コード例 #1
CP_Vector3D operator * (const CP_Vector3D& p, const CMatrix4& mat)
	double x, y, z;

	const double *mt = &mat.mat[0][0];
	x = p.m_x*mt[0] + p.m_y*mt[4] + p.m_z*mt[8];
	y = p.m_x*mt[1] + p.m_y*mt[5] + p.m_z*mt[9];
	z = p.m_x*mt[2] + p.m_y*mt[6] + p.m_z*mt[10];

	return CP_Vector3D (x, y, z);
コード例 #2
void InitRefPlanesByCooSys(CP_Vector3D coorSys[3], vector<vector<CP_LineSegment3D>> &vResultRefPlanes) {
    const double X_OFFSET_TOLER = 0.2;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        vector<CP_LineSegment3D> vRefPlane;
        InitPlaneByVecs(vRefPlane, &coorSys[i], &coorSys[(i+1)%3]);

    // The last reference plane is construct by Y-axis and v(1,0,0)

    vector<CP_LineSegment3D> vRefPlane;
    InitPlaneByVecs(vRefPlane, &CP_Vector3D(1, 0, 0), &coorSys[1]);
コード例 #3
void genModels(int modelnum, string config)
    int lastsize = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < polyhedra.size(); i++)
        Polygon3D* poly = polyhedra[i];
        int cur_size = poly->data.size();
        for(int j = 0;j < cur_size; j++)
        for (int j = 1; j < cur_size-1; j++)
            MeshPolyhedronIndex.push_back(lastsize + 0);
            MeshPolyhedronIndex.push_back(lastsize + j);
            MeshPolyhedronIndex.push_back(lastsize + j+1);
        lastsize += cur_size;

    bool isConfigreadin = config.length() > 0;
    streambuf *defaultstream = cout.rdbuf();

    vector<int> rotate_angles;
    vector<CP_Vector3D> translations;
    vector<CP_Vector3D> rotations;
    if(! isConfigreadin)
        time_t t = time(0); 
        char tmp[64]; 
        strftime( tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%m-%d-%H-%M", localtime(&t) ); 
        ofstream f(string(tmp) + "-" + to_string(modelnum) + "-rand.config");
        cout << "rand config write to :" << string(tmp) + "-" + to_string(modelnum) + "-rand.config" << endl;

        double xx = 20.0 / draw_scale;
        double range = modelnum*xx;
        for(int i = 0; i < modelnum; i++)
            float trans_x = (rand() % (int) 5*range) / (range);
            float trans_y = (rand() % (int) 5*range) / (range);
            float trans_z = (rand() % (int) 5*range) / (range);

            if(rand() & 0x1)
                trans_x = -trans_x;
            if(rand() & 0x1)
                trans_y = -trans_y;
            if(rand() & 0x1)
                trans_z = -trans_z;

            int rotate_angle = rand() % 180;
            float rot_x = (rand() % 100) / 100.0;
            float rot_y = (rand() % 100) / 100.0;
            float rot_z = (rand() % 100) / 100.0;

            if(rand() & 0x1)
                rot_x = -rot_x;
            if(rand() & 0x1)
                rot_y = -rot_y;
            if(rand() & 0x1)
                rot_z = -rot_z;

            translations.push_back(CP_Vector3D(trans_x, trans_y, trans_z));
            rotations.push_back(CP_Vector3D(rot_x, rot_y, rot_z));

            cout << rotate_angle << " " << rot_x << " " << rot_y << " " << rot_z << endl;
            cout << trans_x << " " << trans_y << " " << trans_z << endl;
        ifstream fin(config.data());
        string line;
        int i = 0;
        int angle;
        float x,y,z;
        while(std::getline(fin, line))
            stringstream ss;
            ss << line;
            if(i & 0x1) // tranls
                ss >> x >> y >> z;
            }else //angle rot
                ss >> angle >> x >> y >> z;
コード例 #4
 CP_Vector3D operator()(CP_Vector3D &point)
     return CP_Vector3D(mat * point);
コード例 #5
    static void clusterWighted(vector<CP_Vector3D> &init_centers, vector<CP_Vector3D> &normals, vector<AreaIndex> &input_areas, vector<CP_Vector3D> &centroids, bool delete_initcenter_if_none_blongto = false)
        int k = init_centers.size();
        centroids = init_centers;
        int iterTime = 0;
        const int MaxIterCount = 100;
        const RealValueType tol = 1 * PI / 180.0; //1 degree
        const CP_Vector3D deleted_center = CP_Vector3D(0,0,0);

        while (iterTime ++ < MaxIterCount)
            vector<int> cluster_types(input_areas.size());
            vector<RealValueType> cluster_num(k);
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input_areas.size(); i++)
                RealValueType tmp = -RealValueTypeMax;
                int cluster_type = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                    if(centroids[j] == deleted_center)
                    RealValueType cos_ =  normals[input_areas[i].index] * centroids[j]; 
                    if(cos_ > tmp)
                        tmp = cos_;
                        cluster_type = j;    
                cluster_types[i] = cluster_type;// the i th point belongs to the j th(cluster_type) centroid
                cluster_num[cluster_type] += input_areas[i].area;

            vector<CP_Vector3D> sum(k);
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input_areas.size(); i++)
                sum[cluster_types[i]] += normals[input_areas[i].index] * input_areas[i].area;

            bool move_on = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                if (cluster_num[i] == 0)
                    //new center remove
                    centroids[i] = deleted_center;

                CP_Vector3D new_center = sum[i] / cluster_num[i];//average
                new_center.mf_normalize(); //normalized
                RealValueType acs = centroids[i] * new_center;
                if(acs < cos(tol)) // center move on // cos(x1) < cos(x2):x1>x2
                    move_on = true;
                    centroids[i] = new_center;
                #ifdef PRINT_DETAILS
                cout << "Clustering Converged with iterate times: " << iterTime << endl;
        if(iterTime == MaxIterCount)
            cout << "WARNING! Clustering hit MaxIterate times : " << MaxIterCount << endl;

        vector<CP_Vector3D> result;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
            if(! (centroids[i] == deleted_center)) 
            else if(!delete_initcenter_if_none_blongto) //make sure the result should be k clusters,if delete_initcenter_if_none_blongto
        centroids = result;