コード例 #1
ファイル: cl_curl.cpp プロジェクト: ensiform/q3pp
void CL_cURL_PerformDownload(void)
	CURLMcode res;
	CURLMsg *msg;
	int c;
	int i = 0;

	res = qcurl_multi_perform(clc.downloadCURLM, &c);
	while(res == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM && i < 100) {
		res = qcurl_multi_perform(clc.downloadCURLM, &c);
	msg = qcurl_multi_info_read(clc.downloadCURLM, &c);
	if(msg == NULL) {
	if(msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE && msg->data.result == CURLE_OK) {
		FS_SV_Rename(clc.downloadTempName, clc.downloadName, false);
		clc.downloadRestart = true;
	else {
		long code;

		qcurl_easy_getinfo(msg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE,
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Download Error: %s Code: %ld URL: %s",
			code, clc.downloadURL);

コード例 #2
ファイル: cl_parse.c プロジェクト: justhacking/Unvanquished

A download message has been received from the server
void CL_ParseDownload( msg_t *msg )
	int           size;
	unsigned char data[ MAX_MSGLEN ];
	int           block;

	if ( !*cls.downloadTempName )
		Com_Printf("%s", _( "Server sending download, but no download was requested\n" ));
		CL_AddReliableCommand( "stopdl" );

	// read the data
	block = MSG_ReadShort( msg );

	// TTimo - www dl
	// if we haven't acked the download redirect yet
	if ( block == -1 )
		if ( !clc.bWWWDl )
			// server is sending us a www download
			Q_strncpyz( cls.originalDownloadName, cls.downloadName, sizeof( cls.originalDownloadName ) );
			Q_strncpyz( cls.downloadName, MSG_ReadString( msg ), sizeof( cls.downloadName ) );
			clc.downloadSize = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
			clc.downloadFlags = MSG_ReadLong( msg );

			Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadSize", clc.downloadSize );
			Com_DPrintf( "Server redirected download: %s\n", cls.downloadName );
			clc.bWWWDl = qtrue; // activate wwwdl client loop
			CL_AddReliableCommand( "wwwdl ack" );

			// make sure the server is not trying to redirect us again on a bad checksum
			if ( strstr( clc.badChecksumList, va( "@%s", cls.originalDownloadName ) ) )
				Com_Printf(_( "refusing redirect to %s by server (bad checksum)\n"), cls.downloadName );
				CL_AddReliableCommand( "wwwdl fail" );
				clc.bWWWDlAborting = qtrue;

			// make downloadTempName an OS path
			Q_strncpyz( cls.downloadTempName, FS_BuildOSPath( Cvar_VariableString( "fs_homepath" ), cls.downloadTempName, "" ),
			            sizeof( cls.downloadTempName ) );
			cls.downloadTempName[ strlen( cls.downloadTempName ) - 1 ] = '\0';

			if ( !DL_BeginDownload( cls.downloadTempName, cls.downloadName, com_developer->integer ) )
				// setting bWWWDl to false after sending the wwwdl fail doesn't work
				// not sure why, but I suspect we have to eat all remaining block -1 that the server has sent us
				// still leave a flag so that CL_WWWDownload is inactive
				// we count on server sending us a gamestate to start up clean again
				CL_AddReliableCommand( "wwwdl fail" );
				clc.bWWWDlAborting = qtrue;
				Com_Printf(_( "Failed to initialize download for '%s'\n"), cls.downloadName );

			// Check for a disconnected download
			// we'll let the server disconnect us when it gets the bbl8r message
			if ( clc.downloadFlags & ( 1 << DL_FLAG_DISCON ) )
				CL_AddReliableCommand( "wwwdl bbl8r" );
				cls.bWWWDlDisconnected = qtrue;

			// server keeps sending that message till we ack it, eat and ignore
			//MSG_ReadLong( msg );
			MSG_ReadString( msg );
			MSG_ReadLong( msg );
			MSG_ReadLong( msg );

	if ( !block )
		// block zero is special, contains file size
		clc.downloadSize = MSG_ReadLong( msg );

		Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadSize", clc.downloadSize );

		if ( clc.downloadSize < 0 )
			Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "%s", MSG_ReadString( msg ) );

	size = MSG_ReadShort( msg );

	if ( size < 0 || size > sizeof( data ) )
		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "CL_ParseDownload: Invalid size %d for download chunk.", size );

	MSG_ReadData( msg, data, size );

	if ( clc.downloadBlock != block )
		Com_DPrintf( "CL_ParseDownload: Expected block %d, got %d\n", clc.downloadBlock, block );

	// open the file if not opened yet
	if ( !clc.download )
		clc.download = FS_SV_FOpenFileWrite( cls.downloadTempName );

		if ( !clc.download )
			Com_Printf(_( "Could not create %s\n"), cls.downloadTempName );
			CL_AddReliableCommand( "stopdl" );

	if ( size )
		FS_Write( data, size, clc.download );

	CL_AddReliableCommand( va( "nextdl %d", clc.downloadBlock ) );

	clc.downloadCount += size;

	// So UI gets access to it
	Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadCount", clc.downloadCount );

	if ( !size )
		// A zero length block means EOF
		if ( clc.download )
			FS_FCloseFile( clc.download );
			clc.download = 0;

			// rename the file
			FS_SV_Rename( cls.downloadTempName, cls.downloadName );

		*cls.downloadTempName = *cls.downloadName = 0;
		Cvar_Set( "cl_downloadName", "" );

		// send intentions now
		// We need this because without it, we would hold the last nextdl and then start
		// loading right away.  If we take a while to load, the server is happily trying
		// to send us that last block over and over.
		// Write it twice to help make sure we acknowledge the download

		// get another file if needed
コード例 #3
ファイル: cl_parse.c プロジェクト: darklegion/tremulous

A download message has been received from the server
void CL_ParseDownload ( msg_t *msg ) {
	int		size;
	unsigned char data[MAX_MSGLEN];
	uint16_t block;

	if (!*clc.downloadTempName) {
		Com_Printf("Server sending download, but no download was requested\n");
		CL_AddReliableCommand("stopdl", qfalse);

	// read the data
	block = MSG_ReadShort ( msg );

	if(!block && !clc.downloadBlock)
		// block zero is special, contains file size
		clc.downloadSize = MSG_ReadLong ( msg );

		Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadSize", clc.downloadSize );

		if (clc.downloadSize < 0)
			Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "%s", MSG_ReadString( msg ) );

	size = MSG_ReadShort ( msg );
	if (size < 0 || size > sizeof(data))
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CL_ParseDownload: Invalid size %d for download chunk", size);
	MSG_ReadData(msg, data, size);

	if((clc.downloadBlock & 0xFFFF) != block)
		Com_DPrintf( "CL_ParseDownload: Expected block %d, got %d\n", (clc.downloadBlock & 0xFFFF), block);

	// open the file if not opened yet
	if (!clc.download)
		clc.download = FS_SV_FOpenFileWrite( clc.downloadTempName );

		if (!clc.download) {
			Com_Printf( "Could not create %s\n", clc.downloadTempName );
			CL_AddReliableCommand("stopdl", qfalse);

	if (size)
		FS_Write( data, size, clc.download );

	CL_AddReliableCommand(va("nextdl %d", clc.downloadBlock), qfalse);

	clc.downloadCount += size;

	// So UI gets access to it
	Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadCount", clc.downloadCount );

	if (!size) { // A zero length block means EOF
		if (clc.download) {
			FS_FCloseFile( clc.download );
			clc.download = 0;

			// rename the file
			FS_SV_Rename ( clc.downloadTempName, clc.downloadName, qfalse );

		// send intentions now
		// We need this because without it, we would hold the last nextdl and then start
		// loading right away.  If we take a while to load, the server is happily trying
		// to send us that last block over and over.
		// Write it twice to help make sure we acknowledge the download

		// get another file if needed
		CL_NextDownload ();