/** * MacDateTime::LocalTZA * * Determines the Local Time Zone Adjustment, in seconds from GMT */ double MacDateTime::LocalTZA(double time) { CFTimeZoneRef tz = CFTimeZoneCopySystem(); if (tz) { CFAbsoluteTime at = ECMADateToCFAbsoluteTime(time); // pass now as the reference. // This will include any daylight savings offsets in the result. CFTimeInterval result = CFTimeZoneGetSecondsFromGMT(tz, at); CFRelease(tz); result *= kMsecPerSecond; // Remove the effects of daylight saving time return ( result -= MacDateTime::DaylightSavingTA(time) ); } MachineLocation location; ReadMachineLocation(&location); // Extract the GMT delta long gmtDelta = location.u.gmtDelta & 0xFFFFFF; if (gmtDelta & 0x800000) { gmtDelta |= 0xFF000000; } // Remove the effects of daylight saving time if (location.u.dlsDelta < 0) { gmtDelta -= 3600; } return (double)gmtDelta * kMsecPerSecond; }
// returns false if event occurs at 8PM and now it's 10PM // returns true if event occurs at 8PM, now it's 9AM static bool upcomingToday(CFDictionaryRef event, int today_cf) { static const int kAllowScheduleWindowSeconds = 5; CFGregorianDate greg_now; CFTimeZoneRef tizzy; uint32_t secondsToday; int secondsScheduled; int days_mask; if(!event) return false; // Determine if the scheduled event falls on today's day of week days_mask = getRepeatingDictionaryDayMask(event); if(!(days_mask & (1 << (today_cf-1)))) return false; // get gregorian date for right now tizzy = CFTimeZoneCopySystem(); greg_now = CFAbsoluteTimeGetGregorianDate( CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(), tizzy); CFRelease(tizzy); secondsToday = 60 * ((greg_now.hour*60) + greg_now.minute); secondsScheduled = 60 * getRepeatingDictionaryMinutes(event); // Initially, we required a 2 minute safety window before scheduling the next // power event. Now, we throw caution to the wind and try a 5 second window. // Lost events will simply be lost events. if(secondsScheduled >= (secondsToday + kAllowScheduleWindowSeconds)) return true; else return false; }
void filecontainer_doopen(t_filecontainer *x, t_symbol *arg) { t_atom a[4]; int err = 0; char filename[256]; short path; t_fourcc outtype = 0; t_fourcc type = 'cO0p'; #ifdef MAC_VERSION char *temppath; FSRef ref; Boolean isDir; FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; #else // WIN_VERSION char temppath[512]; #endif char fullpath[512]; t_object *result = NULL; t_object *result2 = NULL; char **record = NULL; // sqlite records char **record2 = NULL; // sqlite records t_filehandle file_handle; t_ptr_size len = 0; char *blob; char sql[512]; if(!arg || !arg->s_name[0]) { if(open_dialog(filename, &path, &outtype, NULL, -1)) // Returns 0 if successful return; } else { t_fourcc typelist[1]; typelist[0] = 'cO0p'; strcpy(filename, arg->s_name); path = 0; locatefile_extended(filename, &path, &type, typelist, 0); } path_topotentialname(path, filename, fullpath, 0); #ifdef MAC_VERSION temppath = strchr(fullpath, ':'); temppath += 1; #else // WIN_VERSION path_nameconform(fullpath, temppath, PATH_STYLE_NATIVE_WIN, PATH_TYPE_ABSOLUTE); #endif x->name = gensym(temppath); // Create our temp folder for extracted files filecontainer_gettemppath(x); // Create the SQLite instance atom_setsym(&a[0], gensym("@rambased")); atom_setlong(&a[1], 0); atom_setsym(&a[2], gensym("@db")); atom_setsym(&a[3], x->name); x->sqlite = object_new_typed(CLASS_NOBOX, _sym_sqlite, 4, a); // Operate on the open DB if(x->sqlite) { object_method(x->sqlite, ps_starttransaction); object_method(x->sqlite, _sym_execstring, TABLEDEF_FILES, NULL); object_method(x->sqlite, _sym_execstring, TABLEDEF_ATTRS, NULL); object_method(x->sqlite, _sym_execstring, "UPDATE files SET valid = 1", NULL); object_method(x->sqlite, _sym_execstring, "SELECT file_id, filename, moddate FROM files", &result); while(record = (char **)object_method(result, _sym_nextrecord)) { // Here we check for the optional 'platform' attr for this file. // If a flag exists for the other platform, but not for the current platform, then we ignore this file. #ifdef MAC_VERSION sprintf(sql, "SELECT file_id_ext FROM attrs \ WHERE attr_name = 'platform' AND attr_value = 'windows' AND file_id_ext = %s ", record[0]); object_method(x->sqlite, _sym_execstring, sql, &result2); record2 = (char **)object_method(result2, _sym_nextrecord); if(record2) { sprintf(sql, "SELECT file_id_ext FROM attrs \ WHERE attr_name = 'platform' AND attr_value = 'mac' AND file_id_ext = %s ", record[0]); object_method(x->sqlite, _sym_execstring, sql, &result2); record2 = (char **)object_method(result2, _sym_nextrecord); if(!record2) { sprintf(sql, "UPDATE files SET valid = 0 WHERE file_id = %s ", record[0]); object_method(x->sqlite, _sym_execstring, sql, NULL); continue; } } #else // WIN_VERSION snprintf(sql, 512, "SELECT file_id_ext FROM attrs \ WHERE attr_name = 'platform' AND attr_value = 'mac' AND file_id_ext = %s ", record[0]); object_method(x->sqlite, _sym_execstring, sql, &result2); record2 = (char **)object_method(result2, _sym_nextrecord); if(record2) { snprintf(sql, 512, "SELECT file_id_ext FROM attrs \ WHERE attr_name = 'platform' AND attr_value = 'windows' AND file_id_ext = %s ", record[0]); object_method(x->sqlite, _sym_execstring, sql, &result2); record2 = (char **)object_method(result2, _sym_nextrecord); if(!record2) { snprintf(sql, 512, "UPDATE files SET valid = 0 WHERE file_id = %s ", record[0]); object_method(x->sqlite, _sym_execstring, sql, NULL); continue; } } #endif // At this point we have a file (record[0]), and we have determined that it is indeed a file we want to cache // So cache it to a new file in our temp path err = path_createsysfile(record[1], x->temp_path, type, &file_handle); if(err) { // Handle any errors that occur object_error((t_object *)x, "%s - error %d creating file", filename, err); } else { snprintf(sql, 512, "SELECT content FROM files WHERE file_id = %s", record[0]); object_method(x->sqlite, ps_getblob, sql, &blob, &len); err = sysfile_write(file_handle, &len, blob); if(err) { object_error((t_object *)x, "sysfile_write error (%d)", err); } } err = sysfile_seteof(file_handle, len); if(err) { object_error((t_object *)x, "%s - error %d setting EOF", filename, err); } sysfile_close(file_handle); // close file reference sysmem_freeptr(blob); blob = NULL; // Set the moddate #ifdef MAC_VERSION // FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; // Boolean status; CFGregorianDate gdate; CFAbsoluteTime abstime; CFTimeZoneRef tz; UTCDateTime utc; sscanf(record[2], "%4ld-%02hd-%02hd %02hd:%02hd:%02lf", &gdate.year, (signed short*)&gdate.month, (signed short*)&gdate.day, (signed short*)&gdate.hour, (signed short*)&gdate.minute, &gdate.second); tz = CFTimeZoneCopySystem(); abstime = CFGregorianDateGetAbsoluteTime(gdate, tz); UCConvertCFAbsoluteTimeToUTCDateTime(abstime, &utc); catalogInfo.contentModDate = utc; strcpy(s_tempstr, x->temp_fullpath->s_name); temppath = strchr(s_tempstr, ':'); temppath++; strcat(temppath, "/"); strcat(temppath, record[1]); FSPathMakeRef((UInt8*)temppath, &ref, &isDir); err = FSSetCatalogInfo(&ref, kFSCatInfoContentMod, &catalogInfo); #else // WIN_VERSION char winpath[512]; HANDLE hFile; FILETIME fileTime; SYSTEMTIME systemTime; sscanf(record[2], "%4lu-%02lu-%02lu %02lu:%02lu:%02lu", &systemTime.wYear, &systemTime.wMonth, &systemTime.wDay, &systemTime.wHour, &systemTime.wMinute, &systemTime.wSecond); err = SystemTimeToFileTime(&systemTime, &fileTime); strcpy(s_tempstr, x->temp_fullpath->s_name); path_nameconform(s_tempstr, winpath, PATH_STYLE_NATIVE_WIN, PATH_TYPE_ABSOLUTE); strcat(winpath, "\\"); strcat(winpath, record[1]); hFile = CreateFile((LPCSTR)winpath , GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { object_error((t_object *)x, "invalid handle value"); goto out; } err = SetFileTime(hFile, &fileTime, &fileTime, &fileTime); if(err == 0) { err = GetLastError(); object_error((t_object *)x, "Error setting date: %i", err); } CloseHandle(hFile); out: ; #endif } object_method(x->sqlite, ps_endtransaction); }
// performs a locale sensitive date formatting operation on the struct tm parameter nsresult nsDateTimeFormatMac::FormatTMTime(nsILocale* locale, const nsDateFormatSelector dateFormatSelector, const nsTimeFormatSelector timeFormatSelector, const struct tm* tmTime, nsAString& stringOut) { nsresult res = NS_OK; // set up locale data (void) Initialize(locale); // return, nothing to format if (dateFormatSelector == kDateFormatNone && timeFormatSelector == kTimeFormatNone) { stringOut.Truncate(); return NS_OK; } NS_ASSERTION(tmTime->tm_mon >= 0, "tm is not set correctly"); NS_ASSERTION(tmTime->tm_mday >= 1, "tm is not set correctly"); NS_ASSERTION(tmTime->tm_hour >= 0, "tm is not set correctly"); NS_ASSERTION(tmTime->tm_min >= 0, "tm is not set correctly"); NS_ASSERTION(tmTime->tm_sec >= 0, "tm is not set correctly"); NS_ASSERTION(tmTime->tm_wday >= 0, "tm is not set correctly"); // Got the locale for the formatter: CFLocaleRef formatterLocale; if (!locale) { formatterLocale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent(); } else { CFStringRef localeStr = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(nullptr, reinterpret_cast<const UniChar*>(mLocale.get()), mLocale.Length()); formatterLocale = CFLocaleCreate(nullptr, localeStr); CFRelease(localeStr); } // Get the date style for the formatter: CFDateFormatterStyle dateStyle; switch (dateFormatSelector) { case kDateFormatLong: dateStyle = kCFDateFormatterLongStyle; break; case kDateFormatShort: dateStyle = kCFDateFormatterShortStyle; break; case kDateFormatYearMonth: case kDateFormatWeekday: dateStyle = kCFDateFormatterNoStyle; // formats handled below break; case kDateFormatNone: dateStyle = kCFDateFormatterNoStyle; break; default: NS_ERROR("Unknown nsDateFormatSelector"); res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; dateStyle = kCFDateFormatterNoStyle; } // Get the time style for the formatter: CFDateFormatterStyle timeStyle; switch (timeFormatSelector) { case kTimeFormatSeconds: case kTimeFormatSecondsForce24Hour: // 24 hour part fixed below timeStyle = kCFDateFormatterMediumStyle; break; case kTimeFormatNoSeconds: case kTimeFormatNoSecondsForce24Hour: // 24 hour part fixed below timeStyle = kCFDateFormatterShortStyle; break; case kTimeFormatNone: timeStyle = kCFDateFormatterNoStyle; break; default: NS_ERROR("Unknown nsTimeFormatSelector"); res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; timeStyle = kCFDateFormatterNoStyle; } // Create the formatter and fix up its formatting as necessary: CFDateFormatterRef formatter = CFDateFormatterCreate(nullptr, formatterLocale, dateStyle, timeStyle); CFRelease(formatterLocale); if (dateFormatSelector == kDateFormatYearMonth || dateFormatSelector == kDateFormatWeekday) { CFStringRef dateFormat = dateFormatSelector == kDateFormatYearMonth ? CFSTR("yyyy/MM ") : CFSTR("EEE "); CFStringRef oldFormat = CFDateFormatterGetFormat(formatter); CFMutableStringRef newFormat = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(nullptr, 0, oldFormat); CFStringInsert(newFormat, 0, dateFormat); CFDateFormatterSetFormat(formatter, newFormat); CFRelease(newFormat); // note we don't own oldFormat } if (timeFormatSelector == kTimeFormatSecondsForce24Hour || timeFormatSelector == kTimeFormatNoSecondsForce24Hour) { // Replace "h" with "H", and remove "a": CFStringRef oldFormat = CFDateFormatterGetFormat(formatter); CFMutableStringRef newFormat = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(nullptr, 0, oldFormat); CFIndex replaceCount = CFStringFindAndReplace(newFormat, CFSTR("h"), CFSTR("H"), CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(newFormat)), 0); NS_ASSERTION(replaceCount <= 2, "Unexpected number of \"h\" occurrences"); replaceCount = CFStringFindAndReplace(newFormat, CFSTR("a"), CFSTR(""), CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(newFormat)), 0); NS_ASSERTION(replaceCount <= 1, "Unexpected number of \"a\" occurrences"); CFDateFormatterSetFormat(formatter, newFormat); CFRelease(newFormat); // note we don't own oldFormat } // Now get the formatted date: CFGregorianDate date; date.second = tmTime->tm_sec; date.minute = tmTime->tm_min; date.hour = tmTime->tm_hour; date.day = tmTime->tm_mday; // Mac is 1-based, tm is 1-based date.month = tmTime->tm_mon + 1; // Mac is 1-based, tm is 0-based date.year = tmTime->tm_year + 1900; CFTimeZoneRef timeZone = CFTimeZoneCopySystem(); // tmTime is in local time CFAbsoluteTime absTime = CFGregorianDateGetAbsoluteTime(date, timeZone); CFRelease(timeZone); CFStringRef formattedDate = CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithAbsoluteTime(nullptr, formatter, absTime); CFIndex stringLen = CFStringGetLength(formattedDate); AutoTArray<UniChar, 256> stringBuffer; stringBuffer.SetLength(stringLen + 1); CFStringGetCharacters(formattedDate, CFRangeMake(0, stringLen), stringBuffer.Elements()); stringOut.Assign(reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(stringBuffer.Elements()), stringLen); CFRelease(formattedDate); CFRelease(formatter); return res; }
CFStringRef _SCCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf, CFDictionaryRef formatOptions) { #ifdef ENABLE_SC_FORMATTING CFMutableDictionaryRef nFormatOptions; CFStringRef prefix1; CFStringRef prefix2; CFTypeID type = CFGetTypeID(cf); if (!formatOptions || !CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(formatOptions, CFSTR("PREFIX1"), (const void **)&prefix1)) { prefix1 = CFSTR(""); } if (type == CFStringGetTypeID()) { return CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, formatOptions, CFSTR("%@%@"), prefix1, cf); } if (type == CFBooleanGetTypeID()) { return CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, formatOptions, CFSTR("%@%s"), prefix1, CFBooleanGetValue(cf) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } if (type == CFDataGetTypeID()) { const uint8_t *data; CFIndex dataLen; CFIndex i; CFMutableStringRef str; str = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0); CFStringAppendFormat(str, formatOptions, CFSTR("%@<data> 0x"), prefix1); data = CFDataGetBytePtr(cf); dataLen = CFDataGetLength(cf); for (i = 0; i < dataLen; i++) { CFStringAppendFormat(str, NULL, CFSTR("%02x"), data[i]); } return str; } if (type == CFNumberGetTypeID()) { return CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, formatOptions, CFSTR("%@%@"), prefix1, cf); } if (type == CFDateGetTypeID()) { CFCalendarRef calendar; CFStringRef str; CFTimeZoneRef tz; int MM, DD, YYYY, hh, mm, ss; calendar = CFCalendarCreateWithIdentifier(NULL, kCFGregorianCalendar); tz = CFTimeZoneCopySystem(); CFCalendarSetTimeZone(calendar, tz); CFRelease(tz); CFCalendarDecomposeAbsoluteTime(calendar, CFDateGetAbsoluteTime(cf), "MdyHms", &MM, &DD, &YYYY, &hh, &mm, &ss); CFRelease(calendar); str = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, formatOptions, CFSTR("%@%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d"), prefix1, MM, DD, YYYY, hh, mm, ss); return str; } if ((formatOptions == NULL) || !CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(formatOptions, CFSTR("PREFIX2"), (const void **)&prefix2)) { prefix2 = prefix1; } if (formatOptions != NULL) { nFormatOptions = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, formatOptions); } else { nFormatOptions = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); } assert(nFormatOptions != NULL); #define N_QUICK 32 if (type == CFArrayGetTypeID()) { const void * elements_q[N_QUICK]; const void ** elements = elements_q; CFIndex i; CFIndex nElements; CFMutableStringRef str; str = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0); CFStringAppendFormat(str, formatOptions, CFSTR("%@<array> {"), prefix1); nElements = CFArrayGetCount(cf); if (nElements > 0) { if (nElements > (CFIndex)(sizeof(elements_q)/sizeof(CFTypeRef))) elements = CFAllocatorAllocate(NULL, nElements * sizeof(CFTypeRef), 0); CFArrayGetValues(cf, CFRangeMake(0, nElements), elements); for (i = 0; i < nElements; i++) { CFMutableStringRef nPrefix1; CFMutableStringRef nPrefix2; CFStringRef nStr; CFStringRef vStr; nStr = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%ld"), i); nPrefix1 = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0); CFStringAppendFormat(nPrefix1, formatOptions, CFSTR("%@ %@ : "), prefix2, nStr); nPrefix2 = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0); CFStringAppendFormat(nPrefix2, formatOptions, CFSTR("%@ "), prefix2); CFDictionarySetValue(nFormatOptions, CFSTR("PREFIX1"), nPrefix1); CFDictionarySetValue(nFormatOptions, CFSTR("PREFIX2"), nPrefix2); CFRelease(nPrefix1); CFRelease(nPrefix2); CFRelease(nStr); vStr = _SCCopyDescription((CFTypeRef)elements[i], nFormatOptions); CFStringAppendFormat(str, formatOptions, CFSTR("\n%@"), vStr); CFRelease(vStr); } if (elements != elements_q) CFAllocatorDeallocate(NULL, elements); } CFStringAppendFormat(str, formatOptions, CFSTR("\n%@}"), prefix2); CFRelease(nFormatOptions); return str; } if (type == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) { const void * keys_q[N_QUICK]; const void ** keys = keys_q; CFIndex i; CFIndex nElements; CFMutableStringRef nPrefix1; CFMutableStringRef nPrefix2; CFMutableStringRef str; str = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0); CFStringAppendFormat(str, formatOptions, CFSTR("%@<dictionary> {"), prefix1); nElements = CFDictionaryGetCount(cf); if (nElements > 0) { CFComparatorFunction compFunc = NULL; CFMutableArrayRef sortedKeys; if (nElements > (CFIndex)(sizeof(keys_q) / sizeof(CFTypeRef))) { keys = CFAllocatorAllocate(NULL, nElements * sizeof(CFTypeRef), 0); } CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(cf, keys, NULL); sortedKeys = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); for (i = 0; i < nElements; i++) { CFArrayAppendValue(sortedKeys, (CFStringRef)keys[i]); } if (isA_CFString(keys[0])) { compFunc = (CFComparatorFunction)CFStringCompare; } else if (isA_CFNumber(keys[0])) { compFunc = (CFComparatorFunction)CFNumberCompare; } else if (isA_CFDate(keys[0])) { compFunc = (CFComparatorFunction)CFDateCompare; } if (compFunc != NULL) { CFArraySortValues(sortedKeys, CFRangeMake(0, nElements), compFunc, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < nElements; i++) { CFStringRef key; CFStringRef kStr; CFTypeRef val; CFStringRef vStr; key = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(sortedKeys, i); kStr = _SCCopyDescription((CFTypeRef)key, NULL); nPrefix1 = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0); CFStringAppendFormat(nPrefix1, formatOptions, CFSTR("%@ %@ : "), prefix2, kStr); nPrefix2 = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0); CFStringAppendFormat(nPrefix2, formatOptions, CFSTR("%@ "), prefix2); CFDictionarySetValue(nFormatOptions, CFSTR("PREFIX1"), nPrefix1); CFDictionarySetValue(nFormatOptions, CFSTR("PREFIX2"), nPrefix2); CFRelease(nPrefix1); CFRelease(nPrefix2); CFRelease(kStr); val = CFDictionaryGetValue(cf, key); vStr = _SCCopyDescription((CFTypeRef)val, nFormatOptions); CFStringAppendFormat(str, formatOptions, CFSTR("\n%@"), vStr); CFRelease(vStr); } CFRelease(sortedKeys); if (keys != keys_q) { CFAllocatorDeallocate(NULL, keys); } } CFStringAppendFormat(str, formatOptions, CFSTR("\n%@}"), prefix2); CFRelease(nFormatOptions); return str; } CFRelease(nFormatOptions); #endif /* ENABLE_SC_FORMATTING */ return CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, formatOptions, CFSTR("%@%@"), prefix1, cf); }
/* * Returns a copy of repeat event after changing the repeat date * into next event date. * * Caller is responsible for releasing the copy after use. */ __private_extern__ CFDictionaryRef copyNextRepeatingEvent(CFStringRef type) { CFDictionaryRef repeatDict = NULL; CFStringRef repeatDictType = NULL; CFMutableDictionaryRef repeatDictCopy = NULL; CFGregorianDate greg; CFTimeZoneRef tizzy; CFAbsoluteTime ev_time; CFDateRef ev_date; int days; int minutes_scheduled; int cf_day_of_week; /* * 'WakeOrPowerOn' repeat events are returned when caller asks * for 'Wake' events or 'PowerOn' events. * Don't bother to return anything if caller is looking specifically for * WakeOrPowerOn type repeat events. */ if( CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoSleep)) || CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoShutdown)) || CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoRestart)) ) { repeatDict = repeatingPowerOff; } else if ( CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoPowerOn)) || CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoWake)) ) { repeatDict = repeatingPowerOn; } else return NULL; repeatDictType = getRepeatingDictionaryType(repeatDict); if (CFEqual(type, repeatDictType) || ( (CFEqual(repeatDictType, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoWakeOrPowerOn))) && (CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoPowerOn)) || CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoWake))) ) ) { repeatDictCopy = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(0,0,repeatDict); tizzy = CFTimeZoneCopySystem(); // Massage the scheduled time into today's date cf_day_of_week = CFAbsoluteTimeGetDayOfWeek( CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(), tizzy); days = daysUntil(repeatDict, cf_day_of_week); greg = CFAbsoluteTimeGetGregorianDate( CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + days*(60*60*24), tizzy); minutes_scheduled = getRepeatingDictionaryMinutes(repeatDict); greg.hour = minutes_scheduled/60; greg.minute = minutes_scheduled%60; greg.second = 0.0; ev_time = CFGregorianDateGetAbsoluteTime(greg, tizzy); ev_date = CFDateCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, ev_time); CFDictionarySetValue(repeatDictCopy, CFSTR(kIOPMPowerEventTimeKey), ev_date); /* Set 'AppNameKey' to 'Repeating' */ CFDictionarySetValue(repeatDictCopy, CFSTR(kIOPMPowerEventAppNameKey), CFSTR(kIOPMRepeatingAppName)); CFRelease(ev_date); CFRelease(tizzy); } return repeatDictCopy; }
/* * Parse a GeneralizedTime string into a CFAbsoluteTime. Returns NULL on parse error. * Fractional parts of a second are discarded. */ CFAbsoluteTime genTimeToCFAbsTime( const CSSM_DATA *strData) { if((strData == NULL) || (strData->Data == NULL) || (strData->Length == 0)) { return NULL_TIME; } uint8 *timeStr = strData->Data; size_t timeStrLen = strData->Length; /* tolerate NULL terminated or not */ if(timeStr[timeStrLen - 1] == '\0') { timeStrLen--; } /* start with a fresh editable copy */ uint8 *str = (uint8 *)malloc(timeStrLen); uint32 strLen = 0; /* * If there is a decimal point, strip it and all trailing digits off */ const uint8 *inCp = timeStr; uint8 *outCp = str; int foundDecimal = 0; int minutesOffset = 0; int hoursOffset = 0; bool minusOffset = false; bool isGMT = false; size_t toGo = timeStrLen; do { if(*inCp == '.') { if(foundDecimal) { /* only legal once */ { free(str); return NULL_TIME; } } foundDecimal++; /* skip the decimal point... */ inCp++; toGo--; if(toGo == 0) { /* all done */ break; } /* then all subsequent contiguous digits */ while(isdigit(*inCp) && (toGo != 0)) { inCp++; toGo--; } } /* decimal point processing */ else if((*inCp == '+') || (*inCp == '-')) { /* Time zone offset - handle 2 or 4 chars */ if((toGo != 2) & (toGo != 4)) { free(str); return NULL_TIME; } if(*inCp == '-') { minusOffset = true; } inCp++; hoursOffset = (10 * (inCp[0] - '0')) + (inCp[1] - '0'); toGo -= 2; if(toGo) { minutesOffset = (10 * (inCp[0] - '0')) + (inCp[1] - '0'); toGo -= 2; } } else { *outCp++ = *inCp++; strLen++; toGo--; } } while(toGo != 0); if(str[strLen - 1] == 'Z') { isGMT = true; strLen--; } CFAbsoluteTime absTime; absTime = parseGenTime(str, strLen); free(str); if(absTime == NULL_TIME) { return NULL_TIME; } /* post processing needed? */ if(isGMT) { /* Nope, string was in GMT */ return absTime; } if((minutesOffset != 0) || (hoursOffset != 0)) { /* string contained explicit offset from GMT */ if(minusOffset) { absTime -= (minutesOffset * 60); absTime -= (hoursOffset * 3600); } else { absTime += (minutesOffset * 60); absTime += (hoursOffset * 3600); } } else { /* implciit offset = local */ CFTimeInterval tzDelta; CFTimeZoneRef localZone = CFTimeZoneCopySystem(); tzDelta = CFTimeZoneGetSecondsFromGMT (localZone, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()); CFRelease(localZone); absTime += tzDelta; } return absTime; }