static CPLString CPLFindLocalXSD(const char* pszXSDFilename) { CPLString osTmp; const char *pszSchemasOpenGIS = CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_OPENGIS_SCHEMAS", NULL); if (pszSchemasOpenGIS != NULL) { int nLen = (int)strlen(pszSchemasOpenGIS); if (nLen > 0 && pszSchemasOpenGIS[nLen-1] == '/') { osTmp = pszSchemasOpenGIS; osTmp += pszXSDFilename; } else { osTmp = pszSchemasOpenGIS; osTmp += "/"; osTmp += pszXSDFilename; } } else if ((pszSchemasOpenGIS = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "SCHEMAS_OPENGIS_NET" )) != NULL) { osTmp = pszSchemasOpenGIS; osTmp += "/"; osTmp += pszXSDFilename; } VSIStatBufL sStatBuf; if( VSIStatExL(osTmp, &sStatBuf, VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG) == 0 ) return osTmp; return ""; }
OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::importFromDict( const char *pszDictFile, const char *pszCode ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find and open file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLString osDictFile(pszDictFile); const char *pszFilename = CPLFindFile( "gdal", pszDictFile ); if( pszFilename == nullptr ) return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS; VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "rb" ); if( fp == nullptr ) return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process lines. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRErr eErr = OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS; const char *pszLine = nullptr; while( (pszLine = CPLReadLineL(fp)) != nullptr ) { if( pszLine[0] == '#' ) continue; if( STARTS_WITH_CI(pszLine, "include ") ) { eErr = importFromDict( pszLine + 8, pszCode ); if( eErr != OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS ) break; continue; } if( strstr(pszLine, ",") == nullptr ) continue; if( EQUALN(pszLine, pszCode, strlen(pszCode)) && pszLine[strlen(pszCode)] == ',' ) { const char *pszWKT = pszLine + strlen(pszCode)+1; eErr = importFromWkt( pszWKT ); if( eErr == OGRERR_NONE && osDictFile.find("esri_") == 0 ) { morphFromESRI(); } break; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cleanup */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VSIFCloseL( fp ); return eErr; }
const char * GDALDefaultCSVFilename( const char *pszBasename ) { static char szPath[512]; FILE *fp = NULL; const char *pszResult; static int bFinderInitialized = FALSE; pszResult = CPLFindFile( "epsg_csv", pszBasename ); if( pszResult != NULL ) return pszResult; if( !bFinderInitialized ) { bFinderInitialized = TRUE; if( CPLGetConfigOption("GEOTIFF_CSV",NULL) != NULL ) CPLPushFinderLocation( CPLGetConfigOption("GEOTIFF_CSV",NULL)); if( CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA",NULL) != NULL ) CPLPushFinderLocation( CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA",NULL) ); pszResult = CPLFindFile( "epsg_csv", pszBasename ); if( pszResult != NULL ) return pszResult; } if( (fp = fopen( "csv/horiz_cs.csv", "rt" )) != NULL ) { sprintf( szPath, "csv/%s", pszBasename ); } else { sprintf( szPath, "/usr/local/share/epsg_csv/%s", pszBasename ); if( (fp = fopen( szPath, "rt" )) == NULL ) strcpy( szPath, pszBasename ); } if( fp != NULL ) fclose( fp ); return( szPath ); }
OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::importFromDict( const char *pszDictFile, const char *pszCode ) { const char *pszFilename; FILE *fp; OGRErr eErr = OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find and open file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ pszFilename = CPLFindFile( "gdal", pszDictFile ); if( pszFilename == NULL ) return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS; fp = VSIFOpen( pszFilename, "rb" ); if( fp == NULL ) return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process lines. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszLine; while( (pszLine = CPLReadLine(fp)) != NULL ) { if( pszLine[0] == '#' ) /* do nothing */; else if( EQUALN(pszLine,"include ",8) ) { eErr = importFromDict( pszLine + 8, pszCode ); if( eErr != OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS ) break; } else if( strstr(pszLine,",") == NULL ) /* do nothing */; else if( EQUALN(pszLine,pszCode,strlen(pszCode)) && pszLine[strlen(pszCode)] == ',' ) { char *pszWKT = (char *) pszLine + strlen(pszCode)+1; eErr = importFromWkt( &pszWKT ); break; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cleanup */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VSIFClose( fp ); return eErr; }
void WCTSGetCapabilities( CPLXMLNode *psOperation ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Verify the service. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( !EQUAL(CPLGetXMLValue(psOperation,"service","WCTS"),"WCTS") ) { WCTSEmitServiceException( CPLSPrintf( "Attempt to GetCapabilities for unsupported '%.500s'\n" "service. Only WCTS supported.", CPLGetXMLValue(psOperation,"service","WCTS") ) ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Search for our capabilities document. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszCapFilename; FILE *fp; pszCapFilename = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "wcts_capabilities.xml.0.1.0" ); if( pszCapFilename == NULL || (fp = VSIFOpen( pszCapFilename, "rt")) == NULL ) { WCTSEmitServiceException( "WCTS server misconfigured, " "unable to find capabilities document." ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Emit the document. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int nLen; char *pszDoc; VSIFSeek( fp, 0, SEEK_END ); nLen = VSIFTell( fp ); VSIFSeek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); pszDoc = (char *) CPLMalloc(nLen); VSIFRead( pszDoc, 1, nLen, fp ); VSIFClose( fp ); printf( "Content-type: text/xml%c%c", 10, 10 ); VSIFWrite( pszDoc, 1, nLen, stdout ); fflush( stdout ); CPLFree( pszDoc ); exit( 0 ); }
int S57ClassRegistrar::FindFile( const char *pszTarget, const char *pszDirectory, int bReportErr, VSILFILE **pfp ) { const char *pszFilename; if( pszDirectory == NULL ) { pszFilename = CPLFindFile( "s57", pszTarget ); if( pszFilename == NULL ) pszFilename = pszTarget; } else { pszFilename = CPLFormFilename( pszDirectory, pszTarget, NULL ); } *pfp = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "rb" ); #ifdef S57_BUILTIN_CLASSES if( *pfp == NULL ) { if( EQUAL(pszTarget, "s57objectclasses.csv") ) papszNextLine = gpapszS57Classes; else papszNextLine = gpapszS57attributes; } #else if( *pfp == NULL ) { if( bReportErr ) CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to open %s.\n", pszFilename ); return FALSE; } #endif return TRUE; }
bool GMLRegistry::Parse() { if( osRegistryPath.empty() ) { const char *pszFilename = CPLFindFile("gdal", "gml_registry.xml"); if( pszFilename ) osRegistryPath = pszFilename; } if( osRegistryPath.empty() ) return false; CPLXMLNode *psRootNode = CPLParseXMLFile(osRegistryPath); if( psRootNode == NULL ) return false; CPLXMLNode *psRegistryNode = CPLGetXMLNode(psRootNode, "=gml_registry"); if( psRegistryNode == NULL ) { CPLDestroyXMLNode(psRootNode); return false; } CPLXMLNode *psIter = psRegistryNode->psChild; while( psIter != NULL ) { if( psIter->eType == CXT_Element && strcmp(psIter->pszValue, "namespace") == 0 ) { GMLRegistryNamespace oNameSpace; if( oNameSpace.Parse(osRegistryPath, psIter) ) { aoNamespaces.push_back(oNameSpace); } } psIter = psIter->psNext; } CPLDestroyXMLNode(psRootNode); return true; }
OGRLayer *OGRDGNDataSource::CreateLayer( const char *pszLayerName, OGRSpatialReference *poSRS, OGRwkbGeometryType eGeomType, char **papszExtraOptions ) { const char *pszSeed, *pszMasterUnit = "m", *pszSubUnit = "cm"; const char *pszValue; int nUORPerSU=1, nSUPerMU=100; int nCreationFlags = 0, b3DRequested; double dfOriginX = -21474836.0, /* default origin centered on zero */ dfOriginY = -21474836.0, /* with two decimals of precision */ dfOriginZ = -21474836.0; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Ensure only one layer gets created. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( nLayers > 0 ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "DGN driver only supports one layer will all the elements in it." ); return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If the coordinate system is geographic, we should use a */ /* localized default origin and resolution. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( poSRS != NULL && poSRS->IsGeographic() ) { dfOriginX = -200.0; dfOriginY = -200.0; pszMasterUnit = "d"; pszSubUnit = "s"; nSUPerMU = 3600; nUORPerSU = 1000; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Parse out various creation options. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CSLInsertStrings( papszOptions, 0, papszExtraOptions ); b3DRequested = CSLFetchBoolean( papszOptions, "3D", (((int) eGeomType) & wkb25DBit) ); pszSeed = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SEED" ); if( pszSeed ) nCreationFlags |= DGNCF_USE_SEED_ORIGIN | DGNCF_USE_SEED_UNITS; else if( b3DRequested ) pszSeed = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "seed_3d.dgn" ); else pszSeed = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "seed_2d.dgn" ); if( pszSeed == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "No seed file provided, and unable to find seed_2d.dgn." ); return NULL; } if( CSLFetchBoolean( papszOptions, "COPY_WHOLE_SEED_FILE", TRUE ) ) nCreationFlags |= DGNCF_COPY_WHOLE_SEED_FILE; if( CSLFetchBoolean( papszOptions, "COPY_SEED_FILE_COLOR_TABLE", TRUE ) ) nCreationFlags |= DGNCF_COPY_SEED_FILE_COLOR_TABLE; pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "MASTER_UNIT_NAME" ); if( pszValue != NULL ) { nCreationFlags &= ~DGNCF_USE_SEED_UNITS; pszMasterUnit = pszValue; } pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SUB_UNIT_NAME" ); if( pszValue != NULL ) { nCreationFlags &= ~DGNCF_USE_SEED_UNITS; pszSubUnit = pszValue; } pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SUB_UNITS_PER_MASTER_UNIT" ); if( pszValue != NULL ) { nCreationFlags &= ~DGNCF_USE_SEED_UNITS; nSUPerMU = atoi(pszValue); } pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "UOR_PER_SUB_UNIT" ); if( pszValue != NULL ) { nCreationFlags &= ~DGNCF_USE_SEED_UNITS; nUORPerSU = atoi(pszValue); } pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "ORIGIN" ); if( pszValue != NULL ) { char **papszTuple = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszValue, " ,", FALSE, FALSE ); nCreationFlags &= ~DGNCF_USE_SEED_ORIGIN; if( CSLCount(papszTuple) == 3 ) { dfOriginX = atof(papszTuple[0]); dfOriginY = atof(papszTuple[1]); dfOriginZ = atof(papszTuple[2]); } else if( CSLCount(papszTuple) == 2 ) { dfOriginX = atof(papszTuple[0]); dfOriginY = atof(papszTuple[1]); dfOriginZ = 0.0; } else { CSLDestroy(papszTuple); CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "ORIGIN is not a valid 2d or 3d tuple.\n" "Separate tuple values with comma." ); return FALSE; } CSLDestroy(papszTuple); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Try creating the base file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hDGN = DGNCreate( pszName, pszSeed, nCreationFlags, dfOriginX, dfOriginY, dfOriginZ, nSUPerMU, nUORPerSU, pszMasterUnit, pszSubUnit ); if( hDGN == NULL ) return NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the layer object. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRDGNLayer *poLayer; poLayer = new OGRDGNLayer( pszLayerName, hDGN, TRUE ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Add layer to data source layer list. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ papoLayers = (OGRDGNLayer **) CPLRealloc( papoLayers, sizeof(OGRDGNLayer *) * (nLayers+1) ); papoLayers[nLayers++] = poLayer; return poLayer; }
int OGRDXFWriterDS::Open( const char * pszFilename, char **papszOptions ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Open the standard header, or a user provided header. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"HEADER") != NULL ) osHeaderFile = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"HEADER"); else { const char *pszValue = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "header.dxf" ); if( pszValue == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to find template header file header.dxf for reading,\nis GDAL_DATA set properly?" ); return FALSE; } osHeaderFile = pszValue; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Establish the name for our trailer file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"TRAILER") != NULL ) osTrailerFile = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"TRAILER"); else { const char *pszValue = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "trailer.dxf" ); if( pszValue != NULL ) osTrailerFile = pszValue; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* What entity id do we want to start with when writing? Small */ /* values run a risk of overlapping some undetected entity in */ /* the header or trailer despite the prescanning we do. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef DEBUG nNextFID = 80; #else nNextFID = 131072; #endif if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "FIRST_ENTITY" ) != NULL ) nNextFID = atoi(CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "FIRST_ENTITY" )); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Prescan the header and trailer for entity codes. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ScanForEntities( osHeaderFile, "HEADER" ); ScanForEntities( osTrailerFile, "TRAILER" ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Attempt to read the template header file so we have a list */ /* of layers, linestyles and blocks. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( !oHeaderDS.Open( osHeaderFile, TRUE ) ) return FALSE; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the output file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ fp = VSIFOpenExL( pszFilename, "w+", true ); if( fp == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to open '%s' for writing: %s", pszFilename, VSIGetLastErrorMsg() ); return FALSE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Establish the temporary file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ osTempFilename = pszFilename; osTempFilename += ".tmp"; fpTemp = VSIFOpenL( osTempFilename, "w" ); if( fpTemp == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to open '%s' for writing.", osTempFilename.c_str() ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
int SearchCSVForWKT( const char *pszFileCSV, const char *pszTarget ) { const char *pszFilename = NULL; const char *pszWKT = NULL; char szTemp[1024]; int nPos = 0; const char *pszTemp = NULL; VSILFILE *fp = NULL; OGRSpatialReference oSRS; int nCode = 0; int nFound = -1; CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "SearchCSVForWKT()\nfile=%s\nWKT=%s\n", pszFileCSV, pszTarget); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find and open file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // pszFilename = pszFileCSV; pszFilename = CPLFindFile( "gdal", pszFileCSV ); if( pszFilename == NULL ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "could not find support file %s", pszFileCSV ); // return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS; return -1; } /* support gzipped file */ if ( strstr( pszFileCSV,".gz") != NULL ) sprintf( szTemp, "/vsigzip/%s", pszFilename); else sprintf( szTemp, "%s", pszFilename); CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "SearchCSVForWKT() using file %s", szTemp ); fp = VSIFOpenL( szTemp, "r" ); if( fp == NULL ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "could not open support file %s", pszFilename ); // return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS; return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process lines. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszLine; while( (pszLine = CPLReadLine2L(fp,-1,NULL)) != NULL ) { // CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "read line %s", pszLine ); if( pszLine[0] == '#' ) continue; /* do nothing */; // else if( EQUALN(pszLine,"include ",8) ) // { // eErr = importFromDict( pszLine + 8, pszCode ); // if( eErr != OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS ) // break; // } // else if( strstr(pszLine,",") == NULL ) // /* do nothing */; pszTemp = strstr(pszLine,","); if (pszTemp) { nPos = pszTemp - pszLine; if ( nPos == 0 ) continue; strncpy( szTemp, pszLine, nPos ); szTemp[nPos] = '\0'; nCode = atoi(szTemp); pszWKT = (char *) pszLine + nPos +1; // CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", // "code=%d\nWKT=\n[%s]\ntarget=\n[%s]\n", // nCode,pszWKT, pszTarget ); if ( EQUAL(pszTarget,pszWKT) ) { nFound = nCode; CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "found EPSG:%d\n" "current=%s\ntarget= %s\n", nCode, pszWKT, pszTarget ); break; } } } VSIFCloseL( fp ); return nFound; }
int OGRDXFWriterDS::Open( const char * pszFilename, char **papszOptions ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Open the standard header, or a user provided header. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLString osHeaderFile; if( CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"HEADER") != NULL ) osHeaderFile = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"HEADER"); else { const char *pszValue = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "header.dxf" ); if( pszValue == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to find template header file header.dxf for reading,\nis GDAL_DATA set properly?" ); return FALSE; } osHeaderFile = pszValue; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the output file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ fp = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "w" ); if( fp == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to open '%s' for writing.", pszFilename ); return FALSE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Open the template file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ FILE *fpSrc = VSIFOpenL( osHeaderFile, "r" ); if( fpSrc == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to open template header file '%s' for reading.", osHeaderFile.c_str() ); return FALSE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copy into our DXF file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszLine; while( (pszLine = CPLReadLineL(fpSrc)) != NULL ) { VSIFWriteL( pszLine, 1, strlen(pszLine), fp ); VSIFWriteL( "\n", 1, 1, fp ); } VSIFCloseL( fpSrc ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Establish the name for our trailer file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"TRAILER") != NULL ) osTrailerFile = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"TRAILER"); else { const char *pszValue = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "trailer.dxf" ); if( pszValue != NULL ) osTrailerFile = pszValue; } return TRUE; }
const char * GDALDefaultCSVFilename( const char *pszBasename ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Do we already have this file accessed? If so, just return */ /* the existing path without any further probing. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CSVTable **ppsCSVTableList; ppsCSVTableList = (CSVTable **) CPLGetTLS( CTLS_CSVTABLEPTR ); if( ppsCSVTableList != NULL ) { CSVTable *psTable; int nBasenameLen = strlen(pszBasename); for( psTable = *ppsCSVTableList; psTable != NULL; psTable = psTable->psNext ) { int nFullLen = strlen(psTable->pszFilename); if( nFullLen > nBasenameLen && strcmp(psTable->pszFilename+nFullLen-nBasenameLen, pszBasename) == 0 && strchr("/\\",psTable->pszFilename[+nFullLen-nBasenameLen-1]) != NULL ) { return psTable->pszFilename; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Otherwise we need to look harder for it. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ DefaultCSVFileNameTLS* pTLSData = (DefaultCSVFileNameTLS *) CPLGetTLS( CTLS_CSVDEFAULTFILENAME ); if (pTLSData == NULL) { pTLSData = (DefaultCSVFileNameTLS*) CPLCalloc(1, sizeof(DefaultCSVFileNameTLS)); CPLSetTLS( CTLS_CSVDEFAULTFILENAME, pTLSData, TRUE ); } FILE *fp = NULL; const char *pszResult; pszResult = CPLFindFile( "epsg_csv", pszBasename ); if( pszResult != NULL ) return pszResult; if( !pTLSData->bCSVFinderInitialized ) { pTLSData->bCSVFinderInitialized = TRUE; if( CPLGetConfigOption("GEOTIFF_CSV",NULL) != NULL ) CPLPushFinderLocation( CPLGetConfigOption("GEOTIFF_CSV",NULL)); if( CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA",NULL) != NULL ) CPLPushFinderLocation( CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA",NULL) ); pszResult = CPLFindFile( "epsg_csv", pszBasename ); if( pszResult != NULL ) return pszResult; } if( (fp = fopen( "csv/horiz_cs.csv", "rt" )) != NULL ) { strcpy( pTLSData->szPath, "csv/" ); CPLStrlcat( pTLSData->szPath, pszBasename, sizeof(pTLSData->szPath) ); } else { #ifdef GDAL_PREFIX #ifdef MACOSX_FRAMEWORK strcpy( pTLSData->szPath, GDAL_PREFIX "/Resources/epsg_csv/" ); CPLStrlcat( pTLSData->szPath, pszBasename, sizeof(pTLSData->szPath) ); #else strcpy( pTLSData->szPath, GDAL_PREFIX "/share/epsg_csv/" ); CPLStrlcat( pTLSData->szPath, pszBasename, sizeof(pTLSData->szPath) ); #endif #else strcpy( pTLSData->szPath, "/usr/local/share/epsg_csv/" ); CPLStrlcat( pTLSData->szPath, pszBasename, sizeof(pTLSData->szPath) ); #endif if( (fp = fopen( pTLSData->szPath, "rt" )) == NULL ) CPLStrlcpy( pTLSData->szPath, pszBasename, sizeof(pTLSData->szPath) ); } if( fp != NULL ) fclose( fp ); return( pTLSData->szPath ); }
bool GMLASConfiguration::Load(const char* pszFilename) { // Allow configuration to be inlined CPLXMLNode* psRoot = STARTS_WITH(pszFilename, "<Configuration>") ? CPLParseXMLString(pszFilename) : CPLParseXMLFile(pszFilename); if( psRoot == NULL ) { Finalize(); return false; } CPLXMLTreeCloser oCloser(psRoot); // Validate the configuration file if( CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_XML_VALIDATION", "YES")) ) { const char* pszXSD = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "gmlasconf.xsd" ); if( pszXSD != NULL ) { std::vector<CPLString> aosErrors; const CPLErr eErrClass = CPLGetLastErrorType(); const CPLErrorNum nErrNum = CPLGetLastErrorNo(); const CPLString osErrMsg = CPLGetLastErrorMsg(); CPLPushErrorHandlerEx(GMLASConfigurationErrorHandler, &aosErrors); int bRet = CPLValidateXML(pszFilename, pszXSD, NULL); CPLPopErrorHandler(); if( !bRet && aosErrors.size() > 0 && strstr(aosErrors[0].c_str(), "missing libxml2 support") == NULL ) { for(size_t i = 0; i < aosErrors.size(); i++) { CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "%s", aosErrors[i].c_str()); } } else { CPLErrorSetState(eErrClass, nErrNum, osErrMsg); } } } m_bAllowRemoteSchemaDownload = CPLGetXMLBoolValue(psRoot, "=Configuration.AllowRemoteSchemaDownload", ALLOW_REMOTE_SCHEMA_DOWNLOAD_DEFAULT ); m_bAllowXSDCache = CPLGetXMLBoolValue( psRoot, "=Configuration.SchemaCache.enabled", ALLOW_XSD_CACHE_DEFAULT ); if( m_bAllowXSDCache ) { m_osXSDCacheDirectory = CPLGetXMLValue(psRoot, "=Configuration.SchemaCache.Directory", ""); } m_bValidate = CPLGetXMLBoolValue( psRoot, "=Configuration.Validation.enabled", VALIDATE_DEFAULT ); if( m_bValidate ) { m_bFailIfValidationError = CPLGetXMLBoolValue(psRoot, "=Configuration.Validation.FailIfError", FAIL_IF_VALIDATION_ERROR_DEFAULT ); } m_bExposeMetadataLayers = CPLGetXMLBoolValue( psRoot, "=Configuration.ExposeMetadataLayers", EXPOSE_METADATA_LAYERS_DEFAULT ); m_bAlwaysGenerateOGRId = CPLGetXMLBoolValue( psRoot, "=Configuration.LayerBuildingRules.AlwaysGenerateOGRId", ALWAYS_GENERATE_OGR_ID_DEFAULT ); m_bRemoveUnusedLayers = CPLGetXMLBoolValue( psRoot, "=Configuration.LayerBuildingRules.RemoveUnusedLayers", REMOVE_UNUSED_LAYERS_DEFAULT ); m_bRemoveUnusedFields = CPLGetXMLBoolValue( psRoot, "=Configuration.LayerBuildingRules.RemoveUnusedFields", REMOVE_UNUSED_FIELDS_DEFAULT ); m_bUseArrays = CPLGetXMLBoolValue( psRoot, "=Configuration.LayerBuildingRules.UseArrays", USE_ARRAYS_DEFAULT ); m_bIncludeGeometryXML = CPLGetXMLBoolValue( psRoot, "=Configuration.LayerBuildingRules.GML.IncludeGeometryXML", INCLUDE_GEOMETRY_XML_DEFAULT ); m_bInstantiateGMLFeaturesOnly = CPLGetXMLBoolValue( psRoot, "=Configuration.LayerBuildingRules.GML.InstantiateGMLFeaturesOnly", INSTANTIATE_GML_FEATURES_ONLY_DEFAULT ); m_nIdentifierMaxLength = atoi( CPLGetXMLValue( psRoot, "=Configuration.LayerBuildingRules.IdentifierMaxLength", "0" ) ); m_bCaseInsensitiveIdentifier = CPLGetXMLBoolValue( psRoot, "=Configuration.LayerBuildingRules.CaseInsensitiveIdentifier", CASE_INSENSITIVE_IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT ); CPLXMLNode* psIgnoredXPaths = CPLGetXMLNode(psRoot, "=Configuration.IgnoredXPaths"); if( psIgnoredXPaths ) { const bool bGlobalWarnIfIgnoredXPathFound = CPLGetXMLBoolValue( psIgnoredXPaths, "WarnIfIgnoredXPathFoundInDocInstance", WARN_IF_EXCLUDED_XPATH_FOUND_DEFAULT ); CPLXMLNode* psNamespaces = CPLGetXMLNode(psIgnoredXPaths, "Namespaces"); if( psNamespaces != NULL ) { for( CPLXMLNode* psIter = psNamespaces->psChild; psIter != NULL; psIter = psIter->psNext ) { if( psIter->eType == CXT_Element && EQUAL(psIter->pszValue, "Namespace") ) { CPLString osPrefix = CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "prefix", ""); CPLString osURI = CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "uri", ""); if( !osPrefix.empty() && !osURI.empty() ) { if( m_oMapPrefixToURIIgnoredXPaths.find(osPrefix) == m_oMapPrefixToURIIgnoredXPaths.end() ) { m_oMapPrefixToURIIgnoredXPaths[osPrefix] = osURI; } else { CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "Prefix %s was already mapped to %s. " "Attempt to map it to %s ignored", osPrefix.c_str(), m_oMapPrefixToURIIgnoredXPaths[osPrefix]. c_str(), osURI.c_str()); } } } } } for( CPLXMLNode* psIter = psIgnoredXPaths->psChild; psIter != NULL; psIter = psIter->psNext ) { if( psIter->eType == CXT_Element && EQUAL(psIter->pszValue, "XPath") ) { const CPLString& osXPath( CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "", "") ); if( IsValidXPath(osXPath) ) { m_aosIgnoredXPaths.push_back( osXPath ); const bool bWarnIfIgnoredXPathFound = CPLGetXMLBoolValue( psIter, "warnIfIgnoredXPathFoundInDocInstance", bGlobalWarnIfIgnoredXPathFound ); m_oMapIgnoredXPathToWarn[ osXPath ] = bWarnIfIgnoredXPathFound; } else { CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "XPath syntax %s not supported", osXPath.c_str()); } } } } CPLXMLNode* psXLinkResolutionNode = CPLGetXMLNode( psRoot, "=Configuration.XLinkResolution"); if( psXLinkResolutionNode != NULL ) m_oXLinkResolution.LoadFromXML( psXLinkResolutionNode ); Finalize(); return true; }
OGRDataSource *OGRVRTDriver::Open( const char * pszFilename, int bUpdate ) { OGRVRTDataSource *poDS; char *pszXML = NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Are we being passed the XML definition directly? */ /* Skip any leading spaces/blanks. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszTestXML = pszFilename; while( *pszTestXML != '\0' && isspace( (unsigned char)*pszTestXML ) ) pszTestXML++; if( EQUALN(pszTestXML,"<OGRVRTDataSource>",18) ) { pszXML = CPLStrdup(pszTestXML); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Open file and check if it contains appropriate XML. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else { VSILFILE *fp; char achHeader[512]; fp = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "rb" ); if( fp == NULL ) return NULL; memset( achHeader, 0, sizeof(achHeader) ); VSIFReadL( achHeader, 1, sizeof(achHeader)-1, fp ); if( strstr(achHeader,"<OGRVRTDataSource") == NULL ) { VSIFCloseL( fp ); return NULL; } VSIStatBufL sStatBuf; if ( VSIStatL( pszFilename, &sStatBuf ) != 0 || sStatBuf.st_size > 1024 * 1024 ) { CPLDebug( "VRT", "Unreasonable long file, not likely really VRT" ); VSIFCloseL( fp ); return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* It is the right file, now load the full XML definition. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int nLen = (int) sStatBuf.st_size; VSIFSeekL( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); pszXML = (char *) VSIMalloc(nLen+1); if (pszXML == NULL) { VSIFCloseL( fp ); return NULL; } pszXML[nLen] = '\0'; if( ((int) VSIFReadL( pszXML, 1, nLen, fp )) != nLen ) { CPLFree( pszXML ); VSIFCloseL( fp ); return NULL; } VSIFCloseL( fp ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Parse the XML. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psTree = CPLParseXMLString( pszXML ); if( psTree == NULL ) { CPLFree( pszXML ); return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* XML Validation. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( CSLTestBoolean(CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_XML_VALIDATION", "YES")) ) { const char* pszXSD = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "ogrvrt.xsd" ); if( pszXSD != NULL ) { std::vector<CPLString> aosErrors; CPLPushErrorHandlerEx(OGRVRTErrorHandler, &aosErrors); int bRet = CPLValidateXML(pszXML, pszXSD, NULL); CPLPopErrorHandler(); if( !bRet ) { if( aosErrors.size() > 0 && strstr(aosErrors[0].c_str(), "missing libxml2 support") == NULL ) { for(size_t i = 0; i < aosErrors.size(); i++) { CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "%s", aosErrors[i].c_str()); } } } CPLErrorReset(); } } CPLFree( pszXML ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create a virtual datasource configured based on this XML input. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poDS = new OGRVRTDataSource(); poDS->SetDriver(this); /* psTree is owned by poDS */ if( !poDS->Initialize( psTree, pszFilename, bUpdate ) ) { delete poDS; return NULL; } return poDS; }
static xmlParserInputPtr CPLExternalEntityLoader (const char * URL, const char * ID, xmlParserCtxtPtr context) { //CPLDebug("CPL", "CPLExternalEntityLoader(%s)", URL); CPLString osURL; /* Use libxml2 catalog mechanism to resolve the URL to something else */ xmlChar* pszResolved = xmlCatalogResolveSystem((const xmlChar*)URL); if (pszResolved == NULL) pszResolved = xmlCatalogResolveURI((const xmlChar*)URL); if (pszResolved) { CPLDebug("CPL", "Resolving %s in %s", URL, (const char*)pszResolved ); osURL = (const char*)pszResolved; URL = osURL.c_str(); xmlFree(pszResolved); pszResolved = NULL; } if (STARTS_WITH(URL, "http://")) { /* Make sure to use */ /* when gml/2 or gml/3 is detected */ const char* pszGML = strstr(URL, "gml/2"); if (pszGML == NULL) pszGML = strstr(URL, "gml/3"); if (pszGML != NULL) { osURL = ""; osURL += pszGML; URL = osURL.c_str(); } else if (strcmp(URL, "") == 0) { CPLString osTmp = CPLFindLocalXSD("xml.xsd"); if( osTmp.size() != 0 ) { osURL = osTmp; URL = osURL.c_str(); } else { CPLDebug("CPL", "Resolving %s to local definition", ""); return xmlNewStringInputStream(context, (const xmlChar*) szXML_XSD); } } else if (strcmp(URL, "") == 0) { CPLString osTmp = CPLFindLocalXSD("xlink.xsd"); if( osTmp.size() != 0 ) { osURL = osTmp; URL = osURL.c_str(); } else { CPLDebug("CPL", "Resolving %s to local definition", ""); return xmlNewStringInputStream(context, (const xmlChar*) szXLINK_XSD); } } else if (!STARTS_WITH(URL, "")) { CPLDebug("CPL", "Loading %s", URL); return pfnLibXMLOldExtranerEntityLoader(URL, ID, context); } } else if (STARTS_WITH(URL, "ftp://")) { return pfnLibXMLOldExtranerEntityLoader(URL, ID, context); } else if (STARTS_WITH(URL, "file://")) { /* Parse file:// URI so as to be able to open them with VSI*L API */ if (STARTS_WITH(URL, "file://localhost/")) URL += 16; else URL += 7; if (URL[0] == '/' && URL[1] != '\0' && URL[2] == ':' && URL[3] == '/') /* Windows */ URL ++; else if (URL[0] == '/') /* Unix */ ; else return pfnLibXMLOldExtranerEntityLoader(URL, ID, context); } CPLString osModURL; if (STARTS_WITH(URL, "/vsizip/vsicurl/http%3A//")) { osModURL = "/vsizip/vsicurl/http://"; osModURL += URL + strlen("/vsizip/vsicurl/http%3A//"); } else if (STARTS_WITH(URL, "/vsicurl/http%3A//")) { osModURL = "vsicurl/http://"; osModURL += URL + strlen("/vsicurl/http%3A//"); } else if (STARTS_WITH(URL, "")) { const char *pszAfterOpenGIS = URL + strlen(""); const char *pszSchemasOpenGIS; pszSchemasOpenGIS = CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_OPENGIS_SCHEMAS", NULL); if (pszSchemasOpenGIS != NULL) { int nLen = (int)strlen(pszSchemasOpenGIS); if (nLen > 0 && pszSchemasOpenGIS[nLen-1] == '/') { osModURL = pszSchemasOpenGIS; osModURL += pszAfterOpenGIS; } else { osModURL = pszSchemasOpenGIS; osModURL += "/"; osModURL += pszAfterOpenGIS; } } else if ((pszSchemasOpenGIS = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "SCHEMAS_OPENGIS_NET" )) != NULL) { osModURL = pszSchemasOpenGIS; osModURL += "/"; osModURL += pszAfterOpenGIS; } else if ((pszSchemasOpenGIS = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "" )) != NULL) { osModURL = "/vsizip/"; osModURL += pszSchemasOpenGIS; osModURL += "/"; osModURL += pszAfterOpenGIS; } else { osModURL = "/vsizip/vsicurl/"; osModURL += pszAfterOpenGIS; } } else { osModURL = URL; } xmlChar* pszBuffer = (xmlChar*)CPLLoadSchemaStr(osModURL); if (pszBuffer == NULL) return NULL; xmlParserInputPtr poInputStream = xmlNewStringInputStream(context, pszBuffer); if (poInputStream != NULL) poInputStream->free = CPLLibXMLInputStreamCPLFree; return poInputStream; }