/** * Check if a timer has expired. * * This function tests if a timer has expired and returns true or * false depending on its status. * * \param t A pointer to the timer * * \return Non-zero if the timer has expired, zero otherwise. * */ int Timer_Expired(struct timer *t) { /* Note: Can not return diff >= t->interval so we add 1 to diff and return t->interval < diff - required to avoid an internal error in mspgcc. */ tClockTime diff = (Clock_Time() - t->start) + 1; return t->interval < diff; }
/** * Restart the timer from the current point in time * * This function restarts a timer with the same interval that was * given to the timer_set() function. The timer will start at the * current time. * * \note A periodic timer will drift if this function is used to reset * it. For preioric timers, use the timer_reset() function instead. * * \param t A pointer to the timer. * * \sa timer_reset() */ void Timer_Restart(struct timer *t) { t->start = Clock_Time(); }
/** * Set a timer. * * This function sets a timer for a time sometime in the * future. The function timer_expired() will evaluate to true after * the timer has expired. * * @param[in] t A pointer to the timer * @param[in] interval The interval before the timer expires. * */ void Timer_Set(struct timer *t, tClockTime interval) { t->interval = interval; t->start = Clock_Time(); }
/** * The time until the timer expires * * This function returns the time until the timer expires. * * \param t A pointer to the timer * * \return The time until the timer expires * */ tClockTime Timer_Remaining(struct timer *t) { return t->start + t->interval - Clock_Time(); }
int main(void) { const char *name = "BlueG07"; uint8_t SERVER_BDADDR[] = {0x07, 0x34, 0x00, 0xE1, 0x80, 0x03}; uint8_t bdaddr[BDADDR_SIZE]; uint16_t service_handle, dev_name_char_handle, appearance_char_handle; uint8_t hwVersion; uint16_t fwVersion; int ret; /* STM32Cube HAL library initialization: * - Configure the Flash prefetch, Flash preread and Buffer caches * - Systick timer is configured by default as source of time base, but user * can eventually implement his proper time base source (a general purpose * timer for example or other time source), keeping in mind that Time base * duration should be kept 1ms since PPP_TIMEOUT_VALUEs are defined and * handled in milliseconds basis. * - Low Level Initialization */ HAL_Init(); #if NEW_SERVICES /* Configure LED2 */ BSP_LED_Init(LED2); #endif /* Configure the User Button in GPIO Mode */ BSP_PB_Init(BUTTON_KEY, BUTTON_MODE_GPIO); /* Configure the system clock */ /* SYSTEM CLOCK = 32 MHz */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize the BlueNRG SPI driver */ BNRG_SPI_Init(); Disc_SPI_Init(); /* Initialize the BlueNRG HCI */ HCI_Init(); /* Reset BlueNRG hardware */ BlueNRG_RST(); /* get the BlueNRG HW and FW versions */ getBlueNRGVersion(&hwVersion, &fwVersion); /* * Reset BlueNRG again otherwise we won't * be able to change its MAC address. * aci_hal_write_config_data() must be the first * command after reset otherwise it will fail. */ BlueNRG_RST(); PRINTF("HWver %d, FWver %d", hwVersion, fwVersion); PRINTF("\n\n"); if (hwVersion > 0x30) { /* X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 expansion board is used */ bnrg_expansion_board = IDB05A1; /* * Change the MAC address to avoid issues with Android cache: * if different boards have the same MAC address, Android * applications unless you restart Bluetooth on tablet/phone */ SERVER_BDADDR[5] = 0x02; } /* The Nucleo board must be configured as SERVER */ Osal_MemCpy(bdaddr, SERVER_BDADDR, sizeof(SERVER_BDADDR)); ret = aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_OFFSET, CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_LEN, bdaddr); if(ret){ PRINTF("Setting BD_ADDR failed.\n"); } ret = aci_gatt_init(); if(ret){ PRINTF("GATT_Init failed.\n"); } if (bnrg_expansion_board == IDB05A1) { ret = aci_gap_init_IDB05A1(GAP_PERIPHERAL_ROLE_IDB05A1, 0, 0x03, &service_handle, &dev_name_char_handle, &appearance_char_handle); } else { ret = aci_gap_init_IDB04A1(GAP_PERIPHERAL_ROLE_IDB04A1, &service_handle, &dev_name_char_handle, &appearance_char_handle); } if(ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS){ PRINTF("GAP_Init failed.\n"); } ret = aci_gatt_update_char_value(service_handle, dev_name_char_handle, 0, strlen(name), (uint8_t *)name); if(ret){ PRINTF("aci_gatt_update_char_value failed.\n"); while(1); } ret = aci_gap_set_auth_requirement(MITM_PROTECTION_REQUIRED, OOB_AUTH_DATA_ABSENT, NULL, 7, 16, USE_FIXED_PIN_FOR_PAIRING, 123456, BONDING); if (ret == BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) { PRINTF("BLE Stack Initialized.\n"); } PRINTF("SERVER: BLE Stack Initialized\n"); ret = Add_Acc_Service(); if(ret == BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) PRINTF("Acc service added successfully.\n"); else PRINTF("Error while adding Acc service.\n"); ret = Add_Environmental_Sensor_Service(); if(ret == BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) PRINTF("Environmental Sensor service added successfully.\n"); else PRINTF("Error while adding Environmental Sensor service.\n"); #if NEW_SERVICES /* Instantiate Timer Service with two characteristics: * - seconds characteristic (Readable only) * - minutes characteristics (Readable and Notifiable ) */ ret = Add_Time_Service(); if(ret == BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) PRINTF("Time service added successfully.\n"); else PRINTF("Error while adding Time service.\n"); /* Instantiate LED Button Service with one characteristic: * - LED characteristic (Readable and Writable) */ ret = Add_LED_Service(); if(ret == BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) PRINTF("LED service added successfully.\n"); else PRINTF("Error while adding LED service.\n"); #endif /* Set output power level */ ret = aci_hal_set_tx_power_level(1,4); last_time=Clock_Time(); while(1) { if ((Clock_Time() -last_time) > 1000){ spiReadFromDiscovery(); last_time = Clock_Time(); } HCI_Process(); User_Process(pitch, roll); } }
int main(void) { //int ret; NVIC_SetVectorTable(NVIC_VectTab_FLASH,VECTOR_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS); /* Identify the BlueNRG platform */ SdkEvalIdentification(); RCC_Configuration(); /* Basic button init function for handling application jumping */ Configure_Button(); #if 0 /* TBR */ PWR_PVDCmd(DISABLE); /* Disable FLASH during Sleep */ FLASH_SLEEPPowerDownCmd(ENABLE); /* Enable Ultra low power mode */ PWR_UltraLowPowerCmd(ENABLE); PWR_FastWakeUpCmd(DISABLE); #endif NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_1); Clock_Init(); HCI_Init(); /* Init SPI interface */ SdkEvalSpiInit(SPI_MODE_EXTI); /* Reset BlueNRG SPI interface */ BlueNRG_RST(); /* Init leds */ SdkEvalLedInit(LED1); SdkEvalLedInit(LED2); { tHalUint8 bdaddr[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x00, 0xE1, 0x80, 0x02}; aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_OFFSET, CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_LEN, bdaddr); } aci_gatt_init(); { uint16_t service_handle, dev_name_char_handle, appearance_char_handle; aci_gap_init(1, &service_handle, &dev_name_char_handle, &appearance_char_handle); } #if 0/* TBR */ aci_gap_set_auth_requirement(MITM_PROTECTION_REQUIRED, OOB_AUTH_DATA_ABSENT, NULL, 7, 16, USE_FIXED_PIN_FOR_PAIRING, 123456, BONDING); #endif //PRINTF("BLE Stack Initialized.\n"); #ifdef ST_OTA_BTL /* Add OTA bootloader service */ Add_Btl_Service(); #endif /* -2 dBm output power */ aci_hal_set_tx_power_level(1,4); while(1) { #ifdef ST_OTA_BTL static tClockTime startTime = 0; if (Clock_Time() - startTime >led_blinking_rate) { /* LED D1 is toggling on OTA_Service Manager */ SdkEvalLedToggle(LED1); startTime = Clock_Time(); } #endif /* end ST_OTA_BTL */ HCI_Process(); if(set_connectable){ setConnectable(); set_connectable = 0; } /* Use button to switch to the basic Reset Manager */ if (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(ButtonPort,ButtonPin) == RESET) { /* Add delay to avoid conlict with DFU activation */ Clock_Wait(2000); /* Check if an application has been loaded previously through OTA service manager */ if (*((uint32_t*) NEW_APP_MEM_INFO)!= 0) /* Service Manager will jump to the Application previously loaded at address APPLICATION_JUMP_ADDRESS */ Switch_To_OTA_Service_Manager_Application(APPLICATION_JUMP_ADDRESS); } } }