static void GenerateAuthResponse(uint8_t * password, uint32_t password_len, const uint8_t nt_response[MSCHAP_NT_RESPONSE_SIZE], const uint8_t peer_challenge[MSCHAP2_CHALLENGE_SIZE], const uint8_t auth_challenge[MSCHAP2_CHALLENGE_SIZE], const uint8_t * username, uint8_t auth_response[MSCHAP2_AUTH_RESPONSE_SIZE]) { uint8_t challenge[MSCHAP_NT_CHALLENGE_SIZE]; CC_SHA1_CTX context; int i; uint8_t hash[CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; uint8_t password_hash[NT_PASSWORD_HASH_SIZE]; uint8_t * scan; NTPasswordHashHash(password, password_len, password_hash); CC_SHA1_Init(&context); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, password_hash, NT_PASSWORD_HASH_SIZE); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, nt_response, MSCHAP_NT_RESPONSE_SIZE); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, magic1, 39); CC_SHA1_Final(hash, &context); ChallengeHash(peer_challenge, auth_challenge, username, challenge); CC_SHA1_Init(&context); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, hash, CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, challenge, MSCHAP_NT_CHALLENGE_SIZE); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, magic2, 41); CC_SHA1_Final(hash, &context); /* * Encode the value of 'hash' as "S=" followed by * 40 ASCII hexadecimal digits and return it in * 'auth_response'. * For example, * "S=0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01234567" */ auth_response[0] = 'S'; auth_response[1] = '='; for (i = 0, scan = auth_response + 2; i < CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++, scan +=2) { char hexstr[3]; snprintf(hexstr, 3, "%02X", hash[i]); scan[0] = hexstr[0]; scan[1] = hexstr[1]; } return; }
char* calculate_digest(int fd) { unsigned char md[CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; CC_SHA1_CTX c; CC_SHA1_Init(&c); memset(md, 0, CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH); ssize_t len; const unsigned int blocklen = 8192; unsigned char* block = (unsigned char*)malloc(blocklen); if (!block) { errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } while(1) { len = read(fd, block, blocklen); if (len == 0) { close(fd); break; } if ((len < 0) && (errno == EINTR)) continue; if (len < 0) { close(fd); return NULL; } CC_SHA1_Update(&c, block, (CC_LONG)len); } CC_SHA1_Final(md, &c); free(block); return format_digest(md); }
/* * Obtain a mallocd C-string representation of a certificate's SHA1 digest. * Only error is a NULL return indicating memory failure. * Caller must free the returned string. */ char *krb5_pkinit_cert_hash_str( const krb5_data *cert) { CC_SHA1_CTX ctx; char *outstr; char *cpOut; unsigned char digest[CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; unsigned dex; assert(cert != NULL); CC_SHA1_Init(&ctx); CC_SHA1_Update(&ctx, cert->data, cert->length); CC_SHA1_Final(digest, &ctx); outstr = (char *)malloc((2 * CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH) + 1); if(outstr == NULL) { return NULL; } cpOut = outstr; for(dex=0; dex<CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH; dex++) { snprintf(cpOut, 3, "%02X", (unsigned)(digest[dex])); cpOut += 2; } *cpOut = '\0'; return outstr; }
static void ChallengeHash(const uint8_t peer_challenge[MSCHAP2_CHALLENGE_SIZE], const uint8_t auth_challenge[MSCHAP2_CHALLENGE_SIZE], const uint8_t * username, uint8_t challenge[MSCHAP_NT_CHALLENGE_SIZE]) { const uint8_t * user; CC_SHA1_CTX context; uint8_t hash[CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; /* find the last backslash to get the user name to use for the hash */ user = (const uint8_t *)strrchr((const char *)username, '\\'); if (user == NULL) { user = username; } else { user = user + 1; } CC_SHA1_Init(&context); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, peer_challenge, MSCHAP2_CHALLENGE_SIZE); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, auth_challenge, MSCHAP2_CHALLENGE_SIZE); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, user, (int)strlen((const char *)user)); CC_SHA1_Final(hash, &context); bcopy(hash, challenge, MSCHAP_NT_CHALLENGE_SIZE); return; }
int32_t mz_crypt_sha_end(void *handle, uint8_t *digest, int32_t digest_size) { mz_crypt_sha *sha = (mz_crypt_sha *)handle; if (sha == NULL || digest == NULL || !sha->initialized) return MZ_PARAM_ERROR; if (sha->algorithm == MZ_HASH_SHA1) { if (digest_size < MZ_HASH_SHA1_SIZE) return MZ_BUF_ERROR; sha->error = CC_SHA1_Final(digest, &sha->ctx1); } else { if (digest_size < MZ_HASH_SHA256_SIZE) return MZ_BUF_ERROR; sha->error = CC_SHA256_Final(digest, &sha->ctx256); } if (!sha->error) return MZ_HASH_ERROR; return MZ_OK; }
static NTSTATUS hash_finish( struct hash *hash, UCHAR *output, ULONG size ) { switch (hash->alg_id) { case ALG_ID_SHA1: CC_SHA1_Final( output, &hash->u.sha1_ctx ); break; case ALG_ID_SHA256: CC_SHA256_Final( output, &hash->u.sha256_ctx ); break; case ALG_ID_SHA384: CC_SHA384_Final( output, &hash->u.sha512_ctx ); break; case ALG_ID_SHA512: CC_SHA512_Final( output, &hash->u.sha512_ctx ); break; default: ERR( "unhandled id %u\n", hash->alg_id ); break; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
UInt8* CC_SHA1(const void *data, CC_LONG len, UInt8 *md) { CC_LONG bytes_hashed = 0; const UInt8 *data_buff = (const UInt8 *)data; if(md == NULL) return NULL; CC_SHA1_CTX ctx; CC_SHA1_Init(&ctx); if (len > CC_SHA1_USE_HARDWARE_THRESHOLD && !((intptr_t)data_buff & 3) && !pthread_once(&cc_sha1_connect_once, cc_sha1_connect) && cc_sha1_device >= 0) { bytes_hashed = sha1_hash_in_hardware(&ctx, data_buff, len, true); if (bytes_hashed == len) { OSWriteBigInt32(md, 0, ctx.h0); OSWriteBigInt32(md, 4, ctx.h1); OSWriteBigInt32(md, 8, ctx.h2); OSWriteBigInt32(md, 12, ctx.h3); OSWriteBigInt32(md, 16, ctx.h4); return md; } //Either we have failed partially or completely. //Fall through to the software. data_buff += bytes_hashed; len -= bytes_hashed; } //Fall back to Software SHA1. CC_SHA1_Update(&ctx, data_buff, len); CC_SHA1_Final(md, &ctx); return md; }
Vector<uint8_t> CryptoDigest::computeHash() { Vector<uint8_t> result; switch (m_context->algorithm) { case CryptoAlgorithmIdentifier::SHA_1: result.resize(CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH); CC_SHA1_Final(, toSHA1Context(m_context.get())); break; case CryptoAlgorithmIdentifier::SHA_224: result.resize(CC_SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH); CC_SHA224_Final(, toSHA224Context(m_context.get())); break; case CryptoAlgorithmIdentifier::SHA_256: result.resize(CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); CC_SHA256_Final(, toSHA256Context(m_context.get())); break; case CryptoAlgorithmIdentifier::SHA_384: result.resize(CC_SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH); CC_SHA384_Final(, toSHA384Context(m_context.get())); break; case CryptoAlgorithmIdentifier::SHA_512: result.resize(CC_SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); CC_SHA512_Final(, toSHA512Context(m_context.get())); break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } return result; }
void get_device_infos(CFMutableDictionaryRef out) { CC_SHA1_CTX sha1ctx; uint8_t udid[20]; char udid1[100]; CFStringRef serial; CFStringRef imei; CFStringRef macwifi; CFStringRef macbt; CFStringRef hw = copy_hardware_model(); if (hw != NULL) { CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("hwModel"), hw); CFRelease(hw); } serial = copy_device_serial_number(); imei = copy_device_imei(); macwifi = copy_wifi_mac_address(); macbt = copy_bluetooth_mac_address(); CFMutableStringRef udidInput = CFStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0); if (serial != NULL) { CFStringAppend(udidInput, serial); CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("serialNumber"), serial); CFRelease(serial); } if (imei != NULL) { CFStringAppend(udidInput, imei); CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("imei"), imei); CFRelease(imei); } if (macwifi != NULL) { CFStringAppend(udidInput, macwifi); CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("wifiMac"), macwifi); CFRelease(macwifi); } if (macbt != NULL) { CFStringAppend(udidInput, macbt); CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("btMac"), macbt); CFRelease(macbt); } CFStringGetCString(udidInput, udid1, 99, kCFStringEncodingASCII); CC_SHA1_Init(&sha1ctx); CC_SHA1_Update(&sha1ctx, udid1, CFStringGetLength(udidInput)); CC_SHA1_Final(udid, &sha1ctx); CFRelease(udidInput); addHexaString(out, CFSTR("udid"), udid, 20); }
int _mesa_sha1_final(struct mesa_sha1 *ctx, unsigned char result[20]) { CC_SHA1_CTX *sha1_ctx = (CC_SHA1_CTX *) ctx; CC_SHA1_Final(result, sha1_ctx); free(sha1_ctx); return 1; }
void ocspdSha1( const void *data, CC_LONG len, unsigned char *md) // allocd by caller, CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH bytes { CC_SHA1_CTX ctx; CC_SHA1_Init(&ctx); CC_SHA1_Update(&ctx, data, len); CC_SHA1_Final(md, &ctx); }
int sCCHashFinalSHA1(void *ctx, unsigned char *out) { CC_SHA1_Final(out, ctx); #ifdef LTC_CLEAN_STACK zeromem(ctx, sizeof(CC_SHA1_CTX)); #endif return CRYPT_OK; }
void MSChap2_MPPEGetAsymetricStartKey(const uint8_t MasterKey[NT_MASTER_KEY_SIZE], uint8_t SessionKey[NT_SESSION_KEY_SIZE], int SessionKeyLength, bool IsSend, bool IsServer) { CC_SHA1_CTX context; uint8_t Digest[CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; const uint8_t * s; /* * The logic in the spec says: * if (IsSend) { * if (IsServer) { * s = Magic3; * } * else { * s = Magic2; * } * } * else { * if (IsServer) { * s = Magic2; * } * else { * s = Magic3; * } * } * * The corresponding truth table is: * IsSend IsServer s * 0 0 Magic3 * 0 1 Magic2 * 1 0 Magic2 * 1 1 Magic3 * which is simply: * s = (IsSend == IsServer) ? Magic3 : Magic2; */ s = (IsSend == IsServer) ? Magic3 : Magic2; memset(Digest, 0, sizeof(Digest)); CC_SHA1_Init(&context); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, MasterKey, NT_MASTER_KEY_SIZE); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, SHSpad1, sizeof(SHSpad1)); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, s, MAGIC2_3_SIZE); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, SHSpad2, sizeof(SHSpad2)); CC_SHA1_Final(Digest, &context); if (SessionKeyLength > NT_SESSION_KEY_SIZE) { SessionKeyLength = NT_SESSION_KEY_SIZE; } memcpy(SessionKey, Digest, SessionKeyLength); return; }
static OSStatus HashSHA1Final(SSLBuffer *digestCtx, SSLBuffer *digest) { assert(digestCtx->length >= sizeof(CC_SHA1_CTX)); CC_SHA1_CTX *ctx = (CC_SHA1_CTX *)digestCtx->data; dgprintf(("###HashSHA1Final ctx %p\n", ctx)); assert(digest->length >= CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH); //if (digest->length < CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH) // return errSSLCrypto; CC_SHA1_Final(digest->data, ctx); digest->length = CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH; return noErr; }
static void md_final(int type, unsigned char *str, void *ctx) { switch (type) { case MD_TYPE_MD5: CC_MD5_Final(str, ctx); break; case MD_TYPE_SHA1: CC_SHA1_Final(str, ctx); break; case MD_TYPE_SHA256: CC_SHA256_Final(str, ctx); break; case MD_TYPE_SHA384: CC_SHA384_Final(str, ctx); break; case MD_TYPE_SHA512: CC_SHA512_Final(str, ctx); break; default: break; } }
extern "C" int32_t AppleCryptoNative_DigestFinal(DigestCtx* ctx, uint8_t* pOutput, int32_t cbOutput) { if (ctx == nullptr || pOutput == nullptr || cbOutput < ctx->cbDigest) return -1; int32_t ret = 0; switch (ctx->algorithm) { case PAL_MD5: ret = CC_MD5_Final(pOutput, &ctx->d.md5); break; case PAL_SHA1: ret = CC_SHA1_Final(pOutput, &ctx->d.sha1); break; case PAL_SHA256: ret = CC_SHA256_Final(pOutput, &ctx->d.sha256); break; case PAL_SHA384: ret = CC_SHA384_Final(pOutput, &ctx->d.sha384); break; case PAL_SHA512: ret = CC_SHA512_Final(pOutput, &ctx->d.sha512); break; default: ret = -1; break; } if (ret != 1) { return ret; } switch (ctx->algorithm) { case PAL_MD5: return CC_MD5_Init(&ctx->d.md5); case PAL_SHA1: return CC_SHA1_Init(&ctx->d.sha1); case PAL_SHA256: return CC_SHA256_Init(&ctx->d.sha256); case PAL_SHA384: return CC_SHA384_Init(&ctx->d.sha384); case PAL_SHA512: return CC_SHA512_Init(&ctx->d.sha512); default: assert(false); return -2; } }
string Crypto::DigestFinish(Digest x) { auto d = FromVoid<CCDigest*>(x); string ret; switch(d->algo) { case CCDigestAlgo::MD5: ret.resize(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH); CC_MD5_Final (MakeUnsigned(&ret[0]), static_cast<CC_MD5_CTX*> (d->v)); free(d->v); d->v=0; break; case CCDigestAlgo::SHA1: ret.resize(CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH); CC_SHA1_Final (MakeUnsigned(&ret[0]), static_cast<CC_SHA1_CTX*> (d->v)); free(d->v); d->v=0; break; case CCDigestAlgo::SHA256: ret.resize(CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); CC_SHA256_Final(MakeUnsigned(&ret[0]), static_cast<CC_SHA256_CTX*>(d->v)); free(d->v); d->v=0; break; case CCDigestAlgo::SHA384: ret.resize(CC_SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH); CC_SHA384_Final(MakeUnsigned(&ret[0]), static_cast<CC_SHA512_CTX*>(d->v)); free(d->v); d->v=0; break; case CCDigestAlgo::SHA512: ret.resize(CC_SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); CC_SHA512_Final(MakeUnsigned(&ret[0]), static_cast<CC_SHA512_CTX*>(d->v)); free(d->v); d->v=0; break; default: break; } delete d; return ret; }
static void GetMasterKey(const uint8_t PasswordHashHash[NT_PASSWORD_HASH_SIZE], const uint8_t NTResponse[MSCHAP_NT_RESPONSE_SIZE], uint8_t MasterKey[NT_MASTER_KEY_SIZE]) { CC_SHA1_CTX context; uint8_t Digest[CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; memset(Digest, 0, sizeof(Digest)); CC_SHA1_Init(&context); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, PasswordHashHash, NT_PASSWORD_HASH_SIZE); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, NTResponse, MSCHAP_NT_RESPONSE_SIZE); CC_SHA1_Update(&context, Magic1, sizeof(Magic1)); CC_SHA1_Final(Digest, &context); memcpy(MasterKey, Digest, NT_MASTER_KEY_SIZE); return; }
unsigned char *sha1file(char *path) { FILE *f = fopen(path, "r"); if(!f) { return NULL; } CC_SHA1_CTX ctx; CC_SHA1_Init(&ctx); char buf[CC_SHA1_BLOCK_BYTES]; while(!feof(f)) { size_t read = fread(buf, 1, CC_SHA1_BLOCK_BYTES, f); CC_SHA1_Update(&ctx, buf, (CC_LONG)read); } fclose(f); unsigned char *hash = malloc(CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH); CC_SHA1_Final(hash, &ctx); return hash; }
char * mit_krb5_pkinit_cert_hash_str(const mit_krb5_data *cert) { #ifdef HAVE_COMMONCRYPTO_COMMONDIGEST_H CC_SHA1_CTX ctx; char *outstr, *cpOut; unsigned char digest[CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; unsigned i; LOG_ENTRY(); CC_SHA1_Init(&ctx); CC_SHA1_Update(&ctx, cert->data, cert->length); CC_SHA1_Final(digest, &ctx); cpOut = outstr = (char *)malloc((2 * CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH) + 1); if(outstr == NULL) return NULL; for(i = 0; i < CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++, cpOut += 2) sprintf(cpOut, "%02X", (unsigned)digest[i]); *cpOut = '\0'; return outstr; #elif defined(_WIN32) HCRYPTPROV hProv = 0; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; char *outstr = NULL; char *outpos; size_t cch_left; BYTE *hash = NULL; DWORD hashSize = 0; DWORD len, i; LOG_ENTRY(); if (!CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_SIG, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { LOG_LASTERROR("CryptAcquireContext failed"); goto done; } if (!CryptCreateHash(hProv, CALG_SHA1, 0, 0, &hHash)) { LOG_LASTERROR("CryptCreateHash failed"); goto done; } if (!CryptHashData(hHash, (BYTE *) cert->data, cert->length, 0)) { LOG_LASTERROR("CryptHashData failed"); goto done; } len = sizeof(hashSize); if (!CryptGetHashParam(hHash, HP_HASHSIZE, (BYTE *) &hashSize, &len, 0)) { LOG_LASTERROR("CryptGetHashParam failed while getting hash size"); goto done; } hash = malloc(hashSize); if (hash == NULL) { goto done; } len = hashSize; if (!CryptGetHashParam(hHash, HP_HASHVAL, hash, &len, 0)) { LOG_LASTERROR("CryptGetHashParam failed while getting hash"); goto done; } outstr = malloc(hashSize * 2 + 1); if (outstr == NULL) { goto done; } outpos = outstr; cch_left = hashSize * 2 + 1; for (i = 0; i < hashSize; i++) { StringCchPrintfExA(outpos, cch_left, &outpos, &cch_left, STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE, "%02X", (unsigned) hash[i]); } *outpos = '\0'; done: if (hHash != 0) CryptDestroyHash(hHash); if (hProv != 0) CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0); if (hash != NULL) free(hash); return outstr; #endif }
const void* SHA1Digest::Finalize() { CC_SHA1_Final(mDigestBuffer, &mContext); return mDigestBuffer; }
int p12_pbe_gen(CFStringRef passphrase, uint8_t *salt_ptr, size_t salt_length, unsigned iter_count, P12_PBE_ID pbe_id, uint8_t *data, size_t length) { unsigned int hash_blocksize = CC_SHA1_BLOCK_BYTES; unsigned int hash_outputsize = CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH; if (!passphrase) return -1; /* generate diversifier block */ unsigned char diversifier[hash_blocksize]; memset(diversifier, pbe_id, sizeof(diversifier)); /* convert passphrase to BE UTF16 and append double null */ CFDataRef passphrase_be_unicode = CFStringCreateExternalRepresentation(kCFAllocatorDefault, passphrase, kCFStringEncodingUTF16BE, '\0'); if (!passphrase_be_unicode) return -1; uint8_t null_termination[2] = { 0, 0 }; CFMutableDataRef passphrase_be_unicode_null_term = CFDataCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, passphrase_be_unicode); CFRelease(passphrase_be_unicode); if (!passphrase_be_unicode_null_term) return -1; CFDataAppendBytes(passphrase_be_unicode_null_term, null_termination, sizeof(null_termination)); /* generate passphrase block */ uint8_t *passphrase_data = NULL; size_t passphrase_data_len = 0; size_t passphrase_length = CFDataGetLength(passphrase_be_unicode_null_term); const unsigned char *passphrase_ptr = CFDataGetBytePtr(passphrase_be_unicode_null_term); passphrase_data = concatenate_to_blocksize(passphrase_ptr, passphrase_length, hash_blocksize, &passphrase_data_len); CFRelease(passphrase_be_unicode_null_term); if (!passphrase_data) return -1; /* generate salt block */ uint8_t *salt_data = NULL; size_t salt_data_len = 0; if (salt_length) salt_data = concatenate_to_blocksize(salt_ptr, salt_length, hash_blocksize, &salt_data_len); if (!salt_data) return -1; /* generate S||P block */ size_t I_length = salt_data_len + passphrase_data_len; uint8_t *I_data = malloc(I_length); if (!I_data) return -1; memcpy(I_data + 0, salt_data, salt_data_len); memcpy(I_data + salt_data_len, passphrase_data, passphrase_data_len); free(salt_data); free(passphrase_data); /* round up output buffer to multiple of hash block size and allocate */ size_t hash_output_blocks = (length + hash_outputsize - 1) / hash_outputsize; size_t temp_buf_size = hash_output_blocks * hash_outputsize; uint8_t *temp_buf = malloc(temp_buf_size); uint8_t *cursor = temp_buf; if (!temp_buf) return -1; /* 64 bits cast(s): worst case here is we dont hash all the data and incorectly derive the wrong key, when the passphrase + salt are over 2^32 bytes long */ /* loop over output in hash_output_size increments */ while (cursor < temp_buf + temp_buf_size) { CC_SHA1_CTX ctx; CC_SHA1_Init(&ctx); CC_SHA1_Update(&ctx, diversifier, (CC_LONG)sizeof(diversifier)); assert(I_length<=UINT32_MAX); /* debug check. Correct as long as CC_LONG is uint32_t */ CC_SHA1_Update(&ctx, I_data, (CC_LONG)I_length); CC_SHA1_Final(cursor, &ctx); /* run block through SHA-1 for iteration count */ unsigned int i; for (i = 1; /*first round done above*/ i < iter_count; i++) CC_SHA1(cursor, hash_outputsize, cursor); /* * b) Concatenate copies of A[i] to create a string B of * length v bits (the final copy of A[i]i may be truncated * to create B). */ size_t A_i_len = 0; uint8_t *A_i = concatenate_to_blocksize(cursor, hash_outputsize, hash_blocksize, &A_i_len); if (!A_i) return -1; /* * c) Treating I as a concatenation I[0], I[1], ..., * I[k-1] of v-bit blocks, where k = ceil(s/v) + ceil(p/v), * modify I by setting I[j]=(I[j]+B+1) mod (2 ** v) * for each j. */ /* tmp1 = B+1 */ const cc_size tmp_n = ccn_nof_size(A_i_len + 1) > ccn_nof_size(hash_blocksize) ? ccn_nof_size(A_i_len + 1) : ccn_nof_size(hash_blocksize); cc_unit tmp1[tmp_n]; ccn_read_uint(tmp_n, tmp1, A_i_len, A_i); ccn_add1(tmp_n, tmp1, tmp1, 1); free(A_i); cc_unit tmp2[tmp_n]; unsigned int j; for (j = 0; j < I_length; j+=hash_blocksize) { /* tempg = I[j]; */ ccn_read_uint(tmp_n, tmp2, hash_blocksize, I_data + j); /* tempg += tmp1 */ ccn_add(tmp_n, tmp2, tmp2, tmp1); /* I[j] = tempg mod 2**v Just clear all the high bits above 2**v In practice at most it rolled over by 1 bit, since all we did was add so we should only clear one bit at most. */ size_t bitSize; const size_t hash_blocksize_bits = hash_blocksize * 8; while ((bitSize = ccn_bitlen(tmp_n, tmp2)) > hash_blocksize_bits) { ccn_set_bit(tmp2, bitSize - 1, 0); } ccn_write_uint_padded(tmp_n, tmp2, hash_blocksize, I_data + j); } cursor += hash_outputsize; } /* * 7. Concatenate A[1], A[2], ..., A[c] together to form a * pseudo-random bit string, A. * * 8. Use the first n bits of A as the output of this entire * process. */ memmove(data, temp_buf, length); free(temp_buf); free(I_data); return 0; }
CFStringRef FileSHA1HashCreateWithPath(CFStringRef filePath, size_t chunkSizeForReadingData) { // Declare needed variables CFStringRef result = NULL; CFReadStreamRef readStream = NULL; // Get the file URL CFURLRef fileURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFStringRef)filePath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, (Boolean)false); if (!fileURL) goto done; // Create and open the read stream readStream = CFReadStreamCreateWithFile(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFURLRef)fileURL); if (!readStream) goto done; bool didSucceed = (bool)CFReadStreamOpen(readStream); if (!didSucceed) goto done; // Initialize the hash object CC_SHA1_CTX hashObject; CC_SHA1_Init(&hashObject); // Make sure chunkSizeForReadingData is valid if (!chunkSizeForReadingData) { chunkSizeForReadingData = FileHashDefaultChunkSizeForReadingData; } // Feed the data to the hash object bool hasMoreData = true; while (hasMoreData) { uint8_t buffer[chunkSizeForReadingData]; CFIndex readBytesCount = CFReadStreamRead(readStream, (UInt8 *)buffer, (CFIndex)sizeof(buffer)); if (readBytesCount == -1) break; if (readBytesCount == 0) { hasMoreData = false; continue; } CC_SHA1_Update(&hashObject, (const void *)buffer, (CC_LONG)readBytesCount); } // Check if the read operation succeeded didSucceed = !hasMoreData; // Compute the hash digest unsigned char digest[CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; CC_SHA1_Final(digest, &hashObject); // Abort if the read operation failed if (!didSucceed) goto done; // Compute the string result char hash[2 * sizeof(digest) + 1]; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(digest); ++i) { snprintf(hash + (2 * i), 3, "%02x", (int)(digest[i])); } result = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const char *)hash, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); done: if (readStream) { CFReadStreamClose(readStream); CFRelease(readStream); } if (fileURL) { CFRelease(fileURL); } return result; }
ssize_t /* O - Size of hash or -1 on error */ cupsHashData(const char *algorithm, /* I - Algorithm name */ const void *data, /* I - Data to hash */ size_t datalen, /* I - Length of data to hash */ unsigned char *hash, /* I - Hash buffer */ size_t hashsize) /* I - Size of hash buffer */ { if (!algorithm || !data || datalen == 0 || !hash || hashsize == 0) { _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad arguments to function"), 1); return (-1); } #ifdef __APPLE__ if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha")) { /* * SHA-1... */ CC_SHA1_CTX ctx; /* SHA-1 context */ if (hashsize < CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH) goto too_small; CC_SHA1_Init(&ctx); CC_SHA1_Update(&ctx, data, (CC_LONG)datalen); CC_SHA1_Final(hash, &ctx); return (CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH); } else if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha2-224")) { CC_SHA256_CTX ctx; /* SHA-224 context */ if (hashsize < CC_SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH) goto too_small; CC_SHA224_Init(&ctx); CC_SHA224_Update(&ctx, data, (CC_LONG)datalen); CC_SHA224_Final(hash, &ctx); return (CC_SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH); } else if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha2-256")) { CC_SHA256_CTX ctx; /* SHA-256 context */ if (hashsize < CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH) goto too_small; CC_SHA256_Init(&ctx); CC_SHA256_Update(&ctx, data, (CC_LONG)datalen); CC_SHA256_Final(hash, &ctx); return (CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); } else if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha2-384")) { CC_SHA512_CTX ctx; /* SHA-384 context */ if (hashsize < CC_SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH) goto too_small; CC_SHA384_Init(&ctx); CC_SHA384_Update(&ctx, data, (CC_LONG)datalen); CC_SHA384_Final(hash, &ctx); return (CC_SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH); } else if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha2-512")) { CC_SHA512_CTX ctx; /* SHA-512 context */ if (hashsize < CC_SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH) goto too_small; CC_SHA512_Init(&ctx); CC_SHA512_Update(&ctx, data, (CC_LONG)datalen); CC_SHA512_Final(hash, &ctx); return (CC_SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); } else if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha2-512_224")) { CC_SHA512_CTX ctx; /* SHA-512 context */ unsigned char temp[CC_SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH]; /* SHA-512 hash */ /* * SHA2-512 truncated to 224 bits (28 bytes)... */ if (hashsize < CC_SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH) goto too_small; CC_SHA512_Init(&ctx); CC_SHA512_Update(&ctx, data, (CC_LONG)datalen); CC_SHA512_Final(temp, &ctx); memcpy(hash, temp, CC_SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH); return (CC_SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH); } else if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha2-512_256")) { CC_SHA512_CTX ctx; /* SHA-512 context */ unsigned char temp[CC_SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH]; /* SHA-512 hash */ /* * SHA2-512 truncated to 256 bits (32 bytes)... */ if (hashsize < CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH) goto too_small; CC_SHA512_Init(&ctx); CC_SHA512_Update(&ctx, data, (CC_LONG)datalen); CC_SHA512_Final(temp, &ctx); memcpy(hash, temp, CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); return (CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); } #elif defined(HAVE_GNUTLS) gnutls_digest_algorithm_t alg = GNUTLS_DIG_UNKNOWN; /* Algorithm */ unsigned char temp[64]; /* Temporary hash buffer */ size_t tempsize = 0; /* Truncate to this size? */ if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha")) alg = GNUTLS_DIG_SHA1; else if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha2-224")) alg = GNUTLS_DIG_SHA224; else if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha2-256")) alg = GNUTLS_DIG_SHA256; else if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha2-384")) alg = GNUTLS_DIG_SHA384; else if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha2-512")) alg = GNUTLS_DIG_SHA512; else if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha2-512_224")) { alg = GNUTLS_DIG_SHA512; tempsize = 28; } else if (!strcmp(algorithm, "sha2-512_256")) { alg = GNUTLS_DIG_SHA512; tempsize = 32; } if (alg != GNUTLS_DIG_UNKNOWN) { if (tempsize > 0) { /* * Truncate result to tempsize bytes... */ if (hashsize < tempsize) goto too_small; gnutls_hash_fast(alg, data, datalen, temp); memcpy(hash, temp, tempsize); return ((ssize_t)tempsize); } if (hashsize < gnutls_hash_get_len(alg)) goto too_small; gnutls_hash_fast(alg, data, datalen, hash); return (gnutls_hash_get_len(alg)); } #else /* * No hash support without CommonCrypto or GNU TLS... */ if (hashsize < 64) goto too_small; #endif /* __APPLE__ */ /* * Unknown hash algorithm... */ _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Unknown hash algorithm."), 1); return (-1); /* * We get here if the buffer is too small. */ too_small: _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Hash buffer too small."), 1); return (-1); }
// void get_device_infos(CFMutableDictionaryRef out) { CC_SHA1_CTX sha1ctx; uint8_t udid[20]; char udid1[100]; CFStringRef serial; CFStringRef imei; CFStringRef macwifi; CFStringRef macbt; CFStringRef hw = copy_hardware_model(); if (hw != NULL) { CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("hwModel"), hw); CFRelease(hw); } serial = copy_device_serial_number(); imei = copy_device_imei(); macwifi = copy_wifi_mac_address(); macbt = copy_bluetooth_mac_address(); CFMutableStringRef udidInput = CFStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0); if (serial != NULL) { CFStringAppend(udidInput, serial); CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("serialNumber"), serial); CFRelease(serial); } uint64_t _ecid = 0; CFNumberRef ecid = copyNumberFromChosen(CFSTR("unique-chip-id")); if (ecid != NULL) { CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("ECID"), ecid); } if (ecid != NULL && useNewUDID(hw)) { CFNumberGetValue(ecid, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &_ecid); CFStringAppendFormat(udidInput, NULL, CFSTR("%llu"), _ecid); } else if (imei != NULL) { CFStringAppend(udidInput, imei); CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("imei"), imei); CFRelease(imei); } if (macwifi != NULL) { CFStringAppend(udidInput, macwifi); CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("wifiMac"), macwifi); CFRelease(macwifi); } if (macbt != NULL) { CFStringAppend(udidInput, macbt); CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("btMac"), macbt); CFRelease(macbt); } CFStringGetCString(udidInput, udid1, 99, kCFStringEncodingASCII); CC_SHA1_Init(&sha1ctx); CC_SHA1_Update(&sha1ctx, udid1, CFStringGetLength(udidInput)); CC_SHA1_Final(udid, &sha1ctx); CFRelease(udidInput); addHexaString(out, CFSTR("udid"), udid, 20); }
static int __archive_libsystem_sha1final(archive_sha1_ctx *ctx, void *md) { CC_SHA1_Final(md, ctx); return (ARCHIVE_OK); }
void SHA1Object::digestFinal( void *digest) { CC_SHA1_Final((unsigned char *)digest, &mCtx); mIsDone = true; }