static void png_gui_setup(const Canvas *canvas, void *data) { PNG_UI_data *ui = (PNG_UI_data *) data; set_wait_cursor(); if (ui->frame == NULL) { Widget fr, rc; ui->frame = CreateDialog(app_shell, "PNG options"); fr = CreateFrame(ui->frame, "PNG options"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->interlaced = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Interlaced"); ui->transparent = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Transparent"); ui->compression = CreateSpinChoice(rc, "Compression:", 1, SPIN_TYPE_INT, (double) Z_NO_COMPRESSION, (double) Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, 1.0); CreateAACDialog(ui->frame, fr, set_png_setup_proc, ui); } update_png_setup_frame(ui); DialogRaise(ui->frame); unset_wait_cursor(); }
AxisUI *create_axis_ui(ExplorerUI *eui) { AxisUI *ui; Widget rc, fr; ui = xmalloc(sizeof(AxisUI)); ui->top = CreateVContainer(eui->scrolled_window); AddHelpCB(ui->top, "doc/UsersGuide.html#axis-properties"); fr = CreateFrame(ui->top, "Position"); rc = CreateHContainer(fr); ui->position = CreateLabelOptionChoiceVA(rc, "Placement:", "Normal", AXIS_POS_NORMAL, "Opposite", AXIS_POS_OPPOSITE, "Zero", AXIS_POS_ZERO, NULL); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->position, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->offset = CreateSpinChoice(rc, "Offset:", 4, SPIN_TYPE_FLOAT, -1.0, 1.0, 0.01); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->offset, sp_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(ui->top, "Options"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->draw_bar = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Draw axis bar"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->draw_bar, tb_explorer_cb, eui); ui->draw_ticks = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Draw tick marks"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->draw_ticks, tb_explorer_cb, eui); ui->draw_labels = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Draw tick labels"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->draw_labels, tb_explorer_cb, eui); return ui; }
static ArcUI *create_arc_ui(Widget parent, ExplorerUI *eui) { ArcUI *ui; Widget rc, rc1; LabelOptionItem opitems[] = { {ARCCLOSURE_CHORD, "Chord" }, {ARCCLOSURE_PIESLICE, "Pie slice"} }; ui = xmalloc(sizeof(ArcUI)); ui->top = CreateFrame(parent, "Arc properties"); rc = CreateVContainer(ui->top); ui->width = CreateSpinChoice(rc, "Width: ", 8, SPIN_TYPE_FLOAT, 0, 10.0, 0.05); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->width, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->height = CreateSpinChoice(rc, "Height:", 8, SPIN_TYPE_FLOAT, 0, 10.0, 0.05); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->height, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->angle1 = CreateAngleChoice(rc, "Start angle:"); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->angle1, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->angle2 = CreateAngleChoice(rc, "Extent angle:"); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->angle2, sp_explorer_cb, eui); rc1 = CreateHContainer(rc); ui->closure_type = CreateLabelOptionChoice(rc1, "Closure type:", 1, 2, opitems); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->closure_type, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->draw_closure = CreateToggleButton(rc1, "Draw closure"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->draw_closure, tb_explorer_cb, eui); return ui; }
static void pnm_gui_setup(const Canvas *canvas, void *data) { PNM_UI_data *ui = (PNM_UI_data *) data; set_wait_cursor(); if (ui->frame == NULL) { Widget fr, rc; ui->frame = CreateDialog(app_shell, "PNM options"); fr = CreateFrame(ui->frame, "PNM options"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->format = CreateOptionChoiceVA(rc, "Format: ", "1-bit mono (PBM)", PNM_FORMAT_PBM, "8-bit grayscale (PGM)", PNM_FORMAT_PGM, "8-bit color (PPM)", PNM_FORMAT_PPM, NULL); ui->rawbits = CreateToggleButton(rc, "\"Rawbits\""); CreateAACDialog(ui->frame, fr, set_pnm_setup_proc, ui); } update_pnm_setup_frame(ui); DialogRaise(ui->frame); unset_wait_cursor(); }
void hpdf_gui_setup(const Canvas *canvas, void *data) { HPDF_UI_data *ui = (HPDF_UI_data *) data; set_wait_cursor(); if (ui->frame == NULL) { Widget fr, rc; OptionItem colorspace_ops[3] = { {HPDF_COLORSPACE_GRAYSCALE, "Grayscale"}, {HPDF_COLORSPACE_RGB, "RGB" }, {HPDF_COLORSPACE_CMYK, "CMYK" } }; ui->frame = CreateDialog(app_shell, "hPDF options"); fr = CreateFrame(ui->frame, "hPDF options"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->colorspace = CreateOptionChoice(rc, "Colorspace:", 1, 3, colorspace_ops); ui->compression = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Compression"); CreateAACDialog(ui->frame, fr, set_hpdf_setup_proc, ui); } update_hpdf_setup_frame(ui); DialogRaise(ui->frame); unset_wait_cursor(); }
static void jpg_gui_setup(const Canvas *canvas, void *data) { JPG_UI_data *ui = (JPG_UI_data *) data; set_wait_cursor(); if (ui->frame == NULL) { Widget rc, fr, rc1; ui->frame = CreateDialog(app_shell, "JPEG options"); rc = CreateVContainer(ui->frame); fr = CreateFrame(rc, "JPEG options"); rc1 = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->quality = CreateSpinChoice(rc1, "Quality:", 3, SPIN_TYPE_INT, 0.0, 100.0, 5.0); ui->optimize = CreateToggleButton(rc1, "Optimize"); ui->progressive = CreateToggleButton(rc1, "Progressive"); ui->grayscale = CreateToggleButton(rc1, "Grayscale"); fr = CreateFrame(rc, "JPEG advanced options"); rc1 = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->smoothing = CreateSpinChoice(rc1, "Smoothing:", 3, SPIN_TYPE_INT, 0.0, 100.0, 10.0); ui->baseline = CreateToggleButton(rc1, "Force baseline"); ui->dct = CreateOptionChoiceVA(rc, "DCT: ", "Fast integer", JPEG_DCT_IFAST, "Slow integer", JPEG_DCT_ISLOW, "Float", JPEG_DCT_FLOAT, NULL); CreateAACDialog(ui->frame, rc, set_jpg_setup_proc, ui); } update_jpg_setup_frame(ui); DialogRaise(ui->frame); unset_wait_cursor(); }
AGridUI *create_axisgrid_ui(ExplorerUI *eui) { AGridUI *ui; int i; LabelOptionItem opitems[3]; char buf[32]; Widget tab, rc, rc2, rc3, fr; ui = xmalloc(sizeof(AGridUI)); /* ------------ Tabs --------------*/ tab = CreateTab(eui->scrolled_window); AddHelpCB(tab, "doc/UsersGuide.html#axisgrid-properties"); ui->main_tp = CreateTabPage(tab, "Grid"); rc = CreateHContainer(ui->main_tp); opitems[0].value = AXIS_TYPE_X; opitems[0].label = "X"; opitems[1].value = AXIS_TYPE_Y; opitems[1].label = "Y"; ui->type = CreateLabelOptionChoice(rc, "Type:", 0, 2, opitems); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->type, oc_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(ui->main_tp, "Spacing"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); rc2 = CreateHContainer(rc); ui->tmajor = CreateText2(rc2, "Major spacing:", 8); AddTextActivateCB(ui->tmajor, text_explorer_cb, eui); ui->nminor = CreateSpinChoice(rc2, "Minor ticks:", 2, SPIN_TYPE_INT, 0.0, (double) MAX_TICKS - 1, 1.0); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->nminor, sp_explorer_cb, eui); rc2 = CreateHContainer(rc); ui->tround = CreateToggleButton(rc2, "Place at rounded positions"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->tround, tb_explorer_cb, eui); ui->autonum = CreatePanelChoice(rc2, "Autotick divisions:", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", NULL); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->autonum, oc_explorer_cb, eui); rc2 = CreateHContainer(ui->main_tp); /* major grid lines */ fr = CreateFrame(rc2, "Major grid lines"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->tgrid = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Enabled"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->tgrid, tb_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tgridpen = CreatePenChoice(rc, "Pen:"); AddPenChoiceCB(ui->tgridpen, pen_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tgridlinew = CreateLineWidthChoice(rc, "Line width:"); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->tgridlinew, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tgridlines = CreateLineStyleChoice(rc, "Line style:"); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->tgridlines, oc_explorer_cb, eui); /* minor grid lines */ fr = CreateFrame(rc2, "Minor grid lines"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->tmgrid = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Enabled"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->tmgrid, tb_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tmgridpen = CreatePenChoice(rc, "Pen:"); AddPenChoiceCB(ui->tmgridpen, pen_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tmgridlinew = CreateLineWidthChoice(rc, "Line width:"); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->tmgridlinew, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tmgridlines = CreateLineStyleChoice(rc, "Line style:"); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->tmgridlines, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->label_tp = CreateTabPage(tab, "Axis bar"); fr = CreateFrame(ui->label_tp, "Bar properties"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); rc2 = CreateHContainer(rc); ui->barpen = CreatePenChoice(rc2, "Pen:"); AddPenChoiceCB(ui->barpen, pen_explorer_cb, eui); ui->barlines = CreateLineStyleChoice(rc2, "Line style:"); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->barlines, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->barlinew = CreateLineWidthChoice(rc, "Width:"); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->barlinew, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tickmark_tp = CreateTabPage(tab, "Tick marks"); rc2 = CreateHContainer(ui->tickmark_tp); /* major tick marks */ fr = CreateFrame(rc2, "Major ticks"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->tinout = CreateLabelOptionChoiceVA(rc, "Pointing:", "In", TICKS_IN, "Out", TICKS_OUT, "Both", TICKS_BOTH, NULL); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->tinout, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tlen = CreateSpinChoice(rc, "Tick length", 4, SPIN_TYPE_FLOAT, 0.0, 100.0, 0.25); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->tlen, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tpen = CreatePenChoice(rc, "Pen:"); AddPenChoiceCB(ui->tpen, pen_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tlinew = CreateLineWidthChoice(rc, "Line width:"); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->tlinew, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tlines = CreateLineStyleChoice(rc, "Line style:"); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->tlines, oc_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(rc2, "Minor ticks"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->tminout = CreateLabelOptionChoiceVA(rc, "Pointing:", "In", TICKS_IN, "Out", TICKS_OUT, "Both", TICKS_BOTH, NULL); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->tminout, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tmlen = CreateSpinChoice(rc, "Tick length", 4, SPIN_TYPE_FLOAT, 0.0, 100.0, 0.25); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->tmlen, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tmpen = CreatePenChoice(rc, "Pen:"); AddPenChoiceCB(ui->tmpen, pen_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tmlinew = CreateLineWidthChoice(rc, "Line width:"); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->tmlinew, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tmlines = CreateLineStyleChoice(rc, "Line style:"); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->tmlines, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->ticklabel_tp = CreateTabPage(tab, "Tick labels"); fr = CreateFrame(ui->ticklabel_tp, "Formatting"); rc2 = CreateVContainer(fr); rc = CreateHContainer(rc2); ui->tlcharsize = CreateCharSizeChoice(rc, "Char size"); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->tlcharsize, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tlangle = CreateAngleChoice(rc, "Angle:"); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->tlangle, sp_explorer_cb, eui); rc = CreateHContainer(rc2); ui->tlfont = CreateFontChoice(rc, "Font:"); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->tlfont, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tlcolor = CreateColorChoice(rc, "Color:"); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->tlcolor, oc_explorer_cb, eui); rc = CreateHContainer(rc2); ui->tlform = CreateFormatChoice(rc); AddFormatChoiceCB(ui->tlform , format_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(ui->ticklabel_tp, "Placement"); rc2 = CreateVContainer(fr); rc3 = CreateHContainer(rc2); ui->tlstarttype = CreatePanelChoice(rc3, "Start at:", "Axis min", "Specified:", NULL); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->tlstarttype, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tlstart = CreateText2(rc3, "", 8); AddTextActivateCB(ui->tlstart, text_explorer_cb, eui); rc3 = CreateHContainer(rc2); ui->tlstoptype = CreatePanelChoice(rc3, "Stop at:", "Axis max", "Specified:", NULL); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->tlstoptype, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tlstop = CreateText2(rc3, "", 8); AddTextActivateCB(ui->tlstop, text_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(ui->ticklabel_tp, "Extra"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); rc2 = CreateHContainer(rc); ui->tlskip = CreatePanelChoice(rc2, "Skip every:", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", NULL); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->tlskip, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tlstagger = CreatePanelChoice(rc2, "Stagger:", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", NULL); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->tlstagger, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tlformula = CreateText(rc, "Axis transform:"); AddTextActivateCB(ui->tlformula, text_explorer_cb, eui); rc2 = CreateHContainer(rc); ui->tlprestr = CreateText(rc2, "Prepend:"); TextSetLength(ui->tlprestr, 13); AddTextActivateCB(ui->tlprestr, text_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tlappstr = CreateText(rc2, "Append:"); TextSetLength(ui->tlappstr, 13); AddTextActivateCB(ui->tlappstr, text_explorer_cb, eui); rc2 = CreateHContainer(rc); ui->tlgap_para = CreateText2(rc2, "Parallel offset:", 5); AddTextActivateCB(ui->tlgap_para, text_explorer_cb, eui); ui->tlgap_perp = CreateText2(rc2, "Perpendicular offset:", 5); AddTextActivateCB(ui->tlgap_perp, text_explorer_cb, eui); ui->special_tp = CreateTabPage(tab, "Special"); opitems[0].value = TICKS_SPEC_NONE; opitems[0].label = "None"; opitems[1].value = TICKS_SPEC_MARKS; opitems[1].label = "Tick marks"; opitems[2].value = TICKS_SPEC_BOTH; opitems[2].label = "Tick marks and labels"; ui->specticks = CreateLabelOptionChoice(ui->special_tp, "Special ticks:", 0, 3, opitems); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->specticks, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->nspec = CreateSpinChoice(ui->special_tp, "Number of user ticks to use:", 3, SPIN_TYPE_INT, 0.0, (double) MAX_TICKS, 1.0); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->nspec, sp_explorer_cb, eui); CreateLabel(ui->special_tp, "Tick location - Label:"); ui->sw = CreateScrolledWindow(ui->special_tp); WidgetSetHeight(ui->sw, 320); rc = CreateVContainer(ui->sw); for (i = 0; i < MAX_TICKS; i++) { rc3 = CreateHContainer(rc); sprintf(buf, "%2d", i); ui->specloc[i] = CreateText2(rc3, buf, 12); AddTextActivateCB(ui->specloc[i], text_explorer_cb, eui); ui->speclabel[i] = CreateText2(rc3, "", 30); AddTextActivateCB(ui->speclabel[i], text_explorer_cb, eui); } SelectTabPage(tab, ui->main_tp); ui->top = tab; return ui; }
SSDataUI *create_ssd_ui(ExplorerUI *eui) { SSDataUI *ui; Widget tab, fr, rc, rc1, wbut; ui = xmalloc(sizeof(SSDataUI)); if (!ui) { return NULL; } memset(ui, 0, sizeof(SSDataUI)); /* ------------ Tabs -------------- */ tab = CreateTab(eui->scrolled_window); AddHelpCB(tab, "doc/UsersGuide.html#ssd-properties"); ui->top = tab; /* ------------ Main tab -------------- */ ui->main_tp = CreateTabPage(tab, "Data"); ui->mw = CreateTable("SSD", ui->main_tp, EXTRA_SS_ROWS, EXTRA_SS_COLS, VISIBLE_SS_ROWS, VISIBLE_SS_COLS); TableSSDInit(ui->mw); TableSetDefaultColWidth(ui->mw, CELL_WIDTH); TableSetDefaultColLabelAlignment(ui->mw, ALIGN_CENTER); AddTableDrawCellCB(ui->mw, drawcellCB, ui); AddTableLeaveCellCB(ui->mw, leaveCB, ui); AddTableEnterCellCB(ui->mw, enterCB, ui); AddTableLabelActivateCB(ui->mw, labelCB, ui); ui->popup = CreatePopupMenu(ui->mw); ui->delete_btn = CreateMenuButton(ui->popup, "Delete column", '\0', col_delete_cb, ui); ui->index_btn = CreateMenuButton(ui->popup, "Set as index", '\0', index_cb, ui); ui->unindex_btn = CreateMenuButton(ui->popup, "Unset index", '\0', unindex_cb, ui); /* ------------ Column props -------------- */ ui->column_tp = CreateTabPage(tab, "Columns"); ui->col_sel = CreateColChoice(ui->column_tp, "Column:", LIST_TYPE_SINGLE); AddListChoiceCB(ui->col_sel, col_cb, ui); ui->col_label = CreateCSText(ui->column_tp, "Label:"); SetSensitive(ui->col_label->text, FALSE); AddTextInputCB(ui->col_label, text_explorer_cb, eui); /* ------------ Hotlink tab -------------- */ ui->hotlink_tp = CreateTabPage(tab, "Hotlink"); fr = CreateFrame(ui->hotlink_tp, "Hotlink"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); rc1 = CreateHContainer(rc); ui->hotlink = CreateToggleButton(rc1, "Enabled"); ui->hotsrc = CreateOptionChoiceVA(rc1, "Source type:", "Disk", SOURCE_DISK, "Pipe", SOURCE_PIPE, NULL); rc1 = CreateHContainer(rc); ui->hotfile = CreateTextItem(rc1, 20, "File name:"); wbut = CreateButton(rc1, "Browse..."); AddButtonCB(wbut, create_hotfiles_popup, ui); return ui; }
CPanelAlerts::CPanelAlerts(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id) : wxPanel(parent,id) { { CParmOsirisGlobal px; int n = px->GetShowAlerts(); m_ViewStatus.Set(n); } wxStaticText *pLabel = new wxStaticText(this,wxID_ANY,"Notices"); mainApp::SetBoldFont(pLabel); m_pButtonAll = CreateToggleButton("All",0, "Show all notices or hold down the shift key to hide all notices"); wxToggleButton *pButtonDIRECTORY = CreateToggleButton( "Dir", CAlertViewStatus::DIRECTORY, "Show or hide directory notices"); wxToggleButton *pButtonDIRECTORY_LOCUS = CreateToggleButton( "Dir Locus", CAlertViewStatus::DIRECTORY_LOCUS, "Show or hide directory level locus notices"); wxToggleButton *pButtonSAMPLE = CreateToggleButton( "Sample", CAlertViewStatus::SAMPLE, "Show or hide sample level notices"); wxToggleButton *pButtonCHANNEL = CreateToggleButton( "Channel", CAlertViewStatus::CHANNEL, "Show or hide channel notices for current sample"); wxToggleButton *pButtonILS = CreateToggleButton( "ILS", CAlertViewStatus::ILS, "Show or hide ILS notices for current sample"); wxToggleButton *pButtonSAMPLE_LOCUS = CreateToggleButton( "Locus", CAlertViewStatus::SAMPLE_LOCUS, "Show or hide locus notices for current sample"); _InitFromStatus(); wxBoxSizer *pSizer(new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL)); #ifdef __WXMAC__ #define LABEL_FLAG wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL | wxBOTTOM #define BUTTON_FLAG LABEL_FLAG | wxLEFT #else #define LABEL_FLAG wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL | wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT | wxTOP #define BUTTON_FLAG LABEL_FLAG #endif pSizer->Add( pLabel,0, LABEL_FLAG, ID_BORDER); #define ADD_BUTTON(x) \ pSizer->Add \ (x,0, \ BUTTON_FLAG, \ ID_BORDER) ADD_BUTTON(m_pButtonAll); ADD_BUTTON(pButtonDIRECTORY); ADD_BUTTON(pButtonDIRECTORY_LOCUS); ADD_BUTTON(pButtonSAMPLE); ADD_BUTTON(pButtonCHANNEL); ADD_BUTTON(pButtonILS); ADD_BUTTON(pButtonSAMPLE_LOCUS); pSizer->AddStretchSpacer(1); SetSizer(pSizer); Layout(); }
ProjectUI *create_project_ui(ExplorerUI *eui) { ProjectUI *ui; Widget form, fr, rc, rc1; form = CreateVContainer(eui->scrolled_window); AddHelpCB(form, "doc/UsersGuide.html#project-properties"); ui = xmalloc(sizeof(ProjectUI)); ui->current_page_units = PAGE_UNITS_PP; fr = CreateFrame(form, "Project description"); ui->description = CreateScrolledText(fr, "", 5); AddTextActivateCB(ui->description, text_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(form, "Page dimensions"); rc1 = CreateVContainer(fr); rc = CreateHContainer(rc1); ui->page_orient = CreatePaperOrientationChoice(rc, "Orientation:"); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->page_orient, do_orient_toggle, ui); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->page_orient, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->page_format = CreatePaperFormatChoice(rc, "Size:"); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->page_format, do_format_toggle, ui); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->page_format, oc_explorer_cb, eui); rc = CreateHContainer(rc1); ui->page_x = CreateText2(rc, "Dimensions:", 7); AddTextActivateCB(ui->page_x, text_explorer_cb, eui); ui->page_y = CreateText2(rc, "x ", 7); AddTextActivateCB(ui->page_y, text_explorer_cb, eui); ui->page_size_unit = CreateOptionChoiceVA(rc, " ", "pp", PAGE_UNITS_PP, "in", PAGE_UNITS_IN, "cm", PAGE_UNITS_CM, NULL); SetOptionChoice(ui->page_size_unit, ui->current_page_units); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->page_size_unit, do_units_toggle, ui); fr = CreateFrame(form, "Page background"); FormAddVChild(form, fr); rc = CreateHContainer(fr); ui->bg_color = CreateColorChoice(rc, "Color:"); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->bg_color, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->bg_fill = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Fill"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->bg_fill, tb_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(form, "Scaling factors"); FormAddVChild(form, fr); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->fsize_scale = CreateSpinChoice(rc, "Font size:", 5, SPIN_TYPE_FLOAT, 0.0, 1.0, 0.005); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->fsize_scale, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->lwidth_scale = CreateSpinChoice(rc, "Line width:", 6, SPIN_TYPE_FLOAT, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0005); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->lwidth_scale, sp_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(form, "Data & Dates"); rc1 = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->prec = CreateSpinChoice(rc1, "Data precision:", 3, SPIN_TYPE_INT, DATA_PREC_MIN, DATA_PREC_MAX, 1); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->prec, sp_explorer_cb, eui); ui->refdate = CreateText2(rc1, "Reference date:", 20); AddTextActivateCB(ui->refdate, text_explorer_cb, eui); rc = CreateHContainer(rc1); ui->two_digits_years = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Two-digit year span"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->two_digits_years, tb_explorer_cb, eui); ui->wrap_year = CreateText2(rc, "Wrap year:", 4); AddTextActivateCB(ui->wrap_year, text_explorer_cb, eui); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->two_digits_years, wrap_year_cb, ui->wrap_year); ui->top = form; return ui; }
GraphUI *create_graph_ui(ExplorerUI *eui) { GraphUI *ui; Widget tab, fr, rc, rc1; OptionItem opitems[4] = { {SCALE_NORMAL, "Linear" }, {SCALE_LOG, "Logarithmic"}, {SCALE_REC, "Reciprocal" }, {SCALE_LOGIT, "Logit" } }; ui = xmalloc(sizeof(GraphUI)); /* ------------ Tabs -------------- */ tab = CreateTab(eui->scrolled_window); AddHelpCB(tab, "doc/UsersGuide.html#graph-properties"); /* ------------ Main tab -------------- */ ui->main_tp = CreateTabPage(tab, "Main"); fr = CreateFrame(ui->main_tp, "Presentation"); rc1 = CreateVContainer(fr); rc = CreateHContainer(rc1); ui->graph_type = CreateOptionChoiceVA(rc, "Type:", "XY graph", GRAPH_XY, "XY chart", GRAPH_CHART, "Polar graph", GRAPH_POLAR, "Smith chart (N/I)", GRAPH_SMITH, "Fixed", GRAPH_FIXED, "Pie chart", GRAPH_PIE, NULL); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->graph_type, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->stacked = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Stacked chart"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->stacked, tb_explorer_cb, eui); rc = CreateHContainer(rc1); ui->flip_xy = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Flip XY (N/I)"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->flip_xy, tb_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(ui->main_tp, "X axis"); rc1 = CreateVContainer(fr); rc = CreateHContainer(rc1); ui->start_x = CreateTextItem(rc, 10, "Start:"); AddTextItemCB(ui->start_x, titem_explorer_cb, eui); ui->stop_x = CreateTextItem(rc, 10, "Stop:"); AddTextItemCB(ui->stop_x, titem_explorer_cb, eui); rc = CreateHContainer(rc1); ui->scale_x = CreateOptionChoice(rc, "Scale:", 0, 4, opitems); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->scale_x, axis_scale_cb, eui); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->scale_x, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->invert_x = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Invert axis"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->invert_x, tb_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(ui->main_tp, "Y axis"); rc1 = CreateVContainer(fr); rc = CreateHContainer(rc1); ui->start_y = CreateTextItem(rc, 10, "Start:"); AddTextItemCB(ui->start_y, titem_explorer_cb, eui); ui->stop_y = CreateTextItem(rc, 10, "Stop:"); AddTextItemCB(ui->stop_y, titem_explorer_cb, eui); rc = CreateHContainer(rc1); ui->scale_y = CreateOptionChoice(rc, "Scale:", 0, 4, opitems); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->scale_y, axis_scale_cb, eui); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->scale_y, oc_explorer_cb, eui); ui->invert_y = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Invert axis"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->invert_y, tb_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(ui->main_tp, "2D+ graphs"); ui->znorm = CreateTextItem(fr, 10, "Z normalization"); AddTextItemCB(ui->znorm, titem_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(ui->main_tp, "XY charts"); ui->bargap = CreateSpinChoice(fr, "Bar gap:", 5, SPIN_TYPE_FLOAT, -1.0, 1.0, 0.005); AddSpinChoiceCB(ui->bargap, sp_explorer_cb, eui); /* ------------ Locator tab -------------- */ ui->locator_tp = CreateTabPage(tab, "Locator"); ui->loc_type = CreateOptionChoiceVA(ui->locator_tp, "Locator display type:", "None", GLOCATOR_TYPE_NONE, "[X, Y]", GLOCATOR_TYPE_XY, "[Phi, Rho]", GLOCATOR_TYPE_POLAR, NULL); AddOptionChoiceCB(ui->loc_type, oc_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(ui->locator_tp, "X format"); ui->loc_fx = CreateFormatChoice(fr); AddFormatChoiceCB(ui->loc_fx, format_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(ui->locator_tp, "Y format"); ui->loc_fy = CreateFormatChoice(fr); AddFormatChoiceCB(ui->loc_fy, format_explorer_cb, eui); fr = CreateFrame(ui->locator_tp, "Fixed point"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->fixedp = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Enable"); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->fixedp, tb_explorer_cb, eui); rc1 = CreateHContainer(rc); ui->locx = CreateTextItem(rc1, 10, "X:"); AddTextItemCB(ui->locx, titem_explorer_cb, eui); ui->locy = CreateTextItem(rc1, 10, "Y:"); AddTextItemCB(ui->locy, titem_explorer_cb, eui); SelectTabPage(tab, ui->main_tp); ui->top = tab; return ui; }
gint InsaneBumpDialog(GimpDrawable *drawable, const gchar *szBinary, PlugInVals *vals) { /** Adding the preview area for the second release*/ GtkWidget *hbox; GtkWidget *table; hbox = NULL; if(_active != 'x') return 2; copyPlugInVals(vals, &local_vals); gimp_ui_init(szBinary, TRUE); dialog = gimp_dialog_new(NAME_AND_VERSION, szBinary, 0, 0, gimp_standard_help_func, 0, GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_EXECUTE, GTK_RESPONSE_OK, NULL); gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(dialog), "response", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(insanebump_dialog_response), 0); gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(dialog), "destroy", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(do_cleanup), 0); hbox = gtk_hbox_new(0, 8); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(hbox), 8); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox),hbox, 1, 1, 0); gtk_widget_show(hbox); /** Adding the preview area for the second release. */ /** * Create the Preview area. */ /** Creates a new vbox put into hbox */ CreateLeftPreviewFrames(hbox); /** Creates a new vbox put into hbox */ CreateRightPreviewToggleButton(hbox); /** * Create a table to place all the right hand items into. * Really could just be a horizontal box with all packed into. * Copied other persons code. */ table = gtk_table_new(18, 1, 0); gtk_widget_show(table); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), table, 1, 1, 0); gtk_table_set_row_spacings(GTK_TABLE(table), 8); gtk_table_set_col_spacings(GTK_TABLE(table), 8); /** * Remove Lighting * [ No ] * button */ g_gwRemoveLtgBtn = CreateToggleButton(table, 1, (GCallback *)&remlightbtn_clicked, "Remove Lighting", vals->RemoveLighting); /** * Upscale(HD) * [ No ] * button */ g_gwUpscaleBtn = CreateToggleButton(table, 2, (GCallback *)&upscale_HD_clicked, "Upscale(HD)", vals->Resizie); /** * Tile * [*********Yes***********] * button */ g_gwTileBtn = CreateToggleButton(table, 3, (GCallback *)&tile_clicked, "Tile", vals->Tile); /** * New Width(Integer Times larger) * [2 ][^][v] * edit control with spinner arrows at end of control */ g_gwWidthSpin = CreateInteger255SpinButton(table, 4, (GCallback *)&new_width_changed, "New Width(Integer Times larger)", vals->newWidth, 0); /** * Edge Enhaning Specular * [*********Yes***********] * button */ g_gwEdgeBtn = CreateToggleButton(table, 5, (GCallback *)&edge_enhancing_specular_clicked, "Edge Enhancing Specular", vals->EdgeSpecular); /** * Specular Definition(0-255) * [64 ][^][v] * edit control with spinner arrows at end of control */ g_gwSpecDefSpin = CreateInteger255SpinButton(table, 6, (GCallback *)&def_specular_changed, "Specular Definition(0-255)", vals->defSpecular, 0); /** * Depth(+/-) * [20 ][^][v] * edit control with spinner arrows at end of control */ g_gwDepthSpin = CreateInteger255SpinButton(table, 7, (GCallback *)&depth_changed, "Depth(+/-)", vals->Depth, 1); /** * Large Detail Size * [3 ][^][v] * edit control with spinner arrows at end of control */ g_gwLargeDSpin = CreateInteger255SpinButton(table, 8, (GCallback *)&large_detail_size_changed, "Large Detail Size", vals->LargeDetails, 0); /** * Medium Detail Intensity(%) * [50 ][^][v] * edit control with spinner arrows at end of control */ g_gwMediumDSpin = CreateInteger255SpinButton(table, 9, (GCallback *)&medium_detail_intensity_changed, "Medium Detail Intensity(%)", vals->MediumDetails, 0); /** * Small Detail Intensity(%) * [50 ][^][v] * edit control with spinner arrows at end of control */ g_gwSmallDSpin = CreateInteger255SpinButton(table, 10, (GCallback *)&small_detail_intensity_changed, "Small Detail Intensity(%)", vals->SmallDetails, 0); /** * Shape Recognition(%) * [50 ][^][v] * edit control with spinner arrows at end of control */ g_gwShapeSpin = CreateInteger255SpinButton(table, 11, (GCallback *)&shape_recognition_changed, "Shape Recognition(%)", vals->ShapeRecog, 0); /** * Smooth Step * [*********Yes***********] * button */ g_gwSmoothBtn = CreateToggleButton(table, 12, (GCallback *)&smooth_step_clicked, "Smooth Step", vals->smoothstep); /** * Noise * [ No ] * button */ g_gwNoiseBtn = CreateToggleButton(table, 13, (GCallback *)&noise_clicked, "Noise", vals->Noise); /** * Invert Height Map * [ No ] * button */ g_gwInvertBtn = CreateToggleButton(table, 14, (GCallback *)&invert_height_map_clicked, "Invert Height Map", vals->invh); /** * ao * [50 ][^][v] * edit control with spinner arrows at end of control */ g_gwAOSpin = CreateInteger255SpinButton(table, 15, (GCallback *)&ao_changed, "ao", vals->ao, 0); progress = gtk_progress_bar_new(); gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress), 0.0); table_attach_progress(GTK_TABLE(table), 0, 17, "Idle...", 0, 0.5, progress, 1, 0); gtk_widget_show(progress); gtk_widget_show(dialog); update_preview = 1; gtk_timeout_add(300, idle_callback, drawable); runme = 0; dialog_is_init = 1 ; _active = 'x'; gtk_main(); return(runme); }
static void ps_gui_setup(const Canvas *canvas, void *data) { PS_UI_data *ui = (PS_UI_data *) data; PS_data *ps = ui->ps; set_wait_cursor(); if (ui->frame == NULL) { char *title; Widget ps_setup_rc, fr, rc; OptionItem colorspace_ops[3] = { {PS_COLORSPACE_GRAYSCALE, "Grayscale"}, {PS_COLORSPACE_RGB, "RGB" }, {PS_COLORSPACE_CMYK, "CMYK" } }; OptionItem docdata_ops[3] = { {PS_DOCDATA_7BIT, "7bit" }, {PS_DOCDATA_8BIT, "8bit" }, {PS_DOCDATA_BINARY, "Binary"} }; OptionItem ops[3] = { {PS_MEDIA_FEED_AUTO, "Automatic" }, {PS_MEDIA_FEED_MATCH, "Match size"}, {PS_MEDIA_FEED_MANUAL, "Manual" } }; OptionItem font_ops[4] = { {PS_FONT_EMBED_NONE, "None" }, {PS_FONT_EMBED_BUT13, "All but 13 standard"}, {PS_FONT_EMBED_BUT35, "All but 35 standard"}, {PS_FONT_EMBED_ALL, "All" } }; if (ps->format == PS_FORMAT) { title = "PS options"; } else { title = "EPS options"; } ui->frame = CreateDialog(app_shell, title); ps_setup_rc = CreateVContainer(ui->frame); fr = CreateFrame(ps_setup_rc, "PS options"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->level2 = CreateToggleButton(rc, "PS Level 2"); ui->colorspace = CreateOptionChoice(rc, "Colorspace:", 1, 3, colorspace_ops); AddToggleButtonCB(ui->level2, colorspace_cb, ui->colorspace); ui->docdata = CreateOptionChoice(rc, "Document data:", 1, 3, docdata_ops); ui->fonts = CreateOptionChoice(rc, "Embed fonts:", 1, 4, font_ops); if (ps->format == EPS_FORMAT) { ui->printable = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Printable as standalone"); } if (ps->format == PS_FORMAT) { fr = CreateFrame(ps_setup_rc, "Page offsets (pt)"); rc = CreateHContainer(fr); ui->offset_x = CreateSpinChoice(rc, "X: ", 4, SPIN_TYPE_INT, -999.0, 999.0, 10.0); ui->offset_y = CreateSpinChoice(rc, "Y: ", 4, SPIN_TYPE_INT, -999.0, 999.0, 10.0); fr = CreateFrame(ps_setup_rc, "Hardware"); rc = CreateVContainer(fr); ui->feed = CreateOptionChoice(rc, "Media feed:", 1, 3, ops); ui->hwres = CreateToggleButton(rc, "Set hardware resolution"); } CreateAACDialog(ui->frame, ps_setup_rc, set_ps_setup_proc, ui); } update_ps_setup_frame(ui); DialogRaise(ui->frame); unset_wait_cursor(); }