode: case ParserState::ParseTileSetTileNode: case ParserState::ParseLayerNode: case ParserState::ParseObjectLayerNode: case ParserState::ParseObjectLayerObjectNode: case ParserState::ParsePropertyListNode: case ParserState::ParsePropertyListPropertyNode: PARSEFAILED("unexpected data."); break; case ParserState::ParseLayerDataNode: // 手动trim while (len > 0 && text[len - 1] > 0 && ::isspace(text[len - 1])) --len; while (len > 0 && text[0] > 0 && ::isspace(text[0])) { --len; ++text; } // 解码base64串 if (len > 0) { unsigned char* pOut = nullptr; int decodeLen = base64Decode((const unsigned char*)text, len, &pOut); if (decodeLen == p.pTiledLayer->GetWidth() * p.pTiledLayer->GetHeight() * sizeof(uint32_t)) { // 解析图块数据 const uint32_t* pGid = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pOut); for (uint32_t iY = 0; iY < p.pTiledLayer->GetHeight(); ++iY) { for (uint32_t iX = 0; iX < p.pTiledLayer->GetWidth(); ++iX) p.pTiledLayer->SetGidOfXY(iX, p.pTiledLayer->GetHeight() - iY - 1, *(pGid++)); } free(pOut); } else { if (pOut) free(pOut); PARSEFAILED("failed to decode map data, size %d mistached.", decodeLen); } } else { CCLOGWARN("TMXFileParser: empty layer data."); } break; default: m_bFailed = true; CCASSERT(0, "TMXFileParser: unexpected code routine."); break; } }
bool CCPreLoad::cacheFramesForPlist(const char* plist, const char* textureFileName) { bool ret = false; do{ //private权限不好继承,直接挑出来改,Zwoptex.swf 1.0的version CCTexture2D *pobTexture = CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->addImage(textureFileName); if(pobTexture == NULL) break; string pszPath = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(plist); CCDictionary *dictionary = CCDictionary::createWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(pszPath.c_str()); CCDictionary *framesDict = (CCDictionary*)dictionary->objectForKey("frames"); int format = 0; CCDictElement* pElement = NULL; CCDICT_FOREACH(framesDict, pElement) { CCDictionary* frameDict = (CCDictionary*)pElement->getObject(); std::string spriteFrameName = pElement->getStrKey(); CCSpriteFrame* spriteFrame = CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->spriteFrameByName(spriteFrameName.c_str()); if (spriteFrame) { continue; } int format = 0;//就只挑这个 if(format == 0) { float x = frameDict->valueForKey("x")->floatValue(); float y = frameDict->valueForKey("y")->floatValue(); float w = frameDict->valueForKey("width")->floatValue(); float h = frameDict->valueForKey("height")->floatValue(); float ox = frameDict->valueForKey("offsetX")->floatValue(); float oy = frameDict->valueForKey("offsetY")->floatValue(); int ow = frameDict->valueForKey("originalWidth")->intValue(); int oh = frameDict->valueForKey("originalHeight")->intValue(); // check ow/oh if(!ow || !oh) { CCLOGWARN("cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the CCSpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenrate the .plist"); } // abs ow/oh ow = abs(ow); oh = abs(oh); // create frame spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame(); spriteFrame->initWithTexture(pobTexture, CCRectMake(x, y, w, h), false, CCPointMake(ox, oy), CCSizeMake((float)ow, (float)oh) ); } // add sprite frame CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->addSpriteFrame(spriteFrame, spriteFrameName.c_str()); m_tmpFrames.insert(make_pair(spriteFrameName,spriteFrame)); spriteFrame->release(); } dictionary->release(); ret = true; }while(0);
CCTexture2D* TextureHelper::addImageFromPlist(const char* plist) { std::string fullPath = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(plist); CCDictionary *dict = CCDictionary::createWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(fullPath.c_str()); CCDictionary *metadataDict = (CCDictionary*)dict->objectForKey("metadata"); std::string pngPath = metadataDict->valueForKey("realTextureFileName")->getCString(); CCTexture2D* texture = CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->addImage(pngPath.c_str()); CCDictionary *framesDict = (CCDictionary*)dict->objectForKey("frames"); int format = 0; CCSize textureSize = texture->getContentSize(); if(metadataDict != NULL) { format = metadataDict->valueForKey("format")->intValue(); } CCAssert(format >=0 && format <= 3, "format is not supported for CCSpriteFrameCache addSpriteFramesWithDictionary:textureFilename:"); CCDictElement* pElement = NULL; CCDICT_FOREACH(framesDict, pElement) { CCRect rect; CCDictionary* frameDict = (CCDictionary*)pElement->getObject(); std::string spriteFrameName = pElement->getStrKey(); if(format == 0) { float x = frameDict->valueForKey("x")->floatValue(); float y = frameDict->valueForKey("y")->floatValue(); float w = frameDict->valueForKey("width")->floatValue(); float h = frameDict->valueForKey("height")->floatValue(); float ox = frameDict->valueForKey("offsetX")->floatValue(); float oy = frameDict->valueForKey("offsetY")->floatValue(); int ow = frameDict->valueForKey("originalWidth")->intValue(); int oh = frameDict->valueForKey("originalHeight")->intValue(); if(!ow || !oh) { CCLOGWARN("cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the CCSpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenrate the .plist"); } ow = abs(ow); oh = abs(oh); rect = CCRectMake(x + ox,textureSize.height - y + oy,ow,oh); } else if(format == 1 || format == 2) { CCRect frame = CCRectFromString(frameDict->valueForKey("frame")->getCString()); frame.origin.y = textureSize.height - frame.origin.y; bool rotated = false; if (format == 2) { rotated = frameDict->valueForKey("rotated")->boolValue(); } CCPoint offset = CCPointFromString(frameDict->valueForKey("offset")->getCString()); CCSize sourceSize = CCSizeFromString(frameDict->valueForKey("sourceSize")->getCString()); rect = frame; } else if (format == 3) { CCSize spriteSize = CCSizeFromString(frameDict->valueForKey("spriteSize")->getCString()); CCPoint spriteOffset = CCPointFromString(frameDict->valueForKey("spriteOffset")->getCString()); CCSize spriteSourceSize = CCSizeFromString(frameDict->valueForKey("spriteSourceSize")->getCString()); CCRect textureRect = CCRectFromString(frameDict->valueForKey("textureRect")->getCString()); bool textureRotated = frameDict->valueForKey("textureRotated")->boolValue(); rect = textureRect; } rectMap.insert(std::pair<std::string,CCRect>(spriteFrameName,rect)); }