// @pymethod <o PyCToolTipCtrl>|win32ui|CreateToolTipCtrl|Creates a progress control object. <om PyToolTipCtrl.Create> creates the actual control. PyObject * PyCToolTipCtrl_create(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CToolTipCtrl *pTTC = new CToolTipCtrl(); return ui_assoc_object::make( PyCToolTipCtrl::type, pTTC ); }
// @pymethod <o PyCRgn>|win32ui|CreateRgn|Creates a new rgn object. // Return Values: a PyCRgn object PyObject * PyCRgn::create(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CRgn *pRgn = new CRgn; return ui_assoc_object::make (PyCRgn::type, pRgn); }
// @pymethod <o PyCEdit>|win32ui|CreateEdit|Creates an Edit object. <om PyCEdit.CreateWindow> creates the actual control. PyObject * PyCEdit_create(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CEdit *pBut = new CEdit(); return ui_assoc_object::make( PyCEdit::type, pBut ); }
// @pymethod <o PyCMenu>|win32ui|CreatePopupMenu|Creates a popup menu object. PyObject *PyCMenu::create_popup(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); if (!hMenu) RETURN_API_ERR("CreatePopupMenu"); return ui_assoc_object::make(PyCMenu::type, hMenu); }
// @pymethod |PyCEdit|Paste|Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the control. static PyObject *PyCEdit_paste(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CEdit *pEdit = GetEditCtrl(self); if (!pEdit) return NULL; GUI_BGN_SAVE; pEdit->Paste(); // @pyseemfc CEdit|Paste GUI_END_SAVE; RETURN_NONE; }
// @pymethod int|PyCTabCtrl|GetItemCountl|Returns the number of tabs in the control. PyObject *ui_tabctrl_get_item_count( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CTabCtrl *pTab; if ((pTab=PyGetTabCtrl(self))==NULL) return NULL; GUI_BGN_SAVE; int rc = pTab->GetItemCount(); GUI_END_SAVE; return Py_BuildValue("i", rc); }
// @pymethod |PyCPropertyPage|CancelToClose|Changes the Cancel button to Close. PyObject *ui_proppage_cancel_to_close( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ) { CPythonPropertyPage *pPP; if (!(pPP=GetPropPage(self))) return NULL; CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); GUI_BGN_SAVE; pPP->CancelToClose(); GUI_END_SAVE; RETURN_NONE; }
// @pymethod int|PyCPropertySheet|GetPageCount|Returns the number of pages. PyObject *ui_propsheet_get_page_count( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CPythonPropertySheet *pPS; if (!(pPS=GetPythonPropSheet(self))) return NULL; GUI_BGN_SAVE; int rc = pPS->GetPageCount(); GUI_END_SAVE; return Py_BuildValue("i", rc); }
// @pymethod int|PyCEdit|GetLineCount|Gets the number of lines in an edit control. static PyObject * PyCEdit_get_line_count(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CEdit *pEdit = GetEditCtrl(self); if (!pEdit ) return NULL; GUI_BGN_SAVE; int rc = pEdit->GetLineCount(); GUI_END_SAVE; return Py_BuildValue("i", rc); // @pyseemfc CEdit|GetLineCount // @rdesc The number of lines in the buffer. If the control is empty, the return value is 1. }
// @pymethod (start, end)|PyCEdit|GetSel|Returns the start and end of the current selection. static PyObject *PyCEdit_get_sel(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CEdit *pEdit = GetEditCtrl(self); if (!pEdit) return NULL; int start,end; GUI_BGN_SAVE; pEdit->GetSel(start,end); // @pyseemfc CEdit|GetSel GUI_END_SAVE; return Py_BuildValue("(ii)",start,end); // @rdesc The return tuple is (the first character in the current selection, first nonselected character past the end of the current selection) }
// @pymethod int|PyCTabCtrl|GetCurSel|Gets the current selection of a tab control. PyObject *ui_tabctrl_get_cur_sel( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CTabCtrl *pTab; if ((pTab=PyGetTabCtrl(self))==NULL) return NULL; GUI_BGN_SAVE; int rc = pTab->GetCurSel(); GUI_END_SAVE; return Py_BuildValue("i", rc); // @rdesc The zero-based index of the currently selected item, or -1 if no selection. }
// @pymethod <o PyCTabCtrl>|PyCPropertySheet|GetTabCtrl|Returns the tab control used by the sheet. PyObject *ui_propsheet_get_tab_ctrl( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CPythonPropertySheet *pPS; if (!(pPS=GetPythonPropSheet(self))) return NULL; GUI_BGN_SAVE; CTabCtrl *pTab = pPS->GetTabControl(); GUI_END_SAVE; if (pTab==NULL) RETURN_ERR("The property page does not have a tab control"); return ui_assoc_object::make( ui_tabctrl_object::type, pTab)->GetGoodRet(); }
// @pymethod |PyCDocument|DeleteContents|Call the MFC DeleteContents method. // This routine is provided so a document object which overrides this method // can call the original MFC version if required. static PyObject * ui_doc_delete_contents(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CDocument *pDoc; if (!(pDoc=PyCDocument::GetDoc(self))) return NULL; // @xref <vm PyCDocument.DeleteContents> GUI_BGN_SAVE; pDoc->CDocument::DeleteContents(); // @pyseemfc CDocument|DeleteContents GUI_END_SAVE; RETURN_NONE; }
// @pymethod int|PyCEdit|GetFirstVisibleLine|Returns zero-based index of the topmost visible line. static PyObject * PyCEdit_get_first_visible(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CEdit *pEdit = GetEditCtrl(self); if (!pEdit) return NULL; GUI_BGN_SAVE; int rc = pEdit->GetFirstVisibleLine(); GUI_END_SAVE; return Py_BuildValue("i",rc); // @pyseemfc CEdit|GetFirstVisibleLine // @rdesc The zero-based index of the topmost visible line. For single-line edit controls, the return value is 0. }
// @pymethod |PyCDocument|OnNewDocument|Call the MFC OnNewDocument handler. // This routine is provided so a document object which overrides this method // can call the original MFC version if required. static PyObject * ui_doc_on_new(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CDocument *pDoc; if (!(pDoc=PyCDocument::GetDoc(self))) return NULL; // @xref <vm PyCDocument.OnNewDocument> GUI_BGN_SAVE; BOOL ok = pDoc->CDocument::OnNewDocument(); GUI_END_SAVE; if (!ok) // @pyseemfc CDocument|OnNewDocument RETURN_ERR("OnNewDocument failed"); RETURN_NONE; }
// @pymethod int|PyCPropertySheet|DoModal|Displays the property sheet as a modal dialog. PyObject *ui_propsheet_do_modal( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ) { CHECK_NO_ARGS(args); CPropertySheet *pPS; if (!(pPS=GetPropSheet(self))) return NULL; if (!PropSheetCheckForDisplay(pPS)) return NULL; Py_INCREF(self); // make sure Python doesnt kill the object while in a modal call. // really only for the common dialog(!?), and other non CPythonPropSheet's INT_PTR ret; GUI_BGN_SAVE; ret = pPS->DoModal(); GUI_END_SAVE; DODECREF(self); return PyWinObject_FromDWORD_PTR(ret); }