コード例 #1
ファイル: gmlfeature.cpp プロジェクト: AbdelghaniDr/mirror
void GMLFeature::Dump( CPL_UNUSED FILE * fp )
    printf( "GMLFeature(%s):\n", m_poClass->GetName() );

    if( m_pszFID != NULL )
        printf( "  FID = %s\n", m_pszFID );

    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < m_nPropertyCount; i++ )
        const GMLProperty * psGMLProperty = GetProperty( i );
        printf( "  %s = ", m_poClass->GetProperty( i )->GetName());
        for ( int j = 0; j < psGMLProperty->nSubProperties; j ++)
            if (j > 0) printf(", ");
            printf("%s", psGMLProperty->papszSubProperties[j]);

        char* pszXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree(m_papsGeometry[i]);
        printf( "  %s\n", pszXML );
コード例 #2
int GDALJP2Metadata::GMLSRSLookup( const char *pszURN )

    CPLXMLNode *psDictEntry = GetDictionaryItem( papszGMLMetadata, pszURN );

    if( psDictEntry == NULL )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Reserialize this fragment.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char *pszDictEntryXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psDictEntry );
    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psDictEntry );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to convert into an OGRSpatialReference.                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
    int bSuccess = FALSE;

    if( oSRS.importFromXML( pszDictEntryXML ) == OGRERR_NONE )
        CPLFree( pszProjection );
        pszProjection = NULL;

        oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszProjection );
        bSuccess = TRUE;

    CPLFree( pszDictEntryXML );

    return bSuccess;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ogrfmecacheindex.cpp プロジェクト: 0004c/node-gdal
int OGRFMECacheIndex::Save()

    if( hLock == NULL )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Convert the XML tree into one big character buffer, and         */
/*      write it out.                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char *pszIndexBuffer = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psTree );

    if( pszIndexBuffer == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    FILE *fpIndex = VSIFOpen( GetPath(), "wb" );
    if( fpIndex == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    VSIFWrite( pszIndexBuffer, 1, strlen(pszIndexBuffer), fpIndex );
    CPLFree( pszIndexBuffer );

    VSIFClose( fpIndex );


    return TRUE;
コード例 #4
OGRErr OGRMILayerAttrIndex::SaveConfigToXML()

    if( nIndexCount == 0 )
        return OGRERR_NONE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the XML tree corresponding to this layer.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psRoot;

    psRoot = CPLCreateXMLNode( NULL, CXT_Element, "OGRMILayerAttrIndex" );

    CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psRoot, "MIIDFilename", 
                                 CPLGetFilename( pszMIINDFilename ) );
    for( int i = 0; i < nIndexCount; i++ )
        OGRMIAttrIndex *poAI = papoIndexList[i];
        CPLXMLNode *psIndex;

        psIndex = CPLCreateXMLNode( psRoot, CXT_Element, "OGRMIAttrIndex" );

        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psIndex, "FieldIndex", 
                                     CPLSPrintf( "%d", poAI->iField ) );
        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psIndex, "FieldName", 
                                     poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetFieldDefn(poAI->iField)->GetNameRef() );

        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psIndex, "IndexIndex", 
                                     CPLSPrintf( "%d", poAI->iIndex ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Save it.                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char *pszRawXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psRoot );
    FILE *fp;

    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psRoot );

    fp = VSIFOpen( pszMetadataFilename, "wb" );
    if( fp == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                  "Failed to pen `%s' for write.", 
                  pszMetadataFilename );
        CPLFree( pszRawXML );
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    VSIFWrite( pszRawXML, 1, strlen(pszRawXML), fp );
    VSIFClose( fp );

    CPLFree( pszRawXML );
    return OGRERR_NONE;
コード例 #5
ファイル: vrtdataset.cpp プロジェクト: Joe-xXx/gdal
void VRTDataset::FlushCache()


    if( !bNeedsFlush || bWritable == FALSE)

    bNeedsFlush = FALSE;

    // We don't write to disk if there is no filename.  This is a 
    // memory only dataset.
    if( strlen(GetDescription()) == 0 
        || EQUALN(GetDescription(),"<VRTDataset",11) )

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Create the output file.                                         */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    fpVRT = VSIFOpenL( GetDescription(), "w" );
    if( fpVRT == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "Failed to write .vrt file in FlushCache()." );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Convert tree to a single block of XML text.                     */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char *pszVRTPath = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(GetDescription()));
    CPLXMLNode *psDSTree = SerializeToXML( pszVRTPath );
    char *pszXML;

    pszXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psDSTree );

    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psDSTree );

    CPLFree( pszVRTPath );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Write to disk.                                                  */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSIFWriteL( pszXML, 1, strlen(pszXML), fpVRT );
    VSIFCloseL( fpVRT );

    CPLFree( pszXML );
コード例 #6
ファイル: xmlreformat.cpp プロジェクト: garnertb/gdal
int main( int argc, char **argv )

    static char  szXML[20000000];
    FILE       *fp;

    if( argc == 1 )
        fp = stdin;
    else if( argv[1][0] == '-' )
        printf( "Usage: xmlreformat [filename]\n" );
        exit( 0 );
        fp = fopen( argv[1], "rt" );
        if( fp == NULL )
            printf( "Failed to open file %s.\n", argv[1] );
            exit( 1 );

    int nLen = fread( szXML, 1, sizeof(szXML), fp );
    if( nLen >= (int) sizeof(szXML)-2 ) {
        fprintf( stderr,
                 "xmlreformat fixed sized buffer (%d bytes) exceeded.\n",
                 (int) sizeof(szXML) );

    if( fp != stdin )
        fclose( fp );

    szXML[nLen] = '\0';

    CPLXMLNode *poTree = CPLParseXMLString( szXML );
    if( poTree != NULL )
        char *pszRawXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree( poTree );
        printf( "%s", pszRawXML );
        CPLFree( pszRawXML );
        CPLDestroyXMLNode( poTree );

    return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: xmlreformat.cpp プロジェクト: AbdelghaniDr/mirror
int main( int argc, char **argv )

    CPLXMLNode *poTree;
    static char  szXML[10000000];
    FILE       *fp;
    int        nLen;

    if( argc == 1 )
        fp = stdin;
    else if( argv[1][0] == '-' )
        printf( "Usage: xmlreformat [filename]\n" );
        exit( 0 );
        fp = fopen( argv[1], "rt" );
        if( fp == NULL )
            printf( "Failed to open file %s.\n", argv[1] );
            exit( 1 );

    nLen = fread( szXML, 1, sizeof(szXML), fp );

    if( fp != stdin )
        fclose( fp );

    szXML[nLen] = '\0';

    poTree = CPLParseXMLString( szXML );
    if( poTree != NULL )
        char *pszRawXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree( poTree );
        printf( "%s", pszRawXML );
        CPLFree( pszRawXML );
        CPLDestroyXMLNode( poTree );

    return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: gmlreader.cpp プロジェクト: Chaduke/bah.mod
int GMLReader::SaveClasses( const char *pszFile )

    // Add logic later to determine reasonable default schema file. 
    if( pszFile == NULL )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create in memory schema tree.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psRoot;

    psRoot = CPLCreateXMLNode( NULL, CXT_Element, "GMLFeatureClassList" );

    for( int iClass = 0; iClass < GetClassCount(); iClass++ )
        GMLFeatureClass *poClass = GetClass( iClass );
        CPLAddXMLChild( psRoot, poClass->SerializeToXML() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Serialize to disk.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    FILE        *fp;
    int         bSuccess = TRUE;
    char        *pszWholeText = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psRoot );
    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psRoot );
    fp = VSIFOpen( pszFile, "wb" );
    if( fp == NULL )
        bSuccess = FALSE;
    else if( VSIFWrite( pszWholeText, strlen(pszWholeText), 1, fp ) != 1 )
        bSuccess = FALSE;
        VSIFClose( fp );

    CPLFree( pszWholeText );

    return bSuccess;
コード例 #9
OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::exportToXML(char **ppszRawXML,
                                        const char *pszDialect) const

    CPLXMLNode *psXMLTree = NULL;

    if (IsGeographic())
        psXMLTree = exportGeogCSToXML(this);
    else if (IsProjected())
        psXMLTree = exportProjCSToXML(this);

    *ppszRawXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree(psXMLTree);

    return OGRERR_NONE;
コード例 #10
char* CPLLoadSchemaStr(const char* pszXSDFilename)

    CPLHashSet* hSetSchemas =
        CPLHashSetNew(CPLHashSetHashStr, CPLHashSetEqualStr, CPLFree);
    CPLXMLNode* psSchema =
        CPLLoadSchemaStrInternal(hSetSchemas, pszXSDFilename);

    char* pszStr = NULL;
    if (psSchema)
        pszStr = CPLSerializeXMLTree(psSchema);
    return pszStr;
コード例 #11
ファイル: gdalwmsdataset.cpp プロジェクト: garnertb/gdal
CPLErr GDALWMSDataset::Initialize(CPLXMLNode *config) {
    CPLErr ret = CE_None;

    char* pszXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree( config );
    if (pszXML)
        m_osXML = pszXML;

    // Initialize the minidriver, which can set parameters for the dataset using member functions
    CPLXMLNode *service_node = CPLGetXMLNode(config, "Service");
    if (service_node != NULL)
        const CPLString service_name = CPLGetXMLValue(service_node, "name", "");
        if (!service_name.empty())
            GDALWMSMiniDriverManager *const mdm = GetGDALWMSMiniDriverManager();
            GDALWMSMiniDriverFactory *const mdf = mdm->Find(service_name);
            if (mdf != NULL)
                m_mini_driver = mdf->New();
                m_mini_driver->m_parent_dataset = this;
                if (m_mini_driver->Initialize(service_node) == CE_None)
                    m_mini_driver_caps.m_capabilities_version = -1;
                    if (m_mini_driver_caps.m_capabilities_version == -1)
                        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Internal error, mini-driver capabilities version not set.");
                        ret = CE_Failure;
                    delete m_mini_driver;
                    m_mini_driver = NULL;

                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Failed to initialize minidriver.");
                    ret = CE_Failure;
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                         "GDALWMS: No mini-driver registered for '%s'.", service_name.c_str());
                ret = CE_Failure;
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: No Service specified.");
            ret = CE_Failure;
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: No Service specified.");
        ret = CE_Failure;

      Parameters that could be set by minidriver already, based on server side information.
      If the size is set, minidriver has done this already
      A "server" side minidriver needs to set at least:
      - Blocksize (x and y)
      - Clamp flag (defaults to true)
      - DataWindow
      - Band Count
      - Data Type
      It should also initialize and register the bands and overviews.

    if (m_data_window.m_sx<1)
        int nOverviews = 0;

        if (ret == CE_None)
            m_block_size_x = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(config, "BlockSizeX", CPLString().Printf("%d", m_default_block_size_x)));
            m_block_size_y = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(config, "BlockSizeY", CPLString().Printf("%d", m_default_block_size_y)));
            if (m_block_size_x <= 0 || m_block_size_y <= 0)
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Invalid value in BlockSizeX or BlockSizeY" );
                ret = CE_Failure;

        if (ret == CE_None)
            m_clamp_requests = StrToBool(CPLGetXMLValue(config, "ClampRequests", "true"));
            if (m_clamp_requests<0)
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Invalid value of ClampRequests, true/false expected.");
                ret = CE_Failure;

        if (ret == CE_None)
            CPLXMLNode *data_window_node = CPLGetXMLNode(config, "DataWindow");
            if (data_window_node == NULL && m_bNeedsDataWindow)
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: DataWindow missing.");
                ret = CE_Failure;
                CPLString osDefaultX0, osDefaultX1, osDefaultY0, osDefaultY1;
                CPLString osDefaultTileCountX, osDefaultTileCountY, osDefaultTileLevel;
                CPLString osDefaultOverviewCount;
                osDefaultX0.Printf("%.8f", m_default_data_window.m_x0);
                osDefaultX1.Printf("%.8f", m_default_data_window.m_x1);
                osDefaultY0.Printf("%.8f", m_default_data_window.m_y0);
                osDefaultY1.Printf("%.8f", m_default_data_window.m_y1);
                osDefaultTileCountX.Printf("%d", m_default_tile_count_x);
                osDefaultTileCountY.Printf("%d", m_default_tile_count_y);
                if (m_default_data_window.m_tlevel >= 0)
                    osDefaultTileLevel.Printf("%d", m_default_data_window.m_tlevel);
                if (m_default_overview_count >= 0)
                    osDefaultOverviewCount.Printf("%d", m_default_overview_count);
                const char *overview_count = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "OverviewCount", osDefaultOverviewCount);
                const char *ulx = CPLGetXMLValue(data_window_node, "UpperLeftX", osDefaultX0);
                const char *uly = CPLGetXMLValue(data_window_node, "UpperLeftY", osDefaultY0);
                const char *lrx = CPLGetXMLValue(data_window_node, "LowerRightX", osDefaultX1);
                const char *lry = CPLGetXMLValue(data_window_node, "LowerRightY", osDefaultY1);
                const char *sx = CPLGetXMLValue(data_window_node, "SizeX", "");
                const char *sy = CPLGetXMLValue(data_window_node, "SizeY", "");
                const char *tx = CPLGetXMLValue(data_window_node, "TileX", "0");
                const char *ty = CPLGetXMLValue(data_window_node, "TileY", "0");
                const char *tlevel = CPLGetXMLValue(data_window_node, "TileLevel", osDefaultTileLevel);
                const char *str_tile_count_x = CPLGetXMLValue(data_window_node, "TileCountX", osDefaultTileCountX);
                const char *str_tile_count_y = CPLGetXMLValue(data_window_node, "TileCountY", osDefaultTileCountY);
                const char *y_origin = CPLGetXMLValue(data_window_node, "YOrigin", "default");

                if (ret == CE_None)
                    if ((ulx[0] != '\0') && (uly[0] != '\0') && (lrx[0] != '\0') && (lry[0] != '\0'))
                        m_data_window.m_x0 = CPLAtof(ulx);
                        m_data_window.m_y0 = CPLAtof(uly);
                        m_data_window.m_x1 = CPLAtof(lrx);
                        m_data_window.m_y1 = CPLAtof(lry);
                        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                 "GDALWMS: Mandatory elements of DataWindow missing: UpperLeftX, UpperLeftY, LowerRightX, LowerRightY.");
                        ret = CE_Failure;

                m_data_window.m_tlevel = atoi(tlevel);

                if (ret == CE_None)
                    if ((sx[0] != '\0') && (sy[0] != '\0'))
                        m_data_window.m_sx = atoi(sx);
                        m_data_window.m_sy = atoi(sy);
                    else if ((tlevel[0] != '\0') && (str_tile_count_x[0] != '\0') && (str_tile_count_y[0] != '\0'))
                        int tile_count_x = atoi(str_tile_count_x);
                        int tile_count_y = atoi(str_tile_count_y);
                        m_data_window.m_sx = tile_count_x * m_block_size_x * (1 << m_data_window.m_tlevel);
                        m_data_window.m_sy = tile_count_y * m_block_size_y * (1 << m_data_window.m_tlevel);
                        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                 "GDALWMS: Mandatory elements of DataWindow missing: SizeX, SizeY.");
                        ret = CE_Failure;
                if (ret == CE_None)
                    if ((tx[0] != '\0') && (ty[0] != '\0'))
                        m_data_window.m_tx = atoi(tx);
                        m_data_window.m_ty = atoi(ty);
                        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                 "GDALWMS: Mandatory elements of DataWindow missing: TileX, TileY.");
                        ret = CE_Failure;

                if (ret == CE_None)
                    if (overview_count[0] != '\0')
                        nOverviews = atoi(overview_count);
                    else if (tlevel[0] != '\0')
                        nOverviews = m_data_window.m_tlevel;
                        const int min_overview_size = MAX(32, MIN(m_block_size_x, m_block_size_y));
                        double a = log(static_cast<double>(MIN(m_data_window.m_sx, m_data_window.m_sy))) / log(2.0)
                            - log(static_cast<double>(min_overview_size)) / log(2.0);
                        nOverviews = MAX(0, MIN(static_cast<int>(ceil(a)), 32));
                if (ret == CE_None)
                    CPLString y_origin_str = y_origin;
                    if (y_origin_str == "top") {
                        m_data_window.m_y_origin = GDALWMSDataWindow::TOP;
                    } else if (y_origin_str == "bottom") {
                        m_data_window.m_y_origin = GDALWMSDataWindow::BOTTOM;
                    } else if (y_origin_str == "default") {
                        m_data_window.m_y_origin = GDALWMSDataWindow::DEFAULT;
                    } else {
                        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: DataWindow YOrigin must be set to "
                                 "one of 'default', 'top', or 'bottom', not '%s'.", y_origin_str.c_str());
                        ret = CE_Failure;

        if (ret == CE_None)
            if (nBands<1)
            if (nBands<1)
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                         "GDALWMS: Bad number of bands.");
                ret = CE_Failure;

        if (ret == CE_None)
            const char *data_type = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "DataType", "Byte");
            m_data_type = GDALGetDataTypeByName( data_type );
            if ( m_data_type == GDT_Unknown || m_data_type >= GDT_TypeCount )
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                          "GDALWMS: Invalid value in DataType. Data type \"%s\" is not supported.", data_type );
                ret = CE_Failure;

        // Initialize the bands and the overviews.  Assumes overviews are powers of two
        if (ret == CE_None)
            nRasterXSize = m_data_window.m_sx;
            nRasterYSize = m_data_window.m_sy;

            if (!GDALCheckDatasetDimensions(nRasterXSize, nRasterYSize) ||
                !GDALCheckBandCount(nBands, TRUE))
                return CE_Failure;

            GDALColorInterp default_color_interp[4][4] = {
                { GCI_GrayIndex, GCI_Undefined, GCI_Undefined, GCI_Undefined },
                { GCI_GrayIndex, GCI_AlphaBand, GCI_Undefined, GCI_Undefined },
                { GCI_RedBand, GCI_GreenBand, GCI_BlueBand, GCI_Undefined },
                { GCI_RedBand, GCI_GreenBand, GCI_BlueBand, GCI_AlphaBand }
            for (int i = 0; i < nBands; ++i)
                GDALColorInterp color_interp = (nBands <= 4 && i <= 3 ? default_color_interp[nBands - 1][i] : GCI_Undefined);
                GDALWMSRasterBand *band = new GDALWMSRasterBand(this, i, 1.0);
                band->m_color_interp = color_interp;
                SetBand(i + 1, band);
                double scale = 0.5;
                for (int j = 0; j < nOverviews; ++j)
                    band->m_color_interp = color_interp;
                    scale *= 0.5;
    // UserPwd 
    const char *pszUserPwd = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "UserPwd", "");
    if (pszUserPwd[0] != '\0')
        m_osUserPwd = pszUserPwd;

    const char *pszUserAgent = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "UserAgent", "");
    if (pszUserAgent[0] != '\0')
        m_osUserAgent = pszUserAgent;
    const char *pszReferer = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "Referer", "");
    if (pszReferer[0] != '\0')
        m_osReferer = pszReferer;
    if (ret == CE_None) {
        const char *pszHttpZeroBlockCodes = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "ZeroBlockHttpCodes", "");
        if(pszHttpZeroBlockCodes[0] == '\0') {
        } else {
            char **kv = CSLTokenizeString2(pszHttpZeroBlockCodes,",",CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS);
            int nCount = CSLCount(kv);
            for(int i=0; i<nCount; i++) {
                int code = atoi(kv[i]);
                if(code <= 0) {
                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Invalid value of ZeroBlockHttpCodes \"%s\", comma separated HTTP response codes expected.",
                    ret = CE_Failure;

    if (ret == CE_None) {
        const char *pszZeroExceptions = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "ZeroBlockOnServerException", "");
        if(pszZeroExceptions[0] != '\0') {
            m_zeroblock_on_serverexceptions = StrToBool(pszZeroExceptions);
            if (m_zeroblock_on_serverexceptions == -1) {
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Invalid value of ZeroBlockOnServerException \"%s\", true/false expected.",
                ret = CE_Failure;

    if (ret == CE_None) {
        const char *max_conn = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "MaxConnections", "");
        if (max_conn[0] != '\0') {
            m_http_max_conn = atoi(max_conn);
        } else {
            m_http_max_conn = 2;
    if (ret == CE_None) {
        const char *timeout = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "Timeout", "");
        if (timeout[0] != '\0') {
            m_http_timeout = atoi(timeout);
        } else {
            m_http_timeout = 300;
    if (ret == CE_None) {
        const char *offline_mode = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "OfflineMode", "");
        if (offline_mode[0] != '\0') {
            const int offline_mode_bool = StrToBool(offline_mode);
            if (offline_mode_bool == -1) {
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Invalid value of OfflineMode, true / false expected.");
                ret = CE_Failure;
            } else {
                m_offline_mode = offline_mode_bool;
        } else {
            m_offline_mode = 0;

    if (ret == CE_None) {
        const char *advise_read = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "AdviseRead", "");
        if (advise_read[0] != '\0') {
            const int advise_read_bool = StrToBool(advise_read);
            if (advise_read_bool == -1) {
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Invalid value of AdviseRead, true / false expected.");
                ret = CE_Failure;
            } else {
                m_use_advise_read = advise_read_bool;
        } else {
            m_use_advise_read = 0;

    if (ret == CE_None) {
        const char *verify_advise_read = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "VerifyAdviseRead", "");
        if (m_use_advise_read) {
            if (verify_advise_read[0] != '\0') {
                const int verify_advise_read_bool = StrToBool(verify_advise_read);
                if (verify_advise_read_bool == -1) {
                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Invalid value of VerifyAdviseRead, true / false expected.");
                    ret = CE_Failure;
                } else {
                    m_verify_advise_read = verify_advise_read_bool;
            } else {
                m_verify_advise_read = 1;

    // Let the local configuration override the minidriver supplied projection

    if (ret == CE_None) {
        const char *proj = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "Projection", "");
        if (proj[0] != '\0') {
            m_projection = ProjToWKT(proj);
            if (m_projection.size() == 0) {
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Bad projection specified.");
                ret = CE_Failure;

    // Same for Min, Max and NoData, defined per band or per dataset
    // If they are set as null strings, they clear the server declared values
    if (ret == CE_None) {
        // Data values are attributes, they include NoData Min and Max
        // TODO: document those options
        if (0!=CPLGetXMLNode(config,"DataValues")) {
            const char *nodata=CPLGetXMLValue(config,"DataValues.NoData",NULL);
            if (nodata!=NULL) WMSSetNoDataValue(nodata);
            const char *min=CPLGetXMLValue(config,"DataValues.min",NULL);
            if (min!=NULL) WMSSetMinValue(min);
            const char *max=CPLGetXMLValue(config,"DataValues.max",NULL);
            if (max!=NULL) WMSSetMaxValue(max);

    if (ret == CE_None) {
        CPLXMLNode *cache_node = CPLGetXMLNode(config, "Cache");
        if (cache_node != NULL) {
            m_cache = new GDALWMSCache();
            if (m_cache->Initialize(cache_node) != CE_None) {
                delete m_cache;
                m_cache = NULL;
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Failed to initialize cache.");
                ret = CE_Failure;
    if (ret == CE_None) {
    	const int v = StrToBool(CPLGetXMLValue(config, "UnsafeSSL", "false"));
    	if (v == -1) {
	    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Invalid value of UnsafeSSL: true or false expected.");
	    ret = CE_Failure;
	} else {
	    m_unsafeSsl = v;

    if (ret == CE_None) {
        /* If we dont have projection already set ask mini-driver. */
        if (!m_projection.size()) {
            const char *proj = m_mini_driver->GetProjectionInWKT();
            if (proj != NULL) {
                m_projection = proj;

    return ret;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ogrwcts.cpp プロジェクト: 469447793/World-Wind-Java
void WCTSTransform( CPLXMLNode *psOperation )

    OGRSpatialReference *poSrcCRS, *poDstCRS;
    CPLXMLNode *psSrcXMLCRS, *psDstXMLCRS;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Translate the source CRS.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psSrcXMLCRS = CPLGetXMLNode( psOperation, "SourceCRS" );

    if( psSrcXMLCRS == NULL )
        WCTSEmitServiceException( "Unable to identify SourceCRS.CoordinateReferenceSystem" );

    poSrcCRS = WCTSImportCoordinateReferenceSystem( psSrcXMLCRS );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Translate the destination CRS.                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psDstXMLCRS = CPLGetXMLNode( psOperation, "TargetCRS" );

    if( psDstXMLCRS == NULL )
        WCTSEmitServiceException( "Unable to identify DestinationCRS.CoordinateReferenceSystem" );

    poDstCRS = WCTSImportCoordinateReferenceSystem( psDstXMLCRS );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the coordinate transformation object.                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT;

    poCT = OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation( poSrcCRS, poDstCRS );
    if( poCT == NULL )
        WCTSEmitServiceException( "Unable to transform between source and destination CRSs." );

    delete poSrcCRS;
    delete poDstCRS;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We will recurse over the GML data tree looking for segments     */
/*      that are recognizably geometries to be transformed in place.    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psData = CPLGetXMLNode(psOperation,"Data");

    if( psData == NULL )
        WCTSEmitServiceException( "Unable to find GML Data contents." );

    WCTSGetData( psData );
    WCTSRecurseAndTransform( psData, poCT );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Now translate the data back into a serialized form suitable     */
/*      for including in the reply.                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char *pszDataText = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psData );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Return result.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    printf( "Content-type: text/xml%c%c", 10, 10 );

    printf( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" );
    printf( "<TransformResponse xmlns:gml=\"http://www.opengis.net/gml\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" >\n" );
    fwrite( pszDataText, 1, strlen(pszDataText), stdout );
    printf( "</TransformResponse>\n" );

    exit( 0 );
コード例 #13
ファイル: vrtdriver.cpp プロジェクト: bbradbury/lib_gdal
static GDALDataset *
VRTCreateCopy( const char * pszFilename,
               GDALDataset *poSrcDS,
               int /* bStrict */,
               char ** /* papszOptions */,
               GDALProgressFunc /* pfnProgress */,
               void * /* pProgressData */ )
    CPLAssert( NULL != poSrcDS );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If the source dataset is a virtual dataset then just write      */
/*      it to disk as a special case to avoid extra layers of           */
/*      indirection.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poSrcDS->GetDriver() != NULL &&
        EQUAL(poSrcDS->GetDriver()->GetDescription(),"VRT") )

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Convert tree to a single block of XML text.                     */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        char *pszVRTPath = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(pszFilename));
        reinterpret_cast<VRTDataset *>(
            poSrcDS )->UnsetPreservedRelativeFilenames();
        CPLXMLNode *psDSTree = reinterpret_cast<VRTDataset *>(
            poSrcDS )->SerializeToXML( pszVRTPath );

        char *pszXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psDSTree );

        CPLDestroyXMLNode( psDSTree );

        CPLFree( pszVRTPath );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Write to disk.                                                  */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GDALDataset* pCopyDS = NULL;

        if( 0 != strlen( pszFilename ) )
            VSILFILE *fpVRT = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "wb" );
            if( fpVRT == NULL )
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                         "Cannot create %s", pszFilename);
                CPLFree( pszXML );
                return NULL;

            bool bRet = VSIFWriteL( pszXML, strlen(pszXML), 1, fpVRT ) > 0;
            if( VSIFCloseL( fpVRT ) != 0 )
                bRet = false;

            if( bRet )
                pCopyDS = reinterpret_cast<GDALDataset *>(
                    GDALOpen( pszFilename, GA_Update ) );
            /* No destination file is given, so pass serialized XML directly. */
            pCopyDS = reinterpret_cast<GDALDataset *>(
                GDALOpen( pszXML, GA_Update ) );

        CPLFree( pszXML );

        return pCopyDS;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the virtual dataset.                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VRTDataset *poVRTDS = reinterpret_cast<VRTDataset *>(
        VRTDataset::Create( pszFilename,
                            0, GDT_Byte, NULL ) );
    if( poVRTDS == NULL )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we have a geotransform?                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    double adfGeoTransform[6] = { 0.0 };

    if( poSrcDS->GetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None )
        poVRTDS->SetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Copy projection                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poVRTDS->SetProjection( poSrcDS->GetProjectionRef() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Emit dataset level metadata.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poVRTDS->SetMetadata( poSrcDS->GetMetadata() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Copy any special domains that should be transportable.          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszMD = poSrcDS->GetMetadata( "RPC" );
    if( papszMD )
        poVRTDS->SetMetadata( papszMD, "RPC" );

    papszMD = poSrcDS->GetMetadata( "IMD" );
    if( papszMD )
        poVRTDS->SetMetadata( papszMD, "IMD" );

    papszMD = poSrcDS->GetMetadata( "GEOLOCATION" );
    if( papszMD )
        poVRTDS->SetMetadata( papszMD, "GEOLOCATION" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      GCPs                                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poSrcDS->GetGCPCount() > 0 )
        poVRTDS->SetGCPs( poSrcDS->GetGCPCount(),
                          poSrcDS->GetGCPProjection() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Loop over all the bands.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( int iBand = 0; iBand < poSrcDS->GetRasterCount(); iBand++ )
        GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand( iBand+1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the band with the appropriate band type.                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poVRTDS->AddBand( poSrcBand->GetRasterDataType(), NULL );

        VRTSourcedRasterBand *poVRTBand
            = reinterpret_cast<VRTSourcedRasterBand *>(
                poVRTDS->GetRasterBand( iBand+1 ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup source mapping.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poVRTBand->AddSimpleSource( poSrcBand );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Emit various band level metadata.                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poVRTBand->CopyCommonInfoFrom( poSrcBand );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add specific mask band.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( (poSrcBand->GetMaskFlags()
              & (GMF_PER_DATASET | GMF_ALL_VALID | GMF_NODATA)) == 0)
            VRTSourcedRasterBand* poVRTMaskBand = new VRTSourcedRasterBand(
                poVRTDS, 0,
                poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize(), poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize());
            poVRTMaskBand->AddMaskBandSource( poSrcBand );
            poVRTBand->SetMaskBand( poVRTMaskBand );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add dataset mask band                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poSrcDS->GetRasterCount() != 0 &&
        poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1) != NULL &&
        poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetMaskFlags() == GMF_PER_DATASET )
        GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1);
        VRTSourcedRasterBand* poVRTMaskBand = new VRTSourcedRasterBand(
            poVRTDS, 0,
            poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize(), poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize() );
        poVRTMaskBand->AddMaskBandSource( poSrcBand );
        poVRTDS->SetMaskBand( poVRTMaskBand );


    return poVRTDS;
コード例 #14
const char *GDALWMSRasterBand::GetMetadataItem( const char * pszName,
                                                const char * pszDomain )
/* ==================================================================== */
/*      LocationInfo handling.                                          */
/* ==================================================================== */
    if( pszDomain != NULL
        && EQUAL(pszDomain,"LocationInfo")
        && (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszName, "Pixel_") || STARTS_WITH_CI(pszName, "GeoPixel_")) )
        int iPixel, iLine;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      What pixel are we aiming at?                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( STARTS_WITH_CI(pszName, "Pixel_") )
            if( sscanf( pszName+6, "%d_%d", &iPixel, &iLine ) != 2 )
                return NULL;
        else if( STARTS_WITH_CI(pszName, "GeoPixel_") )
            double adfGeoTransform[6];
            double adfInvGeoTransform[6];
            double dfGeoX, dfGeoY;

                dfGeoX = CPLAtof(pszName + 9);
                const char* pszUnderscore = strchr(pszName + 9, '_');
                if( !pszUnderscore )
                    return NULL;
                dfGeoY = CPLAtof(pszUnderscore+1);

            if( m_parent_dataset->GetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform ) != CE_None )
                return NULL;

            if( !GDALInvGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform, adfInvGeoTransform ) )
                return NULL;

            iPixel = (int) floor(
                + adfInvGeoTransform[1] * dfGeoX
                + adfInvGeoTransform[2] * dfGeoY );
            iLine = (int) floor(
                + adfInvGeoTransform[4] * dfGeoX
                + adfInvGeoTransform[5] * dfGeoY );

            /* The GetDataset() for the WMS driver is always the main overview level, so rescale */
            /* the values if we are an overview */
            if (m_overview >= 0)
                iPixel = (int) (1.0 * iPixel * GetXSize() / m_parent_dataset->GetRasterBand(1)->GetXSize());
                iLine = (int) (1.0 * iLine * GetYSize() / m_parent_dataset->GetRasterBand(1)->GetYSize());
            return NULL;

        if( iPixel < 0 || iLine < 0
            || iPixel >= GetXSize()
            || iLine >= GetYSize() )
            return NULL;

        if (nBand != 1)
            GDALRasterBand* poFirstBand = m_parent_dataset->GetRasterBand(1);
            if (m_overview >= 0)
                poFirstBand = poFirstBand->GetOverview(m_overview);
            if (poFirstBand)
                return poFirstBand->GetMetadataItem(pszName, pszDomain);

        GDALWMSImageRequestInfo iri;
        GDALWMSTiledImageRequestInfo tiri;
        int nBlockXOff = iPixel / nBlockXSize;
        int nBlockYOff = iLine / nBlockYSize;

        ComputeRequestInfo(iri, tiri, nBlockXOff, nBlockYOff);

        CPLString url;
                                                           iri, tiri,
                                                           iPixel % nBlockXSize,
                                                           iLine % nBlockXSize);

        char* pszRes = NULL;

        if (url.size() != 0)
            if (url == osMetadataItemURL)
                return osMetadataItem.size() != 0 ? osMetadataItem.c_str() : NULL;
            osMetadataItemURL = url;

            char **http_request_opts = BuildHTTPRequestOpts();
            CPLHTTPResult* psResult = CPLHTTPFetch( url.c_str(), http_request_opts);
            if( psResult && psResult->pabyData )
                pszRes = CPLStrdup((const char*) psResult->pabyData);

        if (pszRes)
            osMetadataItem = "<LocationInfo>";
            CPLXMLNode* psXML = CPLParseXMLString(pszRes);
            if (psXML != NULL && psXML->eType == CXT_Element)
                if (strcmp(psXML->pszValue, "?xml") == 0)
                    if (psXML->psNext)
                        char* pszXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree(psXML->psNext);
                        osMetadataItem += pszXML;
                    osMetadataItem += pszRes;
                char* pszEscapedXML = CPLEscapeString(pszRes, -1, CPLES_XML_BUT_QUOTES);
                osMetadataItem += pszEscapedXML;
            if (psXML != NULL)

            osMetadataItem += "</LocationInfo>";
            return osMetadataItem.c_str();
            osMetadataItem = "";
            return NULL;

    return GDALPamRasterBand::GetMetadataItem(pszName, pszDomain);
コード例 #15
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    const char         *pszLocX = NULL, *pszLocY = NULL;
    const char         *pszSrcFilename = NULL;
    char               *pszSourceSRS = NULL;
    std::vector<int>   anBandList;
    bool               bAsXML = false, bLIFOnly = false;
    bool               bQuiet = false, bValOnly = false;
    int                nOverview = -1;
    char             **papszOpenOptions = NULL;

    argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor( argc, &argv, 0 );
    if( argc < 1 )
        exit( -argc );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Parse arguments.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int i;

    for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
        if( EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version") )
            printf("%s was compiled against GDAL %s and is running against GDAL %s\n",
                   argv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME, GDALVersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME"));
            return 0;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-b") && i < argc-1 )
            anBandList.push_back( atoi(argv[++i]) );
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-overview") && i < argc-1 )
            nOverview = atoi(argv[++i]) - 1;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-l_srs") && i < argc-1 )
            pszSourceSRS = SanitizeSRS(argv[++i]);
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-geoloc") )
            pszSourceSRS = CPLStrdup("-geoloc");
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-wgs84") )
            pszSourceSRS = SanitizeSRS("WGS84");
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-xml") )
            bAsXML = true;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-lifonly") )
            bLIFOnly = true;
            bQuiet = true;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-valonly") )
            bValOnly = true;
            bQuiet = true;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-oo") && i < argc-1 )
            papszOpenOptions = CSLAddString( papszOpenOptions,
                                                argv[++i] );
        else if( argv[i][0] == '-' && !isdigit(argv[i][1]) )

        else if( pszSrcFilename == NULL )
            pszSrcFilename = argv[i];

        else if( pszLocX == NULL )
            pszLocX = argv[i];

        else if( pszLocY == NULL )
            pszLocY = argv[i];


    if( pszSrcFilename == NULL || (pszLocX != NULL && pszLocY == NULL) )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open source file.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDatasetH hSrcDS = NULL;

    hSrcDS = GDALOpenEx( pszSrcFilename, GDAL_OF_RASTER, NULL,
                           (const char* const* )papszOpenOptions, NULL );
    if( hSrcDS == NULL )
        exit( 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup coordinate transformation, if required                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRSpatialReferenceH hSrcSRS = NULL, hTrgSRS = NULL;
    OGRCoordinateTransformationH hCT = NULL;
    if( pszSourceSRS != NULL && !EQUAL(pszSourceSRS,"-geoloc") )

        hSrcSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference( pszSourceSRS );
        hTrgSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference( GDALGetProjectionRef( hSrcDS ) );

        hCT = OCTNewCoordinateTransformation( hSrcSRS, hTrgSRS );
        if( hCT == NULL )
            exit( 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If no bands were requested, we will query them all.             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( anBandList.size() == 0 )
        for( i = 0; i < GDALGetRasterCount( hSrcDS ); i++ )
            anBandList.push_back( i+1 );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Turn the location into a pixel and line location.               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int inputAvailable = 1;
    double dfGeoX;
    double dfGeoY;
    CPLString osXML;

    if( pszLocX == NULL && pszLocY == NULL )
        if (fscanf(stdin, "%lf %lf", &dfGeoX, &dfGeoY) != 2)
            inputAvailable = 0;
        dfGeoX = CPLAtof(pszLocX);
        dfGeoY = CPLAtof(pszLocY);

    while (inputAvailable)
        int iPixel, iLine;

        if (hCT)
            if( !OCTTransform( hCT, 1, &dfGeoX, &dfGeoY, NULL ) )
                exit( 1 );
        if( pszSourceSRS != NULL )
            double adfGeoTransform[6], adfInvGeoTransform[6];
            if( GDALGetGeoTransform( hSrcDS, adfGeoTransform ) != CE_None )
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot get geotransform");
                exit( 1 );
            if( !GDALInvGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform, adfInvGeoTransform ) )
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot invert geotransform");
                exit( 1 );
            iPixel = (int) floor(
                + adfInvGeoTransform[1] * dfGeoX
                + adfInvGeoTransform[2] * dfGeoY );
            iLine = (int) floor(
                + adfInvGeoTransform[4] * dfGeoX
                + adfInvGeoTransform[5] * dfGeoY );
            iPixel = (int) floor(dfGeoX);
            iLine  = (int) floor(dfGeoY);

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Prepare report.                                                 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        CPLString osLine;
        if( bAsXML )
            osLine.Printf( "<Report pixel=\"%d\" line=\"%d\">", 
                          iPixel, iLine );
            osXML += osLine;
        else if( !bQuiet )
            printf( "Report:\n" );
            printf( "  Location: (%dP,%dL)\n", iPixel, iLine );

        int bPixelReport = TRUE;

        if( iPixel < 0 || iLine < 0 
            || iPixel >= GDALGetRasterXSize( hSrcDS )
            || iLine  >= GDALGetRasterYSize( hSrcDS ) )
            if( bAsXML )
                osXML += "<Alert>Location is off this file! No further details to report.</Alert>";
            else if( bValOnly )
            else if( !bQuiet )
                printf( "\nLocation is off this file! No further details to report.\n");
            bPixelReport = FALSE;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Process each band.                                              */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for( i = 0; bPixelReport && i < (int) anBandList.size(); i++ )
            GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hSrcDS, anBandList[i] );

            int iPixelToQuery = iPixel;
            int iLineToQuery = iLine;

            if (nOverview >= 0 && hBand != NULL)
                GDALRasterBandH hOvrBand = GDALGetOverview(hBand, nOverview);
                if (hOvrBand != NULL)
                    int nOvrXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hOvrBand);
                    int nOvrYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hOvrBand);
                    iPixelToQuery = (int)(0.5 + 1.0 * iPixel / GDALGetRasterXSize( hSrcDS ) * nOvrXSize);
                    iLineToQuery = (int)(0.5 + 1.0 * iLine / GDALGetRasterYSize( hSrcDS ) * nOvrYSize);
                    if (iPixelToQuery >= nOvrXSize)
                        iPixelToQuery = nOvrXSize - 1;
                    if (iLineToQuery >= nOvrYSize)
                        iLineToQuery = nOvrYSize - 1;
                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                             "Cannot get overview %d of band %d",
                             nOverview + 1, anBandList[i] );
                hBand = hOvrBand;

            if (hBand == NULL)

            if( bAsXML )
                osLine.Printf( "<BandReport band=\"%d\">", anBandList[i] );
                osXML += osLine;
            else if( !bQuiet )
                printf( "  Band %d:\n", anBandList[i] );
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Request location info for this location.  It is possible        */
    /*      only the VRT driver actually supports this.                     */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            CPLString osItem;
            osItem.Printf( "Pixel_%d_%d", iPixelToQuery, iLineToQuery );
            const char *pszLI = GDALGetMetadataItem( hBand, osItem, "LocationInfo");
            if( pszLI != NULL )
                if( bAsXML )
                    osXML += pszLI;
                else if( !bQuiet )
                    printf( "    %s\n", pszLI );
                else if( bLIFOnly )
                    /* Extract all files, if any. */
                    CPLXMLNode *psRoot = CPLParseXMLString( pszLI );
                    if( psRoot != NULL 
                        && psRoot->psChild != NULL
                        && psRoot->eType == CXT_Element
                        && EQUAL(psRoot->pszValue,"LocationInfo") )
                        CPLXMLNode *psNode;
                        for( psNode = psRoot->psChild;
                             psNode != NULL;
                             psNode = psNode->psNext )
                            if( psNode->eType == CXT_Element
                                && EQUAL(psNode->pszValue,"File") 
                                && psNode->psChild != NULL )
                                char* pszUnescaped = CPLUnescapeString(
                                    psNode->psChild->pszValue, NULL, CPLES_XML);
                                printf( "%s\n", pszUnescaped );
                    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psRoot );
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Report the pixel value of this band.                            */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            double adfPixel[2];
            if( GDALRasterIO( hBand, GF_Read, iPixelToQuery, iLineToQuery, 1, 1, 
                              adfPixel, 1, 1, GDT_CFloat64, 0, 0) == CE_None )
                CPLString osValue;
                if( GDALDataTypeIsComplex( GDALGetRasterDataType( hBand ) ) )
                    osValue.Printf( "%.15g+%.15gi", adfPixel[0], adfPixel[1] );
                    osValue.Printf( "%.15g", adfPixel[0] );
                if( bAsXML )
                    osXML += "<Value>";
                    osXML += osValue;
                    osXML += "</Value>";
                else if( !bQuiet )
                    printf( "    Value: %s\n", osValue.c_str() );
                else if( bValOnly )
                    printf( "%s\n", osValue.c_str() );
                // Report unscaled if we have scale/offset values.
                int bSuccess;
                double dfOffset = GDALGetRasterOffset( hBand, &bSuccess );
                double dfScale  = GDALGetRasterScale( hBand, &bSuccess );
                if( dfOffset != 0.0 || dfScale != 1.0 )
                    adfPixel[0] = adfPixel[0] * dfScale + dfOffset;
                    adfPixel[1] = adfPixel[1] * dfScale + dfOffset;
                    if( GDALDataTypeIsComplex( GDALGetRasterDataType( hBand ) ) )
                        osValue.Printf( "%.15g+%.15gi", adfPixel[0], adfPixel[1] );
                        osValue.Printf( "%.15g", adfPixel[0] );
                    if( bAsXML )
                        osXML += "<DescaledValue>";
                        osXML += osValue;
                        osXML += "</DescaledValue>";
                    else if( !bQuiet )
                        printf( "    Descaled Value: %s\n", osValue.c_str() );
            if( bAsXML )
                osXML += "</BandReport>";

        osXML += "</Report>";
        if( (pszLocX != NULL && pszLocY != NULL)  ||
            (fscanf(stdin, "%lf %lf", &dfGeoX, &dfGeoY) != 2) )
            inputAvailable = 0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Finalize xml report and print.                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( bAsXML )
        CPLXMLNode *psRoot;
        char *pszFormattedXML;

        psRoot = CPLParseXMLString( osXML );
        pszFormattedXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psRoot );
        CPLDestroyXMLNode( psRoot );

        printf( "%s", pszFormattedXML );
        CPLFree( pszFormattedXML );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (hCT) {
        OSRDestroySpatialReference( hSrcSRS );
        OSRDestroySpatialReference( hTrgSRS );
        OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation( hCT );

    if (hSrcDS)

    GDALDumpOpenDatasets( stderr );

    CSLDestroy( argv );

    return 0;
コード例 #16
int GDALMultiDomainMetadata::XMLInit( CPLXMLNode *psTree, CPL_UNUSED int bMerge )
    CPLXMLNode *psMetadata;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Process all <Metadata> elements, each for one domain.           */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for( psMetadata = psTree->psChild; 
         psMetadata != NULL; psMetadata = psMetadata->psNext )
        CPLXMLNode *psMDI;
        const char *pszDomain, *pszFormat;

        if( psMetadata->eType != CXT_Element
            || !EQUAL(psMetadata->pszValue,"Metadata") )

        pszDomain = CPLGetXMLValue( psMetadata, "domain", "" );
        pszFormat = CPLGetXMLValue( psMetadata, "format", "" );

        // Make sure we have a CPLStringList for this domain, 
        // without wiping out an existing one.
        if( GetMetadata( pszDomain ) == NULL )  
            SetMetadata( NULL, pszDomain );

        int iDomain = CSLFindString( papszDomainList, pszDomain );
        CPLAssert( iDomain != -1 );
        CPLStringList *poMDList = papoMetadataLists[iDomain];

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      XML format subdocuments.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( EQUAL(pszFormat,"xml") )
            CPLXMLNode *psSubDoc;

            /* find first non-attribute child of current element */
            psSubDoc = psMetadata->psChild;
            while( psSubDoc != NULL && psSubDoc->eType == CXT_Attribute )
                psSubDoc = psSubDoc->psNext;
            char *pszDoc = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psSubDoc );

            poMDList->AddStringDirectly( pszDoc );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Name value format.                                              */
/*      <MDI key="...">value_Text</MDI>                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            for( psMDI = psMetadata->psChild; psMDI != NULL;
                 psMDI = psMDI->psNext )
                if( !EQUAL(psMDI->pszValue,"MDI")
                    || psMDI->eType != CXT_Element
                    || psMDI->psChild == NULL
                    || psMDI->psChild->psNext == NULL
                    || psMDI->psChild->eType != CXT_Attribute
                    || psMDI->psChild->psChild == NULL )

                char* pszName = psMDI->psChild->psChild->pszValue;
                char* pszValue = psMDI->psChild->psNext->pszValue;
                if( pszName != NULL && pszValue != NULL )
                    poMDList->SetNameValue( pszName, pszValue );

    return CSLCount(papszDomainList) != 0;
コード例 #17
ファイル: ogrwcts.cpp プロジェクト: 469447793/World-Wind-Java
OGRSpatialReference *
WCTSImportCoordinateReferenceSystem( CPLXMLNode *psXMLCRS )

    CPLStripXMLNamespace( psXMLCRS->psChild, NULL, TRUE );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Try to find a direct crsID as per old specification.            */
/* ==================================================================== */
    const char *pszCode = CPLGetXMLValue( psXMLCRS, "crsID.code", NULL );
    const char *pszCodeSpace = CPLGetXMLValue( psXMLCRS, "crsID.codeSpace", 
                                               NULL );

    if( pszCode != NULL && pszCodeSpace != NULL )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get the EPSG code, and verify that it is in the EPSG            */
/*      codeSpace.                                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        OGRSpatialReference oSRS;

        if( EQUAL(pszCodeSpace,"EPSG") )
            int nEPSGCode = atoi(pszCode);
            if( nEPSGCode == 0 )
                WCTSEmitServiceException( "Failed to decode CoordinateReferenceSystem with missing,\n"
                                          "or zero crsID.code" );

            if( oSRS.importFromEPSG( nEPSGCode ) != OGRERR_NONE )
                if( strlen(CPLGetLastErrorMsg()) > 0 )
                    WCTSEmitServiceException( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() );
                        CPLSPrintf( "OGRSpatialReference::importFromEPSG(%d) "
                                    "failed.  Is this a defined EPSG code?", 
                                    nEPSGCode ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Handle AUTO case.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        else if( EQUAL(pszCodeSpace,"AUTO") )
            if( oSRS.importFromWMSAUTO( pszCode ) != OGRERR_NONE )
                if( strlen(CPLGetLastErrorMsg()) > 0 )
                    WCTSEmitServiceException( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() );
                        CPLSPrintf( "OGRSpatialReference::importFromWMSAUTO(%s) "
                                    "failed.  Is this a defined EPSG code?", 
                                    pszCode  ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Otherwise blow a gasket.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            WCTSEmitServiceException( "Failed to decode CoordinateReferenceSystem with missing,\n"
                                      "or non-EPSG crsID.codeSpace" );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Translate into an OGRSpatialReference from EPSG code.           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

        return oSRS.Clone();

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Try to import a projectedCRS or geographicCRS.                  */
/* ==================================================================== */
    if( CPLGetXMLNode( psXMLCRS, "ProjectedCRS" ) != NULL 
        || CPLGetXMLNode( psXMLCRS, "GeographicCRS" ) != NULL )
            "User defined ProjectedCRS and GeographicCRS support\n"
            "disabled for security reasons." );
        char *pszSerializedForm;
        OGRSpatialReference oSRS;

        pszSerializedForm = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psXMLCRS->psChild );
        if( oSRS.importFromXML( pszSerializedForm ) != OGRERR_NONE )
            CPLFree( pszSerializedForm );
            if( strlen(CPLGetLastErrorMsg()) > 0 )
                WCTSEmitServiceException( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() );
                WCTSEmitServiceException( "Failed to import CRS" );

        CPLFree( pszSerializedForm );
        return oSRS.Clone();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We don't seem to recognise a CRS here.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    WCTSEmitServiceException( "Unable to identify CRS in one of SourceCRS or TargetCRS elements" );

    return NULL;
コード例 #18
ファイル: nashandler.cpp プロジェクト: bbradbury/lib_gdal
void NASHandler::endElement( const XMLCh* const /* uri */ ,
                             const XMLCh* const localname,
                             const XMLCh* const /* qname */)

    char        szElementName[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
    GMLReadState *poState = m_poReader->GetState();

    tr_strcpy( szElementName, localname );

    m_nDepth --;

    if (m_bIgnoreFeature && m_nDepth >= m_nDepthFeature)
        if (m_nDepth == m_nDepthFeature)
            m_bIgnoreFeature = false;
            m_nDepthFeature = 0;

    if ( m_osIgnoredElement != "" && m_nDepth >= m_nDepthElement )
        if ( m_nDepth == m_nDepthElement )
            m_osIgnoredElement = "";
            m_nDepthElement    = 0;

              "%*sendElement %s m_bIgnoreFeature:%d depth:%d depthFeature:%d featureClass:%s",
              m_nDepth, "", szElementName,
              m_bIgnoreFeature, m_nDepth, m_nDepthFeature,
              poState->m_poFeature ? poState->m_poFeature->GetClass()->GetElementName() : "(no feature)"

   if( m_bInUpdateProperty )
       if( EQUAL( szElementName, "Name" ) )
           CPLAssert( m_osLastPropertyName == "" );
           m_osLastPropertyName = m_pszCurField;
           m_pszCurField = NULL;
       else if( EQUAL( szElementName, "Value" ) )
           CPLAssert( m_osLastPropertyValue == "" );
           m_osLastPropertyValue = m_pszCurField;
           m_pszCurField = NULL;
       else if( EQUAL( szElementName, "Property" ) )
           if( EQUAL( m_osLastPropertyName, "adv:lebenszeitintervall/adv:AA_Lebenszeitintervall/adv:endet" ) )
               CPLAssert( m_osLastPropertyValue != "" );
               m_osLastEnded = m_osLastPropertyValue;
           else if( EQUAL( m_osLastPropertyName, "adv:anlass" ) )
               CPLAssert( m_osLastPropertyValue != "" );
               m_osLastOccasion = m_osLastPropertyValue;
               CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                         "NAS: Expected property name or value instead of %s",
                         m_osLastPropertyName.c_str() );

           m_osLastPropertyName = "";
           m_osLastPropertyValue = "";
           m_bInUpdateProperty = false;



   if ( m_bInUpdate && EQUAL( szElementName, "Update" ) )
       m_bInUpdate = false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Is this closing off an attribute value?  We assume so if        */
/*      we are collecting an attribute value and got to this point.     */
/*      We don't bother validating that the closing tag matches the     */
/*      opening tag.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( m_pszCurField != NULL )
        CPLAssert( poState->m_poFeature != NULL );

        m_poReader->SetFeaturePropertyDirectly( poState->osPath.c_str(), m_pszCurField );
        m_pszCurField = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If we are collecting Geometry than store it, and consider if    */
/*      this is the end of the geometry.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( m_pszGeometry != NULL )
        int nLNLen = tr_strlen( localname );

        /* should save attributes too! */

        if( m_nGeomLen + nLNLen + 4 > m_nGeomAlloc )
            m_nGeomAlloc = (int) (m_nGeomAlloc * 1.3 + nLNLen + 1000);
            m_pszGeometry = (char *)
                CPLRealloc( m_pszGeometry, m_nGeomAlloc);

        strcat( m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen, "</" );
        tr_strcpy( m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen+2, localname );
        strcat( m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen+nLNLen+2, ">" );
        m_nGeomLen += static_cast<int>(strlen(m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen));

        if( poState->m_nPathLength == m_nGeometryDepth+1 )
            if( poState->m_poFeature != NULL )
                CPLXMLNode* psNode = CPLParseXMLString(m_pszGeometry);
                if (psNode)
                    /* workaround for common malformed gml:pos with just a
                     * elevation value instead of a full 3D coordinate:
                     * <gml:Point gml:id="BII2H">
                     *    <gml:pos srsName="urn:adv:crs:ETRS89_h">41.394</gml:pos>
                     * </gml:Point>
                    const char *pszPos;
                    if( (pszPos = CPLGetXMLValue( psNode, "=Point.pos", NULL ) ) != NULL
                        && strstr(pszPos, " ") == NULL )
                        CPLSetXMLValue( psNode, "pos", CPLSPrintf("0 0 %s", pszPos) );

                    if ( poState->m_poFeature->GetGeometryList() &&
                         poState->m_poFeature->GetGeometryList()[0] )
                        int iId = poState->m_poFeature->GetClass()->GetPropertyIndex( "gml_id" );
                        const GMLProperty *poIdProp = poState->m_poFeature->GetProperty(iId);
                        char *pszOldGeom = CPLSerializeXMLTree( poState->m_poFeature->GetGeometryList()[0] );

                        CPLDebug("NAS", "Overwriting other geometry (%s; replace:%s; with:%s)",
                                 poIdProp && poIdProp->nSubProperties>0 && poIdProp->papszSubProperties[0] ? poIdProp->papszSubProperties[0] : "(null)",

                        CPLFree( pszOldGeom );
                        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "NAS: Overwriting other geometry (%s)",
                                 poIdProp && poIdProp->nSubProperties>0 && poIdProp->papszSubProperties[0] ? poIdProp->papszSubProperties[0] : "(null)" );

                    poState->m_poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( psNode );
                    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "NAS: Invalid geometry skipped" );
                CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "NAS: Skipping geometry without feature" );

            CPLFree( m_pszGeometry );
            m_pszGeometry = NULL;
            m_nGeomAlloc = m_nGeomLen = 0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If we are collecting a feature, and this element tag matches    */
/*      element name for the class, then we have finished the           */
/*      feature, and we pop the feature read state.                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszLast = NULL;

    if( m_nDepth == m_nDepthFeature && poState->m_poFeature != NULL
        && EQUAL(szElementName,
                 poState->m_poFeature->GetClass()->GetElementName()) )
        m_nDepthFeature = 0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Ends of a wfs:Delete or wfs:Update should be triggered on the   */
/*      close of the <Filter> element.                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( m_nDepth == m_nDepthFeature
             && poState->m_poFeature != NULL
             && EQUAL(szElementName,"Filter")
             && (pszLast=poState->m_poFeature->GetClass()->GetElementName())
                != NULL
             && ( EQUAL(pszLast, "Delete") || EQUAL(pszLast, "Update") ) )
        m_nDepthFeature = 0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Otherwise, we just pop the element off the local read states    */
/*      element stack.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( EQUAL(szElementName,poState->GetLastComponent()) )
            CPLAssert( false );