コード例 #1
ファイル: lstltc_c.c プロジェクト: Boxx-Obspm/DOCKing_System
   SpiceInt lstltc_c ( ConstSpiceChar  * string,
                       SpiceInt          n,   
                       SpiceInt          lenvals,
                       const void      * array   ) 

   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   string     I   Upper bound value to search against.
   n          I   Number elements in array.
   lenvals    I   String length.
   array      I   Array of possible lower bounds.

   The function returns the index of the last element of array that
   is lexically less than string. 
   string      is a string acting as an upper bound:  the array element
               that is lexically the greatest element less than string
               is to be found.  Trailing blanks in this bound value are
               not significant.

   n           is the dimension of the array. 

   lenvals     is the declared length of the strings in the input
               string array, including null terminators.  The input
               array should be declared with dimension


   array       is the array of character strings to be searched.
               Trailing blanks in the strings in this array are not
               significant. The strings must be sorted in
               non-decreasing order. The elements of array need not be

   The function returns the index of the highest-indexed element in the 
   input array that is lexically less than string.  The routine assumes
   the array elements are sorted in non-decreasing order.
   If all elements of the input array are greater than or equal to the
   specified upper bound string, the function returns -1.

   1) If ndim < 1 the function value is -1.  This is not considered
      an error.

   2) If input key value pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will 
      be signaled.  The function returns -1.
   3) The input key value may have length zero.  This case is not
      considered an error.

   4) If the input array pointer is null,  the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will 
      be signaled.  The function returns -1.

   5) If the input array string's length is less than 2, the error
      SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.  The function returns -1.
   Note:  If you need to find the first element of the array that
          is greater than or equal to string, simply add 1 to the
          result returned by this function and check to see if the
          result is within the array bounds given by n.
   Let array be a character array of dimension 


   which contains the following elements:



      lstltc_c ( "NEWTON",   5, lenvals, array )    ==   3
      lstltc_c ( "EINSTEIN", 5, lenvals, array )    ==   0
      lstltc_c ( "GALILEO",  5, lenvals, array )    ==   2
      lstltc_c ( "Galileo",  5, lenvals, array )    ==   3
      lstltc_c ( "BETHE",    5, lenvals, array )    ==  -1
   1)  The input array is assumed to be sorted in increasing order. If 
       this condition is not met, the results of bsrchc_c are unpredictable.

   2)  String comparisons performed by this routine are Fortran-style:
       trailing blanks in the input array or key value are ignored.
       This gives consistent behavior with CSPICE code generated by
       the f2c translator, as well as with the Fortran SPICE Toolkit.
       Note that this behavior is not identical to that of the ANSI
       C library functions strcmp and strncmp.
   N.J. Bachman    (JPL) 
   H.A. Neilan     (JPL) 
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 07-MAR-2009 (NJB)

       This file now includes the header file f2cMang.h.
       This header supports name mangling of f2c library

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 22-JUL-2002 (NJB) (HAN) (WLT)

   last character element less_than

{ /* Begin lstltc_c */

   f2c library utility prototypes 
   logical          l_gt   (char *a, char *b, ftnlen la, ftnlen lb ); 
   logical          l_le   (char *a, char *b, ftnlen la, ftnlen lb ); 
   logical          l_lt   (char *a, char *b, ftnlen la, ftnlen lb ); 

   Local macros 
   #define ARRAY( i )     (  ( (SpiceChar *)array ) + (i)*lenvals  )

   Local variables
   SpiceInt                begin;
   SpiceInt                end;
   SpiceInt                items;
   SpiceInt                j;
   SpiceInt                keylen;
   SpiceInt                middle;

   Use discovery check-in.

   Return immediately if the array dimension is non-positive. 
   if ( n < 1 ) 
      return ( -1 );

   Make sure the pointer for the key value is non-null 
   and that the length is adequate.  
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "lstltc_c", string, -1 );

   Make sure the pointer for the string array is non-null 
   and that the length lenvals is sufficient.  
   CHKOSTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "lstltc_c", array, lenvals, -1 );   

   Return if none of the array's elements are less than the key value. 
   keylen = strlen(string);

   begin  = 0;
   end    = n - 1;

   if (  l_le( ( char * )string, 
               ( char * )ARRAY(begin), 
               ( ftnlen )keylen, 
               ( ftnlen )strlen(ARRAY(begin)) )  )
      return ( -1 );

   Return if the key string is greater than all of the array's elements. 
   if (  l_gt( ( char * )string, 
               ( char * )ARRAY(end), 
               ( ftnlen )keylen, 
               ( ftnlen )strlen(ARRAY(end)) )  )
      return ( end );

   Do a binary search for the specified key value. 

   At this point, string is greater than the first element of array and
   less than or equal to the last element of array.
   items  = n;

   while ( items > 2 )
      Check the middle element. 
      j      = items / 2;
      middle = begin + j;

      Narrow the search area.
      if (  l_lt ( (char    * ) ARRAY(middle),  
                   (char    * ) string,
                   (ftnlen    ) strlen( ARRAY(middle) ),
                   (ftnlen    ) keylen                   )  )
         The middle element is less than string.
         begin = middle;
         end   = middle;

      items = end - begin + 1;

      At this point, string is greater than the array element at index
      begin and is less than or equal to the element at index end.

   The element at index begin is the winner.
   return ( begin );

} /* End lstltc_c */
コード例 #2
ファイル: eqstr_c.c プロジェクト: Boxx-Obspm/DOCKing_System
   SpiceBoolean eqstr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * a,  ConstSpiceChar * b )



   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   b          I   Arbitrary character strings.

   The function returns SPICETRUE if A and B are equivalent.


   b           are arbitrary character strings.


   The function returns TRUE if A and B are equivalent: that is,
   if A and B contain  the same characters in the same order,
   when white space characters are ignored and uppercase and lowercase
   characters are considered equal.

   White space characters are those in the set

      { ' ', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\v' }

   Note that this specification differs from that of the Fortran version
   of this routine, which considers the blank ( ' ' ) to be the only
   white space character.






    1) If either input string pointer is null, the error 
       SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.


   This routine is provided for those cases in which two strings
   must be compared, and in which allowances are to be made for
   extra (leading, trailing, and embedded) blanks and differences
   in case. For the most part,

      if ( eqstr_c ( A, B ) )

   is true whenever

      cmprss_c ( ' ', 0, a,        MAXLEN, tempa );
      ucase_c  (            tempa, MAXLEN, tempa );

      cmprss_c ( ' ', 0, b,        MAXLEN, tempb );
      ucase_c  (            tempb, MAXLEN, tempb );

      if ( !strcmp ( tempa, tempb ) )

   is true. There are two important differences, however.

      1) The single reference to eqstr_c is much simpler to
         write, and simpler to understand.

      2) The reference to eqstr_c does not require any temporary
         storage, nor does it require that the strings a and b
         be changed. This feature is especially useful when
         comparing strings recieved as subprogram arguments
         against strings stored internally within the subprogram.



       All of the following are TRUE.

          eqstr_c ( "A short string   ",
                    "ashortstring"        );

          eqstr_c ( "Embedded        blanks",
                    "Em be dd ed bl an ks"    );

          eqstr_c ( "Embedded        blanks",
                    "   Embeddedblanks"    );

          eqstr_c ( " ",
                    "          " );

       All of the following are FALSE.

          eqstr_c ( "One word left out",
                    "WORD LEFT OUT"      );

          eqstr_c ( "Extra [] delimiters",
                    "extradelimiters"      );

          eqstr_c ( "Testing 1, 2, 3",
                    "TESTING123"       );


       The following illustrates a typical use for eqstr_c.

          #include "SpiceUsr.h"
          SpiceChar * greeting ( SpiceChar *who )

             if ( eqstr_c ( who, "Steve" ) )
                return ( "Yes, sir?" );
             else if ( eqstr_c ( who, "Chuck" ) )
                return ( "What can I do for you?" );
                return ( "Whaddya want?" );

       Note that all of the following calls will elicit the
       greeting "Yes, sir?":

          greeting ( "STEVE" );
          greeting ( "steve" );
          greeting ( "Steve" );
          greeting ( "sTEVE" );
          greeting ( " S T E V E " );




   1)  "American National Standard for Programming Languages -- C,"
        Published by the American National Standards Institute, 1990.
        Section, p. 104.


   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
   I.M. Underwood  (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.3.0, 27-AUG-1999   (NJB)

      Added check for null input strings.  Added logic to handle the
      case where at least one input string is empty.
   -CSPICE Version 1.2.0, 24-FEB-1999 (NJB)

       Arguments passed to isspace are now cast to unsigned char to 
       suppress compilation warnings on some systems.

   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 08-FEB-1998 (NJB)

       Initial assignment of return value added to suppress compilation
       warnings on some systems.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 25-OCT-1997 (NJB)

       Based on SPICELIB Version 1.2.0, 03-AUG-1994 (NJB)


   equivalent strings


{ /* Begin eqstr_c */

   Local constants
   #define  LBOUND     (   (SpiceInt) 'a'            )
   #define  UBOUND     (   (SpiceInt) 'z'            )
   #define  DELTA      ( ( (SpiceInt) 'A' ) - LBOUND )

   Local variables
   SpiceBoolean            done;
   SpiceBoolean            retval;

   ConstSpiceChar         * pa;
   ConstSpiceChar         * pb;

   SpiceInt                ca;
   SpiceInt                cb;

   SpiceInt                lenA;
   SpiceInt                lenB;

   Initialize the return value retval in order to make certain
   compilers happy.  This initial value is not used later; retval
   is set explicitly in each case below.
   retval = SPICEFALSE;

   Check the input string pointers to make sure they're non-null.
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "eqstr_c", a, retval );
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "eqstr_c", b, retval );

   The general plan is to move a pair of pointers (PA, PB)
   through strings A and B, skipping blank characters and
   comparing others one-for-one.


         If (A is blank) then
            Increment A

         Else if (B is blank) then
            Increment B

            If (A and B are equivalent) then
               Increment A and B
               Return FALSE

         If (A and B are past end) then
            Return TRUE

         Else if (A or B is past end and other is non-blank) then
            Return FALSE

         Else if (A or B is past end and other is blank) then
            Return TRUE

   Note that no pointer gets incremented more than once on each
   pass through the loop.

   On the other hand, in many cases the strings will be exactly
   equal. If so, why knock ourselves out?

   if ( !strcmp( a, b ) )
      return ( SPICETRUE );

   pa    =  a;
   pb    =  b;
   lenA  =  strlen(a);
   lenB  =  strlen(b);

   The possibility of an input string being empty does not occur in
   Fortran, but it does here.  Handle these cases (the case where both
   are empty was handled by the strcmp test above).
   if (  ( lenA == 0 ) && ( lenB > 0 )  )
      return ( SPICEFALSE );
   if (  ( lenB == 0 ) && ( lenA > 0 )  )
      return ( SPICEFALSE );

   On with the normal path.

   done  =  SPICEFALSE;

   while ( !done )

      At this point, we're guaranteed that strings a and b have more
      characters to examine, that is:

        ( pa <= a+lenA-1 )   and   ( pb <= b+lenB-1 )


      if (  isspace( (unsigned char) *pa )  )
      else if (  isspace( (unsigned char) *pb)  )

         ca = (SpiceInt)(*pa);
         cb = (SpiceInt)(*pb);

         if ( ( ca >= LBOUND ) && ( ca <= UBOUND ) )
            ca = ca + DELTA;

         if ( ( cb >= LBOUND ) && ( cb <= UBOUND ) )
            cb = cb + DELTA;

         if ( ca == cb )
            We now know the strings don't match.
            retval = SPICEFALSE;
            done   = SPICETRUE;

      if ( !done )
         At this point, the strings still match and we've advanced
         at least one of the pointers.

         if (  ( (SpiceInt)(pa-a) )  ==  lenA  )
            There are no more characters in string a to examine.  The
            rest of string b had better be white space, or else we had
            better be at the end of string b.

            if ( ( (SpiceInt)(pb-b) )  ==  lenB  )
               We've seen all of string b.

               retval = SPICETRUE;
               done   = SPICETRUE;
            else if ( iswhsp_c(pb) )
               retval = SPICETRUE;
               done   = SPICETRUE;
               retval = SPICEFALSE;
               done   = SPICETRUE;
         End of "no more characters in string a" case.

         else if (  ( (SpiceInt)(pb-b) )  ==  lenB  )
            There are no more characters in string b to examine.  The
            rest of string a had better be white space.
            if ( iswhsp_c(pa) )
               retval = SPICETRUE;
               done   = SPICETRUE;
               retval = SPICEFALSE;
               done   = SPICETRUE;

         End of "no more characters in string b" case.
      At this point, we've handled the cases where at least one
      string is out of characters.  If such a case occurred, done
      has been set to SPICETRUE.

   End of while loop. retval has been set.

   return (retval);

} /* End eqstr_c */
コード例 #3
ファイル: isrchc_c.c プロジェクト: Dbelsa/coft
   SpiceInt isrchc_c ( ConstSpiceChar  * value,
                       SpiceInt          ndim,   
                       SpiceInt          lenvals,
                       const void      * array   ) 

   VARIABLE  I/O              DESCRIPTION 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   value      I   Key value to be found in array. 
   ndim       I   Dimension of array. 
   lenvals    I   String length.
   array      I   Character string array to search. 

   The function returns the index of the first matching array 
   element or -1 if the value is not found. 

   value       is the key value to be found in the array.  Trailing
               blanks in this key are not significant:  string matches
               found by this routine do not require trailing blanks in
               value to match those in the corresponding element of

   ndim        is the dimension of the array. 

   lenvals     is the declared length of the strings in the input
               string array, including null terminators.  The input   
               array should be declared with dimension 

   array       is the array of character srings to be searched.  Trailing
               blanks in the strings in this array are not significant.
   The function returns the index of the first matching array 
   element in array. If value is not found, isrchc_c returns -1. 
   1) If ndim < 1 the function value is -1.  This is not considered
      an error.

   2) If input key value pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will 
      be signaled.  The function returns -1.
   3) The input key value may have length zero.  This case is not
      considered an error.

   4) If the input array pointer is null,  the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will 
      be signaled.  The function returns -1.

   5) If the input array string's length is less than 2, the error
      SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.  The function returns -1.
   The following table shows the value of isrchc_c given the contents 
   of array and value: 
      array                 value     isrchc_c 
    -----------------       -----     -------- 
    "1", "0", "4", "2"       "4"          2
    "1", "0", "4", "2"       "2"          3 
    "1", "0", "4", "2"       "3"         -1 
   1)  String comparisons performed by this routine are Fortran-style:
       trailing blanks in the input array or key value are ignored.
       This gives consistent behavior with CSPICE code generated by
       the f2c translator, as well as with the Fortran SPICE Toolkit.
       Note that this behavior is not identical to that of the ANSI
       C library functions strcmp and strncmp.
   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
   W.M. Owen       (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 07-MAR-2009 (NJB)

       This file now includes the header file f2cMang.h.
       This header supports name mangling of f2c library

       Header sections were re-ordered.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 22-JUL-2002 (NJB) (WMO)

   search in a character array 

{ /* Begin isrchc_c */

   f2c library utility prototypes 
   extern integer   s_cmp  (char *a, char *b, ftnlen la, ftnlen lb ); 

   Local macros 
   #define ARRAY( i )     (  ( (SpiceChar *)array ) + i*lenvals  )

   Local variables
   SpiceInt                i;

   Use discovery check-in.

   Return immediately if the array dimension is non-positive. 
   if ( ndim < 1 ) 
      return ( -1 );

   Make sure the input pointer for the key value is non-null 
   and that the length is adequate.  
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "isrchc_c", value, -1 );

   Make sure the input pointer for the string array is non-null 
   and that the length lenvals is sufficient.  
   CHKOSTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "isrchc_c", array, lenvals, -1 );

   for ( i = 0;  i < ndim;  i++ )
      if (  s_cmp ( (char   *) value,
                    (char   *) ARRAY(i),
                    (ftnlen  ) strlen(value),
                    (ftnlen  ) strlen(ARRAY(i)) )  == 0  )
         return ( i );

   Indicate no match was found. 
   return ( -1 );

} /* End isrchc_c */
コード例 #4
ファイル: iswhsp_c.c プロジェクト: Dbelsa/coft
   SpiceBoolean iswhsp_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string ) 


   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   string     I   String to be tested.
   The function returns the boolean value SPICETRUE if the string is
   empty or contains only white space characters; otherwise it returns 
   the value SPICEFALSE.

   string     is a character pointer designating a string to be 
              searched for non-white-space characters.

   The function returns the boolean value SPICETRUE if the string 
   contains only white space characters; otherwise it returns the 
   value SPICEFALSE.
   White space characters are those in the set
      { ' ', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\v' }
   1)  If the input string pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER)
       is signaled.
   2)  An empty string, that is a string with a null character
       at index 0, is considered to be blank.
   This routine provides a short cut for testing lines for the presence
   of non-blank characters; this is a test which is performed frequently
   in CSPICE.
   1) Read a text file; print the non-blank lines.   
         #include <stdio.h>
         #include "SpiceUsr.h"
         void main()
            #define MAXLEN 82

            FILE          *fptr;
            SpiceBoolean   eof;
            SpiceChar      line [MAXLEN];
            txtopr_c ( "myfile", &fptr );
            readln_c ( fptr, MAXLEN, line, &eof );
            while ( !eof )
               if ( !iswhsp_c(line) )
                  printf ( "%s\n", line );
               readln_c ( fptr, MAXLEN, line, &eof );
   1)  "American National Standard for Programming Languages -- C,"
        Published by the American National Standards Institute, 1990. 
        Section, p. 104.
   N.J. Bachman (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 27-AUG-1999 (NJB)

      Now checks for null input string.
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 24-FEB-1999 (NJB)

      Arguments passed to isspace are now cast to unsigned char to 
      suppress compilation warnings on some systems.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 08-FEB-1998 (NJB)

   read a non-blank line from a text file 

{ /* Begin iswhsp_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceBoolean            blank;
   ConstSpiceChar         * sptr;

   Check the input string pointer to make sure it's non-null.
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "iswhsp_c", string, SPICEFALSE );

   Start out assuming the string is blank.  If the string is empty,
   we've got the right return value already.
   blank  =  SPICETRUE;
   sptr   =  string;
   while (   blank   && ( (SpiceBoolean) *sptr )  )
      if (  !isspace( (unsigned char) *sptr )  )
         blank = SPICEFALSE;

   return ( blank );

} /* End iswhsp_c */
コード例 #5
ファイル: posr_c.c プロジェクト: Dbelsa/coft
   SpiceInt posr_c ( ConstSpiceChar    * str,
                     ConstSpiceChar    * substr,
                     SpiceInt            start  )


   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   str        I   Any character string. 
   substr     I   Substring to locate in the character string. 
   start      I   Position to begin looking for substr in str. 
   The function returns the index of the last occurrence of substr in
   str at or preceding index start.
   str        is any character string. 
   substr     is a substring to look for in str.  Spaces in substr are
              significant, including trailing blanks.
   start      is the position in str to begin looking for substr. start
              may range from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of
              characters in str.
   The function returns the index of the beginning of the last 
   substring of str that begins at or before index start and is equal 
   to substr. If the substring cannot be found after start, the 
   function is returns -1. 
   1) The error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled if either of 
      the input string pointers is null.

   2) If start is less than 0, the search begins at the first 
      character of the string. 
   3) If start is greater than or equal to the length of the string, 
      posr_c returns -1. 

   4) The function returns -1 if either of the input strings is empty.

   posr_c is case sensitive. 
   An entire family of related CSPICE routines


   is described in the Required Reading. 
   Let string == "AN ANT AND AN ELEPHANT        "

   Normal (Sequential) Searching: 

      posr_c ( STRING, "AN",  29 ) == 19
      posr_c ( STRING, "AN",  18 ) == 11 
      posr_c ( STRING, "AN",  10 ) ==  7 
      posr_c ( STRING, "AN",   6 ) ==  3 
      posr_c ( STRING, "AN",   2 ) ==  0 

   start out of bounds: 

      posr_c ( STRING, "AN", -6 ) == -1
      posr_c ( STRING, "AN", -1 ) == -1 
      posr_c ( STRING, "AN", 30 ) == 19 
      posr_c ( STRING, "AN", 43 ) == 19 

   Significance of Spaces: 

      posr_c ( STRING, "AN",    29 ) ==  19
      posr_c ( STRING, " AN",   29 ) ==  10 
      posr_c ( STRING, " AN ",  29 ) ==  10
      posr_c ( STRING, " AN ",   9 ) ==  -1 
      posr_c ( STRING, " AN  ", 29 ) ==  -1 

   N.J. Bachman    (JPL) 
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 15-AUG-2002 (NJB) (WLT)

   position of substring reverse search 

{ /* Begin posr_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceInt                fstart;
   SpiceInt                retval;

   Use discovery check-in.

   Check for null pointers.
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "posr_c",  str,    -1 );
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "posr_c",  substr, -1 );

   Check for empty strings.  
   if (  ( strlen(str) == 0 ) || ( strlen(substr) == 0 )  )
     return ( -1 );     

   The rest can be handled by the f2c'd SPICELIB routine.  Adjust 
   the start index to account for Fortran indexing.

   fstart = start + 1;

   retval  =  posr_ ( (char     *) str,
                      (char     *) substr,
                      (integer  *) &fstart,
                      (ftnlen    ) strlen(str), 
                      (ftnlen    ) strlen(substr)  );

   Adjust the return value to account for C indexing.
   return ( retval-1 );

} /* End posr_c */
コード例 #6
ファイル: esrchc_c.c プロジェクト: Boxx-Obspm/DOCKing_System
   SpiceInt esrchc_c ( ConstSpiceChar  * value,
                       SpiceInt          ndim,
                       SpiceInt          lenvals,
                       const void      * array    )                    

   VARIABLE  I/O              DESCRIPTION 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   value      I   Key value to be found in array. 
   ndim       I   Dimension of array. 
   lenvals    I   String length.
   array      I   Character string array to search. 
   The function returns the index of the first array entry 
   equivalent to value, or -1 if none is found. 
   value       is the key value to be found in the array.  Trailing
               blanks in this key are not significant:  string matches
               found by this routine do not require trailing blanks in
               value to match those in the corresponding element of

   ndim        is the dimension of the array. 

   lenvals     is the declared length of the strings in the input
               string array, including null terminators.  The input   
               array should be declared with dimension 

   array       is the array of character srings to be searched.  Trailing
               blanks in the strings in this array are not significant.   
   The function returns the index of the first element of the 
   input array equivalent to the input value, or -1 if the 
   array contains no such elements. 
   Two strings are equivalent if they contain the same characters 
   in the same order, when blanks are ignored and uppercase and 
   lowercase characters are considered equal. 
   1) If ndim < 1 the function value is -1.  This is not considered
      an error.

   2) If input key value pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will 
      be signaled.  The function returns -1.
   3) The input key value may have length zero.  This case is not
      considered an error.

   4) If the input array pointer is null,  the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will 
      be signaled.  The function returns -1.

   5) If the input array string's length is less than 2, the error
      SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.  The function returns -1.
   esrchc_c is identical to isrchc_c, except that it looks for 
   the first equivalent string (as defined by eqstr_c) instead 
   of the first identical one. 
   Let array be declared with dimension


   and contain the following elements: 
      array[0] == "This" 
      array[1] == "little" 
      array[2] == "piggy" 
      array[3] == "went" 
      array[4] == "to" 
      array[5] == "market" 
      esrchc_c ( "PIGGY",      NDIM,  STRLEN,  array )  ==  2
      esrchc_c ( " LiTtLe  ",  NDIM,  STRLEN,  array )  ==  1 
      esrchc_c ( "W e n t",    NDIM,  STRLEN,  array )  ==  3 
      esrchc_c ( "mall",       NDIM,  STRLEN,  array )  == -1 
   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
   I.M. Underwood  (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 22-JUL-2002 (NJB) (IMU)

   search array for equivalent character_string 

{ /* Begin esrchc_c */

   Local macros 
   #define ARRAY( i )     (  ( (SpiceChar *)array ) + (i)*lenvals  )

   Local variables
   SpiceInt                i;

   Use discovery check-in.

   Return immediately if the array dimension is non-positive. 
   if ( ndim < 1 ) 
      return ( -1 );

   Make sure the input pointer for the key value is non-null 
   and that the length is adequate.  
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "esrchc_c", value, -1 );

   Make sure the input pointer for the string array is non-null 
   and that the length lenvals is sufficient.  
   CHKOSTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "esrchc_c", array, lenvals, -1 );

   for ( i = 0;  i < ndim;  i++ )
      if (  eqstr_c( value, ARRAY(i) )  )
         return ( i );

   Indicate no match was found. 
   return ( -1 );

} /* End esrchc_c */
コード例 #7
ファイル: ordc_c.c プロジェクト: Boxx-Obspm/DOCKing_System
   SpiceInt ordc_c ( ConstSpiceChar  * item,
                     SpiceCell       * set   )

   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   item       I   An item to locate within a set. 
   set        I   A set to search for a given item. 
   The function returns the ordinal position of item within the set. 
   item      is a character string to be located within a set. 
             Trailing blanks are not significant in the comparison.

   set       is an integer CSPICE set that is to be searched for the
             occurrence of item.  Trailing blanks are not significant 
             in the comparison.
             set must be declared as a character SpiceCell.

   The function returns the ordinal position of item within set. 
   Ordinal positions range from 0 to N-1, where N is the cardinality
   of the set.

   If item is not an element of set, the function returns -1. 
   1) If the input set argument is a SpiceCell of type other than
      character, the error SPICE(TYPEMISMATCH) is signaled.
   2) If the input set argument does not qualify as a CSPICE set, 
      the error SPICE(NOTASET) will be signaled.  CSPICE sets have
      their data elements sorted in increasing order and contain
      no duplicate data elements.

   3) If the input string pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER)
      is signaled.

   A natural ordering can be imposed upon the elements of any 
   CSPICE set, be it integer, character or double precision.  For 
   character strings the ASCII collating sequence serves as the 
   ordering relation, for double precision and integer variables 
   the arithmetic ordering is used. 
   Given any element of a set, its location within this ordered 
   sequence of elements is called its ordinal position within 
   the set. 

   In common mathematical usage, ordinal positions of elements
   in a set of cardinality N range from 1 to N.  In C programs,
   it is much more convenient to use the range 0 to N-1; this is
   the convention used in CSPICE.
   For illustrative purposes suppose that set represents the set 
      { "8", "1", "2", "9", "7", "4", "10" } 
   The ordinal position of:    

       "8" is 5 
       "1" is 0 
       "2" is 2 
       "9" is 6 
       "7" is 4 
       "4" is 3 
      "10" is 1 
   1) Obtain the ordinal positions shown in the table of the Particulars
      section above.

         #include "SpiceUsr.h"

         int main()
            Declare an integer set and populate it with the elements
            shown above.
            #define MAXSIZ         7
            #define ITMLEN         10

            SPICECHAR_CELL ( set, MAXSIZ, ITMLEN );

            SpiceChar            * cElt;

            SpiceChar              inputs [MAXSIZ][ITMLEN] = 
                                      "8", "1", "2", "9", "7", "4", "10"

            SpiceInt               expected [MAXSIZ] = 
                                      5, 0, 2, 6, 4, 3, 1

            SpiceInt               i;

            Create the set.

            for ( i = 0;  i < MAXSIZ;  i++ )
               insrtc_c ( inputs[i], &set );

            Examine the ordinal positions of the set's elements.
            Extract each element and verify that ordc_c gives the
            index at which the element is located.

            for ( i = 0;  i < card_c(&set);  i++ )
               cElt = inputs[i];

               if (  ordc_c(cElt, &set)  !=  expected[i]  )
                  setmsg_c ( "Position of # was expected to be # "
                             "but was actually #."                 );
                  errch_c  ( "#",  cElt                            );
                  errint_c ( "#",  expected[i]                     );
                  errint_c ( "#",  ordc_c(cElt,&set)               );
                  sigerr_c ( "INVALID LOCATION"                    );

            return ( 0 );

   1)  String comparisons performed by this routine are Fortran-style:
       trailing blanks in the input array or key value are ignored.
       This gives consistent behavior with CSPICE code generated by
       the f2c translator, as well as with the Fortran SPICE Toolkit.
       Note that this behavior is not identical to that of the ANSI
       C library functions strcmp and strncmp.
   N.J. Bachman    (JPL) 
   C.A. Curzon     (JPL) 
   H.A. Neilan     (JPL) 
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 
   I.M. Underwood  (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 21-AUG-2002 (NJB) (CAC) (HAN) (WLT) (IMU)

   the ordinal position of an element in a set 
   Use discovery check-in. 

   Check the input string pointer to make sure it's not null.
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "ordc_c", item, -1 );

   Make sure we're working with a character cell. 
   CELLTYPECHK_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "ordc_c", SPICE_CHR, set, -1 );

   Initialize the set if necessary. 
   CELLINIT ( set );

   Make sure the cell is really a set. 
   CELLISSETCHK_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "ordc_c", set, -1 );

   The routine bsrchc_c returns the index of the item in the set,
   or -1 if the item is not present.
   return (  bsrchc_c ( item,  set->card,  set->length,  set->data )  );
コード例 #8
ファイル: bsrchc_c.c プロジェクト: Boxx-Obspm/DOCKing_System
   SpiceInt bsrchc_c ( ConstSpiceChar  * value,
                       SpiceInt          ndim,   
                       SpiceInt          lenvals,
                       const void      * array   ) 

   VARIABLE  I/O              DESCRIPTION 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   value      I   Key value to be found in array. 
   ndim       I   Dimension of array. 
   lenvals    I   String length.
   array      I   Character string array to search. 

   The function returns the index of the first matching array 
   element or -1 if the value is not found. 

   value       is the key value to be found in the array.  Trailing blanks
               in this key are not significant:  string matches found
               by this routine do not require trailing blanks in
               value to match that in the corresponding element of array.

   ndim        is the dimension of the array. 

   lenvals     is the declared length of the strings in the input
               string array, including null terminators.  The input   
               array should be declared with dimension 


   array       is the array of character srings to be searched.  Trailing
               blanks in the strings in this array are not significant.
   The function returns the index of the specified value in the input array. 
   Array indices range from zero to ndim-1.

   If the input array does not contain the specified value, the function 
   returns -1. 
   If the input array contains more than one occurrence of the specified
   value, the returned index may point to any of the occurrences.

   1) If ndim < 1 the function value is -1.  This is not considered
      an error.

   2) If input key value pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will 
      be signaled.  The function returns -1.

   3) The input key value may have length zero.  This case is not
      considered an error.

   4) If the input array pointer is null,  the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will 
      be signaled.  The function returns -1.

   5) If the input array string's length is less than 2, the error
      SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.  The function returns -1.
   A binary search is performed on the input array. If an 
   element of the array is found to match the input value, the 
   index of that element is returned. If no matching element 
   is found, -1 is returned. 
   Let array be a character array of dimension 


   which contains the following elements:



      bsrchc_c ( "NEWTON",   5, lenvals, array )    ==   4
      bsrchc_c ( "EINSTEIN", 5, lenvals, array )    ==   1
      bsrchc_c ( "GALILEO",  5, lenvals, array )    ==   3
      bsrchc_c ( "Galileo",  5, lenvals, array )    ==  -1
      bsrchc_c ( "BETHE",    5, lenvals, array )    ==  -1
   1)  The input array is assumed to be sorted in increasing order. If 
       this condition is not met, the results of bsrchc_c are unpredictable.

   2)  String comparisons performed by this routine are Fortran-style:
       trailing blanks in the input array or key value are ignored.
       This gives consistent behavior with CSPICE code generated by
       the f2c translator, as well as with the Fortran SPICE Toolkit.
       Note that this behavior is not identical to that of the ANSI
       C library functions strcmp and strncmp.
   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
   W.M. Owen       (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 07-MAR-2009 (NJB)

       This file now includes the header file f2cMang.h.
       This header supports name mangling of f2c library

       Header sections were re-ordered.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 26-AUG-2002 (NJB) (WMO)

   search in a character array 

{ /* Begin bsrchc_c */

   f2c library utility prototypes 
   logical          l_lt   (char *a, char *b, ftnlen la, ftnlen lb ); 
   extern integer   s_cmp  (char *a, char *b, ftnlen la, ftnlen lb ); 

   Local macros 
   #define ARRAY( i )     (  ( (SpiceChar *)array ) + (i)*lenvals  )

   Local variables
   SpiceInt                i;
   SpiceInt                keylen;
   SpiceInt                left;
   SpiceInt                order;
   SpiceInt                right;

   Use discovery check-in.

   Return immediately if the array dimension is non-positive. 
   if ( ndim < 1 ) 
      return ( -1 );

   Make sure the pointer for the key value is non-null 
   and that the length is adequate.  
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "bsrchc_c", value, -1 );

   Make sure the pointer for the string array is non-null 
   and that the length lenvals is sufficient.  
   CHKOSTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "bsrchc_c", array, lenvals, -1 );   

   Do a binary search for the specified key value. 
   keylen = strlen(value);

   left   = 0;
   right  = ndim - 1;

   while ( left <= right )
      Check the middle element. 
      i  =  ( left + right ) / 2;

      The f2c library function s_cmp performs a Fortran-style 
      lexical order comparison.  A negative return value indicates
      the first argument is less than the second, a return value
      of zero indicates equality, and a positive value indicates
      the second argument is greater.
      order =  (SpiceInt) s_cmp ( (char    * ) value, 
                                  (char    * ) ARRAY(i),
                                  (ftnlen    ) keylen,
                                  (ftnlen    ) strlen(ARRAY(i)) );

      If the middle element matches, return its location.
      if ( order == 0 )
         return ( i );
      Otherwise, narrow the search area.
      else if ( order < 0 )
         value is less than the middle element. 
         right = i - 1;

         left  = i + 1;


   If the search area is empty, indicate the value was not found.
   return ( -1 );

} /* End bsrchc_c */
コード例 #9
ファイル: cposr_c.c プロジェクト: Boxx-Obspm/DOCKing_System
   SpiceInt cposr_c ( ConstSpiceChar    * str,
                      ConstSpiceChar    * chars,
                      SpiceInt            start  )


   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   str        I   Any character string. 
   chars      I   A collection of characters. 
   start      I   Position to begin looking for one of chars. 
   The function returns the index of the last character of str 
   at or before index start that is in the collection chars. 
   str        is any character string. 
   chars      is a character string containing a collection 
              of characters.  Spaces in chars are significant,
              including trailing blanks.  The order in which
              characters are listed is not significant.
   start      is the position in str to begin looking for one of 
              the characters in chars.  start may range from 0
              to n-1, where n is the number of characters in str.
   The function returns the index of the last character of str (at or
   before index start) that is one of the characters in the string
   chars.  The returned value normally ranges from 0 to n-1, where n is
   the number of characters in str. If none of the characters is found,
   the function returns -1.
   1) The error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled if either of 
      the input string pointers is null.

   2) If start is less than 0, cposr_c returns -1. 
   3) If start is greater than or equal to the length of the string, 
      the search begins at the last character of the string. 

   4) The function returns -1 if either of the input strings is empty.

   cposr_c is case sensitive. 
   An entire family of related CSPICE routines


   is described in the Required Reading. 
   Let string == "BOB, JOHN, TED, AND MARTIN...." 

   Normal (sequential) searching: 

     cposr_c( string, ' ,',    29 ) = 29 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',    28 ) = 28 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',    27 ) = 27 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',    26 ) = 26 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',    25 ) = 19 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',    18 ) = 15 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',    14 ) = 14 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',    13 ) = 10 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',     9 ) =  9 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',     8 ) =  4 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',     3 ) =  3 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',     2 ) = -1 

   start out of bounds: 

     cposr_c( string, ' ,',   230 ) = 29 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',    30 ) = 29 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',    -1 ) = -1 
     cposr_c( string, ' ,',   -10 ) = -1 

   N.J. Bachman    (JPL) 
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 27-AUG-2002 (NJB) (WLT)

   backward search for position of character 

{ /* Begin cposr_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceInt                fstart;
   SpiceInt                retval;

   Use discovery check-in.

   Check for null pointers.
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "cposr_c",  str,   -1 );
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "cposr_c",  chars, -1 );

   Check for empty strings.  
   if (  ( strlen(str) == 0 ) || ( strlen(chars) == 0 )  )
     return ( -1 );     

   The rest can be handled by the f2c'd SPICELIB routine.  Adjust 
   the start index to account for Fortran indexing.

   fstart = start + 1;

   retval  =  cposr_ ( (char     *) str,
                       (char     *) chars,
                       (integer  *) &fstart,
                       (ftnlen    ) strlen(str), 
                       (ftnlen    ) strlen(chars)  );

   Adjust the return value to account for C indexing.
   return ( retval-1 );

} /* End cposr_c */