コード例 #1
 * Parse file extension and attempt to map it to format and type. Returns true
 * on success.
bool impExpImportParseFileExten(
	CFStringRef			fstr,
	SecExternalFormat   *inputFormat,   // RETURNED
	SecExternalItemType	*itemType)		// RETURNED
	if(fstr == NULL) {
		/* nothing to work with */
		return false;
	if(CFStringHasSuffix(fstr, CFSTR(".cer")) ||
	   CFStringHasSuffix(fstr, CFSTR(".crt"))) {
		*inputFormat = kSecFormatX509Cert;
		*itemType = kSecItemTypeCertificate;
		SecImpInferDbg("Inferring kSecFormatX509Cert from file name");
		return true;
	if(CFStringHasSuffix(fstr, CFSTR(".p12")) ||
	   CFStringHasSuffix(fstr, CFSTR(".pfx"))) {
		*inputFormat = kSecFormatPKCS12;
		*itemType = kSecItemTypeAggregate;
		SecImpInferDbg("Inferring kSecFormatPKCS12 from file name");
		return true;

	/* Get extension, look for key indicators as substrings */
	CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithString(NULL, fstr, NULL);
	if(url == NULL) {
		SecImpInferDbg("impExpImportParseFileExten: error creating URL");
		return false;
	CFStringRef exten = CFURLCopyPathExtension(url);
	if(exten == NULL) {
		/* no extension, app probably passed in only an extension */
		exten = fstr;
	bool ortn = false;
	CFRange cfr;
	cfr = CFStringFind(exten, CFSTR("p7"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive);
	if(cfr.length != 0) {
		*inputFormat = kSecFormatPKCS7;
		*itemType = kSecItemTypeAggregate;
		SecImpInferDbg("Inferring kSecFormatPKCS7 from file name");
		ortn = true;
	if(!ortn) {
		cfr = CFStringFind(exten, CFSTR("p8"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive);
		if(cfr.length != 0) {
			*inputFormat = kSecFormatWrappedPKCS8;
			*itemType = kSecItemTypePrivateKey;
			SecImpInferDbg("Inferring kSecFormatPKCS8 from file name");
			ortn = true;
	return ortn;
コード例 #2
SFB::Audio::Metadata::unique_ptr SFB::Audio::Metadata::CreateMetadataForURL(CFURLRef url, CFErrorRef *error)
	if(nullptr == url)
		return nullptr;

	// If this is a file URL, use the extension-based resolvers
	SFB::CFString scheme = CFURLCopyScheme(url);

	// If there is no scheme the URL is invalid
	if(!scheme) {
			*error = CFErrorCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFErrorDomainPOSIX, EINVAL, nullptr);
		return nullptr;

	if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(CFSTR("file"), scheme, kCFCompareCaseInsensitive)) {
		// Verify the file exists
		SInt32 errorCode = noErr;
		SFB::CFBoolean fileExists = (CFBooleanRef)CFURLCreatePropertyFromResource(kCFAllocatorDefault, url, kCFURLFileExists, &errorCode);
		if(fileExists) {
			if(CFBooleanGetValue(fileExists)) {
				SFB::CFString pathExtension = CFURLCopyPathExtension(url);
				if(pathExtension) {
					// Some extensions (.oga for example) support multiple audio codecs (Vorbis, FLAC, Speex)

					for(auto subclassInfo : sRegisteredSubclasses) {
						if(subclassInfo.mHandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
							unique_ptr metadata(subclassInfo.mCreateMetadata(url));
								return metadata;
			else {
				LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.Metadata", "The requested URL doesn't exist");
				if(error) {
					SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” does not exist."), "");
					SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("File not found"), "");
					SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file may exist on removable media or may have been deleted."), "");
					*error = CreateErrorForURL(Metadata::ErrorDomain, Metadata::InputOutputError, description, url, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);
			LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.Metadata", "CFURLCreatePropertyFromResource failed: " << errorCode);		

	return nullptr;
コード例 #3
bool HasExtension(CFURLRef fileUrl, CFStringRef ext)
    CFStringRef fileExt;
    bool        ok;

    fileExt = CFURLCopyPathExtension(fileUrl);
    if (fileExt) {
        ok = (kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(fileExt, ext, kCFCompareCaseInsensitive));
        return ok;
    return false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: CFPP-URL.cpp プロジェクト: siraj/CFPP
 CF::String URL::GetPathExtension( void )
     CF::String  str;
     CFStringRef cfStr;
     if( this->_cfObject == NULL )
         return str;
     cfStr = CFURLCopyPathExtension( this->_cfObject );
     if( cfStr != NULL )
         str = cfStr;
         CFRelease( cfStr );
     return str;
コード例 #5
 * Map a filename and/or a BIFileType to a UTI string.
static CFStringRef BIGetUTI(
	CFURLRef url,
	BIFileType fileType)
	switch(fileType) {
		case BI_FT_JPEG:
		case BI_FT_JPEG_Lossless:
			return kUTTypeJPEG;
		case BI_FT_TIFF:
			return kUTTypeTIFF;
		case BI_FT_JPEG2000:
		case BI_FT_JPEG2000_Lossless:
			return kUTTypeJPEG2000;
		case BI_FT_Default:
			/* figure it out from file extension */
			fprintf(stderr, "***BIGetUTI internal error\n");
			return NULL;
	CFStringRef fileExt = CFURLCopyPathExtension(url);
	if(fileExt == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "***BIGetUTI(BI_FT_Default) - no extension available\n");
		return NULL;
	for(unsigned mapDex=0; mapDex<NUM_UTI_MAPS; mapDex++) {
		const UTIMap *map = &utiMap[mapDex];
		if(CFEqual(fileExt, map->exten)) {
			return map->uti;

	fprintf(stderr, "***BIGetUTI(BI_FT_Default) - unknown extension\n");
	return NULL;
コード例 #6
AudioDecoder * AudioDecoder::CreateDecoderForInputSource(InputSource *inputSource, CFStringRef mimeType, CFErrorRef *error)
	if(NULL == inputSource)
		return NULL;

	AudioDecoder *decoder = NULL;

	// Open the input source if it isn't already
	if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !inputSource->IsOpen() && !inputSource->Open(error))
		return NULL;

	// As a factory this class has knowledge of its subclasses
	// It would be possible (and perhaps preferable) to switch to a generic
	// plugin interface at a later date

#if 0
	// If the input is an instance of HTTPInputSource, use the MIME type from the server
	// This code is disabled because most HTTP servers don't send the correct MIME types
	HTTPInputSource *httpInputSource = dynamic_cast<HTTPInputSource *>(inputSource);
	bool releaseMIMEType = false;
	if(!mimeType && httpInputSource && httpInputSource->IsOpen()) {
		mimeType = httpInputSource->CopyContentMIMEType();
			releaseMIMEType = true;

	// The MIME type takes precedence over the file extension
	if(mimeType) {
		if(FLACDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new FLACDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
				delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
		if(NULL == decoder && WavPackDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new WavPackDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
				delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
		if(NULL == decoder && MPEGDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new MPEGDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
				delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
		if(NULL == decoder && OggVorbisDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new OggVorbisDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
				delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
		if(NULL == decoder && MusepackDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new MusepackDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
				delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
		if(NULL == decoder && MonkeysAudioDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new MonkeysAudioDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
				delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
		if(NULL == decoder && OggSpeexDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new OggSpeexDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
				delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
		if(NULL == decoder && MODDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new MODDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
				delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
		if(NULL == decoder && LibsndfileDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new LibsndfileDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
				delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
		if(NULL == decoder && CoreAudioDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new CoreAudioDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
				delete decoder, decoder = NULL;

#if 0
			CFRelease(mimeType), mimeType = NULL;

			return decoder;

	// If no MIME type was specified, use the extension-based resolvers

	CFURLRef inputURL = inputSource->GetURL();
		return NULL;

	CFStringRef pathExtension = CFURLCopyPathExtension(inputURL);
	if(!pathExtension) {
		if(error) {
			CFMutableDictionaryRef errorDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 

			CFStringRef displayName = CFURLCopyLastPathComponent(inputURL);
			CFStringRef errorString = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, 
															   CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The type of the file “%@” could not be determined."), ""), 


								 CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Unknown file type"), ""));

								 CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file's extension may be missing or may not match the file's type."), ""));

			CFRelease(errorString), errorString = NULL;
			CFRelease(displayName), displayName = NULL;

			*error = CFErrorCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 
			CFRelease(errorDictionary), errorDictionary = NULL;				

		return NULL;

	// TODO: Some extensions (.oga for example) support multiple audio codecs (Vorbis, FLAC, Speex)
	// and if openDecoder is false the wrong decoder type may be returned, since the file isn't analyzed
	// until Open() is called
	if(FLACDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new FLACDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
			delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
	if(NULL == decoder && WavPackDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new WavPackDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
			delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
	if(NULL == decoder && MPEGDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new MPEGDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
			delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
	if(NULL == decoder && OggVorbisDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new OggVorbisDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
			delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
	if(NULL == decoder && MusepackDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new MusepackDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
			delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
	if(NULL == decoder && MonkeysAudioDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new MonkeysAudioDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
			delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
	if(NULL == decoder && OggSpeexDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new OggSpeexDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
			delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
	if(NULL == decoder && MODDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new MODDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
			delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
	if(NULL == decoder && LibsndfileDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new LibsndfileDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
			delete decoder, decoder = NULL;
	if(NULL == decoder && CoreAudioDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new CoreAudioDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = NULL;
			delete decoder, decoder = NULL;

	CFRelease(pathExtension), pathExtension = NULL;

	return decoder;
コード例 #7
bool SFB::Audio::MODMetadata::_ReadMetadata(CFErrorRef *error)
	UInt8 buf [PATH_MAX];
	if(!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(mURL, false, buf, PATH_MAX))
		return false;

	SFB::CFString pathExtension = CFURLCopyPathExtension(mURL);
		return false;

	bool fileIsValid = false;
	if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(pathExtension, CFSTR("it"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive)) {
		std::unique_ptr<TagLib::FileStream> stream(new TagLib::FileStream((const char *)buf, true));
		if(!stream->isOpen()) {
			if(error) {
				SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” could not be opened for reading."), "");
				SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Input/output error"), "");
				SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file may have been renamed, moved, deleted, or you may not have appropriate permissions."), "");

				*error = CreateErrorForURL(Metadata::ErrorDomain, Metadata::InputOutputError, description, mURL, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);

			return false;

		TagLib::IT::File file(stream.get());
		if(file.isValid()) {
			fileIsValid = true;
			CFDictionarySetValue(mMetadata, kFormatNameKey, CFSTR("MOD (Impulse Tracker)"));

				AddAudioPropertiesToDictionary(mMetadata, file.audioProperties());

				AddTagToDictionary(mMetadata, file.tag());
	else if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(pathExtension, CFSTR("xm"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive)) {
		std::unique_ptr<TagLib::FileStream> stream(new TagLib::FileStream((const char *)buf, true));
		if(!stream->isOpen()) {
			if(error) {
				SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” could not be opened for reading."), "");
				SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Input/output error"), "");
				SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file may have been renamed, moved, deleted, or you may not have appropriate permissions."), "");

				*error = CreateErrorForURL(Metadata::ErrorDomain, Metadata::InputOutputError, description, mURL, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);

			return false;

		TagLib::XM::File file(stream.get());
		if(file.isValid()) {
			fileIsValid = true;
			CFDictionarySetValue(mMetadata, kFormatNameKey, CFSTR("MOD (Extended Module)"));

				AddAudioPropertiesToDictionary(mMetadata, file.audioProperties());

				AddTagToDictionary(mMetadata, file.tag());
	else if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(pathExtension, CFSTR("s3m"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive)) {
		std::unique_ptr<TagLib::FileStream> stream(new TagLib::FileStream((const char *)buf, true));
		if(!stream->isOpen()) {
			if(error) {
				SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” could not be opened for reading."), "");
				SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Input/output error"), "");
				SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file may have been renamed, moved, deleted, or you may not have appropriate permissions."), "");

				*error = CreateErrorForURL(Metadata::ErrorDomain, Metadata::InputOutputError, description, mURL, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);

			return false;

		TagLib::S3M::File file(stream.get());
		if(file.isValid()) {
			fileIsValid = true;
			CFDictionarySetValue(mMetadata, kFormatNameKey, CFSTR("MOD (ScreamTracker III)"));

				AddAudioPropertiesToDictionary(mMetadata, file.audioProperties());

				AddTagToDictionary(mMetadata, file.tag());
	else if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(pathExtension, CFSTR("mod"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive)) {
		std::unique_ptr<TagLib::FileStream> stream(new TagLib::FileStream((const char *)buf, true));
		if(!stream->isOpen()) {
			if(error) {
				SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” could not be opened for reading."), "");
				SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Input/output error"), "");
				SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file may have been renamed, moved, deleted, or you may not have appropriate permissions."), "");

				*error = CreateErrorForURL(Metadata::ErrorDomain, Metadata::InputOutputError, description, mURL, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);

			return false;

		TagLib::Mod::File file(stream.get());
		if(file.isValid()) {
			fileIsValid = true;
			CFDictionarySetValue(mMetadata, kFormatNameKey, CFSTR("MOD (Protracker)"));

				AddAudioPropertiesToDictionary(mMetadata, file.audioProperties());

				AddTagToDictionary(mMetadata, file.tag());

	if(!fileIsValid) {
		if(error) {
			SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” is not a valid MOD file."), "");
			SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Not a MOD file"), "");
			SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file's extension may not match the file's type."), "");
			*error = CreateErrorForURL(Metadata::ErrorDomain, Metadata::InputOutputError, description, mURL, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);
		return false;

	return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: url.cpp プロジェクト: Apple-FOSS-Mirror/Security
string URL::extension() const
    return mkstr(CFURLCopyPathExtension(ref));
コード例 #9
bool MODMetadata::ReadMetadata(CFErrorRef *error)
	// Start from scratch
	UInt8 buf [PATH_MAX];
	if(!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(mURL, false, buf, PATH_MAX))
		return false;

	CFStringRef pathExtension = CFURLCopyPathExtension(mURL);
	if(nullptr == pathExtension)
		return false;

	bool fileIsValid = false;
	if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(pathExtension, CFSTR("it"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive)) {
		auto stream = new TagLib::FileStream(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buf), true);
		TagLib::IT::File file(stream);

		if(file.isValid()) {
			fileIsValid = true;
			CFDictionarySetValue(mMetadata, kPropertiesFormatNameKey, CFSTR("MOD (Impulse Tracker)"));

				AddAudioPropertiesToDictionary(mMetadata, file.audioProperties());

				AddTagToDictionary(mMetadata, file.tag());
	else if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(pathExtension, CFSTR("xm"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive)) {
		auto stream = new TagLib::FileStream(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buf), true);
		TagLib::XM::File file(stream);

		if(file.isValid()) {
			fileIsValid = true;
			CFDictionarySetValue(mMetadata, kPropertiesFormatNameKey, CFSTR("MOD (Extended Module)"));

				AddAudioPropertiesToDictionary(mMetadata, file.audioProperties());

				AddTagToDictionary(mMetadata, file.tag());
	else if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(pathExtension, CFSTR("s3m"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive)) {
		auto stream = new TagLib::FileStream(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buf), true);
		TagLib::S3M::File file(stream);

		if(file.isValid()) {
			fileIsValid = true;
			CFDictionarySetValue(mMetadata, kPropertiesFormatNameKey, CFSTR("MOD (ScreamTracker III)"));

				AddAudioPropertiesToDictionary(mMetadata, file.audioProperties());

				AddTagToDictionary(mMetadata, file.tag());
	else if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(pathExtension, CFSTR("mod"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive)) {
		auto stream = new TagLib::FileStream(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buf), true);
		TagLib::Mod::File file(stream);

		if(file.isValid()) {
			fileIsValid = true;
			CFDictionarySetValue(mMetadata, kPropertiesFormatNameKey, CFSTR("MOD (Protracker)"));

				AddAudioPropertiesToDictionary(mMetadata, file.audioProperties());

				AddTagToDictionary(mMetadata, file.tag());

	CFRelease(pathExtension), pathExtension = nullptr;

	if(!fileIsValid) {
		if(error) {
			CFStringRef description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” is not a valid MOD file."), "");
			CFStringRef failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Not a MOD file"), "");
			CFStringRef recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file's extension may not match the file's type."), "");
			*error = CreateErrorForURL(AudioMetadataErrorDomain, AudioMetadataInputOutputError, description, mURL, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);
			CFRelease(description), description = nullptr;
			CFRelease(failureReason), failureReason = nullptr;
			CFRelease(recoverySuggestion), recoverySuggestion = nullptr;
		return false;

	return true;
コード例 #10
AudioDecoder * AudioDecoder::CreateDecoderForInputSource(InputSource *inputSource, CFStringRef mimeType, CFErrorRef *error)
	if(nullptr == inputSource)
		return nullptr;

	AudioDecoder *decoder = nullptr;

	// Open the input source if it isn't already
	if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !inputSource->IsOpen() && !inputSource->Open(error))
		return nullptr;

	// As a factory this class has knowledge of its subclasses
	// It would be possible (and perhaps preferable) to switch to a generic
	// plugin interface at a later date

#if 0
	// If the input is an instance of HTTPInputSource, use the MIME type from the server
	// This code is disabled because most HTTP servers don't send the correct MIME types
	HTTPInputSource *httpInputSource = dynamic_cast<HTTPInputSource *>(inputSource);
	bool releaseMIMEType = false;
	if(!mimeType && httpInputSource && httpInputSource->IsOpen()) {
		mimeType = httpInputSource->CopyContentMIMEType();
			releaseMIMEType = true;

	// The MIME type takes precedence over the file extension
	if(mimeType) {
		if(FLACDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new FLACDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
				delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
		if(nullptr == decoder && WavPackDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new WavPackDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
				delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
		if(nullptr == decoder && MPEGDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new MPEGDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
				delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
		if(nullptr == decoder && OggVorbisDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new OggVorbisDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
				delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
		if(nullptr == decoder && OggSpeexDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new OggSpeexDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
				delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
		if(nullptr == decoder && MusepackDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new MusepackDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
				delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
		if(nullptr == decoder && MonkeysAudioDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new MonkeysAudioDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
				delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
		if(nullptr == decoder && MODDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new MODDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
				delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
		if(nullptr == decoder && TrueAudioDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new TrueAudioDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
				delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
		if(nullptr == decoder && LibsndfileDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new LibsndfileDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
				delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
		if(nullptr == decoder && CoreAudioDecoder::HandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
			decoder = new CoreAudioDecoder(inputSource);
			if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
				decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
				delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;

#if 0
			CFRelease(mimeType), mimeType = nullptr;

			return decoder;

	// If no MIME type was specified, use the extension-based resolvers

	CFURLRef inputURL = inputSource->GetURL();
		return nullptr;

	// Determining the extension isn't as simple as using CFURLCopyPathExtension (wouldn't that be nice?),
	// because although the behavior on Lion works like one would expect, on Snow Leopard it returns
	// a number that I believe is part of the inode number, but is definitely NOT the extension
	CFStringRef pathExtension = nullptr;
	CFURLRef filePathURL = CFURLCreateFilePathURL(kCFAllocatorDefault, inputURL, nullptr);
	if(filePathURL) {
		pathExtension = CFURLCopyPathExtension(filePathURL);
		CFRelease(filePathURL), filePathURL = nullptr;
		pathExtension = CFURLCopyPathExtension(inputURL);

	if(!pathExtension) {
		if(error) {
			CFStringRef description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The type of the file “%@” could not be determined."), "");
			CFStringRef failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Unknown file type"), "");
			CFStringRef recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file's extension may be missing or may not match the file's type."), "");
			*error = CreateErrorForURL(InputSourceErrorDomain, InputSourceFileNotFoundError, description, inputURL, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);
			CFRelease(description), description = nullptr;
			CFRelease(failureReason), failureReason = nullptr;
			CFRelease(recoverySuggestion), recoverySuggestion = nullptr;

		return nullptr;

	// TODO: Some extensions (.oga for example) support multiple audio codecs (Vorbis, FLAC, Speex)
	// and if openDecoder is false the wrong decoder type may be returned, since the file isn't analyzed
	// until Open() is called
	if(FLACDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new FLACDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
			delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
	if(nullptr == decoder && WavPackDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new WavPackDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
			delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
	if(nullptr == decoder && MPEGDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new MPEGDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
			delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
	if(nullptr == decoder && OggVorbisDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new OggVorbisDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
			delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
	if(nullptr == decoder && OggSpeexDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new OggSpeexDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
			delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
	if(nullptr == decoder && MusepackDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new MusepackDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
			delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
	if(nullptr == decoder && MonkeysAudioDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new MonkeysAudioDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
			delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
	if(nullptr == decoder && MODDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new MODDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
			delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
	if(nullptr == decoder && TrueAudioDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new TrueAudioDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
			delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
	if(nullptr == decoder && LibsndfileDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new LibsndfileDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
			delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;
	if(nullptr == decoder && CoreAudioDecoder::HandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
		decoder = new CoreAudioDecoder(inputSource);
		if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !decoder->Open(error)) {
			decoder->mInputSource = nullptr;
			delete decoder, decoder = nullptr;

	CFRelease(pathExtension), pathExtension = nullptr;

	return decoder;
コード例 #11
SFB::Audio::Decoder::unique_ptr SFB::Audio::Decoder::CreateDecoderForInputSource(InputSource::unique_ptr inputSource, CFStringRef mimeType, CFErrorRef *error)
		return nullptr;

	// Open the input source if it isn't already
	if(AutomaticallyOpenDecoders() && !inputSource->IsOpen() && !inputSource->Open(error))
		return nullptr;

#if 0
	// If the input is an instance of HTTPInputSource, use the MIME type from the server
	// This code is disabled because most HTTP servers don't send the correct MIME types
	HTTPInputSource *httpInputSource = dynamic_cast<HTTPInputSource *>(inputSource);
	bool releaseMIMEType = false;
	if(!mimeType && httpInputSource && httpInputSource->IsOpen()) {
		mimeType = httpInputSource->CopyContentMIMEType();
			releaseMIMEType = true;

	// The MIME type takes precedence over the file extension
	if(mimeType) {
		for(auto subclassInfo : sRegisteredSubclasses) {
			if(subclassInfo.mHandlesMIMEType(mimeType)) {
				unique_ptr decoder(subclassInfo.mCreateDecoder(std::move(inputSource)));
					return decoder;
				else {
						 return decoder;
					// Take back the input source for reuse if opening fails
						 inputSource = std::move(decoder->mInputSource);

#if 0
			CFRelease(mimeType), mimeType = nullptr;

	// If no MIME type was specified, use the extension-based resolvers

	CFURLRef inputURL = inputSource->GetURL();
		return nullptr;

	SFB::CFString pathExtension = CFURLCopyPathExtension(inputURL);
	if(!pathExtension) {
		if(error) {
			SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The type of the file “%@” could not be determined."), "");
			SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Unknown file type"), "");
			SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file's extension may be missing or may not match the file's type."), "");
			*error = CreateErrorForURL(InputSource::ErrorDomain, InputSource::FileNotFoundError, description, inputURL, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);

		return nullptr;

	// TODO: Some extensions (.oga for example) support multiple audio codecs (Vorbis, FLAC, Speex)
	// and if openDecoder is false the wrong decoder type may be returned, since the file isn't analyzed
	// until Open() is called

	for(auto subclassInfo : sRegisteredSubclasses) {
		if(subclassInfo.mHandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
			unique_ptr decoder(subclassInfo.mCreateDecoder(std::move(inputSource)));
				return decoder;
			else {
					return decoder;
				// Take back the input source for reuse if opening fails
					inputSource = std::move(decoder->mInputSource);

	return nullptr;
コード例 #12
bool SFB::Audio::MODDecoder::_Open(CFErrorRef *error)
	dfs.open = nullptr;
	dfs.skip = skip_callback;
	dfs.getc = getc_callback;
	dfs.getnc = getnc_callback;
	dfs.close = close_callback;

	df = unique_DUMBFILE_ptr(dumbfile_open_ex(this, &dfs), dumbfile_close);
	if(!df) {
		return false;

	SFB::CFString pathExtension = CFURLCopyPathExtension(GetURL());
	if(nullptr == pathExtension)
		return false;

	// Attempt to create the appropriate decoder based on the file's extension
	if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(pathExtension, CFSTR("it"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive))
		duh = unique_DUH_ptr(dumb_read_it(df.get()), unload_duh);
	else if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(pathExtension, CFSTR("xm"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive))
		duh = unique_DUH_ptr(dumb_read_xm(df.get()), unload_duh);
	else if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(pathExtension, CFSTR("s3m"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive))
		duh = unique_DUH_ptr(dumb_read_s3m(df.get()), unload_duh);
	else if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(pathExtension, CFSTR("mod"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive))
		duh = unique_DUH_ptr(dumb_read_mod(df.get()), unload_duh);
	if(!duh) {
		if(error) {
			SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” is not a valid MOD file."), "");
			SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Not a MOD file"), "");
			SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file's extension may not match the file's type."), "");
			*error = CreateErrorForURL(Decoder::ErrorDomain, Decoder::InputOutputError, description, mInputSource->GetURL(), failureReason, recoverySuggestion);
		return false;

	// NB: This must change if the sample rate changes because it is based on 65536 Hz
	mTotalFrames = duh_get_length(duh.get());

	dsr = unique_DUH_SIGRENDERER_ptr(duh_start_sigrenderer(duh.get(), 0, 2, 0), duh_end_sigrenderer);
	if(!dsr) {
		if(error) {
			SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” is not a valid MOD file."), "");
			SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Not a MOD file"), "");
			SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file's extension may not match the file's type."), "");
			*error = CreateErrorForURL(Decoder::ErrorDomain, Decoder::InputOutputError, description, mInputSource->GetURL(), failureReason, recoverySuggestion);

		return false;
	// Generate interleaved 2 channel 44.1 16-bit output
	mFormat.mFormatID			= kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
	mFormat.mFormatFlags		= kAudioFormatFlagsNativeEndian | kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked;
	mFormat.mSampleRate			= DUMB_SAMPLE_RATE;
	mFormat.mChannelsPerFrame	= DUMB_CHANNELS;
	mFormat.mBitsPerChannel		= DUMB_BIT_DEPTH;
	mFormat.mBytesPerPacket		= (mFormat.mBitsPerChannel / 8) * mFormat.mChannelsPerFrame;
	mFormat.mFramesPerPacket	= 1;
	mFormat.mBytesPerFrame		= mFormat.mBytesPerPacket * mFormat.mFramesPerPacket;
	mFormat.mReserved			= 0;
	// Set up the source format
	mSourceFormat.mFormatID				= 'MOD ';
	mSourceFormat.mSampleRate			= DUMB_SAMPLE_RATE;
	mSourceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame		= DUMB_CHANNELS;
	// Setup the channel layout
	mChannelLayout = ChannelLayout::ChannelLayoutWithTag(kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Stereo);

	return true;
コード例 #13
ExitStatus readArgs(
    int            * argc,
    char * const  ** argv,
    KcgenArgs  * toolArgs)
    ExitStatus   result         = EX_USAGE;
    ExitStatus   scratchResult  = EX_USAGE;
    CFStringRef  scratchString  = NULL;  // must release
    CFNumberRef  scratchNumber  = NULL;  // must release
    CFURLRef     scratchURL     = NULL;  // must release
    size_t       len            = 0;
    int32_t      i              = 0;
    int          optchar        = 0;
    int          longindex      = -1;

    bzero(toolArgs, sizeof(*toolArgs));
    * Allocate collection objects.
    if (!createCFMutableSet(&toolArgs->kextIDs, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks)             ||
        !createCFMutableSet(&toolArgs->optionalKextIDs, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks)     ||
        !createCFMutableArray(&toolArgs->argURLs, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)         ||
        !createCFMutableArray(&toolArgs->repositoryURLs, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)  ||
        !createCFMutableArray(&toolArgs->namedKextURLs, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)   ||
        !createCFMutableArray(&toolArgs->targetArchs, NULL)) {

        result = EX_OSERR;

    * Process command line arguments.
    while ((optchar = getopt_long_only(*argc, *argv,
        kOptChars, sOptInfo, &longindex)) != -1) {


        /* When processing short (single-char) options, there is no way to
         * express optional arguments.  Instead, we suppress missing option
         * argument errors by adding a leading ':' to the option string.
         * When getopt detects a missing argument, it will return a ':' so that
         * we can screen for options that are not required to have an argument.
        if (optchar == ':') {
            switch (optopt) {
                case kOptPrelinkedKernel:
                    optchar = optopt;
                    OSKextLog(/* kext */ NULL,
                        kOSKextLogErrorLevel | kOSKextLogGeneralFlag,
                        "Error - option requires an argument -- -%c.", 

        switch (optchar) {
            case kOptArch:
                if (!addArchForName(toolArgs, optarg)) {
                    OSKextLog(/* kext */ NULL,
                        kOSKextLogErrorLevel | kOSKextLogGeneralFlag,
                        "Error - unknown architecture %s.", optarg);
                    goto finish;
            case kOptBundleIdentifier:
                scratchString = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
                   optarg, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
                if (!scratchString) {
                    result = EX_OSERR;
                    goto finish;
                CFSetAddValue(toolArgs->kextIDs, scratchString);
            case kOptPrelinkedKernel:
                scratchResult = readPrelinkedKernelArgs(toolArgs, *argc, *argv,
                    /* isLongopt */ longindex != -1);
                if (scratchResult != EX_OK) {
                    result = scratchResult;
                    goto finish;
            case kOptHelp:
                result = kKcgenExitHelp;
                goto finish;
            case kOptKernel:
                if (toolArgs->kernelPath) {
                    OSKextLog(/* kext */ NULL,
                        kOSKextLogWarningLevel | kOSKextLogGeneralFlag,
                        "Warning - kernel file already specified; using last.");
                } else {
                    toolArgs->kernelPath = malloc(PATH_MAX);
                    if (!toolArgs->kernelPath) {
                        result = EX_OSERR;
                        goto finish;

                len = strlcpy(toolArgs->kernelPath, optarg, PATH_MAX);
                if (len >= PATH_MAX) {
                    OSKextLog(/* kext */ NULL,
                        kOSKextLogErrorLevel | kOSKextLogGeneralFlag,
                        "Error - kernel filename length exceeds PATH_MAX");
                    goto finish;
            case kOptTests:
                toolArgs->printTestResults = true;
            case kOptQuiet:

            case kOptVerbose:
                scratchResult = setLogFilterForOpt(*argc, *argv,
                    /* forceOnFlags */ kOSKextLogKextOrGlobalMask);
                if (scratchResult != EX_OK) {
                    result = scratchResult;
                    goto finish;

            case kOptNoAuthentication:
                OSKextLog(/* kext */ NULL,
                    kOSKextLogWarningLevel | kOSKextLogGeneralFlag,
                    "Note: -%s is implicitly set for %s.", kOptNameNoAuthentication, progname);

            case 0:
                switch (longopt) {
                    case kLongOptOptionalBundleIdentifier:
                        scratchString = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
                           optarg, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
                        if (!scratchString) {
                            result = EX_OSERR;
                            goto finish;
                        CFSetAddValue(toolArgs->optionalKextIDs, scratchString);
                    case kLongOptCompressed:
                        toolArgs->compress = true;

                    case kLongOptUncompressed:
                        toolArgs->uncompress = true;

                    case kLongOptSymbols:
                        if (toolArgs->symbolDirURL) {
                            OSKextLog(/* kext */ NULL,
                                kOSKextLogWarningLevel | kOSKextLogGeneralFlag,
                                "Warning - symbol directory already specified; using last.");

                        scratchURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(
                            (const UInt8 *)optarg, strlen(optarg), true);
                        if (!scratchURL) {
                            OSKextLogStringError(/* kext */ NULL);
                            result = EX_OSERR;
                            goto finish;

                        toolArgs->symbolDirURL = CFRetain(scratchURL);
                        toolArgs->generatePrelinkedSymbols = true;

                    case kLongOptVolumeRoot:
                        if (toolArgs->volumeRootURL) {
                            OSKextLog(/* kext */ NULL,
                                kOSKextLogWarningLevel | kOSKextLogGeneralFlag,
                                "Warning: volume root already specified; using last.");

                        scratchURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(
                            (const UInt8 *)optarg, strlen(optarg), true);
                        if (!scratchURL) {
                            OSKextLogStringError(/* kext */ NULL);
                            result = EX_OSERR;
                            goto finish;

                        toolArgs->volumeRootURL = CFRetain(scratchURL);

                    case kLongOptAllPersonalities:
                        OSKextLog(/* kext */ NULL,
                            kOSKextLogWarningLevel | kOSKextLogGeneralFlag,
                            "Note: -%s is implicitly set for %s.", kOptNameAllPersonalities, progname);

                    case kLongOptNoLinkFailures:
                        OSKextLog(/* kext */ NULL,
                            kOSKextLogWarningLevel | kOSKextLogGeneralFlag,
                            "Note: -%s is implicitly set for %s.", kOptNameNoLinkFailures, progname);

                    case kLongOptStripSymbols:
                        toolArgs->stripSymbols = true;

                    case kLongOptMaxSliceSize:
                        toolArgs->maxSliceSize = atol(optarg);

                       /* Because we use ':', getopt_long doesn't print an error message.
                        OSKextLog(/* kext */ NULL,
                            kOSKextLogErrorLevel | kOSKextLogGeneralFlag,
                            "Error - unrecognized option %s", (*argv)[optind-1]);
                        goto finish;

               /* Because we use ':', getopt_long doesn't print an error message.
                OSKextLog(/* kext */ NULL,
                    kOSKextLogErrorLevel | kOSKextLogGeneralFlag,
                    "Error - unrecognized option %s", (*argv)[optind-1]);
                goto finish;

       /* Reset longindex, because getopt_long_only() is stupid and doesn't.
        longindex = -1;

   /* Update the argc & argv seen by main().
    *argc -= optind;
    *argv += optind;

    * Record the kext & directory names from the command line.
    for (i = 0; i < *argc; i++) {

        scratchURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(
            (const UInt8 *)(*argv)[i], strlen((*argv)[i]), true);
        if (!scratchURL) {
            result = EX_OSERR;
            goto finish;
        CFArrayAppendValue(toolArgs->argURLs, scratchURL);

        scratchString = CFURLCopyPathExtension(scratchURL);
        if (scratchString && CFEqual(scratchString, CFSTR("kext"))) {
            CFArrayAppendValue(toolArgs->namedKextURLs, scratchURL);
        } else {
            CFArrayAppendValue(toolArgs->repositoryURLs, scratchURL);

    result = EX_OK;


    if (result == EX_USAGE) {
    return result;