コード例 #1
void CFT_Area::ConstructL()
    //	TRACE ("WARNING !! Test\n");
    iBeaconC = CAE_TState<TInt>::NewL(KAreaBeaconCName, this, TTransInfo());
    iBeaconX = CAE_TState<TInt>::NewL(KAreaBeaconXName, this, TTransInfo());
    iLbDown = CAE_TState<TInt>::NewL("LbDown", this, TTransInfo(), CAE_StateBase::EType_Input);
    iMcPos = CAE_TState<CF_TdPoint>::NewL("McPos", this, TTransInfo(), CAE_StateBase::EType_Input);
    iRect = CAE_TState<CF_Rect>::NewL(KAreaRectName, this, TTransInfo(), CAE_StateBase::EType_Input);
    *iRect = iInitRect;

    // Create borders
    CF_Rect rt = iInitRect;
    float midx, midy;
    midx = (rt.iRightLower.iX - rt.iLeftUpper.iX)/2.0;
    midy = (rt.iRightLower.iY - rt.iLeftUpper.iY)/2.0;
    printf("area_constr: lx= %d, ly= %d, rx= %d, ry= %d\n", rt.iLeftUpper.iX, rt.iLeftUpper.iY, rt.iRightLower.iX, rt.iRightLower.iY);
    CreateBorder(rt.iLeftUpper.iX-KBorderRadius, midy, KObjBorderLeftName, CAE_TRANS(UpdateBordHookLeft));	
    CreateBorder(rt.iRightLower.iX + KBorderRadius, midy, KObjBorderRightName, CAE_TRANS(UpdateBordHookRight));	
    CreateBorder(midx, rt.iLeftUpper.iY - KBorderRadius, KObjBorderTopName, CAE_TRANS(UpdateBordHookTop));	
    CreateBorder(midx, rt.iRightLower.iY + KBorderRadius, KObjBorderBottomName, CAE_TRANS(UpdateBordHookBottom));	

    // Create balls
    CreateBall(40, 40, 2000, 20, "Ball1");
    CreateBall(300, 300, 2000, 30, "Ball2");
    CreateBall(200, 400, 3000, 40, "Ball3");
#if 0
    CreateBall(300, 300, 200, 40, "Ball2");
    CreateBall(400, 300, 300, 60, "Ball3");
コード例 #2
void DrawActiveWindow(HDC buf, RECT r)
	Settings const & s = getSettings();

	// Checks for windows just showing on the edges of the screen
	if (r.bottom - r.top < 2)
		if (!_stricmp(s.m_focusedWindow.styleType, "border"))
			bColor = s.m_focusedWindow.borderColor;
			bColor = s.m_window.borderColor;

		HPEN borderPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, bColor);
		HPEN oldPen = (HPEN) SelectObject(buf, borderPen);

		MoveToEx(buf, r.left, r.top, NULL);
		LineTo(buf, r.right, r.top);


		//MessageBox(0, "Warning sir!\n\nCan't draw this window as a RECT dude!", "DrawActiveWindow", MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_SETFOREGROUND);


	if (r.right - r.left < 2)
		if (!_stricmp(s.m_focusedWindow.styleType, "border"))
			bColor = s.m_focusedWindow.borderColor;
			bColor = s.m_window.borderColor;

		HPEN borderPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, bColor);
		HPEN oldPen = (HPEN) SelectObject(buf, borderPen);

		MoveToEx(buf, r.left, r.top, NULL);
		LineTo(buf, r.left, r.bottom);



	if (!_stricmp(s.m_focusedWindow.styleType, "texture"))
		MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, s.m_focusedWindow.ownStyle ? s.m_focusedWindow.style : &s.m_focusedWindow.Style, false);
		CreateBorder(buf, &r, s.m_focusedWindow.borderColor, 1);
	else if (!_stricmp(s.m_focusedWindow.styleType, "border"))
		MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, s.m_window.ownStyle ? s.m_window.style : &s.m_window.Style, false);
		CreateBorder(buf, &r, s.m_focusedWindow.borderColor, 1);
		MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, s.m_window.style, true);
コード例 #3
void DrawInactiveWindow(HDC buf, RECT r)
	Settings const & s = getSettings();
	if (r.bottom - r.top < 2)
		HPEN borderPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, getSettings().m_window.borderColor);
		HPEN oldPen = (HPEN) SelectObject(buf, borderPen);

		MoveToEx(buf, r.left, r.top, NULL);
		LineTo(buf, r.right, r.top);



	if (r.right - r.left < 2)
		HPEN borderPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, getSettings().m_window.borderColor);
		HPEN oldPen = (HPEN) SelectObject(buf, borderPen);

		MoveToEx(buf, r.left, r.top, NULL);
		LineTo(buf, r.left, r.bottom);



	MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, s.m_window.ownStyle ? s.m_window.style : &s.m_window.Style, false);
		CreateBorder(buf, &r, s.m_window.borderColor, 1);
コード例 #4
ファイル: World.cpp プロジェクト: Rubix117/Starlight
	World::World(const int &ROWS, const int &COLS, const int &SMOOTH_LEVEL, const int &GRASS_CHANCE) :
		Map(ROWS, COLS), 
		for(int y = 0; y < ROWS; y++)
			for(int x = 0; x < COLS; x++)
				Tile::TileType type = GetRandomTileType();
				At(x, y) = Tile(x, y, type);

		for(int i = 0; i < SMOOTH_LEVEL; i++)
			if(i == SMOOTH_LEVEL - 1)

		int numDungeonsToCreate = GameMath::Random(ROWS/2, ROWS/3);
		for (int i = 0; i < numDungeonsToCreate; i++)
			Vector2 newDungeonCoords;
			bool otherDungeonNear = true;

				otherDungeonNear = false;
				newDungeonCoords = *GetFreeTileCoords(COLS, ROWS);

				const int DUNGEON_PADDING = 3;
				int x = newDungeonCoords.x - DUNGEON_PADDING;
				int y = newDungeonCoords.y - DUNGEON_PADDING;
				int xMax = newDungeonCoords.x + DUNGEON_PADDING;
				int yMax = newDungeonCoords.y + DUNGEON_PADDING;

				for (; y < yMax; y++)
					for (; x < xMax; x++)
						if(!IsOutOfBounds(x, y) && At(x, y).type == Tile::DOOR 
							&& (x != newDungeonCoords.x && y != newDungeonCoords.y))
							otherDungeonNear = true;

			At(newDungeonCoords).type = Tile::DOOR;

		entryCoords = GetFreeTileCoords(COLS, ROWS);
		spawnCoords = entryCoords;
コード例 #5
void DrawActiveDesktop(HDC buf, RECT r, int i)
	Settings const & s = getSettings();
	if (!_stricmp(s.m_activeDesktop.styleType, "border3")) 
		r.right = r.right + 2;
		r.bottom = r.bottom + 2;

		if (s.m_activeDesktop.Style.parentRelative)
			CreateBorder(buf, &r, s.m_activeDesktop.borderColor, 1);
			MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, s.m_activeDesktop.ownStyle ? s.m_activeDesktop.style : &s.m_activeDesktop.Style, false);
			CreateBorder(buf, &r, s.m_activeDesktop.borderColor, 1);
	else if (!_stricmp(s.m_activeDesktop.styleType, "border2")) 
		r.left = r.left - 1;
		r.top = r.top - 1;
		r.right = r.right + 1;
		r.bottom = r.bottom + 1;

		if (!s.m_activeDesktop.ownStyle && s.m_activeDesktop.Style.parentRelative)
			CreateBorder(buf, &r, s.m_activeDesktop.borderColor, 1);
			MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, s.m_activeDesktop.ownStyle ? s.m_activeDesktop.style : &s.m_activeDesktop.Style, false);
			CreateBorder(buf, &r, s.m_desktop.Style.borderColor, 1);
	else if (!_stricmp(s.m_activeDesktop.styleType, "border")) 
		if (!s.m_activeDesktop.ownStyle && s.m_activeDesktop.Style.parentRelative)
			CreateBorder(buf, &r, s.m_activeDesktop.borderColor, 1);
			MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, s.m_activeDesktop.ownStyle ? s.m_activeDesktop.style : &s.m_activeDesktop.Style, false);
			CreateBorder(buf, &r, s.m_desktop.Style.borderColor, 1);
	else if (!_stricmp(s.m_activeDesktop.styleType, "texture")) 
		if (!s.m_activeDesktop.ownStyle && !s.m_activeDesktop.Style.parentRelative)
			MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, s.m_activeDesktop.ownStyle ? s.m_activeDesktop.style : &s.m_activeDesktop.Style, false);
		CreateBorder(buf, &r, s.m_activeDesktop.borderColor, 1);
	else if (!s.m_desktop.Style.parentRelative) // "none"
		MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, s.m_desktop.ownStyle ? s.m_desktop.style : &s.m_desktop.Style, false);	

	//desktopRect[i] = r;
	desktopRect.insert(desktopRect.begin() + i, r);
コード例 #6
void PutGradient (WinInfo * WI, HDC hdc, RECT * rc, StyleItem * pG)
    if (pG->parentRelative) {
        if (pG->borderWidth)
            CreateBorder(hdc, rc, pG->borderColor, pG->borderWidth);

    int width = rc->right - rc->left;
    int height = rc->bottom - rc->top;
    int i = pG >= &mSkin.F.Title
        ? pG - &mSkin.F.Title + 6
        : pG - &mSkin.U.Title;

    GdiInfo *pGdi = WI->gdiobjs + i;
    HBITMAP bmp = (HBITMAP)pGdi->hObj;
    HGDIOBJ other;

    if (bmp && width == pGdi->cx && height == pGdi->cy) {
        other = SelectObject(WI->buf, bmp);

    } else {
        RECT r;

        r.left = r.top = 0;
        r.right = width, r.bottom = height;

        if (bmp)

        pGdi->cx = width;
        pGdi->cx = height;
        pGdi->hObj = bmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, width, height);

        if (NULL == bmp)

        other = SelectObject(WI->buf, bmp);

        StyleItem si;
        si = *pG; // makes a copy of StyleItem into si
        MakeStyleGradient(WI->buf, &r, &si, true);

    BitBlt(hdc, rc->left, rc->top, width, height, WI->buf, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
    SelectObject(WI->buf, other);
コード例 #7
ファイル: IBorder.cpp プロジェクト: lozpeng/applesales
IBorderPtr IBorder::CreateBorderFromStream(SYSTEM::IArchive &ar)
	unsigned long lPos = ar.GetCurrentPos();

	int type;
	ar & type;

	ar.GetCurrentPos() = lPos;

	IBorderPtr pBorder = CreateBorder((Border_Type)type);

	if (pBorder != NULL)

	return pBorder;

コード例 #8
void Scene2Controller::Setup() {
  // Box2D
  scene_begin_time = ofGetElapsedTimef();
  const ofPoint left(256-64, 200);
  const ofPoint right(768-64, 200);
  const float pause = 0.5;
      .Background(ofColor(0, 0, 0, 0))
      .Position("left", left)
      .Position("right", right)
      .Message("You know why you're here, right?", "right").Pause(pause)
      .Message("No.", "left").Pause(pause)
      .Message("Because you're bad at tennis.\nI'm gonna make you good.", "right").Pause(2.0)
コード例 #9
void Scene3Controller::Setup() {
  // Box2D
  const ofPoint right(768-256, 50);
  const float pause = 2.0;
      .Position("court", ofPoint(768, 600))
      .Position("right", right)
      .Position("below", right + ofVec2f(0, 100)).Then([this] () {
        std::vector<float> volume_targets;
        volume_targets.push_back(0.1); //bass sound
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //high arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //high arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //low arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //low arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 3
      }).Message("I don't believe in gravity, \nI will surely win this match!", "right").Then([this] () {
        model_.served = false;
        model_.ball_in_play = true;
        model_.opponent_index = 0;
      .Barrier("point").Then([this] () {
        std::vector<float> volume_targets;
        volume_targets.push_back(0.2); //bass sound
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //high arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //high arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(1.0); //low arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //low arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 3
  .Message("I have time, \nI will surely win this match!", "right").Then([this] () {
    model_.served = false;
    model_.ball_in_play = true;
    model_.opponent_index = 1;
  .Barrier("point").Then([this] () {
        std::vector<float> volume_targets;
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //bass sound
        volume_targets.push_back(0.3); //high arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //high arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(1.0); //low arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //low arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 3
  .Message("I have many racquets, \nI will surely win this match!", "right").Then([this] () {
    model_.served = false;
    model_.ball_in_play = true;
    model_.opponent_index = 2;
  .Barrier("point").Then([this] () {
        std::vector<float> volume_targets;
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //bass sound
        volume_targets.push_back(0.2); //high arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //high arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(1.0); //low arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //low arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 3
  .Message("We're playing a whole different game,\nwe will surely win this match!", "right").Then([this] () {
    model_.served = true;
    model_.ball_in_play = true;
    model_.opponent_index = 3;
  .Barrier("point").Then([this] () {
        std::vector<float> volume_targets;
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //bass sound
        volume_targets.push_back(0.2); //high arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //high arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.9); //low arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //low arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.3); //words 2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 3
  .Message("I'm made of glass, \nI will surely win this match!", "right").Then([this] () {
    model_.served = false;
    model_.ball_in_play = true;
    model_.opponent_index = 4;
  .Barrier("point").Then([this] () {
        std::vector<float> volume_targets;
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //bass sound
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //high arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //high arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //low arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(1.0); //low arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.3); //words 2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 3
  }).Clear().Pause(pause).Then([this] () {
    model_.served = true;
    model_.ball_in_play = true;
    model_.opponent_index = 5;
  .Barrier("point").Then([this] () {
        std::vector<float> volume_targets;
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //bass sound
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //high arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //high arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(1.0); //low arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //low arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.6); //words 1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 3
      .Message("I'm late, I will...", "court").Pause(0.5).Clear().Pause(0.5)
  .Message("I'm a blank slate,\nI will surely win this match!", "right").Then([this] () {
    model_.served = false;
    model_.ball_in_play = true;
    model_.opponent_index = 6;
  .Barrier("point").Then([this] () {
        std::vector<float> volume_targets;
        volume_targets.push_back(0.7); //bass sound
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //high arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //high arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(1.0); //low arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //low arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.4); //words 1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.4); //words 3
  .Message("I've spent my life studying this game,\nI will surely win this match!", "right").Then([this] () {
    model_.served = false;
    model_.ball_in_play = true;
    model_.opponent_index = 7;
  .Barrier("point").Then([this] () {
        std::vector<float> volume_targets;
        volume_targets.push_back(0.7); //bass sound
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //high arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.3); //high arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //low arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //low arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.4); //words 1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.4); //words 3
  .Message("I'm the score itself, \nI will surely win this match!", "right").Then([this] () {
    model_.served = false;
    model_.ball_in_play = true;
    model_.opponent_index = 8;
  .Barrier("point").Then([this] () {
        std::vector<float> volume_targets;
        volume_targets.push_back(0.9); //bass sound
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //high arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.2); //high arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //low arpeg v1
        volume_targets.push_back(1.0); //low arpeg v2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //words 1
        volume_targets.push_back(0.0); //words 2
        volume_targets.push_back(0.5); //words 3
  .Message("I'm you, \nI will surely win this match!", "right").Then([this] () {
    model_.served = false;
    model_.ball_in_play = true;
    model_.opponent_index = 9;
  .Barrier("score").Then([this] () {
    model_.served = false;
    model_.ball_in_play = true;
  }).Barrier("score").Then([this] () {
    model_.served = false;
    model_.ball_in_play = true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Toolbar.cpp プロジェクト: fin-alice/bb4nt
void PaintToolbar(HDC hdc, RECT *rcPaint)
	RECT r; int i; const TCHAR *label = Toolbar_CurrentWindow; StyleItem *pSI;

	// Display some statistics.
#pragma message("\n"__FILE__ "(397) : warning 0: MEMCHECK enabled.\n")
    if (NULL==Toolbar_hFont)
        LOGFONT logFont;
        SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, 0, &logFont, 0);
        Toolbar_hFont = CreateFontIndirect(&logFont);
	extern int g_menu_count;
	extern int g_menu_item_count;
	TCHAR temp[256];
	if (alloc_size && false == Toolbar_ShowingExternalLabel)
		_stprintf(temp,_T("Menus %d  MenuItems %d  Memory %d"), g_menu_count, g_menu_item_count, alloc_size);
		label = temp;


	int tbW = TBInfo.width;
	int tbH = TBInfo.height;
	HDC buf = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
	HGDIOBJ bufother = SelectObject(buf, CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, tbW, tbH));

	if (NULL==Toolbar_hFont) Toolbar_hFont = CreateStyleFont(&mStyle.Toolbar);
	HGDIOBJ other_font = SelectObject(buf, Toolbar_hFont);

	// Get width of clock...
	SIZE size;

	GetTextExtentPoint32(buf, Toolbar_CurrentTime, (int)_tcsnlen(Toolbar_CurrentTime,0x7FFFFFFFUL), &size);
	size.cx += 6;
	if (tbClockW < size.cx) tbClockW = size.cx + 6;

	GetTextExtentPoint32(buf, Toolbar_WorkspaceName, (int)_tcsnlen(Toolbar_WorkspaceName,0x7FFFFFFFUL), &size);
	int tbLabelW = size.cx + 6;

	// The widest sets the width!
	tbLabelW = tbClockW = (int)imax(tbH * 2, imax(tbLabelW, tbClockW));

	int margin = tbMargin;
	int border = mStyle.Toolbar.borderWidth;
	int border_margin = margin + border;
	int button_padding = (tbH - tbButtonWH) / 2 - border;

	int tbLabelX = border_margin;
	int tbClockX = tbW - tbClockW - border_margin;
	int two_buttons = 2*tbButtonWH + 3*button_padding;
	int tbWinLabelX = tbLabelX + tbLabelW + two_buttons;
	int tbWinLabelW = tbClockX - tbWinLabelX - two_buttons;
	if (tbWinLabelW < 0) tbWinLabelW = 0;

	Toolbar_Button[0].r.left = tbLabelX + tbLabelW + button_padding;
	Toolbar_Button[1].r.left = Toolbar_Button[0].r.left + tbButtonWH + button_padding;
	Toolbar_Button[2].r.left = tbClockX - 2*tbButtonWH - 2*button_padding;
	Toolbar_Button[3].r.left = Toolbar_Button[2].r.left + tbButtonWH + button_padding;

	Toolbar_Button[4].r.left = tbClockX;
	for (i = 0; i<5; i++)
		Toolbar_Button[i].r.top    = (tbH - tbButtonWH) / 2;
		Toolbar_Button[i].r.bottom = Toolbar_Button[i].r.top + tbButtonWH;
		Toolbar_Button[i].r.right  = Toolbar_Button[i].r.left + tbButtonWH;
	Toolbar_Button[4].r.right = tbClockX + tbClockW;


	// Paint toolbar Style
	_SetRect(&r, 0, 0, tbW, tbH); pSI = &mStyle.Toolbar;
	MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, pSI, true);

	// Paint unpressed workspace/task buttons...

	r.left = r.top = 0; r.right = r.bottom = tbButtonWH;
		HPEN activePen   = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, mStyle.ToolbarButtonPressed.picColor);
		HPEN inactivePen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, mStyle.ToolbarButton.picColor);
		HDC src = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
		HGDIOBJ srcother = SelectObject(src, CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, tbButtonWH, tbButtonWH));
		int yOffset = tbH / 2; int xOffset; int f1 = -1;
		for (i=0; i<4; i++)
			int f2 = Toolbar_Button[i].pressed || (Toolbar_force_button_pressed && i&1);
			pSI = f2 ? &mStyle.ToolbarButtonPressed : &mStyle.ToolbarButton;

			if (pSI->parentRelative)
				CreateBorder(buf, &r, pSI->borderColor, pSI->borderWidth);
				if (f1 != f2)
					MakeStyleGradient(src, &r, pSI, pSI->bordered), f1 = f2;

					   tbButtonWH, tbButtonWH, src, 0, 0, SRCCOPY

			xOffset = Toolbar_Button[i].r.left + (tbButtonWH / 2);
			HGDIOBJ penother = SelectObject(buf, f2 ? activePen : inactivePen);
			arrow_bullet(buf, xOffset, yOffset, (i&1)*2-1);
			SelectObject(buf, penother);

		DeleteObject(SelectObject(src, srcother));


	r.top = (tbH - tbLabelH)/2;
	r.bottom = r.top + tbLabelH;
	SetBkMode(buf, TRANSPARENT);
	int justify = mStyle.Toolbar.Justify | (DT_VCENTER|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS|DT_NOPREFIX);

	// Paint workspaces background...
	r.right = (r.left = tbLabelX) + tbLabelW; pSI = &mStyle.ToolbarLabel;
	MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, pSI, pSI->bordered);
	_InflateRect(&r, -3, 0);
	BBDrawText(buf, Toolbar_WorkspaceName, -1, &r, justify, pSI);

	// Paint window label background...
	r.right = (r.left = tbWinLabelX) + tbWinLabelW; pSI = &mStyle.ToolbarWindowLabel;
	MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, pSI, pSI->bordered);
	_InflateRect(&r, -3, 0);
	BBDrawText(buf, label, -1, &r, justify, pSI);

	// Paint clock background...
	r.right = (r.left = tbClockX) + tbClockW; pSI = &mStyle.ToolbarClock;
	MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, pSI, pSI->bordered);
	_InflateRect(&r, -3, 0);
	BBDrawText(buf, Toolbar_CurrentTime, -1, &r, justify, pSI);


	BitBltRect(hdc, buf, rcPaint);

	SelectObject(buf, other_font);
	DeleteObject(SelectObject(buf, bufother));
コード例 #11
ファイル: Tab.cpp プロジェクト: dimtref/NetBurner-Power-Box
void Tab::CreateTab()
	CreateBorder(this->ti.x0 , this->ti.y0, this->ti.width, this->ti.height, 0);	// writes bytes in the graphic_array
	Print8pxHighString( &(this->ti.tabName), this->ti.x0 + this->ti.margin_x, this->ti.y0 + this->ti.margin_y, 0, string_buffer, descend_buffer); // writes bytes in the string_buffer
コード例 #12
ファイル: Border.cpp プロジェクト: killerartist95/Snake-Game
コード例 #13
void DrawBBPager(HWND hwnd)
	Settings const & s = getSettings();
	// Create buffer hdc's, bitmaps etc.
	HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
	HDC buf = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
	HBITMAP bufbmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, s.m_frame.width, s.m_frame.height);
	HGDIOBJ oldbmp = SelectObject(buf, bufbmp);
	RECT r;
	char toolText[256];

	GetClientRect(hwnd, &r);

	// Paint background and border according to the current style...
	MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, s.m_frame.ownStyle ? s.m_frame.style : &s.m_frame.Style, true);

	HFONT font = CreateStyleFont((StyleItem *)GetSettingPtr(SN_TOOLBARLABEL));
	HGDIOBJ oldfont = SelectObject(buf, font);
	SetBkMode(buf, TRANSPARENT);
	SetTextColor(buf, s.m_desktop.fontColor);


	// Paint desktops :D
	if (s.m_position.horizontal) 
		// Do loop to draw desktops other than current selected desktop
		int i = 0;

			col = i / s.m_frame.rows;
			row = i % s.m_frame.rows + 1;

			if (getRuntimeState().m_currentDesktop == i) 
				currentCol = col;
				currentRow = row;
				r.left = s.m_frame.borderWidth + s.m_frame.bevelWidth + ((col) * (s.m_desktop.width + s.m_frame.bevelWidth));
				r.right = r.left + s.m_desktop.width;
				r.top = s.m_frame.borderWidth + s.m_frame.bevelWidth + ((row - 1) * (s.m_desktop.height + s.m_frame.bevelWidth));
				r.bottom = r.top + s.m_desktop.height;

				//desktopRect[i] = r; // set RECT item for this desktop
				//desktopRect.insert(desktopRect.begin() + i - 1, r);

				if (s.m_desktop.ownStyle)
					CreateBorder(buf, &r, s.m_activeDesktop.borderColor, 1);
					r.left  += 1;
					r.top   += 1;
					r.right   -= 1;
					r.bottom  -= 1;
					MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, &s.m_activeDesktop.Style, false);
				if (s.m_desktop.numbers) 
					char desktopNumber[4];
					sprintf(desktopNumber, "%d", (i + 1));
					DrawText(buf, desktopNumber, -1, &r, flags);
		while (i < getRuntimeState().m_desktops);

		// Do this now so bordered desktop is drawn last
		i = getRuntimeState().m_currentDesktop;

		r.left = s.m_frame.borderWidth + s.m_frame.bevelWidth + ((currentCol) * (s.m_desktop.width + s.m_frame.bevelWidth));
		r.right = r.left + s.m_desktop.width;
		r.top = s.m_frame.borderWidth + s.m_frame.bevelWidth + ((currentRow - 1) * (s.m_desktop.height + s.m_frame.bevelWidth));
		r.bottom = r.top + s.m_desktop.height;

		//desktopRect[i] = r; // set RECT item for this desktop

		DrawActiveDesktop(buf, r, i);

		if (s.m_desktop.numbers) 
			char desktopNumber[4];
			sprintf(desktopNumber, "%d", (i + 1));
			DrawText(buf, desktopNumber, -1, &r, flags);
	else if (s.m_position.vertical) 
		// Do loop to draw desktops other than current selected desktop
		int i = 0;

			row = i / s.m_frame.columns;
			col = i % s.m_frame.columns + 1;

			if (getRuntimeState().m_currentDesktop == i)
				currentCol = col;
				currentRow = row;
				r.left = s.m_frame.borderWidth + s.m_frame.bevelWidth + ((col - 1) * (s.m_desktop.width + s.m_frame.bevelWidth));
				r.right = r.left + s.m_desktop.width;
				r.top = s.m_frame.borderWidth + s.m_frame.bevelWidth + ((row) * (s.m_desktop.height + s.m_frame.bevelWidth));
				r.bottom = r.top + s.m_desktop.height;

				//desktopRect[i] = r; // set RECT item for this desktop
				//desktopRect.insert(desktopRect.begin() + i - 1, r);

				MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, s.m_desktop.ownStyle ? s.m_desktop.style : &s.m_desktop.Style, false);
				if (s.m_desktop.ownStyle)
					CreateBorder(buf, &r, s.m_activeDesktop.borderColor, 1);
					r.left  += 1;
					r.top   += 1;
					r.right   -= 1;
					r.bottom  -= 1;
					MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, &s.m_activeDesktop.Style, false);
				if (s.m_desktop.numbers) 
					char desktopNumber[4];
					sprintf(desktopNumber, "%d", (i + 1));
					DrawText(buf, desktopNumber, -1, &r, flags);
		while (i < getRuntimeState().m_desktops);

		// Do this now so bordered desktop is drawn last
		i = getRuntimeState().m_currentDesktop;

		r.left = s.m_frame.borderWidth + s.m_frame.bevelWidth + ((currentCol - 1) * (s.m_desktop.width + s.m_frame.bevelWidth));
		r.right = r.left + s.m_desktop.width;
		r.top = s.m_frame.borderWidth + s.m_frame.bevelWidth + ((currentRow) * (s.m_desktop.height + s.m_frame.bevelWidth));
		r.bottom = r.top + s.m_desktop.height;

		//desktopRect[i] = r; // set RECT item for this desktop

		DrawActiveDesktop(buf, r, i);

		if (s.m_desktop.numbers) 
			char desktopNumber[4];
			sprintf(desktopNumber, "%d", (i + 1));
			SetTextColor(buf, s.m_activeDesktop.borderColor);
			DrawText(buf, desktopNumber, -1, &r, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
			//DrawText(buf, desktopNumber, strlen(desktopNumber), &r, DT_CALCRECT|DT_NOPREFIX);
			//SetTextColor(buf, s.m_desktop.fontColor);

	DeleteObject(SelectObject(buf, oldfont));

	// Draw windows on workspaces if wanted
	if (s.m_desktop.windows)
		getRuntimeState().m_winCount = 0; // Reset number of windows to 0 on each paint to be counted by...

		// ... this function which passes HWNDs to CheckTaskEnumProc callback procedure
		if (!getRuntimeState().m_is_xoblite && getRuntimeState().m_usingAltMethod)
			EnumWindows(CheckTaskEnumProc_AltMethod, 0);
			EnumWindows(CheckTaskEnumProc, 0); 

		//struct tasklist *tlist;
		/*tl = GetTaskListPtr();
		while (tl)
			tl = tl->next;

		// Only paint windows if there are any!
		if (getRuntimeState().m_winCount > 0)
			// Start at end of list (bottom of zorder)
			for (int i = (getRuntimeState().m_winCount - 1); i > -1; i--)
				RECT win = getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].r;
				RECT desk = desktopRect[getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].desk];

				if (win.right - win.left <= 1 && win.bottom - win.top <= 1)
				// This is done so that windows only show within the applicable desktop RECT
				if (win.top < desk.top) 
					win.top = desk.top; // + 1;

				if (win.right > desk.right) 
					win.right = desk.right; // - 1;

				if (win.bottom > desk.bottom) 
					win.bottom = desk.bottom; // - 1;

				if (win.left < desk.left) 
					win.left = desk.left; // + 1;

				if (getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].sticky)
					RECT sWin;
					RECT sDesk;
					win.bottom = win.bottom - desk.top;
					win.top = win.top - desk.top;
					win.left = win.left - desk.left;
					win.right = win.right - desk.left;

					for (int j = 0; j < getRuntimeState().m_desktops; j++)
						sDesk = desktopRect[j];
						sWin.bottom = sDesk.top + win.bottom;
						sWin.top = sDesk.top + win.top;
						sWin.left = sDesk.left + win.left;
						sWin.right = sDesk.left + win.right;

						if (getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].active) // draw active window style
							DrawActiveWindow(buf, sWin);
							RemoveFlash(getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].window, true);
						else if (IsFlashOn(getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].window))
							DrawActiveWindow(buf, sWin);
						else // draw inactive window style
							DrawInactiveWindow(buf, sWin);
							RemoveFlash(getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].window, true);

						// Create a tooltip...
						if (s.m_desktop.tooltips)
							GetWindowText(getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].window, toolText, 255);
							SetToolTip(&sWin, toolText);
					if (getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].active) // draw active window style
						DrawActiveWindow(buf, win);
						RemoveFlash(getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].window, true);
					else if (IsFlashOn(getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].window))
						DrawActiveWindow(buf, win);
					else // draw inactive window style
						DrawInactiveWindow(buf, win);
						RemoveFlash(getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].window, true);

					// Create a tooltip...
					if (s.m_desktop.tooltips)
						GetWindowText(getRuntimeState().m_winList[i].window, toolText, 255);
						SetToolTip(&win, toolText);

		if (getRuntimeState().m_winMoving)
			RECT win = getRuntimeState().m_moveWin.r;
			RECT client;

			GetClientRect(getRuntimeState().m_hwndBBPager, &client);
			// This is done so that the window only shows within the pager
			if (win.top < client.top) 
				win.top = client.top; // + 1;

			if (win.right > client.right) 
				win.right = client.right; // - 1;

			if (win.bottom > client.bottom) 
				win.bottom = client.bottom; // - 1;

			if (win.left < client.left) 
				win.left = client.left; // + 1;

			if (getRuntimeState().m_moveWin.active) // draw active window style
				DrawActiveWindow(buf, win);
			else // draw inactive window style
				DrawInactiveWindow(buf, win);



	// Finally, copy from the paint buffer to the window...
	BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, s.m_frame.width, s.m_frame.height, buf, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

    //restore the first previous whatever to the dc,
    //get in exchange back our bitmap, and delete it.
    DeleteObject(SelectObject(buf, oldbmp));

    //delete the memory - 'device context'

    EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
コード例 #14
ファイル: tomEdit.cpp プロジェクト: baogechen/foundit
bool tomEdit::Init() 
    WLDC dc(this) ;
    s_XPixelPerInch = dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX) ;
    s_YPixelPerInch = dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY) ;

    m_ref_count = 1 ;

    m_show_vert_scroll_bar = false ;
    m_show_horz_scroll_bar = false ;
    m_background_transparent = true ;
    m_use_system_background_color = true ;
    m_use_system_highlight_text_color = true ;
    m_use_system_highlight_text_background_color = true ;

    m_word_wrap = !(GetStyle() & (WS_HSCROLL | ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) ;

    HRESULT hr ;
    IUnknown * pUnknown ;

    // 由于CreateTextServices会触发TxGetCharFormat和TxGetParaFormat,
    // 所以要在此之前初始化CharFormat和ParaFormat

    // 初始化CharFormat
    InitDefaultCharFormat() ;

    // 初始化ParaFormat
    InitDefaultParaFormat() ;

    RECT bound_in_host ;
    GetRectInHost(&bound_in_host) ;

    if (FAILED(CreateBorder(IID_IRectangleBorder, (IUnknown**)&m_border)))
        return FALSE ;
    m_border->SetPos(bound_in_host.left, bound_in_host.top) ;
    m_border->SetSize(bound_in_host.right - bound_in_host.left, bound_in_host.bottom - bound_in_host.top) ;
    m_border->SetInset(m_border_inset.left, m_border_inset.top, m_border_inset.right, m_border_inset.bottom) ;

    if (FAILED(CreateTextServices(NULL, this, &pUnknown)))
        return false ;

    hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_ITextServices, (void**)&m_services) ;
    pUnknown->Release() ;

    if (FAILED(hr))
        return false ;

    // 输入的客户区矩形范围似乎无用,总是会调用ITextHost::TxGetClientRect来获取区域
    if (FAILED(m_services->OnTxInPlaceActivate(&bound_in_host)))
        return false ;

    LRESULT mask ;
    m_services->TxSendMessage(EM_GETEVENTMASK, 0, 0, &mask) ;
    mask |= ENM_SELCHANGE ;
    m_services->TxSendMessage(EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, mask, NULL) ;

    m_call_back = new tomEditCallback(this) ;
    SetOLECallback(m_call_back) ;

    // 注册拖拽
    IDropTarget * dt = NULL ;
    if (S_OK == m_services->TxGetDropTarget(&dt))
        RegisterDragDrop(dt) ;
        dt->Release() ;

    return true ;
コード例 #15
ファイル: Toolbar.cpp プロジェクト: diab0l/bbMean
static void PaintToolbar(HDC hdc, RECT *rcPaint)
    RECT r;
    StyleItem *pSI;
    struct button *btn;

    HDC buf;
    HGDIOBJ bufother, other_font;
    int size;

    int margin, border, border_margin, button_padding, middle_padding, two_buttons;
    int tbW, tbH, tbLabelW, tbLabelX, tbClockX, tbWinLabelX, tbWinLabelW;
    int i, justify;

    tbW = TBInfo.width;
    tbH = TBInfo.height;
    buf = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
    bufother = SelectObject(buf, CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, tbW, tbH));

    if (NULL==Toolbar_hFont)
        Toolbar_hFont = CreateStyleFont(&mStyle.Toolbar);
    other_font = SelectObject(buf, Toolbar_hFont);

    size = 6 + get_text_extend(buf, Toolbar_CurrentTime);
    if (tbClockW < size)
        tbClockW = size + 2*tbLabelIndent;

    size = get_text_extend(buf, Toolbar_WorkspaceName);
    tbLabelW = size + 2*tbLabelIndent;

    // The widest sets the width!
    tbLabelW = tbClockW = imax(tbH * 2, imax(tbLabelW, tbClockW));

    margin = tbMargin;
    border = mStyle.Toolbar.borderWidth;
    border_margin = margin + border;
    button_padding = (tbH - tbButtonWH) / 2 - border;
    middle_padding = button_padding;
    if (0 == button_padding)
        middle_padding -= mStyle.ToolbarButton.borderWidth;

    tbLabelX = border_margin;
    tbClockX = tbW - tbClockW - border_margin;
    two_buttons = 2*tbButtonWH + 2*button_padding + middle_padding;
    tbWinLabelX = tbLabelX + tbLabelW + two_buttons;
    tbWinLabelW = tbClockX - tbWinLabelX - two_buttons;
    if (tbWinLabelW < 0) tbWinLabelW = 0;

    btn = Toolbar_Button;
    btn[0].r.left = tbLabelX + tbLabelW + button_padding;
    btn[1].r.left = btn[0].r.left + tbButtonWH + middle_padding;
    btn[2].r.left = tbClockX - 2*tbButtonWH - button_padding - middle_padding;
    btn[3].r.left = btn[2].r.left + tbButtonWH + middle_padding;
    btn[4].r.left = tbClockX;
    for (i = 0; i<5; i++) {
        btn[i].r.top    = (tbH - tbButtonWH) / 2;
        btn[i].r.bottom = btn[i].r.top + tbButtonWH;
        btn[i].r.right  = btn[i].r.left + tbButtonWH;
    btn[4].r.right = tbClockX + tbClockW;


    // Paint toolbar Style
    r.left = r.top = 0;
    r.right = tbW;
    r.bottom = tbH;
    pSI = &mStyle.Toolbar;
    MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, pSI, pSI->bordered);

    // Paint unpressed workspace/task buttons...

    r.left = r.top = 0;
    r.right = r.bottom = tbButtonWH;
        HDC src;
        HGDIOBJ srcother;
        int x, y, f2, f1 = -1;
        src = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
        srcother = SelectObject(src, CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, tbButtonWH, tbButtonWH));
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            btn = Toolbar_Button + i;
            f2 = btn->pressed || (Toolbar_force_button_pressed && (i&1));
            x = btn->r.left, y = btn->r.top;
            pSI = f2 ? &mStyle.ToolbarButtonPressed : &mStyle.ToolbarButton;
            if (pSI->parentRelative) {
                RECT b;
                b.left = x, b.top = y, b.right = x+r.right, b.bottom = y+r.bottom;
                CreateBorder(buf, &b, pSI->borderColor, pSI->borderWidth);
            } else {
                if (f1 != f2) {
                    MakeStyleGradient(src, &r, pSI, pSI->bordered);
                    f1 = f2;
                BitBlt(buf, x, y, tbButtonWH, tbButtonWH, src, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
            bbDrawPix(buf, &btn->r, pSI->picColor, (i&1) ? BS_TRIANGLE : -BS_TRIANGLE);

        DeleteObject(SelectObject(src, srcother));


    r.top = (tbH - tbLabelH)/2;
    r.bottom = r.top + tbLabelH;
    SetBkMode(buf, TRANSPARENT);

    // Paint workspaces background...
    r.right = (r.left = tbLabelX) + tbLabelW;
    pSI = &mStyle.ToolbarLabel;
    MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, pSI, pSI->bordered);
    r.left  += tbLabelIndent;
    r.right -= tbLabelIndent;
    bbDrawText(buf, Toolbar_WorkspaceName, &r, justify, pSI->TextColor);

    // Paint window label background...
    r.right = (r.left = tbWinLabelX) + tbWinLabelW;
    pSI = &mStyle.ToolbarWindowLabel;
    MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, pSI, pSI->bordered);
    r.left  += tbLabelIndent;
    r.right -= tbLabelIndent;
    bbDrawText(buf, Toolbar_CurrentWindow, &r, justify, pSI->TextColor);

    // Paint clock background...
    r.right = (r.left = tbClockX) + tbClockW;
    pSI = &mStyle.ToolbarClock;
    MakeStyleGradient(buf, &r, pSI, pSI->bordered);
    r.left  += tbLabelIndent;
    r.right -= tbLabelIndent;
    bbDrawText(buf, Toolbar_CurrentTime, &r, justify, pSI->TextColor);


    BitBltRect(hdc, buf, rcPaint);

    SelectObject(buf, other_font);
    DeleteObject(SelectObject(buf, bufother));