ITERATE ( vector<string>, it, dirs ) { string dir = *it; if ( !dir.empty() && !NStr::EndsWith(dir, "/") ) { dir += '/'; } string file = args["file"].AsString(); path = file; if ( CFile(path).Exists() ) { break; } path = dir + file; if ( CFile(path).Exists() ) { break; } SIZE_TYPE p1 = file.rfind('/'); if ( p1 == NPOS ) { p1 = 0; } else { p1 += 1; } SIZE_TYPE p2 = file.find('.', p1); if ( p2 != NPOS ) { path = dir + file.substr(p1, p2-p1) + "/alignment/" + file; if ( CFile(path).Exists() ) { break; } path = dir + file.substr(p1, p2-p1) + "/exome_alignment/" + file; if ( CFile(path).Exists() ) { break; } } path.clear(); }
//polls directory with _dirname and collect names of playlists void CSelectPlayList::LoadPlaylists( std::string _dirname ) { /* poll the directory and collect data */ struct dirent* entry = NULL; DIR* dir = opendir( _dirname.c_str() ); // std::cout << "Open direcory" << std::endl; if( NULL == dir ) return; // std::cout << "Read direcory" << std::endl; if( NULL == ( entry = readdir( dir ) ) ) { /* perhaps some errors, but currently no checks, just exit, assume empty folder */ return; } while( entry != NULL ) { struct stat status; std::string fullname; fullname += _dirname + "/" + entry->d_name; std::cout << "get entry status " << fullname << std::endl; if( 0 == stat( fullname.c_str(), &status ) ) { if( S_ISREG( status.st_mode ) ) { /* regular file, add it to playlist */ /* check filename extension, has to be mp3 */ if( CFile::FILE_RADIOBOX == CFile( fullname ).getType() ) { this->playlists.push_back( CFile( fullname ).getFileName() ); } else std::cout << "Baypass file with " << fullname << " extension" << std::endl; } } entry = readdir( dir ); } closedir( dir ); }
bool CSoapServerApplication::x_ProcessWsdlRequest(CCgiResponse& response, const CCgiRequest& request) const { const TCgiEntries& entries = request.GetEntries(); if (entries.empty()) { return false; } for(TCgiEntries::const_iterator i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); ++i) { if (NStr::CompareNocase(i->first, "wsdl") == 0) { response.WriteHeader(); if (!m_Wsdl.empty()) { int len = (int)CFile(m_Wsdl).GetLength(); if (len > 0) { char* buf = new char[len]; ifstream iw(m_Wsdl.c_str());,len); response.out().write(buf,len); delete [] buf; } } return true; } } return false; }
void CPlayLocation::Show() { // sleep( 1 ); frame = CLCD::getInstance()->ShowPlayingFile( CFile( playlist->GetCurrentLocation() ).getFileName(), playlist->GetPositionPercents(), playlist->GetTimePlayed(), frame ); if( CBaseDec::STOP == playlist->GetState() ) remove = true; }
/* * CBoardDevice::Init() * * Initializes the device * * Returns: True if the initializing was successful and false if it failed. */ bool CBoardDevice::Init(GtkFixed *board_area, CBoardDeviceGroup *device_group) { this->device_group = device_group; // Load the bitmap GdkPixbuf *bg_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream(CFile(image_file.c_str()).get_input_stream(), NULL, NULL); if(bg_pixbuf == NULL) return false; bitmap_x = bitmap_y = 0; width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(bg_pixbuf); height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(bg_pixbuf); // Check if the type is LED, PUSH or TOGGLE if(!strcmp(type.c_str(), "LED") || !strcmp(type.c_str(), "PUSH") || !strcmp(type.c_str(), "TOGGLE")) { // Set the appropriate width and height of the bitmap width = width / 2; // Check if PUSH because pushbuttons have the value 1 if they are up if(!strcmp(type.c_str(), "PUSH")) bitmap_x = 1; } // Check if the type is SSLED else if(!strcmp(type.c_str(), "SSLED")) { // Set the appropriate width and height of the bitmap width = width / 8; height = height / 16; } GtkWidget *bg_viewport = gtk_viewport_new(NULL, NULL); gtk_widget_set_events(bg_viewport, GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(bg_viewport), "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(device_button_pressed), this); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(bg_viewport), "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(device_button_released), this); gtk_widget_show(bg_viewport); GtkWidget *bg_image = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(bg_pixbuf); gtk_widget_show(bg_image); gtk_container_add((GtkContainer*)bg_viewport, bg_image); gtk_viewport_set_shadow_type((GtkViewport*)bg_viewport, GTK_SHADOW_NONE); gtk_widget_set_size_request(bg_viewport, width, height); gtk_adjustment_set_upper(gtk_viewport_get_hadjustment((GtkViewport*)bg_viewport), width); gtk_adjustment_set_upper(gtk_viewport_get_vadjustment((GtkViewport*)bg_viewport), height); gtk_fixed_put(board_area, bg_viewport, coords.x, coords.y); g_object_unref(bg_pixbuf); viewport = (GtkViewport*)bg_viewport; ShowCorrectImage(); return true; }
LRESULT CDIBitmap::Save(string BitmapFileName,LPRECT lpRect){ if (m_hDC == NULL) return 0; // Openしていないファイル RECT rc; if (lpRect==NULL) { SetRect(&rc,0,0,m_nSizeX,m_nSizeY); lpRect = &rc; } WARNING(rc.left < 0 || < 0 || rc.right>m_nSizeX || rc.bottom>m_nSizeY, "CDIBitmap::Saveで矩形外が指定されている。"); // ビットマップメモリ確保 long lPitch = ((lpRect->right - lpRect->left)*3 + 3) & ~3; // 一ライン当たりのバイト数 long size = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +lPitch * (lpRect->bottom - lpRect->top); // これが画像ファイルサイズ(のはず) auto_array<BYTE> bitmap(size); // ビットマップヘッダーの定義 BITMAPFILEHEADER *BF = (BITMAPFILEHEADER*)(BYTE*)bitmap; BF->bfType = 0x4D42; BF->bfSize = size; BF->bfReserved1 = 0; BF->bfReserved2 = 0; BF->bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); BITMAPINFOHEADER *BI = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*)((BYTE*)bitmap + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); BI->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); BI->biWidth = lpRect->right - lpRect->left; // size to be saved... BI->biHeight = lpRect->bottom - lpRect->top; BI->biPlanes = 1; BI->biBitCount = 24; // フルカラー BI->biCompression = 0; // 非圧縮 BI->biSizeImage = 0; // 非圧縮のときは0 BI->biXPelsPerMeter = 3780; // 96dpi(こんなところ見ているソフトはないだろうけど) BI->biYPelsPerMeter = 3780; BI->biClrUsed = 0; BI->biClrImportant = 0; BYTE *image = (BYTE*)bitmap + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); // イメージ転送なりり! int y2 = lpRect->bottom-lpRect->top-1; // 上下は反転させる必要がある for(int y=lpRect->top;y<lpRect->bottom;y++,y2--){ int x2 = 0; for(int x=lpRect->left;x<lpRect->right;x++,x2++){ COLORREF c = ::GetPixel(m_hDC,x,y); // まあ、ちょっとぐらい遅くてもええわな^^ *(image + x2*3 + y2*lPitch + 0) = GetBValue(c); // B *(image + x2*3 + y2*lPitch + 1) = GetGValue(c); // G *(image + x2*3 + y2*lPitch + 2) = GetRValue(c); // R } } return CFile().Write(BitmapFileName,bitmap,size); // そんだけ:p }
void CTest::CreateFile(const string& path, size_t offset, size_t size) { CFileIO fio; fio.Open(path, CFileIO::eCreate, CFileIO::eReadWrite); assert((offset + size) <= m_BufLen); size_t n = fio.Write(m_Buf + offset, size); assert(n == size); fio.Close(); assert(CFile(path).Exists()); }
CBDB_BlobDeMuxPersistent(const string& path, double vol_max = 1.5 * (1024.00*1024.00*1024.00), unsigned rec_max = 3 * 1000000) : CBDB_BlobDeMux(vol_max, rec_max) , m_Path(path) { if ( !m_Path.empty() && CFile(m_Path).Exists()) { CNcbiIfstream istr(m_Path.c_str()); Load(istr); } }
void CBam2GraphApp::ProcessFile(const string& file) { const CArgs& args = GetArgs(); string path; if ( NStr::StartsWith(file, "http://") || NStr::StartsWith(file, "https://") || NStr::StartsWith(file, "ftp://") || CFile(file).Exists() ) { path = file; } else { string dir; if ( args["dir"] ) { dir = args["dir"].AsString(); } else { vector<string> reps; NStr::Split("traces02:traces04", ":", reps); ITERATE ( vector<string>, it, reps ) { string path = CFile::MakePath(CFile::MakePath(NCBI_GetTestDataPath(), *it), dir); if ( !CDirEntry(dir).Exists() ) { dir = path; break; } } } path = CFile::MakePath(dir, file); if ( !CFile(path).Exists() ) { vector<string> tt; NStr::Split(CFile(file).GetBase(), ".", tt); if ( tt.size() > 0 ) { path = CFile::MakePath(dir, tt[0]); path = CFile::MakePath(path, "alignment"); path = CFile::MakePath(path, file); } } }
bool CZipCompression::DecompressFileIntoDir(const string& src_file, const string& dst_dir, size_t buf_size) { CZipCompressionFile cf(GetLevel(), m_WindowBits, m_MemLevel, m_Strategy); cf.SetFlags(cf.GetFlags() | GetFlags()); bool need_restore_attr = false; SFileInfo info; string dir, name, ext; string dst_file; // Open compressed file, and define name of the destination file if ( F_ISSET(fRestoreFileAttr) ) { if ( !cf.Open(src_file, CCompressionFile::eMode_Read, &info) ) { SetError(cf.GetErrorCode(), cf.GetErrorDescription()); return false; } if ( ) { // Header is possible broken, ignore it CFile::SplitPath(src_file, &dir, &name, &ext); dst_file = CFile::MakePath(dst_dir, name); } else { need_restore_attr = true; dst_file = CFile::MakePath(dst_dir,; } } else { if ( !cf.Open(src_file, CCompressionFile::eMode_Read, 0) ) { SetError(cf.GetErrorCode(), cf.GetErrorDescription()); return false; } CFile::SplitPath(src_file, &dir, &name, &ext); dst_file = CFile::MakePath(dst_dir, name); } // Decompress file if ( !CCompression::x_DecompressFile(cf, dst_file, buf_size) ) { if ( cf.GetErrorCode() ) { SetError(cf.GetErrorCode(), cf.GetErrorDescription()); } cf.Close(); return false; } // Close output file and return result bool status = cf.Close(); SetError(cf.GetErrorCode(), cf.GetErrorDescription()); // Restore time stamp if needed if ( status && need_restore_attr ) { CFile(dst_file).SetTimeT(&info.mtime); } return status; }
ITERATE ( vector<string>, it, dirs ) { string dir = *it; if ( !CDirEntry(dir).Exists() ) { continue; } path = CFile::MakePath(dir, file); if ( !CFile(path).Exists() ) { SIZE_TYPE p1 = file.rfind('/'); if ( p1 == NPOS ) { p1 = 0; } else { p1 += 1; } SIZE_TYPE p2 = file.find('.', p1); if ( p2 != NPOS ) { path = CFile::MakePath(dir, file.substr(p1, p2-p1) + "/alignment/" + file); } } if ( CFile(path).Exists() ) { break; } path.clear(); }
CSetupWriteFlash::CSetupWriteFlash( ) { title = "Select img."; this->flag = false; /* poll the directory and collect data */ struct dirent* entry = NULL; DIR* dir = opendir( "/tmp" ); if( NULL == dir ) return; if( NULL == ( entry = readdir( dir ) ) ) { /* perhaps some errors, but currently no checks, just exit, assume empty folder */ return; } while( entry != NULL ) { struct stat status; std::string fullname; fullname += std::string("/tmp/") + std::string(entry->d_name); if( 0 == stat( fullname.c_str(), &status ) ) { if( S_ISREG( status.st_mode ) ) { /* regular file, add it to playlist */ /* check filename extension, has to be mp3 */ if( CFile::FILE_IMAGE == CFile( fullname ).getType() ) { std::cout << "file " << fullname << std::endl; entries.push_back( fullname ); } } } entry = readdir( dir ); } closedir( dir ); }
static void s_ReadLinesFromFile(const string& fn, vector<string>& lines) { CNcbiIfstream fs(fn.c_str(), IOS_BASE::in); lines.clear(); if (CFile(fn).Exists() && ! { char line[256]; while(true) { fs.getline(line, 256); if (fs.eof()) break; if (line[0] == '#') continue; string l(line); lines.push_back(l); } } fs.close(); };
void CSoundOgg::load(){ if(isLoaded()) return; CSoundBuffer::load(); mFile = CFile(getName()); mFile.loadData(); mFileData = (char *)mFile.getData(); mFilePos = 0; ov_callbacks cb; cb.read_func = read_func; cb.seek_func = seek_func; cb.close_func = close_func; cb.tell_func = tell_func; S32 res = ov_open_callbacks(this, &mOggFile, 0, 0, cb); }
void CPlayPLRandom::Show() { // sleep( 1 ); static size_t lastplayed = 0; if( lastplayed != playlist->GetCurrent() ) { frame = 0; lastplayed = playlist->GetCurrent(); } frame = CLCD::getInstance()->ShowPlayingFile( CFile( playlist->GetCurrentLocation() ).getFileName(), playlist->GetPositionPercents(), playlist->GetTimePlayed(), frame ); playlist->DoAction(); if( playlist->IsStopped() ) remove = true; // if( CBaseDec::STOP == playlist->GetState() ) // remove = true; }
bool CSoundOgg::isOggFile(const std::string &name){ CSoundOgg ogg; ogg.mFile = CFile(name); try { ogg.mFile.loadData(); } catch (CException e) { return false; } ogg.mFileData = (char *)ogg.mFile.getData(); ogg.mFilePos = 0; ov_callbacks cb; cb.read_func = read_func; cb.seek_func = seek_func; cb.close_func = close_func; cb.tell_func = tell_func; S32 res = ov_test_callbacks(&ogg, &ogg.mOggFile, 0, 0, cb); return res == 0 ? true : false; }
void sUpdateCase(CDir& test_cases_dir, const string& test_name) { string input = CDir::ConcatPath( test_cases_dir.GetPath(), test_name + "." + extInput); string output = CDir::ConcatPath( test_cases_dir.GetPath(), test_name + "." + extOutput); string errors = CDir::ConcatPath( test_cases_dir.GetPath(), test_name + "." + extErrors); if (!CFile(input).Exists()) { BOOST_FAIL("input file " << input << " does not exist."); } string test_base, test_type; NStr::SplitInTwo(test_name, ".", test_base, test_type); cerr << "Creating new test case from " << input << " ..." << endl; CErrorLogger logger(errors); //get a scope CRef<CObjectManager> pObjMngr = CObjectManager::GetInstance(); CGBDataLoader::RegisterInObjectManager(*pObjMngr); CRef<CScope> pScope(new CScope(*pObjMngr)); pScope->AddDefaults(); //get a writer object CNcbiIfstream ifstr(input.c_str(), ios::binary); CObjectIStream* pI = CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, ifstr, eTakeOwnership); CNcbiOfstream ofstr(output.c_str()); CBedGraphWriter* pWriter = sGetWriter(*pScope, ofstr); if (test_type == "annot") { CRef<CSeq_annot> pAnnot(new CSeq_annot); *pI >> *pAnnot; pWriter->WriteHeader(); pWriter->WriteAnnot(*pAnnot); pWriter->WriteFooter(); delete pWriter; ofstr.flush(); }
void sUpdateCase(CDir& test_cases_dir, const string& test_name) { string input = CDir::ConcatPath( test_cases_dir.GetPath(), test_name + "." + extInput); string output = CDir::ConcatPath( test_cases_dir.GetPath(), test_name + "." + extOutput); string errors = CDir::ConcatPath( test_cases_dir.GetPath(), test_name + "." + extErrors); if (!CFile(input).Exists()) { BOOST_FAIL("input file " << input << " does not exist."); } cerr << "Creating new test case from " << input << " ..." << endl; CErrorLogger logger(errors); CGvfReader reader(0); CNcbiIfstream ifstr(input.c_str()); typedef CGff2Reader::TAnnotList ANNOTS; ANNOTS annots; try { reader.ReadSeqAnnots(annots, ifstr, &logger); } catch (...) { ifstr.close(); BOOST_FAIL("Error: " << input << " failed during conversion."); } ifstr.close(); cerr << " Produced new error listing " << output << "." << endl; CNcbiOfstream ofstr(output.c_str()); for (ANNOTS::iterator cit = annots.begin(); cit != annots.end(); ++cit){ ofstr << MSerial_AsnText << **cit; ofstr.flush(); } ofstr.close(); cerr << " Produced new ASN1 file " << output << "." << endl; cerr << " ... Done." << endl; }
CTaxDBFileInfo::CTaxDBFileInfo() : m_AllTaxidCount(0), m_IndexPtr(NULL), m_DataPtr(NULL), m_DataFileSize(0), m_MissingDB(false) { // It is reasonable for this database to not exist. m_IndexFN = SeqDB_ResolveDbPath("taxdb.bti"); if (m_IndexFN.size()) { m_DataFN = m_IndexFN; m_DataFN[m_DataFN.size()-1] = 'd'; } if (! (m_IndexFN.size() && m_DataFN.size() && CFile(m_IndexFN).Exists() && CFile(m_DataFN).Exists())) { m_MissingDB = true; return; } // Size for header data plus one taxid object. Uint4 data_start = (4 + // magic 4 + // taxid count 16); // 4 reserved fields Uint4 idx_file_len = (Uint4) CFile(m_IndexFN).GetLength(); if (idx_file_len < (data_start + sizeof(CSeqDBTaxId))) { m_MissingDB = true; return; } m_IndexFileMap.reset(new CMemoryFile(m_IndexFN)); m_IndexFileMap->Map(); // Last check-up of the database validity Uint4 * magic_num_ptr = (Uint4 *)m_IndexFileMap->GetPtr(); const unsigned TAX_DB_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x8739; if (TAX_DB_MAGIC_NUMBER != SeqDB_GetStdOrd(magic_num_ptr ++)) { m_MissingDB = true; m_IndexFileMap.reset(); ERR_POST("Error: Tax database file has wrong magic number."); return; } m_AllTaxidCount = SeqDB_GetStdOrd(magic_num_ptr ++); // Skip the four reserved fields magic_num_ptr += 4; int taxid_array_size = int((idx_file_len - data_start)/sizeof(CSeqDBTaxId)); if (taxid_array_size != m_AllTaxidCount) { m_MissingDB = true; m_IndexFileMap.reset(); ERR_POST("SeqDB: Taxid metadata indicates (" << m_AllTaxidCount << ") entries but file has room for (" << taxid_array_size << ")."); if (taxid_array_size < m_AllTaxidCount) { m_AllTaxidCount = taxid_array_size; } return; } m_DataFileMap.reset(new CMemoryFile(m_DataFN)); m_DataPtr = (char *) (m_DataFileMap->GetPtr()); m_DataFileSize = m_DataFileMap->GetSize(); m_IndexPtr = (CSeqDBTaxId*) magic_num_ptr; }
void CVirtualFS::findFiles(const string &path, const string &extension, FindResult &fr){ S32 i; #ifdef _WIN32 struct _finddata_t fileinfo; #else struct dirent **entlist, *ent; #endif CollectionList::iterator col; for(col = fileCollections.begin() ; col != fileCollections.end() ; col++){ if(col->col_type == CFileCollection::QuakePAK){ } else if(col->col_type == CFileCollection::NativeCollection){ string fullPath = path; {S32 i=0; while((i = fullPath.find('\\', i)) != string::npos){ fullPath.replace(i, 1, "/"); }} Unz_GetStringForDir((unzFile*)col->zh, fullPath, extension, fr); } else if(col->col_type == CFileCollection::Directory){ string fullPath = fixFileName(path); i = fullPath.find(col->mMountPoint, 0); if(i != 0){ return; } fullPath.replace(0, col->mMountPoint.size(), ""); if(fullPath[0] == '/') fullPath.replace(0, 1, ""); fullPath = col->colPath + fullPath; #ifdef _WIN32 fullPath += "*." + extension; {S32 i=0; while((i = fullPath.find('/', i)) != string::npos){ fullPath.replace(i, 1, "\\"); }} S32 hd; hd = _findfirst(fullPath.c_str(), &fileinfo); if(hd != -1){ do { fr.push_back(CFile(path +; } while (_findnext(hd, &fileinfo) != -1); _findclose(hd); } #else S32 numfiles = scandir(fullPath.c_str(), &entlist, NULL, NULL); for(S32 i = 0 ; i < numfiles ; i++){ ent = entlist[i]; // Skip hidden if(ent->d_name[0]=='.')continue; // Keep requested files if(strncmp(extension.c_str(), ent->d_name + strlen(ent->d_name) - extension.length(), extension.length()))continue; fr.push_back(CFile(path + ent->d_name)); } #endif } } }
bool CUser::ParseConfig(CConfig* pConfig, CString& sError) { TOption<const CString&> StringOptions[] = { { "nick", &CUser::SetNick }, { "quitmsg", &CUser::SetQuitMsg }, { "altnick", &CUser::SetAltNick }, { "ident", &CUser::SetIdent }, { "realname", &CUser::SetRealName }, { "chanmodes", &CUser::SetDefaultChanModes }, { "bindhost", &CUser::SetBindHost }, { "vhost", &CUser::SetBindHost }, { "dccbindhost", &CUser::SetDCCBindHost }, { "dccvhost", &CUser::SetDCCBindHost }, { "timestampformat", &CUser::SetTimestampFormat }, { "skin", &CUser::SetSkinName }, { "language", &CUser::SetLanguage }, }; size_t numStringOptions = sizeof(StringOptions) / sizeof(StringOptions[0]); TOption<unsigned int> UIntOptions[] = { { "jointries", &CUser::SetJoinTries }, { "maxjoins", &CUser::SetMaxJoins }, }; size_t numUIntOptions = sizeof(UIntOptions) / sizeof(UIntOptions[0]); TOption<bool> BoolOptions[] = { { "keepbuffer", &CUser::SetKeepBuffer }, { "multiclients", &CUser::SetMultiClients }, { "denyloadmod", &CUser::SetDenyLoadMod }, { "admin", &CUser::SetAdmin }, { "denysetbindhost", &CUser::SetDenySetBindHost }, { "denysetvhost", &CUser::SetDenySetBindHost }, { "appendtimestamp", &CUser::SetTimestampAppend }, { "prependtimestamp", &CUser::SetTimestampPrepend }, { "ircconnectenabled", &CUser::SetIRCConnectEnabled }, }; size_t numBoolOptions = sizeof(BoolOptions) / sizeof(BoolOptions[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < numStringOptions; i++) { CString sValue; if (pConfig->FindStringEntry(StringOptions[i].name, sValue)) (this->*StringOptions[i].pSetter)(sValue); } for (size_t i = 0; i < numUIntOptions; i++) { CString sValue; if (pConfig->FindStringEntry(UIntOptions[i].name, sValue)) (this->*UIntOptions[i].pSetter)(sValue.ToUInt()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < numBoolOptions; i++) { CString sValue; if (pConfig->FindStringEntry(BoolOptions[i].name, sValue)) (this->*BoolOptions[i].pSetter)(sValue.ToBool()); } VCString vsList; VCString::const_iterator vit; pConfig->FindStringVector("allow", vsList); for (vit = vsList.begin(); vit != vsList.end(); ++vit) { AddAllowedHost(*vit); } pConfig->FindStringVector("ctcpreply", vsList); for (vit = vsList.begin(); vit != vsList.end(); ++vit) { const CString& sValue = *vit; AddCTCPReply(sValue.Token(0), sValue.Token(1, true)); } CString sValue; CString sDCCLookupValue; pConfig->FindStringEntry("dcclookupmethod", sDCCLookupValue); if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("bouncedccs", sValue)) { if (sValue.ToBool()) { CUtils::PrintAction("Loading Module [bouncedcc]"); CString sModRet; bool bModRet = GetModules().LoadModule("bouncedcc", "", CModInfo::UserModule, this, NULL, sModRet); CUtils::PrintStatus(bModRet, sModRet); if (!bModRet) { sError = sModRet; return false; } if (sDCCLookupValue.Equals("Client")) { GetModules().FindModule("bouncedcc")->SetNV("UseClientIP", "1"); } } } if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("buffer", sValue)) SetBufferCount(sValue.ToUInt(), true); if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("awaysuffix", sValue)) { CUtils::PrintMessage("WARNING: AwaySuffix has been depricated, instead try -> LoadModule = awaynick %nick%_" + sValue); } if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("autocycle", sValue)) { if (sValue.Equals("true")) CUtils::PrintError("WARNING: AutoCycle has been removed, instead try -> LoadModule = autocycle"); } if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("keepnick", sValue)) { if (sValue.Equals("true")) CUtils::PrintError("WARNING: KeepNick has been deprecated, instead try -> LoadModule = keepnick"); } if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("statusprefix", sValue)) { if (!SetStatusPrefix(sValue)) { sError = "Invalid StatusPrefix [" + sValue + "] Must be 1-5 chars, no spaces."; CUtils::PrintError(sError); return false; } } if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("timezoneoffset", sValue)) { SetTimezoneOffset(sValue.ToDouble()); } if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("timestamp", sValue)) { if (!sValue.Trim_n().Equals("true")) { if (sValue.Trim_n().Equals("append")) { SetTimestampAppend(true); SetTimestampPrepend(false); } else if (sValue.Trim_n().Equals("prepend")) { SetTimestampAppend(false); SetTimestampPrepend(true); } else if (sValue.Trim_n().Equals("false")) { SetTimestampAppend(false); SetTimestampPrepend(false); } else { SetTimestampFormat(sValue); } } } pConfig->FindStringEntry("pass", sValue); // There are different formats for this available: // Pass = <plain text> // Pass = <md5 hash> - // Pass = plain#<plain text> // Pass = <hash name>#<hash> // Pass = <hash name>#<salted hash>#<salt># // 'Salted hash' means hash of 'password' + 'salt' // Possible hashes are md5 and sha256 if (sValue.Right(1) == "-") { sValue.RightChomp(); sValue.Trim(); SetPass(sValue, CUser::HASH_MD5); } else { CString sMethod = sValue.Token(0, false, "#"); CString sPass = sValue.Token(1, true, "#"); if (sMethod == "md5" || sMethod == "sha256") { CUser::eHashType type = CUser::HASH_MD5; if (sMethod == "sha256") type = CUser::HASH_SHA256; CString sSalt = sPass.Token(1, false, "#"); sPass = sPass.Token(0, false, "#"); SetPass(sPass, type, sSalt); } else if (sMethod == "plain") { SetPass(sPass, CUser::HASH_NONE); } else { SetPass(sValue, CUser::HASH_NONE); } } CConfig::SubConfig subConf; CConfig::SubConfig::const_iterator subIt; pConfig->FindSubConfig("pass", subConf); if (!sValue.empty() && !subConf.empty()) { sError = "Password defined more than once"; CUtils::PrintError(sError); return false; } subIt = subConf.begin(); if (subIt != subConf.end()) { CConfig* pSubConf = subIt->second.m_pSubConfig; CString sHash; CString sMethod; CString sSalt; CUser::eHashType method; pSubConf->FindStringEntry("hash", sHash); pSubConf->FindStringEntry("method", sMethod); pSubConf->FindStringEntry("salt", sSalt); if (sMethod.empty() || sMethod.Equals("plain")) method = CUser::HASH_NONE; else if (sMethod.Equals("md5")) method = CUser::HASH_MD5; else if (sMethod.Equals("sha256")) method = CUser::HASH_SHA256; else { sError = "Invalid hash method"; CUtils::PrintError(sError); return false; } SetPass(sHash, method, sSalt); if (!pSubConf->empty()) { sError = "Unhandled lines in config!"; CUtils::PrintError(sError); CZNC::DumpConfig(pSubConf); return false; } subIt++; } if (subIt != subConf.end()) { sError = "Password defined more than once"; CUtils::PrintError(sError); return false; } pConfig->FindSubConfig("network", subConf); for (subIt = subConf.begin(); subIt != subConf.end(); ++subIt) { const CString& sNetworkName = subIt->first; CIRCNetwork *pNetwork = FindNetwork(sNetworkName); if (!pNetwork) { pNetwork = new CIRCNetwork(this, sNetworkName); } if (!pNetwork->ParseConfig(subIt->second.m_pSubConfig, sError)) { return false; } } if (pConfig->FindStringVector("server", vsList, false) || pConfig->FindStringVector("chan", vsList, false) || pConfig->FindSubConfig("chan", subConf, false)) { CIRCNetwork *pNetwork = FindNetwork("user"); if (!pNetwork) { pNetwork = AddNetwork("user"); } if (pNetwork) { CUtils::PrintMessage("NOTICE: Found deprecated config, upgrading to a network"); if (!pNetwork->ParseConfig(pConfig, sError, true)) { return false; } } } pConfig->FindStringVector("loadmodule", vsList); for (vit = vsList.begin(); vit != vsList.end(); ++vit) { sValue = *vit; CString sModName = sValue.Token(0); // XXX Legacy crap, added in ZNC 0.089 if (sModName == "discon_kick") { CUtils::PrintMessage("NOTICE: [discon_kick] was renamed, loading [disconkick] instead"); sModName = "disconkick"; } // XXX Legacy crap, added in ZNC 0.099 if (sModName == "fixfreenode") { CUtils::PrintMessage("NOTICE: [fixfreenode] doesn't do anything useful anymore, ignoring it"); continue; } CUtils::PrintAction("Loading Module [" + sModName + "]"); CString sModRet; CString sArgs = sValue.Token(1, true); bool bModRet; CModInfo ModInfo; if (!CZNC::Get().GetModules().GetModInfo(ModInfo, sModName, sModRet)) { sError = "Unable to find modinfo [" + sModName + "] [" + sModRet + "]"; return false; } if (!ModInfo.SupportsType(CModInfo::UserModule) && ModInfo.SupportsType(CModInfo::NetworkModule)) { CUtils::PrintMessage("NOTICE: Module [" + sModName + "] is a network module, loading module for all networks in user."); // Do they have old NV? CFile fNVFile = CFile(GetUserPath() + "/moddata/" + sModName + "/.registry"); for (vector<CIRCNetwork*>::iterator it = m_vIRCNetworks.begin(); it != m_vIRCNetworks.end(); ++it) { if (fNVFile.Exists()) { CString sNetworkModPath = (*it)->GetNetworkPath() + "/moddata/" + sModName; if (!CFile::Exists(sNetworkModPath)) { CDir::MakeDir(sNetworkModPath); } fNVFile.Copy(sNetworkModPath + "/.registry"); } bModRet = (*it)->GetModules().LoadModule(sModName, sArgs, CModInfo::NetworkModule, this, *it, sModRet); if (!bModRet) { break; } } } else { bModRet = GetModules().LoadModule(sModName, sArgs, CModInfo::UserModule, this, NULL, sModRet); } CUtils::PrintStatus(bModRet, sModRet); if (!bModRet) { sError = sModRet; return false; } continue; } return true; }
CDBInterfacesFileConnParams::CDBInterfacesFileConnParams( const CDBConnParams& other, const string& file ) : CDBConnParamsDelegate(other) { string file_name; if (!file.empty() && CFile(file).Exists()) { file_name = file; } else { const CNcbiEnvironment env; // Get it from a default place ... file_name = env.Get("SYBASE") + "/interfaces"; if (!CFile(file_name).Exists()) { file_name = env.Get("HOME") + "/.interfaces"; if (!CFile(file_name).Exists()) { return; } } } CNcbiIfstream istr(file_name.c_str()); if (!istr) { return; } string line; string key; string host_str; string port_str; vector<string> arr_param; enum EState {eInitial, eKeyRead, eValueRead}; EState state = eInitial; bool tli_format = false; while (NcbiGetlineEOL(istr, line)) { if (line[0] == '#' || line.empty()) { continue; } else if (line[0] == '\t') { if (state == eKeyRead) { NStr::TruncateSpacesInPlace(line); arr_param.clear(); NStr::Tokenize(line, "\t ", arr_param); if (NStr::Equal(arr_param[0], "query")) { if (NStr::Equal(arr_param[1], "tli")) { tli_format = true; const string tli_str = arr_param[arr_param.size() - 1]; host_str = tli_str.substr(10 - 1, 8); port_str = tli_str.substr(6 - 1, 4); } else { host_str = arr_param[arr_param.size() - 2]; port_str = arr_param[arr_param.size() - 1]; } state = eValueRead; } } else { // Skip all values except the first one ... continue; } } else { if (state == eInitial) { key = line; NStr::TruncateSpacesInPlace(key); state = eKeyRead; } else { // Error ... DATABASE_DRIVER_ERROR("Invalid interfaces file line: " + line, 20001); } } if (state == eValueRead) { Uint4 host = 0; unsigned char* b = (unsigned char*) &host; if (!host_str.empty() && !port_str.empty()) { if (tli_format) { b[0] = NStr::StringToUInt(host_str.substr(0, 2), 0, 16); b[1] = NStr::StringToUInt(host_str.substr(2, 2), 0, 16); b[2] = NStr::StringToUInt(host_str.substr(4, 2), 0, 16); b[3] = NStr::StringToUInt(host_str.substr(6, 2), 0, 16); m_Records[key] = SIRecord(host, NStr::StringToUInt(port_str, 0, 16)); } else { NStr::TruncateSpacesInPlace(host_str); arr_param.clear(); NStr::Tokenize(host_str, ".", arr_param); b[0] = NStr::StringToUInt(arr_param[0]); b[1] = NStr::StringToUInt(arr_param[1]); b[2] = NStr::StringToUInt(arr_param[2]); b[3] = NStr::StringToUInt(arr_param[3]); m_Records[key] = SIRecord(host, NStr::StringToUInt(port_str)); } } state = eInitial; } } }