コード例 #1
ファイル: locallaplacian.c プロジェクト: rgo/darktable
static inline float curve_scalar(
    const float x,
    const float g,
    const float sigma,
    const float shadows,
    const float highlights,
    const float clarity)
  const float c = x-g;
  float val;
  // blend in via quadratic bezier
  if     (c >  2*sigma) val = g + sigma + shadows    * (c-sigma);
  else if(c < -2*sigma) val = g - sigma + highlights * (c+sigma);
  else if(c > 0.0f)
  { // shadow contrast
    const float t = CLAMPS(c / (2.0f*sigma), 0.0f, 1.0f);
    const float t2 = t * t;
    const float mt = 1.0f-t;
    val = g + sigma * 2.0f*mt*t + t2*(sigma + sigma*shadows);
  { // highlight contrast
    const float t = CLAMPS(-c / (2.0f*sigma), 0.0f, 1.0f);
    const float t2 = t * t;
    const float mt = 1.0f-t;
    val = g - sigma * 2.0f*mt*t + t2*(- sigma - sigma*highlights);
  // midtone local contrast
  val += clarity * c * dt_fast_expf(-c*c/(2.0*sigma*sigma/3.0f));
  return val;
コード例 #2
ファイル: locallaplacian.c プロジェクト: rgo/darktable
static inline float ll_laplacian(
    const float *const coarse,   // coarse res gaussian
    const float *const fine,     // fine res gaussian
    const int i,                 // fine index
    const int j,
    const int wd,                // fine width
    const int ht)                // fine height
  const float c = ll_expand_gaussian(coarse,
      CLAMPS(i, 1, ((wd-1)&~1)-1), CLAMPS(j, 1, ((ht-1)&~1)-1), wd, ht);
  return fine[j*wd+i] - c;
コード例 #3
ファイル: zonesystem.c プロジェクト: AdamMajer/darktable
void process_sse2(struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, const void *const ivoid,
                  void *const ovoid, const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_out)
  const dt_iop_zonesystem_data_t *const d = (const dt_iop_zonesystem_data_t *const)piece->data;

  process_common_setup(self, piece, ivoid, ovoid, roi_in, roi_out);

  const int ch = piece->colors;
  const int size = d->params.size;

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) schedule(static)
  for(int j = 0; j < roi_out->height; j++)
    for(int i = 0; i < roi_out->width; i++)
      /* remap lightness into zonemap and apply lightness */
      const float *in = (float *)ivoid + ch * ((size_t)j * roi_out->width + i);
      float *out = (float *)ovoid + ch * ((size_t)j * roi_out->width + i);

      const int rz = CLAMPS(in[0] * d->rzscale, 0, size - 2); // zone index

      const float zs = ((rz > 0) ? (d->zonemap_offset[rz] / in[0]) : 0) + d->zonemap_scale[rz];

      _mm_stream_ps(out, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(in), _mm_set1_ps(zs)));


  process_common_cleanup(self, piece, ivoid, ovoid, roi_in, roi_out);
コード例 #4
ファイル: zonesystem.c プロジェクト: AdamMajer/darktable
void process(struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, const void *const ivoid,
             void *const ovoid, const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_out)
  const dt_iop_zonesystem_data_t *const d = (const dt_iop_zonesystem_data_t *const)piece->data;

  process_common_setup(self, piece, ivoid, ovoid, roi_in, roi_out);

  const int ch = piece->colors;
  const int size = d->params.size;

  const float *const in = (const float *const)ivoid;
  float *const out = (float *const)ovoid;

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for SIMD() default(none) schedule(static) collapse(2)
  for(size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)ch * roi_out->width * roi_out->height; k += ch)
    for(int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
      /* remap lightness into zonemap and apply lightness */
      const int rz = CLAMPS(in[k] * d->rzscale, 0, size - 2); // zone index
      const float zs = ((rz > 0) ? (d->zonemap_offset[rz] / in[k]) : 0) + d->zonemap_scale[rz];

      const size_t p = (size_t)k + c;
      out[p] = in[p] * zs;

  process_common_cleanup(self, piece, ivoid, ovoid, roi_in, roi_out);
コード例 #5
ファイル: colorout.c プロジェクト: dirkbr/darktable
static float lerp_lut(const float *const lut, const float v)
  // TODO: check if optimization is worthwhile!
  const float ft = CLAMPS(v * (LUT_SAMPLES - 1), 0, LUT_SAMPLES - 1);
  const int t = ft < LUT_SAMPLES - 2 ? ft : LUT_SAMPLES - 2;
  const float f = ft - t;
  const float l1 = lut[t];
  const float l2 = lut[t + 1];
  return l1 * (1.0f - f) + l2 * f;
コード例 #6
ファイル: live_view.c プロジェクト: AlicVB/darktable
int mouse_moved(dt_lib_module_t *self, double x, double y, double pressure, int which)
  dt_lib_live_view_t *lib = (dt_lib_live_view_t *)self->data;
  int result = 0;

    const double width = lib->overlay_x1 - lib->overlay_x0;
    const double height = lib->overlay_y1 - lib->overlay_y0;

    // absolute coords to splitline position:
    lib->splitline_x = CLAMPS((x - lib->overlay_x0) / width, 0.0, 1.0);
    lib->splitline_y = CLAMPS((y - lib->overlay_y0) / height, 0.0, 1.0);

    result = 1;

  return result;
コード例 #7
ファイル: grain.c プロジェクト: AlicVB/darktable
static float dt_lut_lookup_2d_1c(const float *grain_lut, const float x, const float y)
  const float _x = CLAMPS((x + 0.5) * (GRAIN_LUT_SIZE - 1), 0, GRAIN_LUT_SIZE - 1);
  const float _y = CLAMPS(y * (GRAIN_LUT_SIZE - 1), 0, GRAIN_LUT_SIZE - 1);

  const int _x0 = _x < GRAIN_LUT_SIZE - 2 ? _x : GRAIN_LUT_SIZE - 2;
  const int _y0 = _y < GRAIN_LUT_SIZE - 2 ? _y : GRAIN_LUT_SIZE - 2;

  const int _x1 = _x0 + 1;
  const int _y1 = _y0 + 1;

  const float x_diff = _x - _x0;
  const float y_diff = _y - _y0;

  const float l00 = grain_lut[_y0 * GRAIN_LUT_SIZE + _x0];
  const float l01 = grain_lut[_y0 * GRAIN_LUT_SIZE + _x1];
  const float l10 = grain_lut[_y1 * GRAIN_LUT_SIZE + _x0];
  const float l11 = grain_lut[_y1 * GRAIN_LUT_SIZE + _x1];

  const float xy0 = (1.0 - y_diff) * l00 + l10 * y_diff;
  const float xy1 = (1.0 - y_diff) * l01 + l11 * y_diff;
  return xy0 * (1.0f - x_diff) + xy1 * x_diff;
コード例 #8
static float envelope(const float L)
  const float x = CLAMPS(L / 100.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
  // const float alpha = 2.0f;
  const float beta = 0.6f;
  if(x < beta)
    // return 1.0f-fabsf(x/beta-1.0f)^2
    const float tmp = fabsf(x / beta - 1.0f);
    return 1.0f - tmp * tmp;
    const float tmp1 = (1.0f - x) / (1.0f - beta);
    const float tmp2 = tmp1 * tmp1;
    const float tmp3 = tmp2 * tmp1;
    return 3.0f * tmp2 - 2.0f * tmp3;
コード例 #9
ファイル: image.c プロジェクト: michalfabik/darktable
const char *
dt_image_film_roll_name(const char *path)
  const char *folder = path + strlen(path);
  int numparts = CLAMPS(dt_conf_get_int("show_folder_levels"), 1, 5);
  int count = 0;
  if (numparts < 1)
    numparts = 1;
  while (folder > path)
    if (*folder == '/')
      if (++count >= numparts)
  return folder;
コード例 #10
ファイル: mipmap_cache.c プロジェクト: rharrison10/darktable
void dt_mipmap_cache_init(dt_mipmap_cache_t *cache)
  // make sure static memory is initialized
  struct dt_mipmap_buffer_dsc *dsc = (struct dt_mipmap_buffer_dsc *)dt_mipmap_cache_static_dead_image;
  dead_image_f((dt_mipmap_buffer_t *)(dsc+1));

  cache->compression_type = 0;
  gchar *compression = dt_conf_get_string("cache_compression");
    if(!strcmp(compression, "low quality (fast)"))
      cache->compression_type = 1;
    else if(!strcmp(compression, "high quality (slow)"))
      cache->compression_type = 2;

  dt_print(DT_DEBUG_CACHE, "[mipmap_cache_init] using %s\n", cache->compression_type == 0 ? "no compression" :
           (cache->compression_type == 1 ? "low quality compression" : "slow high quality compression"));

  // adjust numbers to be large enough to hold what mem limit suggests.
  // we want at least 100MB, and consider 8G just still reasonable.
  size_t max_mem = CLAMPS(dt_conf_get_int64("cache_memory"), 100u<<20, ((uint64_t)8)<<30);
  const uint32_t parallel = CLAMP(dt_conf_get_int ("worker_threads")*dt_conf_get_int("parallel_export"), 1, 8);
  const int32_t max_size = 2048, min_size = 32;
  int32_t wd = darktable.thumbnail_width;
  int32_t ht = darktable.thumbnail_height;
  wd = CLAMPS(wd, min_size, max_size);
  ht = CLAMPS(ht, min_size, max_size);
  // round up to a multiple of 8, so we can divide by two 3 times
  if(wd & 0xf) wd = (wd & ~0xf) + 0x10;
  if(ht & 0xf) ht = (ht & ~0xf) + 0x10;
  // cache these, can't change at runtime:
  cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_F].max_width  = wd;
  cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_F].max_height = ht;
  cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_F-1].max_width  = wd;
  cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_F-1].max_height = ht;
  for(int k=DT_MIPMAP_F-2; k>=DT_MIPMAP_0; k--)
    cache->mip[k].max_width  = cache->mip[k+1].max_width  / 2;
    cache->mip[k].max_height = cache->mip[k+1].max_height / 2;

  // initialize some per-thread cached scratchmem for uncompressed buffers during thumb creation:
    cache->scratchmem.max_width = wd;
    cache->scratchmem.max_height = ht;
    cache->scratchmem.buffer_size = wd*ht*sizeof(uint32_t);
    cache->scratchmem.size = DT_MIPMAP_3; // at max.
    // TODO: use thread local storage instead (zero performance penalty on linux)
    dt_cache_init(&cache->scratchmem.cache, parallel, parallel, 64, 0.9f*parallel*wd*ht*sizeof(uint32_t));
    // might have been rounded to power of two:
    const int cnt = dt_cache_capacity(&cache->scratchmem.cache);
    cache->scratchmem.buf = dt_alloc_align(64, cnt * wd*ht*sizeof(uint32_t));
    dt_cache_static_allocation(&cache->scratchmem.cache, (uint8_t *)cache->scratchmem.buf, wd*ht*sizeof(uint32_t));
                                   scratchmem_allocate, &cache->scratchmem);
             "[mipmap_cache_init] cache has % 5d entries for temporary compression buffers (% 4.02f MB).\n",
             cnt, cnt* wd*ht*sizeof(uint32_t)/(1024.0*1024.0));

  for(int k=DT_MIPMAP_3; k>=0; k--)
    // clear stats:
    cache->mip[k].stats_requests = 0;
    cache->mip[k].stats_near_match = 0;
    cache->mip[k].stats_misses = 0;
    cache->mip[k].stats_fetches = 0;
    cache->mip[k].stats_standin = 0;
    // buffer stores width and height + actual data
    const int width  = cache->mip[k].max_width;
    const int height = cache->mip[k].max_height;
    // header + adjusted for dxt compression:
    cache->mip[k].buffer_size = 4*sizeof(uint32_t) + compressed_buffer_size(cache->compression_type, width, height);
    cache->mip[k].size = k;
    // level of parallelism also gives minimum size (which is twice that)
    // is rounded to a power of two by the cache anyways, we might as well.
    // XXX this needs adjustment for video mode (more full-res thumbs for replay)
    // TODO: collect hit/miss stats and auto-adjust to user browsing behaviour
    // TODO: can #prefetches be collected this way, too?
    const size_t max_mem2 = MAX(0, (k == 0) ? (max_mem) : (max_mem/(k+4)));
    uint32_t thumbnails = MAX(2, nearest_power_of_two((uint32_t)((double)max_mem2/cache->mip[k].buffer_size)));
    while(thumbnails > parallel && (size_t)thumbnails * cache->mip[k].buffer_size > max_mem2) thumbnails /= 2;

    // try to utilize that memory well (use 90% quota), the hopscotch paper claims good scalability up to
    // even more than that.
    dt_cache_init(&cache->mip[k].cache, thumbnails,
                  64, 0.9f*thumbnails*cache->mip[k].buffer_size);

    // might have been rounded to power of two:
    thumbnails = dt_cache_capacity(&cache->mip[k].cache);
    max_mem -= thumbnails * cache->mip[k].buffer_size;
    // dt_print(DT_DEBUG_CACHE, "[mipmap mem] %4.02f left\n", max_mem/(1024.0*1024.0));
    cache->mip[k].buf = dt_alloc_align(64, thumbnails * cache->mip[k].buffer_size);
    dt_cache_static_allocation(&cache->mip[k].cache, (uint8_t *)cache->mip[k].buf, cache->mip[k].buffer_size);
                                   dt_mipmap_cache_allocate, &cache->mip[k]);
    // dt_cache_set_cleanup_callback(&cache->mip[k].cache,
    // &dt_mipmap_cache_deallocate, &cache->mip[k]);

             "[mipmap_cache_init] cache has % 5d entries for mip %d (% 4.02f MB).\n",
             thumbnails, k, thumbnails * cache->mip[k].buffer_size/(1024.0*1024.0));

  // full buffer needs dynamic alloc:
  const int full_entries = MAX(2, parallel); // even with one thread you want two buffers. one for dr one for thumbs.
  int32_t max_mem_bufs = nearest_power_of_two(full_entries);

  // for this buffer, because it can be very busy during import, we want the minimum
  // number of entries in the hashtable to be 16, but leave the quota as is. the dynamic
  // alloc/free properties of this cache take care that no more memory is required.
  dt_cache_init(&cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_FULL].cache, max_mem_bufs, parallel, 64, max_mem_bufs);
                                 dt_mipmap_cache_allocate_dynamic, &cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_FULL]);
  // dt_cache_set_cleanup_callback(&cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_FULL].cache,
  // &dt_mipmap_cache_deallocate_dynamic, &cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_FULL]);
  cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_FULL].buffer_size = 0;
  cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_FULL].size = DT_MIPMAP_FULL;
  cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_FULL].buf = NULL;

  // same for mipf:
  dt_cache_init(&cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_F].cache, max_mem_bufs, parallel, 64, max_mem_bufs);
                                 dt_mipmap_cache_allocate_dynamic, &cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_F]);
                                dt_mipmap_cache_deallocate_dynamic, &cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_F]);
  cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_F].buffer_size = 4*sizeof(uint32_t) +
                                        4*sizeof(float) * cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_F].max_width * cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_F].max_height;
  cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_F].size = DT_MIPMAP_F;
  cache->mip[DT_MIPMAP_F].buf = NULL;

コード例 #11
ファイル: imageio.c プロジェクト: bgK/darktable
// open a raw file, libraw path:
    dt_image_t  *img,
    const char  *filename,
    dt_mipmap_cache_allocator_t a)
    (void) dt_exif_read(img, filename);
  int ret;
  libraw_data_t *raw = libraw_init(0);
  libraw_processed_image_t *image = NULL;
  raw->params.half_size = 0; /* dcraw -h */
  raw->params.use_camera_wb = 0;
  raw->params.use_auto_wb = 0;
  raw->params.med_passes = 0;//img->raw_params.med_passes;
  raw->params.no_auto_bright = 1;
  // raw->params.filtering_mode |= LIBRAW_FILTERING_NOBLACKS;
  // raw->params.document_mode = 2; // no color scaling, no black, no max, no wb..?
  raw->params.document_mode = 2; // color scaling (clip,wb,max) and black point, but no demosaic
  raw->params.output_color = 0;
  raw->params.output_bps = 16;
  raw->params.user_flip = -1; // -1 means: use orientation from raw
  raw->params.gamm[0] = 1.0;
  raw->params.gamm[1] = 1.0;
  // raw->params.user_qual = img->raw_params.demosaic_method; // 3: AHD, 2: PPG, 1: VNG
  raw->params.user_qual = 0;
  // raw->params.four_color_rgb = img->raw_params.four_color_rgb;
  raw->params.four_color_rgb = 0;
  raw->params.use_camera_matrix = 0;
  raw->params.green_matching = 0;
  raw->params.highlight = 1;
  raw->params.threshold = 0;
  // raw->params.auto_bright_thr = img->raw_auto_bright_threshold;

  // raw->params.amaze_ca_refine = 0;
  raw->params.fbdd_noiserd    = 0;

  ret = libraw_open_file(raw, filename);
  HANDLE_ERRORS(ret, 0);
  raw->params.user_qual = 0;
  raw->params.half_size = 0;

  ret = libraw_unpack(raw);
  // img->black   = raw->color.black/65535.0;
  // img->maximum = raw->color.maximum/65535.0;
  img->bpp = sizeof(uint16_t);
  // printf("black, max: %d %d %f %f\n", raw->color.black, raw->color.maximum, img->black, img->maximum);
  HANDLE_ERRORS(ret, 1);
  ret = libraw_dcraw_process(raw);
  // ret = libraw_dcraw_document_mode_processing(raw);
  HANDLE_ERRORS(ret, 1);
  image = libraw_dcraw_make_mem_image(raw, &ret);
  HANDLE_ERRORS(ret, 1);

  // fallback for broken exif read in case of phase one H25
  if(!strncmp(img->exif_maker, "Phase One", 9))
    img->orientation = raw->sizes.flip;
  // filters seem only ever to take a useful value after unpack/process
  img->filters = raw->idata.filters;
  img->width  = (img->orientation & 4) ? raw->sizes.height : raw->sizes.width;
  img->height = (img->orientation & 4) ? raw->sizes.width  : raw->sizes.height;
  img->exif_iso = raw->other.iso_speed;
  img->exif_exposure = raw->other.shutter;
  img->exif_aperture = raw->other.aperture;
  img->exif_focal_length = raw->other.focal_len;
  g_strlcpy(img->exif_maker, raw->idata.make, sizeof(img->exif_maker));
  img->exif_maker[sizeof(img->exif_maker) - 1] = 0x0;
  g_strlcpy(img->exif_model, raw->idata.model, sizeof(img->exif_model));
  img->exif_model[sizeof(img->exif_model) - 1] = 0x0;
  dt_gettime_t(img->exif_datetime_taken, raw->other.timestamp);

  void *buf = dt_mipmap_cache_alloc(img, DT_MIPMAP_FULL, a);
#ifdef _OPENMP
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) default(none) shared(img, image, raw, buf)
  for(int k=0; k<img->width*img->height; k++)
    ((uint16_t *)buf)[k] = CLAMPS((((uint16_t *)image->data)[k] - raw->color.black)*65535.0f/(float)(raw->color.maximum - raw->color.black), 0, 0xffff);
  // clean up raw stuff.
  raw = NULL;
  image = NULL;

  img->flags &= ~DT_IMAGE_LDR;
  img->flags &= ~DT_IMAGE_HDR;
  img->flags |= DT_IMAGE_RAW;
  return DT_IMAGEIO_OK;
コード例 #12
ファイル: zonesystem.c プロジェクト: gapato/darktable
void process (struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, void *ivoid, void *ovoid, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
  float *in;
  float *out;
  dt_iop_zonesystem_gui_data_t *g = NULL;
  dt_iop_zonesystem_data_t *data = (dt_iop_zonesystem_data_t*)piece->data;

  guchar *buffer = NULL;
  if( self->dev->gui_attached && piece->pipe->type == DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_PREVIEW )
    g = (dt_iop_zonesystem_gui_data_t *)self->gui_data;
      g_free (g->preview_buffer);

    buffer = g->preview_buffer = g_malloc (roi_in->width*roi_in->height);

  /* calculate zonemap */
  const int size = data->size;
  float zonemap[MAX_ZONE_SYSTEM_SIZE]= {-1};
  _iop_zonesystem_calculate_zonemap (data, zonemap);
  const int ch = piece->colors;

  /* if gui and have buffer lets gaussblur and fill buffer with zone indexes */
  if( self->dev->gui_attached && g && buffer)
    /* setup gaussian kernel */
    const int radius = 8;
    const int rad = MIN(radius, ceilf(radius * roi_in->scale / piece->iscale));
    const int wd = 2*rad+1;
    float mat[wd*wd];
    float *m;
    const float sigma2 = (2.5*2.5)*(radius*roi_in->scale/piece->iscale)*(radius*roi_in->scale/piece->iscale);
    float weight = 0.0f;

    memset(mat, 0, wd*wd*sizeof(float));

    m = mat;
    for(int l=-rad; l<=rad; l++) for(int k=-rad; k<=rad; k++,m++)
        weight += *m = expf(- (l*l + k*k)/(2.f*sigma2));
    m = mat;
    for(int l=-rad; l<=rad; l++) for(int k=-rad; k<=rad; k++,m++)
        *m /= weight;

    /* gauss blur the L channel */
#ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp parallel for default(none) private(in, out, m) shared(mat, ivoid, ovoid, roi_out, roi_in) schedule(static)
    for(int j=rad; j<roi_out->height-rad; j++)
      in  = ((float *)ivoid) + ch*(j*roi_in->width  + rad);
      out = ((float *)ovoid) + ch*(j*roi_out->width + rad);
      for(int i=rad; i<roi_out->width-rad; i++)
        for(int c=0; c<3; c++) out[c] = 0.0f;
        float sum = 0.0;
        m = mat;
        for(int l=-rad; l<=rad; l++)
          float *inrow = in + ch*(l*roi_in->width-rad);
          for(int k=-rad; k<=rad; k++,inrow+=ch,m++)
            sum += *m * inrow[0];
        out[0] = sum;
        out += ch;
        in += ch;

    /* create zonemap preview */
//     in  = (float *)ivoid;
    out = (float *)ovoid;
#ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(roi_out,out,buffer,g,zonemap) schedule(static)
    for (int k=0; k<roi_out->width*roi_out->height; k++)
      buffer[k] = _iop_zonesystem_zone_index_from_lightness (out[ch*k]/100.0f, zonemap, size);


  /* process the image */
  in  = (float *)ivoid;
  out = (float *)ovoid;

  const float rzscale = (size-1)/100.0f;

  float zonemap_offset[MAX_ZONE_SYSTEM_SIZE]= {-1};
  float zonemap_scale[MAX_ZONE_SYSTEM_SIZE]= {-1};

  // precompute scale and offset
  for (int k=0; k < size-1; k++) zonemap_scale[k]  = (zonemap[k+1]-zonemap[k])*(size-1);
  for (int k=0; k < size-1; k++) zonemap_offset[k] = 100.0f * ((k+1)*zonemap[k] - k*zonemap[k+1]) ;

#ifdef _OPENMP
  #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(roi_out, in, out, zonemap_scale,zonemap_offset) schedule(static)
  for (int j=0; j<roi_out->height; j++)
    for (int i=0; i<roi_out->width; i++)
      /* remap lightness into zonemap and apply lightness */
      const float *inp = in + ch*(j*roi_out->width+i);
      float *outp = out + ch*(j*roi_out->width+i);

      const int rz = CLAMPS(inp[0]*rzscale, 0, size-2);  // zone index

      const float zs = ((rz > 0) ? (zonemap_offset[rz]/inp[0]) : 0) + zonemap_scale[rz];



    dt_iop_alpha_copy(ivoid, ovoid, roi_out->width, roi_out->height);
コード例 #13
ファイル: zonesystem.c プロジェクト: hean01/darktable
void process (struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, void *ivoid, void *ovoid, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
  float *in;
  float *out;
  dt_iop_zonesystem_gui_data_t *g = NULL;
  dt_iop_zonesystem_data_t *data = (dt_iop_zonesystem_data_t*)piece->data;

  const int width = roi_out->width;
  const int height = roi_out->height;

  guchar *in_buffer = NULL, *out_buffer = NULL;
  if( self->dev->gui_attached && piece->pipe->type == DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_PREVIEW )
    g = (dt_iop_zonesystem_gui_data_t *)self->gui_data;
      g_free (g->in_preview_buffer);
      g_free (g->out_preview_buffer);

    in_buffer = g->in_preview_buffer = g_malloc ((size_t)width*height);
    out_buffer = g->out_preview_buffer = g_malloc ((size_t)width*height);
    g->preview_width = width;
    g->preview_height = height;


  /* calculate zonemap */
  const int size = data->size;
  float zonemap[MAX_ZONE_SYSTEM_SIZE]= {-1};
  _iop_zonesystem_calculate_zonemap (data, zonemap);
  const int ch = piece->colors;

  /* process the image */
  in  = (float *)ivoid;
  out = (float *)ovoid;

  const float rzscale = (size-1)/100.0f;

  float zonemap_offset[MAX_ZONE_SYSTEM_SIZE]= {-1};
  float zonemap_scale[MAX_ZONE_SYSTEM_SIZE]= {-1};

  // precompute scale and offset
  for (int k=0; k < size-1; k++) zonemap_scale[k]  = (zonemap[k+1]-zonemap[k])*(size-1);
  for (int k=0; k < size-1; k++) zonemap_offset[k] = 100.0f * ((k+1)*zonemap[k] - k*zonemap[k+1]) ;

#ifdef _OPENMP
  #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(in, out, zonemap_scale,zonemap_offset) schedule(static)
  for (int j=0; j<height; j++)
    for (int i=0; i<width; i++)
      /* remap lightness into zonemap and apply lightness */
      const float *inp = in + ch*((size_t)j*width+i);
      float *outp = out + ch*((size_t)j*width+i);

      const int rz = CLAMPS(inp[0]*rzscale, 0, size-2);  // zone index

      const float zs = ((rz > 0) ? (zonemap_offset[rz]/inp[0]) : 0) + zonemap_scale[rz];



    dt_iop_alpha_copy(ivoid, ovoid, width, height);

  /* if gui and have buffer lets gaussblur and fill buffer with zone indexes */
  if( self->dev->gui_attached && g && in_buffer && out_buffer)

    float Lmax[] = { 100.0f };
    float Lmin[] = { 0.0f };

    /* setup gaussian kernel */
    const int radius = 8;
    const float sigma = 2.5*(radius*roi_in->scale/piece->iscale);

    dt_gaussian_t *gauss = dt_gaussian_init(width, height, 1, Lmax, Lmin, sigma, DT_IOP_GAUSSIAN_ZERO);

    float *tmp = g_malloc((size_t)width*height*sizeof(float));

    if(gauss && tmp)
#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(ivoid, tmp) schedule(static)
      for(size_t k=0; k<(size_t)width*height; k++)
        tmp[k] = ((float *)ivoid)[ch*k];

      dt_gaussian_blur(gauss, tmp, tmp);

      /* create zonemap preview for input */
#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(tmp,in_buffer) schedule(static)
      for (size_t k=0; k<(size_t)width*height; k++)
        in_buffer[k] = CLAMPS(tmp[k]*(size-1)/100.0f, 0, size-2);

#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(ovoid, tmp) schedule(static)
      for(size_t k=0; k<(size_t)width*height; k++)
        tmp[k] = ((float *)ovoid)[ch*k];

      dt_gaussian_blur(gauss, tmp, tmp);

      /* create zonemap preview for output */
#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(tmp,out_buffer) schedule(static)
      for (size_t k=0; k<(size_t)width*height; k++)
        out_buffer[k] = CLAMPS(tmp[k]*(size-1)/100.0f, 0, size-2);

    if (tmp) g_free(tmp);
    if (gauss) dt_gaussian_free(gauss);
コード例 #14
ファイル: locallaplacian.c プロジェクト: rgo/darktable
void local_laplacian_internal(
    const float *const input,   // input buffer in some Labx or yuvx format
    float *const out,           // output buffer with colour
    const int wd,               // width and
    const int ht,               // height of the input buffer
    const float sigma,          // user param: separate shadows/midtones/highlights
    const float shadows,        // user param: lift shadows
    const float highlights,     // user param: compress highlights
    const float clarity,        // user param: increase clarity/local contrast
    const int use_sse2)         // flag whether to use SSE version
#define max_levels 30
#define num_gamma 6
  // don't divide by 2 more often than we can:
  const int num_levels = MIN(max_levels, 31-__builtin_clz(MIN(wd,ht)));
  const int max_supp = 1<<(num_levels-1);
  int w, h;
  float *padded[max_levels] = {0};
  padded[0] = ll_pad_input(input, wd, ht, max_supp, &w, &h);

  // allocate pyramid pointers for padded input
  for(int l=1;l<num_levels;l++)
    padded[l] = dt_alloc_align(16, sizeof(float)*dl(w,l)*dl(h,l));

  // allocate pyramid pointers for output
  float *output[max_levels] = {0};
  for(int l=0;l<num_levels;l++)
    output[l] = dt_alloc_align(16, sizeof(float)*dl(w,l)*dl(h,l));

  // create gauss pyramid of padded input, write coarse directly to output
#if defined(__SSE2__)
    for(int l=1;l<num_levels-1;l++)
      gauss_reduce_sse2(padded[l-1], padded[l], dl(w,l-1), dl(h,l-1));
    gauss_reduce_sse2(padded[num_levels-2], output[num_levels-1], dl(w,num_levels-2), dl(h,num_levels-2));
    for(int l=1;l<num_levels-1;l++)
      gauss_reduce(padded[l-1], padded[l], dl(w,l-1), dl(h,l-1));
    gauss_reduce(padded[num_levels-2], output[num_levels-1], dl(w,num_levels-2), dl(h,num_levels-2));

  // evenly sample brightness [0,1]:
  float gamma[num_gamma] = {0.0f};
  for(int k=0;k<num_gamma;k++) gamma[k] = (k+.5f)/(float)num_gamma;
  // for(int k=0;k<num_gamma;k++) gamma[k] = k/(num_gamma-1.0f);

  // allocate memory for intermediate laplacian pyramids
  float *buf[num_gamma][max_levels] = {{0}};
  for(int k=0;k<num_gamma;k++) for(int l=0;l<num_levels;l++)
    buf[k][l] = dt_alloc_align(16, sizeof(float)*dl(w,l)*dl(h,l));

  // the paper says remapping only level 3 not 0 does the trick, too
  // (but i really like the additional octave of sharpness we get,
  // willing to pay the cost).
  for(int k=0;k<num_gamma;k++)
  { // process images
#if defined(__SSE2__)
      apply_curve_sse2(buf[k][0], padded[0], w, h, max_supp, gamma[k], sigma, shadows, highlights, clarity);
    else // brackets in next line needed for silly gcc warning:
    {apply_curve(buf[k][0], padded[0], w, h, max_supp, gamma[k], sigma, shadows, highlights, clarity);}

    // create gaussian pyramids
    for(int l=1;l<num_levels;l++)
#if defined(__SSE2__)
        gauss_reduce_sse2(buf[k][l-1], buf[k][l], dl(w,l-1), dl(h,l-1));
        gauss_reduce(buf[k][l-1], buf[k][l], dl(w,l-1), dl(h,l-1));

  // assemble output pyramid coarse to fine
  for(int l=num_levels-2;l >= 0; l--)
    const int pw = dl(w,l), ph = dl(h,l);

    gauss_expand(output[l+1], output[l], pw, ph);
    // go through all coefficients in the upsampled gauss buffer:
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) schedule(static) collapse(2) shared(w,h,buf,output,l,gamma,padded)
    for(int j=0;j<ph;j++) for(int i=0;i<pw;i++)
      const float v = padded[l][j*pw+i];
      int hi = 1;
      for(;hi<num_gamma-1 && gamma[hi] <= v;hi++);
      int lo = hi-1;
      const float a = CLAMPS((v - gamma[lo])/(gamma[hi]-gamma[lo]), 0.0f, 1.0f);
      const float l0 = ll_laplacian(buf[lo][l+1], buf[lo][l], i, j, pw, ph);
      const float l1 = ll_laplacian(buf[hi][l+1], buf[hi][l], i, j, pw, ph);
      output[l][j*pw+i] += l0 * (1.0f-a) + l1 * a;
      // we could do this to save on memory (no need for finest buf[][]).
      // unfortunately it results in a quite noticable loss of sharpness, i think
      // the extra level is worth it.
      // else if(l == 0) // use finest scale from input to not amplify noise (and use less memory)
      //   output[l][j*pw+i] += ll_laplacian(padded[l+1], padded[l], i, j, pw, ph);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) schedule(dynamic) collapse(2) shared(w,output,buf)
  for(int j=0;j<ht;j++) for(int i=0;i<wd;i++)
    out[4*(j*wd+i)+0] = 100.0f * output[0][(j+max_supp)*w+max_supp+i]; // [0,1] -> L
    out[4*(j*wd+i)+1] = input[4*(j*wd+i)+1]; // copy original colour channels
    out[4*(j*wd+i)+2] = input[4*(j*wd+i)+2];
  // free all buffers!
  for(int l=0;l<max_levels;l++)
    for(int k = 0; k < num_gamma; k++) dt_free_align(buf[k][l]);
#undef num_levels
#undef num_gamma
コード例 #15
ファイル: darktable.c プロジェクト: julianjm/darktable
int dt_init(int argc, char *argv[], const int init_gui)
  // make everything go a lot faster.
#ifndef __APPLE__
  _dt_sigsegv_old_handler = signal(SIGSEGV,&_dt_sigsegv_handler);

#ifndef __SSE2__
  fprintf(stderr, "[dt_init] unfortunately we depend on SSE2 instructions at this time.\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "[dt_init] please contribute a backport patch (or buy a newer processor).\n");
  return 1;

  mallopt(M_MMAP_THRESHOLD,128*1024) ; /* use mmap() for large allocations */

  bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
  textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);

  // init all pointers to 0:
  memset(&darktable, 0, sizeof(darktable_t));

  darktable.progname = argv[0];

  // database
  gchar *dbfilename_from_command = NULL;
  char *datadir_from_command = NULL;
  char *moduledir_from_command = NULL;
  char *tmpdir_from_command = NULL;
  char *configdir_from_command = NULL;
  char *cachedir_from_command = NULL;

  darktable.num_openmp_threads = 1;
#ifdef _OPENMP
  darktable.num_openmp_threads = omp_get_num_procs();
  darktable.unmuted = 0;
  GSList *images_to_load = NULL;
  for(int k=1; k<argc; k++)
    if(argv[k][0] == '-')
      if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--help"))
        return usage(argv[0]);
      if(!strcmp(argv[k], "-h"))
        return usage(argv[0]);
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--version"))
        printf("this is "PACKAGE_STRING"\ncopyright (c) 2009-2013 johannes hanika\n"PACKAGE_BUGREPORT"\n");
        return 1;
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--library"))
        dbfilename_from_command = argv[++k];
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--datadir"))
        datadir_from_command = argv[++k];
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--moduledir"))
        moduledir_from_command = argv[++k];
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--tmpdir"))
        tmpdir_from_command = argv[++k];
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--configdir"))
        configdir_from_command = argv[++k];
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--cachedir"))
        cachedir_from_command = argv[++k];
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--localedir"))
        bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, argv[++k]);
      else if(argv[k][1] == 'd' && argc > k+1)
        if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "all"))             darktable.unmuted = 0xffffffff;   // enable all debug information
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "cache"))      darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_CACHE;   // enable debugging for lib/film/cache module
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "control"))    darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_CONTROL; // enable debugging for scheduler module
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "dev"))        darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_DEV; // develop module
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "fswatch"))    darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_FSWATCH; // fswatch module
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "camctl"))     darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_CAMCTL; // camera control module
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "perf"))       darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_PERF; // performance measurements
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "pwstorage"))  darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_PWSTORAGE; // pwstorage module
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "opencl"))     darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_OPENCL;    // gpu accel via opencl
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "sql"))        darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_SQL; // SQLite3 queries
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "memory"))     darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_MEMORY; // some stats on mem usage now and then.
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "lighttable")) darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_LIGHTTABLE; // lighttable related stuff.
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "nan"))        darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_NAN; // check for NANs when processing the pipe.
        else return usage(argv[0]);
        k ++;
      else if(argv[k][1] == 't' && argc > k+1)
        darktable.num_openmp_threads = CLAMP(atol(argv[k+1]), 1, 100);
        printf("[dt_init] using %d threads for openmp parallel sections\n", darktable.num_openmp_threads);
        k ++;
      images_to_load = g_slist_append(images_to_load, argv[k]);

  if(darktable.unmuted & DT_DEBUG_MEMORY)
    fprintf(stderr, "[memory] at startup\n");

#ifdef _OPENMP
    printf(_("ERROR : invalid temporary directory : %s\n"),darktable.tmpdir);
    return usage(argv[0]);

#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 35, 0)

  // does not work, as gtk is not inited yet.
  // even if it were, it's a super bad idea to invoke gtk stuff from
  // a signal handler.
  /* check cput caps */
  // dt_check_cpu(argc,argv);

#ifdef HAVE_GEGL
  char geglpath[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN];
  char datadir[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN];
  dt_loc_get_datadir(datadir, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN);
  snprintf(geglpath, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN, "%s/gegl:/usr/lib/gegl-0.0", datadir);
  (void)setenv("GEGL_PATH", geglpath, 1);
  gegl_init(&argc, &argv);

  // thread-safe init:
  char datadir[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN];
  dt_loc_get_user_config_dir (datadir,DT_MAX_PATH_LEN);
  char filename[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN];
  snprintf(filename, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN, "%s/darktablerc", datadir);

  // intialize the config backend. this needs to be done first...
  darktable.conf = (dt_conf_t *)malloc(sizeof(dt_conf_t));
  memset(darktable.conf, 0, sizeof(dt_conf_t));
  dt_conf_init(darktable.conf, filename);

  // set the interface language
  const gchar* lang = dt_conf_get_string("ui_last/gui_language");
  if(lang != NULL && lang[0] != '\0')
    if(setlocale(LC_ALL, lang) != NULL)

  // initialize the database
  darktable.db = dt_database_init(dbfilename_from_command);
  if(darktable.db == NULL)
    printf("ERROR : cannot open database\n");
    return 1;
  else if(dt_database_get_already_locked(darktable.db))
    // send the images to the other instance via dbus
      GSList *p = images_to_load;

      // get a connection!
      GDBusConnection *connection = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION,NULL, NULL);

      while (p != NULL)
        // make the filename absolute ...
        gchar *filename = dt_make_path_absolute((gchar*)p->data);
        if(filename == NULL) continue;
        // ... and send it to the running instance of darktable
                                    g_variant_new ("(s)", filename),
        p = g_slist_next(p);


    return 1;

  // Initialize the signal system
  darktable.signals = dt_control_signal_init();

  // Initialize the filesystem watcher

  // Initialize the camera control

  // get max lighttable thumbnail size:
  darktable.thumbnail_width  = CLAMPS(dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/thumbnail_width"),  200, 3000);
  darktable.thumbnail_height = CLAMPS(dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/thumbnail_height"), 200, 3000);
  // and make sure it can be mip-mapped all the way from mip4 to mip0
  darktable.thumbnail_width  /= 16;
  darktable.thumbnail_width  *= 16;
  darktable.thumbnail_height /= 16;
  darktable.thumbnail_height *= 16;

  // Initialize the password storage engine

  // FIXME: move there into dt_database_t
  dt_pthread_mutex_init(&(darktable.db_insert), NULL);
  dt_pthread_mutex_init(&(darktable.plugin_threadsafe), NULL);
  dt_pthread_mutex_init(&(darktable.capabilities_threadsafe), NULL);
  darktable.control = (dt_control_t *)malloc(sizeof(dt_control_t));
  memset(darktable.control, 0, sizeof(dt_control_t));
    // this is in memory, so schema can't exist yet.
    if(dbfilename_from_command && !strcmp(dbfilename_from_command, ":memory:"))
      dt_gui_presets_init(); // also init preset db schema.
    darktable.control->running = 0;
    darktable.control->accelerators = NULL;
    dt_pthread_mutex_init(&darktable.control->run_mutex, NULL);

  // initialize collection query
  darktable.collection_listeners = NULL;
  darktable.collection = dt_collection_new(NULL);

  /* initialize sellection */
  darktable.selection = dt_selection_new();

  /* capabilities set to NULL */
  darktable.capabilities = NULL;

  /* GraphicsMagick init */

  darktable.opencl = (dt_opencl_t *)malloc(sizeof(dt_opencl_t));
  memset(darktable.opencl, 0, sizeof(dt_opencl_t));
  dt_opencl_init(darktable.opencl, argc, argv);

  darktable.blendop = (dt_blendop_t *)malloc(sizeof(dt_blendop_t));
  memset(darktable.blendop, 0, sizeof(dt_blendop_t));

  darktable.points = (dt_points_t *)malloc(sizeof(dt_points_t));
  memset(darktable.points, 0, sizeof(dt_points_t));
  dt_points_init(darktable.points, dt_get_num_threads());

  // must come before mipmap_cache, because that one will need to access
  // image dimensions stored in here:
  darktable.image_cache = (dt_image_cache_t *)malloc(sizeof(dt_image_cache_t));
  memset(darktable.image_cache, 0, sizeof(dt_image_cache_t));

  darktable.mipmap_cache = (dt_mipmap_cache_t *)malloc(sizeof(dt_mipmap_cache_t));
  memset(darktable.mipmap_cache, 0, sizeof(dt_mipmap_cache_t));

  // The GUI must be initialized before the views, because the init()
  // functions of the views depend on darktable.control->accels_* to register
  // their keyboard accelerators

    darktable.gui = (dt_gui_gtk_t *)malloc(sizeof(dt_gui_gtk_t));
    if(dt_gui_gtk_init(darktable.gui, argc, argv)) return 1;
  else darktable.gui = NULL;

  darktable.view_manager = (dt_view_manager_t *)malloc(sizeof(dt_view_manager_t));
  memset(darktable.view_manager, 0, sizeof(dt_view_manager_t));

  // load the darkroom mode plugins once:

    darktable.lib = (dt_lib_t *)malloc(sizeof(dt_lib_t));
    memset(darktable.lib, 0, sizeof(dt_lib_t));

    g_strlcpy(darktable.control->global_settings.dbname, filename, 512); // overwrite if relocated.
  darktable.imageio = (dt_imageio_t *)malloc(sizeof(dt_imageio_t));
  memset(darktable.imageio, 0, sizeof(dt_imageio_t));

    // Loading the keybindings
    char keyfile[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN];

    // First dump the default keymapping
    snprintf(keyfile, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN, "%s/keyboardrc_default", datadir);

    // Removing extraneous semi-colons from the default keymap

    // Then load any modified keys if available
    snprintf(keyfile, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN, "%s/keyboardrc", datadir);
    if(g_file_test(keyfile, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
      gtk_accel_map_save(keyfile); // Save the default keymap if none is present

    // I doubt that connecting to dbus for darktable-cli makes sense
    darktable.dbus = dt_dbus_init();

    // initialize undo struct
    darktable.undo = dt_undo_init();

    // load image(s) specified on cmdline
    int id = 0;
      // If only one image is listed, attempt to load it in darkroom
      gboolean load_in_dr = (g_slist_next(images_to_load) == NULL);
      GSList *p = images_to_load;

      while (p != NULL)
        // don't put these function calls into MAX(), the macro will evaluate
        // it twice (and happily deadlock, in this particular case)
        int newid = dt_load_from_string((gchar*)p->data, load_in_dr);
        id = MAX(id, newid);
        p = g_slist_next(p);

      if (!load_in_dr || id == 0)


  /* start the indexer background job */

  if(darktable.unmuted & DT_DEBUG_MEMORY)
    fprintf(stderr, "[memory] after successful startup\n");

  return 0;
コード例 #16
ファイル: darktable.c プロジェクト: joergbeyer/darktable
int dt_init(int argc, char *argv[], const int init_gui,lua_State *L)
#ifndef __WIN32__
  if(getuid() == 0 || geteuid() == 0)
    printf("WARNING: either your user id or the effective user id are 0. are you running darktable as root?\n");

  // make everything go a lot faster.
#if !defined __APPLE__ && !defined __WIN32__
  _dt_sigsegv_old_handler = signal(SIGSEGV,&_dt_sigsegv_handler);

#ifndef __GNUC_PREREQ
  // on OSX, gcc-4.6 and clang chokes if this is not here.
  #if defined __GNUC__ && defined __GNUC_MINOR__
  # define __GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) \
  ((__GNUC__ << 16) + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= ((maj) << 16) + (min))
  # define __GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) 0
#ifndef __has_builtin
// http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LanguageExtensions.html#feature-checking-macros
  #define __has_builtin(x) false

#ifndef __SSE3__
  #error "Unfortunately we depend on SSE3 instructions at this time."
  #error "Please contribute a backport patch (or buy a newer processor)."
  #if (__GNUC_PREREQ(4,8) || __has_builtin(__builtin_cpu_supports))
  //FIXME: check will work only in GCC 4.8+ !!! implement manual cpuid check !!!
  //NOTE: _may_i_use_cpu_feature() looks better, but only avaliable in ICC
  if (!__builtin_cpu_supports("sse3"))
    fprintf(stderr, "[dt_init] unfortunately we depend on SSE3 instructions at this time.\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "[dt_init] please contribute a backport patch (or buy a newer processor).\n");
    return 1;
  //FIXME: no way to check for SSE3 in runtime, implement manual cpuid check !!!

  mallopt(M_MMAP_THRESHOLD,128*1024) ; /* use mmap() for large allocations */

  // we have to have our share dir in XDG_DATA_DIRS,
  // otherwise GTK+ won't find our logo for the about screen (and maybe other things)
    const gchar *xdg_data_dirs = g_getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS");
    gchar *new_xdg_data_dirs = NULL;
    gboolean set_env = TRUE;
    if(xdg_data_dirs != NULL && *xdg_data_dirs != '\0')
      // check if DARKTABLE_SHAREDIR is already in there
      gboolean found = FALSE;
      gchar **tokens = g_strsplit(xdg_data_dirs, ":", 0);
      // xdg_data_dirs is neither NULL nor empty => tokens != NULL
      for(char **iter = tokens; *iter != NULL; iter++)
        if(!strcmp(DARKTABLE_SHAREDIR, *iter))
          found = TRUE;
        set_env = FALSE;
        new_xdg_data_dirs = g_strjoin(":", DARKTABLE_SHAREDIR, xdg_data_dirs, NULL);
      // see http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/ar01s03.html for a reason to use those as a default
      if(!g_strcmp0(DARKTABLE_SHAREDIR, "/usr/local/share") || !g_strcmp0(DARKTABLE_SHAREDIR, "/usr/local/share/") ||
         !g_strcmp0(DARKTABLE_SHAREDIR, "/usr/share") || !g_strcmp0(DARKTABLE_SHAREDIR, "/usr/share/"))
        new_xdg_data_dirs = g_strdup("/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/");
        new_xdg_data_dirs = g_strdup_printf("%s:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/", DARKTABLE_SHAREDIR);

      g_setenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS", new_xdg_data_dirs, 1);

  setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
  bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
  textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);

  // init all pointers to 0:
  memset(&darktable, 0, sizeof(darktable_t));

  darktable.progname = argv[0];

  // database
  gchar *dbfilename_from_command = NULL;
  char *datadir_from_command = NULL;
  char *moduledir_from_command = NULL;
  char *tmpdir_from_command = NULL;
  char *configdir_from_command = NULL;
  char *cachedir_from_command = NULL;

#ifdef USE_LUA
  char *lua_command = NULL;

  darktable.num_openmp_threads = 1;
#ifdef _OPENMP
  darktable.num_openmp_threads = omp_get_num_procs();
  darktable.unmuted = 0;
  GSList *images_to_load = NULL, *config_override = NULL;
  for(int k=1; k<argc; k++)
    if(argv[k][0] == '-')
      if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--help"))
        return usage(argv[0]);
      if(!strcmp(argv[k], "-h"))
        return usage(argv[0]);
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--version"))
        printf("this is "PACKAGE_STRING"\ncopyright (c) 2009-2014 johannes hanika\n"PACKAGE_BUGREPORT"\n"
#ifdef _OPENMP
        "OpenMP support enabled\n"
        "OpenMP support disabled\n"
        return 1;
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--library"))
        dbfilename_from_command = argv[++k];
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--datadir"))
        datadir_from_command = argv[++k];
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--moduledir"))
        moduledir_from_command = argv[++k];
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--tmpdir"))
        tmpdir_from_command = argv[++k];
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--configdir"))
        configdir_from_command = argv[++k];
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--cachedir"))
        cachedir_from_command = argv[++k];
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--localedir"))
        bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, argv[++k]);
      else if(argv[k][1] == 'd' && argc > k+1)
        if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "all"))             darktable.unmuted = 0xffffffff;   // enable all debug information
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "cache"))      darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_CACHE;   // enable debugging for lib/film/cache module
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "control"))    darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_CONTROL; // enable debugging for scheduler module
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "dev"))        darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_DEV; // develop module
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "fswatch"))    darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_FSWATCH; // fswatch module
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "input"))      darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_INPUT; // input devices
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "camctl"))     darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_CAMCTL; // camera control module
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "perf"))       darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_PERF; // performance measurements
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "pwstorage"))  darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_PWSTORAGE; // pwstorage module
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "opencl"))     darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_OPENCL;    // gpu accel via opencl
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "sql"))        darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_SQL; // SQLite3 queries
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "memory"))     darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_MEMORY; // some stats on mem usage now and then.
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "lighttable")) darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_LIGHTTABLE; // lighttable related stuff.
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "nan"))        darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_NAN; // check for NANs when processing the pipe.
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "masks"))      darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_MASKS; // masks related stuff.
        else if(!strcmp(argv[k+1], "lua"))        darktable.unmuted |= DT_DEBUG_LUA; // lua errors are reported on console
        else return usage(argv[0]);
        k ++;
      else if(argv[k][1] == 't' && argc > k+1)
        darktable.num_openmp_threads = CLAMP(atol(argv[k+1]), 1, 100);
        printf("[dt_init] using %d threads for openmp parallel sections\n", darktable.num_openmp_threads);
        k ++;
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--conf"))
        gchar *keyval = g_strdup(argv[++k]), *c = keyval;
        gchar *end = keyval + strlen(keyval);
        while(*c != '=' && c < end) c++;
        if(*c == '=' && *(c+1) != '\0')
          *c++ = '\0';
          dt_conf_string_entry_t *entry = (dt_conf_string_entry_t*)g_malloc(sizeof(dt_conf_string_entry_t));
          entry->key = g_strdup(keyval);
          entry->value = g_strdup(c);
          config_override = g_slist_append(config_override, entry);
      else if(!strcmp(argv[k], "--luacmd"))
#ifdef USE_LUA
        lua_command = argv[++k];
      images_to_load = g_slist_append(images_to_load, argv[k]);

  if(darktable.unmuted & DT_DEBUG_MEMORY)
    fprintf(stderr, "[memory] at startup\n");

#ifdef _OPENMP
    printf(_("ERROR : invalid temporary directory : %s\n"),darktable.tmpdir);
    return usage(argv[0]);

#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 35, 0)

  // does not work, as gtk is not inited yet.
  // even if it were, it's a super bad idea to invoke gtk stuff from
  // a signal handler.
  /* check cput caps */
  // dt_check_cpu(argc,argv);

#ifdef HAVE_GEGL
  char geglpath[PATH_MAX];
  char datadir[PATH_MAX];
  dt_loc_get_datadir(datadir, sizeof(datadir));
  snprintf(geglpath, sizeof(geglpath), "%s/gegl:/usr/lib/gegl-0.0", datadir);
  (void)setenv("GEGL_PATH", geglpath, 1);
  gegl_init(&argc, &argv);
#ifdef USE_LUA

  // thread-safe init:
  char datadir[PATH_MAX];
  dt_loc_get_user_config_dir (datadir, sizeof(datadir));
  char filename[PATH_MAX];
  snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/darktablerc", datadir);

  // initialize the config backend. this needs to be done first...
  darktable.conf = (dt_conf_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(dt_conf_t));
  dt_conf_init(darktable.conf, filename, config_override);
  g_slist_free_full(config_override, g_free);

  // set the interface language
  const gchar* lang = dt_conf_get_string("ui_last/gui_language"); // we may not g_free 'lang' since it is owned by setlocale afterwards
  if(lang != NULL && lang[0] != '\0')
    if(setlocale(LC_ALL, lang) != NULL)

  // initialize the database
  darktable.db = dt_database_init(dbfilename_from_command);
  if(darktable.db == NULL)
    printf("ERROR : cannot open database\n");
    return 1;
  else if(!dt_database_get_lock_acquired(darktable.db))
    // send the images to the other instance via dbus
      GSList *p = images_to_load;

      // get a connection!
      GDBusConnection *connection = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION,NULL, NULL);

      while (p != NULL)
        // make the filename absolute ...
        gchar *filename = dt_make_path_absolute((gchar*)p->data);
        if(filename == NULL) continue;
        // ... and send it to the running instance of darktable
                                    g_variant_new ("(s)", filename),
        p = g_slist_next(p);


    return 1;

  // Initialize the signal system
  darktable.signals = dt_control_signal_init();

  // Make sure that the database and xmp files are in sync before starting the fswatch.
  // We need conf and db to be up and running for that which is the case here.
  // FIXME: is this also useful in non-gui mode?
  GList *changed_xmp_files = NULL;
  if(init_gui && dt_conf_get_bool("run_crawler_on_start"))
    changed_xmp_files = dt_control_crawler_run();

  // Initialize the filesystem watcher

  // Initialize the camera control

  // get max lighttable thumbnail size:
  darktable.thumbnail_width  = CLAMPS(dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/thumbnail_width"),  200, 3000);
  darktable.thumbnail_height = CLAMPS(dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/thumbnail_height"), 200, 3000);
  // and make sure it can be mip-mapped all the way from mip4 to mip0
  darktable.thumbnail_width  /= 16;
  darktable.thumbnail_width  *= 16;
  darktable.thumbnail_height /= 16;
  darktable.thumbnail_height *= 16;

  // Initialize the password storage engine

  // FIXME: move there into dt_database_t
  dt_pthread_mutex_init(&(darktable.db_insert), NULL);
  dt_pthread_mutex_init(&(darktable.plugin_threadsafe), NULL);
  dt_pthread_mutex_init(&(darktable.capabilities_threadsafe), NULL);
  darktable.control = (dt_control_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(dt_control_t));
    if(dbfilename_from_command && !strcmp(dbfilename_from_command, ":memory:"))
      dt_gui_presets_init(); // init preset db schema.
    darktable.control->running = 0;
    darktable.control->accelerators = NULL;
    dt_pthread_mutex_init(&darktable.control->run_mutex, NULL);

  // initialize collection query
  darktable.collection_listeners = NULL;
  darktable.collection = dt_collection_new(NULL);

  /* initialize selection */
  darktable.selection = dt_selection_new();

  /* capabilities set to NULL */
  darktable.capabilities = NULL;

  /* GraphicsMagick init */

  darktable.opencl = (dt_opencl_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(dt_opencl_t));
  dt_opencl_init(darktable.opencl, argc, argv);

  darktable.blendop = (dt_blendop_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(dt_blendop_t));

  darktable.points = (dt_points_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(dt_points_t));
  dt_points_init(darktable.points, dt_get_num_threads());

  // must come before mipmap_cache, because that one will need to access
  // image dimensions stored in here:
  darktable.image_cache = (dt_image_cache_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(dt_image_cache_t));

  darktable.mipmap_cache = (dt_mipmap_cache_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(dt_mipmap_cache_t));

  // The GUI must be initialized before the views, because the init()
  // functions of the views depend on darktable.control->accels_* to register
  // their keyboard accelerators

    darktable.gui = (dt_gui_gtk_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(dt_gui_gtk_t));
    if(dt_gui_gtk_init(darktable.gui, argc, argv)) return 1;
  else darktable.gui = NULL;

  darktable.view_manager = (dt_view_manager_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(dt_view_manager_t));

  darktable.imageio = (dt_imageio_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(dt_imageio_t));

  // load the darkroom mode plugins once:

    darktable.lib = (dt_lib_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(dt_lib_t));


    // Loading the keybindings
    char keyfile[PATH_MAX];

    // First dump the default keymapping
    snprintf(keyfile, sizeof(keyfile), "%s/keyboardrc_default", datadir);

    // Removing extraneous semi-colons from the default keymap

    // Then load any modified keys if available
    snprintf(keyfile, sizeof(keyfile), "%s/keyboardrc", datadir);
    if(g_file_test(keyfile, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
      gtk_accel_map_save(keyfile); // Save the default keymap if none is present

    // I doubt that connecting to dbus for darktable-cli makes sense
    darktable.dbus = dt_dbus_init();

    // initialize undo struct
    darktable.undo = dt_undo_init();

    // load image(s) specified on cmdline
    int id = 0;
      // If only one image is listed, attempt to load it in darkroom
      gboolean load_in_dr = (g_slist_next(images_to_load) == NULL);
      GSList *p = images_to_load;

      while (p != NULL)
        // don't put these function calls into MAX(), the macro will evaluate
        // it twice (and happily deadlock, in this particular case)
        int newid = dt_load_from_string((gchar*)p->data, load_in_dr);
        id = MAX(id, newid);
        p = g_slist_next(p);

      if (!load_in_dr || id == 0)


  if(darktable.unmuted & DT_DEBUG_MEMORY)
    fprintf(stderr, "[memory] after successful startup\n");


  /* init lua last, since it's user made stuff it must be in the real environment */
#ifdef USE_LUA

  // last but not least construct the popup that asks the user about images whose xmp files are newer than the db entry
  if(init_gui && changed_xmp_files)

  return 0;
コード例 #17
ファイル: recentcollect.c プロジェクト: EvilBit/darktable
static void _lib_recentcollection_updated(gpointer instance, gpointer user_data)
  dt_lib_module_t *self =(dt_lib_module_t *)user_data;
  dt_lib_recentcollect_t *d = (dt_lib_recentcollect_t *)self->data;
  // serialize, check for recently used
  char confname[200];
  const int bufsize = 4096;
  char buf[bufsize];
  if(dt_collection_serialize(buf, bufsize)) return;

  // is the current position, i.e. the one to be stored with the old collection (pos0, pos1-to-be)
  uint32_t curr_pos = 0;
    curr_pos = dt_view_lighttable_get_position(darktable.view_manager);
    dt_conf_set_int("plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/pos0", curr_pos);
    curr_pos = dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/pos0");
    d->inited = 1;
  uint32_t new_pos = 0;

  int n = -1;
  for(int k=0; k<CLAMPS(dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/num_items"), 0, NUM_LINES); k++)
    // is it already in the current list?
    snprintf(confname, 200, "plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/line%1d", k);
    gchar *line = dt_conf_get_string(confname);
    if(!line) continue;
    if(!strcmp(line, buf))
      snprintf(confname, 200, "plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/pos%1d", k);
      new_pos = dt_conf_get_int(confname);
      n = k;
  if(n < 0)
    const int num_items = CLAMPS(dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/num_items"), 0, NUM_LINES);
    if(num_items < NUM_LINES)
      // new, unused entry
      n = num_items;
      dt_conf_set_int("plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/num_items", num_items + 1);
      // kill least recently used entry:
      n = num_items - 1;
  if(n >= 0 && n < NUM_LINES)
    // sort n to the top
    for(int k=n; k>0; k--)
      snprintf(confname, 200, "plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/line%1d", k-1);
      gchar *line1 = dt_conf_get_string(confname);
      snprintf(confname, 200, "plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/pos%1d", k-1);
      uint32_t pos1 = dt_conf_get_int(confname);
      if(line1 && line1[0] != '\0')
        snprintf(confname, 200, "plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/line%1d", k);
        dt_conf_set_string(confname, line1);
        snprintf(confname, 200, "plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/pos%1d", k);
        dt_conf_set_int(confname, pos1);
    dt_conf_set_string("plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/line0", buf);
    dt_conf_set_int("plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/pos0", new_pos);
  // update button descriptions:
  for(int k=0; k<NUM_LINES; k++)
    char str[200] = {0};
    char str_cut[200] = {0};
    char str_pretty[200] = {0};

    snprintf(confname, 200, "plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/line%1d", k);
    gchar *buf = dt_conf_get_string(confname);
    if(buf && buf[0] != '\0')
      pretty_print(buf, str);
    g_object_set(G_OBJECT(d->item[k].button), "tooltip-text", str, (char *)NULL);
    const int cut = 45;
    if (g_utf8_strlen(str, -1) > cut)
      g_utf8_strncpy(str_cut, str, cut);
      snprintf(str_pretty, 200, "%s...", str_cut);
      gtk_button_set_label(GTK_BUTTON(d->item[k].button), str_pretty);
      gtk_button_set_label(GTK_BUTTON(d->item[k].button), str);
    gtk_widget_set_no_show_all(d->item[k].button, TRUE);
    gtk_widget_set_visible(d->item[k].button, FALSE);
  for(int k=0; k<CLAMPS(dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/recentcollect/num_items"), 0, NUM_LINES); k++)
    gtk_widget_set_no_show_all(d->item[k].button, FALSE);
    gtk_widget_set_visible(d->item[k].button, TRUE);
  dt_view_lighttable_set_position(darktable.view_manager, new_pos);
コード例 #18
static float
color_filter(const float ai, const float bi, const float a, const float b, const float size)
  return dt_fast_expf(-CLAMPS(((ai-a)*(ai-a) + (bi-b)*(bi-b))/(2.0*size), 0.0f, 1.0f));
コード例 #19
ファイル: zonesystem.c プロジェクト: AdamMajer/darktable
static void process_common_cleanup(struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece,
                                   const void *const ivoid, void *const ovoid,
                                   const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_out)
  dt_iop_zonesystem_data_t *d = (dt_iop_zonesystem_data_t *)piece->data;
  dt_iop_zonesystem_gui_data_t *g = (dt_iop_zonesystem_gui_data_t *)self->gui_data;

  const int width = roi_out->width;
  const int height = roi_out->height;
  const int ch = piece->colors;
  const int size = d->params.size;

  if(piece->pipe->mask_display) dt_iop_alpha_copy(ivoid, ovoid, width, height);

  /* if gui and have buffer lets gaussblur and fill buffer with zone indexes */
  if(self->dev->gui_attached && piece->pipe->type == DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_PREVIEW && g && g->in_preview_buffer
     && g->out_preview_buffer)
    float Lmax[] = { 100.0f };
    float Lmin[] = { 0.0f };

    /* setup gaussian kernel */
    const int radius = 8;
    const float sigma = 2.5 * (radius * roi_in->scale / piece->iscale);

    dt_gaussian_t *gauss = dt_gaussian_init(width, height, 1, Lmax, Lmin, sigma, DT_IOP_GAUSSIAN_ZERO);

    float *tmp = g_malloc_n((size_t)width * height, sizeof(float));

    if(gauss && tmp)
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(tmp) schedule(static)
      for(size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)width * height; k++) tmp[k] = ((float *)ivoid)[ch * k];

      dt_gaussian_blur(gauss, tmp, tmp);

      /* create zonemap preview for input */
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(tmp, g) schedule(static)
      for(size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)width * height; k++)
        g->in_preview_buffer[k] = CLAMPS(tmp[k] * (size - 1) / 100.0f, 0, size - 2);

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(tmp) schedule(static)
      for(size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)width * height; k++) tmp[k] = ((float *)ovoid)[ch * k];

      dt_gaussian_blur(gauss, tmp, tmp);

      /* create zonemap preview for output */
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(tmp, g) schedule(static)
      for(size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)width * height; k++)
        g->out_preview_buffer[k] = CLAMPS(tmp[k] * (size - 1) / 100.0f, 0, size - 2);

    if(gauss) dt_gaussian_free(gauss);