コード例 #1
int GDALRasterBlock::FlushCacheBlock( int bDirtyBlocksOnly )

    GDALRasterBlock *poTarget;

        poTarget = poOldest;

        while( poTarget != NULL )
            if( !bDirtyBlocksOnly || poTarget->GetDirty() )
                if( CPLAtomicCompareAndExchange(
                        &(poTarget->nLockCount), 0, -1) )
            poTarget = poTarget->poPrevious;

        if( poTarget == NULL )
            return FALSE;
        if( bSleepsForBockCacheDebug )
                    "GDAL_RB_FLUSHBLOCK_SLEEP_AFTER_DROP_LOCK", "0")));


    if( bSleepsForBockCacheDebug )
            CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_RB_FLUSHBLOCK_SLEEP_AFTER_RB_LOCK", "0")));

    if( poTarget->GetDirty() )
        const CPLErr eErr = poTarget->Write();
        if( eErr != CE_None )
            // Save the error for later reporting.

    poTarget->pData = NULL;

    return TRUE;
コード例 #2
bool OGRAmigoCloudDataSource::waitForJobToFinish(const char* jobId)
    std::stringstream url;
    url << std::string(GetAPIURL()) << "/me/jobs/" << std::string(jobId);
    int count = 0;
    while (count<5) {
        json_object *result = RunGET(url.str().c_str());
        if (result == nullptr) {
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "waitForJobToFinish failed.");
            return false;

        if (result != nullptr) {
            int type = json_object_get_type(result);
            if (type == json_type_object) {
                json_object *poStatus = CPL_json_object_object_get(result, "status");
                const char *status = json_object_get_string(poStatus);
                if (status != nullptr) {
                    if (std::string(status) == "SUCCESS") {
                        return true;
                    } else if (std::string(status) == "FAILURE") {
                        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Job failed : %s", json_object_get_string(result));
                        return false;
        CPLSleep(1.0); // Sleep 1 sec.
    return false;
コード例 #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    CPLJoinableThread* hThread;

    printf("main thread %p\n", (void*)CPLGetPID());

    argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor( argc, &argv, 0 );

    CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_CACHEMAX", "0");
    CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_DEBUG_BLOCK_CACHE", "ON");

    MyDataset* poDS = new MyDataset();

    char buf1[] = { 1 } ;
    CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(GDALRasterIO(GDALGetRasterBand(poDS, 1), GF_Write, 0, 0, 1, 1, buf1, 1, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0));

    hThread = CPLCreateJoinableThread(thread_func, NULL);
    CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(GDALRasterIO(GDALGetRasterBand(poDS, 1), GF_Write, 1, 0, 1, 1, buf1, 1, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0));


    delete poDS;
    CSLDestroy( argv );

    return 0;
コード例 #4
int GDALRasterBlock::TakeLock()
    const int nLockVal = AddLock();
    CPLAssert(nLockVal >= 0);
    if( bSleepsForBockCacheDebug )
            CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_RB_TRYGET_SLEEP_AFTER_TAKE_LOCK", "0")));
    if( nLockVal == 0 )
#ifdef DEBUG
            "TakeLock(%p): Block(%d,%d,%p) is being evicted while trying to "
            "reacquire it.",
            reinterpret_cast<void *>(CPLGetPID()), nXOff, nYOff, poBand );
        // The block is being evicted by GDALRasterBlock::Internalize()
        // or FlushCacheBlock(), so wait for this to be done before trying
        // again.

        // wait for the block having been unreferenced

        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
コード例 #5
 CPLErr IWriteBlock(int nXBlock, int nYBlock, void*)
     printf("Entering IWriteBlock(%d, %d)\n", nXBlock, nYBlock);
     bBusy = TRUE;
     bBusy = FALSE;
     printf("Leaving IWriteBlock(%d, %d)\n", nXBlock, nYBlock);
     return CE_None;
コード例 #6
ファイル: cpl_multiproc.cpp プロジェクト: imincik/pkg-gdal
void *CPLLockFile( const char *pszPath, double dfWaitInSeconds )

    FILE      *fpLock;
    char      *pszLockFilename;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We use a lock file with a name derived from the file we want    */
/*      to lock to represent the file being locked.  Note that for      */
/*      the stub implementation the target file does not even need      */
/*      to exist to be locked.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszLockFilename = (char *) CPLMalloc(strlen(pszPath) + 30);
    sprintf( pszLockFilename, "%s.lock", pszPath );

    fpLock = fopen( pszLockFilename, "r" );
    while( fpLock != NULL && dfWaitInSeconds > 0.0 )
        fclose( fpLock );
        CPLSleep( MIN(dfWaitInSeconds,0.5) );
        dfWaitInSeconds -= 0.5;

        fpLock = fopen( pszLockFilename, "r" );
    if( fpLock != NULL )
        fclose( fpLock );
        CPLFree( pszLockFilename );
        return NULL;

    fpLock = fopen( pszLockFilename, "w" );

    if( fpLock == NULL )
        CPLFree( pszLockFilename );
        return NULL;

    fwrite( "held\n", 1, 5, fpLock );
    fclose( fpLock );

    return pszLockFilename;
コード例 #7
ファイル: cpl_multiproc.cpp プロジェクト: imincik/pkg-gdal
void *CPLLockFile( const char *pszPath, double dfWaitInSeconds )

    char      *pszLockFilename;
    HANDLE    hLockFile;
    pszLockFilename = (char *) CPLMalloc(strlen(pszPath) + 30);
    sprintf( pszLockFilename, "%s.lock", pszPath );

    hLockFile = 
        CreateFile( pszLockFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,CREATE_NEW, 

    while( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS
           && dfWaitInSeconds > 0.0 )
        CloseHandle( hLockFile );
        CPLSleep( MIN(dfWaitInSeconds,0.125) );
        dfWaitInSeconds -= 0.125;

        hLockFile = 
            CreateFile( pszLockFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_NEW, 
                        NULL );

    CPLFree( pszLockFilename );

    if( hLockFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
        return NULL;

    if( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS )
        CloseHandle( hLockFile );
        return NULL;

    return (void *) hLockFile;
コード例 #8
ファイル: cpl_multiproc.cpp プロジェクト: imincik/pkg-gdal
int CPLAcquireMutex( void *hMutexIn, double dfWaitInSeconds )

#ifdef USE_WIN32_MUTEX
    HANDLE hMutex = (HANDLE) hMutexIn;
    DWORD  hr;

    hr = WaitForSingleObject( hMutex, (int) (dfWaitInSeconds * 1000) );
    return hr != WAIT_TIMEOUT;
    BOOL ret;

    while( (ret = TryEnterCriticalSection(pcs)) == 0 && dfWaitInSeconds > 0.0 )
        CPLSleep( MIN(dfWaitInSeconds,0.125) );
        dfWaitInSeconds -= 0.125;
    return ret;
コード例 #9
ECWAsyncReader::GetNextUpdatedRegion( double dfTimeout,
                                      int* pnXBufOff, int* pnYBufOff,
                                      int* pnXBufSize, int* pnYBufSize )

    CPLDebug( "ECW", "GetNextUpdatedRegion()" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We always mark the whole raster as updated since the ECW SDK    */
/*      does not have a concept of partial update notifications.        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    *pnXBufOff = 0;
    *pnYBufOff = 0;
    *pnXBufSize = nBufXSize;
    *pnYBufSize = nBufYSize;

    if( bComplete && !bUpdateReady )
        CPLDebug( "ECW", "return GARIO_COMPLETE" );
        return GARIO_COMPLETE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Wait till our timeout, or until we are notified there is        */
/*      data ready.  We are trusting the CPLSleep() to be pretty        */
/*      accurate instead of keeping track of time elapsed ourselves     */
/*      - this is not necessarily a good approach.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( dfTimeout < 0.0 )
        dfTimeout = 100000.0;
    while( !bUpdateReady && dfTimeout > 0.0 )
        CPLSleep( MIN(0.1, dfTimeout) );
        dfTimeout -= 0.1;
        CPLDebug( "ECW", "wait..." );

    if( !bUpdateReady )
        CPLDebug( "ECW", "return GARIO_PENDING" );
        return GARIO_PENDING;

    bUpdateReady = FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Acquire Mutex                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !CPLAcquireMutex( hMutex, dfTimeout ) )
        CPLDebug( "ECW", "return GARIO_PENDING" );
        return GARIO_PENDING;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Actually decode the imagery into our buffer.                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    NCSEcwReadStatus  eRStatus = ReadToBuffer();

    if( eRStatus != NCSECW_READ_OK )
        CPLReleaseMutex( hMutex );
        return GARIO_ERROR;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Return indication of complete or just buffer updateded.         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( bComplete && !bUpdateReady )
        CPLReleaseMutex( hMutex );
        CPLDebug( "ECW", "return GARIO_COMPLETE" );
        return GARIO_COMPLETE;
        CPLReleaseMutex( hMutex );
        CPLDebug( "ECW", "return GARIO_UPDATE" );
        return GARIO_UPDATE;
コード例 #10
ファイル: ogrgmelayer.cpp プロジェクト: samalone/gdal-ios
bool OGRGMELayer::CreateTableIfNotCreated()
    if (!bCreateTablePending || (osTableId.size() != 0)) {
        CPLDebug("GME", "Not creating table since already created");
        CPLDebug("GME", "bCreateTablePending = %d osTableId ='%s'",
                 bCreateTablePending, osTableId.c_str());
        return true;
    CPLDebug("GME", "Creating table...");

    json_object *pjoCreateDoc = json_object_new_object();
    json_object *pjoProjectId = json_object_new_string( osProjectId.c_str() );
    json_object_object_add( pjoCreateDoc, "projectId", pjoProjectId );
    json_object *pjoName = json_object_new_string( osTableName.c_str() );
    json_object_object_add( pjoCreateDoc, "name",  pjoName );
    json_object *pjoDraftACL = json_object_new_string( osDraftACL.c_str() );
    json_object_object_add( pjoCreateDoc, "draftAccessList", pjoDraftACL );
    json_object *pjoPublishedACL = json_object_new_string( osPublishedACL.c_str() );
    json_object_object_add( pjoCreateDoc, "publishedAccessList", pjoPublishedACL );
    json_object *pjoSchema = json_object_new_object();

    json_object *pjoColumns = json_object_new_array();

    poFeatureDefn->SetGeomType( eGTypeForCreation );

    json_object *pjoGeometryColumn = json_object_new_object();
    json_object *pjoGeometryName = json_object_new_string( "geometry" );
    json_object *pjoGeometryType;
    switch(eGTypeForCreation) {
    case wkbPoint:
    case wkbPoint25D:
    case wkbMultiPoint:
    case wkbMultiPoint25D:
        pjoGeometryType = json_object_new_string( "points" );
    case wkbLineString:
    case wkbLineString25D:
    case wkbMultiLineString:
    case wkbLinearRing:
    case wkbMultiLineString25D:
        pjoGeometryType = json_object_new_string( "lineStrings" );
    case wkbPolygon:
    case wkbPolygon25D:
    case wkbMultiPolygon:
    case wkbGeometryCollection:
    case wkbMultiPolygon25D:
        pjoGeometryType = json_object_new_string( "polygons" );
    case wkbGeometryCollection25D:
        pjoGeometryType = json_object_new_string( "mixedGeometry" );
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Unsupported Geometry type. Defaulting to Points");
        pjoGeometryType = json_object_new_string( "points" );
        poFeatureDefn->SetGeomType( wkbPoint );
    json_object_object_add( pjoGeometryColumn, "name", pjoGeometryName );
    json_object_object_add( pjoGeometryColumn, "type", pjoGeometryType );
    json_object_array_add( pjoColumns, pjoGeometryColumn );

    for (int iOGRField = 0; iOGRField < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); iOGRField++ )
        if ((iOGRField == iGxIdField) && (iGxIdField >= 0))
            continue; // don't create the gx_id field.
        const char *pszFieldName = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(iOGRField)->GetNameRef();
        if (EQUAL(pszFieldName, "gx_id")) {
            iGxIdField = iOGRField;
        json_object *pjoColumn = json_object_new_object();
        json_object *pjoFieldName =
            json_object_new_string( pszFieldName );
        json_object *pjoFieldType;

        switch(poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(iOGRField)->GetType()) {
        case OFTInteger:
            pjoFieldType = json_object_new_string( "integer" );
        case OFTReal:
            pjoFieldType = json_object_new_string( "double" );
            pjoFieldType = json_object_new_string( "string" );
        json_object_object_add( pjoColumn, "name", pjoFieldName );
        json_object_object_add( pjoColumn, "type", pjoFieldType );
        json_object_array_add( pjoColumns, pjoColumn );

    json_object_object_add( pjoSchema, "columns", pjoColumns );
    json_object_object_add( pjoCreateDoc, "schema", pjoSchema );
    const char *body =
                                       JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED | JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY);

    CPLDebug("GME", "Create Table Doc:\n%s", body);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      POST changes                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osRequest = "tables";
    CPLHTTPResult *poCreateResult = poDS->PostRequest(osRequest, body);
    if( poCreateResult == NULL || poCreateResult->pabyData == NULL )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Table creation failed.");
        if( poCreateResult )
        return false;
    CPLDebug("GME", "CreateTable returned %d\n%s", poCreateResult->nStatus,

    json_object *pjoResponseDoc = OGRGMEParseJSON((const char *) poCreateResult->pabyData);

    osTableId = OGRGMEGetJSONString(pjoResponseDoc, "id", "");
    if (osTableId.size() == 0) {
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Table creation failed, or could not find table id.");
        return false;

    OGRFieldDefn *poGxIdField = new OGRFieldDefn("gx_id", OFTString);

    iGxIdField = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount() - 1;
    CPLDebug("GME", "create field %s(%d) of type %s",
             "gx_id", iGxIdField, OGRFieldDefn::GetFieldTypeName(OFTString));
    bCreateTablePending = false;
    CPLDebug("GME", "sleeping 3s to give GME time to create the table...");
    CPLSleep( 3.0 );
    return true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: landfireclient.cpp プロジェクト: firelab/windninja
SURF_FETCH_E LandfireClient::FetchBoundingBox( double *bbox, double resolution,
                                               const char *filename,
                                               char **options )
    if( NULL == filename )
        return SURF_FETCH_E_BAD_INPUT;

    ** We have an arbitrary limit on request size, 0.001 degrees
    if( fabs( bbox[0] - bbox[2] ) < 0.001 || fabs( bbox[1] - bbox[3] ) < 0.001 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Bounding box too small, must be greater than " \
                  "0.001 x 0.001 degrees." );
        return SURF_FETCH_E_BAD_INPUT;

     *  Local Variable Declarations
    int i = 0;
    char *p;
    int nMaxTries = atoi( CPLGetConfigOption( "LCP_MAX_DOWNLOAD_TRIES", "40" ) );
    double dfWait = atof( CPLGetConfigOption( "LCP_DOWNLOAD_WAIT", "3" ) );
    const char *pszProduct = CPLStrdup( CSLFetchNameValue( options, "PRODUCT" ) );
    ** Stupidly simple heuristics to try to get the 'correct' product.
    if( pszProduct == NULL || EQUAL( pszProduct, "" ) )
        if( EQUAL( pszProduct, "" ) )
            CPLFree( (void*)pszProduct );
        std::string osDataPath = FindDataPath( "landfire.zip" );
        osDataPath = "/vsizip/" + osDataPath;
        const char *pszGeom;
        pszGeom = CPLSPrintf( "POLYGON((%lf %lf,%lf %lf,%lf %lf,%lf %lf,%lf %lf))",
                               bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[0],
                               bbox[3], bbox[2], bbox[1], bbox[2],
                               bbox[1], bbox[0] );
        CPLDebug( "LCP_CLIENT", "Testing if %s contains %s", osDataPath.c_str(),
                  pszGeom );
        if( NinjaOGRContain( pszGeom, osDataPath.c_str(), "conus" ) )
            pszProduct = CPLStrdup( "F4W21HZ" );
        else if( NinjaOGRContain( pszGeom, osDataPath.c_str(), "ak" ) )
            pszProduct = CPLStrdup( "F7C29HZ" );
        else if( NinjaOGRContain( pszGeom, osDataPath.c_str(), "hi" ) )
            pszProduct = CPLStrdup( "F4825HZ" );
        /* Contiguous US */
        //if( bbox[0] < 52 && bbox[1] < -60 && bbox[2] > 22 && bbox[3] > -136 )
        //    pszProduct = CPLStrdup( "F4W21HZ" );
        /* Alaska */
        //else if( bbox[0] < 75 && bbox[1] < -125 && bbox[2] > 50 && bbox[3] > -179 )
        //    pszProduct = CPLStrdup( "F7C29HZ" );
        /* Hawaii */
        //else if( bbox[0] < 25 && bbox[1] < -150 && bbox[2] > 15 && bbox[3] > -170 )
        //    pszProduct = CPLStrdup( "F4825HZ" );
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "Failed to locate product." );
            return SURF_FETCH_E_BAD_INPUT;
    CPLDebug( "LCP_CLIENT", "Using product: %s", pszProduct );
    const char *pszUrl;

    const char *pszTemp = CSLFetchNameValue( options, "OVERRIDE_BEST_UTM" );
    int nEpsgCode = -1;
    if( pszTemp == NULL )
        nEpsgCode = BoundingBoxUtm( bbox );
        nEpsgCode = atoi( pszTemp );
    ** Better check?
    if( nEpsgCode < 1 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid EPSG code." );
        CPLFree( (void*)pszProduct );
        return SURF_FETCH_E_BAD_INPUT;

     *  Request a Model via the landfire.cr.usgs.gov REST client
    pszUrl = CPLSPrintf( LF_REQUEST_TEMPLATE, bbox[0], bbox[2], bbox[3],
                                              bbox[1], pszProduct );

    CPLFree( (void*)pszProduct );
    m_poResult = CPLHTTPFetch( pszUrl, NULL );
    CHECK_HTTP_RESULT( "Failed to get download URL" );
    CPLDebug( "LCP_CLIENT", "Request URL: %s", pszUrl );
     *  Parse the JSON result of the request
    int nSize = strlen( (char*) m_poResult->pabyData );
    //Create a buffer so we can use sscanf, couldn't find a CPL version
    char *pszResponse = new char[ nSize + 1 ];
    pszResponse[0] = '\0';

    CPLDebug( "LCP_CLIENT", "JSON Response: %s", m_poResult->pabyData );

    ** Regular expression support if we have C++11 support.  isnan ambiguouity
    ** is causing non-C++11 compliance.  Not tested or used, 0 disables.
#if __cplusplus >= 201103 && 0
    std::string s((const char*) m_poResult->pabyData );
    std::smatch m;
    std::regex e( "\\b(?:(?:https?)://|www\\.)[a-z-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$?!:,.]" \
                  "*[a-z-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$]" );
    std::regex_search( s, m, e );
    std::string url = m[0].str(); //retrieve first match
    CPLStrlcpy( pszResponse, url.c_str(), nSize );
    char **papszTokens = NULL;
    papszTokens = CSLTokenizeString2( (const char*)m_poResult->pabyData, ",:",
                                      CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS | CSLT_PRESERVEESCAPES |
                                      CSLT_STRIPENDSPACES | CSLT_STRIPLEADSPACES );
    int nTokens = CSLCount( papszTokens );
    if( nTokens < 2 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Failed to generate valid URL for LCP download." );
        delete [] pszResponse;
        CPLHTTPDestroyResult( m_poResult );
        CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
        return SURF_FETCH_E_IO_ERR;
    for( int i = 1; i < nTokens; i++ )
        if( EQUALN( papszTokens[i], "https://", 6 ) &&
            EQUAL( papszTokens[i - 1], "DOWNLOAD_URL" ) )
            CPLStrlcpy( pszResponse, papszTokens[i], nSize );
    CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
    //Grab the download URL from the JSON response, stores in pszResponse
    //std::sscanf( (char*) m_poResult->pabyData, LF_REQUEST_RETURN_TEMPLATE, pszResponse);
    CPLHTTPDestroyResult( m_poResult );

    if( !EQUALN( pszResponse, "https://", 6 ) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Failed to generate valid URL for LCP download." );
        delete  [] pszResponse;
        return SURF_FETCH_E_IO_ERR;
    p = strstr( pszResponse, "}]" );
    if( p )
        *p = '\0';
    CPLDebug( "LCP_CLIENT", "Download URL: %s", pszResponse );
    // Fix the SRS
    const char *pszNewUrl = ReplaceSRS( nEpsgCode, pszResponse );
    CPLDebug( "LCP_CLIENT", "Sanitized SRS Download URL: %s", pszNewUrl );
     *  Get the Job ID by visiting the download URL
    m_poResult = CPLHTTPFetch( pszNewUrl, NULL );
    CPLFree( (void*)pszNewUrl );
    delete [] pszResponse;
    CHECK_HTTP_RESULT( "Failed to get Job ID" );   

    nSize = strlen( (char*) m_poResult->pabyData );
    pszResponse = new char[ nSize + 1 ];

    //grabs the Job ID from the Download URL response
    std::sscanf( (char*) m_poResult->pabyData, LF_INIT_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE, pszResponse);
    CPLHTTPDestroyResult( m_poResult );
   //store the Job Id into a class attribute, so we can reuse pszResponse, but keep
    //the Job Id (needed for future parts)
    m_JobId = std::string( pszResponse );
    CPLDebug( "LCP_CLIENT", "Job id: %s", m_JobId.c_str() );
     * Initiate the download by using the obtained Job ID 
    pszUrl = CPLSPrintf( LF_INIT_DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE, m_JobId.c_str() );

    //fetch the response of download initiation
    //note: for some reason it alway returns a key error, but download still works
    m_poResult = CPLHTTPFetch( pszUrl, NULL );
    CPLHTTPDestroyResult( m_poResult );
     *  Check the status of the download, able to download when status=400
    int dl_status = 0;
    //Obtain the readiness status of the current job
    pszUrl = CPLSPrintf( LF_GET_STATUS_TEMPLATE, m_JobId.c_str() );
    CPLDebug( "LCP_CLIENT", "Status url: %s", pszUrl );
        m_poResult = CPLHTTPFetch( pszUrl, NULL );
        delete [] pszResponse;
        CHECK_HTTP_RESULT( "Failed to get job status" );

        nSize = strlen( (char*) m_poResult->pabyData );
        pszResponse = new char[ nSize + 1 ];

        std::sscanf( (char*) m_poResult->pabyData, LF_STATUS_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE,
                      &dl_status, pszResponse );
        CPLHTTPDestroyResult( m_poResult );
        CPLSleep( dfWait );
        CPLDebug( "LCP_CLIENT", "Attempting to fetch LCP, try %d of %d, " \
                               "status: %d", i, nMaxTries, dl_status );
    } while( dl_status < 400 && dl_status > 0 && i < nMaxTries );

    delete [] pszResponse;

    if( dl_status >= 900 && dl_status <= 902)
        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "Failed to download lcp," \
                                               "There was an extraction " \
                                               "error on the server." );
        return SURF_FETCH_E_IO_ERR;
    else if( dl_status != 400 )
        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "Failed to download lcp, timed " \
                                               "out.  Try increasing " \
                                               "LCP_MAX_DOWNLOAD_TRIES or "
                                               "LCP_DOWNLOAD_WAIT" );
        return SURF_FETCH_E_TIMEOUT;
     *  Download the landfire model
    pszUrl = CPLSPrintf( LF_DOWNLOAD_JOB_TEMPLATE, m_JobId.c_str() );
    m_poResult = CPLHTTPFetch( pszUrl, NULL );
    CHECK_HTTP_RESULT( "Failed to get job status" ); 

    ** Parse the URL from the returned string
    std::string ss((const char*) m_poResult->pabyData );
    CPLHTTPDestroyResult( m_poResult );
    std::size_t pos1 = ss.find("https://");
    std::size_t pos2 = ss.find(".zip");
    std::string url = ss.substr(pos1, (pos2+4-pos1));
    pszUrl = url.c_str();
    m_poResult = CPLHTTPFetch( pszUrl, NULL );
    CHECK_HTTP_RESULT( "Failed to get job status" );

    nSize = m_poResult->nDataLen;
    VSILFILE *fout;
    const char *pszTmpZip = CPLFormFilename( NULL, 
                                             CPLGenerateTempFilename( "NINJA_LCP_CLIENT" ),
                                             ".zip" );
    fout = VSIFOpenL( pszTmpZip, "w+" );
    if( NULL == fout )
        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "Failed to create output file" );
        CPLHTTPDestroyResult( m_poResult );
        return SURF_FETCH_E_IO_ERR;
    VSIFWriteL( m_poResult->pabyData, nSize, 1, fout );
    VSIFCloseL( fout );

    CPLHTTPDestroyResult( m_poResult );

    ** Extract the lcp and the prj file, and 'save as'
    char **papszFileList = NULL;
    std::string osPathInZip;
    const char *pszVSIZip = CPLSPrintf( "/vsizip/%s", pszTmpZip );
    CPLDebug( "LCP_CLIENT", "Extracting lcp from %s", pszVSIZip );
    papszFileList = VSIReadDirRecursive( pszVSIZip );
    int bFound = FALSE;
    std::string osFullPath;
    for( int i = 0; i < CSLCount( papszFileList ); i++ )
        osFullPath = papszFileList[i];
        if( osFullPath.find( "Landscape_1.lcp" ) != std::string::npos )
            osPathInZip = CPLGetPath( papszFileList[i] );
            CPLDebug( "LCP_CLIENT", "Found lcp in: %s", osPathInZip.c_str() );
            bFound = TRUE;
    CSLDestroy( papszFileList );
    if( !bFound )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Failed to find lcp in archive" );
        //VSIUnlink( pszTmpZip );
        return SURF_FETCH_E_IO_ERR;
    int nError = 0;
    const char *pszFileToFind = CPLSPrintf( "%s/Landscape_1.lcp",
                                            osPathInZip.c_str() );
    nError = ExtractFileFromZip( pszTmpZip, pszFileToFind, filename );
    if( nError )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Failed to extract LCP from zip." );
        VSIUnlink( pszTmpZip );
        return SURF_FETCH_E_IO_ERR;
    pszFileToFind = CPLSPrintf( "%s/Landscape_1.prj", osPathInZip.c_str() );
    nError = ExtractFileFromZip( pszTmpZip, pszFileToFind,
                                 CPLFormFilename( CPLGetPath( filename ),
                                                  CPLGetBasename( filename ),
                                                  ".prj" ) );
    if( nError )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Failed to extract PRJ from zip." );
        return SURF_FETCH_E_IO_ERR;

    if( !CSLTestBoolean( CPLGetConfigOption( "LCP_KEEP_ARCHIVE", "FALSE" ) ) )
        VSIUnlink( pszTmpZip );

    return SURF_FETCH_E_NONE;
コード例 #12
CPLErr GDALRasterBlock::Internalize()

    CPLAssert( pData == NULL );

    void        *pNewData = NULL;

    // This call will initialize the hRBLock mutex. Other call places can
    // only be called if we have go through there.
    const GIntBig nCurCacheMax = GDALGetCacheMax64();

    // No risk of overflow as it is checked in GDALRasterBand::InitBlockInfo().
    const int nSizeInBytes = GetBlockSize();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Flush old blocks if we are nearing our memory limit.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    bool bFirstIter = true;
    bool bLoopAgain = false;
        bLoopAgain = false;
        GDALRasterBlock* apoBlocksToFree[64] = { NULL };
        int nBlocksToFree = 0;

            if( bFirstIter )
                nCacheUsed += nSizeInBytes;
            GDALRasterBlock *poTarget = poOldest;
            while( nCacheUsed > nCurCacheMax )
                while( poTarget != NULL )
                    if( CPLAtomicCompareAndExchange(
                            &(poTarget->nLockCount), 0, -1) )
                    poTarget = poTarget->poPrevious;

                if( poTarget != NULL )
                    if( bSleepsForBockCacheDebug )

                    GDALRasterBlock* _poPrevious = poTarget->poPrevious;


                    apoBlocksToFree[nBlocksToFree++] = poTarget;
                    if( poTarget->GetDirty() )
                        // Only free one dirty block at a time so that
                        // other dirty blocks of other bands with the same
                        // coordinates can be found with TryGetLockedBlock()
                        bLoopAgain = nCacheUsed > nCurCacheMax;
                    if( nBlocksToFree == 64 )
                        bLoopAgain = ( nCacheUsed > nCurCacheMax );

                    poTarget = _poPrevious;

        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
        /*      Add this block to the list.                                   */
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
            if( !bLoopAgain )

        bFirstIter = false;

        // Now free blocks we have detached and removed from their band.
        for( int i = 0; i < nBlocksToFree; ++i)
            GDALRasterBlock * const poBlock = apoBlocksToFree[i];

            if( poBlock->GetDirty() )
                CPLErr eErr = poBlock->Write();
                if( eErr != CE_None )
                    // Save the error for later reporting.

            // Try to recycle the data of an existing block.
            void* pDataBlock = poBlock->pData;
            if( pNewData == NULL && pDataBlock != NULL &&
                poBlock->GetBlockSize() == nSizeInBytes )
                pNewData = pDataBlock;
            poBlock->pData = NULL;


    if( pNewData == NULL )
        pNewData = VSI_MALLOC_VERBOSE( nSizeInBytes );
        if( pNewData == NULL )
            return( CE_Failure );

    pData = pNewData;

    return CE_None;
コード例 #13
ファイル: cpl_http.cpp プロジェクト: drownedout/datamap
 * \brief Fetch a document from an url and return in a string.
 * @param pszURL valid URL recognized by underlying download library (libcurl)
 * @param papszOptions option list as a NULL-terminated array of strings. May be NULL.
 *                     The following options are handled :
 * <ul>
 * <li>TIMEOUT=val, where val is in seconds</li>
 * <li>HEADERS=val, where val is an extra header to use when getting a web page.
 *                  For example "Accept: application/x-ogcwkt"
 * <li>HTTPAUTH=[BASIC/NTLM/GSSNEGOTIATE/ANY] to specify an authentication scheme to use.
 * <li>USERPWD=userid:password to specify a user and password for authentication
 * <li>POSTFIELDS=val, where val is a nul-terminated string to be passed to the server
 *                     with a POST request.
 * <li>PROXY=val, to make requests go through a proxy server, where val is of the
 *                form proxy.server.com:port_number
 * <li>PROXYUSERPWD=val, where val is of the form username:password
 * <li>PROXYAUTH=[BASIC/NTLM/DIGEST/ANY] to specify an proxy authentication scheme to use.
 * <li>NETRC=[YES/NO] to enable or disable use of $HOME/.netrc, default YES.
 * <li>CUSTOMREQUEST=val, where val is GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, etc.. (GDAL >= 1.9.0)
 * <li>COOKIE=val, where val is formatted as COOKIE1=VALUE1; COOKIE2=VALUE2; ...
 * <li>MAX_RETRY=val, where val is the maximum number of retry attempts if a 503 or
 *               504 HTTP error occurs. Default is 0. (GDAL >= 2.0)
 * <li>RETRY_DELAY=val, where val is the number of seconds between retry attempts.
 *                 Default is 30. (GDAL >= 2.0)
 * </ul>
 * Alternatively, if not defined in the papszOptions arguments, the PROXY,  
 * PROXYUSERPWD, PROXYAUTH, NETRC, MAX_RETRY and RETRY_DELAY values are searched in the configuration 
 * @return a CPLHTTPResult* structure that must be freed by 
 * CPLHTTPDestroyResult(), or NULL if libcurl support is disabled
CPLHTTPResult *CPLHTTPFetch( const char *pszURL, char **papszOptions )

    if( strncmp(pszURL, "/vsimem/", strlen("/vsimem/")) == 0 &&
        /* Disabled by default for potential security issues */
        CSLTestBoolean(CPLGetConfigOption("CPL_CURL_ENABLE_VSIMEM", "FALSE")) )
        CPLString osURL(pszURL);
        const char* pszPost = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "POSTFIELDS" );
        if( pszPost != NULL ) /* Hack: we append post content to filename */
            osURL += "&POSTFIELDS=";
            osURL += pszPost;
        vsi_l_offset nLength = 0;
        CPLHTTPResult* psResult = (CPLHTTPResult* )CPLCalloc(1, sizeof(CPLHTTPResult));
        GByte* pabyData = VSIGetMemFileBuffer( osURL, &nLength, FALSE );
        if( pabyData == NULL )
            CPLDebug("HTTP", "Cannot find %s", osURL.c_str());
            psResult->nStatus = 1;
            psResult->pszErrBuf = CPLStrdup(CPLSPrintf("HTTP error code : %d", 404));
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "%s", psResult->pszErrBuf );
        else if( nLength != 0 )
            psResult->nDataLen = (size_t)nLength;
            psResult->pabyData = (GByte*) CPLMalloc((size_t)nLength + 1);
            memcpy(psResult->pabyData, pabyData, (size_t)nLength);
            psResult->pabyData[(size_t)nLength] = 0;

        if( psResult->pabyData != NULL &&
            strncmp((const char*)psResult->pabyData, "Content-Type: ",
                    strlen("Content-Type: ")) == 0 )
            const char* pszContentType = (const char*)psResult->pabyData + strlen("Content-type: ");
            const char* pszEOL = strchr(pszContentType, '\r');
            if( pszEOL )
                pszEOL = strchr(pszContentType, '\n');
            if( pszEOL )
                int nLength = pszEOL - pszContentType;
                psResult->pszContentType = (char*)CPLMalloc(nLength + 1);
                memcpy(psResult->pszContentType, pszContentType, nLength);
                psResult->pszContentType[nLength] = 0;

        return psResult;

#ifndef HAVE_CURL
    (void) papszOptions;
    (void) pszURL;

    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
              "GDAL/OGR not compiled with libcurl support, remote requests not supported." );
    return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Are we using a persistent named session?  If so, search for     */
/*      or create it.                                                   */
/*                                                                      */
/*      Currently this code does not attempt to protect against         */
/*      multiple threads asking for the same named session.  If that    */
/*      occurs it will be in use in multiple threads at once which      */
/*      might have bad consequences depending on what guarantees        */
/*      libcurl gives - which I have not investigated.                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CURL *http_handle = NULL;

    const char *pszPersistent = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "PERSISTENT" );
    const char *pszClosePersistent = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "CLOSE_PERSISTENT" );
    if (pszPersistent)
        CPLString osSessionName = pszPersistent;
        CPLMutexHolder oHolder( &hSessionMapMutex );

        if( poSessionMap == NULL )
            poSessionMap = new std::map<CPLString,CURL*>;
        if( poSessionMap->count( osSessionName ) == 0 )
            (*poSessionMap)[osSessionName] = curl_easy_init();
            CPLDebug( "HTTP", "Establish persistent session named '%s'.",
                      osSessionName.c_str() );

        http_handle = (*poSessionMap)[osSessionName];
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Are we requested to close a persistent named session?          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if (pszClosePersistent)
        CPLString osSessionName = pszClosePersistent;
        CPLMutexHolder oHolder( &hSessionMapMutex );

        if( poSessionMap )
            std::map<CPLString,CURL*>::iterator oIter = poSessionMap->find( osSessionName );
            if( oIter != poSessionMap->end() )
                if( poSessionMap->size() == 0 )
                    delete poSessionMap;
                    poSessionMap = NULL;
                CPLDebug( "HTTP", "Ended persistent session named '%s'.",
                        osSessionName.c_str() );
                CPLDebug( "HTTP", "Could not find persistent session named '%s'.",
                        osSessionName.c_str() );

        return NULL;
        http_handle = curl_easy_init();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup the request.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char szCurlErrBuf[CURL_ERROR_SIZE+1];
    CPLHTTPResult *psResult;
    struct curl_slist *headers=NULL; 

    const char* pszArobase = strchr(pszURL, '@');
    const char* pszSlash = strchr(pszURL, '/');
    const char* pszColon = (pszSlash) ? strchr(pszSlash, ':') : NULL;
    if (pszArobase != NULL && pszColon != NULL && pszArobase - pszColon > 0)
        /* http://user:[email protected] */
        char* pszSanitizedURL = CPLStrdup(pszURL);
        pszSanitizedURL[pszColon-pszURL] = 0;
        CPLDebug( "HTTP", "Fetch(%s:#password#%s)", pszSanitizedURL, pszArobase );
        CPLDebug( "HTTP", "Fetch(%s)", pszURL );

    psResult = (CPLHTTPResult *) CPLCalloc(1,sizeof(CPLHTTPResult));

    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_URL, pszURL );

    CPLHTTPSetOptions(http_handle, papszOptions);

    // turn off SSL verification, accept all servers with ssl
    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);

    /* Set Headers.*/
    const char *pszHeaders = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "HEADERS" );
    if( pszHeaders != NULL ) {
        CPLDebug ("HTTP", "These HTTP headers were set: %s", pszHeaders);
        headers = curl_slist_append(headers, pszHeaders);
        curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);

    // are we making a head request
    const char* pszNoBody = NULL;
    if ((pszNoBody = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "NO_BODY" )) != NULL)
        if (CSLTestBoolean(pszNoBody)) 
            CPLDebug ("HTTP", "HEAD Request: %s", pszURL);
            curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1L);           

    // capture response headers
    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, psResult);
    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, CPLHdrWriteFct);
    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, psResult );
    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, CPLWriteFct );

    szCurlErrBuf[0] = '\0';

    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, szCurlErrBuf );

    static int bHasCheckVersion = FALSE;
    static int bSupportGZip = FALSE;
    if (!bHasCheckVersion)
        bSupportGZip = strstr(curl_version(), "zlib/") != NULL;
        bHasCheckVersion = TRUE;
    int bGZipRequested = FALSE;
    if (bSupportGZip && CSLTestBoolean(CPLGetConfigOption("CPL_CURL_GZIP", "YES")))
        bGZipRequested = TRUE;
        curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "gzip");

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If 502, 503 or 504 status code retry this HTTP call until max        */
/*      retry has been rearched                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszRetryDelay = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "RETRY_DELAY" );
    if( pszRetryDelay == NULL )
        pszRetryDelay = CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_HTTP_RETRY_DELAY", "30" );
    const char *pszMaxRetries = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "MAX_RETRY" );
    if( pszMaxRetries == NULL )
        pszMaxRetries = CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_HTTP_MAX_RETRY", "0" );
    int nRetryDelaySecs = atoi(pszRetryDelay);
    int nMaxRetries = atoi(pszMaxRetries);
    int nRetryCount = 0;
    bool bRequestRetry;

        bRequestRetry = FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Execute the request, waiting for results.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        psResult->nStatus = (int) curl_easy_perform( http_handle );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Fetch content-type if possible.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        psResult->pszContentType = NULL;
        curl_easy_getinfo( http_handle, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE,
                           &(psResult->pszContentType) );
        if( psResult->pszContentType != NULL )
            psResult->pszContentType = CPLStrdup(psResult->pszContentType);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Have we encountered some sort of error?                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( strlen(szCurlErrBuf) > 0 )
            int bSkipError = FALSE;

            /* Some servers such as */
            /* invalidly return Content-Length as the uncompressed size, with makes curl to wait for more data */
            /* and time-out finally. If we got the expected data size, then we don't emit an error */
            /* but turn off GZip requests */
            if (bGZipRequested &&
                strstr(szCurlErrBuf, "transfer closed with") &&
                strstr(szCurlErrBuf, "bytes remaining to read"))
                const char* pszContentLength =
                    CSLFetchNameValue(psResult->papszHeaders, "Content-Length");
                if (pszContentLength && psResult->nDataLen != 0 &&
                    atoi(pszContentLength) == psResult->nDataLen)
                    const char* pszCurlGZIPOption = CPLGetConfigOption("CPL_CURL_GZIP", NULL);
                    if (pszCurlGZIPOption == NULL)
                        CPLSetConfigOption("CPL_CURL_GZIP", "NO");
                        CPLDebug("HTTP", "Disabling CPL_CURL_GZIP, because %s doesn't support it properly",
                    psResult->nStatus = 0;
                    bSkipError = TRUE;
            if (!bSkipError)
                psResult->pszErrBuf = CPLStrdup(szCurlErrBuf);
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                        "%s", szCurlErrBuf );
            /* HTTP errors do not trigger curl errors. But we need to */
            /* propagate them to the caller though */
            long response_code = 0;
            curl_easy_getinfo(http_handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response_code);

            if (response_code >= 400 && response_code < 600)
                /* If HTTP 502, 503 or 504 gateway timeout error retry after a pause */
                if ((response_code >= 502 && response_code <= 504) && nRetryCount < nMaxRetries)
                    CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                             "HTTP error code: %d - %s. Retrying again in %d secs",
                             (int)response_code, pszURL, nRetryDelaySecs);

                    psResult->pszContentType = NULL;
                    psResult->papszHeaders = NULL;
                    psResult->pabyData = NULL;
                    psResult->nDataLen = 0;
                    psResult->nDataAlloc = 0;

                    bRequestRetry = TRUE;
                    psResult->pszErrBuf = CPLStrdup(CPLSPrintf("HTTP error code : %d", (int)response_code));
                    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "%s", psResult->pszErrBuf );
    while (bRequestRetry);

    if (!pszPersistent)
        curl_easy_cleanup( http_handle );


    return psResult;
#endif /* def HAVE_CURL */
コード例 #14
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    int iArg;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Process arguments.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor( argc, &argv, 0 );
    if( argc < 1 )
        exit( -argc );

    for( iArg = 1; iArg < argc; iArg++ )
        if( EQUAL(argv[iArg],"-i") && iArg < argc-1 )
            nIterations = atoi(argv[++iArg]);
        else if( EQUAL(argv[iArg],"-oi") && iArg < argc-1 )
            nOpenIterations = atoi(argv[++iArg]);
        else if( EQUAL(argv[iArg],"-t") && iArg < argc-1 )
            nThreadCount = atoi(argv[++iArg]);
        else if( EQUAL(argv[iArg],"-nlo") )
            bLockOnOpen = FALSE;
        else if( pszFilename == NULL )
            pszFilename = argv[iArg];
            printf( "Unrecognised argument: %s\n", argv[iArg] );

    if( pszFilename == NULL )
        printf( "Need a file to operate on.\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    if( nOpenIterations > 0 )
        bLockOnOpen = FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get the checksum of band1.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDatasetH hDS;

    hDS = GDALOpen( pszFilename, GA_ReadOnly );
    if( hDS == NULL )
        exit( 1 );

    nChecksum = GDALChecksumImage( GDALGetRasterBand( hDS, 1 ), 
                                   0, 0, 
                                   GDALGetRasterXSize( hDS ), 
                                   GDALGetRasterYSize( hDS ) );
    GDALClose( hDS );

    printf( "Got checksum %d, launching %d worker threads on %s, %d iterations.\n", 
            nChecksum, nThreadCount, pszFilename, nIterations );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Fire off worker threads.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iThread;

    pGlobalMutex = CPLCreateMutex();
    CPLReleaseMutex( pGlobalMutex );

    nPendingThreads = nThreadCount;

    for( iThread = 0; iThread < nThreadCount; iThread++ )
        if( CPLCreateThread( WorkerFunc, NULL ) == -1 )
            printf( "CPLCreateThread() failed.\n" );
            exit( 1 );

    while( nPendingThreads > 0 )
        CPLSleep( 0.5 );

    CPLReleaseMutex( pGlobalMutex );

    printf( "All threads complete.\n" );
    CSLDestroy( argv );
    return 0;
コード例 #15
ファイル: multireadtest.cpp プロジェクト: AsgerPetersen/gdal
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Process arguments.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor(argc, &argv, 0);
    if( argc < 1 )

    int nThreadCount = 4;
    bool bOpenInThreads = true;

    for( int iArg = 1; iArg < argc; iArg++ )
        if( iArg < argc-1 && EQUAL(argv[iArg], "-i") )
            nIterations = atoi(argv[++iArg]);
        else if( iArg < argc-1 && EQUAL(argv[iArg], "-oi") )
            nOpenIterations = atoi(argv[++iArg]);
        else if( iArg < argc-1 && EQUAL(argv[iArg], "-t") )
            nThreadCount = atoi(argv[++iArg]);
        else if( EQUAL(argv[iArg], "-lock_on_open") )
            bLockOnOpen = true;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[iArg], "-open_in_main") )
            bOpenInThreads = false;
        else if( pszFilename == nullptr )
            pszFilename = argv[iArg];
            printf("Unrecognized argument: %s\n", argv[iArg]);

    if( pszFilename == nullptr )
        printf("Need a file to operate on.\n");

    if( nOpenIterations > 0 )
        bLockOnOpen = false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get the checksum of band1.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDatasetH hDS = nullptr;

    for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
        hDS = GDALOpen( pszFilename, GA_ReadOnly );
        if( hDS == nullptr )
            exit( 1 );

        nChecksum = GDALChecksumImage(GDALGetRasterBand(hDS, 1),
                                      0, 0,


        "Got checksum %d, launching %d worker threads on %s, %d iterations.\n",
        nChecksum, nThreadCount, pszFilename, nIterations);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Fire off worker threads.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pGlobalMutex = CPLCreateMutex();

    nPendingThreads = nThreadCount;

    std::vector<GDALDatasetH> aoDS;
    for( int iThread = 0; iThread < nThreadCount; iThread++ )
        hDS = nullptr;
        if( !bOpenInThreads )
            hDS = GDALOpen(pszFilename, GA_ReadOnly);
            if( !hDS )
                printf("GDALOpen() failed.\n");
        if( CPLCreateThread(WorkerFunc, hDS) == -1 )
            printf("CPLCreateThread() failed.\n");

    while( nPendingThreads > 0 )


    for( size_t i = 0; i < aoDS.size(); ++i )

    printf("All threads complete.\n");



    return 0;
コード例 #16
ファイル: nomads.c プロジェクト: psuliuxf/windninja
** Fetch a nomads forecast from the NWS servers.  The forecasts consist of grib
** files, one forecast for each forecast hour.  The time starts and the nearest
** forecast hour *before* the reference time passed.  If no reference time is
** passed, or it is not valid, now() is used.
** The forecasts are downloaded into a temporary directory.  If the entire
** download succeeds, then the files are copied into the path specified.  If
** the path specified is a zip file (ends in *.zip), then the forecast files
** are zipped.
** Available compile time configuration options:
**        NOMADS_USE_IP: Use the ip address instead of the hostname.  It
**                       possibly goes around dns lookup, but it's doubtfull.
**        NOMADS_ENABLE_ASYNC: Allow for asynchronous connections to the
**                             server.
**        NOMADS_EXPER_FORECASTS: Compile in forecasts that may not work with
**                                the current configuration, essentially
**                                unsupported (ie NARRE, RTMA).
**        NOMADS_USE_VSI_READ: Use the VSI*L api for downloading.  This will
**                             allow definition of chunk sizes for download,
**                             although it is probably unnecessary.  See
**                             NOMADS_VSI_BLOCK_SIZE below.  If not enabled, a
**                             single fetch is made for each file, which is
**                             faster.
** Available runtime configuration options:
**        NOMADS_THREAD_COUNT: Number of threads to use for downloads if
**                             NOMADS_ENABLE_ASYNC is set to ON during
**                             compilation.  Default is 4.
**        NOMADS_VSI_BLOCK_SIZE: Number of bytes to request at a time when
**                               downloading files if NOMADS_USE_VSI_READ is
**                               set to ON during compilation. Default is 512.
**        NOMADS_MAX_FCST_REWIND: Number of forecast run time steps to go back
**                                to attempt to get a full time frame.
**        GDAL_HTTP_TIMEOUT: Timeout for HTTP requests in seconds.  We should
**                           be able to set this reasonably low.
** \param pszModelKey The name key of the model to use, ie "nam_conus".  For a
**                    listing of models, see nomads.ncep.gov or /see nomads.h
** \param pszRefTime The reference time to begin searching for forecasts from.
**                   The search starts at refrence time, then goes back until
**                   it hits a valid forecast time.  If the download cannot be
**                   complete, it will step back NOMADS_MAX_FCST_REWIND
**                   foreacst times to attempt to get a full forecast.
** \param nHours The extent of hours to download forecasts from the reference
**               time.  If we step back, we will still grab all forecasts up
**               until nHours from the reference time, not the forecast time.
** \param nStride The number of forecasts to skip in time steps.  For example,
**                if 12 hours of gfs is requested (normally 5 files/steps (0,
**                3, 6, 9, 12) with a stride of 2, you'd get 0, 6, 12 forecast
**                hours.
** \param padfBbox The bounding box of the request in WGS84 decimal degrees.
**                 Order is xmin, xmax, ymax, ymin.
** \param pszDstVsiPath The location to write the files.  If the location
**                      has an extension of ".zip", then the output files are
**                      written as a zip archive, otherwise to a path.
** \param papszOptions List of key=value options, unused.
** \param pfnProgress Optional progress function.
** \return NOMADS_OK(0) on success, NOMADS_ERR(1) otherwise.
int NomadsFetch( const char *pszModelKey, const char *pszRefTime,
                 int nHours, int nStride, double *padfBbox,
                 const char *pszDstVsiPath, char ** papszOptions,
                 GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress )
    const char **ppszKey = NULL;
    int nFcstHour = 0;
    int *panRunHours = NULL;
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int k = 0;
    int t = 0;
    int rc = 0;
    char **papszDownloadUrls = NULL;
    char **papszOutputFiles = NULL;
    char **papszFinalFiles = NULL;
    int nFilesToGet = 0;
    const char *pszTmpDir;
    const char *pszConfigOpt;
    int nFcstTries;
    int nMaxFcstRewind;
    int nrc;
    int bZip;
    void **pThreads;
    int nThreads;
    const char *pszThreadCount;

    NomadsThreadData *pasData;
    nomads_utc *ref, *end, *fcst;
    nrc = NOMADS_OK;

    CPLDebug( "NOMADS", "Fetching data for bounding box: %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf",
              padfBbox[0], padfBbox[1], padfBbox[2], padfBbox[3] );

    ppszKey = NomadsFindModel( pszModelKey );
    if( ppszKey == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Could not find model key in nomads data" );
        return NOMADS_ERR;

    NomadsUtcCreate( &ref );
    NomadsUtcCreate( &end );
    rc = NOMADS_OK;
    if( pszRefTime )
        rc = NomadsUtcFromIsoFrmt( ref, pszRefTime );
    if( rc != NOMADS_OK || pszRefTime == NULL )
        NomadsUtcNow( ref );
    NomadsUtcCopy( end, ref );
    NomadsUtcAddHours( end, nHours );

    /* Disable unneeded reading of entire directories, good speedup */

    pszConfigOpt = CPLGetConfigOption( "NOMADS_HTTP_TIMEOUT", "20" );
    if( pszConfigOpt != NULL )
        CPLSetConfigOption( "GDAL_HTTP_TIMEOUT", pszConfigOpt );

    nMaxFcstRewind = atoi( CPLGetConfigOption( "NOMADS_MAX_FCST_REWIND", "2" ) );
    if( nMaxFcstRewind < 1 || nMaxFcstRewind > 24 )
        nMaxFcstRewind = 2;
    /* Go back at least 3 for rap, as it may not get updated all the time. */
    if( EQUALN( pszModelKey, "rap", 3 ) || EQUALN( pszModelKey, "hrrr", 4 ) )
        nMaxFcstRewind = nMaxFcstRewind > 3 ? nMaxFcstRewind : 3;

    pszThreadCount = CPLGetConfigOption( "NOMADS_THREAD_COUNT", "4" );
    nThreads = atoi( pszThreadCount );
    if( nThreads < 1 || nThreads > 96 )
        nThreads = 4;
    pThreads = CPLMalloc( sizeof( void * ) * nThreads );
    pasData = CPLMalloc( sizeof( NomadsThreadData ) * nThreads );
    /* Unused variables, set to null to so free is no-op */
    nThreads = 1;
    pThreads = NULL;
    pasData = NULL;

    fcst = NULL;
    nFcstTries = 0;
    while( nFcstTries < nMaxFcstRewind )
        nrc = NOMADS_OK;
        fcst = NomadsSetForecastTime( ppszKey, ref, nFcstTries );
        nFcstHour = fcst->ts->tm_hour;
        CPLDebug( "WINDNINJA", "Generated forecast time in utc: %s",
                  NomadsUtcStrfTime( fcst, "%Y%m%dT%HZ" ) );

        if( EQUAL( pszModelKey, "rtma_conus" ) )
            panRunHours = (int*)CPLMalloc( sizeof( int ) );
            nFilesToGet = 1;
            nFilesToGet =
                NomadsBuildForecastRunHours( ppszKey, fcst, end, nHours,
                                             nStride, &panRunHours );

        papszDownloadUrls =
            NomadsBuildForecastFileList( pszModelKey, nFcstHour, panRunHours,
                                         nFilesToGet, fcst, padfBbox );
        if( papszDownloadUrls == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "Could not generate list of URLs to download, invalid data" );
            NomadsUtcFree( fcst );
            fcst = NULL;
            nrc = NOMADS_ERR;
        pszTmpDir = CPLStrdup( CPLGenerateTempFilename( NULL ) );
        CPLDebug( "WINDNINJA", "Creating Temp directory: %s", pszTmpDir );
        VSIMkdir( pszTmpDir, 0777 );
        papszOutputFiles =
            NomadsBuildOutputFileList( pszModelKey, nFcstHour, panRunHours,
                                       nFilesToGet, pszTmpDir, FALSE );
        if( papszOutputFiles == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "Could not generate list of URLs to download, invalid data" );
            CSLDestroy( papszDownloadUrls );
            NomadsUtcFree( fcst );
            fcst = NULL;
            nrc = NOMADS_ERR;

        CPLAssert( CSLCount( papszDownloadUrls ) == nFilesToGet );
        CPLAssert( CSLCount( papszOutputFiles ) == nFilesToGet );

        if( pfnProgress )
            pfnProgress( 0.0, "Starting download...", NULL );

        /* Download one file and start over if it's not there. */
        nrc = NomadsFetchVsi( papszDownloadUrls[0], papszOutputFiles[0] );
        nrc = NomadsFetchHttp( papszDownloadUrls[0], papszOutputFiles[0] );
#endif /* NOMADS_USE_VSI_READ */
        if( nrc != NOMADS_OK )
            CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "Failed to download forecast, " \
                      "stepping back one forecast run time step." );
            CPLSleep( 1 );
            ** Don't explicitly break here.  We'll skip the while loop because
            ** nrc != NOMADS_OK, and we can clean up memory and shift times in
            ** one spot to avoid duplicate code.
        /* Get the rest */
        i = 1;
        while( i < nFilesToGet && nrc == NOMADS_OK )
            if( pfnProgress )
                if( pfnProgress( (double)i / nFilesToGet,
                                 CPLSPrintf( "Downloading %s...",
                                             CPLGetFilename( papszOutputFiles[i] ) ),
                                 NULL ) )
                    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt,
                              "Cancelled by user." );
                    nrc = NOMADS_ERR;
                    nFcstTries = nMaxFcstRewind;
            k = i > nFilesToGet - nThreads ? (nFilesToGet - 1) % nThreads : nThreads;
            for( t = 0; t < k; t++ )
                pasData[t].pszUrl = papszDownloadUrls[i];
                pasData[t].pszFilename = papszOutputFiles[i];
                pThreads[t] =
                    CPLCreateJoinableThread( NomadsFetchAsync, &pasData[t] );
            for( t = 0; t < k; t++ )
                CPLJoinThread( pThreads[t] );
            for( t = 0; t < k; t++ )
                if( pasData[t].nErr )
                    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                              "Threaded download failed, attempting " \
                              "serial download for %s",
                              CPLGetFilename( pasData[t].pszFilename ) );
                    /* Try again, serially though */
                    if( CPLCheckForFile( (char *)pasData[t].pszFilename, NULL ) );
                        VSIUnlink( pasData[t].pszFilename );
                    rc = NomadsFetchVsi( pasData[t].pszUrl,
                                         pasData[t].pszFilename );
                    rc = NomadsFetchHttp( pasData[t].pszUrl,
                                          pasData[t].pszFilename );
#endif /* NOMADS_USE_VSI_READ */
                    if( rc != NOMADS_OK )
                        nrc = rc;
            nrc = NomadsFetchVsi( papszDownloadUrls[i], papszOutputFiles[i] );
            nrc = NomadsFetchHttp( papszDownloadUrls[i], papszOutputFiles[i] );
#endif /* NOMADS_USE_VSI_READ */
            if( nrc != NOMADS_OK )
                CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                          "Failed to download forecast, " \
                          "stepping back one forecast run time step." );
                CPLSleep( 1 );
        ** XXX Cleanup XXX
        ** After each loop we can get rid of the urls, but we can only get rid
        ** of the others if they are to be reallocated in the next loop.  Any
        ** cleanup in the else nrc == NOMADS_OK clause should be cleaned up in 
        ** the nrc == NOMADS_OK outside the loop.  Those are held so we can
        ** process the output files and zip them into an archive.
        CSLDestroy( papszDownloadUrls );
        NomadsUtcFree( fcst );
        if( nrc == NOMADS_OK )
            CPLFree( (void*)panRunHours );
            CSLDestroy( papszOutputFiles );
            CPLUnlinkTree( pszTmpDir );
            CPLFree( (void*)pszTmpDir );
    if( nrc == NOMADS_OK )
        bZip = EQUAL( CPLGetExtension( pszDstVsiPath ), "zip" ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
        papszFinalFiles =
            NomadsBuildOutputFileList( pszModelKey, nFcstHour, panRunHours,
                                       nFilesToGet, pszDstVsiPath,
                                       bZip );
        CPLFree( (void*)panRunHours );
        if( CPLCheckForFile( (char*)pszDstVsiPath, NULL ) )
            CPLUnlinkTree( pszDstVsiPath );
        if( !bZip )
            VSIMkdir( pszDstVsiPath, 0777 );
        nrc = NomadsZipFiles( papszOutputFiles, papszFinalFiles );
        CSLDestroy( papszOutputFiles );
        CSLDestroy( papszFinalFiles );
        if( nrc != NOMADS_OK )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "Could not copy files into path, unknown i/o failure" );
            CPLUnlinkTree( pszDstVsiPath );
        CPLUnlinkTree( pszTmpDir );
        CPLFree( (void*)pszTmpDir );
    CPLFree( (void*)pasData );
    CPLFree( (void**)pThreads );

    NomadsUtcFree( ref );
    NomadsUtcFree( end );
    CPLSetConfigOption( "GDAL_HTTP_TIMEOUT", NULL );
    if( nrc == NOMADS_OK && pfnProgress )
        pfnProgress( 1.0, NULL, NULL );
    return nrc;