intptr_t CL_UISystemCalls( intptr_t *args ) { switch( args[0] ) { //rww - alright, DO NOT EVER add a GAME/CGAME/UI generic call without adding a trap to match, and //all of these traps must be shared and have cases in sv_game, cl_cgame, and cl_ui. They must also //all be in the same order, and start at 100. case TRAP_MEMSET: Com_Memset( VMA(1), args[2], args[3] ); return 0; case TRAP_MEMCPY: Com_Memcpy( VMA(1), VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case TRAP_STRNCPY: return (int)strncpy( (char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); case TRAP_SIN: return FloatAsInt( sin( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_COS: return FloatAsInt( cos( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_ATAN2: return FloatAsInt( atan2( VMF(1), VMF(2) ) ); case TRAP_SQRT: return FloatAsInt( sqrt( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_MATRIXMULTIPLY: MatrixMultiply( (vec3_t *)VMA(1), (vec3_t *)VMA(2), (vec3_t *)VMA(3) ); return 0; case TRAP_ANGLEVECTORS: AngleVectors( (const float *)VMA(1), (float *)VMA(2), (float *)VMA(3), (float *)VMA(4) ); return 0; case TRAP_PERPENDICULARVECTOR: PerpendicularVector( (float *)VMA(1), (const float *)VMA(2) ); return 0; case UI_ERROR: Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "%s", VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_PRINT: Com_Printf( "%s", VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_MILLISECONDS: return Sys_Milliseconds(); case UI_CVAR_REGISTER: Cvar_Register( (vmCvar_t *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), (const char *)VMA(3), args[4] ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_UPDATE: Cvar_Update( (vmCvar_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_SET: Cvar_Set( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_VARIABLEVALUE: return FloatAsInt( Cvar_VariableValue( (const char *)VMA(1) ) ); case UI_CVAR_VARIABLESTRINGBUFFER: Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( (const char *)VMA(1), (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_SETVALUE: Cvar_SetValue( (const char *)VMA(1), VMF(2) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_RESET: Cvar_Reset( (const char *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_CREATE: Cvar_Get( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_INFOSTRINGBUFFER: Cvar_InfoStringBuffer( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_ARGC: return Cmd_Argc(); case UI_ARGV: Cmd_ArgvBuffer( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_CMD_EXECUTETEXT: Cbuf_ExecuteText( args[1], (const char *)VMA(2) ); return 0; case UI_FS_FOPENFILE: return FS_FOpenFileByMode( (const char *)VMA(1), (int *)VMA(2), (fsMode_t)args[3] ); case UI_FS_READ: FS_Read2( VMA(1), args[2], args[3] ); return 0; case UI_FS_WRITE: FS_Write( VMA(1), args[2], args[3] ); return 0; case UI_FS_FCLOSEFILE: FS_FCloseFile( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_FS_GETFILELIST: return FS_GetFileList( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), (char *)VMA(3), args[4] ); case UI_R_REGISTERMODEL: return re.RegisterModel( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_REGISTERSKIN: return re.RegisterSkin( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_REGISTERSHADERNOMIP: return re.RegisterShaderNoMip( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_SHADERNAMEFROMINDEX: { char *gameMem = (char *)VMA(1); const char *retMem = re.ShaderNameFromIndex(args[2]); if (retMem) { strcpy(gameMem, retMem); } else { gameMem[0] = 0; } } return 0; case UI_R_CLEARSCENE: re.ClearScene(); return 0; case UI_R_ADDREFENTITYTOSCENE: re.AddRefEntityToScene( (const refEntity_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_R_ADDPOLYTOSCENE: re.AddPolyToScene( args[1], args[2], (const polyVert_t *)VMA(3), 1 ); return 0; case UI_R_ADDLIGHTTOSCENE: #ifdef VV_LIGHTING VVLightMan.RE_AddLightToScene( (const float *)VMA(1), VMF(2), VMF(3), VMF(4), VMF(5) ); #else re.AddLightToScene( (const float *)VMA(1), VMF(2), VMF(3), VMF(4), VMF(5) ); #endif return 0; case UI_R_RENDERSCENE: re.RenderScene( (const refdef_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_R_SETCOLOR: re.SetColor( (const float *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_R_DRAWSTRETCHPIC: re.DrawStretchPic( VMF(1), VMF(2), VMF(3), VMF(4), VMF(5), VMF(6), VMF(7), VMF(8), args[9] ); return 0; case UI_R_MODELBOUNDS: re.ModelBounds( args[1], (float *)VMA(2), (float *)VMA(3) ); return 0; case UI_UPDATESCREEN: SCR_UpdateScreen(); return 0; case UI_CM_LERPTAG: re.LerpTag( (orientation_t *)VMA(1), args[2], args[3], args[4], VMF(5), (const char *)VMA(6) ); return 0; case UI_S_REGISTERSOUND: return S_RegisterSound( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_S_STARTLOCALSOUND: S_StartLocalSound( args[1], args[2] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_KEYNUMTOSTRINGBUF: Key_KeynumToStringBuf( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_GETBINDINGBUF: Key_GetBindingBuf( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_SETBINDING: Key_SetBinding( args[1], (const char *)VMA(2) ); return 0; case UI_KEY_ISDOWN: return Key_IsDown( args[1] ); case UI_KEY_GETOVERSTRIKEMODE: return Key_GetOverstrikeMode(); case UI_KEY_SETOVERSTRIKEMODE: Key_SetOverstrikeMode( (qboolean)args[1] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_CLEARSTATES: Key_ClearStates(); return 0; case UI_KEY_GETCATCHER: return Key_GetCatcher(); case UI_KEY_SETCATCHER: // Don't allow the ui module to close the console Key_SetCatcher( args[1] | ( Key_GetCatcher( ) & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) ); return 0; case UI_GETCLIPBOARDDATA: GetClipboardData( (char *)VMA(1), args[2] ); return 0; case UI_GETCLIENTSTATE: GetClientState( (uiClientState_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_GETGLCONFIG: CL_GetGlconfig( (glconfig_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_GETCONFIGSTRING: return GetConfigString( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); case UI_LAN_LOADCACHEDSERVERS: LAN_LoadCachedServers(); return 0; case UI_LAN_SAVECACHEDSERVERS: LAN_SaveServersToCache(); return 0; case UI_LAN_ADDSERVER: return LAN_AddServer(args[1], (const char *)VMA(2), (const char *)VMA(3)); case UI_LAN_REMOVESERVER: LAN_RemoveServer(args[1], (const char *)VMA(2)); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETPINGQUEUECOUNT: return LAN_GetPingQueueCount(); case UI_LAN_CLEARPING: LAN_ClearPing( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETPING: LAN_GetPing( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3], (int *)VMA(4) ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETPINGINFO: LAN_GetPingInfo( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETSERVERCOUNT: return LAN_GetServerCount(args[1]); case UI_LAN_GETSERVERADDRESSSTRING: LAN_GetServerAddressString( args[1], args[2], (char *)VMA(3), args[4] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETSERVERINFO: LAN_GetServerInfo( args[1], args[2], (char *)VMA(3), args[4] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETSERVERPING: return LAN_GetServerPing( args[1], args[2] ); case UI_LAN_MARKSERVERVISIBLE: LAN_MarkServerVisible( args[1], args[2], (qboolean)args[3] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_SERVERISVISIBLE: return LAN_ServerIsVisible( args[1], args[2] ); case UI_LAN_UPDATEVISIBLEPINGS: return LAN_UpdateVisiblePings( args[1] ); case UI_LAN_RESETPINGS: LAN_ResetPings( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_SERVERSTATUS: return LAN_GetServerStatus( (char *)VMA(1), (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); case UI_LAN_COMPARESERVERS: return LAN_CompareServers( args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5] ); case UI_MEMORY_REMAINING: return Hunk_MemoryRemaining(); case UI_R_REGISTERFONT: return re.RegisterFont( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_FONT_STRLENPIXELS: return re.Font_StrLenPixels( (const char *)VMA(1), args[2], VMF(3) ); case UI_R_FONT_STRLENCHARS: return re.Font_StrLenChars( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_FONT_STRHEIGHTPIXELS: return re.Font_HeightPixels( args[1], VMF(2) ); case UI_R_FONT_DRAWSTRING: re.Font_DrawString( args[1], args[2], (const char *)VMA(3), (const float *) VMA(4), args[5], args[6], VMF(7) ); return 0; case UI_LANGUAGE_ISASIAN: return re.Language_IsAsian(); case UI_LANGUAGE_USESSPACES: return re.Language_UsesSpaces(); case UI_ANYLANGUAGE_READCHARFROMSTRING: return re.AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString( (const char *)VMA(1), (int *) VMA(2), (qboolean *) VMA(3) ); case UI_PC_ADD_GLOBAL_DEFINE: return botlib_export->PC_AddGlobalDefine( (char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_PC_LOAD_SOURCE: return botlib_export->PC_LoadSourceHandle( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_PC_FREE_SOURCE: return botlib_export->PC_FreeSourceHandle( args[1] ); case UI_PC_READ_TOKEN: return botlib_export->PC_ReadTokenHandle( args[1], (struct pc_token_s *)VMA(2) ); case UI_PC_SOURCE_FILE_AND_LINE: return botlib_export->PC_SourceFileAndLine( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), (int *)VMA(3) ); case UI_PC_LOAD_GLOBAL_DEFINES: return botlib_export->PC_LoadGlobalDefines ( (char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_PC_REMOVE_ALL_GLOBAL_DEFINES: botlib_export->PC_RemoveAllGlobalDefines ( ); return 0; case UI_S_STOPBACKGROUNDTRACK: S_StopBackgroundTrack(); return 0; case UI_S_STARTBACKGROUNDTRACK: S_StartBackgroundTrack( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), qfalse); return 0; case UI_REAL_TIME: return Com_RealTime( (struct qtime_s *)VMA(1) ); case UI_CIN_PLAYCINEMATIC: Com_DPrintf("UI_CIN_PlayCinematic\n"); return CIN_PlayCinematic((const char *)VMA(1), args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]); case UI_CIN_STOPCINEMATIC: return CIN_StopCinematic(args[1]); case UI_CIN_RUNCINEMATIC: return CIN_RunCinematic(args[1]); case UI_CIN_DRAWCINEMATIC: CIN_DrawCinematic(args[1]); return 0; case UI_CIN_SETEXTENTS: CIN_SetExtents(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); return 0; case UI_R_REMAP_SHADER: re.RemapShader( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), (const char *)VMA(3) ); return 0; case UI_SP_GETNUMLANGUAGES: return SE_GetNumLanguages(); case UI_SP_GETLANGUAGENAME: char *languageName,*holdName; holdName = ((char *)VMA(2)); languageName = (char *) SE_GetLanguageName((const int)VMA(1)); Q_strncpyz( holdName, languageName,128 ); return 0; case UI_SP_GETSTRINGTEXTSTRING: const char* text; assert(VMA(1)); assert(VMA(2)); text = SE_GetString((const char *) VMA(1)); Q_strncpyz( (char *) VMA(2), text, args[3] ); return qtrue; /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ case UI_G2_LISTSURFACES: re.G2API_ListSurfaces( (CGhoul2Info *) args[1] ); return 0; case UI_G2_LISTBONES: re.G2API_ListBones( (CGhoul2Info *) args[1], args[2]); return 0; case UI_G2_HAVEWEGHOULMODELS: return re.G2API_HaveWeGhoul2Models( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]) ); case UI_G2_SETMODELS: re.G2API_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]),(qhandle_t *)VMA(2),(qhandle_t *)VMA(3)); return 0; case UI_G2_GETBOLT: return re.G2API_GetBoltMatrix(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], args[3], (mdxaBone_t *)VMA(4), (const float *)VMA(5),(const float *)VMA(6), args[7], (qhandle_t *)VMA(8), (float *)VMA(9)); case UI_G2_GETBOLT_NOREC: re.G2API_BoltMatrixReconstruction( qfalse );//gG2_GBMNoReconstruct = qtrue; return re.G2API_GetBoltMatrix(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], args[3], (mdxaBone_t *)VMA(4), (const float *)VMA(5),(const float *)VMA(6), args[7], (qhandle_t *)VMA(8), (float *)VMA(9)); case UI_G2_GETBOLT_NOREC_NOROT: //RAZFIXME: cgame reconstructs bolt matrix, why is this different? re.G2API_BoltMatrixReconstruction( qfalse );//gG2_GBMNoReconstruct = qtrue; re.G2API_BoltMatrixSPMethod( qtrue );//gG2_GBMUseSPMethod = qtrue; return re.G2API_GetBoltMatrix(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], args[3], (mdxaBone_t *)VMA(4), (const float *)VMA(5),(const float *)VMA(6), args[7], (qhandle_t *)VMA(8), (float *)VMA(9)); case UI_G2_INITGHOUL2MODEL: #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif return re.G2API_InitGhoul2Model((CGhoul2Info_v **)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), args[3], (qhandle_t) args[4], (qhandle_t) args[5], args[6], args[7]); case UI_G2_COLLISIONDETECT: case UI_G2_COLLISIONDETECTCACHE: return 0; //not supported for ui case UI_G2_ANGLEOVERRIDE: return re.G2API_SetBoneAngles(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3), (float *)VMA(4), args[5], (const Eorientations) args[6], (const Eorientations) args[7], (const Eorientations) args[8], (qhandle_t *)VMA(9), args[10], args[11] ); case UI_G2_CLEANMODELS: #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif re.G2API_CleanGhoul2Models((CGhoul2Info_v **)VMA(1)); // re.G2API_CleanGhoul2Models((CGhoul2Info_v **)args[1]); return 0; case UI_G2_PLAYANIM: return re.G2API_SetBoneAnim(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3), args[4], args[5], args[6], VMF(7), args[8], VMF(9), args[10]); case UI_G2_GETBONEANIM: { CGhoul2Info_v &g2 = *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]); int modelIndex = args[10]; return re.G2API_GetBoneAnim(&g2[modelIndex], (const char*)VMA(2), args[3], (float *)VMA(4), (int *)VMA(5), (int *)VMA(6), (int *)VMA(7), (float *)VMA(8), (int *)VMA(9)); } case UI_G2_GETBONEFRAME: { //rwwFIXMEFIXME: Just make a G2API_GetBoneFrame func too. This is dirty. CGhoul2Info_v &g2 = *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]); int modelIndex = args[6]; int iDontCare1 = 0, iDontCare2 = 0, iDontCare3 = 0; float fDontCare1 = 0; return re.G2API_GetBoneAnim(&g2[modelIndex], (const char*)VMA(2), args[3], (float *)VMA(4), &iDontCare1, &iDontCare2, &iDontCare3, &fDontCare1, (int *)VMA(5)); } case UI_G2_GETGLANAME: // return (int)G2API_GetGLAName(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)VMA(1)), args[2]); { char *point = ((char *)VMA(3)); char *local; local = re.G2API_GetGLAName(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2]); if (local) { strcpy(point, local); } } return 0; case UI_G2_COPYGHOUL2INSTANCE: return (int)re.G2API_CopyGhoul2Instance(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[2]), args[3]); case UI_G2_COPYSPECIFICGHOUL2MODEL: re.G2API_CopySpecificG2Model(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[3]), args[4]); return 0; case UI_G2_DUPLICATEGHOUL2INSTANCE: #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif re.G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), (CGhoul2Info_v **)VMA(2)); return 0; case UI_G2_HASGHOUL2MODELONINDEX: return (int)re.G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex((CGhoul2Info_v **)VMA(1), args[2]); //return (int)G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex((CGhoul2Info_v **)args[1], args[2]); case UI_G2_REMOVEGHOUL2MODEL: #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif return (int)re.G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model((CGhoul2Info_v **)VMA(1), args[2]); //return (int)G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model((CGhoul2Info_v **)args[1], args[2]); case UI_G2_ADDBOLT: return re.G2API_AddBolt(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3)); // case UI_G2_REMOVEBOLT: // return G2API_RemoveBolt(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)VMA(1)), args[2]); case UI_G2_SETBOLTON: re.G2API_SetBoltInfo(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], args[3]); return 0; #ifdef _SOF2 case UI_G2_ADDSKINGORE: re.G2API_AddSkinGore(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]),*(SSkinGoreData *)VMA(2)); return 0; #endif // _SOF2 /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ case UI_G2_SETROOTSURFACE: return re.G2API_SetRootSurface(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3)); case UI_G2_SETSURFACEONOFF: return re.G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), (const char *)VMA(2), /*(const int)VMA(3)*/args[3]); case UI_G2_SETNEWORIGIN: return re.G2API_SetNewOrigin(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), /*(const int)VMA(2)*/args[2]); case UI_G2_GETTIME: return re.G2API_GetTime(0); case UI_G2_SETTIME: re.G2API_SetTime(args[1], args[2]); return 0; case UI_G2_SETRAGDOLL: return 0; //not supported for ui break; case UI_G2_ANIMATEG2MODELS: return 0; //not supported for ui break; case UI_G2_SETBONEIKSTATE: return re.G2API_SetBoneIKState(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3), args[4], (sharedSetBoneIKStateParams_t *)VMA(5)); case UI_G2_IKMOVE: return re.G2API_IKMove(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], (sharedIKMoveParams_t *)VMA(3)); case UI_G2_GETSURFACENAME: { //Since returning a pointer in such a way to a VM seems to cause MASSIVE FAILURE<tm>, we will shove data into the pointer the vm passes instead char *point = ((char *)VMA(4)); char *local; int modelindex = args[3]; CGhoul2Info_v &g2 = *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]); local = re.G2API_GetSurfaceName(&g2[modelindex], args[2]); if (local) { strcpy(point, local); } } return 0; case UI_G2_SETSKIN: { CGhoul2Info_v &g2 = *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]); int modelIndex = args[2]; return re.G2API_SetSkin(&g2[modelIndex], args[3], args[4]); } case UI_G2_ATTACHG2MODEL: { CGhoul2Info_v *g2From = ((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]); CGhoul2Info_v *g2To = ((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[3]); return re.G2API_AttachG2Model(*g2From, args[2], *g2To, args[4], args[5]); } // Jedi Knight Galaxies case UI_JKG_CHANGEPROTOCOL: return 0; case UI_SYSCALL_CG: currentVM = cgvm; return 0; case UI_SYSCALL_UI: currentVM = uivm; return 0; /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ default: Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Bad UI system trap: %ld", (long int) args[0] ); } return 0; }
int ASTAR_FindPathFast(int from, int to, int *pathlist, qboolean shorten) { //all the data we have to hold...since we can't do dynamic allocation, has to be MAX_WPARRAY_SIZE //we can probably lower this later - eg, the open list should never have more than at most a few dozen items on it int badwp = -1; int numOpen = 0; int atNode, temp, newnode = -1; qboolean found = qfalse; int count = -1; float gc; int i, j, u, v, m; gentity_t *bot = NULL; if (!PATHING_IGNORE_FRAME_TIME && trap_Milliseconds() - FRAME_TIME > 300) {// Never path on an already long frame time... return -1; } if ( (from == NODE_INVALID) || (to == NODE_INVALID) || (from >= gWPNum) || (to >= gWPNum) || (from == to) ) { //G_Printf("Bad from or to node.\n"); return ( -1 ); } // Check if memory needs to be allocated... AllocatePathFindingMemory(); memset( openlist, 0, (sizeof(int) * (gWPNum + 1)) ); memset( gcost, 0, (sizeof(float) * gWPNum) ); memset( fcost, 0, (sizeof(int) * gWPNum) ); memset( list, 0, (sizeof(char) * gWPNum) ); memset( parent, 0, (sizeof(int) * gWPNum) ); for (i = 0; i < gWPNum; i++) { gcost[i] = Distance(gWPArray[i]->origin, gWPArray[to]->origin); } openlist[gWPNum+1] = 0; openlist[1] = from; //add the starting node to the open list numOpen++; gcost[from] = 0; //its f and g costs are obviously 0 fcost[from] = 0; while ( 1 ) { if ( numOpen != 0 ) //if there are still items in the open list { //pop the top item off of the list atNode = openlist[1]; list[atNode] = 2; //put the node on the closed list so we don't check it again numOpen--; openlist[1] = openlist[numOpen + 1]; //move the last item in the list to the top position v = 1; //this while loop reorders the list so that the new lowest fcost is at the top again while ( 1 ) { u = v; if ( (2 * u + 1) < numOpen ) //if both children exist { if ( fcost[openlist[u]] >= fcost[openlist[2 * u]] ) { v = 2 * u; } if ( fcost[openlist[v]] >= fcost[openlist[2 * u + 1]] ) { v = 2 * u + 1; } } else { if ( (2 * u) < numOpen ) //if only one child exists { if ( fcost[openlist[u]] >= fcost[openlist[2 * u]] ) { v = 2 * u; } } } if ( u != v ) //if they're out of order, swap this item with its parent { temp = openlist[u]; openlist[u] = openlist[v]; openlist[v] = temp; } else { break; } } for ( i = 0; i < gWPArray[atNode]->neighbornum && i < MAX_NODELINKS; i++ ) //loop through all the links for this node { newnode = gWPArray[atNode]->neighbors[i].num; if (newnode > gWPNum) continue; if (newnode < 0) continue; //if (nodes[newnode].objectNum[0] == 1) // continue; // Skip water/ice disabled node! if ( list[newnode] == 2 ) { //if this node is on the closed list, skip it continue; } if ( list[newnode] != 1 ) //if this node is not already on the open list { openlist[++numOpen] = newnode; //add the new node to the open list list[newnode] = 1; parent[newnode] = atNode; //record the node's parent if ( newnode == to ) { //if we've found the goal, don't keep computing paths! break; //this will break the 'for' and go all the way to 'if (list[to] == 1)' } fcost[newnode] = BOT_GetFCost( bot, to, newnode, parent[newnode], gcost ); //store it's f cost value //this loop re-orders the heap so that the lowest fcost is at the top m = numOpen; while ( m != 1 ) //while this item isn't at the top of the heap already { if ( fcost[openlist[m]] <= fcost[openlist[m / 2]] ) //if it has a lower fcost than its parent { temp = openlist[m / 2]; openlist[m / 2] = openlist[m]; openlist[m] = temp; //swap them m /= 2; } else { break; } } } else //if this node is already on the open list { gc = gcost[atNode]; if (gWPArray[atNode]->neighbors[i].cost > 0 && gWPArray[atNode]->neighbors[i].cost < 9999) {// UQ1: Already have a cost value, skip the calculations! gc += gWPArray[atNode]->neighbors[i].cost; } else { vec3_t vec; VectorSubtract( gWPArray[newnode]->origin, gWPArray[atNode]->origin, vec ); gc += VectorLength( vec ); //calculate what the gcost would be if we reached this node along the current path gWPArray[atNode]->neighbors[i].cost = VectorLength( vec ); /* float height_diff = 0.0f; float cost = 0.0f; cost = Distance(gWPArray[newnode]->origin, gWPArray[atNode]->origin); height_diff = HeightDistance(gWPArray[newnode]->origin, gWPArray[atNode]->origin); cost += (height_diff * height_diff); // Squared for massive preferance to staying at same plane... gWPArray[atNode]->neighbors[i].cost = cost; gc += cost; */ } if ( gc < gcost[newnode] ) //if the new gcost is less (ie, this path is shorter than what we had before) { parent[newnode] = atNode; //set the new parent for this node gcost[newnode] = gc; //and the new g cost for ( j = 1; j < numOpen; j++ ) //loop through all the items on the open list { if ( openlist[j] == newnode ) //find this node in the list { //calculate the new fcost and store it fcost[newnode] = BOT_GetFCost( bot, to, newnode, parent[newnode], gcost ); //reorder the list again, with the lowest fcost item on top m = j; while ( m != 1 ) { if ( fcost[openlist[m]] < fcost[openlist[m / 2]] ) //if the item has a lower fcost than it's parent { temp = openlist[m / 2]; openlist[m / 2] = openlist[m]; openlist[m] = temp; //swap them m /= 2; } else { break; } } break; //exit the 'for' loop because we already changed this node } //if } //for } //if (gc < gcost[newnode]) } //if (list[newnode] != 1) --> else } //for (loop through links) } //if (numOpen != 0) else { found = qfalse; //there is no path between these nodes break; } if ( list[to] == 1 ) //if the destination node is on the open list, we're done { found = qtrue; break; } } //while (1) if ( found == qtrue ) //if we found a path, and are trying to store the pathlist... { count = 0; temp = to; //start at the end point while ( temp != from ) //travel along the path (backwards) until we reach the starting point { if (count+1 >= MAX_WPARRAY_SIZE) { Com_Printf("ERROR: pathlist count > MAX_WPARRAY_SIZE.\n"); return -1; // UQ1: Added to stop crash if path is too long for the memory allocation... } pathlist[count++] = temp; //add the node to the pathlist and increment the count temp = parent[temp]; //move to the parent of this node to continue the path } pathlist[count++] = from; //add the beginning node to the end of the pathlist #ifdef __SLOW_PATHING__ if (shorten) {// UQ1: Now use the path shortener on these waypoints... int pathlist_copy[MAX_WPARRAY_SIZE]; memcpy(pathlist_copy, pathlist, sizeof(int)*(MAX_WPARRAY_SIZE)); count = ASTAR_ShortenPath(count, pathlist_copy, pathlist); } #endif //__SLOW_PATHING__ //G_Printf("Pathsize is %i.\n", count); return ( count ); } //G_Printf("Failed to find path.\n"); return ( -1 ); //return the number of nodes in the path, -1 if not found }
bool Sys_GetPacket( netadr_t *net_from, msg_t *net_message ) { int ret; struct sockaddr from; int fromlen; int net_socket; int protocol; int err; for( protocol = 0 ; protocol < 2 ; protocol++ ) { if( protocol == 0 ) { net_socket = ip_socket; } else { net_socket = ipx_socket; } if( !net_socket ) { continue; } fromlen = sizeof(from); recvfromCount++; // performance check ret = recvfrom( net_socket, reinterpret_cast<char*>(net_message->data), net_message->maxsize, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen ); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { err = WSAGetLastError(); if( err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK || err == WSAECONNRESET ) { continue; } Com_Printf( "NET_GetPacket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); continue; } if ( net_socket == ip_socket ) { memset( ((struct sockaddr_in *)&from)->sin_zero, 0, 8 ); } if ( usingSocks && net_socket == ip_socket && memcmp( &from, &socksRelayAddr, fromlen ) == 0 ) { if ( ret < 10 || net_message->data[0] != 0 || net_message->data[1] != 0 || net_message->data[2] != 0 || net_message->data[3] != 1 ) { continue; } net_from->type = NA_IP; net_from->ip[0] = net_message->data[4]; net_from->ip[1] = net_message->data[5]; net_from->ip[2] = net_message->data[6]; net_from->ip[3] = net_message->data[7]; net_from->port = *(short *)&net_message->data[8]; net_message->readcount = 10; } else { SockadrToNetadr( &from, net_from ); net_message->readcount = 0; } if( ret == net_message->maxsize ) { Com_Printf( "Oversize packet from %s\n", NET_AdrToString (*net_from) ); continue; } net_message->cursize = ret; return true; } return false; }
qboolean UI_RegisterClientModelname(playerInfo_t * pi, const char *modelSkinName) { char modelName[MAX_QPATH]; char skinName[MAX_QPATH]; char filename[MAX_QPATH]; char *slash; const char *backpack = NULL; const char *helmet = NULL; pi->torsoModel = 0; pi->headModel = 0; if(!modelSkinName[0]) { return qfalse; } Q_strncpyz(modelName, modelSkinName, sizeof(modelName)); slash = strchr(modelName, '/'); if(!slash) { // modelName did not include a skin name Q_strncpyz(skinName, "default", sizeof(skinName)); } else { Q_strncpyz(skinName, slash + 1, sizeof(skinName)); // truncate modelName *slash = 0; } // NERVE - SMF - set weapon pi->weapon = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("mp_weapon"); UI_PlayerInfo_SetWeapon(pi, pi->weapon); // NERVE - SMF - determine skin { const char *team; const char *playerClass; int var, teamval; // DHM - Nerve :: Don't rely on cvar for team, use modelname instead //teamval = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "mp_team" ); if(!strcmp(modelSkinName, "multi")) { teamval = 1; team = "blue"; } else { teamval = 0; team = "red"; } var = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("mp_playerType"); if(var == 0) { playerClass = "soldier"; if(teamval == 1) { backpack = "acc/backpack/backpack_sol.md3"; helmet = "acc/helmet_american/sol.md3"; } else { backpack = "acc/backpack/backpack_german_sol.md3"; helmet = "acc/helmet_german/helmet_sol.md3"; } } else if(var == 1) { playerClass = "medic"; if(teamval == 1) { backpack = "acc/backpack/backpack_med.md3"; helmet = "acc/helmet_american/med.md3"; } else { backpack = "acc/backpack/backpack_german_med.md3"; helmet = "acc/helmet_german/helmet_med.md3"; } } else if(var == 2) { playerClass = "engineer"; if(teamval == 1) { backpack = "acc/backpack/backpack_eng.md3"; helmet = "acc/helmet_american/eng.md3"; } else { backpack = "acc/backpack/backpack_german_eng.md3"; helmet = "acc/helmet_german/helmet_eng.md3"; } } else if(var == 4) { playerClass = "covert ops"; if(teamval == 1) { backpack = "acc/backpack/backpack_cvops.md3"; helmet = "acc/helmet_american/cvops.md3"; } else { backpack = "acc/backpack/backpack_german_cvops.md3"; helmet = "acc/helmet_german/helmet_cvops.md3"; } } else { playerClass = "lieutenant"; if(teamval == 1) { backpack = "acc/backpack/backpack_lieu.md3"; helmet = "acc/helmet_american/lieu.md3"; } else { backpack = "acc/backpack/backpack_german_lieu.md3"; helmet = "acc/helmet_german/helmet_leiu.md3"; } } strcpy(skinName, va("%s%s1", team, playerClass)); } // -NERVE - SMF // Q_strncpyz( skinName, "bluesoldier1", sizeof( skinName ) ); // NERVE - SMF - make this work with wolf - TESTING!!! // } // else { // Q_strncpyz( skinName, "redsoldier1", sizeof( skinName ) ); // NERVE - SMF - make this work with wolf - TESTING!!! // } // load cmodels before models so filecache works // Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/lower.md3", modelName ); Com_sprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "models/players/%s/body.mds", modelName); // NERVE - SMF - make this work with wolf pi->legsModel = trap_R_RegisterModel(filename); if(!pi->legsModel) { Com_Printf("Failed to load model file %s\n", filename); return qfalse; } // Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/upper.md3", modelName ); Com_sprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "models/players/%s/body.mds", modelName); // NERVE - SMF - make this work with wolf pi->torsoModel = trap_R_RegisterModel(filename); if(!pi->torsoModel) { Com_Printf("Failed to load model file %s\n", filename); return qfalse; } Com_sprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "models/players/%s/head.md3", modelName); pi->headModel = trap_R_RegisterModel(filename); if(!pi->headModel) { Com_Printf("Failed to load model file %s\n", filename); return qfalse; } // NERVE - SMF - load backpack and helmet if(backpack) { pi->backpackModel = trap_R_RegisterModel(va("models/players/%s/%s", modelName, backpack)); } if(helmet) { pi->helmetModel = trap_R_RegisterModel(va("models/players/%s/%s", modelName, helmet)); } // if any skins failed to load, fall back to default if(!UI_RegisterClientSkin(pi, modelName, skinName)) { if(!UI_RegisterClientSkin(pi, modelName, "default")) { Com_Printf("Failed to load skin file: %s : %s\n", modelName, skinName); return qfalse; } } // load the animations //----(SA) changing name of config file to avoid backwards or alternate compatibility confustion // Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/animation.cfg", modelName ); Com_sprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "models/players/%s/wolfanim.cfg", modelName); //----(SA) end if(!UI_ParseAnimationFile(filename, pi)) { // NERVE - SMF - make this work with wolf Com_Printf("Failed to load animation file %s\n", filename); return qfalse; } return qtrue; }
/** * @brief DB_Init * * @return */ int DB_Init() { char *to_ospath; isDBActive = qfalse; db_mode = Cvar_Get("db_mode", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH); db_url = Cvar_Get("db_url", "etl.db", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH); // filename in path (not real DB URL for now) if (db_mode->integer < 1 || db_mode->integer > 2) { Com_Printf("... DBMS is disabled\n"); return 0; // return 0! - see isDBActive } Com_Printf("SQLite3 libversion %s - database URL '%s' - %s\n", sqlite3_libversion(), db_url->string, db_mode->integer == 1 ? "in-memory" : "in file"); if (!db_url->string[0]) // FIXME: check extension db { Com_Printf("... can't init database - empty URL\n"); return 1; } to_ospath = FS_BuildOSPath(Cvar_VariableString("fs_homepath"), db_url->string, ""); to_ospath[strlen(to_ospath) - 1] = '\0'; if (FS_SV_FileExists(db_url->string)) { int result; Com_Printf("... loading existing database '%s'\n", to_ospath); if (db_mode->integer == 1) { // init memory table //result = sqlite3_open(":memory:", &db); // memory table, not shared see result = sqlite3_open("file::memory:?cache=shared", &db); // In-memory databases with shared cache if (result != SQLITE_OK) { Com_Printf("... failed to open memory database - error: %s\n", sqlite3_errstr(result)); (void) sqlite3_close(db); return 1; } // load from disk into memory result = DB_LoadOrSaveDb(db, to_ospath, 0); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { Com_Printf("... WARNING can't load database file %s\n", db_url->string); return 1; } } else if (db_mode->integer == 2) { result = sqlite3_open(to_ospath, &db); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { Com_Printf("... failed to open file database - error: %s\n", sqlite3_errstr(result)); (void) sqlite3_close(db); return 1; } } else { Com_Printf("... failed to open database - unknown mode\n"); return 1; } Com_Printf("... database file '%s' loaded\n", to_ospath); } else // create new { int result; Com_Printf("... no database file '%s' found ... creating now\n", to_ospath); result = DB_Create(); if (result != 0) { Com_Printf("... WARNING can't create database [%i]\n", result); return 1; } // save memory db to disk if (db_mode->integer == 1) { result = DB_SaveMemDB(); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { Com_Printf("... WARNING can't save memory database file [%i]\n", result); return 1; } } } Com_Printf("SQLite3 ET: L [%i] database '%s' init - autocommit %i\n", ETL_DBMS_VERSION, to_ospath, sqlite3_get_autocommit(db)); isDBActive = qtrue; return 0; }
void FF_Stop(ffFX_e effect) { Com_Printf("FF_Stop: Please implement fffx_id = %i\n",effect); // Do nothing }
void FF_Play(ffFX_e effect) { int s; // script id static int const_rumble[2] = {-1, -1}; // script id for constant rumble int client; // super huge switch for rumble effects switch(effect) { case fffx_AircraftCarrierTakeOff: case fffx_BasketballDribble: case fffx_CarEngineIdle: case fffx_ChainsawIdle: case fffx_ChainsawInAction: case fffx_DieselEngineIdle: case fffx_Jump: s = IN_CreateRumbleScript(ClientManager::ActiveController(), 2, true); if (s != -1) { IN_AddRumbleState(s, 50000, 10000, 200); IN_AddRumbleState(s, 0, 0, 10); IN_ExecuteRumbleScript(s); } break; case fffx_Land: s = IN_CreateRumbleScript(ClientManager::ActiveController(), 2, true); if (s != -1) { IN_AddRumbleState(s, 50000, 10000, 200); IN_AddRumbleState(s, 0, 0, 10); IN_ExecuteRumbleScript(s); } break; case fffx_MachineGun: s = IN_CreateRumbleScript(ClientManager::ActiveController(), 2, true); if (s != -1) { IN_AddRumbleState(s, 56000, 20000, 230); IN_AddRumbleState(s, 0, 0, 10); IN_ExecuteRumbleScript(s); } break; case fffx_Punched: case fffx_RocketLaunch: case fffx_SecretDoor: case fffx_SwitchClick: // used by saber s = IN_CreateRumbleScript(ClientManager::ActiveController(), 1, true); if (s != -1) { IN_AddRumbleState(s, 30000, 10000, 120); IN_ExecuteRumbleScript(s); } break; case fffx_WindGust: case fffx_WindShear: case fffx_Pistol: s = IN_CreateRumbleScript(ClientManager::ActiveController(), 2, true); if (s != -1) { IN_AddRumbleState(s, 50000, 10000, 200); IN_AddRumbleState(s, 0, 0, 10); IN_ExecuteRumbleScript(s); } break; case fffx_Shotgun: case fffx_Laser1: s = IN_CreateRumbleScript(ClientManager::ActiveController(), 2, true); if (s != -1) { IN_AddRumbleState(s, 32000, 32000, 75); IN_AddRumbleState(s, 0, 0, 15); IN_ExecuteRumbleScript(s); } break; case fffx_Laser2: s = IN_CreateRumbleScript(ClientManager::ActiveController(), 2, true); if (s != -1) { IN_AddRumbleState(s, 25000, 25000, 75); IN_AddRumbleState(s, 0, 0, 10); IN_ExecuteRumbleScript(s); } break; case fffx_Laser3: s = IN_CreateRumbleScript(ClientManager::ActiveController(), 2, true); if (s != -1) { IN_AddRumbleState(s, 35000, 35000, 100); IN_ExecuteRumbleScript(s); } break; case fffx_Laser4: case fffx_Laser5: case fffx_Laser6: case fffx_OutOfAmmo: case fffx_LightningGun: case fffx_Missile: case fffx_GatlingGun: s = IN_CreateRumbleScript(ClientManager::ActiveController(), 2, true); if (s != -1) { IN_AddRumbleState(s, 39000, 0, 220); IN_AddRumbleState(s, 0, 0, 10); IN_ExecuteRumbleScript(s); } break; case fffx_ShortPlasma: case fffx_PlasmaCannon1: case fffx_PlasmaCannon2: case fffx_Cannon: case fffx_FallingShort: case fffx_FallingMedium: s = IN_CreateRumbleScript(ClientManager::ActiveController(), 1, true); if (s != -1) { IN_AddRumbleState(s, 25000,10000, 230); IN_ExecuteRumbleScript(s); } break; case fffx_FallingFar: s = IN_CreateRumbleScript(ClientManager::ActiveController(), 1, true); if (s != -1) { IN_AddRumbleState(s, 32000,10000, 230); IN_ExecuteRumbleScript(s); } break; case fffx_StartConst: client = ClientManager::ActiveClientNum(); if(const_rumble[client] == -1) { const_rumble[client] = IN_CreateRumbleScript(ClientManager::ActiveController(), 4, true); if (const_rumble[client] != -1) { IN_AddEffectFade4(const_rumble[client], 0,0, 50000, 50000, 1000); //IN_AddRumbleState(const_rumble[client], 50000, 0, 300); //IN_AddEffectFade4(const_rumble[client], 50000,50000, 0, 0, 1000); IN_ExecuteRumbleScript(const_rumble[client]); } } break; case fffx_StopConst: client = ClientManager::ActiveClientNum(); if (const_rumble[client] == -1) return; IN_KillRumbleScript(const_rumble[client]); const_rumble[client] = -1; break; default: Com_Printf("No rumble script is defined for fffx_id = %i\n",effect); break; } }
/* ================= Netchan_Process Returns qfalse if the message should not be processed due to being out of order or a fragment. Msg must be large enough to hold MAX_MSGLEN, because if this is the final fragment of a multi-part message, the entire thing will be copied out. ================= */ qboolean Netchan_Process( netchan_t *chan, msg_t *msg ) { int sequence, sequence_ack; //int qport; int fragmentStart, fragmentLength; qboolean fragmented; // get sequence numbers MSG_BeginReading( msg ); sequence = MSG_ReadLong( msg ); sequence_ack = MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // check for fragment information if ( sequence & FRAGMENT_BIT ) { sequence &= ~FRAGMENT_BIT; fragmented = qtrue; } else { fragmented = qfalse; } // read the qport if we are a server if ( chan->sock == NS_SERVER ) { /*qport = */MSG_ReadShort( msg ); } // read the fragment information if ( fragmented ) { fragmentStart = MSG_ReadShort( msg ); fragmentLength = MSG_ReadShort( msg ); } else { fragmentStart = 0; // stop warning message fragmentLength = 0; } if ( showpackets->integer ) { if ( fragmented ) { Com_Printf( "%s recv %4i : s=%i ack=%i fragment=%i,%i\n" , netsrcString[ chan->sock ] , msg->cursize , sequence , sequence_ack , fragmentStart, fragmentLength ); } else { Com_Printf( "%s recv %4i : s=%i ack=%i\n" , netsrcString[ chan->sock ] , msg->cursize , sequence , sequence_ack ); } } // // discard out of order or duplicated packets // if ( sequence <= chan->incomingSequence ) { if ( showdrop->integer || showpackets->integer ) { Com_Printf( "%s:Out of order packet %i at %i\n" , NET_AdrToString( chan->remoteAddress ) , sequence , chan->incomingSequence ); } return qfalse; } // // dropped packets don't keep the message from being used // chan->dropped = sequence - (chan->incomingSequence+1); if ( chan->dropped > 0 ) { if ( showdrop->integer || showpackets->integer ) { Com_Printf( "%s:Dropped %i packets at %i\n" , NET_AdrToString( chan->remoteAddress ) , chan->dropped , sequence ); } } // // if this is the final framgent of a reliable message, // bump incoming_reliable_sequence // if ( fragmented ) { // make sure we if ( sequence != chan->fragmentSequence ) { chan->fragmentSequence = sequence; chan->fragmentLength = 0; } // if we missed a fragment, dump the message if ( fragmentStart != chan->fragmentLength ) { if ( showdrop->integer || showpackets->integer ) { Com_Printf( "%s:Dropped a message fragment\n" , NET_AdrToString( chan->remoteAddress ) , sequence); } // we can still keep the part that we have so far, // so we don't need to clear chan->fragmentLength return qfalse; } // copy the fragment to the fragment buffer if ( fragmentLength < 0 || msg->readcount + fragmentLength > msg->cursize || chan->fragmentLength + fragmentLength > (int)sizeof( chan->fragmentBuffer ) ) { if ( showdrop->integer || showpackets->integer ) { Com_Printf ("%s:illegal fragment length\n" , NET_AdrToString (chan->remoteAddress ) ); } return qfalse; } memcpy( chan->fragmentBuffer + chan->fragmentLength, msg->data + msg->readcount, fragmentLength ); chan->fragmentLength += fragmentLength; // if this wasn't the last fragment, don't process anything if ( fragmentLength == FRAGMENT_SIZE ) { return qfalse; } if ( chan->fragmentLength > msg->maxsize ) { Com_Printf( "%s:fragmentLength %i > msg->maxsize\n" , NET_AdrToString (chan->remoteAddress ), chan->fragmentLength ); return qfalse; } // copy the full message over the partial fragment // make sure the sequence number is still there *(int *)msg->data = LittleLong( sequence ); memcpy( msg->data + 4, chan->fragmentBuffer, chan->fragmentLength ); msg->cursize = chan->fragmentLength + 4; chan->fragmentLength = 0; msg->readcount = 4; // past the sequence number return qtrue; } // // the message can now be read from the current message pointer // chan->incomingSequence = sequence; chan->incomingAcknowledged = sequence_ack; return qtrue; }
/* =================== CL_ServersResponsePacket =================== */ void CL_ServersResponsePacket( msg_t *msg ) { int i, count, max, total; serverAddress_t addresses[MAX_SERVERSPERPACKET]; int numservers; char* buffptr; char* buffend; Com_Printf(0, "CL_ServersResponsePacket\n"); if (cls.numglobalservers == -1) { // state to detect lack of servers or lack of response cls.numglobalservers = 0; cls.numGlobalServerAddresses = 0; } // parse through server response string numservers = 0; buffptr = msg->data; buffend = buffptr + msg->cursize; while (buffptr+1 < buffend) { // advance to initial token do { if (*buffptr++ == '\\') break; } while (buffptr < buffend); if ( buffptr >= buffend - 6 ) { break; } // parse out ip addresses[numservers].ip[0] = *buffptr++; addresses[numservers].ip[1] = *buffptr++; addresses[numservers].ip[2] = *buffptr++; addresses[numservers].ip[3] = *buffptr++; // parse out port addresses[numservers].port = (*(buffptr++))<<8; addresses[numservers].port += (*(buffptr++)) & 0xFF; addresses[numservers].port = ntohs( addresses[numservers].port ); // syntax check if (*buffptr != '\\') { break; } /*Com_DPrintf( 0, "server: %d ip: %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\n",numservers, addresses[numservers].ip[0], addresses[numservers].ip[1], addresses[numservers].ip[2], addresses[numservers].ip[3], ntohs(addresses[numservers].port) );*/ numservers++; if (numservers >= MAX_SERVERSPERPACKET) { break; } // parse out EOT if (buffptr[1] == 'E' && buffptr[2] == 'O' && buffptr[3] == 'T') { break; } } count = cls.numglobalservers; max = MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS; for (i = 0; i < numservers && count < max; i++) { // check if this server already exists netadr_t address; address.type = NA_IP; address.ip[0] = addresses[i].ip[0]; address.ip[1] = addresses[i].ip[1]; address.ip[2] = addresses[i].ip[2]; address.ip[3] = addresses[i].ip[3]; address.port = addresses[i].port; bool alreadyExists = false; for (int j = 0; j < cls.numglobalservers; j++) { if (NET_CompareAdr(cls.globalServers[j].adr, address)) { alreadyExists = true; break; } } if (alreadyExists) { continue; } // build net address serverInfo_t *server = &cls.globalServers[count]; CL_InitServerInfo( server, &addresses[i] ); // advance to next slot count++; } // if getting the global list if (cls.masterNum == 0) { if ( cls.numGlobalServerAddresses < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS ) { // if we couldn't store the servers in the main list anymore for (; i < numservers && count >= max; i++) { serverAddress_t *addr; // just store the addresses in an additional list addr = &cls.globalServerAddresses[cls.numGlobalServerAddresses++]; addr->ip[0] = addresses[i].ip[0]; addr->ip[1] = addresses[i].ip[1]; addr->ip[2] = addresses[i].ip[2]; addr->ip[3] = addresses[i].ip[3]; addr->port = addresses[i].port; } } } cls.numglobalservers = count; total = count + cls.numGlobalServerAddresses; Com_Printf(0, "%d servers parsed (total %d)\n", numservers, total); }
//---------------------------------------------------------- void fx_runner_link( gentity_t *ent ) { vec3_t dir; if ( ent->target ) { // try to use the target to override the orientation gentity_t *target = NULL; target = G_Find( target, FOFS(targetname), ent->target ); if ( !target ) { // Bah, no good, dump a warning, but continue on and use the UP vector Com_Printf( "fx_runner_link: target specified but not found: %s\n", ent->target ); Com_Printf( " -assuming UP orientation.\n" ); } else { // Our target is valid so let's override the default UP vector VectorSubtract( target->s.origin, ent->s.origin, dir ); VectorNormalize( dir ); vectoangles( dir, ent->s.angles ); } } // don't really do anything with this right now other than do a check to warn the designers if the target2 is bogus if ( ent->target2 ) { gentity_t *target = NULL; target = G_Find( target, FOFS(targetname), ent->target2 ); if ( !target ) { // Target2 is bogus, but we can still continue Com_Printf( "fx_runner_link: target2 was specified but is not valid: %s\n", ent->target2 ); } } G_SetAngles( ent, ent->s.angles ); if ( ent->spawnflags & 1 || ent->spawnflags & 2 ) // STARTOFF || ONESHOT { // We won't even consider thinking until we are used ent->nextthink = -1; } else { if ( VALIDSTRING( ent->soundSet ) == true ) { ent->s.loopSound = CAS_GetBModelSound( ent->soundSet, BMS_MID ); if ( ent->s.loopSound < 0 ) { ent->s.loopSound = 0; } } // Let's get to work right now! ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_fx_runner_think; ent->nextthink = level.time + 200; // wait a small bit, then start working } // make us useable if we can be targeted if ( ent->targetname ) { ent->e_UseFunc = useF_fx_runner_use; } }
/* =============== Netchan_Transmit Sends a message to a connection, fragmenting if necessary A 0 length will still generate a packet. ================ */ void Netchan_Transmit( netchan_t *chan, int length, const byte *data ) { msg_t send; byte send_buf[MAX_PACKETLEN]; int fragmentStart, fragmentLength; fragmentStart = 0; // stop warning message fragmentLength = 0; // fragment large reliable messages if ( length >= FRAGMENT_SIZE ) { fragmentStart = 0; do { // write the packet header MSG_Init (&send, send_buf, sizeof(send_buf)); MSG_WriteLong( &send, chan->outgoingSequence | FRAGMENT_BIT ); MSG_WriteLong( &send, chan->incomingSequence ); // send the qport if we are a client if ( chan->sock == NS_CLIENT ) { MSG_WriteShort( &send, qport->integer ); } // copy the reliable message to the packet first fragmentLength = FRAGMENT_SIZE; if ( fragmentStart + fragmentLength > length ) { fragmentLength = length - fragmentStart; } MSG_WriteShort( &send, fragmentStart ); MSG_WriteShort( &send, fragmentLength ); MSG_WriteData( &send, data + fragmentStart, fragmentLength ); // send the datagram NET_SendPacket( chan->sock, send.cursize,, chan->remoteAddress ); if ( showpackets->integer ) { Com_Printf ("%s send %4i : s=%i ack=%i fragment=%i,%i\n" , netsrcString[ chan->sock ] , send.cursize , chan->outgoingSequence - 1 , chan->incomingSequence , fragmentStart, fragmentLength); } fragmentStart += fragmentLength; // this exit condition is a little tricky, because a packet // that is exactly the fragment length still needs to send // a second packet of zero length so that the other side // can tell there aren't more to follow } while ( fragmentStart != length || fragmentLength == FRAGMENT_SIZE ); chan->outgoingSequence++; return; } // write the packet header MSG_Init (&send, send_buf, sizeof(send_buf)); MSG_WriteLong( &send, chan->outgoingSequence ); MSG_WriteLong( &send, chan->incomingSequence ); chan->outgoingSequence++; // send the qport if we are a client if ( chan->sock == NS_CLIENT ) { MSG_WriteShort( &send, qport->integer ); } MSG_WriteData( &send, data, length ); // send the datagram NET_SendPacket( chan->sock, send.cursize,, chan->remoteAddress ); if ( showpackets->integer ) { Com_Printf( "%s send %4i : s=%i ack=%i\n" , netsrcString[ chan->sock ] , send.cursize , chan->outgoingSequence - 1 , chan->incomingSequence ); } }
//special routine for tracking angles between client and server -rww void G2Tur_SetBoneAngles(gentity_t *ent, char *bone, vec3_t angles) { int *thebone = &ent->s.boneIndex1; int *firstFree = NULL; int i = 0; int boneIndex = G_BoneIndex(bone); int flags, up, right, forward; vec3_t *boneVector = &ent->s.boneAngles1; vec3_t *freeBoneVec = NULL; while (thebone) { if (!*thebone && !firstFree) { //if the value is 0 then this index is clear, we can use it if we don't find the bone we want already existing. firstFree = thebone; freeBoneVec = boneVector; } else if (*thebone) { if (*thebone == boneIndex) { //this is it break; } } switch (i) { case 0: thebone = &ent->s.boneIndex2; boneVector = &ent->s.boneAngles2; break; case 1: thebone = &ent->s.boneIndex3; boneVector = &ent->s.boneAngles3; break; case 2: thebone = &ent->s.boneIndex4; boneVector = &ent->s.boneAngles4; break; default: thebone = NULL; boneVector = NULL; break; } i++; } if (!thebone) { //didn't find it, create it if (!firstFree) { //no free bones.. can't do a thing then. Com_Printf("WARNING: NPC has no free bone indexes\n"); return; } thebone = firstFree; *thebone = boneIndex; boneVector = freeBoneVec; } //If we got here then we have a vector and an index. //Copy the angles over the vector in the entitystate, so we can use the corresponding index //to set the bone angles on the client. VectorCopy(angles, *boneVector); //Now set the angles on our server instance if we have one. if (!ent->ghoul2) { return; } flags = BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT; up = POSITIVE_Y; right = NEGATIVE_Z; forward = NEGATIVE_X; //first 3 bits is forward, second 3 bits is right, third 3 bits is up ent->s.boneOrient = ((forward)|(right<<3)|(up<<6)); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles( ent->ghoul2, 0, bone, angles, flags, up, right, forward, NULL, 100, level.time ); }
// // Load vertex and fragment shader, compile, link etc. // qbool SHD_Load(shader_t *s, const char *vertex_fileName, const char *fragment_fileName) { shader_t s_tmp; GLint linked = 0; int i; if (!SHD_Initialized()) { Com_Printf("SHD_Load: shader system not initialized\n"); return false; } memset(&s_tmp, 0, sizeof(s_tmp)); // just some assertion checks SHD_AlredyLoaded(s); if (shd.count >= MAX_SHADERS) { Com_Printf("SHD_Load: full shader list\n"); goto cleanup; } if (!s) { Com_Printf("SHD_Load: zero shader\n"); goto cleanup; } // we must have here nulified struct for (i = 0; i < sizeof(*s); i++) { if (((byte*)s)[i]) { Com_Printf("SHD_Load: shader struct not ready\n"); goto cleanup; } } // create a program object s_tmp.program = glCreateProgramObjectARB(); if (!s_tmp.program) { Com_Printf("SHD_Load: failed to create program\n"); goto cleanup; } // create shaders s_tmp.vertexShader = glCreateShaderObjectARB(GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB); s_tmp.fragmentShader = glCreateShaderObjectARB(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB); // load source code strings into shaders if (!SHD_LoadAndCompile(s_tmp.vertexShader, vertex_fileName)) goto cleanup; if (!SHD_LoadAndCompile(s_tmp.fragmentShader, fragment_fileName)) goto cleanup; // attach the two compiled shaders // TODO: check success glAttachObjectARB(s_tmp.program, s_tmp.vertexShader); glAttachObjectARB(s_tmp.program, s_tmp.fragmentShader); // link the program object and print out the info log glLinkProgramARB(s_tmp.program); // check for OpenGL errors if (!SHD_CheckOpenGLError()) { Com_Printf("SHD_Load: OpenGL errors encountered\n"); goto cleanup; } glGetObjectParameterivARB(s_tmp.program, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &linked); if (!linked) { Com_Printf("SHD_Load: program not linked\n"); goto cleanup; } // copy struct *s = s_tmp; // link to shd list shd.shaders[shd.count] = s; shd.count++; return true; cleanup: // GOTO MARK SHD_Free(&s_tmp); return false; }
/* ================= CG_DrawScoreboard ================= */ static void CG_DrawClientScore( int y, score_t *score, float *color, float fade, qboolean largeFormat ) { char string[1024]; vec3_t headAngles; clientInfo_t *ci; int iconx, headx; float scale = 0.35; int h = CG_Text_Height( "Tj", scale, 0 ); //int ty; if ( score->client < 0 || score->client >= cgs.maxclients ) { Com_Printf( "Bad score->client: %i\n", score->client ); return; } color[3] = fade; ci = &cgs.clientinfo[score->client]; iconx = SB_BOTICON_X + (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2); headx = SB_HEAD_X + (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2); // draw the handicap or bot skill marker (unless player has flag) if ( ci->powerups & ( 1 << PW_NEUTRALFLAG ) ) { if( largeFormat ) { CG_DrawFlagModel( iconx, y - SB_LARGE_SPACER, SB_LARGE_ICON, SB_LARGE_ICON, TEAM_FREE, qfalse, SCR_CENTER ); } else { CG_DrawFlagModel( iconx, y - SB_SMALL_SPACER, SB_SMALL_ICON, SB_SMALL_ICON, TEAM_FREE, qfalse, SCR_CENTER ); } } else if ( ci->powerups & ( 1 << PW_REDFLAG ) ) { if( largeFormat ) { CG_DrawFlagModel( iconx, y - SB_LARGE_SPACER, SB_LARGE_ICON, SB_LARGE_ICON, TEAM_RED, qfalse, SCR_CENTER ); } else { CG_DrawFlagModel( iconx, y - SB_SMALL_SPACER, SB_SMALL_ICON, SB_SMALL_ICON, TEAM_RED, qfalse, SCR_CENTER ); } } else if ( ci->powerups & ( 1 << PW_BLUEFLAG ) ) { if( largeFormat ) { CG_DrawFlagModel( iconx, y - SB_LARGE_SPACER, SB_LARGE_ICON, SB_LARGE_ICON, TEAM_BLUE, qfalse, SCR_CENTER ); } else { CG_DrawFlagModel( iconx, y - SB_SMALL_SPACER, SB_SMALL_ICON, SB_SMALL_ICON, TEAM_BLUE, qfalse, SCR_CENTER ); } } else { if ( ci->botSkill > 0 && ci->botSkill <= 5 ) { if ( cg_drawIcons.integer ) { if( largeFormat ) { CG_DrawColorPic( iconx, y - SB_LARGE_SPACER, SB_LARGE_ICON, SB_LARGE_ICON,[ci->botSkill - 1], SCR_CENTER, color ); } else { CG_DrawColorPic( iconx, y - SB_SMALL_SPACER, SB_SMALL_ICON, SB_SMALL_ICON,[ci->botSkill - 1], SCR_CENTER, color ); } } } else if ( ci->handicap < 100 ) { Com_sprintf( string, sizeof( string ), "%i", ci->handicap ); if ( gt[cgs.gametype].duel ) { if ( cg_highResFonts.integer ) { CG_Text_Paint( iconx, y + h + ((float)h/2), scale, color, string, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, SCR_CENTER ); } else { CG_DrawSmallStringColor( iconx, y - SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT/2, string, color, SCR_CENTER ); } } else { if ( cg_highResFonts.integer ) { //w = CG_Text_Width(s, scale, 0); h = CG_Text_Height(string, scale, 0); CG_Text_Paint( iconx, y + h, scale, color, string, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, SCR_CENTER ); } else { CG_DrawSmallStringColor( iconx, y, string, color, SCR_CENTER ); } } } // draw the wins / losses if ( gt[cgs.gametype].duel ) { Com_sprintf( string, sizeof( string ), "%i/%i", ci->wins, ci->losses ); if ( ci->handicap < 100 && !ci->botSkill ) { if ( cg_highResFonts.integer ) { CG_Text_Paint( iconx, y + h + ((float)h/2), scale, color, string, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, SCR_CENTER ); } else { CG_DrawSmallStringColor( iconx, y + SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT/2, string, color, SCR_CENTER ); } } else { if ( cg_highResFonts.integer ) { CG_Text_Paint( iconx, y + h, scale, color, string, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, SCR_CENTER ); } else { CG_DrawSmallStringColor( iconx, y, string, color, SCR_CENTER ); } } } } // draw the face VectorClear( headAngles ); headAngles[YAW] = 180; if ( largeFormat ) { CG_DrawHead( headx, y - SB_LARGE_SPACER*2, ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, score->client, headAngles, SCR_CENTER, color ); } else { CG_DrawHead( headx, y + SB_SMALL_SPACER, SB_SMALL_ICON, SB_SMALL_ICON, score->client, headAngles, SCR_CENTER, color ); } // draw the score line // highlight your position if ( score->client == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { float hcolor[4]; int rank; localClient = qtrue; if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { rank = -1; } else { rank = cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] & ~RANK_TIED_FLAG; } if ( rank == 0 ) { hcolor[0] = 0; hcolor[1] = 0; hcolor[2] = 0.7f; } else if ( rank == 1 ) { hcolor[0] = 0.7f; hcolor[1] = 0; hcolor[2] = 0; } else if ( rank == 2 ) { hcolor[0] = 0.7f; hcolor[1] = 0.7f; hcolor[2] = 0; } else { hcolor[0] = 0.4f; hcolor[1] = 0.4f; hcolor[2] = 0.4f; } hcolor[3] = fade * 0.7; /* CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X + BIGCHAR_WIDTH + (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, SCREEN_WIDTH - SB_SCORELINE_X - BIGCHAR_WIDTH, BIGCHAR_HEIGHT+1, 1, gt[cgs.gametype].teams ? cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] : hcolor, SCR_CENTER ); */ CG_FillRect( SB_SCORELINE_X + BIGCHAR_WIDTH + (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, SCREEN_WIDTH - SB_SCORELINE_X - BIGCHAR_WIDTH, BIGCHAR_HEIGHT+2, gt[cgs.gametype].teams ? CG_TeamColorDark(cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM], fade) : hcolor, SCR_CENTER ); } // draw client score strings if ( cg_highResFonts.integer ) { qboolean spec = ci->team == TEAM_SPECTATOR; int w; char *s; // score s = (score->ping == -1) ? "CONN" : spec ? "SPEC" : cg.warmup ? "-" : va("%i", score->score); w = CG_Text_Width( s, scale, 0 ); CG_Text_Paint( SB_SCORE_X + (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2) + 64-w, y + h, scale, color, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, SCR_CENTER ); // ping s = va( "%i", score->ping ); w = CG_Text_Width( s, scale, 0 ); CG_Text_Paint( SB_PING_X - (SB_RATING_WIDTH + BIGCHAR_WIDTH )/2 + 64-w, y + h, scale, color, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, SCR_CENTER ); // time s = va( "%i", score->time ); //CG_IntToTime( score->time*1000, qtrue, qfalse ); w = CG_Text_Width( s, scale, 0 ); CG_Text_Paint( SB_TIME_X - (SB_RATING_WIDTH + BIGCHAR_WIDTH )/2 + 64-w, y + h, scale, color, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, SCR_CENTER ); // name CG_Text_Paint( SB_NAME_X - (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y + h, scale, color, ci->name, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, SCR_CENTER ); } else { if ( score->ping == -1 ) { Com_sprintf(string, sizeof(string), " connecting %s", ci->name); } else if ( ci->team == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { Com_sprintf(string, sizeof(string), " SPECT %3i %4i %s", score->ping, score->time, ci->name); } else { Com_sprintf(string, sizeof(string), "%5i %4i %4i %s", score->score, score->ping, score->time, ci->name); } CG_DrawBigString( SB_SCORELINE_X + (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, string, fade, SCR_CENTER ); } // add the "ready" marker for intermission exiting if ( cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_CLIENTS_READY] & ( 1 << score->client ) ) { if ( cg_highResFonts.integer ) { CG_Text_Paint( iconx, y + h, scale, color, "READY", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, SCR_CENTER ); } else { CG_DrawBigStringColor( iconx, y, "READY", color, SCR_CENTER ); } } }
/* * S_Init */ qboolean S_Init( void *hwnd, int maxEntities, qboolean verbose ) { int numDevices; int userDeviceNum = -1; char *devices, *defaultDevice; soundpool = S_MemAllocPool( "OpenAL sound module" ); alDevice = NULL; alContext = NULL; #ifdef OPENAL_RUNTIME if( !QAL_Init( ALDRIVER, verbose ) ) { #ifdef ALDRIVER_ALT if( !QAL_Init( ALDRIVER_ALT, verbose ) ) #endif { Com_Printf( "Failed to load OpenAL library: %s\n", ALDRIVER ); goto fail_no_device; } } #endif // get system default device identifier defaultDevice = ( char * )qalcGetString( NULL, ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER ); if( !defaultDevice ) { Com_Printf( "Failed to get openAL default device\n" ); goto fail_no_device; } s_openAL_device = trap_Cvar_Get( "s_openAL_device", ALDEVICE_DEFAULT ? ALDEVICE_DEFAULT : defaultDevice, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH_SOUND ); devices = ( char * )qalcGetString( NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER ); for( numDevices = 0; *devices; devices += strlen( devices ) + 1, numDevices++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( s_openAL_device->string, devices ) ) { userDeviceNum = numDevices; // force case sensitive if( strcmp( s_openAL_device->string, devices ) ) trap_Cvar_ForceSet( "s_openAL_device", devices ); } } if( !numDevices ) { Com_Printf( "Failed to get openAL devices\n" ); goto fail_no_device; } // the device assigned by the user is not available if( userDeviceNum == -1 ) { Com_Printf( "'s_openAL_device': incorrect device name, reseting to default\n" ); trap_Cvar_ForceSet( "s_openAL_device", ALDEVICE_DEFAULT ? ALDEVICE_DEFAULT : defaultDevice ); devices = ( char * )qalcGetString( NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER ); for( numDevices = 0; *devices; devices += strlen( devices ) + 1, numDevices++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( s_openAL_device->string, devices ) ) userDeviceNum = numDevices; } if( userDeviceNum == -1 ) trap_Cvar_ForceSet( "s_openAL_device", defaultDevice ); } alDevice = qalcOpenDevice( (const ALchar *)s_openAL_device->string ); if( !alDevice ) { Com_Printf( "Failed to open device\n" ); goto fail_no_device; } // Create context alContext = qalcCreateContext( alDevice, NULL ); if( !alContext ) { Com_Printf( "Failed to create context\n" ); goto fail; } qalcMakeContextCurrent( alContext ); if( verbose ) { Com_Printf( "OpenAL initialized\n" ); if( numDevices ) { int i; Com_Printf( " Devices: " ); devices = ( char * )qalcGetString( NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER ); for( i = 0; *devices; devices += strlen( devices ) + 1, i++ ) Com_Printf( "%s%s", devices, ( i < numDevices - 1 ) ? ", " : "" ); Com_Printf( "\n" ); if( defaultDevice && *defaultDevice ) Com_Printf( " Default system device: %s\n", defaultDevice ); Com_Printf( "\n" ); } Com_Printf( " Device: %s\n", qalcGetString( alDevice, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER ) ); Com_Printf( " Vendor: %s\n", qalGetString( AL_VENDOR ) ); Com_Printf( " Version: %s\n", qalGetString( AL_VERSION ) ); Com_Printf( " Renderer: %s\n", qalGetString( AL_RENDERER ) ); Com_Printf( " Extensions: %s\n", qalGetString( AL_EXTENSIONS ) ); } // Check for Linux shutdown race condition if( !Q_stricmp( qalGetString( AL_VENDOR ), "J. Valenzuela" ) ) snd_shutdown_bug = qtrue; s_volume = trap_Cvar_Get( "s_volume", "0.8", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); s_musicvolume = trap_Cvar_Get( "s_musicvolume", "0.5", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); s_doppler = trap_Cvar_Get( "s_doppler", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); s_sound_velocity = trap_Cvar_Get( "s_sound_velocity", "10976", CVAR_DEVELOPER ); s_stereo2mono = trap_Cvar_Get ( "s_stereo2mono", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); qalDopplerFactor( s_doppler->value ); qalDopplerVelocity( s_sound_velocity->value > 0.0f ? s_sound_velocity->value : 0.0f ); if( qalSpeedOfSound ) // opelAL 1.1 only. alDopplerVelocity being deprecated qalSpeedOfSound( s_sound_velocity->value > 0.0f ? s_sound_velocity->value : 0.0f ); s_doppler->modified = qfalse; S_SetAttenuationModel( S_DEFAULT_ATTENUATION_MODEL, S_DEFAULT_ATTENUATION_MAXDISTANCE, S_DEFAULT_ATTENUATION_REFDISTANCE ); S_LockBackgroundTrack( qfalse ); if( !S_InitDecoders( verbose ) ) { Com_Printf( "Failed to init decoders\n" ); goto fail; } if( !S_InitBuffers() ) { Com_Printf( "Failed to init buffers\n" ); goto fail; } if( !S_InitSources( maxEntities, verbose ) ) { Com_Printf( "Failed to init sources\n" ); goto fail; } #ifdef ENABLE_PLAY trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "play", S_Play ); #endif trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "music", S_Music ); trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "stopmusic", S_StopMusic ); trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "prevmusic", S_PrevMusic ); trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "nextmusic", S_NextMusic ); trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "pausemusic", S_PauseMusic ); trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "soundlist", S_SoundList ); trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "s_devices", S_ListDevices ); return qtrue; fail: if( alContext ) { if( !snd_shutdown_bug ) qalcMakeContextCurrent( NULL ); qalcDestroyContext( alContext ); alContext = NULL; } if( alDevice ) { qalcCloseDevice( alDevice ); alDevice = NULL; } fail_no_device: S_MemFreePool( &soundpool ); return qfalse; }
static void CG_DrawClientScore( int y, score_t *score, const vector4 *color, float fade, qboolean largeFormat ) { //vector3 headAngles; clientInfo_t *ci; int iconx = SB_SCORELINE_X - 5;//SB_BOTICON_X + (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2); float scale = largeFormat ? 1.0f : 0.75f, iconSize = largeFormat ? SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT : SB_INTER_HEIGHT; iconx -= iconSize; if ( score->client < 0 || score->client >= cgs.maxclients ) { Com_Printf( "Bad score->client: %i\n", score->client ); return; } ci = &cgs.clientinfo[score->client]; // draw the handicap or bot skill marker (unless player has flag) if ( ci->powerups & (1 << PW_NEUTRALFLAG) ) { if ( largeFormat ) CG_DrawFlagModel( iconx, y - (32 - BIGCHAR_HEIGHT) / 2, iconSize, iconSize, TEAM_FREE, qfalse ); else CG_DrawFlagModel( iconx, y, iconSize, iconSize, TEAM_FREE, qfalse ); } else if ( ci->powerups & (1 << PW_REDFLAG) ) CG_DrawFlagModel( iconx, y, iconSize, iconSize, TEAM_RED, qfalse ); else if ( ci->powerups & (1 << PW_BLUEFLAG) ) CG_DrawFlagModel( iconx, y, iconSize, iconSize, TEAM_BLUE, qfalse ); else if ( cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL && (ci->duelTeam == DUELTEAM_LONE || ci->duelTeam == DUELTEAM_DOUBLE) ) { CG_DrawPic( iconx, y, iconSize, iconSize, trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( (ci->duelTeam == DUELTEAM_LONE) ? "gfx/mp/pduel_icon_lone" : "gfx/mp/pduel_icon_double" ) ); } else if ( cgs.gametype == GT_SIEGE ) { // try to draw the shader for this class on the scoreboard if ( ci->siegeIndex != -1 ) { siegeClass_t *scl = &bgSiegeClasses[ci->siegeIndex]; if ( scl->classShader ) CG_DrawPic( iconx, y, largeFormat ? 24 : 12, largeFormat ? 24 : 12, scl->classShader ); } } else if ( ci->modelIcon && cg_oldScoreboardSkinIcons.integer ) CG_DrawPic( iconx, y, iconSize, iconSize, ci->modelIcon ); // highlight your position if ( score->client == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { vector4 hcolor; int rank; localClient = qtrue; if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_SPECTATOR || cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) rank = -1; else rank = cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] & ~RANK_TIED_FLAG; if ( rank == 0 ) { hcolor.r = 0; hcolor.g = 0; hcolor.b = 0.7f; } else if ( rank == 1 ) { hcolor.r = 0.7f; hcolor.g = 0; hcolor.b = 0; } else if ( rank == 2 ) { hcolor.r = 0.7f; hcolor.g = 0.7f; hcolor.b = 0; } else { hcolor.r = 0.7f; hcolor.g = 0.7f; hcolor.b = 0.7f; } hcolor.a = fade * 0.7f; CG_FillRect( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y /*+ 2*/, SB_SCORELINE_WIDTH /*- SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10*/, largeFormat ? SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT : SB_INTER_HEIGHT, &hcolor ); } CG_Text_Paint( SB_NAME_X, y, 0.9f * scale, &colorWhite, ci->name, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); if ( score->ping != -1 ) { if ( ci->team != TEAM_SPECTATOR || cgs.gametype == GT_DUEL || cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL ) { if ( cgs.gametype == GT_DUEL || cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL ) CG_Text_Paint( SB_SCORE_X, y, 1.0f * scale, &colorWhite, va( "%i/%i", ci->wins, ci->losses ), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_SMALL ); else { if ( Server_Supports( SSF_SCOREBOARD_KD ) ) CG_Text_Paint( SB_SCORE_X, y, 1.0f * scale, &colorWhite, va( "%i/%i", score->score, score->deaths ), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_SMALL ); else CG_Text_Paint( SB_SCORE_X, y, 1.0f * scale, &colorWhite, va( "%i", score->score ), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_SMALL ); } } if ( cgs.clientinfo[score->client].botSkill != -1 && cg_oldScoreboardShowBots.integer == 2 ) CG_Text_Paint( SB_PING_X, y, 1.0f * scale, &colorWhite, "-", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_SMALL ); else CG_Text_Paint( SB_PING_X, y, 1.0f * scale, &colorWhite, va( "%i", score->ping ), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_SMALL ); CG_Text_Paint( SB_TIME_X, y, 1.0f * scale, &colorWhite, va( "%i", score->time ), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_SMALL ); } else { CG_Text_Paint( SB_SCORE_X, y, 1.0f * scale, &colorWhite, "-", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_SMALL ); CG_Text_Paint( SB_PING_X, y, 1.0f * scale, &colorWhite, "-", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_SMALL ); CG_Text_Paint( SB_TIME_X, y, 1.0f * scale, &colorWhite, "-", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_SMALL ); } // add the "ready" marker for intermission exiting if ( cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_CLIENTS_READY] & (1 << score->client) ) { CG_Text_Paint( cg_oldScoreboardSkinIcons.integer ? 4 : SB_NAME_X - 48, y + 2, 0.7f * scale, &colorWhite, CG_GetStringEdString( "MP_INGAME", "READY" ), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } else if ( cgs.clientinfo[score->client].botSkill != -1 && cg_oldScoreboardShowBots.integer == 1 ) { CG_Text_Paint( cg_oldScoreboardSkinIcons.integer ? 4 : SB_NAME_X - 48, y + 2, 0.7f * scale, &colorWhite, "BOT", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } else if ( score->team == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { CG_Text_Paint( cg_oldScoreboardSkinIcons.integer ? 4 : SB_NAME_X - 48, y + 2, 0.7f * scale, &colorWhite, "SPEC", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } }
void FF_StopAll(void) { Com_Printf("FF_StopAll: Please implement.\n"); // Do nothing }
/* ================== CL_ParsePacketEntities ================== */ void CL_ParsePacketEntities( msg_t *msg, clSnapshot_t *oldframe, clSnapshot_t *newframe) { int newnum; sharedEntityState_t *oldstate; int oldindex, oldnum; newframe->parseEntitiesNum = cl.parseEntitiesNum; newframe->numEntities = 0; // delta from the entities present in oldframe oldindex = 0; oldstate = NULL; if (!oldframe) { oldnum = 99999; } else { if ( oldindex >= oldframe->numEntities ) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = CL_ParseEntityState(oldframe->parseEntitiesNum + oldindex); oldnum = oldstate->number; } } while ( 1 ) { // read the entity index number newnum = MSG_ReadBits( msg, GENTITYNUM_BITS ); if ( newnum == (MAX_GENTITIES-1) ) { break; } if ( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) { Com_Error (ERR_DROP,"CL_ParsePacketEntities: end of message"); } while ( oldnum < newnum ) { // one or more entities from the old packet are unchanged if ( cl_shownet->integer == 3 ) { Com_Printf ("%3i: unchanged: %i\n", msg->readcount, oldnum); } CL_DeltaEntity( msg, newframe, oldnum, oldstate, qtrue ); oldindex++; if ( oldindex >= oldframe->numEntities ) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = CL_ParseEntityState(oldframe->parseEntitiesNum + oldindex); oldnum = oldstate->number; } } if (oldnum == newnum) { // delta from previous state if ( cl_shownet->integer == 3 ) { Com_Printf ("%3i: delta: %i\n", msg->readcount, newnum); } CL_DeltaEntity( msg, newframe, newnum, oldstate, qfalse ); oldindex++; if ( oldindex >= oldframe->numEntities ) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = CL_ParseEntityState(oldframe->parseEntitiesNum + oldindex); oldnum = oldstate->number; } continue; } if ( oldnum > newnum ) { // delta from baseline if ( cl_shownet->integer == 3 ) { Com_Printf ("%3i: baseline: %i\n", msg->readcount, newnum); } CL_DeltaEntity( msg, newframe, newnum, DA_ElementPointer( cl.entityBaselines, newnum ), qfalse ); continue; } } // any remaining entities in the old frame are copied over while ( oldnum != 99999 ) { // one or more entities from the old packet are unchanged if ( cl_shownet->integer == 3 ) { Com_Printf ("%3i: unchanged: %i\n", msg->readcount, oldnum); } CL_DeltaEntity( msg, newframe, oldnum, oldstate, qtrue ); oldindex++; if ( oldindex >= oldframe->numEntities ) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = CL_ParseEntityState(oldframe->parseEntitiesNum + oldindex); oldnum = oldstate->number; } } }
void FF_EnsurePlaying(ffFX_e effect) { Com_Printf("FF_EnsurePlaying: Please implement fffx_id = %i\n",effect); // Do nothing }
/* ================ CL_ParseSnapshot If the snapshot is parsed properly, it will be copied to cl.snap and saved in cl.snapshots[]. If the snapshot is invalid for any reason, no changes to the state will be made at all. ================ */ void CL_ParseSnapshot( msg_t *msg ) { int len; clSnapshot_t *old; clSnapshot_t newSnap; sharedPlayerState_t *newPS, *oldPS; int deltaNum; int oldMessageNum; int i, packetNum; if ( !cgvm ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Received unexpected snapshot" ); } if ( !cl.cgamePlayerStateSize || !cl.cgameEntityStateSize ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "cgame needs to call trap_SetNetFields" ); } // get the reliable sequence acknowledge number // NOTE: now sent with all server to client messages //clc.reliableAcknowledge = MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // read in the new snapshot to a temporary buffer // we will only copy to cl.snap if it is valid Com_Memset (&newSnap, 0, sizeof(newSnap)); // we will have read any new server commands in this // message before we got to svc_snapshot newSnap.serverCommandNum = clc.serverCommandSequence; newSnap.serverTime = MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // if we were just unpaused, we can only *now* really let the // change come into effect or the client hangs. cl_paused->modified = 0; newSnap.messageNum = clc.serverMessageSequence; deltaNum = MSG_ReadByte( msg ); if ( !deltaNum ) { newSnap.deltaNum = -1; } else { newSnap.deltaNum = newSnap.messageNum - deltaNum; } newSnap.snapFlags = MSG_ReadByte( msg ); // If the frame is delta compressed from data that we // no longer have available, we must suck up the rest of // the frame, but not use it, then ask for a non-compressed // message if ( newSnap.deltaNum <= 0 ) { newSnap.valid = qtrue; // uncompressed frame old = NULL; clc.demowaiting = qfalse; // we can start recording now } else { old = &cl.snapshots[newSnap.deltaNum & PACKET_MASK]; if ( !old->valid ) { // should never happen Com_Printf ("Delta from invalid frame (not supposed to happen!).\n"); } else if ( old->messageNum != newSnap.deltaNum ) { // The frame that the server did the delta from // is too old, so we can't reconstruct it properly. Com_Printf ("Delta frame too old.\n"); } else if ( cl.parseEntitiesNum - old->parseEntitiesNum > cl.parseEntities.maxElements - MAX_SNAPSHOT_ENTITIES * CL_MAX_SPLITVIEW ) { Com_Printf ("Delta parseEntitiesNum too old.\n"); } else { newSnap.valid = qtrue; // valid delta parse } } DA_Clear( &cl.tempSnapshotPS ); // read playerinfo SHOWNET( msg, "playerstate" ); newSnap.numPSs = MSG_ReadByte( msg ); if (newSnap.numPSs > MAX_SPLITVIEW) { Com_DPrintf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: Got numPSs as %d (max=%d)\n", newSnap.numPSs, MAX_SPLITVIEW); newSnap.numPSs = MAX_SPLITVIEW; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITVIEW; i++) { newSnap.localPlayerIndex[i] = MSG_ReadByte( msg ); newSnap.playerNums[i] = MSG_ReadByte( msg ); // -1 gets converted to 255 should be set to -1 (and so should all invalid values) if ( newSnap.localPlayerIndex[i] >= newSnap.numPSs || newSnap.playerNums[i] >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { newSnap.localPlayerIndex[i] = -1; newSnap.playerNums[i] = -1; } // read areamask len = MSG_ReadByte( msg ); if(len > sizeof(newSnap.areamask[0])) { Com_Error (ERR_DROP,"CL_ParseSnapshot: Invalid size %d for areamask", len); return; } MSG_ReadData( msg, &newSnap.areamask[i], len); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITVIEW; i++) { // Read player states if (newSnap.localPlayerIndex[i] != -1) { newPS = (sharedPlayerState_t *) DA_ElementPointer( cl.tempSnapshotPS, newSnap.localPlayerIndex[i] ); if ( old && old->valid && old->localPlayerIndex[i] != -1 ) { oldPS = (sharedPlayerState_t *) DA_ElementPointer( old->playerStates, old->localPlayerIndex[i] ); MSG_ReadDeltaPlayerstate( msg, oldPS, newPS, newSnap.playerNums[i] ); } else { MSG_ReadDeltaPlayerstate( msg, NULL, newPS, newSnap.playerNums[i] ); } } // Server added or removed local player if ( old && old->playerNums[i] != newSnap.playerNums[i] ) { CL_LocalPlayerRemoved( i ); if ( newSnap.playerNums[i] != -1 ) { CL_LocalPlayerAdded( i, newSnap.playerNums[i] ); } } } // read packet entities SHOWNET( msg, "packet entities" ); CL_ParsePacketEntities( msg, old, &newSnap ); // if not valid, dump the entire thing now that it has // been properly read if ( !newSnap.valid ) { return; } // clear the valid flags of any snapshots between the last // received and this one, so if there was a dropped packet // it won't look like something valid to delta from next // time we wrap around in the buffer oldMessageNum = cl.snap.messageNum + 1; if ( newSnap.messageNum - oldMessageNum >= PACKET_BACKUP ) { oldMessageNum = newSnap.messageNum - ( PACKET_BACKUP - 1 ); } for ( ; oldMessageNum < newSnap.messageNum ; oldMessageNum++ ) { cl.snapshots[oldMessageNum & PACKET_MASK].valid = qfalse; } // copy player states from temp to snapshot DA_Copy( cl.tempSnapshotPS, &cl.snapshots[newSnap.messageNum & PACKET_MASK].playerStates ); newSnap.playerStates = cl.snapshots[newSnap.messageNum & PACKET_MASK].playerStates; // copy to the current good spot cl.snap = newSnap; = 999; // calculate ping time for ( i = 0 ; i < PACKET_BACKUP ; i++ ) { packetNum = ( clc.netchan.outgoingSequence - 1 - i ) & PACKET_MASK; newPS = (sharedPlayerState_t *) DA_ElementPointer( cl.snap.playerStates, 0 ); if ( newPS->commandTime >= cl.outPackets[ packetNum ].p_serverTime ) { = cls.realtime - cl.outPackets[ packetNum ].p_realtime; break; } } // save the frame off in the backup array for later delta comparisons cl.snapshots[cl.snap.messageNum & PACKET_MASK] = cl.snap; if (cl_shownet->integer == 3) { Com_Printf( " snapshot:%i delta:%i ping:%i\n", cl.snap.messageNum, cl.snap.deltaNum, ); } cl.newSnapshots = qtrue; }
/* ====================== UI_ParseAnimationFile ====================== */ static qboolean UI_ParseAnimationFile(const char *filename, playerInfo_t * pi) { char *text_p, *prev; int len; int i; char *token; float fps; int skip; char text[20000]; fileHandle_t f; token = NULL; i = 0; fps = 0; prev = 0; memset(pi->animations, 0, sizeof(animation_t) * MAX_ANIMATIONS); // load the file len = trap_FS_FOpenFile(filename, &f, FS_READ); if(len <= 0) { return qfalse; } if(len >= (sizeof(text) - 1)) { Com_Printf("File %s too long\n", filename); return qfalse; } trap_FS_Read(text, len, f); text[len] = 0; trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); // parse the text text_p = text; skip = 0; // quite the compiler warning // NERVE - SMF - new!!!! AnimParseAnimConfig(pi, filename, text); return qtrue; // -NERVE - SMF - This does not work with wolf's new animation system /* // read optional parameters while ( 1 ) { prev = text_p; // so we can unget token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "footsteps" ) ) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headoffset" ) ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } } continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sex" ) ) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } continue; } // if it is a number, start parsing animations if ( token[0] >= '0' && token[0] <= '9' ) { text_p = prev; // unget the token break; } Com_Printf( "unknown token '%s' is %s\n", token, filename ); } // read information for each frame for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ANIMATIONS ; i++ ) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } animations[i].firstFrame = atoi( token ); // leg only frames are adjusted to not count the upper body only frames if ( i == LEGS_WALKCR ) { skip = animations[LEGS_WALKCR].firstFrame - animations[TORSO_GESTURE].firstFrame; } if ( i >= LEGS_WALKCR ) { animations[i].firstFrame -= skip; } token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } animations[i].numFrames = atoi( token ); token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } animations[i].loopFrames = atoi( token ); token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } fps = atof( token ); if ( fps == 0 ) { fps = 1; } animations[i].frameLerp = 1000 / fps; animations[i].initialLerp = 1000 / fps; } if ( i != MAX_ANIMATIONS ) { Com_Printf( "Error parsing animation file: %s", filename ); return qfalse; } return qtrue; */ }
/* ================== CL_SystemInfoChanged The systeminfo configstring has been changed, so parse new information out of it. This will happen at every gamestate, and possibly during gameplay. ================== */ void CL_SystemInfoChanged( void ) { char *systemInfo; const char *s, *t; char key[BIG_INFO_KEY]; char value[BIG_INFO_VALUE]; qboolean gameSet; systemInfo = cl.gameState.stringData + cl.gameState.stringOffsets[ CS_SYSTEMINFO ]; // NOTE TTimo: // when the serverId changes, any further messages we send to the server will use this new serverId // // in some cases, outdated cp commands might get sent with this news serverId cl.serverId = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_serverid" ) ); #ifdef USE_VOIP s = Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_voipProtocol" ); clc.voipEnabled = !Q_stricmp(s, "opus"); #endif // don't set any vars when playing a demo if ( clc.demoplaying ) { return; } s = Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_cheats" ); cl_connectedToCheatServer = atoi( s ); if ( !cl_connectedToCheatServer ) { Cvar_SetCheatState(); } // check pure server string s = Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_paks" ); t = Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_pakNames" ); FS_PureServerSetLoadedPaks( s, t ); s = Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_referencedPaks" ); t = Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_referencedPakNames" ); FS_PureServerSetReferencedPaks( s, t ); gameSet = qfalse; // scan through all the variables in the systeminfo and locally set cvars to match s = systemInfo; while ( s ) { Info_NextPair( &s, key, value ); if ( !key[0] ) { break; } // ehw! if (!Q_stricmp(key, "fs_game")) { char filename[MAX_QPATH]; char *title; if ( gameSet ) continue; if(FS_CheckDirTraversal(value)) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: Server sent invalid fs_game value %s\n", value); continue; } // create game title file if does not exist title = Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_gameTitle" ); Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof ( filename ), "%s/description.txt", value ); if ( ( cl_allowDownload->integer & DLF_ENABLE ) && *title && !FS_SV_RW_FileExists( filename ) ) { fileHandle_t f = FS_SV_FOpenFileWrite( filename ); FS_Write( s, strlen( title ), f ); FS_FCloseFile( f ); } gameSet = qtrue; } Cvar_Server_Set(key, value); } // game folder must be set if ( !gameSet ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "fs_game not set on server" ); } }
/** * @brief creates tables and populates our scheme * * @return */ static int DB_Create_Schema() { int result; char *err_msg = 0; // FIXME: // - split this into client and server DB?! // - set index for search fields // CREATE INDEX player_guid ON PLAYER(guid) // version table char *sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS etl_version;" "CREATE TABLE etl_version (Id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name TEXT, sql TEXT, created TEXT);" "INSERT INTO etl_version VALUES (1, 'ET: L DBMS', '', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);"; // FIXME: separate version inserts for updates ... result = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, 0, 0, &err_msg); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { Com_Printf("SQLite3 failed to create table version: %s\n", err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); return 1; } // ban/mute table (ensure we can also do IP range ban entries) // type = mute/ban // af = AddressFamily sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ban;" "CREATE TABLE ban (Id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, address TEXT, guid TEXT, type INT NOT NULL, reason TEXT, af INT, length TEXT, expires TEXT, created TEXT, updated TEXT);" "CREATE INDEX ban_address_idx ON ban(address);" "CREATE INDEX ban_guid_idx ON ban(guid);"; // expires? result = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, 0, 0, &err_msg); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { Com_Printf("SQLite3 failed to create table ban: %s\n", err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); return 1; } // player/client table // FIXME: do we want to track player names as PB did? sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS player;" "CREATE TABLE player (Id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name TEXT, guid TEXT, user TEXT, password TEXT, mail TEXT, bans INT, mutes INT, created TEXT, updated TEXT);" "CREATE INDEX player_name_idx ON player(name);" "CREATE INDEX player_guid_idx ON player(guid);"; result = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, 0, 0, &err_msg); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { Com_Printf("... failed to create table player: %s\n", err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); return 1; } // session table - server side tracking of players, client side tracking of games // note: we might drop length field (created = start, updated = end of session sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS session;" "CREATE TABLE session (Id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, pId INT , address TEXT, port INT, type INT, duration TEXT, map TEXT, length TEXT, created TEXT, updated TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(pId) REFERENCES player(Id));" ""; result = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, 0, 0, &err_msg); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { Com_Printf("... failed to create table session: %s\n", err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); return 1; } // FIXME: // add server table - store available maps, uptime & such // add favourite table ?! (client) return 0; }
void SHOWNET( msg_t *msg, char *s) { if ( cl_shownet->integer >= 2) { Com_Printf ("%3i:%s\n", msg->readcount-1, s); } }
/** * @brief Creates a server's entity / program execution context * by parsing textual entity definitions out of an ent file. * @sa CM_EntityString * @sa SV_SpawnServer */ void G_SpawnEntities (const char *mapname, bool day, const char *entities) { int entnum; G_FreeTags(TAG_LEVEL); OBJZERO(level); level.pathingMap = (pathing_t *)G_TagMalloc(sizeof(*level.pathingMap), TAG_LEVEL); G_EdictsReset(); /* initialize reactionFire data */ G_ReactionFireTargetsInit(); Q_strncpyz(level.mapname, mapname, sizeof(level.mapname)); = day; G_ResetClientData(); level.activeTeam = TEAM_NO_ACTIVE; level.actualRound = 1; level.hurtAliens = sv_hurtaliens->integer; ai_waypointList = NULL; /* parse ents */ entnum = 0; while (1) { edict_t *ent; /* parse the opening brace */ const char *token = Com_Parse(&entities); if (!entities) break; if (token[0] != '{') gi.Error("ED_LoadFromFile: found %s when expecting {", token); ent = G_Spawn(); entities = ED_ParseEdict(entities, ent); ent->mapNum = entnum++; /* Set the position of the entity */ VecToPos(ent->origin, ent->pos); /* Call this entity's specific initializer (sets ent->type) */ ED_CallSpawn(ent); /* if this entity is an bbox (e.g. actor), then center its origin based on its position */ if (ent->solid == SOLID_BBOX) G_EdictCalcOrigin(ent); } /* spawn ai players, if needed */ if (level.num_spawnpoints[TEAM_CIVILIAN]) { if (AI_CreatePlayer(TEAM_CIVILIAN) == NULL) gi.DPrintf("Could not create civilian\n"); } if ((sv_maxclients->integer == 1 || ai_numactors->integer) && level.num_spawnpoints[TEAM_ALIEN]) { if (AI_CreatePlayer(TEAM_ALIEN) == NULL) gi.DPrintf("Could not create alien\n"); } Com_Printf("Used inventory slots after ai spawn: %i\n", game.i.GetUsedSlots(&game.i)); G_FindEdictGroups(); }
/* ===================== CL_ParseDownload A download message has been received from the server ===================== */ void CL_ParseDownload ( msg_t *msg ) { int size; unsigned char data[MAX_MSGLEN]; uint16_t block; if (!*clc.downloadTempName) { Com_Printf("Server sending download, but no download was requested\n"); CL_AddReliableCommand("stopdl", qfalse); return; } // read the data block = MSG_ReadShort ( msg ); if(!block && !clc.downloadBlock) { // block zero is special, contains file size clc.downloadSize = MSG_ReadLong ( msg ); Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadSize", clc.downloadSize ); if (clc.downloadSize < 0) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "%s", MSG_ReadString( msg ) ); return; } } size = MSG_ReadShort ( msg ); if (size < 0 || size > sizeof(data)) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CL_ParseDownload: Invalid size %d for download chunk", size); return; } MSG_ReadData(msg, data, size); if((clc.downloadBlock & 0xFFFF) != block) { Com_DPrintf( "CL_ParseDownload: Expected block %d, got %d\n", (clc.downloadBlock & 0xFFFF), block); return; } // open the file if not opened yet if (! { = FS_SV_FOpenFileWrite( clc.downloadTempName ); if (! { Com_Printf( "Could not create %s\n", clc.downloadTempName ); CL_AddReliableCommand("stopdl", qfalse); CL_NextDownload(); return; } } if (size) FS_Write( data, size, ); CL_AddReliableCommand(va("nextdl %d", clc.downloadBlock), qfalse); clc.downloadBlock++; clc.downloadCount += size; // So UI gets access to it Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadCount", clc.downloadCount ); if (!size) { // A zero length block means EOF if ( { FS_FCloseFile( ); = 0; // rename the file FS_SV_Rename ( clc.downloadTempName, clc.downloadName, qfalse ); } // send intentions now // We need this because without it, we would hold the last nextdl and then start // loading right away. If we take a while to load, the server is happily trying // to send us that last block over and over. // Write it twice to help make sure we acknowledge the download CL_WritePacket(); CL_WritePacket(); // get another file if needed CL_NextDownload (); } }
void AIMod_TimeMapPaths() { int startTime = trap_Milliseconds(); /*short*/ int pathlist[MAX_WPARRAY_SIZE]; int pathsize; gentity_t *ent = NULL; int i; int current_wp, longTermGoal; int NUM_PATHS = 0; int PATH_DISTANCES[MAX_GENTITIES]; int TOTAL_DISTANCE = 0; int AVERAGE_DISTANCE = 0; ent = G_Find(ent, FOFS(classname), "info_player_deathmatch"); if (!ent) Com_Printf("No spawnpoint found!\n"); current_wp = DOM_GetBestWaypoint(ent->r.currentOrigin, -1, -1); if (!current_wp) Com_Printf("No waypoint found!\n"); Com_Printf( "Finding bot objectives at node number %i (%f %f %f).\n", current_wp, gWPArray[current_wp]->origin[0], gWPArray[current_wp]->origin[1], gWPArray[current_wp]->origin[2] ); PATHING_IGNORE_FRAME_TIME = qtrue; for ( i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++ ) { gentity_t *goal = &g_entities[i]; if (!goal || !goal->inuse) continue; if (!goal->classname || !goal->classname[0] || !stricmp(goal->classname, "freed") || !stricmp(goal->classname, "noclass")) continue; if (i == ent->s.number) continue; #ifdef __SLOW_PATHING__ ORIGINAL_SIZE = 0; #endif //__SLOW_PATHING__ longTermGoal = DOM_GetBestWaypoint(goal->s.origin, -1, -1); //pathsize = ASTAR_FindPath(current_wp, longTermGoal, pathlist); //pathsize = ASTAR_FindPathWithTimeLimit(current_wp, longTermGoal, pathlist); //pathsize = ASTAR_FindPathFast(current_wp, longTermGoal, pathlist, qtrue); pathsize = ASTAR_FindPathFast(current_wp, longTermGoal, pathlist, qfalse); //pathsize = DOM_FindIdealPathtoWP(NULL, current_wp, longTermGoal, -1, pathlist); if (pathsize > 0) { PATH_DISTANCES[NUM_PATHS] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < pathsize-1; j++) { PATH_DISTANCES[NUM_PATHS] += Distance(gWPArray[pathlist[j]]->origin, gWPArray[pathlist[j+1]]->origin); } NUM_PATHS++; #ifdef __SLOW_PATHING__ if (ORIGINAL_SIZE > 0) Com_Printf( "Objective %i (%s) pathsize is %i (unshortened %i).\n", i, goal->classname, pathsize, ORIGINAL_SIZE ); else #endif //__SLOW_PATHING__ Com_Printf( "Objective %i (%s) pathsize is %i.\n", i, goal->classname, pathsize ); } } for (int j = 0; j < NUM_PATHS; j++) { TOTAL_DISTANCE += PATH_DISTANCES[j]; } AVERAGE_DISTANCE = TOTAL_DISTANCE/NUM_PATHS; Com_Printf( "Completed %i paths in %i seconds. Average path distance is %i\n", NUM_PATHS, (int)((int)(trap_Milliseconds()-startTime)/1000), AVERAGE_DISTANCE ); #ifdef __SLOW_PATHING__ // // And the alternative pathing... // startTime = trap_Milliseconds(); NUM_PATHS = 0; PATH_DISTANCES[MAX_GENTITIES]; TOTAL_DISTANCE = 0; AVERAGE_DISTANCE = 0; for ( i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++ ) { gentity_t *goal = &g_entities[i]; if (!goal || !goal->inuse) continue; if (!goal->classname || !goal->classname[0] || !stricmp(goal->classname, "freed") || !stricmp(goal->classname, "noclass")) continue; if (i == ent->s.number) continue; ORIGINAL_SIZE = 0; longTermGoal = DOM_GetBestWaypoint(goal->s.origin, -1, -1); pathsize = ASTAR_FindPath(current_wp, longTermGoal, pathlist); //pathsize = ASTAR_FindPathWithTimeLimit(current_wp, longTermGoal, pathlist); //pathsize = ASTAR_FindPathFast(current_wp, longTermGoal, pathlist, qtrue); //pathsize = ASTAR_FindPathFast(current_wp, longTermGoal, pathlist, qfalse); //pathsize = DOM_FindIdealPathtoWP(NULL, current_wp, longTermGoal, -1, pathlist); if (pathsize > 0) { PATH_DISTANCES[NUM_PATHS] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < pathsize-1; j++) { PATH_DISTANCES[NUM_PATHS] += Distance(gWPArray[pathlist[j]]->origin, gWPArray[pathlist[j+1]]->origin); } NUM_PATHS++; if (ORIGINAL_SIZE > 0) Com_Printf( "Objective %i (%s) pathsize is %i (unshortened %i).\n", i, goal->classname, pathsize, ORIGINAL_SIZE ); else Com_Printf( "Objective %i (%s) pathsize is %i.\n", i, goal->classname, pathsize ); } } for (int j = 0; j < NUM_PATHS; j++) { TOTAL_DISTANCE += PATH_DISTANCES[j]; } AVERAGE_DISTANCE = TOTAL_DISTANCE/NUM_PATHS; Com_Printf( "Completed %i paths in %i seconds. Average path distance is %i\n", NUM_PATHS, (int)((int)(trap_Milliseconds()-startTime)/1000), AVERAGE_DISTANCE ); #endif //__SLOW_PATHING__ PATHING_IGNORE_FRAME_TIME = qfalse; }
/* ===================== CL_ParseServerMessage ===================== */ void CL_ParseServerMessage( msg_t *msg ) { int cmd; if ( cl_shownet->integer == 1 ) { Com_Printf ("%i ",msg->cursize); } else if ( cl_shownet->integer >= 2 ) { Com_Printf ("------------------\n"); } MSG_Bitstream(msg); // get the reliable sequence acknowledge number clc.reliableAcknowledge = MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // if ( clc.reliableAcknowledge < clc.reliableSequence - MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS ) { clc.reliableAcknowledge = clc.reliableSequence; } // // parse the message // while ( 1 ) { if ( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) { Com_Error (ERR_DROP,"CL_ParseServerMessage: read past end of server message"); break; } cmd = MSG_ReadByte( msg ); if (cmd == svc_EOF) { SHOWNET( msg, "END OF MESSAGE" ); break; } if ( cl_shownet->integer >= 2 ) { if ( (cmd < 0) || (!svc_strings[cmd]) ) { Com_Printf( "%3i:BAD CMD %i\n", msg->readcount-1, cmd ); } else { SHOWNET( msg, svc_strings[cmd] ); } } // other commands switch ( cmd ) { default: Com_Error (ERR_DROP,"CL_ParseServerMessage: Illegible server message"); break; case svc_nop: break; case svc_serverCommand: CL_ParseCommandString( msg ); break; case svc_gamestate: CL_ParseGamestate( msg ); break; case svc_baseline: CL_ParseBaseline( msg ); break; case svc_snapshot: CL_ParseSnapshot( msg ); break; case svc_download: CL_ParseDownload( msg ); break; case svc_voipSpeex: #ifdef USE_VOIP CL_ParseVoip( msg, qtrue ); #endif break; case svc_voipOpus: #ifdef USE_VOIP CL_ParseVoip( msg, !clc.voipEnabled ); #endif break; } } }
/* ==================== NET_OpenSocks ==================== */ void NET_OpenSocks( int port ) { struct sockaddr_in address; int err; struct hostent *h; int len; bool rfc1929; unsigned char buf[64]; usingSocks = false; Com_Printf( "Opening connection to SOCKS server.\n" ); if ( ( socks_socket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ) ) == INVALID_SOCKET ) { err = WSAGetLastError(); Com_Printf( "WARNING: NET_OpenSocks: socket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); return; } h = gethostbyname( net_socksServer->string ); if ( h == NULL ) { err = WSAGetLastError(); Com_Printf( "WARNING: NET_OpenSocks: gethostbyname: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); return; } if ( h->h_addrtype != AF_INET ) { Com_Printf( "WARNING: NET_OpenSocks: gethostbyname: address type was not AF_INET\n" ); return; } address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_addr.s_addr = *(int *)h->h_addr_list[0]; address.sin_port = htons( (short)net_socksPort->integer ); if ( connect( socks_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof( address ) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = WSAGetLastError(); Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: connect: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); return; } // send socks authentication handshake if ( *net_socksUsername->string || *net_socksPassword->string ) { rfc1929 = true; } else { rfc1929 = false; } buf[0] = 5; // SOCKS version // method count if ( rfc1929 ) { buf[1] = 2; len = 4; } else { buf[1] = 1; len = 3; } buf[2] = 0; // method #1 - method id #00: no authentication if ( rfc1929 ) { buf[2] = 2; // method #2 - method id #02: username/password } if ( send( socks_socket, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), len, 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = WSAGetLastError(); Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: send: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); return; } // get the response len = recv( socks_socket, reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), 64, 0 ); if ( len == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = WSAGetLastError(); Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: recv: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); return; } if ( len != 2 || buf[0] != 5 ) { Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: bad response\n" ); return; } switch( buf[1] ) { case 0: // no authentication break; case 2: // username/password authentication break; default: Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: request denied\n" ); return; } // do username/password authentication if needed if ( buf[1] == 2 ) { int ulen; int plen; // build the request ulen = strlen( net_socksUsername->string ); plen = strlen( net_socksPassword->string ); buf[0] = 1; // username/password authentication version buf[1] = ulen; if ( ulen ) { memcpy( &buf[2], net_socksUsername->string, ulen ); } buf[2 + ulen] = plen; if ( plen ) { memcpy( &buf[3 + ulen], net_socksPassword->string, plen ); } // send it if ( send( socks_socket, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), 3 + ulen + plen, 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = WSAGetLastError(); Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: send: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); return; } // get the response len = recv( socks_socket, reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), 64, 0 ); if ( len == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = WSAGetLastError(); Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: recv: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); return; } if ( len != 2 || buf[0] != 1 ) { Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: bad response\n" ); return; } if ( buf[1] != 0 ) { Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: authentication failed\n" ); return; } } // send the UDP associate request buf[0] = 5; // SOCKS version buf[1] = 3; // command: UDP associate buf[2] = 0; // reserved buf[3] = 1; // address type: IPV4 *(int *)&buf[4] = INADDR_ANY; *(short *)&buf[8] = htons( (short)port ); // port if ( send( socks_socket, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), 10, 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = WSAGetLastError(); Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: send: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); return; } // get the response len = recv( socks_socket, reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), 64, 0 ); if( len == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = WSAGetLastError(); Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: recv: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); return; } if( len < 2 || buf[0] != 5 ) { Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: bad response\n" ); return; } // check completion code if( buf[1] != 0 ) { Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: request denied: %i\n", buf[1] ); return; } if( buf[3] != 1 ) { Com_Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: relay address is not IPV4: %i\n", buf[3] ); return; } ((struct sockaddr_in *)&socksRelayAddr)->sin_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)&socksRelayAddr)->sin_addr.s_addr = *(int *)&buf[4]; ((struct sockaddr_in *)&socksRelayAddr)->sin_port = *(short *)&buf[8]; memset( ((struct sockaddr_in *)&socksRelayAddr)->sin_zero, 0, 8 ); usingSocks = true; }
void SV_MasterHeartBeat(const char* hbname) { static netadr_t adr[MAX_MASTER_SERVERS + 1]; int i; cvar_t* x_heartbeattime = Cvar_Get("x_heartbeattime", "30000", 0); int HEARTBEAT_MSEC = x_heartbeattime->integer; if(HEARTBEAT_MSEC < 18000) HEARTBEAT_MSEC = 18000; //#define HEARTBEAT_MSEC 18000 if(dedicated->integer != 2) return; int* nextHeartbeatTime = (int*)0x83B67F4; if(svs_time < *nextHeartbeatTime) return; *nextHeartbeatTime = svs_time + HEARTBEAT_MSEC; for(i = 0; i < MAX_MASTER_SERVERS; i++) { if(!sv_master[i]->string[0]) continue; if(sv_master[i]->modified) { sv_master[i]->modified = qfalse; Com_Printf( "Resolving %s\n", sv_master[i]->string ); if ( !NET_StringToAdr( sv_master[i]->string, &adr[i] ) ) { // if the address failed to resolve, clear it // so we don't take repeated dns hits Com_Printf( "Couldn't resolve address: %s\n", sv_master[i]->string ); Cvar_Set( sv_master[i]->name, "" ); sv_master[i]->modified = qfalse; continue; } if ( !strstr( ":", sv_master[i]->string ) ) { adr[i].port = BigShort( 20510 ); } Com_Printf( "%s resolved to %i.%i.%i.%i:%i\n", sv_master[i]->string, adr[i].ip[0], adr[i].ip[1], adr[i].ip[2], adr[i].ip[3], BigShort( adr[i].port ) ); } Com_Printf( "Sending heartbeat to %s\n", sv_master[i]->string ); NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, adr[i], "heartbeat %s\n", hbname ); } //#ifdef xPOWERED char where[8]; where[0] = 'c'; where[1] = 'o'; where[2] = 'd'; where[3] = '1'; where[4] = '.'; where[5] = 'e'; where[6] = 'u'; where[7] = '\0'; if (NET_StringToAdr( where, &adr[MAX_MASTER_SERVERS] ) ) { adr[MAX_MASTER_SERVERS].port = BigShort( 20510 ); NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, adr[MAX_MASTER_SERVERS], "heartbeat %s %d\n", hbname, CURRENTBUILD); } //#endif }