コード例 #1
static IMG_RESULT AllocPages(
    SYSMEM_Heap *     heap,
    IMG_UINT32        ui32Size,
    SYSMEMU_sPages *  psPages,
    SYS_eMemAttrib    eMemAttrib
    IMG_UINT32  ui32NoPages;
    IMG_UINT32  ui32ExamPages;
    IMG_UINT32  i;
    IMG_UINT64  ui64DeviceMemoryBase;
    IMG_PHYSADDR  paCpuPhysAddr;
    IMG_UINT32  ui32Result;
    size_t      physAddrArrSize;

    struct priv_params *  prv = (struct priv_params *)heap->priv;

    /* If we don't know where the memory is...*/

    /* Calculate required no. of pages...*/
    ui32NoPages = (ui32Size + (HOST_MMU_PAGE_SIZE-1)) / HOST_MMU_PAGE_SIZE;

    /* Loop over allocated pages until we find an unallocated slot big enough for this allocation...*/
    ui32ExamPages = 0;
    while (ui32ExamPages < prv->npages)
        /* If the current page is not allocated and we might have enough remaining to make this allocation...*/
        if (
                (!prv->alloc_pool[prv->cur_index]) &&
                ((prv->cur_index + ui32NoPages) <= prv->npages)
            /* Can we make this allocation...*/
            for (i=0; i<ui32NoPages; i++)
                if (prv->alloc_pool[prv->cur_index+i])
            if (i == ui32NoPages)
                /* Yes, mark pages as allocated...*/
                for (i=0; i<ui32NoPages; i++)
                    prv->alloc_pool[prv->cur_index+i] = IMG_TRUE;

                /* Calculate the memory address of the start of the allocation...*/
                //psPages->pvCpuKmAddr = (IMG_VOID *)((IMG_UINTPTR)prv->vstart + (prv->cur_index * HOST_MMU_PAGE_SIZE));
                psPages->pvImplData = (IMG_VOID *)(prv->vstart + (prv->cur_index * HOST_MMU_PAGE_SIZE));

                /* Update the current page index....*/
                prv->cur_index += ui32NoPages;
                if (prv->cur_index >= prv->npages)
                    prv->cur_index = 0;

        /* Update examined pages and page index...*/
        if (prv->cur_index >= prv->npages)
            prv->cur_index = 0;

    /* Check if allocation failed....*/
    IMG_ASSERT(ui32ExamPages < prv->npages);
    if (ui32ExamPages >= prv->npages)
        /* Failed...*/
        /* dump some fragmentation information */
        int i = 0;
        int nAllocated = 0;
        int n64kBlocks  = 0;    // number of blocks of <16 consecutive pages
        int n128kBlocks = 0;
        int n256kBlocks = 0;
        int nBigBlocks  = 0;    // number of blocks of >=64 consecutive pages
        int nMaxBlocks  = 0;
        int nPages = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < (int)prv->npages; i++)
            IMG_UINT8 isallocated = prv->alloc_pool[i];
            if(i == prv->npages-1 || isallocated != prv->alloc_pool[i+1])
                    nAllocated += nPages;
                else if(nPages < 16)
                else if(nPages < 32)
                else if(nPages < 64)
                    if(nMaxBlocks < nPages)
                        nMaxBlocks = nPages;
                isallocated = prv->alloc_pool[i];
                nPages = 0;
#ifdef printk
        /* hopefully, this will give some idea of the fragmentation of the memory */
        printk("AllocPages not able to allocate memory \n");
        printk("  number available memory areas under 64k:%d\n", n64kBlocks);
        printk("  number available memory areas under 128k:%d\n", n128kBlocks);
        printk("  number available memory areas under 256k:%d\n", n256kBlocks);
        printk("  number available memory areas over 256k:%d\n", nBigBlocks);
        printk("  total allocated memory:%dk/%dk\n", nAllocated*4, prv->npages*4);

        return IMG_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    paCpuPhysAddr = CpuKmAddrToCpuPAddr(heap, psPages->pvImplData);
    IMG_ASSERT(paCpuPhysAddr != 0);
    if (paCpuPhysAddr == 0)

    /* This flushes the outer cache in ARM, so we avoid memory corruption by late
       flushes of memory previously marked as cached. */
    if ((eMemAttrib & SYS_MEMATTRIB_CACHED) == 0) {
        /* the following two calls are somewhat expensive, but are there for defensive reasons */
        IMG_PHYSADDR *      ppaCpuPhysAddrs;
        size_t numPages, pg_i, offset;

        // Memory for physical addresses
        numPages = (ui32Size + HOST_MMU_PAGE_SIZE - 1)/HOST_MMU_PAGE_SIZE;
        physAddrArrSize = sizeof(*ppaCpuPhysAddrs) * numPages;
        ppaCpuPhysAddrs = IMG_BIGORSMALL_ALLOC(physAddrArrSize);
        if (!ppaCpuPhysAddrs)
            return IMG_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        for (pg_i = 0, offset = 0; pg_i < numPages; offset += HOST_MMU_PAGE_SIZE, ++pg_i)
                ppaCpuPhysAddrs[pg_i] = paCpuPhysAddr + offset;
        // Set pointer to physical address in structure
        psPages->ppaPhysAddr = ppaCpuPhysAddrs;

    /* Add this to the list of mappable regions...*/
    ui32Result = SYSBRGU_CreateMappableRegion(paCpuPhysAddr, ui32Size, eMemAttrib, psPages, &psPages->hRegHandle);
    IMG_ASSERT(ui32Result == IMG_SUCCESS);
    if (ui32Result != IMG_SUCCESS) 
        goto error_mappable_region;

#if defined (CLEAR_PAGES)
        if (psPages->pvImplData)
    IMG_MEMSET( psPages->pvImplData, 0, ui32Size);

    return IMG_SUCCESS;

    /* Error handling. */
    IMG_BIGORSMALL_FREE(physAddrArrSize, psPages->ppaPhysAddr);
    psPages->ppaPhysAddr = IMG_NULL;

    return ui32Result;
コード例 #2

 @Function                SYSMEMKM_AllocPages

static IMG_RESULT AllocPages(
    SYSMEM_Heap *     heap,
    IMG_UINT32        ui32Size,
    SYSMEMU_sPages *  psPages,
    SYS_eMemAttrib    eMemAttrib
    struct priv_params *  prv = (struct priv_params *)heap->priv;
    IMG_PHYSADDR          paCpuPhysAddr, paOffset;
    IMG_RESULT            ui32Result;
    IMG_PHYSADDR *        ppaCpuPhysAddrs;
    size_t                numPages, pg_i;
    size_t                physAddrArrSize;

    /* Calculate required no. of pages...*/
    psPages->pvImplData = (IMG_VOID *)gen_pool_alloc(prv->pool, ui32Size);
    if(psPages->pvImplData == IMG_NULL)
        return IMG_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    paCpuPhysAddr = CpuKmAddrToCpuPAddr(heap, psPages->pvImplData);
    IMG_ASSERT(paCpuPhysAddr != 0);
    if (paCpuPhysAddr == 0)
        ui32Result = IMG_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE;
        goto error_map;

    numPages = (ui32Size + HOST_MMU_PAGE_SIZE - 1)/HOST_MMU_PAGE_SIZE;
    physAddrArrSize = sizeof(*ppaCpuPhysAddrs) * numPages;
    ppaCpuPhysAddrs = IMG_BIGORSMALL_ALLOC(physAddrArrSize);
    if (!ppaCpuPhysAddrs)
        ui32Result = IMG_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        goto error_array_alloc;
    for (pg_i = 0, paOffset = 0; pg_i < numPages; paOffset += HOST_MMU_PAGE_SIZE, ++pg_i)
        ppaCpuPhysAddrs[pg_i] = paCpuPhysAddr + paOffset;
    psPages->ppaPhysAddr = ppaCpuPhysAddrs;

    /* Add this to the list of mappable regions...*/
    ui32Result = SYSBRGU_CreateMappableRegion(psPages->ppaPhysAddr[0], ui32Size, eMemAttrib, IMG_FALSE, psPages, &psPages->hRegHandle);
    IMG_ASSERT(ui32Result == IMG_SUCCESS);
    if (ui32Result != IMG_SUCCESS)
        goto error_region_create;

#if defined (CLEAR_PAGES)
    IMG_MEMSET( psPages->pvImplData, 0, ui32Size);

    return IMG_SUCCESS;

    /* Error handling. */
    IMG_BIGORSMALL_FREE(physAddrArrSize, psPages->ppaPhysAddr);
    gen_pool_free(prv->pool, (unsigned long)psPages->pvImplData, ui32Size);

    psPages->ppaPhysAddr = IMG_NULL;
    psPages->hRegHandle = IMG_NULL;

    return ui32Result;