コード例 #1
ファイル: mirrorup.cpp プロジェクト: denis-ryzhkov/antiques
void mirrorup( TCHAR* fromPath, TCHAR* toPath, bool reverseClean = false ) {
 if ( !reverseClean ) mirrorup( toPath, fromPath, true );

 WIN32_FIND_DATA fromFindData, toFindData;
 TCHAR fromMask[ BUF_LEN ]; bool ok;
 _stprintf( fromMask, _T("%s\\*"), fromPath );

 HANDLE fromFind = FindFirstFile( fromMask, &fromFindData );
 if ( fromFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return;
 do {
  if ( !_tcscmp( fromFindData.cFileName, _T(".")) ||
       !_tcscmp( fromFindData.cFileName, _T(".."))) continue;

  bool isDir = ( fromFindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY );
  TCHAR fromFileName[ BUF_LEN ], toFileName[ BUF_LEN ];
  _stprintf( fromFileName, _T("%s\\%s"), fromPath, fromFindData.cFileName );
  _stprintf( toFileName, _T("%s\\%s"), toPath, fromFindData.cFileName );
  HANDLE toFind = FindFirstFile( toFileName, &toFindData );
  bool toFound = ( toFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );

  if ( reverseClean ) {
   if ( isDir ) mirrorup( fromFileName, toFileName, reverseClean );

   if ( !toFound ) {
    ok = unprotect( fromFileName );
    if ( !isDir ) ok = ok && DeleteFile( fromFileName );
    if ( ok ) okCount++; else errCount++;
    _tprintf( _T("%s) delete %s\n"), ( ok? _T("+") : _T("-")), fromFileName );
  } else { // not reverseClean

   if ( !toFound || !isDir && (
     fromFindData.nFileSizeHigh != toFindData.nFileSizeHigh ||
     fromFindData.nFileSizeLow != toFindData.nFileSizeLow ||
     CompareFileTime( &fromFindData.ftLastWriteTime,
                      &toFindData.ftLastWriteTime ))) {

    if ( toFound ) unprotect( toFileName );

    if ( ok = ( isDir ?
      CreateDirectoryEx( fromFileName, toFileName, 0 ) :
      CopyFile( fromFileName, toFileName, 0 )))
     okCount++; else errCount++;
    _tprintf( _T("%s) copy %s\n"), ( ok? _T("+") : _T("-")), fromFileName );

   if ( isDir ) mirrorup( fromFileName, toFileName, reverseClean );

  if ( toFound ) FindClose( toFind );
 } while ( FindNextFile( fromFind, &fromFindData ));
 FindClose( fromFind );
コード例 #2
ファイル: mirrorup.cpp プロジェクト: denis-ryzhkov/antiques
int _tmain( int argc, TCHAR* argv[]) {

 _tsetlocale( LC_ALL, _T(""));

 if ( argc != 3 ) {
   _T("mirrorup, version 1.5 2008-01-17--2008-02-26 (c) Denis Ryzhkov\n")
   _T("usage: mirrorup C:\\proj U:\\proj\n")
   _T("means: make a mirror backup of C:\\proj to U:\\proj\n")
   _T("i.e. copy or delete only files and folders\n")
   _T("that were changed after previous backup.\n")
   _T("file size and modification time are only compared.\n")
   _T("source code and batch script provided."));
  return 0;

 TCHAR* fromPath = unslash( argv[1]);
 TCHAR* toPath = unslash( argv[2]);
 TCHAR dateTimeStr[ BUF_LEN ];
 _tprintf( _T("\n%s make a mirror backup of %s to %s\n\n"),
  timestamp( dateTimeStr ), fromPath, toPath );

 #define attrErr 0xFFFFFFFF
 if ( GetFileAttributes( toPath ) == attrErr )
  CreateDirectoryEx( fromPath, toPath, 0 );
 if ( GetFileAttributes( toPath ) == attrErr ) {
  _putts( _T("bad path"));
  return 1;

 mirrorup( fromPath, toPath );

 _tprintf( _T("\n%s done ok: %d, errors: %d\n"),
  timestamp( dateTimeStr ), okCount, errCount );
 return 0;
コード例 #3
std::string CVProjectUtil::WriteQc(
	const std::string &file,
	unsigned int qcFlags,
	const std::list< std::string > &qcStuff )
	// Get the pathname for the Qc file
	const std::string qc( Qc( file ) );
	const std::string dir( DirName( qc ) );

	if ( _access( qc.c_str(), 00 ) == 0 )
		merr << "Cannot overwrite destination qc: " << qc << std::endl;
		return "";

	CreateDirectoryEx( Prefix().c_str(), dir.c_str(), NULL );

	std::ofstream os( qc.c_str() );
	if ( !os )
		merr << "Couldn't write to qc: " << qc << std::endl;
		return "";

	if ( qcFlags & kQcYUp )
		os << "$upaxis Y\n\n";
	else if ( qcFlags & kQcZUp )
		os << "$upaxis Z\n\n";
	else if ( qcFlags & kQcXUp )
		os << "$upaxis X\n\n";

	if ( m_path.length() )
		os << "$cdmaterials " << Path() << "\n\n";

	if ( qcFlags & kQcCollapseBones )
		os << "$collapsebones\n\n";

	if ( qcFlags & kQcCenterBonesOnVerts )
		os << "$centerbonesonverts\n\n";

	if ( qcFlags & kQcSkipBoneInBBox )
		os << "$skipboneinbbox\n\n";

	std::copy( qcStuff.begin(), qcStuff.end(), std::ostream_iterator< std::string >( os, "\n" ) );

	// TODO: Ask for relative names...
	os << "\n";
	os << "$modelname " << ( m_path.empty() ? "" : m_path + "/" ) << File( file ) << ".mdl\n";
	os << "\n";
	os << "$model " << File( file ) << " \"" << File( file ) << ".smd\" {\n";
	os << "}\n";
	os << "\n";
	os << "$sequence idle \"" << File( file ) << ".smd\"" << std::endl;
	os << "\n";


	return qc;
コード例 #4
ファイル: FileDiffDlg.cpp プロジェクト: fatterbetter/ZTools
UINT CFileDiffDlg::ExportThread()
	if (m_pProgDlg == NULL)
		return 1;
	long count = 0;
	SetAndClearProgressInfo(m_pProgDlg, false);
	m_pProgDlg->SetAnimation(AfxGetResourceHandle(), IDR_DOWNLOAD);
	for (INT_PTR i=0; (i<m_arSelectedFileList.GetCount())&&(!m_pProgDlg->HasUserCancelled()); ++i)
		CFileDiffDlg::FileDiff fd = m_arSelectedFileList[i];
		CTSVNPath url1 = CTSVNPath(m_path1.GetSVNPathString() + _T("/") + fd.path.GetSVNPathString());
		CTSVNPath url2 = m_bDoPegDiff ? url1 : CTSVNPath(m_path2.GetSVNPathString() + _T("/") + fd.path.GetSVNPathString());
		if ((fd.node == svn_node_dir)&&(fd.kind != svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_added))
			// just create the directory
			CreateDirectoryEx(NULL, m_strExportDir+_T("\\")+CPathUtils::PathUnescape(fd.path.GetWinPathString()), NULL);

		CString sTemp;
		m_pProgDlg->FormatPathLine(1, IDS_PROGRESSGETFILE, (LPCTSTR)url1.GetSVNPathString());

		CTSVNPath savepath = CTSVNPath(m_strExportDir);
		savepath.AppendPathString(_T("\\") + CPathUtils::PathUnescape(fd.path.GetWinPathString()));
		CPathUtils::MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(fd.node == svn_node_file ? savepath.GetContainingDirectory().GetWinPath() : savepath.GetDirectory().GetWinPath());
		if (fd.node == svn_node_dir)
			// exporting a folder requires calling SVN::Export() so we also export all
			// children of that added folder.
			if ((fd.kind == svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_added)&&(!Export(url2, savepath, m_bDoPegDiff ? m_peg : m_rev2, m_rev2, true, true)))
				if ((!m_bDoPegDiff)||(!Export(url2, savepath, m_rev2, m_rev2, true, true)))
					delete m_pProgDlg;
					m_pProgDlg = NULL;
					CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, GetLastErrorMessage(), _T("TortoiseSVN"), MB_ICONERROR);
					InterlockedExchange(&m_bThreadRunning, FALSE);
					return 1;
			// exporting a file requires calling SVN::Cat(), since SVN::Export() only works
			// with folders.
			if ((fd.kind != svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_deleted)&&(!Cat(url2, m_bDoPegDiff ? m_peg : m_rev2, m_rev2, savepath)))
				if ((!m_bDoPegDiff)||(!Cat(url2, m_rev2, m_rev2, savepath)))
					delete m_pProgDlg;
					m_pProgDlg = NULL;
					CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, GetLastErrorMessage(), _T("TortoiseSVN"), MB_ICONERROR);
					InterlockedExchange(&m_bThreadRunning, FALSE);
					return 1;
		m_pProgDlg->SetProgress (count, static_cast<DWORD>(m_arSelectedFileList.GetCount()));
	SetAndClearProgressInfo(NULL, false);
	delete m_pProgDlg;
	m_pProgDlg = NULL;
	InterlockedExchange(&m_bThreadRunning, FALSE);
	return 0;
コード例 #5
std::string CVProjectUtil::WriteVmt(
	const std::string &file,
	const std::string &shader,
	bool translucent )
	// Get the pathname for the VMT file
	const std::string vmt( Vmt( file ) );
	const std::string dir( DirName( vmt ) );

	if ( _access( vmt.c_str(), 00 ) == 0 )
		merr << "Cannot overwrite destination vmt: " << vmt << std::endl;
		return "";

	CreateDirectoryEx( Prefix().c_str(), dir.c_str(), NULL );

	std::ofstream os( vmt.c_str() );
	if ( !os )
		merr << "Couldn't write to vmt: " << vmt << std::endl;
		return "";

	// Shader

	os << "\"";
	if ( shader.size() )
		os << shader;
	else {
		os << "VertexLitGeneric";
	os << "\"\n";

	// Parameters
	os << "{\n";

	// Base Texture
	os << "\t\"$basetexture\" \"";

	const std::string path( Path() );
	if ( path.size() )
		os << path + "/";

	if ( file.size() )
		os << file;
	else if ( m_file.size() )
		os << m_file;
		os << "unknown";

	os << "\"\n";

	// Translucent

	if ( translucent )
		os << "\t\"$translucent\" \"1\"\n";

	os << "}\n";


	return vmt;