コード例 #1

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.cRenderer = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "renderer");
	myConfig.iDeskletRendererType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "desklet renderer");

	gsize length = 0;
	myConfig.cMimeTypes = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING_LIST ("Configuration", "mime", &length);
	myConfig.bFilter = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "filter");
	myConfig.iSortType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "sort by");
	myConfig.bSelectionClipBoard = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "selection_", FALSE);
	myConfig.cTextIcon = CD_CONFIG_GET_FILE_PATH ("Configuration", "text icon", NULL);
	if (myConfig.cTextIcon == NULL)
		myConfig.cTextIcon = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path ("text-x-generic", MAX (myIcon->image.iWidth, myIcon->image.iHeight));
		if (myConfig.cTextIcon == NULL)
	myConfig.cUrlIcon = CD_CONFIG_GET_FILE_PATH ("Configuration", "url icon", NULL);
	if (myConfig.cUrlIcon == NULL)
コード例 #2
#include <string.h>

#include "tomboy-struct.h"
#include "tomboy-dbus.h"
#include "tomboy-config.h"

	myConfig.defaultTitle		= CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Icon", "name");
	myConfig.cIconDefault 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Icon", "default icon");
	myConfig.cIconClose		= CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Icon", "close icon");
	myConfig.cIconBroken 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Icon", "broken icon");
	myConfig.bNoDeletedSignal 	= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "no deleted signal"); // Ce problème n'étant vu que sur Gutsy, on pourrait le supprimer
	myConfig.iAppControlled		= CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "app controlled");
	myConfig.cRenderer 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "renderer");
	myConfig.bDrawContent 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "draw content");
	myConfig.bPopupContent 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "popup content", TRUE);
	myConfig.cDateFormat 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "date format");
	if (myConfig.cDateFormat == NULL)
		myConfig.cDateFormat = g_strdup ("%d/%m/%y");
	myConfig.bAutoNaming = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "auto-naming", TRUE);
	myConfig.bAskBeforeDelete = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "ask delete");
	double couleur[3] = {1., 0., 0.};
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "text color", myConfig.fTextColor, couleur);

	g_free (myConfig.defaultTitle);
	g_free (myConfig.cIconDefault);
コード例 #3
	myConfig.quickInfoType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "quick-info_type", POWER_MANAGER_TIME);
	myConfig.lowBatteryWitness = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "low battery", TRUE);
	myConfig.highBatteryWitness = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "high battery", TRUE);
	myConfig.criticalBatteryWitness = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "critical battery", TRUE);
	myConfig.batteryWitness = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "battery witness", TRUE);
	myConfig.batteryWitnessAnimation = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "battery_animation");
	myConfig.lowBatteryValue = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "low value", 15);
	myConfig.bUseDBusFallback = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "use_dbus");
	if (! g_key_file_has_key (CD_APPLET_MY_KEY_FILE, "Configuration", "renderer", NULL))  // old version.
		myConfig.iDisplayType = (g_key_file_get_boolean (CD_APPLET_MY_KEY_FILE, "Configuration", "use gauge", NULL) ? CD_POWERMANAGER_GAUGE : CD_POWERMANAGER_ICONS);
		int dummy = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "renderer");
		myConfig.iDisplayType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "renderer");
	myConfig.cGThemePath = CD_CONFIG_GET_GAUGE_THEME ("Configuration", "theme");
	myConfig.iGraphType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "graphic type");
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB ("Configuration", "low color", myConfig.fLowColor);
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB ("Configuration", "high color", myConfig.fHigholor);
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR ("Configuration", "bg color", myConfig.fBgColor);
コード例 #4

#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-notifications.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.

	gsize length = 0;
	myConfig.cURI_to_load = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "weblet URI");
	myConfig.bShowScrollbars = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show scrollbars");
	myConfig.bIsTransparent = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "transparent background");
	myConfig.iPosScrollX = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "scroll x");
	myConfig.iPosScrollY = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "scroll y");
	myConfig.iReloadTimeout = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "reload timeout");
	myConfig.cListURI = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING_LIST ("Configuration", "uri list", &length);
	myConfig.iRightMargin = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "right margin", 5);

	if (myConfig.cListURI == NULL) {
		g_key_file_set_string (CD_APPLET_MY_KEY_FILE, "Configuration", "uri list", "www.cairo-dock.org;www.google.com;m.google.com/mail;www.rememberthemilk.com/services/modules/googleig;https://www.meebo.com/mobile;https://www.pandora.com/radio/tuner_8_7_0_0_pandora.swf;http://digg.com/iphone#_stories;http://www.bashfr.org/?sort=top50;about:plugins");
		cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (CD_APPLET_MY_KEY_FILE, CD_APPLET_MY_CONF_FILE);
		myConfig.cListURI = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING_LIST ("Configuration", "uri list", &length);
コード例 #5
#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.iParticleLifeTime = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "life");
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB ("Configuration", "color1", myConfig.pColor1);
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB ("Configuration", "color2", myConfig.pColor2);
	myConfig.iNbParticles = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "nb part");
	myConfig.iParticleSize = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "part size");
	myConfig.bMysticalFire = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "mystical");
	myConfig.iNbSources = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "nb sources");
	myConfig.fRotationSpeed = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE ("Configuration", "rotation speed");
	myConfig.fScattering = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE ("Configuration", "scattering");
	myConfig.iContainerType  = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "container") + 1;

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myConfig. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called right before you get the applet's config, and when your applet is stopped, in the end.

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myData. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called when your applet is stopped, in the very end.
コード例 #6

#define _get_particle_system_config(cGroupName, parameters) \
	parameters.iDuration = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER (cGroupName, "duration");\
	parameters.bContinue = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN (cGroupName, "continue");\
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB (cGroupName, "color1", parameters.pColor1);\
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB (cGroupName, "color2", parameters.pColor2);\
	parameters.bMystical = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN (cGroupName, "mystical");\
	parameters.iNbParticles = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER (cGroupName, "nb part");\
	parameters.iParticleSize = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER (cGroupName, "part size");\
	parameters.fParticleSpeed = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE (cGroupName, "part speed")

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.bBackGround = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Global", "background");
	myConfig.bRotateEffects = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Global", "rotate");
	int i,j;
	for (i = 0; i < CD_ICON_EFFECT_NB_EFFECTS; i ++)
		myConfig.iEffectsUsed[i] = -1;
	for (j = 0; j < CAIRO_DOCK_NB_TYPES; j += 2)
		for (i = 0; i < CD_ICON_EFFECT_NB_EFFECTS; i ++)
			myConfig.iEffectsOnClick[j][i] = -1;
	CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_LIST ("Global", "effects", CD_ICON_EFFECT_NB_EFFECTS, (int *)myConfig.iEffectsUsed);
コード例 #7
#include <string.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

	//\_________________ On recupere toutes les valeurs de notre fichier de conf.
	myConfig.cThemePath = CD_CONFIG_GET_THEME_PATH ("Configuration", "theme", "themes", "Classic");
	myConfig.iDelayBetweenChanges = MAX (2, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "change delay"));
	myConfig.fAlpha = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE ("Configuration", "alpha");
	myConfig.bFree = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "free");
	myConfig.iGroundOffset = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "ground");

	g_free (myConfig.cThemePath);

static void _penguin_reset_one_animation (PenguinAnimation *pAnimation)
	if (pAnimation->pSurfaces != NULL)
		int i, j;
コード例 #8
This file is a part of the cairo-dock program, 
released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Written by Fabrice Rey (for any bug report, please mail me to [email protected])

#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-disk-usage.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

	myConfig.bListDrives = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Module", "list drives");
	myConfig.bListNetwork = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Module", "list network");
	myConfig.bListBookmarks = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Module", "list bookmarks");
	myConfig.bUseSeparator = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Module", "use separator");
	myConfig.iDisplayType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Module", "disk usage", CD_SHOW_USED_SPACE_PERCENT);
	myConfig.iCheckInterval = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Module", "check interval", 10);
	myConfig.bDrawBar = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Module", "draw bar", TRUE);
	myConfig.cRenderer = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Module", "renderer");
	myConfig.iDeskletRendererType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Module", "desklet renderer");

	g_free (myConfig.cRenderer);
コード例 #9
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.bEnablePopUp 			= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable pop-up");
	myConfig.bEnableReboot 			= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable reboot");
	myConfig.bEnableDesklets 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable desklets");
	myConfig.bEnableReloadModule	= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable reload module");
	myConfig.bEnableActivateModule	= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable reload module");
	myConfig.bEnableQuit 			= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable quit");
	myConfig.bEnableShowDock 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable show dock");
	myConfig.bEnableTweakingLauncher = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable add launcher");
	myConfig.bEnableCreateLauncher	= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable add launcher");
	myConfig.bEnableSetQuickInfo	= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable set quickinfo");
	myConfig.bEnableSetLabel 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable set label");
	myConfig.bEnableSetIcon 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable set icon");
	myConfig.bEnableAnimateIcon		= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "enable animate icon");
	myConfig.bLaunchLauncherAPIDaemon = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "launcher api daemon", TRUE);
コード例 #10
released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Written by Fabrice Rey (for any bug report, please mail me to [email protected])


#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.bSomeBooleanValue = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "yes_no");
	myConfig.iSomeIntegerValue = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "int");
	myConfig.cSomeStringValue = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "text");

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myConfig. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called right before you get the applet's config, and when your applet is stopped, in the end.
	g_free (myConfig.cSomeStringValue);

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myData. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called when your applet is stopped, in the very end.
コード例 #11
#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

	//\_________________ On recupere toutes les valeurs de notre fichier de conf.
	myConfig.defaultTitle = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Icon", "name");
	myConfig.iCheckInterval = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "delay");
	myConfig.fSmoothFactor = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE ("Configuration", "smooth");
	myConfig.bShowCpu = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "show cpu", TRUE);
	myConfig.bShowRam = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "show ram", TRUE);
	myConfig.bShowSwap = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show swap");
	myConfig.bShowNvidia = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show nvidia");
	myConfig.bShowCpuTemp = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "show cpu temp", FALSE);
	myConfig.bShowFanSpeed = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "show fan", FALSE);
#endif  // donc toujours a false si non defini
	myConfig.bShowFreeMemory = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show free");
	myConfig.iInfoDisplay = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "info display");
	myConfig.iDisplayType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "renderer");
	myConfig.cGThemePath = CD_CONFIG_GET_GAUGE_THEME ("Configuration", "theme");
	myConfig.iRotateTheme = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "rotate theme");
	myConfig.iGraphType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "graphic type");
	myConfig.bMixGraph = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "mix graph");
コード例 #12
Written by Fabrice Rey (for any bug report, please mail me to [email protected])


#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-theme.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.iLoadingModifier = (CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "keep ratio") ? CAIRO_DOCK_KEEP_RATIO : 0);
	myConfig.cThemePath = CD_CONFIG_GET_THEME_PATH ("Configuration", "theme", "themes", "Classic");
	myConfig.iWinkDelay = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "wink delay");
	myConfig.iWinkDuration = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "wink duration");
	myConfig.bFastCheck = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "fast");

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myConfig. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called right before you get the applet's config, and when your applet is stopped, in the end.
	g_free (myConfig.cThemePath);

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myData. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called when your applet is stopped, in the very end.
コード例 #13
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-notifications.h"
#include "applet-menu.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.bHasIcons = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "has icons");
	myConfig.cMenuShortkey = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "menu shortkey");
	myConfig.cDirPath = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "dir path");
	myConfig.bFoldersFirst = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "folders first");
	myConfig.bCaseUnsensitive = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "case unsensitive");
	myConfig.bShowHiddenFiles = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show hidden");
	myConfig.iNbSubItemsAtOnce = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "granularity");
	if (myConfig.iNbSubItemsAtOnce < 1)
		myConfig.iNbSubItemsAtOnce = 1;
	// On gere les chemins relatifs.
	if (myConfig.cDirPath != NULL && *myConfig.cDirPath == '~')
		gchar *tmp = myConfig.cDirPath;
		myConfig.cDirPath = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s", g_getenv ("HOME"), myConfig.cDirPath+1);
		g_free (tmp);
コード例 #14
released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Written by Fabrice Rey (for any bug report, please mail me to [email protected])


#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.bShowKbdIndicator = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show indic");
	myConfig.cBackgroundImage = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "bg image");
	myConfig.iTransitionDuration = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "transition");
	myConfig.fTextRatio = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "text ratio", 1.);
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB("Configuration", "text color", myConfig.textDescription.fColorStart);
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB("Configuration", "text color", myConfig.textDescription.fColorStop);
	int iWeight = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "text weight");
	myConfig.textDescription.iWeight = cairo_dock_get_pango_weight_from_1_9 (iWeight);
	myConfig.textDescription.iStyle = PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL;
	myConfig.textDescription.bOutlined = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "outlined");
	myConfig.textDescription.cFont = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "font");

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myConfig. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called right before you get the applet's config, and when your applet is stopped, in the end.