コード例 #1
ファイル: cg_draw.c プロジェクト: Aravind7z/zeq2lite

Used for both the status bar and the scoreboard
void CG_DrawHead( float x, float y, float w, float h, int clientNum, vec3_t headAngles ) {
	clipHandle_t	cm;
	clientInfo_t	*ci;
	float			len;
	vec3_t			origin;
	vec3_t			mins, maxs;
	tierConfig_cg	*tier;
	qhandle_t		icon;
	ci = &cgs.clientinfo[clientNum];
	tier = &ci->tierConfig[ci->tierCurrent];
		icon = tier->icon2D[0];
		CG_DrawPic(qfalse, x, y, w, h,icon);
		cm = ci->headModel[ci->tierCurrent];
		len = 0.7 * ( maxs[2] - mins[2] );		
		origin[0] = len / (1.0 - tier->icon3DZoom);
		origin[1] = 0.5 * (mins[1] + maxs[1]);
		origin[2] = -0.5 * (mins[2] + maxs[2]);
		headAngles[0] = tier->icon3DRotation[0];
		headAngles[1] = tier->icon3DRotation[1];
		headAngles[2] = tier->icon3DRotation[2];
コード例 #2
ファイル: cg_draw.c プロジェクト: entdark/q3mme

Used for both the status bar and the scoreboard
void CG_DrawFlagModel( float x, float y, float w, float h, int team, qboolean force2D ) {
	qhandle_t		cm;
	float			len;
	vec3_t			origin, angles;
	vec3_t			mins, maxs;
	qhandle_t		handle;

	if ( !force2D && cg_draw3dIcons.integer ) {

		VectorClear( angles );

		cm = cgs.media.redFlagModel;

		// offset the origin y and z to center the flag
		trap_R_ModelBounds( cm, mins, maxs );

		origin[2] = -0.5 * ( mins[2] + maxs[2] );
		origin[1] = 0.5 * ( mins[1] + maxs[1] );

		// calculate distance so the flag nearly fills the box
		// assume heads are taller than wide
		len = 0.5 * ( maxs[2] - mins[2] );		
		origin[0] = len / 0.268;	// len / tan( fov/2 )

		angles[YAW] = 60 * sin( (cg.time / 2000.0) + cg.timeFraction / 2000.0 );;

		if( team == TEAM_RED ) {
			handle = cgs.media.redFlagModel;
		} else if( team == TEAM_BLUE ) {
			handle = cgs.media.blueFlagModel;
		} else if( team == TEAM_FREE ) {
			handle = cgs.media.neutralFlagModel;
		} else {
		CG_Draw3DModel( x, y, w, h, handle, 0, origin, angles );
	} else if ( cg_drawIcons.integer ) {
		gitem_t *item;

		if( team == TEAM_RED ) {
			item = BG_FindItemForPowerup( PW_REDFLAG );
		} else if( team == TEAM_BLUE ) {
			item = BG_FindItemForPowerup( PW_BLUEFLAG );
		} else if( team == TEAM_FREE ) {
			item = BG_FindItemForPowerup( PW_NEUTRALFLAG );
		} else {
		if (item) {
		  CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, cg_items[ ITEM_INDEX(item) ].icon );
コード例 #3
ファイル: cg_newdraw.c プロジェクト: Razish/QtZ
static void CG_DrawPlayerArmorIcon( rectDef_t *rect, qboolean draw2D ) {
	vector3		angles;
	vector3		origin;

	if ( cg_drawStatus->integer == 0 ) {

	if ( draw2D || ( !cg_draw3dIcons->integer && cg_drawIcons->integer) ) {
		CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y + rect->h/2 + 1, rect->w, rect->h, cgs.media.armorIcon );
	} else if (cg_draw3dIcons->integer) {
		VectorClear( &angles );
		origin.x = 90;
		origin.y = 0;
		origin.z = -10;
		angles.yaw = ( cg.time & 2047 ) * 360 / 2048.0f;
		CG_Draw3DModel( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, cgs.media.armorModel, 0, &origin, &angles );
コード例 #4
ファイル: cg_draw.c プロジェクト: entdark/q3mme

Used for both the status bar and the scoreboard
void CG_DrawHead( float x, float y, float w, float h, int clientNum, vec3_t headAngles ) {
	clipHandle_t	cm;
	clientInfo_t	*ci;
	float			len;
	vec3_t			origin;
	vec3_t			mins, maxs;

	ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ clientNum ];

	if ( cg_draw3dIcons.integer ) {
		cm = ci->headModel;
		if ( !cm ) {

		// offset the origin y and z to center the head
		trap_R_ModelBounds( cm, mins, maxs );

		origin[2] = -0.5 * ( mins[2] + maxs[2] );
		origin[1] = 0.5 * ( mins[1] + maxs[1] );

		// calculate distance so the head nearly fills the box
		// assume heads are taller than wide
		len = 0.7 * ( maxs[2] - mins[2] );		
		origin[0] = len / 0.268;	// len / tan( fov/2 )

		// allow per-model tweaking
		VectorAdd( origin, ci->headOffset, origin );

		CG_Draw3DModel( x, y, w, h, ci->headModel, ci->headSkin, origin, headAngles );
	} else if ( cg_drawIcons.integer ) {
		CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, ci->modelIcon );

	// if they are deferred, draw a cross out
	if ( ci->deferred ) {
		CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, cgs.media.deferShader );
コード例 #5
ファイル: cg_newdraw.c プロジェクト: Razish/QtZ
static void CG_DrawPlayerItem( rectDef_t *rect, float scale, qboolean draw2D) {
	int		value;
	vector3 origin, angles;

	value = cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM];
	if ( value ) {
		CG_RegisterItemVisuals( value );

		if (qtrue) {
			CG_RegisterItemVisuals( value );
			CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, cg_items[ value ].icon );
		} else {
			VectorClear( &angles );
			origin.x = 90;
			origin.y = 0;
			origin.z = -10;
			angles.yaw = ( cg.time & 2047 ) * 360 / 2048.0f;
			CG_Draw3DModel(rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, cg_items[ value ].models[0], 0, &origin, &angles );

コード例 #6
ファイル: cg_newdraw.c プロジェクト: Razish/QtZ
static void CG_DrawPlayerAmmoIcon( rectDef_t *rect, qboolean draw2D ) {
	centity_t	*cent;
	vector3		angles;
	vector3		origin;

	cent = &cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum];

	if ( draw2D || (!cg_draw3dIcons->integer && cg_drawIcons->integer) ) {
		qhandle_t	icon;
		icon = cg_weapons[ cg.predictedPlayerState.weapon ].ammoIcon;
		if ( icon ) {
			CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, icon );
	} else if (cg_draw3dIcons->integer) {
		if ( cent->currentState.weapon && cg_weapons[ cent->currentState.weapon ].ammoModel ) {
			VectorClear( &angles );
			origin.x = 70;
			origin.y = 0;
			origin.z = 0;
			angles.yaw = 90 + 20 * sinf( cg.time / 1000.0f );
			CG_Draw3DModel( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, cg_weapons[ cent->currentState.weapon ].ammoModel, 0, &origin, &angles );
コード例 #7
ファイル: cg_draw.c プロジェクト: entdark/q3mme

static void CG_DrawStatusBar( void ) {
	int			color;
	centity_t	*cent;
	playerState_t	*ps;
	int			value;
	vec4_t		hcolor;
	vec3_t		angles;
	vec3_t		origin;

	static float colors[4][4] = { 
//		{ 0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0 } , { 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0 }, {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1} };
		{ 1.0f, 0.69f, 0.0f, 1.0f },    // normal
		{ 1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f },     // low health
		{ 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f },     // weapon firing
		{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f } };   // health > 100

	if ( cg_drawStatus.integer == 0 ) {

	// draw the team background
	CG_DrawTeamBackground( 0, 420, 640, 60, 0.33f, cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] );

	cent = &cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum];
	ps = &cg.snap->ps;

	VectorClear( angles );

	// draw any 3D icons first, so the changes back to 2D are minimized
	if ( cent->currentState.weapon && cg_weapons[ cent->currentState.weapon ].ammoModel ) {
		origin[0] = 70;
		origin[1] = 0;
		origin[2] = 0;
		angles[YAW] = 90 + 20 * sin( (cg.time / 1000.0) + cg.timeFraction / 1000.0 );
		CG_Draw3DModel( (CHAR_WIDTH*3 + TEXT_ICON_SPACE)*cgs.widthRatioCoef, 432, ICON_SIZE*cgs.widthRatioCoef, ICON_SIZE,
					   cg_weapons[ cent->currentState.weapon ].ammoModel, 0, origin, angles );

	CG_DrawStatusBarHead( 185 + (CHAR_WIDTH*3 + TEXT_ICON_SPACE)*cgs.widthRatioCoef );

	if( cg.predictedPlayerState.powerups[PW_REDFLAG] ) {
	} else if( cg.predictedPlayerState.powerups[PW_BLUEFLAG] ) {
	} else if( cg.predictedPlayerState.powerups[PW_NEUTRALFLAG] ) {

	if ( ps->stats[ STAT_ARMOR ] ) {
		origin[0] = 90;
		origin[1] = 0;
		origin[2] = -10;
		angles[YAW] = ( (cg.time & 2047) + cg.timeFraction ) * 360 / 2048.0;
		CG_Draw3DModel( 370 + (CHAR_WIDTH*3 + TEXT_ICON_SPACE)*cgs.widthRatioCoef, 432, ICON_SIZE*cgs.widthRatioCoef, ICON_SIZE,
					   cgs.media.armorModel, 0, origin, angles );

	// ammo
	if ( cent->currentState.weapon ) {
		value = ps->ammo[cent->currentState.weapon];
		if ( value > -1 ) {
			if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.weaponstate == WEAPON_FIRING
				&& cg.predictedPlayerState.weaponTime > 100 ) {
				// draw as dark grey when reloading
				color = 2;	// dark grey
			} else {
				if ( value >= 0 ) {
					color = 0;	// green
				} else {
					color = 1;	// red
			trap_R_SetColor( colors[color] );
			CG_DrawField (0, 432, 3, value);
			trap_R_SetColor( NULL );

			// if we didn't draw a 3D icon, draw a 2D icon for ammo
			if ( !cg_draw3dIcons.integer && cg_drawIcons.integer ) {
				qhandle_t	icon;

				icon = cg_weapons[ cg.predictedPlayerState.weapon ].ammoIcon;
				if ( icon ) {
					CG_DrawPic( (CHAR_WIDTH*3 + TEXT_ICON_SPACE)*cgs.widthRatioCoef, 432, ICON_SIZE*cgs.widthRatioCoef, ICON_SIZE, icon );

	// health
	value = ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH];
	if ( value > 100 ) {
		trap_R_SetColor( colors[3] );		// white
	} else if (value > 25) {
		trap_R_SetColor( colors[0] );	// green
	} else if (value > 0) {
		color = (cg.time >> 8) & 1;	// flash
		trap_R_SetColor( colors[color] );
	} else {