void Compass_ReadMagAvg(float *v, int n) { float vals[3] = {}; int i = n, x; memset(v, 0, sizeof(float[3])); while (i--) { Compass_ReadMag(vals); for (x = 0; x < 3; ++x) v[x] += vals[x]; } for (x = 0; x < 3; ++x) v[x] /= n; }
void calibrate() { // TODO: wait for things to stabilise //printf("Calibrating\n"); Compass_ReadAccAvg(Zaxis, 1000); vecNorm(Zaxis); //printf("Z: %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f\n", Zaxis[0], Zaxis[1], Zaxis[2]); Compass_ReadMag(Xaxis); vecNorm(Xaxis); //printf("X: %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f\n", Xaxis[0], Xaxis[1], Xaxis[2]); vecCross(Yaxis, Zaxis, Xaxis); vecNorm(Yaxis); vecCross(Xaxis, Yaxis, Zaxis); vecNorm(Xaxis); Gyro_ReadAngRateAvg(zeroAngRate, 100); //printf("X: %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f\n", Xaxis[0], Xaxis[1], Xaxis[2]); //printf("Y: %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f\n", Yaxis[0], Yaxis[1], Yaxis[2]); //printf("Z: %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f\n", Zaxis[0], Zaxis[1], Zaxis[2]); }
void read_imu(void) { //repair gyro -> set gyro to acc value //opravy offset/rozjezd gyroskopu od prave hodnoty akcelerometru if(gyro_cnt > reload_gyro) { gyrXangle = Xrot - 1; gyrYangle = Yrot - 1; gyro_cnt = 0; } /*--------------- Read Acc ---------------*/ Acc_ReadAcc(Acc_Buffer); Acc_Buffer[0] /= 100.0f; Acc_Buffer[1] /= 100.0f; Acc_Buffer[2] /= 100.0f; fNormAcc = sqrt((Acc_Buffer[0]*Acc_Buffer[0])+(Acc_Buffer[1]*Acc_Buffer[1])+(Acc_Buffer[2]*Acc_Buffer[2])); //vector length of acceleration accXangle = -(atan2((Acc_Buffer[0]/fNormAcc),Acc_Buffer[2]/fNormAcc)*180/PI); accYangle = -(atan2((Acc_Buffer[1]/fNormAcc),Acc_Buffer[2]/fNormAcc)*180/PI); /*--------------- Read Gyro ---------------*/ Gyro_ReadAngRate(Gyro_Buffer); gyrXangle = gyrXangle + ((Gyro_Buffer[0]*time)); gyrYangle = gyrYangle + ((Gyro_Buffer[1]*time)); gyrZangle = gyrZangle + ((Gyro_Buffer[2]*time)); /*--------------- Read Mag ---------------*/ Compass_ReadMag(Mag_Buffer); Mag_angle = (atan2(Mag_Buffer[1],Mag_Buffer[0])*180/PI)-Mag_correction; if (Mag_angle < 0) Mag_angle += 360; /* Filter and combine acc + gyro (+ mag)*/ PitchAng = 0.98f *(PitchAng+Gyro_Buffer[0]*time) + 0.02f*accXangle; RollAng = 0.98f *(RollAng+Gyro_Buffer[1]*time) + 0.02f*accYangle; YawAng = 0.98f *(YawAng-Gyro_Buffer[2]*time) + 0.02f*Mag_angle; #ifdef SEND_PROCESING_DATA sprintf(send, "0|%f|%f|%f|%f|%f|0|\n",PitchAng,RollAng,YawAng,time,Mag_angle); //sprintf(send, "0|%f|%f|%f|0|0|0|\n",YawAng,RollAng,PitchAng); USART_puts(USART3, send); #endif //counter pocita tiky timeru //TIM4->CNT obsahuje soucasny stav citace tiku timeru 4 counter = TIM4->CNT; if(counter > counter_old) { time = (counter-counter_old)*0.0000005; //pocet tiku od minule * doba tiku }else if(counter < counter_old) //pokud counter napocita 50000 pocita znova od 0 -> counter bude mensi nez minule { time = (50000-counter_old+counter)*0.0000005; } //Delay(5); counter_old = TIM4->CNT; //ulozit soucasny stav counteru do counter_old gyro_cnt++; //pocitani cyklu pro obnoveni hodnoty gyroskopu }
int main() { setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0); /*!< At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured, this is done through SystemInit() function which is called from startup file (startup_stm32f30x.s) before to branch to application main. To reconfigure the default setting of SystemInit() function, refer to system_stm32f30x.c file */ /* SysTick end of count event each 10ms */ RCC_GetClocksFreq(&RCC_Clocks); SysTick_Config(RCC_Clocks.HCLK_Frequency / 100); /* initialise USART1 debug output (TX on pin PA9 and RX on pin PA10) */ USART1_Init(); //printf("Starting\n"); USART1_flush(); /* printf("Initialising USB\n"); USBHID_Init(); printf("Initialising USB HID\n"); Joystick_init(); */ /* Initialise LEDs */ //printf("Initialising LEDs\n"); int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { STM_EVAL_LEDInit(leds[i]); STM_EVAL_LEDOff(leds[i]); } /* Initialise gyro */ //printf("Initialising gyroscope\n"); Gyro_Init(); /* Initialise compass */ //printf("Initialising compass\n"); Compass_Init(); Delay(100); calibrate(); int C = 0, noAccelCount = 0; while (1) { float *acc = accs[C&1], *prevAcc = accs[(C&1)^1], *vel = vels[C&1], *prevVel = vels[(C&1)^1], *pos = poss[C&1], *prevPos = poss[(C&1)^1], *angRate = angRates[C&1], *prevAngRate = angRates[(C&1)^1], *ang = angs[C&1], *prevAng = angs[(C&1)^1], *mag = mags[C&1], *prevmag = mags[(C&1)^1]; /* Wait for data ready */ #if 0 Compass_ReadAccAvg(acc, 10); vecMul(axes, acc); //printf("X: %9.3f Y: %9.3f Z: %9.3f\n", acc[0], acc[1], acc[2]); float grav = acc[2]; acc[2] = 0; if (noAccelCount++ > 50) { for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { vel[i] = 0; prevVel[i] = 0; } noAccelCount = 0; } if (vecLen(acc) > 50.f) { for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { vel[i] += prevAcc[i] + (acc[i]-prevAcc[i])/2.f; pos[i] += prevVel[i] + (vel[i]-prevVel[i])/2.f; } noAccelCount = 0; } C += 1; if (((C) & 0x7F) == 0) { printf("%9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f\n", vel[0], vel[1], pos[0], pos[1], grav); //printf("%3.1f%% %d %5.1f %6.3f\n", (float) timeReadI2C*100.f / totalTime, C, (float) C*100.f / (totalTime), grav); } #endif Compass_ReadMagAvg(mag, 2); vecMul(axes, mag); float compassAngle = atan2f(mag[1], mag[0]) * 180.f / PI; if (compassAngle > 180.f) compassAngle -= 360.f; //vecNorm(mag); Gyro_ReadAngRateAvg(mag, 2); printf("%6.3f:%6.3f,%6.3f,%6.3f\n", compassAngle, mag[0], mag[1], mag[2]); #if 0 Gyro_ReadAngRateAvg(angRate, 2); angRate[0] *= 180.f / PI; angRate[1] *= 180.f / PI; angRate[2] *= 180.f / PI; float s[3] = {sin(angRate[0]), sin(angRate[1]), sin(angRate[2])}; float c[3] = {cos(angRate[0]), cos(angRate[1]), cos(angRate[2])}; float gyroMat[3][3] = { {c[0]*c[1], c[0]*s[1], -s[1]}, {c[0]*s[1]*s[2]-s[0]*c[2], c[0]*c[2]+s[0]*s[1]*s[2], c[1]*s[2]}, {c[0]*s[1]*c[2]+s[0]*s[2], -c[0]*s[2]+s[0]*s[1]*c[2], c[1]*c[2]}}; /* float gyroWorldMat[3][3]; vecMulMatTrans(gyroWorldMat, axes, gyroMat); *ang = gyroWorldMat[2][0]; *ang += gyroWorldMat[2][1]; *ang += gyroWorldMat[2][2]; *ang /= 300.f; static const float ANGALPHA = 0.0f; *ang += ANGALPHA*(compassAngle - *ang); */ float rotObsVec[3]; memcpy(rotObsVec, axes[0], sizeof(rotObsVec)); vecMul(gyroMat, rotObsVec); vecMul(axes, rotObsVec); rotObsVec[2] = 0.f; vecNorm(rotObsVec); float angDelta = acos(rotObsVec[0]); if (((++C) & 0x7) == 0) { printf("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n", rotObsVec[0], rotObsVec[1], rotObsVec[2], angDelta); } #endif #if 0 float angRate[3]; /* Read Gyro Angular data */ Gyro_ReadAngRate(angRate); printf("X: %f Y: %f Z: %f\n", angRate[0], angRate[1], angRate[2]); float MagBuffer[3] = {0.0f}, AccBuffer[3] = {0.0f}; float fNormAcc,fSinRoll,fCosRoll,fSinPitch,fCosPitch = 0.0f, RollAng = 0.0f, PitchAng = 0.0f; float fTiltedX,fTiltedY = 0.0f; Compass_ReadMag(MagBuffer); Compass_ReadAcc(AccBuffer); for(i=0;i<3;i++) AccBuffer[i] /= 100.0f; fNormAcc = sqrt((AccBuffer[0]*AccBuffer[0])+(AccBuffer[1]*AccBuffer[1])+(AccBuffer[2]*AccBuffer[2])); fSinRoll = -AccBuffer[1]/fNormAcc; fCosRoll = sqrt(1.0-(fSinRoll * fSinRoll)); fSinPitch = AccBuffer[0]/fNormAcc; fCosPitch = sqrt(1.0-(fSinPitch * fSinPitch)); if ( fSinRoll >0) { if (fCosRoll>0) { RollAng = acos(fCosRoll)*180/PI; } else { RollAng = acos(fCosRoll)*180/PI + 180; } } else { if (fCosRoll>0) { RollAng = acos(fCosRoll)*180/PI + 360; } else { RollAng = acos(fCosRoll)*180/PI + 180; } } if ( fSinPitch >0) { if (fCosPitch>0) { PitchAng = acos(fCosPitch)*180/PI; } else { PitchAng = acos(fCosPitch)*180/PI + 180; } } else { if (fCosPitch>0) { PitchAng = acos(fCosPitch)*180/PI + 360; } else { PitchAng = acos(fCosPitch)*180/PI + 180; } } if (RollAng >=360) { RollAng = RollAng - 360; } if (PitchAng >=360) { PitchAng = PitchAng - 360; } fTiltedX = MagBuffer[0]*fCosPitch+MagBuffer[2]*fSinPitch; fTiltedY = MagBuffer[0]*fSinRoll*fSinPitch+MagBuffer[1]*fCosRoll-MagBuffer[1]*fSinRoll*fCosPitch; HeadingValue = (float) ((atan2f((float)fTiltedY,(float)fTiltedX))*180)/PI; printf("Compass heading: %f\n", HeadingValue); #endif } return 1; }