bool CTaskFileHelper::Load(const TCHAR* szFileName) { CScopeLock LockTask(LockTaskData, UnlockTaskData); StartupStore(_T(". LoadTask : <%s>%s"), szFileName, NEWLINE); ClearTask(); FILE* stream = _tfopen(szFileName, TEXT("rb")); if (stream) { fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_END); // seek to end of file long size = ftell(stream); // get current file pointer fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET); // seek back to beginning of file char * buff = (char*) calloc(size + 1, sizeof (char)); long nRead = fread(buff, sizeof (char), size, stream); if (nRead != size) { fclose(stream); free(buff); return false; } fclose(stream); TCHAR * szXML = (TCHAR*) calloc(size + 1, sizeof (TCHAR)); utf2unicode(buff, szXML, size + 1); free(buff); XMLNode rootNode = XMLNode::parseString(szXML, _T("lk-task")); if (rootNode) { LoadWayPointList(rootNode.getChildNode(_T("waypoints"), 0)); if (!LoadTaskPointList(rootNode.getChildNode(_T("taskpoints"), 0))) { free(szXML); return false; } if (!LoadStartPoint(rootNode.getChildNode(_T("startpoints"), 0))) { free(szXML); return false; } LoadOptions(rootNode); } free(szXML); } RefreshTask(); TaskModified = false; TargetModified = false; _tcscpy(LastTaskFileName, szFileName); return true; }
static void OnClearClicked(WndButton* pWnd){ if (MessageBoxX( // LKTOKEN _@M179_ = "Clear the task?" MsgToken(179), // LKTOKEN _@M178_ = "Clear task" MsgToken(178), mbYesNo) == IdYes) { if (CheckDeclaration()) { ClearTask(); UpdateFilePointer(); OverviewRefreshTask(); UpdateCaption(); } } }
void FlyDirectTo(int index) { if (!CheckDeclaration()) return; LockTaskData(); AATEnabled = FALSE; InsertRecentList(index); ClearTask(); Task[0].Index = index; ActiveWayPoint = 0; RefreshTask(); UnlockTaskData(); }
static void OnClearClicked(WindowControl * Sender, WndListFrame::ListInfo_t *ListInfo){ (void)ListInfo; (void)Sender; if (MessageBoxX(hWndMapWindow, // LKTOKEN _@M179_ = "Clear the task?" gettext(TEXT("_@M179_")), // LKTOKEN _@M178_ = "Clear task" gettext(TEXT("_@M178_")), MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) { if (CheckDeclaration()) { ClearTask(); UpdateFilePointer(); OverviewRefreshTask(); UpdateCaption(); } } }
bool LoadGpxTask(LPCTSTR szFileName) { LockTaskData(); StartupStore(_T(". LoadGpxTask : <%s>%s"), szFileName, NEWLINE); ClearTask(); FILE* stream = _tfopen(szFileName, TEXT("rb")); if(stream) { fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_END); // seek to end of file long size = ftell(stream); // get current file pointer fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET); // seek back to beginning of file char * buff = (char*) calloc(size + 1, sizeof (char)); long nRead = fread(buff, sizeof (char), size, stream); fclose(stream); if(nRead != size) { free(buff); UnlockTaskData(); return false; } TCHAR * szXML = (TCHAR*) calloc(size + 1, sizeof (TCHAR)); utf2TCHAR(buff, szXML, size + 1); free(buff); XMLNode rootNode = XMLNode::parseString(szXML, _T("gpx")); free(szXML); if(rootNode) { if(rootNode.isEmpty()) { UnlockTaskData(); return false; } //TODO: here we load just the first route may be there are others routes in the GPX file... XMLNode routeNode=rootNode.getChildNode(TEXT("rte")); if(routeNode.isEmpty()) { //ERROR no route found in GPX file UnlockTaskData(); return false; } int numWPnodes=routeNode.nChildNode(); //count number of XML nodes inside <rte> </rte> int numOfWPs=routeNode.nChildNode(TEXT("rtept")); //count number of WPs in the route if(numOfWPs<1 || numOfWPs>MAXTASKPOINTS) { //ERROR: no WPs at all or too many WPs found in route in GPX file UnlockTaskData(); return false; } LPCTSTR dataStr=NULL; double lat; XMLNode WPnode,detailNode; WAYPOINT newPoint; for(int i=0,idx=0;i<numWPnodes;i++) { memset(&newPoint, 0, sizeof (newPoint)); WPnode=routeNode.getChildNode(i); if(_tcscmp(WPnode.getName(),TEXT("rtept"))==0) { dataStr=WPnode.getAttribute(TEXT("lat")); if(!dataStr) { //ERROR: WP without latitude ClearTask(); UnlockTaskData(); return false; } lat=_tcstod(dataStr,NULL); dataStr=WPnode.getAttribute(TEXT("lon")); if(!dataStr) { //ERROR: WP without longitude ClearTask(); UnlockTaskData(); return false; } memset(&newPoint, 0, sizeof (newPoint)); newPoint.Latitude=lat; newPoint.Longitude=_tcstod(dataStr,NULL); detailNode=WPnode.getChildNode(TEXT("ele"),0); if(detailNode) { dataStr=detailNode.getText(0); if(dataStr) newPoint.Altitude=_tcstod(dataStr,NULL); } detailNode=WPnode.getChildNode(TEXT("name"),0); if(detailNode) { dataStr=detailNode.getText(0); if(dataStr) _tcscpy(newPoint.Name, dataStr); } detailNode=WPnode.getChildNode(TEXT("cmt"),0); if(detailNode) { dataStr=detailNode.getText(0); if(dataStr) { newPoint.Comment = (TCHAR*) malloc((_tcslen(dataStr)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if(newPoint.Comment) _tcscpy(newPoint.Comment, dataStr); } } #ifdef TASK_DETAILS detailNode=WPnode.getChildNode(TEXT("desc"),0); if(detailNode) { dataStr=detailNode.getText(0); if(dataStr) { newPoint.Details = (TCHAR*) malloc((_tcslen(dataStr)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if(newPoint.Details) _tcscpy(newPoint.Details, dataStr); } } #else newPoint.Details=nullptr; #endif newPoint.Format=LKW_GPX; newPoint.Style=STYLE_NORMAL; if (idx==0) newPoint.Flags = START; else if (idx==numOfWPs-1) newPoint.Flags = FINISH; else newPoint.Flags = TURNPOINT + WAYPOINTFLAG; int ix =FindOrAddWaypoint(&newPoint,ISGAAIRCRAFT && (idx==0 || idx==numOfWPs-1)); //if GA check widely if we have already depart and dest airports if (ix>=0) Task[idx++].Index=ix; #ifdef TASK_DETAILS if (newPoint.Details) { free(newPoint.Details); } #endif if (newPoint.Comment) { free(newPoint.Comment); } } //if(rtept) } //for(each node in rtept) } //if(rootNode) } //if(stream) if(ISGAAIRCRAFT) { //Set task options for GA aircraft StartLine=1; //Line StartRadius=1000; SectorType=LINE; SectorRadius=1000; FinishLine=0; //Circle FinishRadius=500; } else { //otherwise set default task options for other categories StartLine=2; //Sector StartRadius=1500; SectorType=CIRCLE; SectorRadius=2000; FinishLine=0; //Circle FinishRadius=3000; } AutoAdvance=1; //Auto AATEnabled=false; PGOptimizeRoute=false; StartHeightRef=1; //ASL RefreshTask(); TaskModified = false; TargetModified = false; _tcscpy(LastTaskFileName, szFileName); UnlockTaskData(); return true; }
void SettingsLeave() { if (!GlobalRunning) return; SwitchToMapWindow(); // Locking everything here prevents the calculation thread from running, // while shared data is potentially reloaded. LockFlightData(); LockTaskData(); MenuActive = false; // 101020 LKmaps contain only topology , so no need to force total reload! if(MAPFILECHANGED) { #if TESTBENCH StartupStore(_T(".... MAPFILECHANGED from configuration\n")); #endif if (LKTopo==0) { AIRSPACEFILECHANGED = TRUE; AIRFIELDFILECHANGED = TRUE; WAYPOINTFILECHANGED = TRUE; TERRAINFILECHANGED = TRUE; } TOPOLOGYFILECHANGED = TRUE; } if (TERRAINFILECHANGED) { #if TESTBENCH StartupStore(_T(".... TERRAINFILECHANGED from configuration\n")); #endif RasterTerrain::CloseTerrain(); RasterTerrain::OpenTerrain(); // NO! We dont reload waypoints on terrain change. // SetHome(WAYPOINTFILECHANGED==TRUE); MapWindow::ForceVisibilityScan = true; } if((WAYPOINTFILECHANGED) || (AIRFIELDFILECHANGED)) { #if TESTBENCH StartupStore(_T(".... WAYPOINT OR AIRFIELD CHANGED from configuration\n")); #endif SaveDefaultTask(); //@ 101020 BUGFIX ClearTask(); ReadWayPoints(); StartupStore(_T(". RELOADED %d WAYPOINTS + %d virtuals%s"),WayPointList.size()-NUMRESWP,NUMRESWP,NEWLINE); SetHome(true); // force home reload if (WAYPOINTFILECHANGED) { #if TESTBENCH StartupStore(_T(".... WAYPOINTFILECHANGED from configuration\n")); #endif SaveRecentList(); LoadRecentList(); RangeLandableNumber=0; RangeAirportNumber=0; RangeTurnpointNumber=0; CommonNumber=0; SortedNumber=0; // SortedTurnpointNumber=0; 101222 LastDoRangeWaypointListTime=0; LKForceDoCommon=true; LKForceDoNearest=true; LKForceDoRecent=true; // LKForceDoNearestTurnpoint=true; 101222 } InputEvents::eventTaskLoad(_T(LKF_DEFAULTASK)); //@ BUGFIX 101020 } if (TOPOLOGYFILECHANGED) { #if TESTBENCH StartupStore(_T(".... TOPOLOGYFILECHANGED from configuration\n")); #endif CloseTopology(); OpenTopology(); MapWindow::ForceVisibilityScan = true; } if(AIRSPACEFILECHANGED) { #if TESTBENCH StartupStore(_T(".... AIRSPACEFILECHANGED from configuration\n")); #endif CAirspaceManager::Instance().CloseAirspaces(); CAirspaceManager::Instance().ReadAirspaces(); CAirspaceManager::Instance().SortAirspaces(); MapWindow::ForceVisibilityScan = true; } if (POLARFILECHANGED) { #if TESTBENCH StartupStore(_T(".... POLARFILECHANGED from configuration\n")); #endif CalculateNewPolarCoef(); GlidePolar::SetBallast(); } if (AIRFIELDFILECHANGED || AIRSPACEFILECHANGED || WAYPOINTFILECHANGED || TERRAINFILECHANGED || TOPOLOGYFILECHANGED ) { CloseProgressDialog(); MainWindow.SetFocus(); } extern void ReinitScreen(void); if (FONTSCHANGED) { ReinitScreen(); } UnlockTaskData(); UnlockFlightData(); if(!SIMMODE && COMPORTCHANGED) { #if TESTBENCH StartupStore(_T(".... COMPORTCHANGED from configuration. ForceComPortReset @%s\n"),WhatTimeIsIt()); #endif LKForceComPortReset=true; // RestartCommPorts(); 110605 } MapWindow::ResumeDrawingThread(); // allow map and calculations threads to continue on their merry way }
// loads a new task from scratch. void Task::LoadNewTask(const TCHAR *szFileName, const SETTINGS_COMPUTER &settings_computer) { TASK_POINT Temp; START_POINT STemp; int i; bool TaskInvalid = false; bool WaypointInvalid = false; bool TaskLoaded = false; unsigned magic = 0; ActiveTaskPoint = 0; for(i=0;i<MAXTASKPOINTS;i++) { task_points[i].Index = -1; } FILE *file = _tfopen(szFileName, _T("rb")); if(file != NULL) { if (fread(&magic, sizeof(magic), 1, file) != 1) { TaskInvalid = true; } else if (magic != BINFILEMAGICNUMBER) { TaskInvalid = true; } else { SETTINGS_TASK new_settings = getSettings(); TaskLoaded = true; for(i=0;i<MAXTASKPOINTS;i++) { if (fread(&Temp, sizeof(Temp), 1, file) != 1) { TaskInvalid = true; break; } memcpy(&task_points[i],&Temp, sizeof(TASK_POINT)); if(!way_points.verify_index(Temp.Index) && (Temp.Index != -1)) { // Task is only invalid here if the index is out of range // of the waypoints and not equal to -1. // (Because -1 indicates a null task item) WaypointInvalid = true; } } if (!TaskInvalid) { if (fread(&new_settings, sizeof(SETTINGS_TASK), 1, file) != 1) { TaskInvalid = true; } for(i=0;i<MAXSTARTPOINTS;i++) { if (fread(&STemp, sizeof(STemp), 1, file) != 1) { TaskInvalid = true; break; } if(way_points.verify_index(STemp.Index) || (STemp.Index==-1)) { memcpy(&task_start_points[i],&STemp, sizeof(START_POINT)); } else { WaypointInvalid = true; } } //// search for waypoints... if (!TaskInvalid) { if (!LoadTaskWaypoints(file) && WaypointInvalid) { // couldn't lookup the waypoints in the file and we know // there are invalid waypoints TaskInvalid = true; } } } fclose(file); if (!TaskInvalid) { setSettings(new_settings); } } } else { TaskInvalid = true; } if (TaskInvalid) { ClearTask(); } RefreshTask(settings_computer); if (TaskInvalid && TaskLoaded) { MessageBoxX( gettext(TEXT("Error in task file!")), gettext(TEXT("Load task")), MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else { SetTaskModified(false); SetTargetModified(false); _tcscpy(LastTaskFileName, szFileName); } }
// Loads a new task from scratch. // This is called on startup by the even manager because in DEFAULT MENU we have a GCE event // configured to load Default.tsk for STARTUP_SIMULATOR and STARTUP_REAL. // Until we change this, which would be a good thing because these configuration are unnecessary , // we must use the FullResetAsked trick. void LoadNewTask(LPCTSTR szFileName) { TASK_POINT Temp; START_POINT STemp; int i; bool TaskInvalid = false; bool WaypointInvalid = false; bool TaskLoaded = false; char taskinfo[LKPREAMBOLSIZE+1]; // 100207 bool oldversion=false; // 100207 TCHAR taskFileName[MAX_PATH]; LockTaskData(); ClearTask(); if (FullResetAsked) { #if TESTBENCH StartupStore(_T("... LoadNewTask detected FullResetAsked, attempt to load DEMO.TSK\n")); #endif // Clear the flag, forever. FullResetAsked=false; _tcscpy(taskFileName,_T("%LOCAL_PATH%\\\\_Tasks\\DEMO.TSK")); ExpandLocalPath(taskFileName); } else { _tcscpy(taskFileName,szFileName); } StartupStore(_T(". LoadNewTask <%s>%s"),taskFileName,NEWLINE); FILE* stream = _tfopen(taskFileName, _T("rb")); if(stream) { // Defaults int old_StartLine = StartLine; int old_SectorType = SectorType; DWORD old_SectorRadius = SectorRadius; DWORD old_StartRadius = StartRadius; int old_AutoAdvance = AutoAdvance; double old_AATTaskLength = AATTaskLength; BOOL old_AATEnabled = AATEnabled; DWORD old_FinishRadius = FinishRadius; int old_FinishLine = FinishLine; bool old_EnableMultipleStartPoints = EnableMultipleStartPoints; TaskLoaded = true; if(fread(taskinfo, sizeof(char), LKPREAMBOLSIZE, stream) != LKPREAMBOLSIZE) { TaskInvalid = true; goto goEnd; } // task version check if ( (taskinfo[0]!= 'L') || (taskinfo[1]!= 'K') || (taskinfo[2]!=LKTASKVERSION) ) { TaskInvalid = true; oldversion = true; goto goEnd; } for(i=0;i<OLD_MAXTASKPOINTS;i++) { if(fread(&Temp, 1, sizeof(OLD_TASK_POINT), stream) != sizeof(OLD_TASK_POINT)) { TaskInvalid = true; break; } if(i < MAXTASKPOINTS) { memcpy(&Task[i],&Temp, sizeof(OLD_TASK_POINT)); if( !ValidNotResWayPoint(Temp.Index) && (Temp.Index != -1) ) { // 091213 // Task is only invalid here if the index is out of range // of the waypoints and not equal to -1. // (Because -1 indicates a null task item) WaypointInvalid = true; } } } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&AATEnabled, 1, sizeof(BOOL), stream) != sizeof(BOOL); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&AATTaskLength, 1, sizeof(double), stream) != sizeof(double); } // ToDo review by JW // 20060521:sgi added additional task parameters if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&FinishRadius, 1, sizeof(FinishRadius), stream) != sizeof(FinishRadius); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&FinishLine, 1, sizeof(FinishLine), stream) != sizeof(FinishLine); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&StartRadius, 1, sizeof(StartRadius), stream) != sizeof(StartRadius); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&StartLine, 1, sizeof(StartLine), stream) != sizeof(StartLine); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&SectorType, 1, sizeof(SectorType), stream) != sizeof(SectorType); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&SectorRadius, 1, sizeof(SectorRadius), stream) != sizeof(SectorRadius); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&AutoAdvance, 1, sizeof(AutoAdvance), stream) != sizeof(AutoAdvance); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&EnableMultipleStartPoints, 1, sizeof(EnableMultipleStartPoints), stream) != sizeof(EnableMultipleStartPoints); } for(i=0;i<MAXSTARTPOINTS;i++) { if(fread(&STemp, 1, sizeof(START_POINT), stream) != sizeof(START_POINT)) { TaskInvalid = true; break; } if( ValidNotResWayPoint(STemp.Index) || (STemp.Index==-1) ) { // 091213 memcpy(&StartPoints[i],&STemp, sizeof(START_POINT)); } else { WaypointInvalid = true; StartupStore(_T("--- LoadNewTask: invalid waypoint=%d found%s"),STemp.Index,NEWLINE); // 091213 } } // search for waypoints... if (!TaskInvalid) { if (!LoadTaskWaypoints(stream) && WaypointInvalid) { // couldn't lookup the waypoints in the file and we know there are invalid waypoints TaskInvalid = true; StartupStore(_T(". LoadTaskNew: cant locate waypoint in file, and invalid wp in task file%s"),NEWLINE); } } // TimeGate config if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&PGOpenTimeH, 1, sizeof(PGOpenTimeH), stream) != sizeof(PGOpenTimeH); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&PGOpenTimeM, 1, sizeof(PGOpenTimeM), stream) != sizeof(PGOpenTimeM); } if (!TaskInvalid) { InitActiveGate(); // PGOpenTime is Calculated ! int tmp; TaskInvalid = fread(&tmp, 1, sizeof(tmp), stream) != sizeof(tmp); } if (!TaskInvalid) { PGCloseTime=86399; // PGCloseTime is Calculated ! int tmp; TaskInvalid = fread(&tmp, 1, sizeof(tmp), stream) != sizeof(tmp); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&PGGateIntervalTime, 1, sizeof(PGGateIntervalTime), stream) != sizeof(PGGateIntervalTime); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&PGNumberOfGates, 1, sizeof(PGNumberOfGates), stream) != sizeof(PGNumberOfGates); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = fread(&PGStartOut, 1, sizeof(PGStartOut), stream) != sizeof(PGStartOut); } goEnd: fclose(stream); if (TaskInvalid) { if (oldversion) StartupStore(_T("------ Task is invalid: old task format%s"),NEWLINE); else StartupStore(_T("------ Task is invalid%s"),NEWLINE); StartLine = old_StartLine; SectorType = old_SectorType; SectorRadius = old_SectorRadius; StartRadius = old_StartRadius; AutoAdvance = old_AutoAdvance; AATTaskLength = old_AATTaskLength; AATEnabled = old_AATEnabled; FinishRadius = old_FinishRadius; FinishLine = old_FinishLine; EnableMultipleStartPoints = old_EnableMultipleStartPoints; } } else { StartupStore(_T("... LoadNewTask: file <%s> not found%s"),taskFileName,NEWLINE); // 091213 TaskInvalid = true; } if (TaskInvalid) { ClearTask(); } RefreshTask(); if (!ValidTaskPoint(0)) { ActiveWayPoint = 0; } UnlockTaskData(); if (TaskInvalid && TaskLoaded) { if (oldversion) { // LKTOKEN _@M360_ = "Invalid old task format!" MessageBoxX(gettext(TEXT("_@M360_")), // LKTOKEN _@M396_ = "Load task" gettext(TEXT("_@M396_")), mbOk); } else { // LKTOKEN _@M264_ = "Error in task file!" MessageBoxX(gettext(TEXT("_@M264_")), // LKTOKEN _@M396_ = "Load task" gettext(TEXT("_@M396_")), mbOk); } } else { #if TESTBENCH StartupStore(_T("------ Task is Loaded%s"),NEWLINE); #endif TaskModified = false; TargetModified = false; _tcscpy(LastTaskFileName, taskFileName); } }
bool LoadCupTask(LPCTSTR szFileName) { // LockTaskData(); mapCode2Waypoint_t mapWaypoint; // ClearTask(); size_t idxTP = 0; bool bTakeOff = true; bool bLoadComplet = true; bool bLastInvalid=true; TCHAR szString[READLINE_LENGTH + 1]; TCHAR TpCode[NAME_SIZE + 1]; szString[READLINE_LENGTH] = _T('\0'); TpCode[NAME_SIZE] = _T('\0'); memset(szString, 0, sizeof (szString)); // clear Temp Buffer WAYPOINT newPoint = {0}; WAYPOINT* WPtoAdd=NULL; enum { none, Waypoint, TaskTp, Option } FileSection = none; zzip_stream stream(szFileName, "rt"); iNO_Tasks =0; TaskIndex =0; for (int i =0 ; i< MAX_TASKS;i++) szTaskStrings[ i] = NULL; #define MULTITASKS_CUP #ifdef MULTITASKS_CUP if (stream) { while (stream.read_line(szString)) { if ((FileSection == none) && ((_tcsncmp(_T("name,code,country"), szString, 17) == 0) || (_tcsncmp(_T("Title,Code,Country"), szString, 18) == 0))) { FileSection = Waypoint; continue; } else if ((FileSection == Waypoint) && (_tcscmp(szString, _T("-----Related Tasks-----")) == 0)) { FileSection = TaskTp; continue; } if( FileSection == TaskTp) { if(_tcsstr(szString, _T("\",\""))!= NULL) // really a task? (not an option) { if(iNO_Tasks < MAX_TASKS) // Space in List left {//[READLINE_LENGTH + 1]; szTaskStrings[ iNO_Tasks] = new TCHAR[READLINE_LENGTH + 1]; if( szTaskStrings[ iNO_Tasks] != NULL) { _tcscpy(szTaskStrings[ iNO_Tasks] , szString); // copy task string // StartupStore(_T("..Cup Task : %s %s"), szTaskStrings[ iNO_Tasks], NEWLINE); iNO_Tasks++; } else StartupStore(_T("..Cup Task: no memory %s"), NEWLINE); } else StartupStore(_T("..Cup Task Too many Tasks (more than %i) %s"), MAX_TASKS, NEWLINE); } } } stream.close(); StartupStore(_T("..Cup Selected Task:%i %s %s"), TaskIndex, szTaskStrings[ TaskIndex] , NEWLINE); } int res = 0; if(iNO_Tasks >1) // Selection only if more than one task found res = dlgTaskSelectListShowModal(); for (int i =0 ; i< MAX_TASKS;i++) // free dynamic memory if(szTaskStrings[i] != NULL) { // StartupStore(_T("..Cup Task : delete dynamic memoryLine %i %s"), i,NEWLINE); delete[] szTaskStrings[i]; szTaskStrings[i] = NULL; } if(res == mrCancel) return false; /***********************************************************************************/ LockTaskData(); ClearTask();, "rt"); #endif FileSection = none; int i=0; if (stream) { while (stream.read_line(szString)) { if ((FileSection == none) && ((_tcsncmp(_T("name,code,country"), szString, 17) == 0) || (_tcsncmp(_T("Title,Code,Country"), szString, 18) == 0))) { FileSection = Waypoint; continue; } else if ((FileSection == Waypoint) && (_tcscmp(szString, _T("-----Related Tasks-----")) == 0)) { FileSection = TaskTp; continue; } TCHAR *pToken = NULL; TCHAR *pWClast = NULL; switch (FileSection) { case Waypoint: memset(&newPoint, 0, sizeof(newPoint)); if (ParseCUPWayPointString(szString, &newPoint)) { mapWaypoint[newPoint.Name] = newPoint; } break; case TaskTp: // 1. Description // First column is the description of the task. If filled it should be double quoted. // If left empty, then SeeYou will determine the task type on runtime. if ((pToken = strsep_r(szString, TEXT(","), &pWClast)) == NULL) { // UnlockTaskData(); // no need to skip if only name missing!!! // return false; } // 2. and all successive columns, separated by commas // Each column represents one waypoint name double quoted. The waypoint name must be exactly the // same as the Long name of a waypoint listed above the Related tasks. WPtoAdd=NULL; if (i++ == TaskIndex) // load selected task { while (bLoadComplet && (pToken = strsep_r(NULL, TEXT(","), &pWClast)) != NULL) { if (idxTP < MAXTASKPOINTS) { _tcsncpy(TpCode, pToken, NAME_SIZE); CleanCupCode(TpCode); mapCode2Waypoint_t::iterator It = mapWaypoint.find(TpCode); if(!ISGAAIRCRAFT) { if (It != mapWaypoint.end()) { if (bTakeOff) { // skip TakeOff Set At Home Waypoint int ix = FindOrAddWaypoint(&(It->second),false); if (ix>=0) { #if 0 // REMOVE // We must not change HomeWaypoint without user knowing! // The takeoff and homewaypoint are independent from task. // In addition, this is a bug because on next run the index is invalid // and we have no more HowWaypoint! HomeWaypoint = ix; #endif bTakeOff = false; } #if BUGSTOP else LKASSERT(0); // .. else is unmanaged, TODO #endif } else { int ix = FindOrAddWaypoint(&(It->second),false); if (ix>=0) Task[idxTP++].Index = ix; #if BUGSTOP else LKASSERT(0); // .. else is unmanaged, TODO #endif } bLastInvalid=false; } else { // An invalid takeoff, probably a "???" , which we ignore #if TESTBENCH if (bTakeOff) StartupStore(_T("....... CUP Takeoff not found: <%s>\n"),TpCode); #endif // in any case bTakeOff now is false bTakeOff=false; bLastInvalid=true; } } else { //ISGAIRRCRAFT if(It != mapWaypoint.end()) { if(WPtoAdd!=NULL) { //add what we found in previous cycle: it was not the last one int ix = FindOrAddWaypoint(WPtoAdd,false); if (ix>=0) Task[idxTP++].Index = ix; #if BUGSTOP else LKASSERT(0); // .. else is unmanaged, TODO #endif } if (bTakeOff) { //it's the first: may be we have a corresponding airfield //look for departure airfield and add it int ix = FindOrAddWaypoint(&(It->second),true); if (ix>=0) { Task[idxTP++].Index = ix; bTakeOff = false; } #if BUGSTOP else LKASSERT(0); // .. else is unmanaged, TODO #endif } else WPtoAdd=&(It->second); //store it for next cycle (may be it is the last one) } } } else { bLoadComplet = false; } } if(ISGAAIRCRAFT) { //For GA: check if we have an airport corresponding to the last WP if(WPtoAdd!=NULL) { //if we have the last one (probably an airfield) still to add... if(idxTP<MAXTASKPOINTS) { int ix=FindOrAddWaypoint(WPtoAdd,true); //look for arrival airport and add it if (ix>=0) { Task[idxTP++].Index= ix; } #if BUGSTOP else LKASSERT(0); // .. else is unmanaged, TODO #endif } else bLoadComplet=false; } } FileSection = Option; } break; case Option: if ((pToken = strsep_r(szString, TEXT(","), &pWClast)) != NULL) { if (_tcscmp(pToken, _T("Options")) == 0) { while ((pToken = strsep_r(NULL, TEXT(","), &pWClast)) != NULL) { if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("NoStart=")) == pToken) { // Opening of start line PGNumberOfGates = 1; StrToTime(pToken + 8, &PGOpenTimeH, &PGOpenTimeM); } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("TaskTime=")) == pToken) { // Designated Time for the task // TODO : } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("WpDis=")) == pToken) { // Task distance calculation. False = use fixes, True = use waypoints // TODO : } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("NearDis=")) == pToken) { // Distance tolerance // TODO : } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("NearAlt=")) == pToken) { // Altitude tolerance // TODO : } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("MinDis=")) == pToken) { // Uncompleted leg. // False = calculate maximum distance from last observation zone. // TODO : } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("RandomOrder=")) == pToken) { // if true, then Random order of waypoints is checked // TODO : } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("MaxPts=")) == pToken) { // Maximum number of points // TODO : } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("BeforePts=")) == pToken) { // Number of mandatory waypoints at the beginning. 1 means start line only, two means // start line plus first point in task sequence (Task line). // TODO : } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("AfterPts=")) == pToken) { // Number of mandatory waypoints at the end. 1 means finish line only, two means finish line // and one point before finish in task sequence (Task line). // TODO : } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("Bonus=")) == pToken) { // Bonus for crossing the finish line // TODO : } } } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("ObsZone=")) == pToken) { TCHAR *sz = NULL; CupObsZoneUpdater TmpZone; TmpZone.mIdx = _tcstol(pToken + 8, &sz, 10); if (TmpZone.mIdx < MAXTASKPOINTS) { while ((pToken = strsep_r(NULL, TEXT(","), &pWClast)) != NULL) { if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("Style=")) == pToken) { // Direction. 0 - Fixed value, 1 - Symmetrical, 2 - To next point, 3 - To previous point, 4 - To start point TmpZone.mType = _tcstol(pToken + 6, &sz, 10); } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("R1=")) == pToken) { // Radius 1 TmpZone.mR1 = ReadLength(pToken + 3); } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("A1=")) == pToken) { // Angle 1 in degrees TmpZone.mA1 = _tcstod(pToken + 3, &sz); } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("R2=")) == pToken) { // Radius 2 TmpZone.mR2 = ReadLength(pToken + 3); } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("A2=")) == pToken) { // Angle 2 in degrees TmpZone.mA2 = _tcstod(pToken + 3, &sz); } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("A12=")) == pToken) { // Angle 12 TmpZone.mA12 = _tcstod(pToken + 4, &sz); } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("Line=")) == pToken) { // true For Line Turmpoint type // Exist only for start an Goalin LK TmpZone.mLine = (_tcstol(pToken + 5, &sz, 10) == 1); } } TmpZone.UpdateTask(); } } } break; case none: default: break; } memset(szString, 0, sizeof (szString)); // clear Temp Buffer } } if(!ISGAAIRCRAFT) { // Landing don't exist in LK Task Systems, so Remove It; if ( bLoadComplet && !bLastInvalid ) { RemoveTaskPoint(getFinalWaypoint()); } } UnlockTaskData(); for (mapCode2Waypoint_t::iterator It = mapWaypoint.begin(); It != mapWaypoint.end(); ++It) { if (It->second.Comment) { free(It->second.Comment); } if (It->second.Details) { free(It->second.Details); } } mapWaypoint.clear(); return ValidTaskPoint(0); }
// Loads a new task from scratch. // This is called on startup by the even manager because in DEFAULT MENU we have a GCE event // configured to load Default.tsk for STARTUP_SIMULATOR and STARTUP_REAL. // Until we change this, which would be a good thing because these configuration are unnecessary , // we must use the FullResetAsked trick. void LoadNewTask(LPCTSTR szFileName) { HANDLE hFile; TASK_POINT Temp; START_POINT STemp; DWORD dwBytesRead; int i; bool TaskInvalid = false; bool WaypointInvalid = false; bool TaskLoaded = false; char taskinfo[LKPREAMBOLSIZE+1]; // 100207 bool oldversion=false; // 100207 TCHAR taskFileName[MAX_PATH]; LockTaskData(); ClearTask(); if (FullResetAsked) { #if TESTBENCH StartupStore(_T("... LoadNewTask detected FullResetAsked, attempt to load DEMO.TSK\n")); #endif // Clear the flag, forever. FullResetAsked=false; _tcscpy(taskFileName,_T("%LOCAL_PATH%\\\\_Tasks\\DEMO.TSK")); ExpandLocalPath(taskFileName); } else { _tcscpy(taskFileName,szFileName); } StartupStore(_T(". LoadNewTask <%s>%s"),taskFileName,NEWLINE); hFile = CreateFile(taskFileName,GENERIC_READ,0, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL,OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); if(hFile!= INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // Defaults int old_StartLine = StartLine; int old_SectorType = SectorType; DWORD old_SectorRadius = SectorRadius; DWORD old_StartRadius = StartRadius; int old_AutoAdvance = AutoAdvance; double old_AATTaskLength = AATTaskLength; BOOL old_AATEnabled = AATEnabled; DWORD old_FinishRadius = FinishRadius; int old_FinishLine = FinishLine; bool old_EnableMultipleStartPoints = EnableMultipleStartPoints; TaskLoaded = true; if(!ReadFile(hFile,&taskinfo,LKPREAMBOLSIZE,&dwBytesRead, (OVERLAPPED *)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; goto goEnd; } // task version check if ( (taskinfo[0]!= 'L') || (taskinfo[1]!= 'K') || (taskinfo[2]!=LKTASKVERSION) ) { TaskInvalid = true; oldversion = true; goto goEnd; } for(i=0;i<MAXTASKPOINTS;i++) { if(!ReadFile(hFile,&Temp,sizeof(TASK_POINT),&dwBytesRead, (OVERLAPPED *)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; break; } memcpy(&Task[i],&Temp, sizeof(TASK_POINT)); if( !ValidNotResWayPoint(Temp.Index) && (Temp.Index != -1) ) { // 091213 // Task is only invalid here if the index is out of range // of the waypoints and not equal to -1. // (Because -1 indicates a null task item) WaypointInvalid = true; } } if (!TaskInvalid) { if (!ReadFile(hFile,&AATEnabled,sizeof(BOOL),&dwBytesRead,(OVERLAPPED*)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; } if (!ReadFile(hFile,&AATTaskLength,sizeof(double),&dwBytesRead,(OVERLAPPED*)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; } // ToDo review by JW // 20060521:sgi added additional task parameters if (!ReadFile(hFile,&FinishRadius,sizeof(FinishRadius),&dwBytesRead,(OVERLAPPED*)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; } if (!ReadFile(hFile,&FinishLine,sizeof(FinishLine),&dwBytesRead,(OVERLAPPED*)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; } if (!ReadFile(hFile,&StartRadius,sizeof(StartRadius),&dwBytesRead,(OVERLAPPED*)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; } if (!ReadFile(hFile,&StartLine,sizeof(StartLine),&dwBytesRead,(OVERLAPPED*)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; } if (!ReadFile(hFile,&SectorType,sizeof(SectorType),&dwBytesRead,(OVERLAPPED*)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; } if (!ReadFile(hFile,&SectorRadius,sizeof(SectorRadius),&dwBytesRead,(OVERLAPPED*)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; } if (!ReadFile(hFile,&AutoAdvance,sizeof(AutoAdvance),&dwBytesRead,(OVERLAPPED*)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; } if (!ReadFile(hFile,&EnableMultipleStartPoints,sizeof(bool),&dwBytesRead,(OVERLAPPED*)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; } for(i=0;i<MAXSTARTPOINTS;i++) { if(!ReadFile(hFile,&STemp,sizeof(START_POINT),&dwBytesRead, (OVERLAPPED *)NULL)) { TaskInvalid = true; break; } if( ValidNotResWayPoint(STemp.Index) || (STemp.Index==-1) ) { // 091213 memcpy(&StartPoints[i],&STemp, sizeof(START_POINT)); } else { WaypointInvalid = true; StartupStore(_T("--- LoadNewTask: invalid waypoint=%d found%s"),STemp.Index,NEWLINE); // 091213 } } // search for waypoints... if (!TaskInvalid) { if (!LoadTaskWaypoints(hFile) && WaypointInvalid) { // couldn't lookup the waypoints in the file and we know there are invalid waypoints TaskInvalid = true; StartupStore(_T(". LoadTaskNew: cant locate waypoint in file, and invalid wp in task file%s"),NEWLINE); } } } // TimeGate config if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = !ReadFile(hFile, &PGOpenTimeH, sizeof (PGOpenTimeH), &dwBytesRead, (OVERLAPPED*) NULL); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = !ReadFile(hFile, &PGOpenTimeM, sizeof (PGOpenTimeM), &dwBytesRead, (OVERLAPPED*) NULL); } if (!TaskInvalid) { PGOpenTime=((PGOpenTimeH*60)+PGOpenTimeM)*60; // PGOpenTime is Calculated ! int tmp; TaskInvalid = !ReadFile(hFile, &tmp, sizeof (tmp), &dwBytesRead, (OVERLAPPED*) NULL); } if (!TaskInvalid) { PGCloseTime=86399; // PGCloseTime is Calculated ! int tmp; TaskInvalid = !ReadFile(hFile, &tmp, sizeof (tmp), &dwBytesRead, (OVERLAPPED*) NULL); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = !ReadFile(hFile, &PGGateIntervalTime, sizeof (PGGateIntervalTime), &dwBytesRead, (OVERLAPPED*) NULL); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = !ReadFile(hFile, &PGNumberOfGates, sizeof (PGNumberOfGates), &dwBytesRead, (OVERLAPPED*) NULL); } if (!TaskInvalid) { TaskInvalid = !ReadFile(hFile, &PGStartOut, sizeof (PGStartOut), &dwBytesRead, (OVERLAPPED*) NULL); } goEnd: CloseHandle(hFile); if (TaskInvalid) { if (oldversion) StartupStore(_T("------ Task is invalid: old task format%s"),NEWLINE); else StartupStore(_T("------ Task is invalid%s"),NEWLINE); StartLine = old_StartLine; SectorType = old_SectorType; SectorRadius = old_SectorRadius; StartRadius = old_StartRadius; AutoAdvance = old_AutoAdvance; AATTaskLength = old_AATTaskLength; AATEnabled = old_AATEnabled; FinishRadius = old_FinishRadius; FinishLine = old_FinishLine; EnableMultipleStartPoints = old_EnableMultipleStartPoints; } } else { StartupStore(_T("... LoadNewTask: file <%s> not found%s"),taskFileName,NEWLINE); // 091213 TaskInvalid = true; } if (TaskInvalid) { ClearTask(); } RefreshTask(); if (!ValidTaskPoint(0)) { ActiveWayPoint = 0; } UnlockTaskData(); if (TaskInvalid && TaskLoaded) { if (oldversion) { // LKTOKEN _@M360_ = "Invalid old task format!" MessageBoxX(hWndMapWindow, gettext(TEXT("_@M360_")), // LKTOKEN _@M396_ = "Load task" gettext(TEXT("_@M396_")), MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else { // LKTOKEN _@M264_ = "Error in task file!" MessageBoxX(hWndMapWindow, gettext(TEXT("_@M264_")), // LKTOKEN _@M396_ = "Load task" gettext(TEXT("_@M396_")), MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } else { #if TESTBENCH StartupStore(_T("------ Task is Loaded%s"),NEWLINE); #endif TaskModified = false; TargetModified = false; _tcscpy(LastTaskFileName, taskFileName); } }