コード例 #1
 * Build any runtime relationships we may have and ensure
 * the labels for other objects are valid.
void ProcessRemovalsByLength::DoBuild() {
  partition_ = CombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::CombinedCategories(model_, category_labels_));
  cached_partition_ = CachedCombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::cached::CombinedCategories(model_, category_labels_));

//  if (ageing_error_label_ != "")
//   LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "ageing error has not been implemented for the proportions at age observation";

  length_results_.resize(number_bins_ * category_labels_.size(), 0.0);

  auto time_step = model_->managers().time_step()->GetTimeStep(time_step_label_);
  if (!time_step) {
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP)<< time_step_label_ << " could not be found. Have you defined it?";
  } else {
    auto process = time_step->SubscribeToProcess(this, years_, process_label_);
    mortality_instantaneous_ = dynamic_cast<MortalityInstantaneous*>(process);

  if (!mortality_instantaneous_)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PROCESS) << "This observation can only be used for Process of type = " << PARAM_MORTALITY_INSTANTANEOUS;

  // Need to split the categories if any are combined for checking
  vector<string> temp_split_category_labels, split_category_labels;

  for (const string& category_label : category_labels_) {
    boost::split(temp_split_category_labels, category_label, boost::is_any_of("+"));
    for (const string& split_category_label : temp_split_category_labels) {

  // Need to make this a vector so its compatible with the function couldn't be bothered templating sorry
  vector<string> methods;
  // Do some checks so that the observation and process are compatible
  if (!mortality_instantaneous_->check_methods_for_removal_obs(methods))
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_METHOD_OF_REMOVAL) << "could not find all these methods in the instantaneous_mortality process labeled " << process_label_
        << " please check that the methods are compatible with this process";
  if (!mortality_instantaneous_->check_categories_in_methods_for_removal_obs(methods, split_category_labels))
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_CATEGORIES) << "could not find all these categories in the instantaneous_mortality process labeled " << process_label_
        << " please check that the categories are compatible with this process";
  if (!mortality_instantaneous_->check_years_in_methods_for_removal_obs(years_, methods))
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_YEARS) << "could not find catches in all years in the instantaneous_mortality process labeled " << process_label_
        << " please check that the years are compatible with this process";

コード例 #2
 * Build any runtime relationships we may have and ensure
 * the labels for other objects are valid.
void ProportionsMigrating::DoBuild() {
  partition_ = CombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::CombinedCategories(model_, category_labels_));
  cached_partition_ = CachedCombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::cached::CombinedCategories(model_, category_labels_));

// Create a pointer to misclassification matrix
  if( ageing_error_label_ != "") {
  ageing_error_ = model_->managers().ageing_error()->GetAgeingError(ageing_error_label_);
  if (!ageing_error_)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_AGEING_ERROR) << "(" << ageing_error_label_ << ") could not be found. Have you defined it?";

  age_results_.resize(age_spread_ * category_labels_.size(), 0.0);

  TimeStep* time_step = model_->managers().time_step()->GetTimeStep(time_step_label_);
  if (!time_step) {
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP) << time_step_label_ << " could not be found. Have you defined it?";
  } else
    time_step->SubscribeToProcess(this, years_, process_label_);
コード例 #3
 * Build runtime relationships between this object and other objects.
 * Build any data objects that need to be built.
void Cinitial::DoBuild() {
  time_steps_ = model_->managers().time_step()->ordered_time_steps();

  // Create Category and cached category pointers
  partition_ = CombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::CombinedCategories(model_, category_labels_));
  cached_partition_ = CachedCombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::cached::CombinedCategories(model_, category_labels_));
  // Create derived quantity pointers
  unsigned i = 0;
  for (auto derived_quantities : derived_quanitity_) {
    if (derived_quantities != "") {
      if (!derived_ptr_[i]) {
        LOG_ERROR() << "Cannot find " << derived_quantities;