コード例 #1
ファイル: usb.c プロジェクト: changleo828/BOSSEN_USB_FOR_WT
int main( void )
    int i;
    int j;
    UINT8	res;
    UINT8	s;
    UINT8	NameBuf[20] = {0};
    UINT8       CountT = 0;
    UINT32      U_D;
    PUINT32     pU_D;
    pU_D = &U_D;
    // Stop watchdog timer to prevent time out reset
    P1DIR_bit.P1DIR0 = 1;
    P1OUT_bit.P1OUT0 = 1;

    CountT ++;
    for(i = 0;i<30000;i++);
    printk("Code Start !\r\n");
    printk("程序开始 !\r\n");
        for(i = 0;i<30000;i++);
        res = mInitCH376Host();
    }while(res != USB_INT_SUCCESS);
    printk("USB_INT_SUCCESS !\r\n");
        for(i = 0;i<30000;i++);
        res = CH376DiskConnect( ); /* 查询U盘是否连接,返回USB_INT_SUCCESS则说明当前已连接 */ 
    printk("  Connect SUCCESS\r\n");
        for(i = 0;i<30000;i++);
        res = CH376DiskMount( ); /* 查询U盘或SD卡是否准备好,有些U盘可能需多次调用才能成功 */ 
    printk("  U is OK !\r\n");

    s = CH376DiskCapacity(pU_D);
    mStopIfError( s );
    printk("  U盘大小:");
    printHex((unsigned int)U_D);
    printHex((unsigned int)(U_D>>16));
    s = CH376DiskQuery(pU_D);
    mStopIfError( s );
    printk("  剩余大小:");
    printHex((unsigned int)U_D);
    printHex((unsigned int)(U_D>>16));
    strcpy( NameBuf, "\\2012.TXT" );  /* 目标文件名 */
#if 0
    printf( "Open\r\n" );
    s = CH376FileOpenPath( NameBuf );
    mStopIfError( s );
    if ( s == ERR_MISS_FILE ){
        printf( "Create\r\n" );
        s = CH376FileCreatePath( NameBuf );  /* 新建多级目录下的文件,支持多级目录路径,输入缓冲区必须在RAM中 */
        mStopIfError( s );
    printf( "CH376ByteLocate\r\n" );
    s = CH376ByteLocate(0xFFFFFFFF);
    mStopIfError( s );
    printf( "Write\r\n" );
    strcpy( buf, "时间        数据  ---\xd\n" );
    s = CH376ByteWrite( buf, strlen(buf), NULL );  /* 以字节为单位向当前位置写入数据块 */
    mStopIfError( s );
    strcpy( buf, "2012-12-01  01    ---\xd\n" );
    buf[9] = '0' + CountT;
    for(i = 0; i < 100;i ++){
        buf[12] = '0' + i/10;
        buf[13] = '0' + i%10;
        printf( "Write %s" ,buf);
        s = CH376ByteWrite( buf, strlen(buf), NULL );  /* 以字节为单位向当前位置写入数据块 */
        mStopIfError( s );            
    printf( "Close\r\n" );
    s = CH376FileClose( TRUE );  /* 关闭文件,对于字节读写建议自动更新文件长度 */
    mStopIfError( s );
/* 如果MY_ADC.TXT文件已经存在则添加数据到尾部,如果不存在则新建文件 */
        printf( "Open\n" );
        s = CH376FileOpen( NameBuf );  /* 打开文件,该文件在根目录下 */
        if ( s == USB_INT_SUCCESS ) {  /* 文件存在并且已经被打开,移动文件指针到尾部以便添加数据 */
                printf( "File size = %ld\n", CH376GetFileSize( ) );  /* 读取当前文件长度 */
                printf( "Locate tail\n" );
                s = CH376ByteLocate( 0xFFFFFFFF );  /* 移到文件的尾部 */
                mStopIfError( s );
        else if ( s == ERR_MISS_FILE ) {  /* 没有找到文件,必须新建文件 */
                printf( "Create\n" );
                s = CH376FileCreate( NULL );  /* 新建文件并打开,如果文件已经存在则先删除后再新建,不必再提供文件名,刚才已经提供给CH376FileOpen */
                mStopIfError( s );
        else mStopIfError( s );  /* 打开文件时出错 */
        printf( "Write begin\n" );
        s = sprintf( buf, "此前文件长度= %ld 字节\xd\xa", CH376GetFileSize( ) );  /* 注意字符串长度不能溢出buf,否则加大缓冲区或者分多次写入 */
        s = CH376ByteWrite( buf, s, NULL );  /* 以字节为单位向文件写入数据 */
        mStopIfError( s );
        printf( "Write ADC data\n" );
        printf( "Current offset ( file point ) is :        ");
        for(i = 0;i<1000;i++){
            s = sprintf( buf, "%02d.%02d.%02d.%d\xd\xa", 2012 + i/365, 1 + (i / 30) % 12, 1 + i % 30, i );  
            /* 将二制制数据格式为一行字符串 */
            s = CH376ByteWrite( buf, s, NULL );  /* 以字节为单位向文件写入数据 */
            /* 有些U盘可能会要求在写数据后等待一会才能继续操作,
            建议在每次写入数据后稍作延时再继续 */
            for(j = 0;j<30;j++);
            mStopIfError( s );
            printf( "\b\b\b\b\b\b" );
            printf( "%6ld", CH376ReadVar32( VAR_CURRENT_OFFSET ) );  
            /* 读取当前文件指针 */
        printf( "Write end\n" );
        strcpy( buf, "今天的ADC数据到此结束\xd\xa" );
        s = CH376ByteWrite( buf, strlen( buf ), NULL );  /* 以字节为单位向文件写入数据 */
        mStopIfError( s );
/* 如果实际产品中有实时时钟,可以根据需要将文件的日期和时间修改为实际值,参考EXAM10用CH376DirInfoRead/CH376DirInfoSave实现 */
        printf( "Close\n" );
        s = CH376FileClose( TRUE );  /* 关闭文件,自动计算文件长度,以字节为单位写文件,建议让程序库关闭文件以便自动更新文件长度 */
        mStopIfError( s );

        for(i = 0;i<30000;i++);
        P1OUT_bit.P1OUT0 = 1;
        for(i = 0;i<30000;i++);
        P1OUT_bit.P1OUT0 = 0;            
        res = CH376DiskConnect( ); /* 查询U盘是否连接,返回USB_INT_SUCCESS则说明当前已连接 */ 
    printk("  ERR_DISK_DISCON\r\n");
    goto code_start;

コード例 #2
ファイル: CH376_Test.c プロジェクト: AlexGora/cox
//! \brief CH376 test execute main body.
//! \return None.
static void CH376Execute(void)
    unsigned char s;
    UINT16 usDataCnt;
    unsigned int ulFileSize, ulSetcorCnt;

    //waiting for USB device get ready
    for ( s = 0; s < 10; s ++ )
        mDelaymS( 50 );
        printf( "Ready ?\n\r" );
        // Initialize disk and check if disk is ready
        if ( CH376DiskMount( ) == USB_INT_SUCCESS ) break;
    s = CH376ReadBlock( ucReadData );
    TestAssert((s == sizeof( INQUIRY_DATA )), "CH376 API \"CH376ReadBlock()\"error!");
    if ( s == sizeof( INQUIRY_DATA ) )
        // get device information
    	ucReadData[ s ] = 0;
        printf( "UdiskInfo: %s\n\r", ((P_INQUIRY_DATA)ucReadData)->VendorIdStr);
    s = CH376DiskCapacity(&ulSetcorCnt);
    TestAssert((s == USB_INT_SUCCESS), "CH376 API \"CH376DiskCapacity()\"error!");
    printf("Capacity of U-disk: %dMB\n\r", ulSetcorCnt / (1048576 / DEF_SECTOR_SIZE));
    s = CH376DiskQuery(&ulSetcorCnt);
    TestAssert((s == USB_INT_SUCCESS), "CH376 API \"CH376DiskCapacity()\"error!");
    printf("Available capacity: %dMB\n\r", ulSetcorCnt / (1048576 / DEF_SECTOR_SIZE));

    s = CH376FileOpenPath("/CH376TST/TST.TXT");
    if ( s != USB_INT_SUCCESS )
        // if file path not found, firstly create the folder then create the file
        s = CH376DirCreate("/CH376TST");
        TestAssert((s == USB_INT_SUCCESS), "CH376 API \"CH376DirCreate()\"error!");
        s = CH376FileCreate("TST.TXT");
        TestAssert((s == USB_INT_SUCCESS), "CH376 API \"CH376FileCreate()\"error!");
        s = CH376ByteWrite(ucWriteData, 35, &usDataCnt);
        TestAssert((s == USB_INT_SUCCESS), "CH376 API \"CH376ByteWrite()\"error!");
        // After modifying a file, the parameter of CH376FileClose() must be TRUE to update
        // file size or you will find the file not available when you open the file on computer.
        // if file found, move file pointer to the end of file, then append data to the file
        s = CH376ByteWrite(ucWriteData, 35, &usDataCnt);
        TestAssert((s == USB_INT_SUCCESS), "CH376 API \"CH376ByteWrite()\"error!");
        // enable auto update file size
    ulFileSize = CH376GetFileSize();
    CH376ByteRead(ucReadData, 512, &usDataCnt);
    for(s = 0; s < ulFileSize; s++)
        TestAssert((ucReadData[s] == ucWriteData[s]), "CH376 API \"CH376ByteRead()\"error!");
    printf("\n\r All test over!\n\r");
