コード例 #1
BOOL SigFunc(THREADID tid, INT32 sig, CONTEXT *ctxt, BOOL hasHandler, const EXCEPTION_INFO *pExceptInfo, void *dummy)
    ADDRINT address = PIN_GetContextReg(ctxt, REG_INST_PTR);
    cout << "Thread " << tid << ": Tool got signal " << sig << " at PC " << hex << address << dec << "\n";
    if (numSignalsReceived == (NUM_SEGVS/2))
        // Invalidate this instruction in code cache so it will be reinstrumented
        cout << "invalidating after " << numSignalsReceived << endl;
        CODECACHE_InvalidateRange(address, address + 20);
    return (TRUE); // skip to next instruction
コード例 #2
BOOL SegvHandler(THREADID, INT32, CONTEXT *ctxt, BOOL, const EXCEPTION_INFO *, void *)
    ADDRINT address = PIN_GetContextReg(ctxt, REG_INST_PTR);

    //fprintf(stderr, "Fault at %p\n",(void*)address);
    if (SwizzleRefs.find(address) != SwizzleRefs.end())
        return true;
    // The next time we see this address, it requires swizzling
    // Invalidate this instruction in code cache so it will be reinstrumented
    CODECACHE_InvalidateRange(address, address + 20);

    // returning from the signal handler will re-execute the instruction
    // this time it will be swizzled
    return false;