コード例 #1
ファイル: accel_utils.c プロジェクト: ariofrio/presto
static void init_kernel(int z, int fftlen, kernel * kern)
   int numkern;
   fcomplex *tempkern;

   kern->z = z;
   kern->fftlen = fftlen;
   kern->numbetween = ACCEL_NUMBETWEEN;
   kern->kern_half_width = z_resp_halfwidth((double) z, LOWACC);
   numkern = 2 * kern->numbetween * kern->kern_half_width;
   kern->numgoodbins = kern->fftlen - numkern;
   kern->data = gen_cvect(kern->fftlen);
   tempkern = gen_z_response(0.0, kern->numbetween, kern->z, numkern);
   place_complex_kernel(tempkern, numkern, kern->data, kern->fftlen);
   COMPLEXFFT(kern->data, kern->fftlen, -1);
コード例 #2
ファイル: twopass.c プロジェクト: ChrisLaidler/presto
void twopassfft_scratch(multifile * infile, multifile * scratch,
                        long long nn, int isign)
   long long n1, n2, bb, fp, ii, jj, kk, kind, df;
   int move_size;
   unsigned char *move;
   rawtype *data, *dp;
   double tmp1, tmp2, wtemp, wpi, wpr, wi, wr, delta;

   if (nn < 2)

   /* Treat the input data as a n1 (rows) x n2 (cols) */
   /* matrix.  Make sure that n2 >= n1.               */

   n1 = good_factor(nn);
   if (n1 == 0) {
      printf("\nLength of FFT in twopassfft_scratch() must be factorable\n\n");
   n2 = nn / n1;
   bb = find_blocksize(n1, n2);
   if (bb == 0) {
      printf("\nCan't factor the FFT length in twopassfft_scratch()\n");
      printf("   into useful sizes.\n\n");

   data = gen_rawvect(bb * n2);
   move_size = (bb + n2) / 2;
   move = (unsigned char *) malloc(move_size);

   /* First do n2 transforms of length n1 by  */
   /* fetching size bb x n1 blocks in memory. */

   for (ii = 0; ii < n2; ii += bb) {

      /* Read a n1 (rows) x bb (cols) block of data */

      dp = data;
      fp = sizeof(rawtype) * ii;
      df = sizeof(rawtype) * n2;
      for (jj = 0; jj < n1; jj++) {
         fseek_multifile(infile, fp, SEEK_SET);
         fread_multifile(dp, sizeof(rawtype), bb, infile);
         dp += bb;              /* Data ptr */
         fp += df;              /* File ptr */

      /* Transpose the n1 (rows) x bb (cols) block of data */

      transpose_fcomplex(data, n1, bb, move, move_size);

      /* Do bb transforms of length n1 */

      for (jj = 0; jj < bb; jj++)
         COMPLEXFFT(data + jj * n1, n1, isign);

      /* Multiply the matrix A(ii,jj) by exp(isign 2 pi i jj ii / nn). */
      /* Use recursion formulas from Numerical Recipes.                */

      for (jj = 0; jj < bb; jj++) {
         delta = isign * TWOPI * (ii + jj) / nn;
         wr = cos(delta);
         wi = sin(delta);
         wtemp = sin(0.5 * delta);
         wpr = -2.0 * wtemp * wtemp;
         wpi = wi;
         kind = jj * n1 + 1;
         for (kk = 1; kk < n1; kk++, kind++) {
            tmp1 = data[kind].r;
            tmp2 = data[kind].i;
            data[kind].r = tmp1 * wr - tmp2 * wi;
            data[kind].i = tmp2 * wr + tmp1 * wi;
            wtemp = wr;
            wr = wtemp * wpr - wi * wpi + wr;
            wi = wi * wpr + wtemp * wpi + wi;
      fwrite_multifile(data, sizeof(rawtype), bb * n1, scratch);

   /* Now do n1 transforms of length n2 by fetching  */
   /* groups of size n2 (rows) x bb (cols) blocks.   */

   for (ii = 0; ii < n1; ii += bb) {

      /* Read two n2 (rows) x bb (cols) blocks from the file */

      dp = data;
      fp = sizeof(rawtype) * ii;
      df = sizeof(rawtype) * n1;
      for (jj = 0; jj < n2; jj++) {
         fseek_multifile(scratch, fp, SEEK_SET);
         fread_multifile(dp, sizeof(rawtype), bb, scratch);
         dp += bb;              /* Data ptr */
         fp += df;              /* File ptr */

      /* Transpose the n2 (rows) x bb (cols) block of data */

      transpose_fcomplex(data, n2, bb, move, move_size);

      /* Do bb transforms of length n2 */

      for (jj = 0; jj < bb; jj++)
         COMPLEXFFT(data + jj * n2, n2, isign);

      /* Transpose the bb (rows) x n2 (cols) block of data */

      transpose_fcomplex(data, bb, n2, move, move_size);

      /* Scale the data if needed */

      if (isign == 1) {
         tmp1 = 1.0 / (double) nn;
         for (jj = 0; jj < n2 * bb; jj++) {
            data[jj].r *= tmp1;
            data[jj].i *= tmp1;

      /* Write n2 (rows) x bb (cols) blocks to the file  */

      dp = data;
      fp = sizeof(rawtype) * ii;
      df = sizeof(rawtype) * n1;
      for (jj = 0; jj < n2; jj++) {
         fseek_multifile(infile, fp, SEEK_SET);
         fwrite_multifile(dp, sizeof(rawtype), bb, infile);
         dp += bb;              /* Data ptr */
         fp += df;              /* File ptr */
コード例 #3
ファイル: plotbincand.c プロジェクト: JiangDong/presto
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *fftfile, *candfile = NULL, *psfile = NULL;
    char filenm[100], candnm[100], psfilenm[120];
    float locpow, norm, powargr, powargi;
    float *powr, *spreadpow, *minizoompow, *freqs;
    fcomplex *data, *minifft, *minizoom, *spread;
    fcomplex *resp, *kernel;
    double T, dr, ftobinp;
    int ii, nbins, ncands, candnum, lofreq = 0, nzoom, numsumpow = 1;
    int numbetween, numkern, kern_half_width;
    binaryprops binprops;
    infodata idata;

    if (argc < 3 || argc > 6) {
    printf("         Binary Candidate Display Routine\n");
    printf("              by Scott M. Ransom\n\n");

    /* Initialize the filenames: */

    sprintf(filenm, "%s.fft", argv[1]);
    sprintf(candnm, "%s_bin.cand", argv[1]);

    /* Read the info file */

    readinf(&idata, argv[1]);
    if (idata.object) {
        printf("Plotting a %s candidate from '%s'.\n", idata.object, filenm);
    } else {
        printf("Plotting a candidate from '%s'.\n", filenm);
    T = idata.N * idata.dt;

    /* Open the FFT file and get its length */

    fftfile = chkfopen(filenm, "rb");
    nbins = chkfilelen(fftfile, sizeof(fcomplex));

    /* Open the candidate file and get its length */

    candfile = chkfopen(candnm, "rb");
    ncands = chkfilelen(candfile, sizeof(binaryprops));

    /* The candidate number to examine */

    candnum = atoi(argv[2]);

    /* Check that candnum is in range */

    if ((candnum < 1) || (candnum > ncands)) {
        printf("\nThe candidate number is out of range.\n\n");
    /* The lowest freq present in the FFT file */

    if (argc >= 4) {
        lofreq = atoi(argv[3]);
        if ((lofreq < 0) || (lofreq > nbins - 1)) {
            printf("\n'lofreq' is out of range.\n\n");
    /* Is the original FFT a sum of other FFTs with the amplitudes added */
    /* in quadrature?  (i.e. an incoherent sum)                          */

    if (argc >= 5) {
        numsumpow = atoi(argv[4]);
        if (numsumpow < 1) {
            printf("\nNumber of summed powers must be at least one.\n\n");
    /* Initialize PGPLOT using Postscript if requested  */

    if ((argc == 6) && (!strcmp(argv[5], "ps"))) {
        sprintf(psfilenm, "%s_bin_cand_%d.ps", argv[1], candnum);
        cpgstart_ps(psfilenm, "landscape");
    } else {

    /* Read the binary candidate */

    chkfileseek(candfile, (long) (candnum - 1), sizeof(binaryprops), SEEK_SET);
    chkfread(&binprops, sizeof(binaryprops), 1, candfile);

    /* Output the binary candidate */

    print_bin_candidate(&binprops, 2);

    /* Allocate some memory */

    powr = gen_fvect(binprops.nfftbins);
    minifft = gen_cvect(binprops.nfftbins / 2);
    spread = gen_cvect(binprops.nfftbins);
    spreadpow = gen_fvect(binprops.nfftbins);
    minizoom = gen_cvect(nzoom);
    minizoompow = gen_fvect(nzoom);

    /* Allocate and initialize our interpolation kernel */

    numbetween = 2;
    kern_half_width = r_resp_halfwidth(LOWACC);
    numkern = 2 * numbetween * kern_half_width;
    resp = gen_r_response(0.0, numbetween, numkern);
    kernel = gen_cvect(binprops.nfftbins);
    place_complex_kernel(resp, numkern, kernel, binprops.nfftbins);
    COMPLEXFFT(kernel, binprops.nfftbins, -1);

    /* Read the data from the FFT file */

    data = read_fcomplex_file(fftfile, binprops.lowbin - lofreq, binprops.nfftbins);

    /* Turn the Fourier amplitudes into powers */

    for (ii = 0; ii < binprops.nfftbins; ii++)
        powr[ii] = POWER(data[ii].r, data[ii].i);

    /* Chop the powers that are way above the median level */

    prune_powers(powr, binprops.nfftbins, numsumpow);

    /* Perform the minifft */

    memcpy((float *) minifft, powr, sizeof(float) * binprops.nfftbins);
    realfft((float *) minifft, binprops.nfftbins, -1);

    /* Calculate the normalization constant */

    norm = sqrt((double) binprops.nfftbins * (double) numsumpow) / minifft[0].r;
    locpow = minifft[0].r / binprops.nfftbins;

    /* Divide the original power spectrum by the local power level */

    for (ii = 0; ii < binprops.nfftbins; ii++)
        powr[ii] /= locpow;

    /* Now normalize the miniFFT */

    minifft[0].r = 1.0;
    minifft[0].i = 1.0;
    for (ii = 1; ii < binprops.nfftbins / 2; ii++) {
        minifft[ii].r *= norm;
        minifft[ii].i *= norm;

    /* Interpolate the minifft and convert to power spectrum */

    corr_complex(minifft, binprops.nfftbins / 2, RAW,
                 kernel, binprops.nfftbins, FFT,
                 spread, binprops.nfftbins, kern_half_width,
                 numbetween, kern_half_width, CORR);
    for (ii = 0; ii < binprops.nfftbins; ii++)
        spreadpow[ii] = POWER(spread[ii].r, spread[ii].i);

    /* Plot the initial data set */

    freqs = gen_freqs(binprops.nfftbins, binprops.lowbin / T, 1.0 / T);
    xyline(binprops.nfftbins, freqs, powr, "Pulsar Frequency (hz)",
           "Power / Local Power", 1);
    printf("The initial data set (with high power outliers removed):\n\n");

    /* Plot the miniFFT */

    freqs = gen_freqs(binprops.nfftbins, 0.0, T / (2 * binprops.nfftbins));
    xyline(binprops.nfftbins, freqs, spreadpow, "Binary Period (sec)",
           "Normalized Power", 1);
    printf("The miniFFT:\n\n");

    /* Interpolate and plot the actual candidate peak */

    ftobinp = T / binprops.nfftbins;
    freqs = gen_freqs(nzoom, (binprops.rdetect - ZOOMNEIGHBORS) *
                      ftobinp, ftobinp / (double) ZOOMFACT);
    for (ii = 0; ii < nzoom; ii++) {
        dr = -ZOOMNEIGHBORS + (double) ii / ZOOMFACT;
        rz_interp(minifft, binprops.nfftbins / 2, binprops.rdetect + dr,
                  0.0, kern_half_width, &minizoom[ii]);
        minizoompow[ii] = POWER(minizoom[ii].r, minizoom[ii].i);
    xyline(nzoom, freqs, minizoompow, "Binary Period (sec)", "Normalized Power", 1);
    printf("The candidate itself:\n\n");

    /* Cleanup */

    if ((argc == 6) && (!strcmp(argv[5], "ps"))) {
    return (0);
コード例 #4
ファイル: correlations.c プロジェクト: ChrisLaidler/presto
fcomplex *complex_corr_conv(fcomplex * data, fcomplex * kernel,
                            int numdata, presto_ffts ffts, presto_optype type)
  /* Perform and return a complex correlation or convolution.       */
  /* Arguments:                                                     */
  /*   'data' is the complex array to correlate/convolve.           */
  /*   'kernel' is the correlation/convolution kernel.              */
  /*   'numdata' is the length of 'data', 'kernel' and the result.  */
  /*   'ffts' describes how to perform the convolution/correlation. */
  /*      'ffts' = FFTDK:  FFT both the 'data' and the 'kernel'.    */
  /*      'ffts' = FFTD:  FFT only the 'data' not the 'kernel'.     */
  /*      'ffts' = FFTK:  FFT only the 'kernel' not the 'data'.     */
  /*      'ffts' = NOFFTS:  Don't FFT the 'data' or the 'kernel'.   */
  /*   'type' is the type of operation to perform.                  */
  /*      'type' = CONV:  return a convolution in a new vector.     */
  /*      'type' = CORR:  return a correlation in a new vector.     */
  /*      'type' = INPLACE_CONV:  convolution over-writes 'data'.   */
  /*      'type' = INPLACE_CORR:  correlation over-writes 'data'.   */
   int ii;
   float normal, tmpd, tmpk;
   fcomplex *tmpdat;

   /* Get the normalization factor */

   normal = 1.0 / numdata;

   /* Set up all our parameters */

   if (ffts > 3) {
      printf("\nIllegal 'ffts' option (%d) in complex_corr_conv().\n", ffts);
   if (type > 3) {
      printf("\nIllegal 'type' option (%d) in complex_corr_conv().\n", type);
   if (type == INPLACE_CONV || type == INPLACE_CORR) {
      tmpdat = data;
   } else {
      tmpdat = gen_cvect(numdata);
      memcpy(tmpdat, data, sizeof(fcomplex) * numdata);
   if (ffts == FFTDK || ffts == FFTD) {
      COMPLEXFFT(tmpdat, numdata, -1);
   if (ffts == FFTDK || ffts == FFTK) {
      COMPLEXFFT(kernel, numdata, -1);

   /* Do the complex multiplications */

   if (type == CORR || type == INPLACE_CORR) {
      for (ii = 0; ii < numdata; ii++) {
         tmpd = tmpdat[ii].r;
         tmpk = kernel[ii].r;
         tmpdat[ii].r = (tmpd * tmpk + tmpdat[ii].i * kernel[ii].i)
             * normal;
         tmpdat[ii].i = (tmpdat[ii].i * tmpk - kernel[ii].i * tmpd)
             * normal;
   } else {
      for (ii = 0; ii < numdata; ii++) {
         tmpd = tmpdat[ii].r;
         tmpk = kernel[ii].r;
         tmpdat[ii].r = (tmpd * tmpk - tmpdat[ii].i * kernel[ii].i)
             * normal;
         tmpdat[ii].i = (tmpdat[ii].i * tmpk + kernel[ii].i * tmpd)
             * normal;

   /* Perform the inverse FFT on the result and return */

   COMPLEXFFT(tmpdat, numdata, 1);
   return tmpdat;
コード例 #5
ファイル: zapbirds.c プロジェクト: jintaoluo/presto_on_gpu
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int ii, jj, numbirds;
   double lofreq, hifreq;
   char *rootfilenm;
   birdie *newbird;
   GSList *zapped = NULL;
   infodata idata;
   Cmdline *cmd;

   /* Call usage() if we have no command line arguments */

   if (argc == 1) {
      Program = argv[0];

   /* Parse the command line using the excellent program Clig */

   cmd = parseCmdline(argc, argv);

#ifdef DEBUG

   printf("     Interactive/Automatic Birdie Zapping Program\n");
   printf("              by Scott M. Ransom\n");
   printf("                 January, 2001\n\n");

   if (!cmd->zapP && !cmd->inzapfileP && !cmd->outzapfileP) {
      printf("You must specify '-in' and '-out' if you are not\n");
      printf("automatically zapping a file (with '-zap').\n\n");

      int hassuffix = 0;
      char *suffix;

      hassuffix = split_root_suffix(cmd->argv[0], &rootfilenm, &suffix);
      if (hassuffix) {
         if (strcmp(suffix, "fft") != 0) {
            printf("\nInput file ('%s') must be a FFT file ('.fft')!\n\n",
      } else {
         printf("\nInput file ('%s') must be a FFT file ('.fft')!\n\n",

   /* Read the info file */

   readinf(&idata, rootfilenm);
   if (idata.object) {
      printf("Examining %s data from '%s'.\n\n",
             remove_whitespace(idata.object), cmd->argv[0]);
   } else {
      printf("Examining data from '%s'.\n\n", cmd->argv[0]);
   T = idata.dt * idata.N;
   dr = 1.0 / NUMBETWEEN;

   if (cmd->zapP) {             /* Automatic  */
      double *bird_lobins, *bird_hibins, hibin;

      if (!cmd->zapfileP) {
         printf("You must specify a 'zapfile' containing freqs\n");
         printf("and widths if you want to write to the FFT file.\n\n");
      hibin = idata.N / 2;

      /* Read the Standard bird list */

      numbirds = get_birdies(cmd->zapfile, T, cmd->baryv,
                             &bird_lobins, &bird_hibins);

      /* Zap the birdies */

      fftfile = chkfopen(cmd->argv[0], "rb+");
      for (ii = 0; ii < numbirds; ii++) {
         if (bird_lobins[ii] >= hibin)
         if (bird_hibins[ii] >= hibin)
            bird_hibins[ii] = hibin - 1;
         zapbirds(bird_lobins[ii], bird_hibins[ii], fftfile, NULL);


   } else {                     /* Interactive */

      int *bird_numharms;
      double *bird_basebins;

      /* Read the Standard bird list */

      numbirds = get_std_birds(cmd->inzapfile, T, cmd->baryv,
                               &bird_basebins, &bird_numharms);

      /* Create our correlation kernel */

         int numkern;
         fcomplex *resp;

         khw = r_resp_halfwidth(LOWACC);
         numkern = 2 * NUMBETWEEN * khw;
         resp = gen_r_response(0.0, NUMBETWEEN, numkern);
         kernel = gen_cvect(FFTLEN);
         place_complex_kernel(resp, numkern, kernel, FFTLEN);
         COMPLEXFFT(kernel, FFTLEN, -1);

      /* Loop over the birdies */

      fftfile = chkfopen(cmd->argv[0], "rb");
      for (ii = 0; ii < numbirds; ii++) {
         for (jj = 0; jj < bird_numharms[ii]; jj++) {
            process_bird(bird_basebins[ii], jj + 1, &lofreq, &hifreq);
            if (lofreq && hifreq) {
               newbird = birdie_create(lofreq, hifreq, cmd->baryv);
               zapped = g_slist_insert_sorted(zapped, newbird, birdie_compare);

      /* Output the birdies */

         FILE *outfile;

         outfile = chkfopen(cmd->outzapfile, "w");
         fprintf(outfile, "#\n");
                 "# Topocentric birdies found using 'zapbirds' for '%s'\n",
         fprintf(outfile, "#\n");
         fprintf(outfile, "# Frequency (Hz)       Width (Hz)\n");
         fprintf(outfile, "#\n");
         g_slist_foreach(zapped, birdie_print, outfile);

      printf("\nOutput birdie file is '%s'.\n\n", cmd->outzapfile);

      /* Free the memory */

      g_slist_foreach(zapped, birdie_free, NULL);
   return 0;