コード例 #1
ファイル: ntlm.c プロジェクト: EdWatts/FreeRDP
BYTE* NTOWFv2W(LPWSTR Password, UINT32 PasswordLength, LPWSTR User,
		UINT32 UserLength, LPWSTR Domain, UINT32 DomainLength, BYTE* NtHash)
	BYTE* buffer;
	BYTE NtHashV1[16];

	if ((!User) || (!Password))
		return NULL;

	if (!NtHash)
		NtHash = (BYTE*) malloc(16);

	NTOWFv1W(Password, PasswordLength, NtHashV1);

	buffer = (BYTE*) malloc(UserLength + DomainLength);

	/* Concatenate(UpperCase(User), Domain) */

	CopyMemory(buffer, User, UserLength);
	CharUpperBuffW((LPWSTR) buffer, UserLength / 2);
	CopyMemory(&buffer[UserLength], Domain, DomainLength);

	/* Compute the HMAC-MD5 hash of the above value using the NTLMv1 hash as the key, the result is the NTLMv2 hash */
	HMAC(EVP_md5(), (void*) NtHashV1, 16, buffer, UserLength + DomainLength, (void*) NtHash, NULL);


	return NtHash;
コード例 #2
ファイル: TestUnicodeConversion.c プロジェクト: BUGgs/FreeRDP
int test_unicode_uppercasing(BYTE* lower, BYTE* upper)
	WCHAR* lowerW = NULL;
	int lowerLength;
	WCHAR* upperW = NULL;
	int upperLength;

	lowerLength = ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, (LPSTR) lower, -1, &lowerW, 0);
	upperLength = ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, (LPSTR) upper, -1, &upperW, 0);

	CharUpperBuffW(lowerW, lowerLength);

	if (_wcscmp(lowerW, upperW) != 0)
		printf("Lowercase String:\n");
		string_hexdump((BYTE*) lowerW, lowerLength * 2);

		printf("Uppercase String:\n");
		string_hexdump((BYTE*) upperW, upperLength * 2);

		return -1;


	return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: BaseApi.cpp プロジェクト: gkscndrl/GoldRushData
BOOL WINAPI GetProcessName(DWORD dwPid, TCHAR* lpBuffer, size_t dwBufsize)
	HANDLE hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, NULL);
	PROCESSENTRY32 pe = { sizeof(pe), 0 };
	size_t nLen;

		return FALSE;

	if (!Process32First(hSnap, &pe))
		return FALSE;

			if (dwPid != pe.th32ProcessID)

			StringCbLength(pe.szExeFile, MAX_PATH - 1, &nLen);
			CharUpperBuffW(pe.szExeFile, nLen);
			StringCbCopy(lpBuffer, dwBufsize, pe.szExeFile);
		catch (...)
			return FALSE;
	} while (Process32Next(hSnap, &pe));


	return TRUE;
コード例 #4
ファイル: tsstrs.cpp プロジェクト: kjradv/Isotoxin
void  str_wrap_text_uppercase(wchar_t *out, aint maxlen)
		CharUpperBuffW(out, maxlen);
	} else
		blk_copy_fwd(out, to_wstr( to_str(wsptr(out, maxlen)).case_up() ).cstr(), maxlen);
コード例 #5
ファイル: xcopy.c プロジェクト: RPG-7/reactos
/* =========================================================================
 * Process a single file from the /EXCLUDE: file list, building up a list
 * of substrings to avoid copying
 * Returns TRUE on any failure
 * ========================================================================= */
static BOOL XCOPY_ProcessExcludeFile(WCHAR* filename, WCHAR* endOfName) {

    WCHAR   endChar = *endOfName;
    WCHAR   buffer[MAXSTRING];
    FILE   *inFile  = NULL;
    const WCHAR readTextMode[]  = {'r', 't', 0};

    /* Null terminate the filename (temporarily updates the filename hence
         parms not const)                                                 */
    *endOfName = 0x00;

    /* Open the file */
    inFile = _wfopen(filename, readTextMode);
    if (inFile == NULL) {
        XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_OPENFAIL), filename);
        *endOfName = endChar;
        return TRUE;

    /* Process line by line */
    while (fgetws(buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), inFile) != NULL) {
        EXCLUDELIST *thisEntry;
        int length = lstrlenW(buffer);

        /* Strip CRLF */
        buffer[length-1] = 0x00;

        /* If more than CRLF */
        if (length > 1) {
          thisEntry = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(EXCLUDELIST));
          thisEntry->next = excludeList;
          excludeList = thisEntry;
          thisEntry->name = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
                                      (length * sizeof(WCHAR))+1);
          lstrcpyW(thisEntry->name, buffer);
          CharUpperBuffW(thisEntry->name, length);
          WINE_TRACE("Read line : '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(thisEntry->name));

    /* See if EOF or error occurred */
    if (!feof(inFile)) {
        XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_READFAIL), filename);
        *endOfName = endChar;
        return TRUE;

    /* Revert the input string to original form, and cleanup + return */
    *endOfName = endChar;
    return FALSE;
コード例 #6
ファイル: rktio_convert.c プロジェクト: AlexKnauth/racket
rktio_char16_t *rktio_recase_utf16(rktio_t *rktio, rktio_bool_t to_up, rktio_char16_t *s1, intptr_t l1, intptr_t *olen)
  CFMutableStringRef mstr;
  CFStringRef str;
  CFRange rng;
  rktio_char16_t *result;
  intptr_t len;

  str = CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL, (unsigned char *)s1, (l1 * sizeof(rktio_char16_t)), kCFStringEncodingUnicode, FALSE);
  mstr = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, str);

  if (to_up)
    CFStringUppercase(mstr, NULL);
    CFStringLowercase(mstr, NULL);

  len = CFStringGetLength(mstr);

  result = malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(rktio_char16_t));

  rng = CFRangeMake(0, len);
  CFStringGetCharacters(mstr, rng, (UniChar *)result);

  result[len] = 0;

  if (olen)
    *olen = len;

  return result;
  rktio_char16_t *result;
  result = malloc((l1 + 1) * sizeof(rktio_char16_t));
  memcpy(result, s1, l1 * sizeof(rktio_char16_t));
  result[l1] = 0;
  if (to_up)
    CharUpperBuffW((wchar_t *)result, l1);
    CharLowerBuffW((wchar_t *)result, l1);

  if (olen)
    *olen = l1;

  return result;
  return NULL;
コード例 #7
ファイル: CmdLine.cpp プロジェクト: DreamersStudio/ConEmu
// One trailing (or middle) asterisk allowed
bool CompareFileMask(const wchar_t* asFileName, const wchar_t* asMask)
	if (!asFileName || !*asFileName || !asMask || !*asMask)
		return false;
	// Any file?
	if (*asMask == L'*' && *(asMask+1) == 0)
		return true;

	int iCmp = -1;

	wchar_t sz1[MAX_PATH+1], sz2[MAX_PATH+1];
	lstrcpyn(sz1, asFileName, countof(sz1));
	size_t nLen1 = lstrlen(sz1);
	CharUpperBuffW(sz1, (DWORD)nLen1);
	lstrcpyn(sz2, asMask, countof(sz2));
	size_t nLen2 = lstrlen(sz2);
	CharUpperBuffW(sz2, (DWORD)nLen2);

	wchar_t* pszAst = wcschr(sz2, L'*');
	if (!pszAst)
		iCmp = lstrcmp(sz1, sz2);
		*pszAst = 0;
		size_t nLen = pszAst - sz2;
		size_t nRight = lstrlen(pszAst+1);
		if (wcsncmp(sz1, sz2, nLen) == 0)
			if (!nRight)
				iCmp = 0;
			else if (nLen1 >= (nRight + nLen))
				iCmp = lstrcmp(sz1+nLen1-nRight, pszAst+1);

	return (iCmp == 0);
コード例 #8
ファイル: xmlelem.c プロジェクト: pstrealer/wine
static HRESULT WINAPI xmlelem_get_tagName(IXMLElement *iface, BSTR *p)
    xmlelem *This = impl_from_IXMLElement(iface);

    TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", iface, p);

    if (!p)
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    *p = bstr_from_xmlChar(This->node->name);
    CharUpperBuffW(*p, SysStringLen(*p));

    TRACE("returning %s\n", debugstr_w(*p));

    return S_OK;
コード例 #9
ファイル: xmldoc.c プロジェクト: MichaelMcDonnell/wine
static HRESULT WINAPI xmldoc_get_doctype(IXMLDocument *iface, BSTR *p)
    xmldoc *This = impl_from_IXMLDocument(iface);
    xmlDtd *dtd;

    TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", This, p);

    if (!p) return E_INVALIDARG;

    dtd = xmlGetIntSubset(This->xmldoc);
    if (!dtd) return S_FALSE;

    *p = bstr_from_xmlChar(dtd->name);
    CharUpperBuffW(*p, SysStringLen(*p));

    return S_OK;
コード例 #10
ファイル: text.c プロジェクト: RPG-7/reactos
 * @implemented
CharUpperBuffA(LPSTR str, DWORD len)
    DWORD lenW;
    WCHAR* strW;
    if (!str) return 0; /* YES */

    lenW = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, len, NULL, 0);
    strW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lenW * sizeof(WCHAR));
    if (strW) {
        MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, len, strW, lenW);
        CharUpperBuffW(strW, lenW);
        len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strW, lenW, str, len, NULL, NULL);
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strW);
        return len;
    return 0;
コード例 #11
ファイル: wstrings.c プロジェクト: conioh/os-design
    LPWSTR pwsz)
     * Early out for NULL string or '\0'
    if (pwsz == NULL) {
        return pwsz;

    if (!IS_PTR(pwsz)) {
        if (!LCMapStringW(
                 )) {
             * We don't expect LCMapString to fail!  The caller is not expecting
             * failure, CharLowerW does not have a failure indicator, so we do
             * nothing.
            RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "CharUpperW(%#p): LCMapString failed", pwsz);

        return pwsz;

     * pwsz is a null-terminated string
    CharUpperBuffW(pwsz, wcslen(pwsz)+1);
    return pwsz;
コード例 #12
ファイル: UnicodeString.cpp プロジェクト: Maximus5/FarPlugins
UnicodeString&  UnicodeString::Upper(size_t nStartPos, size_t nLength)
	CharUpperBuffW(m_pData->GetData()+nStartPos, nLength==(size_t)-1?(DWORD)(m_pData->GetLength()-nStartPos):(DWORD)nLength);
	return *this;
コード例 #13
ファイル: xcopy.c プロジェクト: RPG-7/reactos
/* =========================================================================
   XCOPY_DoCopy - Recursive function to copy files based on input parms
     of a stem and a spec

      This works by using FindFirstFile supplying the source stem and spec.
      If results are found, any non-directory ones are processed
      Then, if /S or /E is supplied, another search is made just for
      directories, and this function is called again for that directory

   ========================================================================= */
static int XCOPY_DoCopy(WCHAR *srcstem, WCHAR *srcspec,
                        WCHAR *deststem, WCHAR *destspec,
                        DWORD flags)
    WIN32_FIND_DATAW *finddata;
    HANDLE          h;
    BOOL            findres = TRUE;
    WCHAR           *inputpath, *outputpath;
    BOOL            copiedFile = FALSE;
    DWORD           destAttribs, srcAttribs;
    BOOL            skipFile;
    int             ret = 0;

    /* Allocate some working memory on heap to minimize footprint */
    finddata = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATAW));
    inputpath = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR));
    outputpath = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR));

    /* Build the search info into a single parm */
    lstrcpyW(inputpath, srcstem);
    lstrcatW(inputpath, srcspec);

    /* Search 1 - Look for matching files */
    h = FindFirstFileW(inputpath, finddata);
    while (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && findres) {

        skipFile = FALSE;

        /* Ignore . and .. */
        if (lstrcmpW(finddata->cFileName, wchr_dot)==0 ||
            lstrcmpW(finddata->cFileName, wchr_dotdot)==0 ||
            finddata->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {

            WINE_TRACE("Skipping directory, . or .. (%s)\n", wine_dbgstr_w(finddata->cFileName));
        } else {

            /* Get the filename information */
            lstrcpyW(copyFrom, srcstem);
            if (flags & OPT_SHORTNAME) {
              lstrcatW(copyFrom, finddata->cAlternateFileName);
            } else {
              lstrcatW(copyFrom, finddata->cFileName);

            lstrcpyW(copyTo, deststem);
            if (*destspec == 0x00) {
                if (flags & OPT_SHORTNAME) {
                    lstrcatW(copyTo, finddata->cAlternateFileName);
                } else {
                    lstrcatW(copyTo, finddata->cFileName);
            } else {
                lstrcatW(copyTo, destspec);

            /* Do the copy */
            WINE_TRACE("ACTION: Copy '%s' -> '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(copyFrom),
            if (!copiedFile && !(flags & OPT_SIMULATE)) XCOPY_CreateDirectory(deststem);

            /* See if allowed to copy it */
            srcAttribs = GetFileAttributesW(copyFrom);
            WINE_TRACE("Source attribs: %d\n", srcAttribs);

            if ((srcAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) ||
                (srcAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM)) {

                if (!(flags & OPT_COPYHIDSYS)) {
                    skipFile = TRUE;

            if (!(srcAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) &&
                (flags & OPT_ARCHIVEONLY)) {
                skipFile = TRUE;

            /* See if file exists */
            destAttribs = GetFileAttributesW(copyTo);
            WINE_TRACE("Dest attribs: %d\n", srcAttribs);

            /* Check date ranges if a destination file already exists */
            if (!skipFile && (flags & OPT_DATERANGE) &&
                (CompareFileTime(&finddata->ftLastWriteTime, &dateRange) < 0)) {
                WINE_TRACE("Skipping file as modified date too old\n");
                skipFile = TRUE;

            /* If just /D supplied, only overwrite if src newer than dest */
            if (!skipFile && (flags & OPT_DATENEWER) &&
               (destAttribs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)) {
                HANDLE h = CreateFileW(copyTo, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ,
                                      NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,
                if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
                    FILETIME writeTime;
                    GetFileTime(h, NULL, NULL, &writeTime);

                    if (CompareFileTime(&finddata->ftLastWriteTime, &writeTime) <= 0) {
                        WINE_TRACE("Skipping file as dest newer or same date\n");
                        skipFile = TRUE;

            /* See if exclude list provided. Note since filenames are case
               insensitive, need to uppercase the filename before doing
               strstr                                                     */
            if (!skipFile && (flags & OPT_EXCLUDELIST)) {
                EXCLUDELIST *pos = excludeList;
                WCHAR copyFromUpper[MAX_PATH];

                /* Uppercase source filename */
                lstrcpyW(copyFromUpper, copyFrom);
                CharUpperBuffW(copyFromUpper, lstrlenW(copyFromUpper));

                /* Loop through testing each exclude line */
                while (pos) {
                    if (wcsstr(copyFromUpper, pos->name) != NULL) {
                        WINE_TRACE("Skipping file as matches exclude '%s'\n",
                        skipFile = TRUE;
                        pos = NULL;
                    } else {
                        pos = pos->next;

            /* Prompt each file if necessary */
            if (!skipFile && (flags & OPT_SRCPROMPT)) {
                DWORD count;
                char  answer[10];
                BOOL  answered = FALSE;
                WCHAR yesChar[2];
                WCHAR noChar[2];

                /* Read the Y and N characters from the resource file */
                wcscpy(yesChar, XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_YES_CHAR));
                wcscpy(noChar, XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_NO_CHAR));

                while (!answered) {
                    XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_SRCPROMPT), copyFrom);
                    ReadFile (GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), answer, sizeof(answer),
                              &count, NULL);

                    answered = TRUE;
                    if (toupper(answer[0]) == noChar[0])
                        skipFile = TRUE;
                    else if (toupper(answer[0]) != yesChar[0])
                        answered = FALSE;

            if (!skipFile &&
                destAttribs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && !(flags & OPT_NOPROMPT)) {
                DWORD count;
                char  answer[10];
                BOOL  answered = FALSE;
                WCHAR yesChar[2];
                WCHAR allChar[2];
                WCHAR noChar[2];

                /* Read the A,Y and N characters from the resource file */
                wcscpy(yesChar, XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_YES_CHAR));
                wcscpy(allChar, XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_ALL_CHAR));
                wcscpy(noChar, XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_NO_CHAR));

                while (!answered) {
                    XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_OVERWRITE), copyTo);
                    ReadFile (GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), answer, sizeof(answer),
                              &count, NULL);

                    answered = TRUE;
                    if (toupper(answer[0]) == allChar[0])
                        flags |= OPT_NOPROMPT;
                    else if (toupper(answer[0]) == noChar[0])
                        skipFile = TRUE;
                    else if (toupper(answer[0]) != yesChar[0])
                        answered = FALSE;

            /* See if it has to exist! */
            if (destAttribs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (flags & OPT_MUSTEXIST)) {
                skipFile = TRUE;

            /* Output a status message */
            if (!skipFile) {
                if (flags & OPT_QUIET) {
                    /* Skip message */
                } else if (flags & OPT_FULL) {
                    const WCHAR infostr[]   = {'%', '1', ' ', '-', '>', ' ',
                                               '%', '2', '\n', 0};

                    XCOPY_wprintf(infostr, copyFrom, copyTo);
                } else {
                    const WCHAR infostr[] = {'%', '1', '\n', 0};
                    XCOPY_wprintf(infostr, copyFrom);

                /* If allowing overwriting of read only files, remove any
                   write protection                                       */
                if ((destAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) &&
                    (flags & OPT_REPLACEREAD)) {
                    SetFileAttributesW(copyTo, destAttribs & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);

                copiedFile = TRUE;
                if (flags & OPT_SIMULATE || flags & OPT_NOCOPY) {
                    /* Skip copy */
                } else if (CopyFileW(copyFrom, copyTo, FALSE) == 0) {

                    DWORD error = GetLastError();
                           copyFrom, copyTo, error);

                    if (flags & OPT_IGNOREERRORS) {
                        skipFile = TRUE;
                    } else {
                        ret = RC_WRITEERROR;
                        goto cleanup;

                /* If /M supplied, remove the archive bit after successful copy */
                if (!skipFile) {
                    if ((srcAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) &&
                        (flags & OPT_REMOVEARCH)) {
                        SetFileAttributesW(copyFrom, (srcAttribs & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE));

        /* Find next file */
        findres = FindNextFileW(h, finddata);

    /* Search 2 - do subdirs */
    if (flags & OPT_RECURSIVE) {
        lstrcpyW(inputpath, srcstem);
        lstrcatW(inputpath, wchr_star);
        findres = TRUE;
        WINE_TRACE("Processing subdirs with spec: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(inputpath));

        h = FindFirstFileW(inputpath, finddata);
        while (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && findres) {

            /* Only looking for dirs */
            if ((finddata->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) &&
                (lstrcmpW(finddata->cFileName, wchr_dot) != 0) &&
                (lstrcmpW(finddata->cFileName, wchr_dotdot) != 0)) {

                WINE_TRACE("Handling subdir: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(finddata->cFileName));

                /* Make up recursive information */
                lstrcpyW(inputpath, srcstem);
                lstrcatW(inputpath, finddata->cFileName);
                lstrcatW(inputpath, wchr_slash);

                lstrcpyW(outputpath, deststem);
                if (*destspec == 0x00) {
                    lstrcatW(outputpath, finddata->cFileName);

                    /* If /E is supplied, create the directory now */
                    if ((flags & OPT_EMPTYDIR) &&
                        !(flags & OPT_SIMULATE))

                    lstrcatW(outputpath, wchr_slash);

                XCOPY_DoCopy(inputpath, srcspec, outputpath, destspec, flags);

            /* Find next one */
            findres = FindNextFileW(h, finddata);


    /* free up memory */
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, finddata);
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, inputpath);
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, outputpath);

    return ret;
コード例 #14
ファイル: sysutils.cpp プロジェクト: landswellsong/FAR
wstring upcase(const wstring& str) {
  Buffer<wchar_t> up_str(str.size());
  wmemcpy(up_str.data(), str.data(), str.size());
  CharUpperBuffW(up_str.data(), static_cast<DWORD>(up_str.size()));
  return wstring(up_str.data(), up_str.size());
コード例 #15
ファイル: strings.cpp プロジェクト: devgopher/Isotoxin
void  str_wrap_text_uppercase(wchar_t *out, ZSTRINGS_SIGNED maxlen)
	CharUpperBuffW(out, maxlen);
コード例 #16
ファイル: Search.cpp プロジェクト: 340211173/hf-2011
// Name: DoesItemMatch
// Object: check if item with index ItemIndex in main dialog list view match the filters
//          and if item match, select it
// Parameters :
//     in  : int ItemIndex : item index of dialog main this->pListview
//     out :
//     return : TRUE if item match, FALSE else
BOOL CSearch::DoesItemMatch(int ItemIndex)
    HEAP_CONTENT* pHeapContent;
    // get Heap content

        return FALSE;
    if (pHeapContent==0)
        return FALSE;
    if (IsBadReadPtr(pHeapContent,sizeof(HEAP_CONTENT)))
        return FALSE;
    if ((pHeapContent->HeapEntry.dwBlockSize==0)||(pHeapContent->pData==NULL))
        return FALSE;
    if (IsBadReadPtr(pHeapContent->pData,pHeapContent->HeapEntry.dwBlockSize))
        return FALSE;

    // if hex search
    if (this->SearchHex)
        // search HexData into pHeapContent->pData
        return this->FindBufferInBuffer(this->HexData,
        // if text search
        if (this->SearchAscii)
            char* pc;
            if (this->SearchMatchCase)
            // if insensitive search
                // convert buffer to upper case
                pc=new char[pHeapContent->HeapEntry.dwBlockSize+1];
                if (!pc)
                    return FALSE;

            // search buffer
            if (this->FindBufferInBuffer((PBYTE)this->AsciiSearchContent,
                if (!this->SearchMatchCase)
                    delete pc;
                return TRUE;
            if (!this->SearchMatchCase)
                delete pc;

        if (this->SearchUnicode)
            wchar_t* pc;

            if (this->SearchMatchCase)
            // if insensitive search
                // convert buffer to upper case
                pc=new wchar_t[pHeapContent->HeapEntry.dwBlockSize/sizeof(wchar_t)+1];
                if (!pc)
                    return FALSE;

            // search buffer
            if (this->FindBufferInBuffer((PBYTE)this->UnicodeSearchContent,
                if (!this->SearchMatchCase)
                    delete pc;
                return TRUE;
            if (!this->SearchMatchCase)
                delete pc;

        return FALSE;