コード例 #1
ファイル: WpDa.cpp プロジェクト: agran147/FieldWorks
	Load the data from the given file into an empty window.
void WpDa::LoadIntoEmpty(StrAnsi staFileName, WpChildWnd * pwcw)
	Assert(staFileName != "");
	int ctss;
	CheckHr(get_VecSize(1, kflidStText_Paragraphs, &ctss));
	Assert(ctss <= 1);

	Vector<StrUni> vstu;
	ReadTextFromFile(staFileName, vstu);

	HVO * prghvoPara = NewObj HVO[vstu.Size()];
	for (int istu = 0; istu < vstu.Size(); istu++)
		prghvoPara[istu] = istu + 2;
	CacheVecProp(1, kflidStText_Paragraphs, prghvoPara, vstu.Size());
	ITsStrFactoryPtr qtsf;
	int enc = 100; // replace by the right number when we figure out what it is

	for (istu = 0; istu < vstu.Size(); istu++)
		StrUni stuPara = vstu[istu];
		ITsStringPtr qtss;
		CheckHr(qtsf->MakeStringRgch(stuPara.Chars(), stuPara.Length(), enc, &qtss));
		CacheStringProp(istu + 2, kflidStTxtPara_Contents, qtss);

	ITsPropsBldrPtr qtpb;
	StrUni stuNormal = L"Normal";
	CheckHr(qtpb->SetStrPropValue(kspNamedStyle, stuNormal.Bstr()));

	delete[] prghvoPara;

コード例 #2
ファイル: WpDa.cpp プロジェクト: agran147/FieldWorks
	Initialize the data from the given file, or create a new empty string.
void WpDa::InitNew(StrAnsi staFileName)
	if (staFileName == "")

	Vector<StrUni> vstu;
	ReadTextFromFile(staFileName, vstu);

	HVO * prghvoPara = NewObj HVO[vstu.Size()];
	for (int istu = 0; istu < vstu.Size(); istu++)
		prghvoPara[istu] = istu + 2;
	CacheVecProp(1, kflidStText_Paragraphs, prghvoPara, vstu.Size());
	ITsStrFactoryPtr qtsf;
	int enc = 100; // replace by the right number when we figure out what it is

	for (istu = 0; istu < vstu.Size(); istu++)
		StrUni stuPara = vstu[istu];
		ITsStringPtr qtss;
		CheckHr(qtsf->MakeStringRgch(stuPara.Chars(), stuPara.Length(), enc, &qtss));
		CacheStringProp(istu + 2, kflidStTxtPara_Contents, qtss);

	ITsPropsBldrPtr qtpb;
	StrUni stuNormal = L"Normal";

	delete[] prghvoPara;
コード例 #3
ファイル: WpDa.cpp プロジェクト: agran147/FieldWorks
	Initialize an empty document. It has a document object (always ID 1!) and one paragraph
	containing (implicitly) an empty string. Style is set to Normal
	Review SharonC(JohnT): what encoding should the empty string have??
void WpDa::InitNewEmpty()
	HVO hvoPara = 2;
	CacheVecProp(1, kflidStText_Paragraphs, &hvoPara, 1);
	ITsStrFactoryPtr qtsf;
	ITsStringPtr qtss;
	int enc = 100;
	CheckHr(qtsf->MakeStringRgch(L"", 0, enc, &qtss));
	CacheStringProp(hvoPara, kflidStTxtPara_Contents, qtss);
	ITsPropsBldrPtr qtpb;
	StrUni stuNormal = L"Normal";
	CheckHr(qtpb->SetStrPropValue(kspNamedStyle, stuNormal.Bstr()));
コード例 #4
	Load data into the cache from the record set defined by hstmt, according to the specs
	in prgocs/cocs. Columns with m_icolID = 0 give properties of hvoBase.
	Load properties of at most crowMax objects; this may only be used if there is no vector
	property being loaded, since we could not be sure of having a complete record of the
	value of a vector without loading the next row. If crowMax is zero, load everything.
	Note: call from inside try/catch block; may throw exceptions.
	Note that prgocs[i] describes the column which ODBC indexes as [i+1].
void VwRsOdbcDa::Load(SQLHSTMT hstmt, OdbcColSpec * prgocs, int cocs, HVO hvoBase,
	int crowMax)
	AssertArray(prgocs, cocs);
	Assert((uint)cocs <= (uint) 200); // limit because of size of rghvoBaseIds
	Assert(crowMax >= 0);

	ITsStrFactoryPtr qtsf;
	ITsPropsFactoryPtr qtpf;

	// Block of variables for binary fields
	Vector<byte> vbData; // used to buffer data from binary fields
	const int kcbMaxData = 1000; // amount of binary data to read in one go
	byte rgbData[kcbMaxData];  // buffer for short binary data fields
	long cbData; // how many bytes in prgbData hold valid data
	byte * prgbData; // points to rgbData or vbData.Begin(), as appropriate

	// Similar block for Unicode text
	Vector<wchar> vchData;
	const int kcchMaxData = 1000;
	wchar rgchData[kcchMaxData];
	long cchData;
	wchar * prgchData;

	Vector<HVO> vhvo; // accumulate objects for sequence property
	int nrows = 0;

	if (crowMax == 0)
		crowMax = INT_MAX;

	HVO rghvoBaseIds[200];

	int icolVec = -1; // index of (one and only) column of type koctObjVec
	int hvoVecBase; // object that is base of vector property

	while (CheckSqlRc(SQLFetch(hstmt)) != SQL_NO_DATA)
		// We have a record.
		for (int icol = 0; icol < cocs; icol++)
			int nVal;
			HVO hvoVal;
			ITsStringPtr qtssVal;
			// TOxDO JohnT: fill this in...
			HVO hvoCurBase; // object whose property we will read.
			if (prgocs[icol].m_icolID == 0)
				hvoCurBase = hvoBase;
				// Must refer to a previous column; use <= because m_icolID is 1-based, so
				// if equal to i, it refers to the immediate previous column.
				Assert(prgocs[icol].m_icolID <= icol);
				hvoCurBase = rghvoBaseIds[prgocs[icol].m_icolID - 1];
			switch (prgocs[icol].m_oct)
			case koctInt:
				CheckSqlRc(SQLGetData(hstmt, (unsigned short)(icol + 1), SQL_C_SLONG, &nVal, 4, NULL));
				CacheIntProp(hvoCurBase, prgocs[icol].m_tag, nVal);
			case koctUnicode:
				ReadUnicode(hstmt, icol + 1, rgchData, kcchMaxData,
					vchData, prgchData, cchData);
				CacheUnicodeProp(hvoCurBase, prgocs[icol].m_tag, prgchData, cchData);
			case koctString:
			case koctMlsAlt:
			case koctMltAlt:
				// Next column must give format; both are for the same property
				ReadUnicode(hstmt, icol + 1, rgchData, kcchMaxData,
					vchData, prgchData, cchData);
				if (koctMltAlt != prgocs[icol].m_oct)
					Assert(icol < cocs - 1 && prgocs[icol + 1].m_oct == koctFmt);
					Assert(prgocs[icol].m_tag == prgocs[icol + 1].m_tag);
					// Leave the data in prgchData and cchData, to be processed next iteration
					// when we read the format.
				// A MS alt without a FMT column, use the specified writing system both for the string
				// formatting and to indicate the alternative.
				CheckHr(qtsf->MakeStringRgch(prgchData, cchData, prgocs[icol].m_ws, &qtssVal));
				CacheStringAlt(hvoCurBase, prgocs[icol].m_tag,
						prgocs[icol].m_ws, qtssVal);
			case koctFmt:
				// Previous column must be string or multistring; we have already checked same tag.
				Assert(icol > 0 &&
					(prgocs[icol - 1].m_oct == koctString || prgocs[icol - 1].m_oct == koctMlsAlt));
				ReadBinary(hstmt, icol + 1, rgbData, kcbMaxData,
					vbData, prgbData, cbData);
				int cbDataInt;
				cbDataInt = cbData;
				int cchDataInt;
				cchDataInt = cchData;
				if (cchDataInt == 0 && cbDataInt == 0)
					CheckHr(qtsf->MakeStringRgch(NULL, 0, prgocs[icol - 1].m_ws, &qtssVal));
					CheckHr(qtsf->DeserializeStringRgch(prgchData, &cchDataInt, prgbData,
						&cbDataInt, &qtssVal));
				if (prgocs[icol - 1].m_oct == koctString)
					CacheStringProp(hvoCurBase, prgocs[icol].m_tag, qtssVal);
					CacheStringAlt(hvoCurBase, prgocs[icol].m_tag,
						prgocs[icol - 1].m_ws, qtssVal);
			case koctObj:
			case koctBaseId:
				long nIndicator;
				CheckSqlRc(SQLGetData(hstmt, (unsigned short)(icol + 1), SQL_C_SLONG,
					&hvoVal, 4, &nIndicator));
				// Treat null as zero.
				if (nIndicator == SQL_NULL_DATA)
					hvoVal = 0;
				if (prgocs[icol].m_oct == koctObj)
					CacheObjProp(hvoCurBase, prgocs[icol].m_tag, hvoVal);
				rghvoBaseIds[icol] = hvoVal;
			case koctObjVec:
				CheckSqlRc(SQLGetData(hstmt, (unsigned short)(icol + 1), SQL_C_SLONG,
					&hvoVal, 4, NULL));
				rghvoBaseIds[icol] = hvoVal;
				// See if there has been a change in the base column, if so, record value and
				// start a new one.
				if (icolVec < 0)
					// First iteration, ignore previous object
					icolVec = icol;
					hvoVecBase = hvoCurBase;
					// Only one vector column allowed!
					Assert(icolVec == icol);
					if (hvoVecBase != hvoCurBase)
						// Started a new vector! Record the old one
						CacheVecProp(hvoVecBase, prgocs[icolVec].m_tag, vhvo.Begin(),
						// clear the list out and note new base object
						hvoVecBase = hvoCurBase;
			case koctTtp:
				ReadBinary(hstmt, icol + 1, rgbData, kcbMaxData,
					vbData, prgbData, cbData);
				if (cbData > 0) // otherwise field is null, cache nothing
					cbDataInt = cbData;
					ITsTextPropsPtr qttp;
					qtpf->DeserializePropsRgb(prgbData, &cbDataInt, &qttp);
					CacheUnknown(hvoCurBase, prgocs[icol].m_tag, qttp);

		// Stop if we have processed the requested number of rows.
		if (nrows >= crowMax)
	// If we are processing a vector, we need to fill in the last occurrence
	if (icolVec >= 0)
		CacheVecProp(hvoVecBase, prgocs[icolVec].m_tag, vhvo.Begin(),