bool kGUIMenuObj::UpdateInput(void) { int i; kGUICorners c; kGUICorners tc; bool over; GetCorners(&c); /* is the mouse over the title area? */ over=kGUI::MouseOver(&c); if(over) { /* if i'm not active then activate me */ /* I need to be active so I can track the mouse when it moves */ /* off of the header area so I can unhilight the last header under the cursor */ if(m_track==false) { m_track=true; kGUI::AddUpdateTask(this,CALLBACKNAME(Track)); } /* yes they have mouse over the tabs on the top */ /* which tab is the mouse over? (if any) */ for(i=0;i<m_numentries;++i) { tc.lx=c.lx+m_titlex.GetEntry(i); tc.rx=tc.lx+m_titlew.GetEntry(i); tc.ty=c.ty;; if(kGUI::MouseOver(&tc)) { /* yes mouse is over this column */ if(i!=m_colhover) { Dirty(); m_colhover=i; if(m_depth) { CloseMenu(); OpenMenu(m_entry.GetEntry(i),tc.lx,; } } /* are they clicking on the menu header? */ if(kGUI::GetMouseClickLeft()==true) { kGUI::SetForceUsed(true); if(!m_depth) OpenMenu(m_entry.GetEntry(i),tc.lx,; else CloseMenu(); } return(true); } } } return(false); }
bool cWidgetComboBox::ButtonPress(iWidget* apWidget,cGuiMessageData& aData) { if(mbMenuOpen) CloseMenu(); else OpenMenu(); return true; }
bool cWidgetComboBox::SliderLostFocus(iWidget *a_pWidget, cGuiMessageData &a_Data) { if (m_bMenuOpen && GetMouseIsOver() == false) CloseMenu(); return false; }
void CellTasksScreen::OnStartTaskCallback(cocos2d::Ref *sender, cocos2d::ui::Widget::TouchEventType eventType) { if (eventType == cocos2d::ui::Widget::TouchEventType::ENDED) { if (_cell.lock()->GetInfo().state == Cell::State::READY) { if (World::Instance().GetTutorialManager().IsTutorialStateAvailable("ReadyToFinishFirstRealWork")) { World::Instance().GetTutorialManager().RemoveCurrentTutorial(); } else if (World::Instance().GetTutorialManager().IsTutorialStateAvailable("WaitingForFinishFirstTask")) { World::Instance().GetTutorialManager().RemoveCurrentTutorial(); } cocos2d::ui::Button *btn = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::ui::Button *>(sender); if (!btn) { WRITE_WARN("Failed to cast from sender to button type in StartTaskCallback."); return; } const Task::Info *task_info = (const Task::Info *)btn->getUserData(); if (!task_info) { WRITE_WARN("Failed to get pointer to a task info from sender object in StartTaskCallback"); return; } World::Instance().GetTaskManager().RunTask(_cell, task_info, Utils::GetGameTime()); CloseMenu(); _cellMenu->DisappearWithAnimation(); CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance()->playEffect("task-get.wav"); } } }
void UserWidget::LaunchItem(QString cmd){ if(!cmd.isEmpty()){ qDebug() << "Launch Application:" << cmd; LSession::LaunchApplication(cmd); emit CloseMenu(); //so the menu container will close } }
static void OpenMenu(AG_HSVPal *pal, int x, int y) { if (pal->menu != NULL) CloseMenu(pal); pal->menu = AG_MenuNew(NULL, 0); pal->menu_item = AG_MenuNode(pal->menu->root, NULL, NULL); { #if 0 AG_MenuAction(pal->menu_item, _("Edit numerically"), NULL, EditNumValues, "%p", pal); #endif AG_MenuAction(pal->menu_item, _("Copy color"), agIconSave.s, CopyColor, "%p", pal); AG_MenuAction(pal->menu_item, _("Paste color"), agIconLoad.s, PasteColor, "%p", pal); AG_MenuAction(pal->menu_item, _("Complementary color"), NULL, SetComplementaryColor, "%p", pal); AG_MenuSeparator(pal->menu_item); AG_MenuFlags(pal->menu_item, _("Show RGB value"), agIconMagnifier.s, &pal->flags, AG_HSVPAL_SHOW_RGB, 0); AG_MenuFlags(pal->menu_item, _("Show HSV value"), agIconMagnifier.s, &pal->flags, AG_HSVPAL_SHOW_HSV, 0); } pal->menu->itemSel = pal->menu_item; pal->menu_win = AG_MenuExpand(pal, pal->menu_item, x, y); }
LUserButtonPlugin::LUserButtonPlugin(QWidget *parent, QString id, bool horizontal) : LPPlugin(parent, id, horizontal){ button = new QToolButton(this); button->setAutoRaise(true); button->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); button->setPopupMode(QToolButton::DelayedPopup); //make sure it runs the update routine first connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openMenu())); this->layout()->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); this->layout()->addWidget(button); menu = new QMenu(this); menu->setContentsMargins(1,1,1,1); connect(menu, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SIGNAL(MenuClosed())); usermenu = new UserWidget(this); connect(usermenu, SIGNAL(CloseMenu()), this, SLOT(closeMenu()) ); mact = new QWidgetAction(this); mact->setDefaultWidget(usermenu); menu->addAction(mact); button->setMenu(menu); connect(menu, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SLOT(updateButtonVisuals()) ); //Setup the global shortcut handling for opening the start menu connect(QApplication::instance(), SIGNAL(StartButtonActivated()), this, SLOT(shortcutActivated()) ); LSession::handle()->registerStartButton(this->type()); QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(OrientationChange())); //Update icons/sizes }
bool C4Object::Exit(int32_t iX, int32_t iY, int32_t iR, C4Real iXDir, C4Real iYDir, C4Real iRDir, bool fCalls) { // 1. Exit the current container. // 2. Update Contents of container object and set Contained to nullptr. // 3. Set offset position/motion if desired. // 4. Call Ejection for container and Departure for object. // Not contained C4Object *pContainer=Contained; if (!pContainer) return false; // Remove object from container pContainer->Contents.Remove(this); pContainer->UpdateMass(); pContainer->SetOCF(); // No container Contained=nullptr; // Position/motion fix_x=itofix(iX); fix_y=itofix(iY); fix_r=itofix(iR); BoundsCheck(fix_x, fix_y); xdir=iXDir; ydir=iYDir; rdir=iRDir; // Misc updates Mobile=true; InLiquid=false; CloseMenu(true); UpdateFace(true); SetOCF(); // Object list callback (before script callbacks, because script callbacks may enter again) ObjectListChangeListener.OnObjectContainerChanged(this, pContainer, nullptr); // Engine calls if (fCalls) pContainer->Call(PSF_Ejection,&C4AulParSet(this)); if (fCalls) Call(PSF_Departure,&C4AulParSet(pContainer)); // Success (if the obj wasn't "re-entered" by script) return !Contained; }
bool MenuBar::HotKey(dword key) { if(Ctrl::HotKey(key)) return true; if(IsChild()) { if((key == (K_ALT_KEY|K_KEYUP) || key == K_F10) && (submenu || HasFocusDeep())) { LLOG("CloseMenu()"); CloseMenu(); if(restorefocus) restorefocus->SetFocus(); s_doaltkey = false; return true; } if(key == K_ALT_KEY) { LLOG("K_ALT_KEY"); s_doaltkey = true; return true; } if((key == K_F10 || key == (K_ALT_KEY|K_KEYUP) && s_doaltkey) && !submenu && !HasFocusDeep() && GetTopWindow() && GetTopWindow()->IsForeground()) { LLOG("Open menu by F10 or ALT-UP"); SetupRestoreFocus(); for(Ctrl *q = pane.GetFirstChild(); q; q = q->GetNext()) if(q->SetFocus()) return true; } } LLOG("MenuBar::HotKey"); return (key == K_LEFT || key == K_RIGHT) && parentmenu ? parentmenu->Key(key, 1) : false; }
//Locale void StartMenu::on_combo_locale_currentIndexChanged(int){ //Get the currently selected Locale if(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()!=ui->page_settings){ return; } QString locale = ui->combo_locale->currentData().toString(); emit CloseMenu(); LSession::handle()->switchLocale(locale); }
void UserWidget::LaunchItem(QString path, bool fix){ if(!path.isEmpty()){ qDebug() << "Launch Application:" << path; if(fix){ LSession::LaunchApplication("lumina-open \""+path+"\""); } else{ LSession::LaunchApplication(path); } emit CloseMenu(); //so the menu container will close } }
void CellTasksScreen::KeyReleased(cocos2d::EventKeyboard::KeyCode key, cocos2d::Event *event) { if (key == cocos2d::EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_ESCAPE) { CloseMenu(); CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance()->playEffect("tap-double.wav"); } }
void CellTasksScreen::OnCloseCallback(cocos2d::Ref *sender, cocos2d::ui::Widget::TouchEventType eventType) { if (eventType == cocos2d::ui::Widget::TouchEventType::ENDED) { CloseMenu(); CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance()->playEffect("tap-double.wav"); } }
void DeviceWidget::OpenTrayClicked(){ //Open the CD tray if(isMounted){ mountButtonClicked(); } //unmount the device before opening the tray if(isMounted){ return; } //Could not unmount device: don't open the tray QProcess::startDetached("cdcontrol eject /dev/"+node()); emit CloseMenu(); emit RefreshDeviceList(); }
void nsMenuFrame::ToggleMenuState() { if (IsOpen()) CloseMenu(PR_FALSE); else OpenMenu(PR_FALSE); }
bool C4FullScreen::ViewportCheck() { int iPlrNum; C4Player *pPlr; // Not active if (!Active) return false; // Determine film mode bool fFilm = (Game.C4S.Head.Replay && Game.C4S.Head.Film); // Check viewports switch (::Viewports.GetViewportCount()) { // No viewports: create no-owner viewport case 0: iPlrNum = NO_OWNER; // Film mode: create viewport for first player (instead of no-owner) if (fFilm) if ((pPlr = ::Players.First)) iPlrNum = pPlr->Number; // Create viewport ::Viewports.CreateViewport(iPlrNum, iPlrNum==NO_OWNER); // Non-film (observer mode) if (!fFilm) { // Activate mouse control ::MouseControl.Init(iPlrNum); // Display message for how to open observer menu (this message will be cleared if any owned viewport opens) StdStrBuf sKey; sKey.Format("<c ffff00><%s></c>", Game.KeyboardInput.GetKeyCodeNameByKeyName("FullscreenMenuOpen", false).getData()); ::GraphicsSystem.FlashMessage(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_PRESSORPUSHANYGAMEPADBUTT"), sKey.getData()).getData()); } break; // One viewport: do nothing case 1: break; // More than one viewport: remove all no-owner viewports default: ::Viewports.CloseViewport(NO_OWNER, true); break; } // Look for no-owner viewport C4Viewport *pNoOwnerVp = ::Viewports.GetViewport(NO_OWNER); // No no-owner viewport found if (!pNoOwnerVp) { // Close any open fullscreen menu CloseMenu(); } // No-owner viewport present else { // movie mode: player present, and no valid viewport assigned? if (Game.C4S.Head.Replay && Game.C4S.Head.Film && (pPlr = ::Players.First)) // assign viewport to joined player pNoOwnerVp->Init(pPlr->Number, true); } // Done return true; }
bool cWidgetComboBox::OnLostFocus(cGuiMessageData &a_Data) { cVector3f vLocal = WorldToLocalPosition(a_Data.m_vPos); if (m_bMenuOpen &&m_pSlider->IsEnabled()==false) CloseMenu(); return false; }
// ======================== // PRIVATE SLOTS // ======================== void StartMenu::LaunchItem(QString path, bool fix){ qDebug() << "Launching Item:" << path << fix; if(!path.isEmpty()){ qDebug() << "Launch Application:" << path; if( fix && !path.startsWith("lumina-open") ){ LSession::LaunchApplication("lumina-open \""+path+"\""); } else{ LSession::LaunchApplication(path); } emit CloseMenu(); //so the menu container will close } }
bool C4FullScreen::ActivateMenuMain() { // Not during game over dialog if (C4GameOverDlg::IsShown()) return false; // Close previous CloseMenu(); // Open menu pMenu = new C4MainMenu(); return pMenu->ActivateMain(NO_OWNER); }
BOOL C_PopupMgr::OpenWindowMenu(C_Window *win,long x,long y) { POPUPMENU *cur; long i; if(!win) return(FALSE); if(win->IsMenu()) return(FALSE); CloseMenu(); if(!AMenuOpened()) { for(i=0;i<WIN_MAX_CLIENTS;i++) { if((x-win->GetX()) >= win->ClientArea_[i].left && (y-win->GetY()) >= win->ClientArea_[i].top && (x-win->GetX()) < win->ClientArea_[i].right && (y-win->GetY()) < win->ClientArea_[i].bottom && win->GetClientMenu(i) && (win->GetClientFlags(i) & C_BIT_ENABLED)) { cur=Root_; while(cur) { if(cur->Menu->GetID() == win->GetClientMenu(i)) { Current_=cur; Current_->Menu->OpenWindow(static_cast<short>(x-20),static_cast<short>(y-5),C_TYPE_RIGHT);//! CurrentType_=C_TYPE_WINDOW; CurrentClient_=static_cast<short>(i);//! LastX_=static_cast<short>(x);//! LastY_=static_cast<short>(y);//! return(TRUE); } cur=cur->Next; } } } cur=Root_; while(cur) { if(cur->Menu->GetID() == win->GetMenu()) { CurrentType_=C_TYPE_WINDOW; CurrentClient_=-1; Current_=cur; Current_->Menu->OpenWindow(static_cast<short>(x-20),static_cast<short>(y-5),C_TYPE_RIGHT);//! LastX_=static_cast<short>(x);//! LastY_=static_cast<short>(y);//! return(TRUE); } cur=cur->Next; } } return(FALSE); }
bool cWidgetComboBox::OnMouseDown(cGuiMessageData &a_Data) { if (m_bMenuOpen==false) return false; cVector3f vLocal = WorldToLocalPosition(a_Data.m_vPos); if (vLocal.y < m_pText->GetSize().y) CloseMenu(); return true; }
void MenuBar::Execute(Ctrl *owner, Point p) { static Vector<Ctrl *> ows; // Used to prevent another open local menu for single owner to be opened (repeated right-click) int level = ows.GetCount(); if(IsEmpty() || FindIndex(ows, owner) >= 0) return; ows.Add(owner); PopUp(owner, p); EventLoop(this); CloseMenu(); ows.SetCount(level); }
func Geld(iGeld) { CanClose = 1; CloseMenu(GetCursor()); Log("<c ffcc00>%d Clunker Geld</c>",iGeld); var i; while(i < GetPlayerCount()) { SetWealth(i,iGeld); i++; } }
bool cWidgetComboBox::OnMouseUp(cGuiMessageData &aData) { if(mbMenuOpen == false) return false; cVector3f vLocal = WorldToLocalPosition(aData.mvPos); if(vLocal.y > mpText->GetSize().y) { SetSelectedItem(mlMouseOverSelection); CloseMenu(); } return true; }
func Zeit(int iZeit) { CanClose = 1; CloseMenu(GetCursor()); Log("<c ffcc00>%d Minuten Aufbauzeit</c>",iZeit); SetTime(iZeit,0); CreateMenu(MEPU, GetCursor(), 0, 0,"Geldeinstellungen", 0, 1,1,17); CanClose = 0; AddMenuItem("100 Clunker", Format("Geld(%d)",100),MEPU, GetCursor()); AddMenuItem("200 Clunker", Format("Geld(%d)",200),MEPU, GetCursor()); AddMenuItem("500 Clunker", Format("Geld(%d)",500),MEPU, GetCursor()); AddMenuItem("1000 Clunker", Format("Geld(%d)",1000),MEPU, GetCursor()); AddMenuItem("2000 Clunker", Format("Geld(%d)",2000),MEPU, GetCursor()); }
void DeviceWidget::runButtonClicked(){ //Run the device (audio/video CD, browse filesystem) if(isMounted){ //Open the mountpoint directory QProcess::startDetached("xdg-open \""+mountpoint()+"\""); }else if(type()=="CD-AUDIO"){ if(QFile::exists("/usr/local/bin/vlc")){ QProcess::startDetached("vlc cdda://1");} else if(QFile::exists("/usr/local/bin/smplayer")){ QProcess::startDetached("smplayer cdda://1"); } else{ QProcess::startDetached("xdg-open cdda://1"); } }else if(type()=="CD-VIDEO"){ if(QFile::exists("/usr/local/bin/vlc")){ QProcess::startDetached("vlc dvd://1");} else if(QFile::exists("/usr/local/bin/smplayer")){ QProcess::startDetached("smplayer dvd://1"); } else{ QProcess::startDetached("xdg-open dvd://1"); } } emit CloseMenu(); }
int TryMenu(int button, int pressed) { if(ActiveMenu && !pressed) { ActiveMenu = 0; CloseMenu(); Redisplay = 1; return 1; } if(AttachedMenus[button] && pressed) { ActiveMenu = AttachedMenus[button]; OpenMenu(); Redisplay = 1; return 1; } return 0; }
void Game::Update() { int sessions = _activeSessions.size(); for (int i = 0; i < sessions; i++){ _activeSessions[i]->Update(); } int menus = _activeMenus.size(); if (menus > 0 && _input->JustPressed(InputHandler::CloseMenu)) { CloseMenu(); menus = _activeMenus.size(); } else if (menus == 0 && sessions > 0 && _input->JustPressed(InputHandler::OpenIngameMenu)) { _activeMenus.push_back(_ingameMenu); menus = _activeMenus.size(); } if (!_activeMenus.empty()) _activeMenus[menus - 1]->Update(); }
void TLMenu::TMenuController::Update() { if(m_QueuedCommand.GetRef().IsValid()) { if(m_QueuedCommand.GetRef() == "Open") { // Open new menu OpenMenu( m_QueuedCommand.GetTypeRef() ); } else if(m_QueuedCommand.GetRef() == "close") { CloseMenu(); } // Invalidate m_QueuedCommand.SetRef(TRef()); m_QueuedCommand.SetTypeRef(TRef()); } }
LStartButtonPlugin::LStartButtonPlugin(QWidget *parent, QString id, bool horizontal) : LPPlugin(parent, id, horizontal){ button = new QToolButton(this); button->setAutoRaise(true); button->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly); button->setPopupMode(QToolButton::DelayedPopup); //make sure it runs the update routine first connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openMenu())); this->layout()->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); this->layout()->addWidget(button); menu = new QMenu(this); menu->setContentsMargins(1,1,1,1); startmenu = new StartMenu(this); connect(startmenu, SIGNAL(CloseMenu()), this, SLOT(closeMenu()) ); mact = new QWidgetAction(this); mact->setDefaultWidget(startmenu); menu->addAction(mact); button->setMenu(menu); connect(menu, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SLOT(updateButtonVisuals()) ); QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(OrientationChange())); //Update icons/sizes }