コード例 #1
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
Float32 CCoreAudioUnit::GetCurrentVolume()
  if (!m_Component)
    return 0.0f;
  Float32 volPct = 0.0f;
  OSStatus ret = AudioUnitGetParameter(m_Component,  kHALOutputParam_Volume, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &volPct);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::GetCurrentVolume: Unable to get AudioUnit volume. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return 0.0f;
  return volPct;
コード例 #2
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: vanegithub/xbmc
bool CCoreAudioDevice::GetPreferredChannelLayout(CoreAudioChannelList* pChannelMap)
  if (!pChannelMap || !m_DeviceId)
    return false;

  UInt32 propertySize = 0;
  Boolean writable = false;
  OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(m_DeviceId, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelLayout, &propertySize, &writable);
  if (ret)
    return false;
  // kAudioChannelLabel_Unknown = -1 (0xffffffff)
  // kAudioChannelLabel_Unused = 0
  // kAudioChannelLabel_Left = 1
  // kAudioChannelLabel_Right = 2
  // ...
  void* pBuf = malloc(propertySize);
  AudioChannelLayout* pLayout = (AudioChannelLayout*)pBuf;
  ret = AudioDeviceGetProperty(m_DeviceId, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelLayout, &propertySize, pBuf);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::GetPreferredChannelLayout: Unable to retrieve preferred channel layout. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    if(pLayout->mChannelLayoutTag == kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelDescriptions)
      for (UInt32 i = 0; i < pLayout->mNumberChannelDescriptions; i++)
        if (pLayout->mChannelDescriptions[i].mChannelLabel == kAudioChannelLabel_Unknown)
          pChannelMap->push_back(i + 1); // TODO: This is not the best way to handle unknown/unconfigured speaker layouts
          pChannelMap->push_back(pLayout->mChannelDescriptions[i].mChannelLabel); // Will be one of kAudioChannelLabel_xxx
      // TODO: Determine if a method that uses a channel bitmap is also necessary
      return false;

  return (ret == noErr);  
コード例 #3
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioUnit::SetMaxFramesPerSlice(UInt32 maxFrames)
  if (!m_Component)
    return false;
	OSStatus ret = AudioUnitSetProperty(m_Component, kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &maxFrames, sizeof(UInt32));
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::SetMaxFramesPerSlice: Unable to set AudioUnit max frames per slice. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return false;
  return true;  
コード例 #4
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioUnit::GetInputChannelMap(CoreAudioChannelList* pChannelMap)
  if (!m_Component)
    return false;
  UInt32 size = 0;
  Boolean writable = false;
  AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo(m_Component, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_ChannelMap, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &size, &writable);
  UInt32 channels = size/sizeof(SInt32);
  SInt32* pMap = new SInt32[channels];
  OSStatus ret = AudioUnitGetProperty(m_Component, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_ChannelMap, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, pMap, &size);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::GetInputChannelMap: Unable to retrieve AudioUnit input channel map. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    for (UInt32 i = 0; i < channels; i++)
  delete[] pMap;
  return (!ret);
コード例 #5
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioUnit::Initialize()
  if (!m_Component)
    return false;
  OSStatus ret = AudioUnitInitialize(m_Component);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::Initialize: Unable to Initialize AudioUnit. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return false; 
  m_Initialized = true;
  return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioUnit::SetRenderProc(AURenderCallback callback, void* pClientData)
  if (!m_Component)
    return false;
  AURenderCallbackStruct callbackInfo;
	callbackInfo.inputProc = callback; // Function to be called each time the AudioUnit needs data
	callbackInfo.inputProcRefCon = pClientData; // Pointer to be returned in the callback proc
	OSStatus ret = AudioUnitSetProperty(m_Component, kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &callbackInfo, sizeof(AURenderCallbackStruct));
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::SetRenderProc: Unable to set AudioUnit render callback. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return false;
  return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
void CCoreAudioDevice::Stop()
  if (!m_DeviceId || !m_Started)
  OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceStop(m_DeviceId, m_IoProc);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioDevice::Stop: Unable to stop device. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s).", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
  m_Started = false;
コード例 #8
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
AudioDeviceID CCoreAudioHardware::FindAudioDevice(CStdString searchName)
  if (!searchName.length())
    return 0;
  UInt32 size = 0;
  AudioDeviceID deviceId = 0;
  OSStatus ret;
  if (searchName.Equals("Default Output Device"))
    AudioDeviceID defaultDevice = GetDefaultOutputDevice();
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioHardware::FindAudioDevice: Returning default device [0x%04x].", defaultDevice);
    return defaultDevice;  
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioHardware::FindAudioDevice: Searching for device - %s.", searchName.c_str());
  // Obtain a list of all available audio devices
  AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo(kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &size, NULL);
  UInt32 deviceCount = size / sizeof(AudioDeviceID);
  AudioDeviceID* pDevices = new AudioDeviceID[deviceCount];
  ret = AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &size, pDevices);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioHardware::FindAudioDevice: Unable to retrieve the list of available devices. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    delete[] pDevices;
    return 0; 
  // Attempt to locate the requested device
  CStdString deviceName;
  for (UInt32 dev = 0; dev < deviceCount; dev++)
    CCoreAudioDevice::GetName(deviceName, pDevices[dev]);
    UInt32 totalChannels = CCoreAudioDevice::GetTotalOutputChannels(pDevices[dev]);
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioHardware::FindAudioDevice:   Device[0x%04x] - Name: '%s', Total Ouput Channels: %u. ", pDevices[dev], deviceName.c_str(), totalChannels);
    if (searchName.Equals(deviceName))
      deviceId = pDevices[dev];
    if (deviceId)
  delete[] pDevices;  
  return deviceId;
コード例 #9
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioHardware::GetAutoHogMode()
  UInt32 val = 0;
  UInt32 size = sizeof(val);
  OSStatus ret = AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyHogModeIsAllowed, &size, &val);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioHardware::GetAutoHogMode: Unable to get auto 'hog' mode. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s).", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return false;
  return (val == 1);
コード例 #10
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
void CCoreAudioHardware::SetAutoHogMode(bool enable)
  UInt32 val = enable ? 1 : 0;
  OSStatus ret = AudioHardwareSetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyHogModeIsAllowed, sizeof(val), &val);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioHardware::SetAutoHogMode: Unable to set auto 'hog' mode. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s).", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
コード例 #11
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
UInt32 CCoreAudioHardware::GetOutputDevices(CoreAudioDeviceList* pList)
  if (!pList)
    return 0;
  // Obtain a list of all available audio devices
  UInt32 found = 0;
  UInt32 size = 0;
  AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo(kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &size, NULL);
  UInt32 deviceCount = size / sizeof(AudioDeviceID);
  AudioDeviceID* pDevices = new AudioDeviceID[deviceCount];
  OSStatus ret = AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &size, pDevices);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioHardware::GetOutputDevices: Unable to retrieve the list of available devices. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    for (UInt32 dev = 0; dev < deviceCount; dev++)
      if (CCoreAudioDevice::GetTotalOutputChannels(pDevices[dev]) == 0)
  delete[] pDevices;
  return found;
コード例 #12
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
AudioDeviceID CCoreAudioHardware::GetDefaultOutputDevice()
  UInt32 size = sizeof(AudioDeviceID);
  static AudioDeviceID deviceId = 0;
  if (deviceId)
    return deviceId;
  OSStatus ret = AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice, &size, &deviceId);
  if (ret || !deviceId) // outputDevice is set to 0 if there is no audio device available, or if the default device is set to an encoded format
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioHardware::GetDefaultOutputDevice: Unable to identify default output device. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s).", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return 0;
  return deviceId;
コード例 #13
ファイル: CoreAudioSoundManager.cpp プロジェクト: AWilco/xbmc
core_audio_sound* CCoreAudioSoundManager::LoadSoundFromFile(const CStdString& fileName)
  FSRef fileRef;
  UInt32 size = 0;
  ExtAudioFileRef audioFile;
  OSStatus ret = FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8*) fileName.c_str(), &fileRef, false);
  ret = ExtAudioFileOpen(&fileRef, &audioFile);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioSoundManager::LoadSoundFromFile: Unable to open source file (%s). Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", fileName.c_str(), ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return NULL;
  core_audio_sound* pSound = new core_audio_sound;
  // Retrieve the format of the source file
  AudioStreamBasicDescription inputFormat;
  size = sizeof(inputFormat);
  ret = ExtAudioFileGetProperty(audioFile, kExtAudioFileProperty_FileDataFormat, &size, &inputFormat);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioSoundManager::LoadSoundFromFile: Unable to fetch source file format. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    delete pSound;
    return NULL;
  // Set up format conversion. This is the format that will be produced by Read/Write calls. 
  // Here we use the same format provided to the output AudioUnit
  ret = ExtAudioFileSetProperty(audioFile, kExtAudioFileProperty_ClientDataFormat, sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription), &m_OutputFormat);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioSoundManager::LoadSoundFromFile: Unable to set conversion format. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    delete pSound;
    return NULL;
  // Retrieve the file size (in terms of the file's sample-rate, not the output sample-rate)
  UInt64 totalFrames;
  size = sizeof(totalFrames);
  ret = ExtAudioFileGetProperty(audioFile, kExtAudioFileProperty_FileLengthFrames, &size, &totalFrames);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioSoundManager::LoadSoundFromFile: Unable to fetch source file size. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    delete pSound;
    return NULL;
  // Calculate the total number of converted frames to be read
  totalFrames *= (float)m_OutputFormat.mSampleRate / (float)inputFormat.mSampleRate; // TODO: Verify the accuracy of this
  // Allocate AudioBuffers
  UInt32 channelCount = m_OutputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame;
  pSound->buffer_list = (AudioBufferList*)calloc(1, sizeof(AudioBufferList) + sizeof(AudioBuffer) * (channelCount - kVariableLengthArray));
  pSound->buffer_list->mNumberBuffers = channelCount; // One buffer per channel for deinterlaced pcm
  float* buffers = (float*)calloc(1, sizeof(float) * totalFrames * channelCount);
  for(int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++)
    pSound->buffer_list->mBuffers[i].mNumberChannels = 1; // One channel per buffer for deinterlaced pcm
    pSound->buffer_list->mBuffers[i].mData = buffers + (totalFrames * i);
    pSound->buffer_list->mBuffers[i].mDataByteSize = totalFrames * sizeof(float);
  // Read the entire file
  // TODO: Should we limit the total file length?
  UInt32 readFrames = totalFrames;
  ret = ExtAudioFileRead(audioFile, &readFrames, pSound->buffer_list);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioSoundManager::LoadSoundFromFile: Unable to read from file (%s). Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", fileName.c_str(), ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    delete pSound;
    return NULL;
  pSound->total_frames = readFrames; // Store the actual number of frames read from the file. Rounding errors in calcuating the converted number of frames can truncate the read.
  // TODO: What do we do with files with more than 2 channels. Currently we just copy the first two and dump the rest.
  if (inputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame == 1) // Copy Left channel into Right if the source file is Mono
    memcpy(pSound->buffer_list->mBuffers[1].mData, pSound->buffer_list->mBuffers[0].mData, pSound->buffer_list->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize);
  ret = ExtAudioFileDispose(audioFile); // Close the file. We have what we need. Not a lot to be done on failure.
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioSoundManager::LoadSoundFromFile: Unable to close file (%s). Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", fileName.c_str(), ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));

  pSound->ref_count = 1; // The caller holds a reference to this object now
  pSound->play_count = 0;
  return pSound;  
コード例 #14
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioDevice::SetNominalSampleRate(Float64 sampleRate)
  if (!m_DeviceId || sampleRate == 0.0f)
    return false;
  Float64 currentRate = GetNominalSampleRate();
  if (currentRate == sampleRate)
    return true; //No need to change
  UInt32 size = sizeof(Float64);
  OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceSetProperty(m_DeviceId, NULL, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate, size, &sampleRate);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::SetNominalSampleRate: Unable to set current device sample rate to %0.0f. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", (float)sampleRate, ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return false;
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,  "CCoreAudioUnit::SetNominalSampleRate: Changed device sample rate from %0.0f to %0.0f.", (float)currentRate, (float)sampleRate);
  if (m_SampleRateRestore == 0.0f)
    m_SampleRateRestore = currentRate;
  return true;
コード例 #15
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioDevice::AddIOProc(AudioDeviceIOProc ioProc, void* pCallbackData)
  if (!m_DeviceId || m_IoProc) // Only one IOProc at a time
    return false;
  OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceAddIOProc(m_DeviceId, ioProc, pCallbackData);  
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioDevice::Stop: Unable to add IOProc. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s).", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return false;
  m_IoProc = ioProc;
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioDevice::AddIOProc: IOProc set for device 0x%04x", m_DeviceId);
  return true;
コード例 #16
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioStream::SetPhysicalFormat(AudioStreamBasicDescription* pDesc)
  if (!pDesc || !m_StreamId)
    return false;
  if (!m_OriginalPhysicalFormat.mFormatID)
    if (!GetPhysicalFormat(m_StreamId, &m_OriginalPhysicalFormat)) // Store the original format (as we found it) so that it can be restored later
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioStream::SetPhysicalFormat: Unable to retrieve current physical format for stream 0x%04x.", m_StreamId);
      return false;
  OSStatus ret = AudioStreamSetProperty(m_StreamId, NULL, 0, kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormat, sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription), pDesc);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioStream::SetVirtualFormat: Unable to set physical format for stream 0x%04x. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", m_StreamId, ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return false;
  return true;   
コード例 #17
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
void CCoreAudioDevice::RemoveIOProc()
  if (!m_DeviceId || !m_IoProc)
  OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc(m_DeviceId, m_IoProc);  
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioDevice::RemoveIOProc: Unable to remove IOProc. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s).", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioDevice::AddIOProc: IOProc removed for device 0x%04x", m_DeviceId);
  m_IoProc = NULL; // Clear the reference no matter what
コード例 #18
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioUnit::Open(ComponentDescription desc)
  if (m_Component)
  // Find the required Component
	Component outputComp = FindNextComponent(NULL, &desc);
	if (outputComp == NULL)  // Unable to find the AudioUnit we requested
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::Open: Unable to locate AudioUnit Component.");
    return false;
  // Create an instance of the AudioUnit Component
  OSStatus ret = OpenAComponent(outputComp, &m_Component);
	if (ret) // Unable to open AudioUnit
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::Open: Unable to open AudioUnit Component. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return false; 
  return true;
コード例 #19
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
const char* CCoreAudioDevice::GetName(CStdString& name, const AudioDeviceID &id)
  UInt32 size = 0;
  AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(id,0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName, &size, NULL); // TODO: Change to kAudioObjectPropertyObjectName
  OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceGetProperty(id, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName, &size, name.GetBufferSetLength(size));  
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioDevice::GetName: Unable to get device name - id: 0x%04x Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", id, ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return NULL;
  return name.c_str();
コード例 #20
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioUnit::SetOutputFormat(AudioStreamBasicDescription* pDesc)
  if (!m_Component || !pDesc)
    return false;
  OSStatus ret = AudioUnitSetProperty(m_Component, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, pDesc, sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription));
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::SetInputFormat: Unable to set AudioUnit output format. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return false;
  return true;  
コード例 #21
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
UInt32 CCoreAudioDevice::GetTotalOutputChannels(const AudioDeviceID &id)
  UInt32 channels = 0;
	UInt32 size = 0;
  AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(id, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration, &size, NULL);
  AudioBufferList* pList = (AudioBufferList*)malloc(size);
  OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceGetProperty(id, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration, &size, pList); 
  if (!ret)
    for(UInt32 buffer = 0; buffer < pList->mNumberBuffers; ++buffer)
      channels += pList->mBuffers[buffer].mNumberChannels;
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioDevice::GetTotalOutputChannels: Unable to get total device output channels - id: 0x%04x Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", id, ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioDevice::GetTotalOutputChannels: Found %u channels in %u buffers", channels, pList->mNumberBuffers);
	return channels;  
コード例 #22
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
UInt32 CCoreAudioUnit::GetBufferFrameSize()
  if (!m_Component)
    return 0;
  UInt32 size = sizeof(UInt32);
  UInt32 bufferSize = 0;
  OSStatus ret = AudioUnitGetProperty(m_Component, kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &bufferSize, &size);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::GetBufferFrameSize: Unable to get current device's buffer size. ErrCode = Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return 0;
  return bufferSize;
コード例 #23
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus(bool hog)
  if (!m_DeviceId)
    return false;
  pid_t holder = GetHogStatus();
  pid_t me = getpid();
  if (hog)
    if (holder != me)
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus: Setting 'hog' status on device 0x%04x", m_DeviceId);
      OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceSetProperty(m_DeviceId, NULL, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyHogMode, sizeof(me), &me);
      if (ret)
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus: Unable to set 'hog' status. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
        return false;

      pid_t holder = GetHogStatus();
      if (holder != getpid())
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus: Unable to set 'hog' status. another process (%x) has it.", holder);
        return false;
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus: Successfully set 'hog' status on device 0x%04x", m_DeviceId);
    if (holder == me) // Currently Set
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus: Releasing 'hog' status on device 0x%04x", m_DeviceId);
      pid_t hogPid = -1;
      OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceSetProperty(m_DeviceId, NULL, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyHogMode, sizeof(hogPid), &hogPid);
      if (ret)
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus: Unable to release 'hog' status. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
        return false;
      pid_t holder = GetHogStatus();
      if (holder == getpid())
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus: failed to release. still hogging!");
        return false;
  return true;
コード例 #24
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioUnit::SetCurrentDevice(AudioDeviceID deviceId)
  if (!m_Component)
    return false;
  OSStatus ret = AudioUnitSetProperty(m_Component, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &deviceId, sizeof(AudioDeviceID));
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::SetCurrentDevice: Unable to set current device. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return false; 
  return true;
コード例 #25
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioDevice::SetMixingSupport(bool mix)
  if (!m_DeviceId)
    return false;
  int restore = -1;
  if (m_MixerRestore == -1) // This is our first change to this setting. Store the original setting for restore
    restore = (GetMixingSupport() ? 1 : 0);
  UInt32 mixEnable = mix ? 1 : 0;
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetMixingSupport: %sabling mixing for device 0x%04x",mix ? "En" : "Dis",  m_DeviceId);
  OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceSetProperty(m_DeviceId, NULL, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing, sizeof(mixEnable), &mixEnable);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetMixingSupport: Unable to set MixingSupport to %s. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", mix ? "'On'" : "'Off'", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return false;
  if (m_MixerRestore == -1) 
    m_MixerRestore = restore;
  return true;
コード例 #26
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioUnit::SetInputChannelMap(CoreAudioChannelList* pChannelMap)
  if (!m_Component || !pChannelMap)
    return false;
  UInt32 channels = pChannelMap->size();
  UInt32 size = sizeof(SInt32) * channels;
  SInt32* pMap = new SInt32[channels];
  for (UInt32 i = 0; i < channels; i++)
    pMap[i] = (*pChannelMap)[i];
  OSStatus ret = AudioUnitSetProperty(m_Component, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_ChannelMap, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, pMap, size);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::GetBufferFrameSize: Unable to get current device's buffer size. ErrCode = Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
  delete[] pMap;
  return (!ret);
コード例 #27
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
Float64 CCoreAudioDevice::GetNominalSampleRate()
  if (!m_DeviceId)
    return 0.0f;
  Float64 sampleRate = 0.0f;
  UInt32 size = sizeof(Float64);
  OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceGetProperty(m_DeviceId, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate, &size, &sampleRate);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::GetNominalSampleRate: Unable to retrieve current device sample rate. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return 0.0f;
  return sampleRate;
コード例 #28
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: flyingtime/boxee
bool CCoreAudioUnit::SetCurrentVolume(Float32 vol)
  if (!m_Component)
    return false;
  OSStatus ret = AudioUnitSetParameter(m_Component, kHALOutputParam_Volume, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, vol, 0);
  if (ret)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioUnit::SetCurrentVolume: Unable to set AudioUnit volume. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
    return false;
  return true;
コード例 #29
ファイル: CoreAudio.cpp プロジェクト: vanegithub/xbmc
bool CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus(bool hog)
  // According to Jeff Moore (Core Audio, Apple), Setting kAudioDevicePropertyHogMode
  // is a toggle and the only way to tell if you do get hog mode is to compare
  // the returned pid against getpid, if the match, you have hog mode, if not you don't.
  if (!m_DeviceId)
    return false;
  if (hog)
    if (m_Hog == -1) // Not already set
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus: Setting 'hog' status on device 0x%04x", m_DeviceId);
      OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceSetProperty(m_DeviceId, NULL, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyHogMode, sizeof(m_Hog), &m_Hog);
      if (ret || m_Hog != getpid())
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus: Unable to set 'hog' status. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
        return false;
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus: Successfully set 'hog' status on device 0x%04x", m_DeviceId);
    if (m_Hog > -1) // Currently Set
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus: Releasing 'hog' status on device 0x%04x", m_DeviceId);
      pid_t hogPid = -1;
      OSStatus ret = AudioDeviceSetProperty(m_DeviceId, NULL, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyHogMode, sizeof(hogPid), &hogPid);
      if (ret || hogPid == getpid())
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCoreAudioDevice::SetHogStatus: Unable to release 'hog' status. Error = 0x%08x (%4.4s)", ret, CONVERT_OSSTATUS(ret));
        return false;
      m_Hog = hogPid; // Reset internal state
  return true;