コード例 #1
kinematic_constraints::ConstraintEvaluationResult kinematic_constraints::JointConstraint::decide(const planning_models::KinematicState &state, bool verbose) const
  if (!joint_model_)
    return ConstraintEvaluationResult(true, 0.0);
  const planning_models::KinematicState::JointState *joint = state.getJointState(joint_model_->getName());
  if (!joint)
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("No joint in state with name '" << joint_model_->getName() << "'"); 
    return ConstraintEvaluationResult(true, 0.0);
  double current_joint_position = joint->getVariableValues()[0];
  if (!local_variable_name_.empty())
    const std::map<std::string, unsigned int> &index_map = joint->getVariableIndexMap();
    std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::const_iterator it = index_map.find(joint_variable_name_);
    if (it == index_map.end())
      ROS_WARN_STREAM("Local name '" << local_variable_name_ << "' is not known to joint state with name '" << joint_model_->getName() << "'");
      return ConstraintEvaluationResult(true, 0.0);
      current_joint_position = joint->getVariableValues()[it->second];
  double dif = 0.0;
  // compute signed shortest distance for continuous joints
  if (joint_is_continuous_)
    dif = normalizeAngle(current_joint_position) - joint_position_;
    if (dif > boost::math::constants::pi<double>())
      dif = 2.0*boost::math::constants::pi<double>() - dif;
      if (dif < -boost::math::constants::pi<double>())
        dif += 2.0*boost::math::constants::pi<double>(); // we include a sign change to have dif > 0
    // however, we want to include proper sign for diff, as the tol below is may be different from tol above
    if (current_joint_position < joint_position_)
      dif = -dif;
    dif = current_joint_position - joint_position_;
  // check bounds
  bool result = dif <= joint_tolerance_above_ && dif >= -joint_tolerance_below_;
  if (verbose)
    ROS_INFO("Constraint %s:: Joint name: '%s', actual value: %f, desired value: %f, tolerance_above: %f, tolerance_below: %f",
             result ? "satisfied" : "violated", joint_variable_name_.c_str(),
             current_joint_position, joint_position_, joint_tolerance_above_, joint_tolerance_below_);
  return ConstraintEvaluationResult(result, constraint_weight_ * fabs(dif));
コード例 #2
kinematic_constraints::ConstraintEvaluationResult kinematic_constraints::JointConstraint::decide(const robot_state::RobotState &state, bool verbose) const
  if (!joint_model_)
    return ConstraintEvaluationResult(true, 0.0);

  const robot_state::JointState *joint = state.getJointState(joint_model_->getName());

  if (!joint)
    logWarn("No joint in state with name '%s'", joint_model_->getName().c_str());
    return ConstraintEvaluationResult(true, 0.0);

  double current_joint_position = joint->getVariableValues()[0];
  if (!local_variable_name_.empty())
    const std::map<std::string, unsigned int> &index_map = joint->getVariableIndexMap();
    std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::const_iterator it = index_map.find(joint_variable_name_);
    if (it == index_map.end())
      logWarn("Local name '%s' is not known to joint state with name '%s'", local_variable_name_.c_str(), joint_model_->getName().c_str());
      return ConstraintEvaluationResult(true, 0.0);
      current_joint_position = joint->getVariableValues()[it->second];

  double dif = 0.0;

  // compute signed shortest distance for continuous joints
  if (joint_is_continuous_)
    dif = normalizeAngle(current_joint_position) - joint_position_;

    if (dif > boost::math::constants::pi<double>())
      dif = 2.0*boost::math::constants::pi<double>() - dif;
      if (dif < -boost::math::constants::pi<double>())
        dif += 2.0*boost::math::constants::pi<double>(); // we include a sign change to have dif > 0
    dif = current_joint_position - joint_position_;

  // check bounds
  bool result = dif <= (joint_tolerance_above_+2*std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) && dif >= (-joint_tolerance_below_-2*std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
  if (verbose)
    logInform("Constraint %s:: Joint name: '%s', actual value: %f, desired value: %f, tolerance_above: %f, tolerance_below: %f",
              result ? "satisfied" : "violated", joint_variable_name_.c_str(),
              current_joint_position, joint_position_, joint_tolerance_above_, joint_tolerance_below_);
  return ConstraintEvaluationResult(result, constraint_weight_ * fabs(dif));
コード例 #3
kinematic_constraints::ConstraintEvaluationResult kinematic_constraints::OrientationConstraint::decide(const robot_state::RobotState &state, bool verbose) const
  if (!link_model_)
    return ConstraintEvaluationResult(true, 0.0);

  const robot_state::LinkState *link_state = state.getLinkState(link_model_->getName());

  if (!link_state)
    logWarn("No link in state with name '%s'", link_model_->getName().c_str());
    return ConstraintEvaluationResult(false, 0.0);

  Eigen::Vector3d xyz;
  if (mobile_frame_)
    Eigen::Matrix3d tmp;
    tf_->transformRotationMatrix(state, desired_rotation_frame_id_, desired_rotation_matrix_, tmp);
    Eigen::Affine3d diff(tmp.inverse() * link_state->getGlobalLinkTransform().rotation());
    xyz = diff.rotation().eulerAngles(0, 1, 2);
    // 0,1,2 corresponds to ZXZ, the convention used in sampling constraints
    Eigen::Affine3d diff(desired_rotation_matrix_inv_ * link_state->getGlobalLinkTransform().rotation());
    xyz = diff.rotation().eulerAngles(0, 1, 2); // 0,1,2 corresponds to ZXZ, the convention used in sampling constraints

  xyz(0) = std::min(fabs(xyz(0)), boost::math::constants::pi<double>() - fabs(xyz(0)));
  xyz(1) = std::min(fabs(xyz(1)), boost::math::constants::pi<double>() - fabs(xyz(1)));
  xyz(2) = std::min(fabs(xyz(2)), boost::math::constants::pi<double>() - fabs(xyz(2)));
  bool result = xyz(2) < absolute_z_axis_tolerance_+std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
    && xyz(1) < absolute_y_axis_tolerance_+std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
    && xyz(0) < absolute_x_axis_tolerance_+std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();

  if (verbose)
    Eigen::Quaterniond q_act(link_state->getGlobalLinkTransform().rotation());
    Eigen::Quaterniond q_des(desired_rotation_matrix_);
    logInform("Orientation constraint %s for link '%s'. Quaternion desired: %f %f %f %f, quaternion actual: %f %f %f %f, error: x=%f, y=%f, z=%f, tolerance: x=%f, y=%f, z=%f",
             result ? "satisfied" : "violated", link_model_->getName().c_str(),
             q_des.x(), q_des.y(), q_des.z(), q_des.w(),
             q_act.x(), q_act.y(), q_act.z(), q_act.w(), xyz(0), xyz(1), xyz(2),
             absolute_x_axis_tolerance_, absolute_y_axis_tolerance_, absolute_z_axis_tolerance_);

  return ConstraintEvaluationResult(result, constraint_weight_ * (xyz(0) + xyz(1) + xyz(2)));
コード例 #4
// helper function to avoid code duplication
static inline kinematic_constraints::ConstraintEvaluationResult finishPositionConstraintDecision(const Eigen::Vector3d &pt, const Eigen::Vector3d &desired, const std::string &name,
                                                                                                 double weight, bool result, bool verbose)
  if (verbose)
    ROS_INFO("Position constraint %s on link '%s'. Desired: %f, %f, %f, current: %f, %f, %f",
             result ? "satisfied" : "violated", name.c_str(), desired.x(), desired.y(), desired.z(), pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z());
  double dx = desired.x() - pt.x();
  double dy = desired.y() - pt.y();
  double dz = desired.z() - pt.z(); 
  return ConstraintEvaluationResult(result, weight * sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz));
コード例 #5
kinematic_constraints::ConstraintEvaluationResult kinematic_constraints::PositionConstraint::decide(const robot_state::RobotState &state, bool verbose) const
  if (!link_model_ || constraint_region_.empty())
    return ConstraintEvaluationResult(true, 0.0);

  const robot_state::LinkState *link_state = state.getLinkState(link_model_->getName());

  if (!link_state)
    logWarn("No link in state with name '%s'", link_model_->getName().c_str());
    return ConstraintEvaluationResult(false, 0.0);

  Eigen::Vector3d pt = link_state->getGlobalLinkTransform() * offset_;
  if (mobile_frame_)
    Eigen::Affine3d tmp;
    for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < constraint_region_.size() ; ++i)
      tf_->transformPose(state, constraint_frame_id_, constraint_region_pose_[i], tmp);
      bool result = constraint_region_[i]->cloneAt(tmp)->containsPoint(pt, verbose);
      if (result || (i + 1 == constraint_region_pose_.size()))
        return finishPositionConstraintDecision(pt, tmp.translation(), link_model_->getName(), constraint_weight_, result, verbose);
        finishPositionConstraintDecision(pt, tmp.translation(), link_model_->getName(), constraint_weight_, result, verbose);
    for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < constraint_region_.size() ; ++i)
      bool result = constraint_region_[i]->containsPoint(pt, true);
      if (result || (i + 1 == constraint_region_.size()))
        return finishPositionConstraintDecision(pt, constraint_region_[i]->getPose().translation(), link_model_->getName(), constraint_weight_, result, verbose);
        finishPositionConstraintDecision(pt, constraint_region_[i]->getPose().translation(), link_model_->getName(), constraint_weight_, result, verbose);
  return ConstraintEvaluationResult(false, 0.0);
コード例 #6
kinematic_constraints::ConstraintEvaluationResult kinematic_constraints::VisibilityConstraint::decide(const planning_models::KinematicState &state, bool verbose) const
  if (target_radius_ <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
    return ConstraintEvaluationResult(true, 0.0);
  if (max_view_angle_ > 0.0 || max_range_angle_ > 0.0)
    const Eigen::Affine3d &sp = mobile_sensor_frame_ ? tf_->getTransform(state, sensor_frame_id_) * sensor_pose_ : sensor_pose_;
    const Eigen::Affine3d &tp = mobile_target_frame_ ? tf_->getTransform(state, target_frame_id_) * target_pose_ : target_pose_;
    const Eigen::Vector3d &normal2 = sp.rotation().col(sensor_view_direction_);

    if (max_view_angle_ > 0.0)
      const Eigen::Vector3d &normal1 = tp.rotation().col(2); // along Z axis
      double dp = normal2.dot(normal1);
      if (dp < 0.0)
        if (verbose)
	    ROS_INFO("Visibility constraint is violated because the sensor is looking at the wrong side");
        return ConstraintEvaluationResult(false, 0.0);
      double ang = acos(dp);
      if (max_view_angle_ < ang)
	if (verbose)
	  ROS_INFO("Visibility constraint is violated because the view angle is %lf (above the maximum allowed of %lf)", ang, max_view_angle_);
        return ConstraintEvaluationResult(false, 0.0);
    if (max_range_angle_ > 0.0)
      const Eigen::Vector3d &dir = (tp.translation() - sp.translation()).normalized();
      double dp = normal2.dot(dir); 
      if (dp < 0.0)
        if (verbose)
	    ROS_INFO("Visibility constraint is violated because the sensor is looking at the wrong side");
        return ConstraintEvaluationResult(false, 0.0);
      double ang = acos(dp);
      if (max_range_angle_ < ang)
	if (verbose)
	  ROS_INFO("Visibility constraint is violated because the range angle is %lf (above the maximum allowed of %lf)", ang, max_view_angle_);
        return ConstraintEvaluationResult(false, 0.0);
  shapes::Mesh *m = getVisibilityCone(state);
  if (!m)
    return ConstraintEvaluationResult(false, 0.0);

  // add the visibility cone as an object
  collision_detection::CollisionWorldFCL collision_world;
  collision_world.addToObject("cone", shapes::ShapeConstPtr(m), Eigen::Affine3d::Identity());

  // check for collisions between the robot and the cone
  collision_detection::CollisionRequest req;
  collision_detection::CollisionResult res;
  collision_detection::AllowedCollisionMatrix acm;
  acm.setDefaultEntry("cone", boost::bind(&VisibilityConstraint::decideContact, this, _1));
  req.contacts = true;
  req.verbose = verbose;
  req.max_contacts = 1; 
  collision_world.checkRobotCollision(req, res, *collision_robot_, state, acm);

  if (verbose)
    std::stringstream ss;
    ROS_INFO("Visibility constraint %ssatisfied. Visibility cone approximation:\n %s", res.collision ? "not " : "", ss.str().c_str());
  return ConstraintEvaluationResult(!res.collision, res.collision ? res.contacts.begin()->second.front().depth : 0.0);