コード例 #1
ファイル: coloropt.cpp プロジェクト: Masterblaster0815/psi
	: QObject(0)
	connect(PsiOptions::instance(), SIGNAL(optionChanged(const QString&)), SLOT(optionChanged(const QString&)));
	connect(PsiOptions::instance(), SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(reset()));

	typedef struct {const char *opt; QPalette::ColorRole role;} SourceType;
	SourceType source[] = {
		{"contactlist.status.online", QPalette::Text},
		{"contactlist.status.offline", QPalette::Text},
		{"contactlist.status.away", QPalette::Text},
		{"contactlist.status.do-not-disturb", QPalette::Text},
		{"contactlist.profile.header-foreground", QPalette::Text},
		{"contactlist.profile.header-background", QPalette::Dark},
		{"contactlist.grouping.header-foreground", QPalette::Text},
		{"contactlist.grouping.header-background", QPalette::Base},
		{"contactlist.background", QPalette::Base},
		{"contactlist.status-change-animation1", QPalette::Text},
		{"contactlist.status-change-animation2", QPalette::Base},
		{"contactlist.status-messages", QPalette::Text},
		{"messages.received", QPalette::Text},
		{"messages.sent", QPalette::Text},
		{"messages.informational", QPalette::Text},
		{"passive-popup.border", QPalette::Window}
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(source) / sizeof(SourceType); i++) {
		QString opt = QString("options.ui.look.colors.%1").arg(source[i].opt);
		colors.insert(opt, ColorData(PsiOptions::instance()->getOption(opt).value<QColor>(), source[i].role));
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: Michael-Cooper/FlashPhoto
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	FlashPhotoApp *app = new FlashPhotoApp(argc, argv, 800, 600, ColorData(1,1,0.95));
	// runMainLoop returns when the user closes the graphics window.
	delete app;
コード例 #3
ファイル: TBlur.cpp プロジェクト: linzhong1992/cs3081
void TBlur::applyToBuffer(int toolX, int toolY, ColorData toolColor, PixelBuffer* buf)
  int left_bound = toolX-15;
  int right_bound = toolX+15;
  int lower_bound = toolY-15;
  int upper_bound = toolY+15;

  int x;
  int y;

  int width = right_bound - left_bound;
  int height = upper_bound - lower_bound;

  ColorData *colorArray = new ColorData[width*height];

  for(x = left_bound; x < right_bound; x++)
  for(y = lower_bound; y < upper_bound; y++)
    int filterY;
    int filterX;
    float red = 0.f;
    float green = 0.f;
    float blue = 0.f;
    //multiply every value of the filter with corresponding image pixel
    for(filterX = 0; filterX < t_kernel->getWidth(); filterX++)
    for(filterY = 0; filterY < t_kernel->getHeight(); filterY++)
      float multiplier = t_kernel->getValue(filterX,filterY)/t_kernel->getFactor();
      int offsetX = x-1+filterX;
      int offsetY = y-1+filterY;

      ColorData oldColor;
      if (offsetX>=0 && offsetX < buf->getWidth() && offsetY>=0 && offsetY < buf->getHeight())
        oldColor = buf->getPixel(offsetX,offsetY);

      red = red + oldColor.getRed() * multiplier;
      green = green + oldColor.getGreen() * multiplier;
      blue = blue + oldColor.getBlue() * multiplier;

    if (red < 0) red = 0;
    if (green <0) green = 0;
    if (blue <0 ) blue = 0;
    if (red >1) red = 1;
    if (green >1) green =1;
    if (blue >1) blue = 1;

    //store the value
    colorArray[width*(y-lower_bound)+(x-left_bound)] = ColorData(red,green,blue);

  for(int x = left_bound; x < right_bound; x++)
  for(int y = lower_bound; y < upper_bound; y++)
    if (x>=0 && x < buf->getWidth() && y >=0 && y < buf->getHeight())
      buf->setPixel(x, y, colorArray[width*(y-lower_bound)+(x-left_bound)]);
コード例 #4
ColorData ColorData::clampedColor() const {
	float clampedRed = ColorData::clampValue(this->getRed(), 0.f, 1.f);
	float clampedGreen = ColorData::clampValue(this->getGreen(), 0.f, 1.f);
	float clampedBlue = ColorData::clampValue(this->getBlue(), 0.f, 1.f);
	float clampedAlpha = ColorData::clampValue(this->getAlpha(), 0.f, 1.f);
	return ColorData(clampedRed, clampedGreen, clampedBlue, clampedAlpha);	
コード例 #5
ファイル: Highlighter.cpp プロジェクト: lixx2874/C-
void Highlighter::draw(PixelBuffer *background, int x, int y){
    for (int i=0; i<15; i++){
        for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++){
            ColorData get = background->getPixel(x-2+c, y-7+i);
  //          float s=0.2126*red + 0.7152*green + 0.0722*blue;
//            float i=s*0.4;
            const ColorData& color = ColorData(red * m_mask[i][c]*get.getLuminance()+ (1-m_mask[i][c]*get.getLuminance())* get.getRed(),green * m_mask[i][c]*get.getLuminance() + (1-m_mask[i][c]*get.getLuminance()) * get.getGreen(), blue *m_mask[i][c]*get.getLuminance() + (1-m_mask[i][c]*get.getLuminance()) * get.getBlue());
コード例 #6
ファイル: ColorfulPen.cpp プロジェクト: lixx2874/C-
void ColorfulPen::draw(PixelBuffer *background, int x, int y){
    red =((float) rand()) / (float) RAND_MAX;
    green =((float) rand()) / (float) RAND_MAX;
    blue =((float) rand()) / (float) RAND_MAX;
    for (int i=0; i<9; i++){
        for (int c = 0; c<9;  c++){
            const ColorData& color = ColorData(red*m_mask[i][c],green*m_mask[i][c],blue*m_mask[i][c]);
コード例 #7
ファイル: FThreshold.cpp プロジェクト: zhexuany/FlashPhoto
///apply filter effect to PixelBuffer* buffer passed into this function
void FThreshold::applyFilter(PixelBuffer * imageBuffer){
  int width = imageBuffer -> getWidth();
  int height = imageBuffer -> getHeight();
  float threshold = getFloatParameter();
  for(int i = 0; i < width; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < height; j++){
      ColorData currPixel = imageBuffer -> getPixel(i, j);
      // if the grayscale is larger than parameter, then set pixel as white
      // otherwise, set current pixel as black
      int newRed = currPixel.getRed() > threshold ? 1.0: 0.0;
      int newBlue = currPixel.getBlue() > threshold ? 1.0 : 0.0;
      int newGreen = currPixel.getGreen() > threshold ? 1.0 : 0.0;
      imageBuffer -> setPixel(i, j, ColorData(newRed, newGreen, newBlue));

コード例 #8
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
	FlashPhotoApp *prog = new FlashPhotoApp(argc, argv, 800,800,ColorData(1,1,0.95));
	prog->m_filterParameters.sharpen_amount = 5.0;
	prog->gluiControl(FlashPhotoApp::UI_LOAD_STAMP_BUTTON);//saves canvas
  if (prog->compareBuffers())
		printf("Testing: Sharpen\t SUCCESS\n");
		printf("Testing: Sharpen\t FAIL\n");
  return 0;
コード例 #9
//applies kernel over whole canvas, should just need to define kernel in subclasses
void ConvolutionFilter::applyFilter(PixelBuffer *buf, float amount, int direction)
	int i,j,width,height;
	ColorData tempPixel;
	PixelBuffer *tempBuffer;
	width = buf -> getWidth();
	height = buf -> getHeight();
	tempBuffer = new PixelBuffer(width,height,ColorData(0,0,0));
	for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < height; j++)
			applyKernel(i,j,buf, tempBuffer);
	delete tempBuffer;
コード例 #10
ファイル: F_Channels.cpp プロジェクト: chmx0929/Programs
void F_Channels::applyFilter(PixelBuffer *canvas)
  ColorData curColor;
  float red;
  float green;
  float blue;

  for(int curX = 0; curX < canvas->getWidth(); curX++)
    for (int curY = 0; curY < canvas->getHeight(); curY++)
      curColor = canvas->getPixel(curX, curY);
      red = curColor.getRed() * m_filterParameter.red;
      green = curColor.getGreen() * m_filterParameter.green;
      blue = curColor.getBlue() * m_filterParameter.blue;

      canvas->setPixel(curX, curY, ColorData(red, green, blue));
コード例 #11
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
	FlashPhotoApp *prog = new FlashPhotoApp(argc, argv, 800,800,ColorData(1,1,0.95));
	prog->gluiControl(FlashPhotoApp::UI_LOAD_STAMP_BUTTON);//saves canvas
	if (prog->compareBuffers())
		printf("Testing: Stamp\t\t SUCCESS\n");
		printf("Testing: Stamp\t\t FAIL\n");
	return 0;
コード例 #12
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
	FlashPhotoApp *prog = new FlashPhotoApp(argc, argv, 800,800,ColorData(1,1,0.95));
	prog->m_filterParameters.channel_colorRed = 3.0;
	prog->m_filterParameters.channel_colorGreen = 3.0;
	prog->m_filterParameters.channel_colorBlue = 3.0;
	prog->gluiControl(FlashPhotoApp::UI_LOAD_STAMP_BUTTON);//saves canvas
  if (prog->compareBuffers())
		printf("Testing: Channels\t SUCCESS\n");
		printf("Testing: Channels\t FAIL\n");
  return 0;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Quantize.cpp プロジェクト: hochr007/ClassProjects
//sets colors to x number of equaly spaced buckets
void Quantize::apply(int bins, PixelBuffer* current)
	for(int i = 0; i < current->getHeight(); i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < current->getWidth(); j++)
			float currentRed, currentGreen, currentBlue;
			float bestRed, bestGreen, bestBlue;
			float closeRed, closeGreen, closeBlue;
			currentRed = (current->getPixel(j,i)).getRed();
			currentGreen = (current->getPixel(j,i)).getGreen();
			currentBlue = (current->getPixel(j,i)).getBlue();
			closeRed = 12;
			for(int m = 0; m <bins; m++)
				if(std::abs(currentRed-((float)m/((float)bins-1))) < closeRed)
					closeRed = std::abs(currentRed-(float)((float)m/(float)(bins-1)));
					bestRed = (float)((float)m/(float)(bins-1));
				if(std::abs(currentGreen-((float)m/((float)bins-1))) < closeGreen)
					closeGreen = std::abs(currentGreen-(float)((float)m/(float)(bins-1)));
					bestGreen = (float)((float)m/(float)(bins-1));
				if(std::abs(currentBlue-((float)m/((float)bins-1))) < closeBlue)
					closeBlue = std::abs(currentBlue-(float)((float)m/(float)(bins-1)));
					bestBlue = (float)((float)m/(float)(bins-1));
コード例 #14
ファイル: FBlur.cpp プロジェクト: zhexuany/FlashPhoto
///apply filter effect to the PixelBuffer* buffer passed into this function
void FBlur::applyFilter(PixelBuffer* imageBuffer){
  // if kernel is already initialized, do not need initialize it again.
  kernel = buildKernel(std::round(getFloatParameter()));

  // printKernel();

  if(getName() == "FEdgeDetection"){
    imageBuffer -> convertToLuminance();

  int width = imageBuffer -> getWidth();
  int height = imageBuffer -> getHeight();
  //create a new pixel buffer for storing the convolution result.
  PixelBuffer* newImageBuffer
    = new PixelBuffer(width, height, imageBuffer -> getBackgroundColor());
  for(int i = 0; i < width; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < height; j++){
      float newRed = 0;
      float newGreen = 0;
      float newBlue = 0;
      for(size_t filterI = 0; filterI < kernel.size(); filterI++){
        for(size_t filterJ = 0; filterJ < kernel[filterI].size(); filterJ++){
          //The location imageI and imageJ is calculated so that
          //for the center element of the filter it'll be i, j
          int imageI = (i - kernel.size()/2 + filterI + width) % width;
          int imageJ = (j - kernel[filterI].size()/2 + filterJ + height) % height;
          ColorData currPixel = imageBuffer -> getPixel(imageI, imageJ);
          newRed += currPixel.getRed() * kernel[filterI][filterJ];
          newGreen += currPixel.getGreen()*kernel[filterI][filterJ];
          newBlue += currPixel.getBlue()*kernel[filterI][filterJ];
      ColorData newPixel = ColorData(newRed, newGreen, newBlue);
      newPixel = newPixel.clampedColor();
      newImageBuffer -> setPixel(i, j, newPixel);
  newImageBuffer -> copyPixelBuffer(newImageBuffer, imageBuffer);
  delete newImageBuffer;
コード例 #15
ファイル: Threshold.cpp プロジェクト: hochr007/ClassProjects
//all colors bellow =0 all above =1
void Threshold::apply(float limit, PixelBuffer* current)
	for(int i = 0; i < current->getHeight(); i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < current->getWidth(); j++)
			float red,green,blue;
			if(current->getPixel(j,i).getRed() < limit)
				red =0;
				red = 1.0;
			if(current->getPixel(j,i).getGreen() < limit)
				green =0;
				green = 1.0;
			if(current->getPixel(j,i).getBlue() < limit)
				blue =0;
				blue = 1.0;
			current->setPixel(j,i, ColorData(red,green,blue));
コード例 #16
//applies kernel to one pixel, modifies temporary buffer
void ConvolutionFilter::applyKernel(int x, int y,PixelBuffer *buf, PixelBuffer *temp)
	float r=0,g=0,b=0;
	int i,j,xloc,yloc,w,h;
	ColorData pixel;
	w = buf->getWidth();
	h = buf->getHeight();
	for (i = 0; i < kernelSize; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < kernelSize; j++)
			xloc = x+i-(kernelSize/2);
			yloc = y+j-(kernelSize/2);
			if (xloc > -1 && xloc < w && yloc > -1 && yloc < h)
				pixel = buf -> getPixel(x + i - (kernelSize/2),y + j - (kernelSize/2));
				r += (kernel[i][j] * pixel.getRed());
				g += (kernel[i][j] * pixel.getGreen());
				b += (kernel[i][j] * pixel.getBlue());
	temp -> setPixel(x,y,ColorData(r,g,b));
コード例 #17
ファイル: F_MotionBlur.cpp プロジェクト: chmx0929/Programs
ColorData F_MotionBlur::getBlurredColor(int canvasX, int canvasY)
  int distance = m_kernelSize/2;
  ColorData blurredColor;
  ColorData curPixel;
  float red = 0;
  float green = 0;
  float blue = 0;
  float colorFactor = 0;
  int curX;
  int curY;
  float kernalVal;
  assert(m_filterParameter.amountI >= 0 && m_filterParameter.amountI <= 3);
    case 0:// N/S
      for(curY = 0; curY < m_kernelSize; curY++)
        curX = distance;
        int xVal= canvasX + (curX - distance);
        int yVal= canvasY + (curY - distance);

        if ((xVal >= 0) && (xVal < m_tempCanvas->getWidth()) && (yVal >= 0) && (yVal < m_tempCanvas->getHeight()))
            curPixel = m_tempCanvas->getPixel(xVal, yVal);
            kernalVal = m_kernel->getKernelVal(curX, curY);
            red += kernalVal * curPixel.getRed();
            green += kernalVal * curPixel.getGreen();
            blue += kernalVal * curPixel.getBlue();
            colorFactor += kernalVal;
    case 1:// E/W
      for(curX = 0; curX < m_kernelSize; curX++)
        curY = distance;
        int xVal= canvasX + (curX - distance);
        int yVal= canvasY + (curY - distance);

        if ((xVal >= 0) && (xVal < m_tempCanvas->getWidth()) && (yVal >= 0) && (yVal < m_tempCanvas->getHeight()))
            curPixel = m_tempCanvas->getPixel(xVal, yVal);
            kernalVal = m_kernel->getKernelVal(curX, curY);
            red += kernalVal * curPixel.getRed();
            green += kernalVal * curPixel.getGreen();
            blue += kernalVal * curPixel.getBlue();
            colorFactor += kernalVal;
    case 2:// NE/SW
      for(curX = 0; curX < m_kernelSize; curX++)
        curY = curX;
        int xVal= canvasX + (curX - distance);
        int yVal= canvasY + (curY - distance);

        if ((xVal >= 0) && (xVal < m_tempCanvas->getWidth()) && (yVal >= 0) && (yVal < m_tempCanvas->getHeight()))
            curPixel = m_tempCanvas->getPixel(xVal, yVal);
            kernalVal = m_kernel->getKernelVal(curX, curY);
            red += kernalVal * curPixel.getRed();
            green += kernalVal * curPixel.getGreen();
            blue += kernalVal * curPixel.getBlue();
            colorFactor += kernalVal;
    case 3:// NW/SE
      for(curX = 0; curX < m_kernelSize; curX++)
        curY = m_kernelSize - curX - 1;
        int xVal= canvasX + (curX - distance);
        int yVal= canvasY + (curY - distance);

        if ((xVal >= 0) && (xVal < m_tempCanvas->getWidth()) && (yVal >= 0) && (yVal < m_tempCanvas->getHeight()))
            curPixel = m_tempCanvas->getPixel(xVal, yVal);
            kernalVal = m_kernel->getKernelVal(curX, curY);
            red += kernalVal * curPixel.getRed();
            green += kernalVal * curPixel.getGreen();
            blue += kernalVal * curPixel.getBlue();
            colorFactor += kernalVal;
      for(curX = 0; curX < m_kernelSize; curX++)
        for(curY = 0; curY < m_kernelSize; curY++)
          int xVal= canvasX + (curX - distance);
          int yVal= canvasY + (curY - distance);

          if ((xVal >= 0) && (xVal < m_tempCanvas->getWidth()) && (yVal >= 0) && (yVal < m_tempCanvas->getHeight()))
              curPixel = m_tempCanvas->getPixel(xVal, yVal);
              kernalVal = m_kernel->getKernelVal(curX, curY);
              red += kernalVal * curPixel.getRed();
              green += kernalVal * curPixel.getGreen();
              blue += kernalVal * curPixel.getBlue();
              colorFactor += kernalVal;


  red /= colorFactor;
  green /= colorFactor;
  blue /= colorFactor;

  blurredColor = ColorData(red, green, blue);

  return blurredColor;
コード例 #18
ColorData operator- (const ColorData& a, const ColorData& b) {
	return ColorData(a.m_red - b.m_red, a.m_green - b.m_green, a.m_blue - b.m_blue, a.m_alpha - b.m_alpha);
コード例 #19
ColorData operator+ (const ColorData& a, const ColorData& b) {
	return ColorData(a.m_red + b.m_red, a.m_green + b.m_green, a.m_blue + b.m_blue, a.m_alpha + b.m_alpha);
コード例 #20
// Apply component-wise arithmatic operations
ColorData operator* (const ColorData& a, float f) {
	return ColorData(a.m_red*f, a.m_green*f, a.m_blue*f, a.m_alpha*f);
コード例 #21
ファイル: JpegFacade.cpp プロジェクト: lixx2874/C-
PixelBuffer* JpegFacade::load(){
      float r,g,b,a;
      struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
      struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
      FILE* infile;
      JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
      unsigned long location = 0;
      int i = 0;

      if ((infile = fopen(m_filename.c_str(),"rb"))==NULL){
        printf("can't read");
      cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
      jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);

      new_width = cinfo.output_width;;
      new_height = cinfo.output_height;
      new_pixel_buffer=new PixelBuffer(new_width,new_height,ColorData(1,1,1));

      int comp = cinfo.output_components;
      unsigned char* raw_image = (unsigned char*)malloc( cinfo.output_width*cinfo.output_height*cinfo.num_components );
      //printf("length is: %d \n",cinfo.output_width*cinfo.output_height*cinfo.num_components);
      row_pointer[0] = (unsigned char *)malloc( cinfo.output_width*cinfo.num_components );
      while( cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.image_height )
          jpeg_read_scanlines( &cinfo, row_pointer, 1 );
          for( i=0; i<cinfo.image_width*cinfo.num_components;i++)
          raw_image[location++] = row_pointer[0][i];
      if (comp == 3){
        for ( int y = 0 ; y < new_height ; y++ )
          for ( int x = 0 ; x < new_width ; x++ )
            int index = (new_height - y - 1) * new_width * comp + x * comp;
            r = (float)raw_image[index]/255;
            g = (float)raw_image[index+1]/255;
            b = (float)raw_image[index+2]/255;

        for ( int y = 0 ; y < new_height ; y++ )
          for ( int x = 0 ; x < new_width ; x++ )
            int index = y * new_width * comp + x * comp;
            r = (float)raw_image[index]/255;
            b = (float)raw_image[index+1]/255;
            g = (float)raw_image[index+2]/255;
            a = (float)raw_image[index+3]/255;
              //printf("Color: %d %d %d \n",r,b,g);
            new_pixel_buffer->setPixel(x,new_height - y -1,ColorData(r,g,b,a));
			 delete row_pointer[0];
			 delete raw_image;
	return new_pixel_buffer;