int ProcessMp3Conversion(int pip0,int pip1,int Pid) { int ch,Asp; char buff[1000],Fifo[100]; float TotSec=0.,CurSec=0.; Tools=1; TotSec=0; Pval=0; sprintf(Fifo,"Fifo%-d",getpid()); MonPipe=pip0; #if 0 while((ch=GetLine(pip0,buff)) ) { // printf("%s\n",buff); // fflush(stdout); if(ch< 0) continue; if(buff[0]==' ') continue; if(CheckString(buff,(char *)"T:")) { sscanf(buff+2,"%f",&(TotSec)); fprintf(stderr,"Totsec= %f\n",TotSec); continue; } if(CheckString(buff,(char *)"A:")) { sscanf(buff+2,"%f",&(CurSec)); fprintf(stderr,"Totsec= %f %f\n",TotSec,CurSec); if(TotSec!=0 ) { Pval = CurSec/TotSec*100.0; } continue; } } #else Runmonitor(); #endif // fprintf(stderr,"mplayer over\n"); return 1; }
wxString wxTextValidator::IsValid(const wxString& val) const { // wxFILTER_EMPTY is checked for in wxTextValidator::Validate if ( HasFlag(wxFILTER_ASCII) && !val.IsAscii() ) return _("'%s' should only contain ASCII characters."); if ( HasFlag(wxFILTER_ALPHA) && !CheckString(wxIsalpha, val) ) return _("'%s' should only contain alphabetic characters."); if ( HasFlag(wxFILTER_ALPHANUMERIC) && !CheckString(wxIsalnum, val) ) return _("'%s' should only contain alphabetic or numeric characters."); if ( HasFlag(wxFILTER_DIGITS) && !CheckString(wxIsdigit, val) ) return _("'%s' should only contain digits."); if ( HasFlag(wxFILTER_NUMERIC) && !wxIsNumeric(val) ) return _("'%s' should be numeric."); if ( HasFlag(wxFILTER_INCLUDE_LIST) && m_includes.Index(val) == wxNOT_FOUND ) return _("'%s' is invalid"); if ( HasFlag(wxFILTER_INCLUDE_CHAR_LIST) && !ContainsOnlyIncludedCharacters(val) ) return _("'%s' is invalid"); if ( HasFlag(wxFILTER_EXCLUDE_LIST) && m_excludes.Index(val) != wxNOT_FOUND ) return _("'%s' is invalid"); if ( HasFlag(wxFILTER_EXCLUDE_CHAR_LIST) && ContainsExcludedCharacters(val) ) return _("'%s' is invalid"); return wxEmptyString; }
bool QACheck::CheckItem(CatalogItemPtr item) { if (!item->GetTranslation().empty() && CheckString(item, item->GetString(), item->GetTranslation())) return true; if (item->HasPlural()) { unsigned count = item->GetNumberOfTranslations(); for (unsigned i = 1; i < count; i++) { auto t = item->GetTranslation(i); if (!t.empty() && CheckString(item, item->GetPluralString(), t)) return true; } } return false; }
void __fastcall TOptionsForm::Button5Click(TObject *Sender) { try { AcfParams.angle_init=CheckString(Edit18->Text.t_str()); AcfParams.angle_step=CheckString(Edit19->Text.t_str()); device.deviceSettings.Angle=CheckString(Edit9->Text.t_str()); device.deviceSettings.Frequency=ComboBox1->ItemIndex; device.deviceSettings.Temperature=CheckString(Edit8->Text.t_str()); device.deviceSettings.ReadDataBlock=Edit11->Text.ToInt(); AcfParams.lfd=CheckBox1->Checked; AcfParams.feu=CheckBox2->Checked; if(! device.SetFrequency(device.deviceSettings.Frequency)) Abort(); if (AcfParams.lfd) { if(! device.SetPhotomultiplierState(AcfParams.lfd) ) Abort(); } if(! device.SetTemperature(device.deviceSettings.Temperature ) ) Abort(); /* if (AcfParams.feu) { MainForm->edtFEU_Init(); } */ if (! device.SetAngle(device.deviceSettings.Angle)) Abort(); } catch (...) { ShowMessage("Прибор не подключен"); // Application->MessageBox(L"Прибор не подключен",L"Ошибка",MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } }
// ID 유효성검사유효성검사 BOOL CRegNewUserDlg::CheckUserId(const CString& strSrcId, int nID/*=-1*/) { // 1-20자리 if( strSrcId.GetLength() > 20 ) { AfxMessageBox("사용자ID는 20자리 이하의 영문 또는 영문,숫자 조합입니다", MB_ICONINFORMATION); if( nID != -1 ) { GetDlgItem(nID)->SetFocus(); ((CEdit*)GetDlgItem(nID)) ->SetSel(0,-1); } return FALSE; } else { // 숫자로 시작못함 if( strSrcId.GetAt(0) >= '0' && strSrcId.GetAt(0) <= '9' ) { AfxMessageBox("사용자ID는 숫자로 시작할 수 없습니다", MB_ICONINFORMATION); if( nID != -1 ){ GetDlgItem(nID)->SetFocus(); ((CEdit*)GetDlgItem(nID))->SetSel(0,-1); } return FALSE; } int nAlphaCap, nAlphaLow, nNumeric, nOther; CheckString(strSrcId, nAlphaCap, nAlphaLow, nNumeric, nOther); // 특수문자금지!! if( nOther > 0 ) { AfxMessageBox("사용자ID는 6-8자리의 영문 또는 영문,숫자 조합입니다\n특수문자 사용불가!!", MB_ICONINFORMATION); if( nID != -1 ) { GetDlgItem(nID)->SetFocus(); ((CEdit*)GetDlgItem(nID))->SetSel(0,-1); } return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
/* Stops the robot. Plays a sound. Makes the robot charge straight ahead untill it is either interrupted, the pressure sensor gets triggered or a certain amount of time has passed. */ void Charge(){ int ccounter = 0; Straight(0); playSoundFile("charge.rso"); wait1Msec(3000); Straight(100); while ((ccounter <2000)&&( s=="B")&& (SensorValue(S1)==0)){ ccounter ++; wait1Msec(1); CheckString(); } s = ""; Straight(0); }
int SearchString(char *s1,char *s2) { int ch,ln,ret=-1,ln1,i=0; ln = strlen(s2); ln1 = strlen(s1); if(ln1<ln) ret=-1; else { i=0; for(i=0;i<=(ln1-ln);i++) { if(CheckString(s1+i,s2)){ ret=i; break; } } } return ret; }
LRESULT CCO2_View::Save_List_Item(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int Changed_Item = (int)wParam; int Changed_SubItem = (int)lParam; int temp_write_reg = 0; int temp_reg_value = 0; CString temp_list_cstring; CString temp_cs_change_info; temp_list_cstring = m_co2_external_sensor_list.GetItemText(Changed_Item,Changed_SubItem); if(CheckString(temp_list_cstring)==false) return 1; temp_reg_value = _wtoi(temp_list_cstring); if(Changed_SubItem == CO2_EXTERNAL_PPM) { temp_write_reg = CO2_485_MODBUS_EXTERNAL_CO2_PPM_START + Changed_Item; temp_cs_change_info.Format(_T("External PPM")); } else if(Changed_SubItem == CO2_EXTERNAL_PRE_ALARM_SP) { temp_write_reg = CO2_485_MODBUS_EXT_PRE_ALARM_SETPOINT_START + Changed_Item; temp_cs_change_info.Format(_T("External Prepare Alarm Setpoint")); } else if(Changed_SubItem == CO2_EXTERNAL_ALARM_SP) { temp_write_reg = CO2_485_MODBUS_EXT_ALARM_SETPOINT_START + Changed_Item; temp_cs_change_info.Format(_T("Alarm Setpoint")); } else if(Changed_SubItem == CO2_EXTERNAL_CAL_OFFSET) { temp_write_reg = CO2_485_MODBUS_EXT_CO2_OFFSET_START + Changed_Item; temp_cs_change_info.Format(_T("Calibrating Offset")); } else { return -2; } if(temp_reg_value != product_register_value[temp_write_reg]) { Post_Thread_Message(MY_WRITE_ONE,g_tstat_id,temp_write_reg,temp_reg_value, product_register_value[temp_write_reg],this->m_hWnd,IDC_LIST_CO2_EXTERNAL_SENSOR,temp_cs_change_info); } return 0; }
PClassActor *CheckActorType(const char *key) { if (namespace_bits == St) { return GetStrifeType(CheckInt(key)); } else if (namespace_bits == Zd) { PClassActor *cls = PClass::FindActor(CheckString(key)); if (cls == NULL) { sc.ScriptMessage("Unknown actor class '%s'", key); return NULL; } return cls; } return NULL; }
void Scene::readScene(domVisual_sceneRef scene) { const std::string scene_name = CheckString(scene->getName()); std::ostringstream os; os << "Reading Collada scene '" << scene_name << "'"; os << std::ends; this->scene_graph.printStatusMessage(os.str()); bool inserted; SceneGraph::IdVertexMap::iterator pos; SceneGraph::node_id_map_t node_id = get(SceneGraph::node_info_t(), this->scene_graph.node_graph); tie(pos, inserted) = this->scene_graph.id_vertex_map.insert(std::make_pair(scene->getId(), SceneGraph::Vertex())); if(inserted) { this->scene_graph.root = add_vertex(this->scene_graph.node_graph); node_id[this->scene_graph.root].id = scene->getId(); node_id[this->scene_graph.root].sid = ""; pos->second = this->scene_graph.root; this->scene_graph.all_nodes.insert(scene->getID(), Node()); this->scene_graph.all_nodes.find(scene->getID())->name = scene_name; } else this->scene_graph.root = pos->second; // recurse through the scene, read and add nodes const domNode_Array &nodes = scene->getNode_array(); for(size_t i = 0; i < nodes.getCount(); ++i) { this->readNode(nodes.get(i), this->scene_graph.root); } // calculate bounding boxes for font elements for(int j = 0; j < this->scene_graph.all_nodes.size(); ++j) { Node *n = this->scene_graph.all_nodes.getAtIndex(j); if(n->is_font_node) n->calcBoundingBox(this->scene_graph.all_geometries); } }
const PClass *CheckActorType(const char *key) { if (namespace_bits == St) { return GetStrifeType(CheckInt(key)); } else if (namespace_bits == Zd) { const PClass *cls = PClass::FindClass(CheckString(key)); if (cls == NULL) { sc.ScriptMessage("Unknown actor class '%s'", key); return NULL; } if (!cls->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor))) { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not an actor type", key); return NULL; } return cls; } return NULL; }
void strStream::Output_Check() { CheckString("Hello world!"); CheckString(wxString("hi\0dden", 8)); }
void ParseThing(FMapThing *th) { FString arg0str, arg1str; memset(th, 0, sizeof(*th)); th->gravity = FRACUNIT; th->RenderStyle = STYLE_Count; th->alpha = -1; th->health = 1; sc.MustGetToken('{'); while (!sc.CheckToken('}')) { FName key = ParseKey(); switch(key) { case NAME_Id: th->thingid = CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_X: th->x = CheckFixed(key); break; case NAME_Y: th->y = CheckFixed(key); break; case NAME_Height: th->z = CheckFixed(key); break; case NAME_Angle: th->angle = (short)CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_Type: th->type = (short)CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_Conversation: CHECK_N(Zd | Zdt) th->Conversation = CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_Special: CHECK_N(Hx | Zd | Zdt | Va) th->special = CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_Gravity: CHECK_N(Zd | Zdt) th->gravity = CheckFixed(key); break; case NAME_Arg0: case NAME_Arg1: case NAME_Arg2: case NAME_Arg3: case NAME_Arg4: CHECK_N(Hx | Zd | Zdt | Va) th->args[int(key)-int(NAME_Arg0)] = CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_Arg0Str: CHECK_N(Zd); arg0str = CheckString(key); break; case NAME_Arg1Str: CHECK_N(Zd); arg1str = CheckString(key); break; case NAME_Skill1: case NAME_Skill2: case NAME_Skill3: case NAME_Skill4: case NAME_Skill5: case NAME_Skill6: case NAME_Skill7: case NAME_Skill8: case NAME_Skill9: case NAME_Skill10: case NAME_Skill11: case NAME_Skill12: case NAME_Skill13: case NAME_Skill14: case NAME_Skill15: case NAME_Skill16: if (CheckBool(key)) th->SkillFilter |= (1<<(int(key)-NAME_Skill1)); else th->SkillFilter &= ~(1<<(int(key)-NAME_Skill1)); break; case NAME_Class1: case NAME_Class2: case NAME_Class3: case NAME_Class4: case NAME_Class5: case NAME_Class6: case NAME_Class7: case NAME_Class8: case NAME_Class9: case NAME_Class10: case NAME_Class11: case NAME_Class12: case NAME_Class13: case NAME_Class14: case NAME_Class15: case NAME_Class16: CHECK_N(Hx | Zd | Zdt | Va) if (CheckBool(key)) th->ClassFilter |= (1<<(int(key)-NAME_Class1)); else th->ClassFilter &= ~(1<<(int(key)-NAME_Class1)); break; case NAME_Ambush: Flag(th->flags, MTF_AMBUSH, key); break; case NAME_Dormant: CHECK_N(Hx | Zd | Zdt | Va) Flag(th->flags, MTF_DORMANT, key); break; case NAME_Single: Flag(th->flags, MTF_SINGLE, key); break; case NAME_Coop: Flag(th->flags, MTF_COOPERATIVE, key); break; case NAME_Dm: Flag(th->flags, MTF_DEATHMATCH, key); break; case NAME_Translucent: CHECK_N(St | Zd | Zdt | Va) Flag(th->flags, MTF_SHADOW, key); break; case NAME_Invisible: CHECK_N(St | Zd | Zdt | Va) Flag(th->flags, MTF_ALTSHADOW, key); break; case NAME_Friend: // This maps to Strife's friendly flag CHECK_N(Dm | Zd | Zdt | Va) Flag(th->flags, MTF_FRIENDLY, key); break; case NAME_Strifeally: CHECK_N(St | Zd | Zdt | Va) Flag(th->flags, MTF_FRIENDLY, key); break; case NAME_Standing: CHECK_N(St | Zd | Zdt | Va) Flag(th->flags, MTF_STANDSTILL, key); break; case NAME_Countsecret: CHECK_N(Zd | Zdt | Va) Flag(th->flags, MTF_SECRET, key); break; case NAME_Renderstyle: { FName style = CheckString(key); switch (style) { case NAME_None: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_None; break; case NAME_Normal: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal; break; case NAME_Fuzzy: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_Fuzzy; break; case NAME_SoulTrans: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_SoulTrans; break; case NAME_OptFuzzy: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_OptFuzzy; break; case NAME_Stencil: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_Stencil; break; case NAME_AddStencil: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_AddStencil; break; case NAME_Translucent: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_Translucent; break; case NAME_Add: case NAME_Additive: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_Add; break; case NAME_Shaded: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_Shaded; break; case NAME_AddShaded: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_AddShaded; break; case NAME_TranslucentStencil: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_TranslucentStencil; break; case NAME_Shadow: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_Shadow; break; case NAME_Subtract: case NAME_Subtractive: th->RenderStyle = STYLE_Subtract; break; default: break; } } break; case NAME_Alpha: th->alpha = CheckFixed(key); break; case NAME_FillColor: th->fillcolor = CheckInt(key); case NAME_Health: th->health = CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_Score: th->score = CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_Pitch: th->pitch = (short)CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_Roll: th->roll = (short)CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_ScaleX: th->scaleX = CheckFixed(key); break; case NAME_ScaleY: th->scaleY = CheckFixed(key); break; case NAME_Scale: th->scaleX = th->scaleY = CheckFixed(key); break; default: if (0 == strnicmp("user_", key.GetChars(), 5)) { // Custom user key - Sets an actor's user variable directly FMapThingUserData ud; ud.Property = key; ud.Value = CheckInt(key); MapThingsUserData.Push(ud); } break; } } if (arg0str.IsNotEmpty() && (P_IsACSSpecial(th->special) || th->special == 0)) { th->args[0] = -FName(arg0str); } if (arg1str.IsNotEmpty() && (P_IsThingSpecial(th->special) || th->special == 0)) { th->args[1] = -FName(arg1str); } // Thing specials are only valid in namespaces with Hexen-type specials // and in ZDoomTranslated - which will use the translator on them. if (namespc == NAME_ZDoomTranslated) { maplinedef_t mld; line_t ld; if (th->special != 0) // if special is 0, keep the args (e.g. for bridge things) { // The trigger type is ignored here. mld.flags = 0; mld.special = th->special; mld.tag = th->args[0]; P_TranslateLineDef(&ld, &mld); th->special = ld.special; memcpy(th->args, ld.args, sizeof (ld.args)); } } else if (isTranslated) { th->special = 0; memset(th->args, 0, sizeof (th->args)); } }
void ParseLinedef(line_t *ld, int index) { bool passuse = false; bool strifetrans = false; bool strifetrans2 = false; FString arg0str, arg1str; memset(ld, 0, sizeof(*ld)); ld->Alpha = FRACUNIT; ld->id = -1; ld->sidedef[0] = ld->sidedef[1] = NULL; if (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_CLIPMIDTEX) ld->flags |= ML_CLIP_MIDTEX; if (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_WRAPMIDTEX) ld->flags |= ML_WRAP_MIDTEX; if (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_CHECKSWITCHRANGE) ld->flags |= ML_CHECKSWITCHRANGE; sc.MustGetToken('{'); while (!sc.CheckToken('}')) { FName key = ParseKey(); // This switch contains all keys of the UDMF base spec switch(key) { case NAME_V1: ld->v1 = (vertex_t*)(intptr_t)CheckInt(key); // must be relocated later continue; case NAME_V2: ld->v2 = (vertex_t*)(intptr_t)CheckInt(key); // must be relocated later continue; case NAME_Special: ld->special = CheckInt(key); if (namespc == NAME_Hexen) { if (ld->special < 0 || ld->special > 140 || !HexenLineSpecialOk[ld->special]) ld->special = 0; // NULL all specials which don't exist in Hexen } continue; case NAME_Id: ld->id = CheckInt(key); continue; case NAME_Sidefront: ld->sidedef[0] = (side_t*)(intptr_t)(1 + CheckInt(key)); continue; case NAME_Sideback: ld->sidedef[1] = (side_t*)(intptr_t)(1 + CheckInt(key)); continue; case NAME_Arg0: case NAME_Arg1: case NAME_Arg2: case NAME_Arg3: case NAME_Arg4: ld->args[int(key)-int(NAME_Arg0)] = CheckInt(key); continue; case NAME_Arg0Str: CHECK_N(Zd); arg0str = CheckString(key); continue; case NAME_Arg1Str: CHECK_N(Zd); arg1str = CheckString(key); continue; case NAME_Blocking: Flag(ld->flags, ML_BLOCKING, key); continue; case NAME_Blockmonsters: Flag(ld->flags, ML_BLOCKMONSTERS, key); continue; case NAME_Twosided: Flag(ld->flags, ML_TWOSIDED, key); continue; case NAME_Dontpegtop: Flag(ld->flags, ML_DONTPEGTOP, key); continue; case NAME_Dontpegbottom: Flag(ld->flags, ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM, key); continue; case NAME_Secret: Flag(ld->flags, ML_SECRET, key); continue; case NAME_Blocksound: Flag(ld->flags, ML_SOUNDBLOCK, key); continue; case NAME_Dontdraw: Flag(ld->flags, ML_DONTDRAW, key); continue; case NAME_Mapped: Flag(ld->flags, ML_MAPPED, key); continue; case NAME_Jumpover: CHECK_N(St | Zd | Zdt | Va) Flag(ld->flags, ML_RAILING, key); continue; case NAME_Blockfloaters: CHECK_N(St | Zd | Zdt | Va) Flag(ld->flags, ML_BLOCK_FLOATERS, key); continue; case NAME_Translucent: CHECK_N(St | Zd | Zdt | Va) strifetrans = CheckBool(key); continue; case NAME_Transparent: CHECK_N(St | Zd | Zdt | Va) strifetrans2 = CheckBool(key); continue; case NAME_Passuse: CHECK_N(Dm | Zd | Zdt | Va) passuse = CheckBool(key); continue; default: break; } // This switch contains all keys of the UDMF base spec which only apply to Hexen format specials if (!isTranslated) switch (key) { case NAME_Playercross: Flag(ld->activation, SPAC_Cross, key); continue; case NAME_Playeruse: Flag(ld->activation, SPAC_Use, key); continue; case NAME_Playeruseback: Flag(ld->activation, SPAC_UseBack, key); continue; case NAME_Monstercross: Flag(ld->activation, SPAC_MCross, key); continue; case NAME_Impact: Flag(ld->activation, SPAC_Impact, key); continue; case NAME_Playerpush: Flag(ld->activation, SPAC_Push, key); continue; case NAME_Missilecross: Flag(ld->activation, SPAC_PCross, key); continue; case NAME_Monsteruse: Flag(ld->activation, SPAC_MUse, key); continue; case NAME_Monsterpush: Flag(ld->activation, SPAC_MPush, key); continue; case NAME_Repeatspecial: Flag(ld->flags, ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL, key); continue; default: break; } // This switch contains all keys which are ZDoom specific if (namespace_bits & (Zd|Zdt|Va)) switch(key) { case NAME_Alpha: ld->Alpha = CheckFixed(key); continue; case NAME_Renderstyle: { const char *str = CheckString(key); if (!stricmp(str, "translucent")) ld->flags &= ~ML_ADDTRANS; else if (!stricmp(str, "add")) ld->flags |= ML_ADDTRANS; else sc.ScriptMessage("Unknown value \"%s\" for 'renderstyle'\n", str); continue; } case NAME_Anycross: Flag(ld->activation, SPAC_AnyCross, key); continue; case NAME_Monsteractivate: Flag(ld->flags, ML_MONSTERSCANACTIVATE, key); continue; case NAME_Blockplayers: Flag(ld->flags, ML_BLOCK_PLAYERS, key); continue; case NAME_Blockeverything: Flag(ld->flags, ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING, key); continue; case NAME_Zoneboundary: Flag(ld->flags, ML_ZONEBOUNDARY, key); continue; case NAME_Clipmidtex: Flag(ld->flags, ML_CLIP_MIDTEX, key); continue; case NAME_Wrapmidtex: Flag(ld->flags, ML_WRAP_MIDTEX, key); continue; case NAME_Midtex3d: Flag(ld->flags, ML_3DMIDTEX, key); continue; case NAME_Checkswitchrange: Flag(ld->flags, ML_CHECKSWITCHRANGE, key); continue; case NAME_Firstsideonly: Flag(ld->flags, ML_FIRSTSIDEONLY, key); continue; case NAME_blockprojectiles: Flag(ld->flags, ML_BLOCKPROJECTILE, key); continue; case NAME_blockuse: Flag(ld->flags, ML_BLOCKUSE, key); continue; case NAME_blocksight: Flag(ld->flags, ML_BLOCKSIGHT, key); continue; case NAME_blockhitscan: Flag(ld->flags, ML_BLOCKHITSCAN, key); continue; // [Dusk] lock number case NAME_Locknumber: ld->locknumber = CheckInt(key); continue; default: break; } if (!strnicmp("user_", key.GetChars(), 5)) { AddUserKey(key, UDMF_Line, index); } } if (isTranslated) { int saved = ld->flags; maplinedef_t mld; memset(&mld, 0, sizeof(mld)); mld.special = ld->special; mld.tag = ld->id; P_TranslateLineDef(ld, &mld); ld->flags = saved | (ld->flags&(ML_MONSTERSCANACTIVATE|ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL|ML_FIRSTSIDEONLY)); } if (passuse && (ld->activation & SPAC_Use)) { ld->activation = (ld->activation & ~SPAC_Use) | SPAC_UseThrough; } if (strifetrans && ld->Alpha == FRACUNIT) { ld->Alpha = FRACUNIT * 3/4; } if (strifetrans2 && ld->Alpha == FRACUNIT) { ld->Alpha = FRACUNIT * 1/4; } if (ld->sidedef[0] == NULL) { ld->sidedef[0] = (side_t*)(intptr_t)(1); Printf("Line %d has no first side.\n", index); } if (arg0str.IsNotEmpty() && (P_IsACSSpecial(ld->special) || ld->special == 0)) { ld->args[0] = -FName(arg0str); } if (arg1str.IsNotEmpty() && (P_IsThingSpecial(ld->special) || ld->special == 0)) { ld->args[1] = -FName(arg1str); } }
void ParseSidedef(side_t *sd, intmapsidedef_t *sdt, int index) { fixed_t texofs[2]={0,0}; memset(sd, 0, sizeof(*sd)); sdt->bottomtexture = "-"; sdt->toptexture = "-"; sdt->midtexture = "-"; sd->SetTextureXScale(FRACUNIT); sd->SetTextureYScale(FRACUNIT); sc.MustGetToken('{'); while (!sc.CheckToken('}')) { FName key = ParseKey(); switch(key) { case NAME_Offsetx: texofs[0] = CheckInt(key) << FRACBITS; continue; case NAME_Offsety: texofs[1] = CheckInt(key) << FRACBITS; continue; case NAME_Texturetop: sdt->toptexture = CheckString(key); continue; case NAME_Texturebottom: sdt->bottomtexture = CheckString(key); continue; case NAME_Texturemiddle: sdt->midtexture = CheckString(key); continue; case NAME_Sector: sd->sector = (sector_t*)(intptr_t)CheckInt(key); continue; default: break; } if (namespace_bits & (Zd|Zdt|Va)) switch(key) { case NAME_offsetx_top: sd->SetTextureXOffset(side_t::top, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_offsety_top: sd->SetTextureYOffset(side_t::top, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_offsetx_mid: sd->SetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_offsety_mid: sd->SetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_offsetx_bottom: sd->SetTextureXOffset(side_t::bottom, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_offsety_bottom: sd->SetTextureYOffset(side_t::bottom, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_scalex_top: sd->SetTextureXScale(side_t::top, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_scaley_top: sd->SetTextureYScale(side_t::top, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_scalex_mid: sd->SetTextureXScale(side_t::mid, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_scaley_mid: sd->SetTextureYScale(side_t::mid, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_scalex_bottom: sd->SetTextureXScale(side_t::bottom, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_scaley_bottom: sd->SetTextureYScale(side_t::bottom, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_light: sd->SetLight(CheckInt(key)); continue; case NAME_lightabsolute: Flag(sd->Flags, WALLF_ABSLIGHTING, key); continue; case NAME_lightfog: Flag(sd->Flags, WALLF_LIGHT_FOG, key); continue; case NAME_nofakecontrast: Flag(sd->Flags, WALLF_NOFAKECONTRAST, key); continue; case NAME_smoothlighting: Flag(sd->Flags, WALLF_SMOOTHLIGHTING, key); continue; case NAME_Wrapmidtex: Flag(sd->Flags, WALLF_WRAP_MIDTEX, key); continue; case NAME_Clipmidtex: Flag(sd->Flags, WALLF_CLIP_MIDTEX, key); continue; case NAME_Nodecals: Flag(sd->Flags, WALLF_NOAUTODECALS, key); continue; default: break; } if (!strnicmp("user_", key.GetChars(), 5)) { AddUserKey(key, UDMF_Side, index); } } // initialization of these is delayed to allow separate offsets and add them with the global ones. sd->AddTextureXOffset(side_t::top, texofs[0]); sd->AddTextureXOffset(side_t::mid, texofs[0]); sd->AddTextureXOffset(side_t::bottom, texofs[0]); sd->AddTextureYOffset(side_t::top, texofs[1]); sd->AddTextureYOffset(side_t::mid, texofs[1]); sd->AddTextureYOffset(side_t::bottom, texofs[1]); }
void ParseSector(sector_t *sec, int index) { int lightcolor = -1; int fadecolor = -1; int desaturation = -1; int fplaneflags = 0, cplaneflags = 0; double fp[4] = { 0 }, cp[4] = { 0 }; memset(sec, 0, sizeof(*sec)); sec->lightlevel = 160; sec->SetXScale(sector_t::floor, FRACUNIT); // [RH] floor and ceiling scaling sec->SetYScale(sector_t::floor, FRACUNIT); sec->SetXScale(sector_t::ceiling, FRACUNIT); sec->SetYScale(sector_t::ceiling, FRACUNIT); sec->SetAlpha(sector_t::floor, FRACUNIT); sec->SetAlpha(sector_t::ceiling, FRACUNIT); sec->thinglist = NULL; sec->touching_thinglist = NULL; // phares 3/14/98 sec->seqType = (level.flags & LEVEL_SNDSEQTOTALCTRL) ? 0 : -1; sec->nextsec = -1; //jff 2/26/98 add fields to support locking out sec->prevsec = -1; // stair retriggering until build completes sec->heightsec = NULL; // sector used to get floor and ceiling height sec->sectornum = index; if (floordrop) sec->Flags = SECF_FLOORDROP; // killough 3/7/98: end changes sec->gravity = 1.f; // [RH] Default sector gravity of 1.0 sec->ZoneNumber = 0xFFFF; // killough 8/28/98: initialize all sectors to normal friction sec->friction = ORIG_FRICTION; sec->movefactor = ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR; sc.MustGetToken('{'); while (!sc.CheckToken('}')) { FName key = ParseKey(); switch(key) { case NAME_Heightfloor: sec->SetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor, CheckInt(key) << FRACBITS); continue; case NAME_Heightceiling: sec->SetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling, CheckInt(key) << FRACBITS); continue; case NAME_Texturefloor: SetTexture(sec, index, sector_t::floor, CheckString(key), missingTex, false); continue; case NAME_Textureceiling: SetTexture(sec, index, sector_t::ceiling, CheckString(key), missingTex, false); continue; case NAME_Lightlevel: sec->lightlevel = sector_t::ClampLight(CheckInt(key)); continue; case NAME_Special: sec->special = (short)CheckInt(key); if (isTranslated) sec->special = P_TranslateSectorSpecial(sec->special); else if (namespc == NAME_Hexen) { if (sec->special < 0 || sec->special > 255 || !HexenSectorSpecialOk[sec->special]) sec->special = 0; // NULL all unknown specials } continue; case NAME_Id: sec->tag = (short)CheckInt(key); continue; default: break; } if (namespace_bits & (Zd|Zdt|Va)) switch(key) { case NAME_Xpanningfloor: sec->SetXOffset(sector_t::floor, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_Ypanningfloor: sec->SetYOffset(sector_t::floor, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_Xpanningceiling: sec->SetXOffset(sector_t::ceiling, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_Ypanningceiling: sec->SetYOffset(sector_t::ceiling, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_Xscalefloor: sec->SetXScale(sector_t::floor, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_Yscalefloor: sec->SetYScale(sector_t::floor, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_Xscaleceiling: sec->SetXScale(sector_t::ceiling, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_Yscaleceiling: sec->SetYScale(sector_t::ceiling, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_Rotationfloor: sec->SetAngle(sector_t::floor, CheckAngle(key)); continue; case NAME_Rotationceiling: sec->SetAngle(sector_t::ceiling, CheckAngle(key)); continue; case NAME_Lightfloor: sec->SetPlaneLight(sector_t::floor, CheckInt(key)); continue; case NAME_Lightceiling: sec->SetPlaneLight(sector_t::ceiling, CheckInt(key)); continue; case NAME_Alphafloor: sec->SetAlpha(sector_t::floor, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_Alphaceiling: sec->SetAlpha(sector_t::ceiling, CheckFixed(key)); continue; case NAME_Renderstylefloor: { const char *str = CheckString(key); if (!stricmp(str, "translucent")) sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::floor, PLANEF_ADDITIVE, 0); else if (!stricmp(str, "add")) sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::floor, 0, PLANEF_ADDITIVE); else sc.ScriptMessage("Unknown value \"%s\" for 'renderstylefloor'\n", str); continue; } case NAME_Renderstyleceiling: { const char *str = CheckString(key); if (!stricmp(str, "translucent")) sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::ceiling, PLANEF_ADDITIVE, 0); else if (!stricmp(str, "add")) sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::ceiling, 0, PLANEF_ADDITIVE); else sc.ScriptMessage("Unknown value \"%s\" for 'renderstyleceiling'\n", str); continue; } case NAME_Lightfloorabsolute: if (CheckBool(key)) sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::floor, 0, PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING); else sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::floor, PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING, 0); continue; case NAME_Lightceilingabsolute: if (CheckBool(key)) sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::ceiling, 0, PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING); else sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::ceiling, PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING, 0); continue; case NAME_Gravity: sec->gravity = float(CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Lightcolor: lightcolor = CheckInt(key); continue; case NAME_Fadecolor: fadecolor = CheckInt(key); continue; case NAME_Desaturation: desaturation = int(255*CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Silent: Flag(sec->Flags, SECF_SILENT, key); continue; case NAME_NoRespawn: Flag(sec->Flags, SECF_NORESPAWN, key); continue; case NAME_Nofallingdamage: Flag(sec->Flags, SECF_NOFALLINGDAMAGE, key); continue; case NAME_Dropactors: Flag(sec->Flags, SECF_FLOORDROP, key); continue; case NAME_SoundSequence: sec->SeqName = CheckString(key); sec->seqType = -1; continue; case NAME_hidden: Flag(sec->MoreFlags, SECF_HIDDEN, key); break; case NAME_Waterzone: Flag(sec->MoreFlags, SECF_UNDERWATER, key); break; case NAME_floorplane_a: fplaneflags |= 1; fp[0] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_floorplane_b: fplaneflags |= 2; fp[1] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_floorplane_c: fplaneflags |= 4; fp[2] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_floorplane_d: fplaneflags |= 8; fp[3] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_ceilingplane_a: cplaneflags |= 1; cp[0] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_ceilingplane_b: cplaneflags |= 2; cp[1] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_ceilingplane_c: cplaneflags |= 4; cp[2] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_ceilingplane_d: cplaneflags |= 8; cp[3] = CheckFloat(key); break; default: break; } if (!strnicmp("user_", key.GetChars(), 5)) { AddUserKey(key, UDMF_Sector, index); } } sec->secretsector = !!(sec->special&SECRET_MASK); // Reset the planes to their defaults if not all of the plane equation's parameters were found. if (fplaneflags != 15) { sec->floorplane.a = sec->floorplane.b = 0; sec->floorplane.d = -sec->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor); sec->floorplane.c = FRACUNIT; sec->floorplane.ic = FRACUNIT; } else { double ulen = TVector3<double>(fp[0], fp[1], fp[2]).Length(); // normalize the vector, it must have a length of 1 sec->floorplane.a = FLOAT2FIXED(fp[0] / ulen); sec->floorplane.b = FLOAT2FIXED(fp[1] / ulen); sec->floorplane.c = FLOAT2FIXED(fp[2] / ulen); sec->floorplane.d = FLOAT2FIXED(fp[3] / ulen); sec->floorplane.ic = FLOAT2FIXED(ulen / fp[2]); } if (cplaneflags != 15) { sec->ceilingplane.a = sec->ceilingplane.b = 0; sec->ceilingplane.d = sec->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling); sec->ceilingplane.c = -FRACUNIT; sec->ceilingplane.ic = -FRACUNIT; } else { double ulen = TVector3<double>(cp[0], cp[1], cp[2]).Length(); // normalize the vector, it must have a length of 1 sec->floorplane.a = FLOAT2FIXED(cp[0] / ulen); sec->floorplane.b = FLOAT2FIXED(cp[1] / ulen); sec->floorplane.c = FLOAT2FIXED(cp[2] / ulen); sec->floorplane.d = FLOAT2FIXED(cp[3] / ulen); sec->floorplane.ic = FLOAT2FIXED(ulen / cp[2]); } if (lightcolor == -1 && fadecolor == -1 && desaturation == -1) { // [RH] Sectors default to white light with the default fade. // If they are outside (have a sky ceiling), they use the outside fog. if (level.outsidefog != 0xff000000 && (sec->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum || (sec->special&0xff) == Sector_Outside)) { if (fogMap == NULL) fogMap = GetSpecialLights (PalEntry (255,255,255), level.outsidefog, 0); sec->ColorMap = fogMap; } else { if (normMap == NULL) normMap = GetSpecialLights (PalEntry (255,255,255), level.fadeto, NormalLight.Desaturate); sec->ColorMap = normMap; } } else { if (lightcolor == -1) lightcolor = PalEntry(255,255,255); if (fadecolor == -1) { if (level.outsidefog != 0xff000000 && (sec->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum || (sec->special&0xff) == Sector_Outside)) fadecolor = level.outsidefog; else fadecolor = level.fadeto; } if (desaturation == -1) desaturation = NormalLight.Desaturate; sec->ColorMap = GetSpecialLights (lightcolor, fadecolor, desaturation); } }
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ APIRET ReadText( INT check ) { APIRET rc; INT i = 0, len = 0; INT x = maxXtext - 1; CHAR last = '\n', *s, *string; INDEXTXT *top, *start; FreeTxtIndex(); string = malloc( MAX_BUFFER ); if( string == NULL ) return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); if( mode == FILE_TYPE_PKT ) FidoMsgGetStrSeek( PktFile, Current -> telltxt, SEEK_SET ); if( mode == FILE_TYPE_MSG ) { if(( rc = OpenFile( Current -> name )) != NO_ERROR ) return( rc ); if( fread( &msg, sizeof( msg ), 1, PktFile ) != 1 ) { free( string ); CloseFile(); ShowError( "Error read file '%s'", ShowPath( Current -> name, 50 )); return( ERROR_READ_FAULT ); } FidoMsgGetStrSeek( PktFile, 0, SEEK_CUR ); } intl = origin = id = 0; MsgID.Zone = -1; while( last && FidoMsgGetStr( string, MAX_BUFFER - 1, PktFile, &last ) != NULL ) { if( check ) CheckString( string, i, Current ); start = NULL; while( 1 ) { len = strlen( string ); s = &string[ len ]; if( len > x ) { if(( s = StrChar( string, x, ' ' )) == NULL ) if(( s = StrChar( string, x, ',' )) == NULL ) if(( s = StrChar( string, x, '.' )) == NULL ) if(( s = StrChar( string, x, ';' )) == NULL ) s = StrChar( string, x, ':' ); if( s == NULL ) { len = x; s = &string[len]; } else { len = s - string + 1; s++; } } AddNextStruct( txtIndex, top ); if( top == NULL ) { free( string ); return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } top -> str = malloc( len + 1 ); memcpy( top -> str, string, len + 1 ); top -> str[len] = 0; if( !start ) { start = top; start -> color = GetLineColor( i, string ); } else top -> color = start -> color; memcpy( string, s, strlen( s ) + 1 ); txtcount++; if( string[0] == 0 ) break; } i++; s = &start -> str[1]; } free( string ); if( check ) CheckString( NULL, 0, Current ); if( mode == FILE_TYPE_MSG ) CloseFile(); return( NO_ERROR ); }
APIRET CreateMsgList( CHAR *path ) { INT i, done, line; INT attr = _A_NORMAL | _A_RDONLY | _A_HIDDEN | _A_SYSTEM | _A_ARCH; static CHAR File[_MAX_PATH]; CHAR *string, last; struct find_t find; INDEXPKT *top, *index, **inew; InitMem(); mode = FILE_TYPE_MSG; string = malloc( MAX_BUFFER ); if( string == NULL ) return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); _splitpath( path, drive, dir, NULL, NULL ); strcpy( File, drive ); strcat( File, dir ); StrAddSlash( File ); strcat( File, "*.msg" ); WActive( wscan ); for( done=_dos_findfirst(File,attr,&find); !done; done=_dos_findnext(&find)) { _splitpath(, NULL, NULL, fname, NULL ); strcpy( File, path ); StrAddSlash( File ); strcat( File, ); if( OpenFile( File )) continue; if( !( pktcount % 5 )) { WSetXY ( wscan, 19, 2 ); if( pktcount == 0 ) WPrintf( wscan, "%4u", 1 ); else WPrintf( wscan, "%4u", pktcount ); } fread( &msg, sizeof( msg ), 1, PktFile ); AddNextStruct( pktIndex, top ); if( top == NULL ) { free( string ); return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } top -> size = filelength( fileno( PktFile )); strcpy( string, ); string[ MAX_TO ] = 0; top -> to = strdup( string ); strcpy( string, msg.from ); string[ MAX_FROM ] = 0; top -> from = strdup( string ); strcpy( string, msg.subj ); string[ MAX_SUBJ ] = 0; top -> subj = strdup( string ); strcpy( string, ); string[ MAX_DATE ] = 0; top -> date = strdup( string ); top -> AddrFrom.Zone = 0; top -> AddrFrom.Net = msg.orig_net; top -> AddrFrom.Node = msg.orig_node; top -> AddrFrom.Point = 0; top -> AddrFrom.Domain[0] = 0; top -> AddrTo.Zone = 0; top -> AddrTo.Net = msg.dest_net; top -> AddrTo.Node = msg.dest_node; top -> AddrTo.Point = 0; top -> AddrTo.Domain[0] = 0; top -> attr = msg.attrib; top -> number = atol( fname ); top -> name = strdup( ); top -> area = NULL; top -> sel = ' '; top -> change = 0; FidoMsgGetStrSeek( PktFile, 0, SEEK_CUR ); i = line = 0; while( FidoMsgGetStr( string, MAX_BUFFER - 1, PktFile, &last ) != NULL ) { CheckString( string, i, top ); if( !Quick ) break; if( i && strncmp( string, "AREA:", 5 )) { if( line < MAX_LINE && string[0] != '\001' && StrSkipSpace( string )) { top -> quick[line] = strdup( string ); top -> color[line] = GetLineColor( i, string ); line++; } } if( last == 0 || line >= MAX_LINE ) break; i++; } CloseFile(); CheckString( NULL, 0, top ); pktcount++; } _dos_findclose( &find ); free( string ); if( pktcount == 0 ) { WDeactive( wscan ); return( 0 ); } if( cfgCurrent.sort ) { inew = calloc( pktcount, sizeof( *inew )); if( inew == NULL ) return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); for( i = 0, index = pktIndex; index; index = index -> next, i++ ) inew[i] = index; MShellSort( inew, pktcount, sizeof( *inew ), SortNumber ); pktIndex = inew[0]; for( i = 1; i < pktcount; i++ ) inew[i-1] -> next = inew[i]; inew[i-1] -> next = NULL; free( inew ); pktOrigin = malloc( pktcount * sizeof( *pktOrigin )); if( pktOrigin == NULL ) return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); for( i = 0, index = pktIndex; index; index = index -> next, i++ ) pktOrigin[i] = index; } WDeactive( wscan ); return( NO_ERROR ); }
/** * \brief IOCtl for /Devices/ip/routes/# */ int IPStack_Route_IOCtl(tVFS_Node *Node, int ID, void *Data) { tRoute *rt = Node->ImplPtr; int addrSize = IPStack_GetAddressSize(rt->AddressType); ENTER("pNode iID pData", Node, ID, Data); switch(ID) { // --- Standard IOCtls (0-3) --- BASE_IOCTLS(DRV_TYPE_MISC, STR(IDENT), VERSION, casIOCtls_Route) // Get Next Hop case 4: if( !CheckMem(Data, addrSize) ) LEAVE_RET('i', -1); memcpy(Data, rt->NextHop, addrSize); LEAVE_RET('i', 1); // Set Next Hop case 5: if( Threads_GetUID() != 0 ) LEAVE_RET('i', -1); if( !CheckMem(Data, addrSize) ) LEAVE_RET('i', -1); memcpy(rt->NextHop, Data, addrSize); LEAVE_RET('i', 1); // Get interface name case 6: if( !rt->Interface ) { if(Data && !CheckMem(Data, 1) ) LEAVE_RET('i', -1); if(Data) *(char*)Data = 0; LEAVE_RET('i', 0); } if( Data ) { if( !CheckMem(Data, strlen(rt->Interface->Name) + 1) ) LEAVE_RET('i', -1); strcpy(Data, rt->Interface->Name); } LEAVE_RET('i', strlen(rt->Interface->Name)); // Set interface name case 7: if( Threads_GetUID() != 0 ) LEAVE_RET('i', -1); if( !CheckString(Data) ) LEAVE_RET('i', -1); else { tInterface *iface; tVFS_Node *tmp; tmp = IPStack_Root_FindDir(NULL, Data); if(!tmp) LEAVE_RET('i', -1); iface = tmp->ImplPtr; if(tmp->Type->Close) tmp->Type->Close(tmp); if( iface->Type != rt->AddressType ) LEAVE_RET('i', -1); // TODO: Other checks? rt->Interface = iface; } LEAVE_RET('i', 0); default: LEAVE_RET('i', -1); } }
bool ParsePage() { FStrifeDialogueNode *node = new FStrifeDialogueNode; FStrifeDialogueReply **replyptr = &node->Children; memset(node, 0, sizeof(*node)); //node->ItemCheckCount[0] = node->ItemCheckCount[1] = node->ItemCheckCount[2] = -1; node->ThisNodeNum = StrifeDialogues.Push(node); node->ItemCheckNode = -1; FString SpeakerName; FString Dialogue; while (!sc.CheckToken('}')) { bool block = false; FName key = ParseKey(true, &block); if (!block) { switch(key) { case NAME_Name: SpeakerName = CheckString(key); break; case NAME_Panel: node->Backdrop = TexMan.CheckForTexture (CheckString(key), FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch); break; case NAME_Voice: { const char * name = CheckString(key); if (name[0] != 0) { FString soundname = "svox/"; soundname += name; node->SpeakerVoice = FSoundID(S_FindSound(soundname)); if (node->SpeakerVoice == 0 && namespace_bits == Zd) { node->SpeakerVoice = FSoundID(S_FindSound(name)); } } } break; case NAME_Dialog: Dialogue = CheckString(key); break; case NAME_Drop: node->DropType = CheckActorType(key); break; case NAME_Link: node->ItemCheckNode = CheckInt(key); break; } } else { switch(key) { case NAME_Ifitem: if (!ParseIfItem(node)) return false; break; case NAME_Choice: if (!ParseChoice(replyptr)) return false; break; default: sc.UnGet(); Skip(); } } } node->SpeakerName = ncopystring(SpeakerName); node->Dialogue = ncopystring(Dialogue); return true; }
static bool CheckURL(const char *url, const char *scheme, const char *host, const char *domain, const char *siteowner, const char *tld, const char *maintld, const char */* tldregion */, const char *port, const char *path, int pathdepth, const char *filename, const char *extension, const char *params, const char *query, const char *fragment, const char *address, const char *tokens, int verbose=0) { if (verbose>0) printf("Checking with URL: '%s'\n", url); GlobalURL.SetURL((const unsigned char *)url); if (verbose>0) GlobalURL.Dump(); // GlobalURL.Dump(); return CheckString("URL", (const unsigned char *)url, GlobalURL.GetURL()) && CheckString("urltype", (const unsigned char *)scheme, GlobalURL.GetScheme()) && CheckString("host", (const unsigned char *)host, GlobalURL.GetHost()) && CheckString("domain", (const unsigned char *)domain, GlobalURL.GetDomain()) && CheckString("siteowner", (const unsigned char *)siteowner, GlobalURL.GetSiteOwner()) && CheckString("tld", (const unsigned char *)tld, GlobalURL.GetTLD()) && CheckString("maintld", (const unsigned char *)maintld, GlobalURL.GetMainTLD()) && #if 0 CheckString("tldregion", (const unsigned char *)tldregion, GlobalURL.GetTLDRegion()) && #endif CheckString("port", (const unsigned char *)port, GlobalURL.GetPort()) && CheckString("path", (const unsigned char *)path, GlobalURL.GetPath()) && CheckInt("pathdepth", pathdepth, GlobalURL.GetPathDepth()) && CheckString("filename", (const unsigned char *)filename, GlobalURL.GetFilename()) && CheckString("extension", (const unsigned char *)extension, GlobalURL.GetExtension()) && CheckString("params", (const unsigned char *)params, GlobalURL.GetParams()) && CheckString("query", (const unsigned char *)query, GlobalURL.GetQuery()) && CheckString("fragment", (const unsigned char *)fragment, GlobalURL.GetFragment()) && CheckString("address", (const unsigned char *)address, GlobalURL.GetAddress()) && CheckString("TOKENS", (const unsigned char *)tokens, (const unsigned char*)GetTokenString(GlobalURL)); }
SceneGraph::Vertex Scene::readNode(const domNodeRef node, SceneGraph::Vertex &parent) { // just to experiment with fonts bool is_font_node = false; std::string::size_type pos = std::string(node->getId()).find(SceneGraph::font_name); if(pos != std::string::npos) is_font_node = true; SceneGraph::IdVertexMap::iterator findnode = this->scene_graph.id_vertex_map.find(node->getId()); if(findnode != this->scene_graph.id_vertex_map.end()) return findnode->second; this->scene_graph.printStatusMessage(std::string(" reading scene node ") + node->getID()); size_t i; // Insert new node and connect to parent SceneGraph::NodeInfo new_node_info = {node->getId(), CheckString(node->getSid())}; this->scene_graph.insertNode(parent, CheckString(node->getName()), node->getId(), CheckString(node->getSid())); SceneGraph::node_id_map_t node_id_map = get(SceneGraph::node_info_t(), this->scene_graph.node_graph); // Read node transformations const SceneGraph::NodeInfo &parent_node_info = node_id_map[parent]; const Node *parent_node = this->scene_graph.all_nodes.find(; Node ¤t_node = *this->scene_graph.all_nodes.find(; current_node.is_font_node = is_font_node; SceneGraph::Vertex node_vertex = this->scene_graph.id_vertex_map.find(>second; this->readNodeTranforms(current_node, *parent_node, node); // Process Instance Geometries const domInstance_geometry_Array &geom_instances = node->getInstance_geometry_array(); for(i = 0; i < geom_instances.getCount(); ++i) this->readInstanceGeometry(current_node, geom_instances[i]); // Process Instance Lights const domInstance_light_Array &lia = node->getInstance_light_array(); for(i = 0; i < lia.getCount(); ++i) this->readInstanceLight(current_node, lia[i]); if(!current_node.instance_lights.empty()) this->scene_graph.light_nodes.push_back(; // Process Instance Cameras const domInstance_camera_Array &ica = node->getInstance_camera_array(); for(i = 0; i < ica.getCount(); ++i) this->readInstanceCamera(current_node, ica[i]); // Read in each child and recursively it's children const domNode_Array &nodes = node->getNode_array(); for(i = 0; i < nodes.getCount(); i++) this->readNode(nodes[i], node_vertex); // Read children <instance_nodes>, can be 0 or more const domInstance_node_Array &instance_nodes = node->getInstance_node_array(); for(i = 0; i < instance_nodes.getCount(); i++) { domInstance_node *instance_node = instance_nodes[i]; domNode *urlnode = (domNode*)(domElement*)instance_node->getUrl().getElement(); if(urlnode) this->readNode(urlnode, node_vertex); } return node_vertex; }
/* The consequenses of giving commands through the app are happening here. Several statusses are used to determine the possibl commands that can be given. */ task main(){ while (true){ /* Standby The robot stays still untill it is told to either follow the line or go over to manual mode. FIRE: Status goes to active. A: Status goes to manual. */ while (status == "standby"){ CheckString(); if( s == "FIRE"){ startTask(Follow); status = "active"; } if (s == "A"){ status = "manual"; } } /* Active The robot is following the line untill it is told to go standby or if it sees an object. UP: Command to make the robot go straight on the next crossing. LEFT: Command to make the robot go left on the next crossing. RIGHT:Command to make the robot go right on the next crossing. FIRE: Command to make the robot wait for a command on the next crossing. C: Status goes to standby. */ while (status == "active"){ CheckString(); if( s == "C") { status = "standby"; speed = 0; stopTask(Follow); StopSound(); Straight(speed); } if (s == "RIGHT"){ command = "right"; } if (s == "LEFT"){ command = "left"; } if (s == "UP"){ command = "straight"; } } /* Engage The robot has seen an object and is waiting for a command that decides if it will charge or evade said object. FIRE: Robot evades the object. (Evasion handled in task Follow) B: The robot Charges. C: Status goes to standby. */ while (status == "engage"){ CheckString(); if(s == "FIRE"){ } if(s == "B"){ stopTask(Follow); StopSound(); Charge(); s = ""; status = "standby"; } if (s == "C"){ CheckString(); status = "standby"; speed = 0; stopTask(Follow); stopTask(AvoidObject); StopSound(); Straight(speed); } if (SensorValue[S1] == 1){ status = "standby"; speed = 0; stopTask(Follow); stopTask(AvoidObject); StopSound(); Straight(speed); } } /* Manual The robot can be manually controlled untill it is told to go back to standby. UP: The robot moves forward. RIGHT:Turn right. LEFT: Turn left. DOWN: The robot moves backward. FIRE: Brake. B: The robot charges. C: Status goes to standby. */ while(status == "manual"){ CheckString(); Straight(0); while (s == "UP"){ startTask(Sound); CheckString(); Straight(max_Speed); } while (s == "DOWN"){ startTask(Sound); CheckString(); Straight((max_Speed/2)*-1); } while (s == "LEFT"){ CheckString(); startTask(Sound); motor[motorB]= 0; motor[motorC]= max_Speed/2; } while (s == "RIGHT"){ startTask(Sound); CheckString(); motor[motorC]= 0; motor[motorB]= max_Speed/2; } if (s == "C"){ CheckString(); status = "standby"; speed = 0; stopTask(Follow); StopSound(); Straight(speed); } while (s == "FIRE"){ StopSound(); CheckString(); motor[motorB]= 0; motor[motorC]= 0; } if (s == "B"){ StopSound(); Charge(); } } wait1Msec(1); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TReportForm::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { TVirtualNode *t = VirtualStringTree1->GetFirstSelected(false); TReportData *data; ReportEditForm->Edit1->Text=""; ReportEditForm->Edit2->Text=""; ReportEditForm->Edit3->Text=""; ReportEditForm->Edit4->Text=""; if (!(t == NULL)) { int level=VirtualStringTree1->GetNodeLevel(t); data=(TReportData *)VirtualStringTree1->GetNodeData(t); if (!(data == NULL)) { switch (level) { case 0: ReportEditForm->Edit1->Enabled=true; ReportEditForm->Edit1->Text=data->Name; ReportEditForm->Edit2->Enabled=false; ReportEditForm->Edit3->Enabled=false; ReportEditForm->Edit4->Enabled=false; break; case 1: ReportEditForm->Edit1->Enabled=false; ReportEditForm->Edit2->Enabled=true; ReportEditForm->Edit3->Enabled=true; ReportEditForm->Edit4->Enabled=true; ReportEditForm->Edit2->Text=FloatToStrF(data->pcs, ffFixed, 5, 2); ReportEditForm->Edit3->Text=FloatToStrF(data->pi, ffFixed, 5, 2); ReportEditForm->Edit4->Text=FloatToStr(data->angle); break; } if (!(ReportEditForm->ShowModal() == mrOk)) return; switch (level) { case 0: data->Name=ReportEditForm->Edit1->Text; break; case 1: data->pcs=CheckString(ReportEditForm->Edit2->Text); data->pi=CheckString(ReportEditForm->Edit3->Text); data->angle=CheckString(ReportEditForm->Edit4->Text); break; } RecalculateReport(); VirtualStringTree1->Repaint(); } } /* TVirtualNode *t; t=VirtualStringTree1->AddChild(NULL); TReportData *data; data=(TReportData *)VirtualStringTree1->GetNodeData(t); if (!(data == NULL)) { // data->num=t->Index; data->Name="Фигня"; data->pcs=1231; data->pi=21; data->angle=90; data->rms=0.1212; } */ }
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ APIRET ReadPktFile( CHAR *netfile ) { APIRET rc; INT i, line; SHORT sep; CHAR last, *string; LONG tell; PACKET packet; INDEXPKT *top; #ifndef _LITE_ INDEXPKT *index, **inew; INT (*func)() = NULL; #endif if(( rc = OpenFile( netfile )) != 0 ) return( rc ); if( fread( &pkt, sizeof( pkt ), 1, PktFile ) != 1 ) { CloseFile(); ShowError( "Error read file '%s'", ShowPath( netfile, 50 )); return( ERROR_READ_FAULT ); } if( pkt.ver != 2 ) { CloseFile(); ShowError( "File '%s' is't PKT", ShowPath( netfile, 50 )); return( ERROR_BAD_FORMAT ); } string = malloc( MAX_BUFFER ); if( string == NULL ) return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); WActive( wscan ); while( 1 ) { sep = 0; if( fread( &sep, sizeof( sep ), 1, PktFile ) != 1 ) { ShowError( "Error structure in '%s'\nIncomplete pkt. Rest of packet ignored.", ShowPath( netfile, 50 )); BadPkt = 1; break; } tell = ftell( PktFile ); if( sep == 0 ) { if( fread( &sep, 1, 1, PktFile ) == 1 ) { ShowError( "Error structure in '%s'\nFound more data, offset: 0x%08lX. Rest of packet ignored.", ShowPath( netfile, 50 ), tell ); BadPkt = 1; } break; } if( sep != 2 ) { ShowError( "Error structure in '%s'\nError separator: 0x%02hX, offset: 0x%08lX. Rest of packet ignored.", ShowPath( netfile, 50 ), sep, tell - 2 ); BadPkt = 1; break; } if( fread( &packet, sizeof( packet ), 1, PktFile ) != 1 ) { ShowError( "Error structure in '%s'\nIncomplete pkt. Rest of packet ignored.", ShowPath( netfile, 50 )); BadPkt = 1; break; } AddNextStruct( pktIndex, top ); if( top == NULL ) { free( string ); WDeactive( wscan ); return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } top -> tell = tell; if( !( pktcount % 5 )) { WSetXY ( wscan, 19, 2 ); if( pktcount == 0 ) WPrintf( wscan, "%4u", 1 ); else WPrintf( wscan, "%4u", pktcount ); } top -> AddrFrom.Zone = 0; top -> AddrFrom.Net = packet.orig_net; top -> AddrFrom.Node = packet.orig_node; top -> AddrFrom.Point = 0; top -> AddrFrom.Domain[0] = 0; top -> AddrTo.Zone = 0; top -> AddrTo.Net = packet.dest_net; top -> AddrTo.Node = packet.dest_node; top -> AddrTo.Point = 0; top -> AddrTo.Domain[0] = 0; top -> attr = packet.attr; strncpy( string,, sizeof( )); string[sizeof(] = 0; top -> date = strdup( string ); FidoMsgGetStrSeek( PktFile, 0, SEEK_CUR ); FidoMsgGetStr( string, MAX_BUFFER - 1, PktFile, &last ); string[ MAX_TO ] = 0; top -> to = strdup( string ); FidoMsgGetStr( string, MAX_BUFFER - 1, PktFile, &last ); string[ MAX_FROM ] = 0; top -> from = strdup( string ); FidoMsgGetStr( string, MAX_BUFFER - 1, PktFile, &last ); string[ MAX_SUBJ ] = 0; top -> subj = strdup( string ); top -> area = NULL; top -> sel = ' '; top -> change = 0; for( i = 0; i < MAX_LINE; i++ ) top -> quick[i] = NULL; top -> telltxt = FidoMsgGetStrTell(); line = i = 0; while( FidoMsgGetStr( string, MAX_BUFFER - 1, PktFile, &last ) != NULL ) { CheckString( string, i, top ); if( i && strncmp( string, "AREA:", 5 )) { if( Quick && line < MAX_LINE && string[0] != '\001' && StrSkipSpace( string )) { top -> quick[line] = strdup( string ); top -> color[line] = GetLineColor( i, string ); line++; } } if( last == 0 ) break; i++; } CheckString( NULL, 0, top ); top -> size = FidoMsgGetStrTell() - top -> telltxt - 1; fseek( PktFile, FidoMsgGetStrTell(), SEEK_SET ); pktcount++; } free( string ); #ifndef _LITE_ if( cfgCurrent.sort && pktcount ) { pktOrigin = malloc( pktcount * sizeof( *pktOrigin )); if( pktOrigin ) for( i = 0, index = pktIndex; index; index = index -> next, i++ ) pktOrigin[i] = index; if( cfgCurrent.psort && ( inew = calloc( pktcount, sizeof( *inew ))) != NULL ) { for( i = 0, index = pktIndex; index; index = index -> next, i++ ) inew[i] = index; if( typesort.from ) func = SortFrom; if( ) func = SortTo; if( typesort.area ) func = SortArea; if( typesort.subj ) func = SortSubj; if( ) func = SortDate; if( typesort.size ) func = SortSize; if( func ) MShellSort( inew, pktcount, sizeof( *inew ), func ); pktIndex = inew[0]; for( i = 1; i < pktcount; i++ ) inew[i-1] -> next = inew[i]; inew[i-1] -> next = NULL; free( inew ); } } #endif WDeactive( wscan ); return( NO_ERROR ); }
bool ParseChoice(FStrifeDialogueReply **&replyptr) { FStrifeDialogueReply *reply = new FStrifeDialogueReply; memset(reply, 0, sizeof(*reply)); reply->Next = *replyptr; *replyptr = reply; replyptr = &reply->Next; FString ReplyString; FString QuickYes; FString QuickNo; FString LogString; bool closeDialog = false; reply->NeedsGold = false; while (!sc.CheckToken('}')) { bool block = false; FName key = ParseKey(true, &block); if (!block) { switch(key) { case NAME_Text: ReplyString = CheckString(key); break; case NAME_Displaycost: reply->NeedsGold = CheckBool(key); break; case NAME_Yesmessage: QuickYes = CheckString(key); //if (!QuickYes.Compare("_")) QuickYes = ""; break; case NAME_Nomessage: QuickNo = CheckString(key); break; case NAME_Log: if (namespace_bits == St) { const char *s = CheckString(key); if(strlen(s) < 4 || strnicmp(s, "LOG", 3) != 0) { sc.ScriptMessage("Log must be in the format of LOG# to compile, ignoring."); } else { reply->LogNumber = atoi(s + 3); } } else { LogString = CheckString(key); } break; case NAME_Giveitem: reply->GiveType = CheckActorType(key); break; case NAME_Nextpage: reply->NextNode = CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_Closedialog: closeDialog = CheckBool(key); break; case NAME_Special: reply->ActionSpecial = CheckInt(key); if (reply->ActionSpecial < 0 || reply->ActionSpecial > 255) reply->ActionSpecial = 0; break; case NAME_Arg0: case NAME_Arg1: case NAME_Arg2: case NAME_Arg3: case NAME_Arg4: reply->Args[int(key)-int(NAME_Arg0)] = CheckInt(key); break; } } else { switch(key) { case NAME_Cost: ParseCost(reply); break; default: sc.UnGet(); Skip(); } } } // Todo: Finalize if (reply->ItemCheck.Size() > 0) { if (reply->ItemCheck[0].Amount <= 0) reply->NeedsGold = false; } reply->Reply = ncopystring(ReplyString); reply->QuickYes = ncopystring(QuickYes); if (reply->ItemCheck.Size() > 0 && reply->ItemCheck[0].Item != NULL) { reply->QuickNo = ncopystring(QuickNo); } else { reply->QuickNo = NULL; } reply->LogString = ncopystring(LogString); if(!closeDialog) reply->NextNode *= -1; return true; }
void ParseSector(sector_t *sec, int index) { int lightcolor = -1; int fadecolor = -1; int desaturation = -1; int fplaneflags = 0, cplaneflags = 0; double fp[4] = { 0 }, cp[4] = { 0 }; FString tagstring; memset(sec, 0, sizeof(*sec)); sec->lightlevel = 160; sec->SetXScale(sector_t::floor, 1.); // [RH] floor and ceiling scaling sec->SetYScale(sector_t::floor, 1.); sec->SetXScale(sector_t::ceiling, 1.); sec->SetYScale(sector_t::ceiling, 1.); sec->SetAlpha(sector_t::floor, 1.); sec->SetAlpha(sector_t::ceiling, 1.); sec->thinglist = NULL; sec->touching_thinglist = NULL; // phares 3/14/98 sec->render_thinglist = NULL; sec->seqType = (level.flags & LEVEL_SNDSEQTOTALCTRL) ? 0 : -1; sec->nextsec = -1; //jff 2/26/98 add fields to support locking out sec->prevsec = -1; // stair retriggering until build completes sec->heightsec = NULL; // sector used to get floor and ceiling height sec->sectornum = index; sec->damageinterval = 32; sec->terrainnum[sector_t::ceiling] = sec->terrainnum[sector_t::floor] = -1; if (floordrop) sec->Flags = SECF_FLOORDROP; // killough 3/7/98: end changes sec->gravity = 1.; // [RH] Default sector gravity of 1.0 sec->ZoneNumber = 0xFFFF; // killough 8/28/98: initialize all sectors to normal friction sec->friction = ORIG_FRICTION; sec->movefactor = ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR; sc.MustGetToken('{'); while (!sc.CheckToken('}')) { FName key = ParseKey(); switch(key) { case NAME_Heightfloor: sec->SetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor, CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Heightceiling: sec->SetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling, CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Texturefloor: SetTexture(sec, index, sector_t::floor, CheckString(key), missingTex, false); continue; case NAME_Textureceiling: SetTexture(sec, index, sector_t::ceiling, CheckString(key), missingTex, false); continue; case NAME_Lightlevel: sec->lightlevel = sector_t::ClampLight(CheckInt(key)); continue; case NAME_Special: sec->special = (short)CheckInt(key); if (isTranslated) sec->special = P_TranslateSectorSpecial(sec->special); else if (namespc == NAME_Hexen) { if (sec->special < 0 || sec->special > 255 || !HexenSectorSpecialOk[sec->special]) sec->special = 0; // NULL all unknown specials } continue; case NAME_Id: tagManager.AddSectorTag(index, CheckInt(key)); continue; default: break; } if (namespace_bits & (Zd|Zdt|Va)) switch(key) { case NAME_Xpanningfloor: sec->SetXOffset(sector_t::floor, CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Ypanningfloor: sec->SetYOffset(sector_t::floor, CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Xpanningceiling: sec->SetXOffset(sector_t::ceiling, CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Ypanningceiling: sec->SetYOffset(sector_t::ceiling, CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Xscalefloor: sec->SetXScale(sector_t::floor, CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Yscalefloor: sec->SetYScale(sector_t::floor, CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Xscaleceiling: sec->SetXScale(sector_t::ceiling, CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Yscaleceiling: sec->SetYScale(sector_t::ceiling, CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Rotationfloor: sec->SetAngle(sector_t::floor, CheckAngle(key)); continue; case NAME_Rotationceiling: sec->SetAngle(sector_t::ceiling, CheckAngle(key)); continue; case NAME_Lightfloor: sec->SetPlaneLight(sector_t::floor, CheckInt(key)); continue; case NAME_Lightceiling: sec->SetPlaneLight(sector_t::ceiling, CheckInt(key)); continue; case NAME_Alphafloor: sec->SetAlpha(sector_t::floor, CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Alphaceiling: sec->SetAlpha(sector_t::ceiling, CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Renderstylefloor: { const char *str = CheckString(key); if (!stricmp(str, "translucent")) sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::floor, PLANEF_ADDITIVE, 0); else if (!stricmp(str, "add")) sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::floor, 0, PLANEF_ADDITIVE); else sc.ScriptMessage("Unknown value \"%s\" for 'renderstylefloor'\n", str); continue; } case NAME_Renderstyleceiling: { const char *str = CheckString(key); if (!stricmp(str, "translucent")) sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::ceiling, PLANEF_ADDITIVE, 0); else if (!stricmp(str, "add")) sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::ceiling, 0, PLANEF_ADDITIVE); else sc.ScriptMessage("Unknown value \"%s\" for 'renderstyleceiling'\n", str); continue; } case NAME_Lightfloorabsolute: if (CheckBool(key)) sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::floor, 0, PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING); else sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::floor, PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING, 0); continue; case NAME_Lightceilingabsolute: if (CheckBool(key)) sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::ceiling, 0, PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING); else sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::ceiling, PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING, 0); continue; case NAME_Gravity: sec->gravity = CheckFloat(key); continue; case NAME_Lightcolor: lightcolor = CheckInt(key); continue; case NAME_Fadecolor: fadecolor = CheckInt(key); continue; case NAME_Desaturation: desaturation = int(255*CheckFloat(key)); continue; case NAME_Silent: Flag(sec->Flags, SECF_SILENT, key); continue; case NAME_NoRespawn: Flag(sec->Flags, SECF_NORESPAWN, key); continue; case NAME_Nofallingdamage: Flag(sec->Flags, SECF_NOFALLINGDAMAGE, key); continue; case NAME_Dropactors: Flag(sec->Flags, SECF_FLOORDROP, key); continue; case NAME_SoundSequence: sec->SeqName = CheckString(key); sec->seqType = -1; continue; case NAME_hidden: Flag(sec->MoreFlags, SECF_HIDDEN, key); break; case NAME_Waterzone: Flag(sec->MoreFlags, SECF_UNDERWATER, key); break; case NAME_floorplane_a: fplaneflags |= 1; fp[0] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_floorplane_b: fplaneflags |= 2; fp[1] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_floorplane_c: fplaneflags |= 4; fp[2] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_floorplane_d: fplaneflags |= 8; fp[3] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_ceilingplane_a: cplaneflags |= 1; cp[0] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_ceilingplane_b: cplaneflags |= 2; cp[1] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_ceilingplane_c: cplaneflags |= 4; cp[2] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_ceilingplane_d: cplaneflags |= 8; cp[3] = CheckFloat(key); break; case NAME_damageamount: sec->damageamount = CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_damagetype: sec->damagetype = CheckString(key); break; case NAME_damageinterval: sec->damageinterval = CheckInt(key); if (sec->damageinterval < 1) sec->damageinterval = 1; break; case NAME_leakiness: sec->leakydamage = CheckInt(key); break; case NAME_damageterraineffect: Flag(sec->Flags, SECF_DMGTERRAINFX, key); break; case NAME_damagehazard: Flag(sec->Flags, SECF_HAZARD, key); break; case NAME_floorterrain: sec->terrainnum[sector_t::floor] = P_FindTerrain(CheckString(key)); break; case NAME_ceilingterrain: sec->terrainnum[sector_t::ceiling] = P_FindTerrain(CheckString(key)); break; case NAME_MoreIds: // delay parsing of the tag string until parsing of the sector is complete // This ensures that the ID is always the first tag in the list. tagstring = CheckString(key); break; default: break; } if ((namespace_bits & (Zd | Zdt)) && !strnicmp("user_", key.GetChars(), 5)) { AddUserKey(key, UDMF_Sector, index); } } if (tagstring.IsNotEmpty()) { FScanner sc; sc.OpenString("tagstring", tagstring); // scan the string as long as valid numbers can be found while (sc.CheckNumber()) { if (sc.Number != 0) tagManager.AddSectorTag(index, sc.Number); } } if (sec->damageamount == 0) { // If no damage is set, clear all other related properties so that they do not interfere // with other means of setting them. sec->damagetype = NAME_None; sec->damageinterval = 0; sec->leakydamage = 0; sec->Flags &= ~SECF_DAMAGEFLAGS; } // Reset the planes to their defaults if not all of the plane equation's parameters were found. if (fplaneflags != 15) { sec->floorplane.SetAtHeight(sec->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor), sector_t::floor); } else { // normalize the vector, it must have a length of 1 DVector3 n = DVector3(fp[0], fp[1], fp[2]).Unit(); sec->floorplane.set(n.X, n.Y, n.Z, fp[3]); } if (cplaneflags != 15) { sec->ceilingplane.SetAtHeight(sec->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling), sector_t::ceiling); } else { DVector3 n = DVector3(cp[0], cp[1], cp[2]).Unit(); sec->ceilingplane.set(n.X, n.Y, n.Z, cp[3]); } if (lightcolor == -1 && fadecolor == -1 && desaturation == -1) { // [RH] Sectors default to white light with the default fade. // If they are outside (have a sky ceiling), they use the outside fog. if (level.outsidefog != 0xff000000 && (sec->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum || (sec->special & 0xff) == Sector_Outside)) { if (fogMap == NULL) fogMap = GetSpecialLights(PalEntry(255, 255, 255), level.outsidefog, 0); sec->ColorMap = fogMap; } else { if (normMap == NULL) normMap = GetSpecialLights (PalEntry (255,255,255), level.fadeto, NormalLight.Desaturate); sec->ColorMap = normMap; } } else { if (lightcolor == -1) lightcolor = PalEntry(255,255,255); if (fadecolor == -1) { if (level.outsidefog != 0xff000000 && (sec->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum || (sec->special & 0xff) == Sector_Outside)) fadecolor = level.outsidefog; else fadecolor = level.fadeto; } if (desaturation == -1) desaturation = NormalLight.Desaturate; sec->ColorMap = GetSpecialLights (lightcolor, fadecolor, desaturation); } }
/* ================ idLexer::ReadNumber ================ */ int idLexer::ReadNumber( idToken *token ) { int i; int dot; char c, c2; token->type = TT_NUMBER; token->subtype = 0; token->intvalue = 0; token->floatvalue = 0; c = *idLexer::script_p; c2 = *(idLexer::script_p + 1); if ( c == '0' && c2 != '.' && !(idLexer::flags & LEXFL_NOOXDIGITS) ) { // check for a hexadecimal number if ( c2 == 'x' || c2 == 'X' ) { token->AppendDirty( *idLexer::script_p++ ); token->AppendDirty( *idLexer::script_p++ ); c = *idLexer::script_p; while((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')) { token->AppendDirty( c ); c = *(++idLexer::script_p); } token->subtype = TT_HEX | TT_INTEGER; } // check for a binary number else if ( c2 == 'b' || c2 == 'B' ) { token->AppendDirty( *idLexer::script_p++ ); token->AppendDirty( *idLexer::script_p++ ); c = *idLexer::script_p; while( c == '0' || c == '1' ) { token->AppendDirty( c ); c = *(++idLexer::script_p); } token->subtype = TT_BINARY | TT_INTEGER; } // its an octal number else { token->AppendDirty( *idLexer::script_p++ ); c = *idLexer::script_p; while( c >= '0' && c <= '7' ) { token->AppendDirty( c ); c = *(++idLexer::script_p); } token->subtype = TT_OCTAL | TT_INTEGER; } } else { // decimal integer or floating point number or ip address dot = 0; while( 1 ) { if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) { } else if ( c == '.' ) { dot++; } else { break; } token->AppendDirty( c ); c = *(++idLexer::script_p); } // if a floating point number if ( dot == 1 ) { token->subtype = TT_DECIMAL | TT_FLOAT; // check for floating point exponent if ( c == 'e' ) { c = *(++idLexer::script_p); if ( c == '-' ) { token->AppendDirty( c ); c = *(++idLexer::script_p); } else if ( c == '+' ) { token->AppendDirty( c ); c = *(++idLexer::script_p); } while( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) { token->AppendDirty( c ); c = *(++idLexer::script_p); } } // check for floating point exception infinite 1.#INF or indefinite 1.#IND or NaN else if ( c == '#' ) { c2 = 4; if ( CheckString( "INF" ) ) { token->subtype |= TT_INFINITE; } else if ( CheckString( "IND" ) ) { token->subtype |= TT_INDEFINITE; } else if ( CheckString( "NAN" ) ) { token->subtype |= TT_NAN; } else if ( CheckString( "QNAN" ) ) { token->subtype |= TT_NAN; c2++; } else if ( CheckString( "SNAN" ) ) { token->subtype |= TT_NAN; c2++; } for ( i = 0; i < c2; i++ ) { token->AppendDirty( c ); c = *(++idLexer::script_p); } while( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) { token->AppendDirty( c ); c = *(++idLexer::script_p); } if ( !(idLexer::flags & LEXFL_ALLOWFLOATEXCEPTIONS) ) { token->AppendDirty( 0 ); // zero terminate for c_str idLexer::Error( "parsed %s", token->c_str() ); } } } else if ( dot > 1 ) { if ( !( idLexer::flags & LEXFL_ALLOWIPADDRESSES ) ) { idLexer::Error( "more than one dot in number" ); return 0; } if ( dot != 3 ) { idLexer::Error( "ip address should have three dots" ); return 0; } token->subtype = TT_IPADDRESS; } else { token->subtype = TT_DECIMAL | TT_INTEGER; } } if ( token->subtype & TT_FLOAT ) { if ( c > ' ' ) { // single-precision: float if ( c == 'f' || c == 'F' ) { token->subtype |= TT_SINGLE_PRECISION; idLexer::script_p++; } // extended-precision: long double else if ( c == 'l' || c == 'L' ) { token->subtype |= TT_EXTENDED_PRECISION; idLexer::script_p++; } // default is double-precision: double else { token->subtype |= TT_DOUBLE_PRECISION; } } else { token->subtype |= TT_DOUBLE_PRECISION; } } else if ( token->subtype & TT_INTEGER ) { if ( c > ' ' ) { // default: signed long for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { // long integer if ( c == 'l' || c == 'L' ) { token->subtype |= TT_LONG; } // unsigned integer else if ( c == 'u' || c == 'U' ) { token->subtype |= TT_UNSIGNED; } else { break; } c = *(++idLexer::script_p); } } } else if ( token->subtype & TT_IPADDRESS ) { if ( c == ':' ) { token->AppendDirty( c ); c = *(++idLexer::script_p); while( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) { token->AppendDirty( c ); c = *(++idLexer::script_p); } token->subtype |= TT_IPPORT; } } token->data[token->len] = '\0'; return 1; }
/** * Function name CheckWstringLiteral * Description checks whether Literal is an st literal of type Type * @param CString Type * @param CString Literal * @param CString &ErrorMessage * @return BOOL * @exception - * @see - */ BOOL CheckTypeOfLiteral(CString Type, CString Literal, CString &ErrorMessage) { ErrorMessage = _T(""); /* if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("BOOL")) == 0) return CheckBoolLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("BYTE")) == 0) return CheckByteLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("WORD")) == 0) return CheckWordLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("DWORD")) == 0) return CheckDwordLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("LWORD")) == 0) return CheckLwordLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("DINT")) == 0) return CheckDintLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("LINT")) == 0) return CheckLintLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("LREAL")) == 0) return CheckLrealLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("TIME")) == 0) return CheckTimeLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("DT")) == 0) return CheckDtLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("DATE")) == 0) return CheckDateLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("TOD")) == 0) return CheckTodLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); if (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("WSTRING")) == 0) return CheckWstringLiteral(Literal, ErrorMessage); */ if ((Type.CompareNoCase(_T("BOOL")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("BYTE")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("WORD")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("DWORD")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("LWORD")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("INT")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("DINT")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("LINT")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("REAL")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("LREAL")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("TIME")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("TIME_OF_DAY")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("DATE_AND_TIME")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("DT")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("DATE")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("TOD")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("STRING")) == 0) || (Type.CompareNoCase(_T("WSTRING")) == 0)) { BOOL result = CheckString(Literal, Type, ErrorMessage); return result; } else { return TRUE; } }