コード例 #1
  @param[in] A the known system matrix
  @param[in] r the input vector
  @param[inout] x On exit contains the result of the multigrid V-cycle with r as the RHS, x is the approximation to Ax = r.

  @return returns 0 upon success and non-zero otherwise

  @see ComputeMG_ref
int ComputeMG(const SparseMatrix  & A, const Vector & r, Vector & x) {

  // This line and the next two lines should be removed and your version of ComputeSYMGS should be used.
  A.isMgOptimized = false;
  return(ComputeMG_ref(A, r, x));

コード例 #2
ファイル: ComputeMG.cpp プロジェクト: zabookey/KHPCG3.0
  @param[in] A the known system matrix
  @param[in] r the input vector
  @param[inout] x On exit contains the result of the multigrid V-cycle with r as the RHS, x is the approximation to Ax = r.

  @return returns 0 upon success and non-zero otherwise

  @see ComputeMG_ref
int ComputeMG(const SparseMatrix  & A, const Vector & r, Vector & x) {

  // This line and the next two lines should be removed and your version of ComputeSYMGS should be used.
	if(A.optimizationData == 0 || r.optimizationData == 0 || x.optimizationData == 0){
		A.isMgOptimized = false;
		return ComputeMG_ref(A, r, x);

  assert(x.localLength==A.localNumberOfColumns); // Make sure x contain space for halo values

  ZeroVector(x); // initialize x to zero

  int ierr = 0;
  if (A.mgData!=0) { // Go to next coarse level if defined
    int numberOfPresmootherSteps = A.mgData->numberOfPresmootherSteps;
    for (int i=0; i< numberOfPresmootherSteps; ++i) ierr += ComputeSYMGS(A, r, x);
    if (ierr!=0) return ierr;
    ierr = ComputeSPMV(A, x, *A.mgData->Axf); if (ierr!=0) return ierr;
    // Perform restriction operation using simple injection
    ierr = ComputeRestriction(A, r);  if (ierr!=0) return ierr;
    ierr = ComputeMG(*A.Ac,*A.mgData->rc, *A.mgData->xc);  if (ierr!=0) return ierr;
    ierr = ComputeProlongation(A, x);  if (ierr!=0) return ierr;
    int numberOfPostsmootherSteps = A.mgData->numberOfPostsmootherSteps;
    for (int i=0; i< numberOfPostsmootherSteps; ++i) ierr += ComputeSYMGS(A, r, x);
    if (ierr!=0) return ierr;
  else {
    ierr = ComputeSYMGS(A, r, x);
    if (ierr!=0) return ierr;
  return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CG_ref.cpp プロジェクト: BhavyaDyavarishetty/HPCG
  Reference routine to compute an approximate solution to Ax = b

  @param[inout] A    The known system matrix
  @param[inout] data The data structure with all necessary CG vectors preallocated
  @param[in]    b    The known right hand side vector
  @param[inout] x    On entry: the initial guess; on exit: the new approximate solution
  @param[in]    max_iter  The maximum number of iterations to perform, even if tolerance is not met.
  @param[in]    tolerance The stopping criterion to assert convergence: if norm of residual is <= to tolerance.
  @param[out]   niters    The number of iterations actually performed.
  @param[out]   normr     The 2-norm of the residual vector after the last iteration.
  @param[out]   normr0    The 2-norm of the residual vector before the first iteration.
  @param[out]   times     The 7-element vector of the timing information accumulated during all of the iterations.
  @param[in]    doPreconditioning The flag to indicate whether the preconditioner should be invoked at each iteration.

  @return Returns zero on success and a non-zero value otherwise.

  @see CG()
int CG_ref(const SparseMatrix & A, CGData & data, const Vector & b, Vector & x,
    const int max_iter, const double tolerance, int & niters, double & normr, double & normr0,
    double * times, bool doPreconditioning) {

  double t_begin = mytimer();  // Start timing right away
  normr = 0.0;
  double rtz = 0.0, oldrtz = 0.0, alpha = 0.0, beta = 0.0, pAp = 0.0;

  double t0 = 0.0, t1 = 0.0, t2 = 0.0, t3 = 0.0, t4 = 0.0, t5 = 0.0;
//#ifndef HPCG_NOMPI
//  double t6 = 0.0;

  local_int_t nrow = A.localNumberOfRows;

  Vector & r = data.r; // Residual vector
  Vector & z = data.z; // Preconditioned residual vector
  Vector & p = data.p; // Direction vector (in MPI mode ncol>=nrow)
  Vector & Ap = data.Ap;

  if (!doPreconditioning && A.geom->rank==0) HPCG_fout << "WARNING: PERFORMING UNPRECONDITIONED ITERATIONS" << std::endl;

  int print_freq = 1;
  if (print_freq>50) print_freq=50;
  if (print_freq<1)  print_freq=1;
  // p is of length ncols, copy x to p for sparse MV operation
  CopyVector(x, p);
  TICK(); ComputeSPMV_ref(A, p, Ap);  TOCK(t3); // Ap = A*p
  TICK(); ComputeWAXPBY_ref(nrow, 1.0, b, -1.0, Ap, r); TOCK(t2); // r = b - Ax (x stored in p)
  TICK(); ComputeDotProduct_ref(nrow, r, r, normr, t4);  TOCK(t1);
  normr = sqrt(normr);
  if (A.geom->rank==0) HPCG_fout << "Initial Residual = "<< normr << std::endl;

  // Record initial residual for convergence testing
  normr0 = normr;

  // Start iterations

  for (int k=1; k<=max_iter && normr/normr0 > tolerance; k++ ) {
    if (doPreconditioning)
      ComputeMG_ref(A, r, z); // Apply preconditioner
      ComputeWAXPBY_ref(nrow, 1.0, r, 0.0, r, z); // copy r to z (no preconditioning)
    TOCK(t5); // Preconditioner apply time

    if (k == 1) {
      CopyVector(z, p); TOCK(t2); // Copy Mr to p
      TICK(); ComputeDotProduct_ref(nrow, r, z, rtz, t4); TOCK(t1); // rtz = r'*z
    } else {
      oldrtz = rtz;
      TICK(); ComputeDotProduct_ref(nrow, r, z, rtz, t4); TOCK(t1); // rtz = r'*z
      beta = rtz/oldrtz;
      TICK(); ComputeWAXPBY_ref(nrow, 1.0, z, beta, p, p);  TOCK(t2); // p = beta*p + z

    TICK(); ComputeSPMV_ref(A, p, Ap); TOCK(t3); // Ap = A*p
    TICK(); ComputeDotProduct_ref(nrow, p, Ap, pAp, t4); TOCK(t1); // alpha = p'*Ap
    alpha = rtz/pAp;
    TICK(); ComputeWAXPBY_ref(nrow, 1.0, x, alpha, p, x);// x = x + alpha*p
    ComputeWAXPBY_ref(nrow, 1.0, r, -alpha, Ap, r);  TOCK(t2);// r = r - alpha*Ap
    TICK(); ComputeDotProduct_ref(nrow, r, r, normr, t4); TOCK(t1);
    normr = sqrt(normr);
    if (A.geom->rank==0 && (k%print_freq == 0 || k == max_iter))
      HPCG_fout << "Iteration = "<< k << "   Scaled Residual = "<< normr/normr0 << std::endl;
    niters = k;

  // Store times
  times[1] += t1; // dot product time
  times[2] += t2; // WAXPBY time
  times[3] += t3; // SPMV time
  times[4] += t4; // AllReduce time
  times[5] += t5; // preconditioner apply time
//#ifndef HPCG_NOMPI
//  times[6] += t6; // exchange halo time
  times[0] += mytimer() - t_begin;  // Total time. All done...