int WinTrackEventListener::DoubleClickMouse() { if (state == OFF) return 0; ClickMouse(); ClickMouse(); return 1; }
extern "C" _declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl Mouse( int mousex, int mousey, int ranx, int rany, TClickType button ) { MMouse( mousex, mousey, ranx, rany ); Sleep( 60 + rand()% 30); ClickMouse( button ); Sleep( 50 + rand()% 50 ); }
VOID Click(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine) { if(GetGameState()!=GAMESTATE_INGAME) { MacroError("Dont /click stuff(%s) when not in game... Gamestate is %d",szLine,GetGameState()); return; } CHAR szArg1[MAX_STRING] = {0}; PCHAR szMouseLoc; MOUSE_DATA_TYPES mdType = MD_Unknown; DWORD RightOrLeft = 0; GetArg(szArg1, szLine, 1); //left or right szMouseLoc = GetNextArg(szLine, 1); //location to click //parse location for click location (szMouseLoc) here if (szMouseLoc && szMouseLoc[0]!=0) { if (!strnicmp(szMouseLoc, "target", 6)) { if (!pTarget) { WriteChatColor("You must have a target selected for /click x target.",CONCOLOR_RED); return; } if (!strnicmp(szArg1, "left", 4)) { pEverQuest->LeftClickedOnPlayer(pTarget); gMouseEventTime = GetFastTime(); } else if (!strnicmp(szArg1, "right", 5)) { pEverQuest->RightClickedOnPlayer(pTarget, 0); gMouseEventTime = GetFastTime(); } return; } else if(!strnicmp(szMouseLoc,"center",6)) { sprintf(szMouseLoc,"%d %d",ScreenXMax/2,ScreenYMax/2); } else if (!strnicmp(szMouseLoc, "item", 4)) { if(pGroundTarget) { if (!strnicmp(szArg1, "left", 4)) { if(EnviroTarget.Name[0]!=0) { if(DistanceToSpawn(pChar,&EnviroTarget)<=20.0f) { //do stuff if(PEQSWITCH pSwitch = (PEQSWITCH)pGroundTarget->pSwitch) { *((DWORD*)__LMouseHeldTime)=((PCDISPLAY)pDisplay)->TimeStamp-0x45; //we "click" at -1000,-1000 because we know the user doesnt have any windows there... //if its possible, i would like to figure out a pixel //on the users screen that isnt covered by a window... //the click need to be issued on the main UI... //but for now this will work -eqmule 8 mar 2014 pEverQuest->LMouseUp(-1000,-1000); } } else { WriteChatf("You are to far away from the item, please move closer before issuing the /click left item command."); } } else { WriteChatf("No Item targeted, use /itemtarget <theid> before issuing a /click left item command."); } } else { WriteChatf("Invalid click args, use \"/click left item\", aborting: %s",szMouseLoc); } } else { WriteChatf("No Item targeted, use /itemtarget <theid> before issuing a /click left item command."); } return; } else if (!strnicmp(szMouseLoc, "door", 4)) { // a right clicked door spawn does nothing if(pDoorTarget) { if (!strnicmp(szArg1, "left", 4)) { if(DoorEnviroTarget.Name[0]!=0) { if(DistanceToSpawn(pChar,&DoorEnviroTarget)<20.0f) { EQSwitch *pSwitch = (EQSwitch *)pDoorTarget; srand((unsigned int)time(0)); int randclickY = rand() % 5; int randclickX = rand() % 5; int randclickZ = rand() % 5; PSWITCHCLICK pclick = new SWITCHCLICK; if(pclick) { pclick->Y=pDoorTarget->Y+randclickY; pclick->X=pDoorTarget->X+randclickX; pclick->Z=pDoorTarget->Z+randclickZ; randclickY = rand() % 5; randclickX = rand() % 5; randclickZ = rand() % 5; pclick->Y1=pclick->Y+randclickY; pclick->X1=pclick->X+randclickX; pclick->Z1=pclick->Z+randclickZ; pSwitch->UseSwitch(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn->SpawnID,0xFFFFFFFF,0,(DWORD)pclick); delete pclick; } //DoorEnviroTarget.Name[0]='\0'; if (pTarget==(EQPlayer*)&DoorEnviroTarget) {//this should NEVER happen pTarget=NULL; } return; } else { WriteChatf("You are to far away from the door, please move closer before issuing the /click left door command."); } } else { WriteChatf("No Door targeted, use /doortarget <theid> before issuing a /click left door command."); } } else { WriteChatf("Invalid click args, use \"/click left door\", aborting: %s",szMouseLoc); } } else { WriteChatf("No Door targeted, use /doortarget <theid> before issuing a /click left door command."); } return;; } ClickMouseLoc(szMouseLoc, szArg1); return; } if (szArg1[0]!=0) { if (!strnicmp(szArg1, "left", 4)) { ClickMouse(0); } else if (!strnicmp(szArg1, "right", 5)) { ClickMouse(1); } else { WriteChatColor("Usage: /click <left|right>",USERCOLOR_DEFAULT); DebugSpew("Bad command: %s",szLine); return; } } }
void App::Go() { ofstream log("Log.txt"); string defaultTitle = "Model name unknown"; string defaultTags = "Component"; vector<string> modelList = Utility::GetFileLines("StanfordSceneDBModels.txt", 3); for(const string &id : modelList) { string description = "This is a model re-uploaded to 3D Warehouse for the Stanford Scene Database.\nIf still available, the original model can be found at:" + id + "\nSee for more information."; _skpFiles[id] = SkpFileInfo(id, "C:\\SceneModeling\\Database\\SketchUp\\" + id + ".skp", defaultTitle + ". ID=" + id, description, defaultTags); } vector<string> modelNames = Utility::GetFileLines("names.txt", 3); vector<string> modelTags = Utility::GetFileLines("tags.txt", 3); for(const string &s : modelNames) { vector<string> parts = Utility::PartitionString(s, "|"); string id = parts[0]; if(_skpFiles.find(id) != _skpFiles.end()) { if(parts[1] == "*") parts[1] = "Unnammed model"; _skpFiles[id].title = parts[1] + ". ID=" + parts[0]; } } for(const string &s : modelTags) { vector<string> parts = Utility::PartitionString(s, "|"); string id = parts[0]; if(_skpFiles.find(id) != _skpFiles.end()) { string tags; for(UINT i = 1; i < parts.size(); i++) { tags += parts[i] + ","; } if(tags.length() > 0) { tags.pop_back(); _skpFiles[id].tags = tags; } } } //PartitionString(const string &s, const string &separator) //_skpFiles.push_back(SkpFileInfo("C:\\SceneModeling\\Database\\SketchUp\\1a0c94a2e3e67e4a2e4877b52b3fca7.skp", "TITLE A!!!! AN OBJECT!!!", "DESCRIPTION!!! Here is some stuff that is sort of long and convoluted.", "TAGS!!!! APPLE ORANGE COUCH POTATO RUBIK'S CUBE")); //_skpFiles.push_back(SkpFileInfo("C:\\SceneModeling\\Database\\SketchUp\\1a1a7da3b8028d19cb98ab132d4b77f1.skp", "TITLE B!!!! AN OBJECT!!!", "DESCRIPTION!!! Here is some stuff that is sort of long and convoluted.", "TAGS!!!! APPLE ORANGE COUCH POTATO RUBIK'S CUBE")); //_skpFiles.push_back(SkpFileInfo("C:\\SceneModeling\\Database\\SketchUp\\1a1cfc219ddbae7f86e0b9bedd915f08.skp", "TITLE C!!!! AN OBJECT!!!", "DESCRIPTION!!! Here is some stuff that is sort of long and convoluted.", "TAGS!!!! APPLE ORANGE COUCH POTATO RUBIK'S CUBE")); //_skpFiles.push_back(SkpFileInfo("C:\\SceneModeling\\Database\\SketchUp\\1a1ec1cfe633adcdebbf11b1629fc16a.skp", "TITLE D!!!! AN OBJECT!!!", "DESCRIPTION!!! Here is some stuff that is sort of long and convoluted.", "TAGS!!!! APPLE ORANGE COUCH POTATO RUBIK'S CUBE")); BlockOnKey(KEY_NUMPADADD); for(const auto &pair : _skpFiles) { const auto &s = pair.second; if(Utility::FileExists("uploaded/" + + ".dat")) { log << "Skipping " << << endl; cout << "Skipping " << << endl; } else { ofstream uploadFile(("uploaded/" + + ".dat").c_str()); // // TODO: check if already exported (probably by creating a dummy file when we successfully upload? // log << "Uploading " << << endl; cout << "Uploading " << << endl; // // Load the filename to load onto the clipboard // CopyStringToClipboard(s.filename); SendKey(KEY_O, true, false); SendKey(KEY_V, true, false); SendKey(KEY_ENTER, false, false); Sleep(1000); log << "Clearing annoying save dialog" << endl; cout << "Clearing annoying save dialog" << endl; SendKey(KEY_ENTER, false, false); log << "Waiting for file load to finish" << endl; cout << "Waiting for file load to finish" << endl; Sleep(5000); SendKey(KEY_F, false, true); SendKey(KEY_3, false, false); SendKey(KEY_ENTER, false, false); SendKey(KEY_S, false, false); log << "Clearing remove unused objects window" << endl; cout << "Clearing remove unused objects window" << endl; Sleep(1000); SendKey(KEY_ENTER, false, false); log << "Saving model" << endl; cout << "Saving model" << endl; Sleep(1000); SendKey(KEY_S, true, false); SendKey(KEY_ENTER, false, false); log << "Waiting for upload page to load" << endl; cout << "Waiting for upload page to load" << endl; Sleep(1000); log << "Clicking to set focus on title" << endl; cout << "Clicking to set focus on title" << endl; ClickMouse(mouseXTitle, mouseYTitle); Sleep(1000); log << "Inputting fields" << endl; cout << "Inputting fields" << endl; CopyStringToClipboard(s.title); SendKey(KEY_V, true, false); SendKey(KEY_TAB, false, false); CopyStringToClipboard(s.description); SendKey(KEY_V, true, false); SendKey(KEY_TAB, false, false); CopyStringToClipboard(s.tags); SendKey(KEY_V, true, false); SendKey(KEY_TAB, false, false); SendKey(KEY_TAB, false, false); Sleep(500); SendKey(KEY_ENTER, false, false); log << "Waiting for upload to finish" << endl; cout << "Waiting for upload to finish" << endl; Sleep(30000); log << "Exiting browser" << endl; cout << "Exiting browser" << endl; ClickMouse(mouseXClose, mouseYClose); Sleep(1000); if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)) { BlockOnKey(KEY_NUMPADADD); } } } }