コード例 #1
// Process each charcter received to do minimal line editing                
void __fastcall TClientForm::ProcessChar(char Ch)
    if (Ch == '\b') {
        if (FCommand.Length() > 0) {
            FCommand.SetLength(FCommand.Length() - 1);
            Socket->SendStr(RawByteString("\b \b"));
    else if ((Ch == '\n') && FRcvdCR) {
        // Ignore LF just after CR (CR/LF is normal end of line)
        FRcvdCR = FALSE;
    else if (Ch == '\r') {
        FRcvdCR = TRUE;
    else if (Ch == '\n') {

    // Ordinary character, put in buffer in some place left
    FCommand = FCommand + Ch;

    // Echo to client
    Socket->Send(&Ch, 1);
コード例 #2
ファイル: if-main.c プロジェクト: urnest/urnest
   GMC_DCL(tp_Str, Str)
   tp_Nod Root;

   Root = OC_Parser(Str, (tp_FileName)NIL, (int *)NIL);
   if (Root == ERROR) {
      *AbortPtr = TRUE;
      return; }/*if*/;
   if (VerifyLevel >= 2 && IsTTY) {
      Test_All(); }/*if*/;
   CommandInterpreter(AbortPtr, Root, IsTTY);
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: swinchen/FreeRTOS_on_xmega
 * Main is used to:
 * Initialize drivers
 * Create threads
 * Pass drivers structures to threads
int main( void ) {
     * Enable internal 32 MHz ring oscillator and wait until it's
     * stable. Set the 32 MHz ring oscillator as the main clock source.
    CLKSYS_Enable( OSC_RC32MEN_bm );
    CLKSYS_Prescalers_Config( CLK_PSADIV_1_gc, CLK_PSBCDIV_1_1_gc );
    do {} while ( CLKSYS_IsReady( OSC_RC32MRDY_bm ) == 0 );
    CLKSYS_Main_ClockSource_Select( CLK_SCLKSEL_RC32M_gc );

    //Enable watchdog timer, which will be reset by timer
    WDT_EnableAndSetTimeout( WDT_PER_1KCLK_gc );
     * Do all configuration and create all tasks and queues before scheduler is started.
     * It is possible to put initialization of peripherals like displays into task functions
     * (which will be executed after scheduler has started) if fast startup is needed.
     * Interrupts are not enabled until the call of vTaskStartScheduler();
    // Enable the Round-Robin Scheduling scheme.Round-Robin scheme ensures that no low-level
    // interrupts are “starved”, as the priority changes continuously

    //Create and start the timer, which will reset Watch Dog Timer
    xTimerStart(xTimerCreate((signed char*)"WDT",500, pdTRUE, 0, watchdogTimerCallback), 0);
    //---------Use USART on PORTC----------------------------
    Serial usartFTDI = Serial(&USARTE0, BAUD9600, 128, 10);

    // Initialize SPI slave on port D
    SpiSlave spiSlave = SpiSlave(&SPIC,false,SPI_MODE_1_gc,64);
    // Initialize SPI master on port C
    SpiMaster spiMaster = SpiMaster(&SPID, false, SPI_MODE_1_gc, false, SPI_PRESCALER_DIV4_gc);
    SpiDevice spiDevice = SpiDevice(&spiMaster, &PORTD, SPI_SS_bm);

    //---------Start LED task for testing purposes-----------
    ledRGB = LedGroup(3);
    ledRGB.add(&PORTF, 0x04,1 );//R
    ledRGB.add(&PORTF, 0x08,1 );//G
    ledRGB.add(&PORTF, 0x02,1 );//B
    LedProcessorThread ledRGBEThread = LedProcessorThread(&ledRGB, GREEN, 500, "RGB", 64, configLOW_PRIORITY);

    LedGroup ledString = LedGroup(7);
    ledString.add(&PORTA, 0x02, 0);
    ledString.add(&PORTA, 0x04, 0);
    ledString.add(&PORTA, 0x08, 0);
    ledString.add(&PORTA, 0x10, 0);
    ledString.add(&PORTA, 0x20, 0);
    ledString.add(&PORTA, 0x40, 0);
    ledString.add(&PORTA, 0x80, 0);
    LedProcessorThread ledStringThread = LedProcessorThread(&ledString, "STR", 64, configLOW_PRIORITY);

    // ***** Start main Looper
    Looper looper = Looper(10, "LPR", 750, configNORMAL_PRIORITY);
    //XXX why it is not working if on the heap not on the stack?
    //ExampleHandler *exampleHandler = (ExampleHandler*) pvPortMalloc(sizeof(ExampleHandler));
    //*exampleHandler = ExampleHandler(looper, spiDevice, ledStringQueue, usartFTDI);
    ExampleHandler exampleHandler = ExampleHandler(&looper, &spiDevice, &ledStringThread, &usartFTDI);
    // ****** Register commands for the interpreter
    CommandInterpreter interpreter = CommandInterpreter();
    interpreter.registerCommand(Strings_SpiExampleCmd, Strings_SpiExampleCmdDesc, &exampleHandler, EVENT_RUN_SPI_TEST);
    interpreter.registerCommand(Strings_BlinkCmd, Strings_BlinkCmdDesc, &exampleHandler, EVENT_BLINK);
    CommandInterpreterThread cmdIntThreadFTDI = CommandInterpreterThread(&interpreter, 32, &usartFTDI, "I12", 128, configNORMAL_PRIORITY);

    PinChangeController pinChangeController = PinChangeController();
    pinChangeController.registerOnPinChangeListener(&exampleHandler, &PORTD, PIN2_bm, PORT_OPC_TOTEM_gc, PORT_ISC_RISING_gc);

    // ****** Start stand-alone tasks
    SpiSlaveThread spiSlaveThread = SpiSlaveThread(&spiSlave, &usartFTDI, "SLV", 128, configLOW_PRIORITY);

    /* Start scheduler. Creates idle task and returns if failed to create it.
     * vTaskStartScheduler never returns during normal operation. It is unlikely that XMEGA port will need to
     * dynamically create tasks or queues. To ensure stable work, create ALL tasks and ALL queues before
     * vTaskStartScheduler call.
     * Interrupts would be enabled by calling PMIC_EnableLowLevel();*/

    /* Should never get here, stop execution and report error */
    while(true) ledRGB.set(PINK);
    return 0;