コード例 #1
shared_ptr<Image3>& ImageStats::getImageMean(int ft, bool normalize){
	if (normalize){
		for (int c = 0 ; c < COLOR_CHS ; c++){
			m_meanMin[ft][c] = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
			m_meanMax[ft][c] = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
			for (int x = 0 ; x < m_w ; x++){
				for (int y = 0 ; y < m_h ; y++){
					if ( m_dataMn[ft][c][x][y] < m_meanMin[ft][c]) m_meanMin[ft][c] = m_dataMn[ft][c][x][y];
					if ( m_dataMn[ft][c][x][y] > m_meanMax[ft][c]) m_meanMax[ft][c] = m_dataMn[ft][c][x][y];
		for (int x = 0 ; x < m_w ; x++)
			for (int y = 0 ; y < m_h ; y++)
				m_imageMean[ft]->fastSet(x,y,Color3((m_dataMn[ft][RED][x][y] - m_meanMin[ft][RED])/(m_meanMax[ft][RED] - m_meanMin[ft][RED]),
												(m_dataMn[ft][GREEN][x][y] - m_meanMin[ft][GREEN])/(m_meanMax[ft][GREEN] - m_meanMin[ft][GREEN]),
												(m_dataMn[ft][BLUE][x][y] - m_meanMin[ft][BLUE])/(m_meanMax[ft][BLUE] - m_meanMin[ft][BLUE])));
		for (int x = 0 ; x < m_w ; x++)
			for (int y = 0 ; y < m_h ; y++)
	return m_imageMean[ft];
コード例 #2
ファイル: Util.cpp プロジェクト: Anchoys1/max_nif_plugin
Exporter::Result Exporter::exportLight(NiNodeRef parent, INode *node, GenLight* light)
   TimeValue t = 0;
   NiLightRef niLight;
   switch (light->Type())
   case OMNI_LIGHT:
         if (light->GetAmbientOnly())
            niLight = new NiAmbientLight();
            NiPointLightRef pointLight = new NiPointLight();
            float atten = light->GetAtten(t, ATTEN_START);
            switch (light->GetDecayType())
            case 0: pointLight->SetConstantAttenuation(1.0f); break;
            case 1: pointLight->SetLinearAttenuation( atten / 4.0f ); break;
            case 2: pointLight->SetQuadraticAttenuation( sqrt(atten / 4.0f) ); break;
            niLight = StaticCast<NiLight>(pointLight);
   case TSPOT_LIGHT:
   case FSPOT_LIGHT:
      niLight = new NiSpotLight();
   case DIR_LIGHT:
   case TDIR_LIGHT:
      niLight = new NiDirectionalLight();
   if (niLight == NULL)
      return Skip;


   Matrix3 tm = getObjectTransform(node, t, !mFlattenHierarchy);
   niLight->SetLocalTransform( TOMATRIX4(tm, false) );

   niLight->SetDimmer( light->GetIntensity(0) );
   Color3 rgbcolor = TOCOLOR3( light->GetRGBColor(0) );
   if (light->GetAmbientOnly())
   parent->AddChild( DynamicCast<NiAVObject>(niLight) );
   return Ok;
コード例 #3
    void Triangle::getMaterialProperties(MaterialProp& mp, const real_t mult[3],const Vector2& texCoord, const Material* materials[3])
        mp.diffuse = Color3(0,0,0);
        mp.ambient = Color3(0,0,0);
        mp.specular= Color3(0,0,0);
        mp.refractive_index= 0;
        mp.texColor = Color3(0,0,0);

        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
                mp.diffuse += materials[i]->diffuse*mult[i];
                mp.ambient += materials[i]->ambient*mult[i];
                mp.specular += materials[i]->specular*mult[i];
                mp.refractive_index += materials[i]->refractive_index*mult[i];

                    int width,height;
                    materials[i]->get_texture_size(&width, &height );

                    mp.texColor += mult[i]*materials[i]->get_texture_pixel( texCoord[0]*width, texCoord[1]*height);
コード例 #4
shared_ptr<Image3>& ImageStats::getImageVar(int ft, bool normalize){
	if (normalize){
		for (int c = 0 ; c <  COLOR_CHS ; c++){
			m_varMin[ft][c] = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
			m_varMax[ft][c] = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
			for (int x = 0 ; x < m_w ; x++){
				for (int y = 0 ; y < m_h ; y++){
					if ( getVariance(x,y,ft,c) < m_varMin[ft][c])  m_varMin[ft][c] = getVariance(x,y,ft,c);
					if ( getVariance(x,y,ft,c) > m_varMax[ft][c])  m_varMax[ft][c] = getVariance(x,y,ft,c);
		for (int x = 0 ; x < m_w ; x++)
			for (int y = 0 ; y < m_h ; y++)
				m_imageVar[ft]->fastSet(x,y,Color3((getVariance(x,y,ft,RED) - m_varMin[ft][RED])/(m_varMax[ft][RED] - m_varMin[ft][RED]),
											       (getVariance(x,y,ft,GREEN) - m_varMin[ft][GREEN])/(m_varMax[ft][GREEN] - m_varMin[ft][GREEN]),
											       (getVariance(x,y,ft,BLUE) - m_varMin[ft][BLUE])/(m_varMax[ft][BLUE] - m_varMin[ft][BLUE])));
		for (int x = 0 ; x < m_w ; x++)
			for (int y = 0 ; y < m_h ; y++)
	return m_imageVar[ft];
コード例 #5
ファイル: fourier.cpp プロジェクト: marwan-abdellah/layerlab
Color3 evalFourier3(float * const coeffs[3], size_t nCoeffs, Float phi) {
    #if FOURIER_SCALAR == 1
        double cosPhi      = std::cos((double) phi),
              cosPhi_prev = cosPhi,
              cosPhi_cur  = 1.0f;

        double Y = 0, R = 0, B = 0;

        for (size_t i=0; i<nCoeffs; ++i) {
            Y += coeffs[0][i] * cosPhi_cur;
            R += coeffs[1][i] * cosPhi_cur;
            B += coeffs[2][i] * cosPhi_cur;

            double cosPhi_next = 2*cosPhi*cosPhi_cur - cosPhi_prev;
            cosPhi_prev = cosPhi_cur; cosPhi_cur = cosPhi_next;

        double G = 1.39829f*Y -0.100913f*B - 0.297375f*R;

        return Color3((Float) R, (Float) G, (Float) B);
        double cosPhi = std::cos((double) phi);

            cosPhi_prev = _mm256_set1_pd(cosPhi),
            cosPhi_cur  = _mm256_set1_pd(1.0),
            Y           = _mm256_set_sd((double) coeffs[0][0]),
            R           = _mm256_set_sd((double) coeffs[1][0]),
            B           = _mm256_set_sd((double) coeffs[2][0]),
            factorPhi_prev, factorPhi_cur;

        initializeRecurrence(cosPhi, factorPhi_prev, factorPhi_cur);

        for (size_t i=1; i<nCoeffs; i+=4) {
            __m256d cosPhi_next = _mm256_add_pd(_mm256_mul_pd(factorPhi_prev, cosPhi_prev),
                    _mm256_mul_pd(factorPhi_cur,  cosPhi_cur));

            Y = _mm256_add_pd(Y, _mm256_mul_pd(cosPhi_next, _mm256_cvtps_pd(_mm_load_ps(coeffs[0]+i))));
            R = _mm256_add_pd(R, _mm256_mul_pd(cosPhi_next, _mm256_cvtps_pd(_mm_load_ps(coeffs[1]+i))));
            B = _mm256_add_pd(B, _mm256_mul_pd(cosPhi_next, _mm256_cvtps_pd(_mm_load_ps(coeffs[2]+i))));

            cosPhi_prev = _mm256_splat2_pd(cosPhi_next);
            cosPhi_cur = _mm256_splat3_pd(cosPhi_next);

        MM_ALIGN32 struct {
            double Y;
            double R;
            double B;
            double unused;
        } tmp;

        simd::hadd(Y, R, B, _mm256_setzero_pd(), (double *) &tmp);

        double G = 1.39829*tmp.Y -0.100913*tmp.B - 0.297375*tmp.R;

        return Color3((Float) tmp.R, (Float) G, (Float) tmp.B);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Material.cpp プロジェクト: mrroach9/Raytracing
	ambient = Color3(0,0,0);
	diffuse = Color3(0,0,0);
	specular = Color3(0,0,0);
	shininess = 1;
	reflect = Color3(0,0,0);
	refract = Color3(0,0,0);
	refract_index = 1;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Material.cpp プロジェクト: mrroach9/Raytracing
Material::Material(Json::Value json) {
	ambient = Color3(json["ambient"]);
	diffuse = Color3(json["diffuse"]);
	specular = Color3(json["specular"]);
	shininess = json["shininess"].asDouble();
	reflect = Color3(json["reflect"]);
	refract = Color3(json["refract"]);
	refract_index = json["refract_index"].asDouble();
コード例 #8
ファイル: SpriteSheet.cpp プロジェクト: franmgee/openheist
shared_ptr<SpriteSheet> SpriteSheet::create(const Any& a, Table<ModelID, shared_ptr<Model> >& modelTable) {

    const shared_ptr<SpriteSheet>& s = shared_ptr<SpriteSheet>(new SpriteSheet());
    s->m_source = a.source();

    AnyTableReader r(a);

    // Read the textures
    Texture::Specification spec;
    if (r.getIfPresent("emissive", spec)) {
        spec.generateMipMaps = false;
        spec.encoding.format = ImageFormat::RGBA_DXT5();
        s->m_emissive = Texture::create(spec);
    } else {
        s->m_emissive = Texture::opaqueBlack();

    if (r.getIfPresent("color", spec)) {
        spec.generateMipMaps = false;
        spec.encoding.format = ImageFormat::RGBA_DXT5();
        s->m_color = Texture::create(spec);
    } else {
        s->m_color = Texture::createColor(Color4unorm8(Color4::zero()));

    String bumpFilename;
    spec = Texture::Specification("<white>");
    if (r.getFilenameIfPresent("bump", bumpFilename)) {
        spec.filename = bumpFilename;
    spec.generateMipMaps = false;
    spec.preprocess = Texture::Preprocess::normalMap();
    spec.encoding.format = ImageFormat::RGBA8();
    spec.encoding.readMultiplyFirst = Color3(2.0f);
    spec.encoding.readAddSecond = Color3(-1.0f);
    s->m_normal = Texture::create(spec);

    // Read the animation table
    Table<String, Any> tbl;
    r.getIfPresent("modelTable", tbl);
    for (Table<String, Any>::Iterator it = tbl.begin(); it.hasMore(); ++it) {
        if (modelTable.containsKey(it.key())) {
            String msg = format("Two models with the same name, '%s': ", it.key().c_str());
            msg += format("the first %s:%d and ", modelTable[it.key()]->source().filename.c_str(), modelTable[it.key()]->source().line);
            msg += format("and the second from %s:%d.", it.value().source().filename.c_str(), it.value().source().line);
            report(msg, ReportLevel::ERROR);
        } else {
            modelTable.set(it.key(), Model::create(s, it.key(), it.value()));

    return s;
コード例 #9
ファイル: raytracer.cpp プロジェクト: dtbinh/AnimViewer
 * Trace a ray, calculating the color of this ray.
 * This function is called recursively for recursive light.
 * @param scene     The scene object, which contains all geometries information.
 * @param recursion The level of recursive light. If the level is larger or 
 *                  equal to 4, stop recursion.
 * @param ray_dir   Direction vector of ray.
 * @param ray_pos   Start point of ray.
 * @param tMin      Minimum legal time cost for this ray.
 * @param tMax      Maximum legal time cost for this ray.
 * @return  The color of this ray.
Color3 Raytracer::trace_ray(Scene const*scene,      // geometries
                            const int recursion,    // recursion level
                            const Vector3 &ray_dir, const Vector3 &ray_pos, // ray
                            const float tMin,       const float tMax        // ray range
    // if this function go beyond the last recursive level, stop and return black color.
    if (recursion <= 0)
        return Color3(0, 0, 0);

    // intersection point information
    HitVertexInfor hit_vertex;

    // if not hit any geometry, return background color
    bool bHit = ray_hit(scene, ray_dir, ray_pos, tMin, tMax, hit_vertex);
    if (!bHit)
        return scene->background_color;

    // if hit, compute color and return it
    Color3 DI_light (0, 0, 0);
    Color3 reflected_light(0, 0, 0);
    Color3 refracted_light(0, 0, 0);

    // 1. direct illumination
    if (hit_vertex.refractive_index == 0)
        DI_light = calculate_DI_light(scene, hit_vertex);

    // 2. reflection light
    if (hit_vertex.specular != Color3(0, 0, 0)) // avoid non-necessary reflection calculation
        // reflection ray direction
        Vector3 rfl_ray_dir = normalize(
            ray_dir - 2 * dot(ray_dir, hit_vertex.normal) * hit_vertex.normal);

        reflected_light = hit_vertex.specular * hit_vertex.tex_color *
                          trace_ray(scene, recursion-1, rfl_ray_dir, hit_vertex.position,
                                    SLOPE_FACTOR, 1000000);

    if (hit_vertex.refractive_index == 0)   // avoid non-necessary refraction calculation
        return DI_light + reflected_light;

    // 3. refraction light
    Vector3 rfr_ray_dir; // refractive ray direction
    float R;
    if (refraction_happened(scene, ray_dir, hit_vertex, rfr_ray_dir, R))
        refracted_light = hit_vertex.tex_color *
                          trace_ray(scene, recursion-1, rfr_ray_dir, hit_vertex.position, 
                                    SLOPE_FACTOR, 1000000);

    return DI_light + R * reflected_light + (1-R) * refracted_light;
コード例 #10
ファイル: color.cpp プロジェクト: bballmitch2/CudaP7
namespace aed {

const Color3 Color3::Black = Color3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
const Color3 Color3::White = Color3( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
const Color3 Color3::Red   = Color3( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
const Color3 Color3::Green = Color3( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
const Color3 Color3::Blue  = Color3( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

Color3::Color3( const unsigned char* arr )
    static const real_t inv = 1.0 / 255.0;
    r = arr[0] * inv;
    g = arr[1] * inv;
    b = arr[2] * inv;

void Color3::to_array( unsigned char arr[4] ) const
    // clamp values
    Color3 tmp = clamp( *this, 0.0, 1.0 );

    // convert to ints
    arr[0] = static_cast<unsigned char>( tmp.r * 0xff );
    arr[1] = static_cast<unsigned char>( tmp.g * 0xff );
    arr[2] = static_cast<unsigned char>( tmp.b * 0xff );
    arr[3] = 0xff;

void Color3::to_array( float arr[DIM] ) const
    arr[0] = float( r );
    arr[1] = float( g );
    arr[2] = float( b );

Color3 clamp( const Color3& c, real_t min, real_t max )
    return Color3(
        clamp( c.r, min, max ),
        clamp( c.g, min, max ),
        clamp( c.b, min, max )

std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Color3& c )
    return os << '(' << c.r << ',' << c.g << ',' << c.b << ')';

} /* aed */
コード例 #11
ファイル: GraphicsLinux.cpp プロジェクト: ByeDream/pixellight
void GraphicsLinux::DrawBox(const Color4 &cColor, const Vector2i &vPos1, const Vector2i &vPos2, uint32 nRoundX, uint32 nRoundY)
	// Check if native window handle is valid
	if (m_nNativeWindowHandle) {
		// Set graphics options
		::XGCValues	sGCValues;
		sGCValues.function   = GXcopy;
		sGCValues.foreground = ToolsLinux::GetXColor(Color3(cColor), m_nColorDepth);
		sGCValues.background = ToolsLinux::GetXColor(Color3(cColor), m_nColorDepth);
		XChangeGC(m_pDisplay, m_sGC, GCFunction | GCForeground | GCBackground, &sGCValues);

		// Draw box
		XFillRectangle(m_pDisplay, m_nNativeWindowHandle, m_sGC, vPos1.x, vPos1.y, vPos2.x-vPos1.x+1, vPos2.y-vPos1.y+1);
コード例 #12
Color3 LightShadeModel::calcColor(
		Vector3D pos, Vector3D dir, Vector3D n, Color3 color,
		LightSource *ls, Model *m, UINT face_id,
		UINT colorMask){

	if (lightModel == PhongLighting){
		Vector3D l = ls->pos - pos;
		return calcPhongLighting(n, Vector3D(0,0,0) - dir, l, color, 
			ls->color, &(m->material), colorMask);
	} else {
		return Color3(0,0,0);
	return Color3(0,0,0);
コード例 #13
static Color3 finalGathering(KdTree<Photon> *map , Scene& scene , 
							 Intersection& inter , RNG& rng , const Vector3& wo ,
                             int gatherSamples , int knn , Real maxSqrDis)
    Color3 res = Color3(0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0);
    for (int i = 0; i < gatherSamples; i++)
		Real pdf;
        Vector3 wi = sampleCosHemisphere(rng.randVector3() , &pdf);
        Ray ray = Ray(inter.p + wi * EPS , wi);

        Intersection _inter;
        Geometry *_g = scene.intersect(ray , _inter);

        if (_g == NULL)
        Color3 tmp = estimate(map , 0 , knn , scene , _inter , -wi , maxSqrDis);

		BSDF bsdf(wi , _inter , scene);
		Real cosine , bsdfPdf;
        Color3 brdf = bsdf.f(scene , wo , cosine , &bsdfPdf);
		if (brdf.isBlack())
		pdf *= bsdfPdf;
        res = res + (tmp | brdf) * (cosine / pdf);
    res = res / gatherSamples;
    return res;
コード例 #14
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: luaman/g3d-cpp
void App::main() {

    window()->setCaption("Q3 Renderer");


    dumpPolygons = false;
    clipMovement = true;

    sky = Sky::create(renderDevice, dataDir + "sky/");
    debugController.init(renderDevice, userInput);
    debugController.setMoveRate(500 * BSPMAP::LOAD_SCALE);
	renderDevice->setColorClearValue(Color3(0.1f, 0.5f, 1.0f));
    // Load the map
    map = new BSPMAP::Map();
    bool ret = map->load("D:/games/dojo/scratch/data-files/q3/", "ut_ricochet.bsp");
//    bool ret = map->load("D:/media/models/q3/maps/urbanterror/", "ut_ricochet.bsp");
    debugAssert(ret); (void)ret;

    debugController.lookAt(map->getStartingPosition() - Vector3::unitZ());
コード例 #15
void RayTracer::traceOnePixel(int x, int y, int threadID) {

    //used for constructing viewport
    Vector2 tmp(m_settings.width, m_settings.height);

    Ray primaryRay;

    // If one ray per pixel: (kinda debugging mode with blue color for places with no surfel hit
    if (m_settings.raysPerPixel == 1){
        //Get the primary ray from the pixel x,y
        primaryRay = m_camera->worldRay(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, Rect2D(tmp));
        //Get the first surfel hit.
        //Can't call L_i unfortunately because we want the blue background for debugging
        const shared_ptr<Surfel>& s = RayTracer::castRay(primaryRay, finf(), 0);

        //If there is a surfel hit, get the direct illumination value and apply to the pixel
        if (s){
            //Call L_scatteredDirect to get direct illumination. Invert primaryRay to get the direction for incident light
            m_image->set(Point2int32(x,y), L_o(s, -primaryRay.direction(), m_settings.recursiveBounces, *(m_rnd[threadID])));
        } else{
            //Set the pixels with no surfel hit. Include this line so we could make it a specific color for debug purposes.
            m_image->set(Point2int32(x,y), Color3(0,0,1));
    } else {
        Radiance3 L(0,0,0);
        //If more than one ray, randomly generate required number of rays within the pixel
        for (int i = 0; i < m_settings.raysPerPixel; ++i){
            primaryRay = m_camera->worldRay(x + m_rnd[threadID]->uniform(), y + m_rnd[threadID]->uniform(), Rect2D(tmp));
            L += L_i(primaryRay.origin(), primaryRay.direction(), m_settings.recursiveBounces, *(m_rnd[threadID]));
        m_image->set(Point2int32(x,y), L/m_settings.raysPerPixel);
コード例 #16
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: luaman/g3d-cpp
void Demo::onGraphics(RenderDevice* rd) {

    LightingParameters lighting(G3D::toSeconds(11, 00, 00, AM));

    // Cyan background
    rd->setColorClearValue(Color3(0.1f, 0.5f, 1.0f));

    rd->clear(app->sky.isNull(), true, true);
    if (app->sky.notNull()) {
        app->sky->render(rd, lighting);

    // Setup lighting
		rd->setLight(0, GLight::directional(lighting.lightDirection, lighting.lightColor));

		Draw::axes(CoordinateFrame(Vector3(0, 4, 0)), rd);


    if (app->sky.notNull()) {
        app->sky->renderLensFlare(rd, lighting);
コード例 #17
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: jackpoz/G3D-backup
void App::configureShaderArgs(Args& args) {
    const shared_ptr<Light>&  light  = scene()->lightingEnvironment().lightArray[0];
    const Color3&    lambertianColor = colorList[lambertianColorIndex].element(0).color(Color3::white()).rgb();
    const Color3&    glossyColor     = colorList[glossyColorIndex].element(0).color(Color3::white()).rgb();
    // Viewer
    args.setUniform("wsEyePosition",        m_debugCamera->frame().translation);
    // Lighting
    args.setUniform("wsLight",              light->position().xyz().direction());
    args.setUniform("lightColor",           light->color);
    args.setUniform("ambient",              Color3(0.3f));
    args.setUniform("environmentMap",       scene()->lightingEnvironment().environmentMapArray[0], Sampler::cubeMap());
    // Material
    args.setUniform("lambertianColor",      lambertianColor);
    args.setUniform("lambertianScalar",     lambertianScalar);
    args.setUniform("glossyColor",          glossyColor);
    args.setUniform("glossyScalar",         glossyScalar);
    args.setUniform("smoothness",           smoothness);
    args.setUniform("reflectScalar",        reflect);
コード例 #18
Texture::Encoding::Encoding(const Any& a) {
    *this = Encoding();

    if (a.type() == Any::STRING) {
        format = ImageFormat::fromString(a);
    } else if (a.nameBeginsWith("Color4")) {
        readMultiplyFirst = a;
	else if (anyNameIsColor3Variant(a)) {
        readMultiplyFirst = Color4(Color3(a), 1.0f);
    } else if (a.type() == Any::NUMBER) {
        readMultiplyFirst = Color4::one() * float(a.number());
    } else {
        AnyTableReader r(a);

        r.getIfPresent("frame", frame);
        r.getIfPresent("readMultiplyFirst", readMultiplyFirst);
        r.getIfPresent("readAddSecond", readAddSecond);

        String fmt;
        if (r.getIfPresent("format", fmt)) {
            format = ImageFormat::fromString(fmt);
コード例 #19
Vector3 BidirPathTracing::generateCameraSample(const int pathIndex , 
	BidirPathState& cameraState)
	Camera& camera = scene.camera;
	int y = pathIndex % width;
	int x = pathIndex / width;

	Vector3 jitter = rng.randVector3();
	Vector3 sample = Vector3((Real)x + jitter.x , 
		(Real)y + jitter.y , 0.f);

	Ray ray = camera.generateRay(sample.x , sample.y);

	Real cosAtCamera = camera.forward ^ ray.dir;
	Real imagePointToCameraDist = camera.imagePlaneDist /
	Real imageToSolidAngleFactor = SQR(imagePointToCameraDist) /

	Real cameraPdf = imageToSolidAngleFactor;

	cameraState.origin = ray.origin;
	cameraState.dir = ray.dir;

	cameraState.pathLength = 1;
	cameraState.specularPath = 1;
	cameraState.specularVertexNum = 0;

	cameraState.throughput = Color3(1);

	cameraState.dVCM = mis(lightPathNum / cameraPdf);
	cameraState.dVC = 0.f;
	return sample;
コード例 #20
ShadingSystemImpl::set_colorspace (ustring colorspace)
    for (int i = 0;  colorSystems[i].name;  ++i) {
        if (colorspace == colorSystems[i].name) {
            m_Red.setValue (colorSystems[i].xRed, colorSystems[i].yRed, 0.0f);
            m_Green.setValue (colorSystems[i].xGreen, colorSystems[i].yGreen, 0.0f);
            m_Blue.setValue (colorSystems[i].xBlue, colorSystems[i].yBlue, 0.0f);
            m_White.setValue (colorSystems[i].xWhite, colorSystems[i].yWhite, 0.0f);
            // set z values to normalize
            m_Red[2]   = 1.0f - (m_Red[0]   + m_Red[1]);
            m_Green[2] = 1.0f - (m_Green[0] + m_Green[1]);
            m_Blue[2]  = 1.0f - (m_Blue[0]  + m_Blue[1]);
            m_White[2] = 1.0f - (m_White[0] + m_White[1]);

            const Color3 &R(m_Red), &G(m_Green), &B(m_Blue), &W(m_White);
            // xyz -> rgb matrix, before scaling to white.
            Color3 r (G[1]*B[2] - B[1]*G[2], B[0]*G[2] - G[0]*B[2], G[0]*B[1] - B[0]*G[1]);
            Color3 g (B[1]*R[2] - R[1]*B[2], R[0]*B[2] - B[0]*R[2], B[0]*R[1] - R[0]*B[1]);
            Color3 b (R[1]*G[2] - G[1]*R[2], G[0]*R[2] - R[0]*G[2], R[0]*G[1] - G[0]*R[1]);
            Color3 w (r.dot(W), g.dot(W), b.dot(W));  // White scaling factor
            if (W[1] != 0.0f)  // divide by W[1] to scale luminance to 1.0
                w *= 1.0f/W[1];
            // xyz -> rgb matrix, correctly scaled to white.
            r /= w[0];
            g /= w[1];
            b /= w[2];
            m_XYZ2RGB = Matrix33 (r[0], g[0], b[0],
                                  r[1], g[1], b[1],
                                  r[2], g[2], b[2]);
            m_RGB2XYZ = m_XYZ2RGB.inverse();
            m_luminance_scale = Color3 (m_RGB2XYZ[0][1], m_RGB2XYZ[1][1], m_RGB2XYZ[2][1]);

            // Precompute a table of blackbody values
            m_blackbody_table.clear ();
            float lastT = 0;
            for (int i = 0;  lastT <= BB_MAX_TABLE_RANGE;  ++i) {
                float T = powf (float(i), BB_TABLE_XPOWER) * BB_TABLE_SPACING + BB_DRAPER;
                lastT = T;
                bb_spectrum spec (T);
                Color3 rgb = XYZ_to_RGB (spectrum_to_XYZ (spec));
                clamp_zero (rgb);
                rgb = colpow (rgb, 1.0f/BB_TABLE_YPOWER);
                m_blackbody_table.push_back (rgb);
                // std::cout << "Table[" << i << "; T=" << T << "] = " << rgb << "\n";
            // std::cout << "Made " << m_blackbody_table.size() << " table entries for blackbody\n";

#if 0
            // Sanity checks
            std::cout << "m_XYZ2RGB = " << m_XYZ2RGB << "\n";
            std::cout << "m_RGB2XYZ = " << m_RGB2XYZ << "\n";
            std::cout << "m_luminance_scale = " << m_luminance_scale << "\n";
            return true;
    return false;
コード例 #21
OSL_SHADEOP ClosureColor *
osl_allocate_weighted_closure_component_float (ShaderGlobals *sg, int id, int size,
        int nattrs, float w)
    if (w == 0.0f)
        return NULL;
    return sg->context->closure_component_allot(id, size, nattrs, Color3(w,w,w));
コード例 #22
void AbstractHudText::draw(const Matrix3& transformationMatrix, SceneGraph::AbstractCamera2D& camera) {
        .setOutlineRange(0.5f, 1.0f)

コード例 #23
ファイル: Material.cpp プロジェクト: mrroach9/Raytracing
Material::Material(UINT material_ID) {
	ambient.r = AMBIENT[material_ID][0];
	diffuse.r = DIFFUSE[material_ID][0];
	specular.r = SPECULAR[material_ID][0];
	ambient.g = AMBIENT[material_ID][1];
	diffuse.g = DIFFUSE[material_ID][1];
	specular.g = SPECULAR[material_ID][1];
	ambient.b = AMBIENT[material_ID][2];
	diffuse.b = DIFFUSE[material_ID][2];
	specular.b = SPECULAR[material_ID][2];

	shininess = SHININESS[material_ID];

	reflect = Color3(0,0,0);
	refract = Color3(0,0,0);
	refract_index = 1;
コード例 #24
ファイル: color.cpp プロジェクト: bballmitch2/CudaP7
Color3 clamp( const Color3& c, real_t min, real_t max )
    return Color3(
        clamp( c.r, min, max ),
        clamp( c.g, min, max ),
        clamp( c.b, min, max )
コード例 #25
ShadingSystemImpl::to_rgb (ustring fromspace, float a, float b, float c)
    if (fromspace == Strings::RGB || fromspace == Strings::rgb)
        return Color3 (a, b, c);
    if (fromspace == Strings::hsv)
        return hsv_to_rgb (a, b, c);
    if (fromspace == Strings::hsl)
        return hsl_to_rgb (a, b, c);
    if (fromspace == Strings::YIQ)
        return YIQ_to_rgb (a, b, c);
    if (fromspace == Strings::XYZ)
        return XYZ_to_RGB (a, b, c);
    if (fromspace == Strings::xyY)
        return XYZ_to_RGB (xyY_to_XYZ (Color3(a,b,c)));
    error ("Unknown color space \"%s\"", fromspace.c_str());
    return Color3 (a, b, c);
コード例 #26
shared_ptr<Image3>& ImageStats::getImageMeanGammaCorrected(int ft, float gamma){

	for (int x = 0 ; x < m_w ; x++)
		for (int y = 0 ; y < m_h ; y++)
	return m_imageMean[ft];
コード例 #27
Color3 BidirPathTracing::connectToCamera(BidirPathState& lightState , 
	const Vector3& hitPos , BSDF& bsdf)
	Color3 res(0);

	Camera& camera = scene.camera;
	Vector3 dirToCamera = camera.pos - hitPos;

	if (((-dirToCamera) ^ camera.forward) <= 0)
		return res;

	Real distEye2 = dirToCamera.sqrLength();
	Real dist = std::sqrt(distEye2);
	dirToCamera = dirToCamera / dist;

	Real cosToCamera , bsdfDirPdf , bsdfRevPdf;

	Color3 bsdfFactor = bsdf.f(scene , dirToCamera , cosToCamera ,
		&bsdfDirPdf , &bsdfRevPdf);

	if (bsdfFactor.isBlack())
		return res;

	bsdfRevPdf *= bsdf.continueProb;

	Real cosAtCamera = ((-dirToCamera) ^ camera.forward);
	Real imagePointToCameraDist = camera.imagePlaneDist / cosAtCamera;
	Real imageToSolidAngleFactor = SQR(imagePointToCameraDist) / cosAtCamera;
	Real imageToSurfaceFactor = imageToSolidAngleFactor * std::abs(cosToCamera) / distEye2;

	Real cameraPdfA = imageToSurfaceFactor /* * 1.f */; // pixel area is 1
	Real surfaceToImageFactor = 1.f / imageToSurfaceFactor;

	// We divide the contribution by surfaceToImageFactor to convert the (already
	// divided) pdf from surface area to image plane area, w.r.t. which the
	// pixel integral is actually defined. We also divide by the number of samples
	// this technique makes
	res = (lightState.throughput | bsdfFactor) /
		(lightPathNum * surfaceToImageFactor);
    if (res.isBlack())
		return res;

	if (scene.occluded(hitPos , dirToCamera , camera.pos))
		return Color3(0);

	Real wLight = mis(cameraPdfA / lightPathNum) * (lightState.dVCM + 
		mis(bsdfRevPdf) * lightState.dVC);

	Real weight = 1.f / (wLight + 1.f);

	//fprintf(fp , "weight = %.6f\n" , weight);

	return res * weight;
コード例 #28
ファイル: Image1.cpp プロジェクト: Cryptoh/server
void Image1::copyArray(const Color3uint8* src, int w, int h) {
    resize(w, h);

    int N = w * h;
    Color1* dst = data.getCArray();
    // Convert int8 -> float
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        dst[i] = Color1(Color3(src[i]).average());
コード例 #29
void DebugDraw::drawLine(const btVector3& from, const btVector3& to, const btVector3& fromColor, const btVector3& toColor) {

    /* The flushLines() API was added at some point between 2.83 and 2.83.4,
       but that's below the resolution of the constant below. Moreover, 284
       corresponds to 2.83.6, while 2.84 is 285. Fun, right? Relevant commit:
       The Bullet API and documentation and everything is utter crap, so I'm
       not bothering more here. Yes, every call to drawLine() will cause a new
       drawcall with a single line segment to be submitted. Just to be clear
       why I did that: Ubuntu 14.04, which is now the oldest supported
       platform, has only 2.81 in the repositories. */
    #if BT_BULLET_VERSION < 284
コード例 #30
// we force to connect eye path to light path 
Color3 BidirPathTracing::connectVertices(BidirPathState& lightState , 
	BSDF& cameraBsdf , const Vector3& hitPos , 
	BidirPathState& cameraState)
	Vector3 dir = lightState.pos - hitPos;
	Real dist2 = dir.sqrLength();
	Real dist = std::sqrt(dist2);
	dir = dir / dist;

	Color3 res(0);

	Real cosAtCamera , cameraBsdfDirPdf , cameraBsdfRevPdf;
	Color3 cameraBsdfFactor = cameraBsdf.f(scene , dir , cosAtCamera ,
		&cameraBsdfDirPdf , &cameraBsdfRevPdf);

	if (cameraBsdfFactor.isBlack())
		return res;

	Real cameraContProb = cameraBsdf.continueProb;
	cameraBsdfDirPdf *= cameraContProb;
	cameraBsdfRevPdf *= cameraContProb;

	Real cosAtLight , lightBsdfDirPdf , lightBsdfRevPdf;
	Color3 lightBsdfFactor = lightState.bsdf.f(scene , -dir , cosAtLight ,
		&lightBsdfDirPdf , &lightBsdfRevPdf);

	if (lightBsdfFactor.isBlack())
		return res;

	Real lightContProb = lightState.bsdf.continueProb;
	lightBsdfDirPdf *= lightContProb;
	lightBsdfRevPdf *= lightContProb;

	Real geometryTerm = cosAtLight * cosAtCamera / dist2;

	if (cmp(geometryTerm) < 0)
		return res;

	Real cameraBsdfDirPdfArea = pdfWtoA(cameraBsdfDirPdf , dist , cosAtLight);
	Real lightBsdfDirPdfArea = pdfWtoA(lightBsdfDirPdf , dist , cosAtCamera);

	res = (cameraBsdfFactor | lightBsdfFactor) * geometryTerm;

	if (res.isBlack() || scene.occluded(hitPos , dir , 
		hitPos + dir * dist))
		return Color3(0);

	Real wLight = mis(cameraBsdfDirPdfArea) * 
		(lightState.dVCM + mis(lightBsdfRevPdf) * lightState.dVC);
	Real wCamera = mis(lightBsdfDirPdfArea) *
		(cameraState.dVCM + mis(cameraBsdfRevPdf) * cameraState.dVC);
	Real weight = 1.f / (wLight + 1.f + wCamera);

	return res * weight;