コード例 #1
BOOL CALLBACK EnumProcTopLevelWindowList(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lparam) 
	CString				title = "", winclass = "";
	char				text[MAX_WINDOW_TITLE] = {0};
	RECT				crect = {0};
	STableList			tablelisthold;
	int					tablemap_index = (int)(lparam);

	write_log(preferences.debug_autoconnector(), "[CAutoConnector] EnumProcTopLevelWindowList(..)\n");
	write_log(preferences.debug_autoconnector(), "[CAutoConnector] Tablemap nr. %d\n", tablemap_index);
	// If this is not a top level window, then return
	if (GetParent(hwnd) != NULL)
		return true;

	// If this window is not visible, then return
	if (!IsWindowVisible(hwnd))
		return true;

	// If there is no caption on this window, then return
	GetWindowText(hwnd, text, sizeof(text));
	if (strlen(text)==0)
		return true;
	title = text;

	// Found a candidate window, get client area rect
	write_log(preferences.debug_autoconnector(), "[CAutoConnector] EnumProcTopLevelWindowList(..) found a window candidate...\n");
	GetClientRect(hwnd, &crect);

	// See if it matches the currently loaded table map
	if (Check_TM_Against_Single_Window(tablemap_index, hwnd, crect, title))
		// Filter out served tables already here,
		// otherwise the other list used in the dialog
		// to select windows manually will cause us lots of headaches,
		// as the lists will be of different size 
		// and the indexes will not match.
		if (p_sharedmem->PokerWindowAttached(hwnd))
			write_log(preferences.debug_autoconnector(), "[CAutoConnector] Window candidate already served: [%d]\n", hwnd);
			write_log(preferences.debug_autoconnector(), "[CAutoConnector] Adding window candidate to the list: [%d]\n", hwnd);
			tablelisthold.hwnd = hwnd;
			tablelisthold.title = title;
			tablelisthold.path = p_tablemap_loader->GetTablemapPathToLoad(tablemap_index);
			tablelisthold.crect.left = crect.left;
			tablelisthold.crect.top = crect.top;
			tablelisthold.crect.right = crect.right;
			tablelisthold.crect.bottom = crect.bottom;

	return true;  // keep processing through entire list of windows
コード例 #2
void CAutoConnector::CheckIfWindowMatchesMoreThanOneTablemap(HWND hwnd) {
  // In OpenHoldem 9.0.1 we replaced clientsize in favour of clientsizemin/max
  // and targetsize. This caused the problem that some people used a very large
  // range of clientsizemin/max in combination with a very common titletext
  // like "Poker". As a consequence some tablemaps connected to nearly every
  // window (not even table).
  // To solve this problem we now detect if a table could be served 
  // by more than one tablemap. For performance reasons we do this exactly once
  // per table at connection.
  // http://www.maxinmontreal.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=19407&start=90#p138038
  int num_loaded_tablemaps = p_tablemap_loader->NumberOfTableMapsLoaded();
  int num_matching_tablemaps = 0;
  CString matching_tablemaps = "";
  char text[MAX_WINDOW_TITLE] = { 0 };
  GetWindowText(hwnd, text, sizeof(text));
  CString title = text;
  RECT    crect;
  GetClientRect(hwnd, &crect);

  for (int i=0; i<num_loaded_tablemaps; ++i) {
    // See if it matches the currently loaded(?????) table map
    if (Check_TM_Against_Single_Window(i, hwnd, crect, title)) {
      // Build "list" of matching tablemaps
      matching_tablemaps += p_tablemap_loader->GetTablemapPathToLoad(i);
      matching_tablemaps += "\n";
  if (num_matching_tablemaps > 1) {
    CString error_message;
      "More then one tablemap fits to the same table\n\n",
      "\nTable: ", 
      "\n\nThese tablemaps need to be adapted:\n",
      "  * clientsizemin/max\n",
      "  * titletext(s)\n",
      "  * and/or tablepoints\n",
      "to make the tablemap-selection-process unambiguous.");