コード例 #1
ファイル: bddem.c プロジェクト: gokhansolak/yap-6.3
void UpdateForward(DdNode *node, int nex) {
  int index, position, mVarIndex;
  DdNode *T, *E, *nodereg;
  variable v;
  double *value_p, *value_p_T, *value_p_F, p;

  if (Cudd_IsConstant(node)) {
  } else {
    index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node);
    mVarIndex = bVar2mVar_ex[nex][index];
    v = vars_ex[nex][mVarIndex];
    p = probs_ex[nex][index];
    nodereg = Cudd_Regular(node);
    value_p = get_value(nodesF, nodereg);
    if (value_p == NULL) {
    } else {
      T = Cudd_T(node);
      E = Cudd_E(node);
      if (!Cudd_IsConstant(T)) {
        value_p_T = get_value(nodesF, T);
        if (value_p_T != NULL) {
          *value_p_T = *value_p_T + *value_p * p;
        } else {
          add_or_replace_node(nodesF, Cudd_Regular(T), *value_p * p);
          index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(T);
          position = Cudd_ReadPerm(mgr_ex[nex], index);
          nodesToVisit[position] = (DdNode **)realloc(
              (NnodesToVisit[position] + 1) * sizeof(DdNode *));
          nodesToVisit[position][NnodesToVisit[position]] = T;
          NnodesToVisit[position] = NnodesToVisit[position] + 1;
      if (!Cudd_IsConstant(E)) {
        value_p_F = get_value(nodesF, Cudd_Regular(E));

        if (value_p_F != NULL) {
          *value_p_F = *value_p_F + *value_p * (1 - p);
        } else {
          add_or_replace_node(nodesF, Cudd_Regular(E), *value_p * (1 - p));
          index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(E);
          position = Cudd_ReadPerm(mgr_ex[nex], index);
          nodesToVisit[position] = (DdNode **)realloc(
              (NnodesToVisit[position] + 1) * sizeof(DdNode *));
          nodesToVisit[position][NnodesToVisit[position]] = E;
          NnodesToVisit[position] = NnodesToVisit[position] + 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: bddem.c プロジェクト: gokhansolak/yap-6.3
int indexMvar(DdNode *node) {
  int index, mVarIndex;

  index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node);
  mVarIndex = bVar2mVar_ex[ex][index];
  return mVarIndex;
コード例 #3
ファイル: policyQuery.cpp プロジェクト: saidalfaraby/DTP4TC
void getActionAndValue(Pair & dval, Pair & aval, int whichPolicy) {
  // query the whichPolicy policy action and value with the current values of varvals
  // fprintf(stderr,"querying policy and action diagrams %d\n",whichPolicy);
  // build an array varass of 1s and 0s over the variables v
  // with assignments corresponding to the varvals (values for the original variables  ov)
  // then call *(Cudd_V(Cudd_Eval(dd,act, varass)))
  int *varass = new int[2*nvars];
  int i,j,nbv,tmp,nbvals;
  for (i=0; i<nvars*2; i++)
    varass[i] = 0;

  for (i=0; i<novars; i++) {
    nbv = ov[i].nbvars;
    nbvals = int(pow(2.0,nbv));
    tmp = nbvals-varvals[i]-1;
    for (j=nbv-1; j>=0; j--) {
      varass[Cudd_NodeReadIndex(v[ov[i].var1index+j].add_var)] = tmp%2;
      tmp = tmp/2;

  dval = *(Cudd_V(Cudd_Eval(dd,val[whichPolicy],varass)));
  aval = *(Cudd_V(Cudd_Eval(dd,act[whichPolicy],varass)));
  delete [] varass;
コード例 #4
ファイル: bddem.c プロジェクト: gokhansolak/yap-6.3
void add_node(tablerow *tab, DdNode *node, double value) {
  int index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node);

  tab[index].row =
      (rowel *)realloc(tab[index].row, (tab[index].cnt + 1) * sizeof(rowel));
  tab[index].row[tab[index].cnt].key = node;
  tab[index].row[tab[index].cnt].value = value;
  tab[index].cnt += 1;
コード例 #5
ファイル: bddem.c プロジェクト: gokhansolak/yap-6.3
double *get_value(tablerow *tab, DdNode *node) {
  int i;
  int index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node);

  for (i = 0; i < tab[index].cnt; i++) {
    if (tab[index].row[i].key == node) {
      return &tab[index].row[i].value;
  return NULL;
コード例 #6
ファイル: pita_lib.c プロジェクト: jianqiao/code
double Prob(DdNode *node )
/* compute the probability of the expression rooted at node
nodes is used to store nodes for which the probability has alread been computed
so that it is not recomputed
    int comp;
    int index;
    double res,resT,resF;
    double p;
    double * value_p;
    DdNode **key,*T,*F,*nodereg;
    double *rp;

    if (Cudd_IsConstant(node))
        if (comp)
            return 0.0;
            return 1.0;
        if (value_p!=NULL)
            if (comp)
                return 1-*value_p;
                return *value_p;
            T = Cudd_T(node);
            F = Cudd_E(node);
            key=(DdNode **)malloc(sizeof(DdNode *));
            rp=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
            g_hash_table_insert(nodes, key, rp);
            if (comp)
                return 1-res;
                return res;
コード例 #7
ファイル: abcNtbdd.c プロジェクト: aakarsh/ABC

  Synopsis    [Constructs the network isomorphic to the given BDD.]

  Description [Assumes that the BDD depends on the variables whose indexes
  correspond to the names in the array (pNamesPi). Otherwise, returns NULL.
  The resulting network comes with one node, whose functionality is
  equal to the given BDD. To decompose this BDD into the network of
  multiplexers use Abc_NtkBddToMuxes(). To decompose this BDD into
  an And-Inverter Graph, use Abc_NtkStrash().]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkDeriveFromBdd( void * dd0, void * bFunc, char * pNamePo, Vec_Ptr_t * vNamesPi )
    DdManager * dd = (DdManager *)dd0;
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk; 
    Vec_Ptr_t * vNamesPiFake = NULL;
    Abc_Obj_t * pNode, * pNodePi, * pNodePo;
    DdNode * bSupp, * bTemp;
    char * pName;
    int i;

    // supply fake names if real names are not given
    if ( pNamePo == NULL )
        pNamePo = "F";
    if ( vNamesPi == NULL )
        vNamesPiFake = Abc_NodeGetFakeNames( dd->size );
        vNamesPi = vNamesPiFake;

    // make sure BDD depends on the variables whose index 
    // does not exceed the size of the array with PI names
    bSupp = Cudd_Support( dd, (DdNode *)bFunc );   Cudd_Ref( bSupp );
    for ( bTemp = bSupp; bTemp != Cudd_ReadOne(dd); bTemp = cuddT(bTemp) )
        if ( (int)Cudd_NodeReadIndex(bTemp) >= Vec_PtrSize(vNamesPi) )
    Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bSupp );
    if ( bTemp != Cudd_ReadOne(dd) )
        return NULL;

    // start the network
    pNtk = Abc_NtkAlloc( ABC_NTK_LOGIC, ABC_FUNC_BDD, 1 );
    pNtk->pName = Extra_UtilStrsav(pNamePo);
    // make sure the new manager has enough inputs
    Cudd_bddIthVar( (DdManager *)pNtk->pManFunc, Vec_PtrSize(vNamesPi) );
    // add the PIs corresponding to the names
    Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, vNamesPi, pName, i )
        Abc_ObjAssignName( Abc_NtkCreatePi(pNtk), pName, NULL );
    // create the node
    pNode = Abc_NtkCreateNode( pNtk );
    pNode->pData = (DdNode *)Cudd_bddTransfer( dd, (DdManager *)pNtk->pManFunc, (DdNode *)bFunc ); Cudd_Ref((DdNode *)pNode->pData);
    Abc_NtkForEachPi( pNtk, pNodePi, i )
        Abc_ObjAddFanin( pNode, pNodePi );
    // create the only PO
    pNodePo = Abc_NtkCreatePo( pNtk );
    Abc_ObjAddFanin( pNodePo, pNode );
    Abc_ObjAssignName( pNodePo, pNamePo, NULL );
    // make the network minimum base
    Abc_NtkMinimumBase( pNtk );
    if ( vNamesPiFake )
        Abc_NodeFreeNames( vNamesPiFake );
    if ( !Abc_NtkCheck( pNtk ) )
        fprintf( stdout, "Abc_NtkDeriveFromBdd(): Network check has failed.\n" );
    return pNtk;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Synth.cpp プロジェクト: 5nizza/sdf
uint Synth::walk(DdNode *a_dd) {
    Walk given DdNode node (recursively).
    If a given node requires intermediate AND gates for its representation, the function adds them.
        Literal representing given input node is `not` added to the spec.

    :returns: literal representing input node

    // caching
    static hmap<DdNode*, uint> cache;
        auto cached_lit = cache.find(Cudd_Regular(a_dd));
        if (cached_lit != cache.end())
            return Cudd_IsComplement(a_dd) ? NEGATED(cached_lit->second) : cached_lit->second;
    // end of caching

    if (Cudd_IsConstant(a_dd))
        return (uint) (a_dd == cudd.bddOne().getNode());  // in aiger: 0 is False and 1 is True

    // get an index of the variable
    uint a_lit = aiger_by_cudd[Cudd_NodeReadIndex(a_dd)];

    DdNode *t_bdd = Cudd_T(a_dd);
    DdNode *e_bdd = Cudd_E(a_dd);

    uint t_lit = walk(t_bdd);
    uint e_lit = walk(e_bdd);

    // ite(a_bdd, then_bdd, else_bdd)
    // = a*then + !a*else
    // = !(!(a*then) * !(!a*else))
    // -> in general case we need 3 more ANDs

    uint a_t_lit = get_optimized_and_lit(a_lit, t_lit);

    uint na_e_lit = get_optimized_and_lit(NEGATED(a_lit), e_lit);

    uint n_a_t_lit = NEGATED(a_t_lit);
    uint n_na_e_lit = NEGATED(na_e_lit);

    uint and_lit = get_optimized_and_lit(n_a_t_lit, n_na_e_lit);

    uint res = NEGATED(and_lit);

    cache[Cudd_Regular(a_dd)] = res;

    if (Cudd_IsComplement(a_dd))
        res = NEGATED(res);

    return res;
コード例 #9
ファイル: bddem.c プロジェクト: gokhansolak/yap-6.3
void add_or_replace_node(tablerow *tab, DdNode *node, double value) {
  int i;
  int index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node);
  for (i = 0; i < tab[index].cnt; i++) {
    if (tab[index].row[i].key == node) {
      tab[index].row[i].value = value;
  tab[index].row =
      (rowel *)realloc(tab[index].row, (tab[index].cnt + 1) * sizeof(rowel));
  tab[index].row[tab[index].cnt].key = node;
  tab[index].row[tab[index].cnt].value = value;
  tab[index].cnt += 1;
コード例 #10
ファイル: bddem.c プロジェクト: gokhansolak/yap-6.3
double Prob(DdNode *node, int comp_par)
/* compute the probability of the expression rooted at node.
table is used to store nodeB for which the probability has alread been computed
so that it is not recomputed
  int index, mVarIndex, comp, pos;
  variable v;
  double res;
  double p, pt, pf, BChild0, BChild1;
  double *value_p;
  DdNode *nodekey, *T, *F;

  comp = Cudd_IsComplement(node);
  comp = (comp && !comp_par) || (!comp && comp_par);
  if (Cudd_IsConstant(node)) {
    if (comp)
      return 0.0;
      return 1.0;
  } else {
    nodekey = Cudd_Regular(node);
    value_p = get_value(table, nodekey);
    if (value_p != NULL)
      return *value_p;
    else {
      index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node); // Returns the index of the node. The
                                        // node pointer can be either regular or
                                        // complemented.
      // The index field holds the name of the variable that labels the node.
      // The index of a variable is a permanent attribute that reflects the
      // order of creation.
      p = probs_ex[ex][index];
      T = Cudd_T(node);
      F = Cudd_E(node);
      pf = Prob(F, comp);
      pt = Prob(T, comp);
      BChild0 = pf * (1 - p);
      BChild1 = pt * p;
      mVarIndex = bVar2mVar_ex[ex][index];
      v = vars_ex[ex][mVarIndex];
      pos = index - v.firstBoolVar;
      res = BChild0 + BChild1;
      add_node(table, nodekey, res);
      return res;
コード例 #11
ファイル: ProblogBDD.c プロジェクト: davidvaz/yap-cmake
double ProbBool(extmanager MyManager, DdNode *node, int bits, int nBit,int posBVar,variable v, int comp)
/* explores a group of binary variables making up the multivalued variable v */
  DdNode *T,*F;
  double p,res;
  double * probs;
  int index;
  if (nBit==0)
    if (bits>=v.nVal)
	return 0.0;
      return res;
     if (correctPosition(index,v,posBVar))
      T = Cudd_T(node);
      F = Cudd_E(node);
      comp=(!comp && Cudd_IsComplement(F)) || (comp && !Cudd_IsComplement(F));
      return res;
return res;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ProblogBDD.c プロジェクト: davidvaz/yap-cmake
double Prob(extmanager MyManager, DdNode *node,  int comp)
/* compute the probability of the expression rooted at node
nodes is used to store nodes for which the probability has alread been computed
so that it is not recomputed
  int mVarIndex,nBit,index;
  variable v;
  hisnode *Found;
  double res;
  double value;

  if (Cudd_IsConstant(node))
    if (comp)
	return 0.0;
	return 1.0;
	Found = GetNode1(MyManager.varmap.bVar2mVar,MyManager.his, MyManager.varmap.varstart, node);
	if (Found!=NULL)
		return Found->dvalue;
		AddNode1(MyManager.varmap.bVar2mVar,MyManager.his, MyManager.varmap.varstart, node, res, 0, NULL);
    		return res;
コード例 #13
ファイル: bddem.c プロジェクト: gokhansolak/yap-6.3
double ProbPath(DdNode *node, int comp_par, int nex) {
  int index, mVarIndex, comp, pos, position, boolVarIndex;
  variable v;
  double res;
  double value, p, pt, pf, BChild0, BChild1, e0, e1;
  double *value_p, **eta_rule;
  DdNode *nodekey, *T, *F;

  comp = Cudd_IsComplement(node);
  comp = (comp && !comp_par) || (!comp && comp_par);
  if (Cudd_IsConstant(node)) {
    value = Cudd_V(node);
    if (comp) {
      return 0.0;
    } else {
      return 1.0;
  } else {
    nodekey = Cudd_Regular(node);
    value_p = get_value(nodesB, nodekey);
    if (value_p != NULL) {
      return *value_p;
    } else {
      index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node);
      p = probs_ex[nex][index];
      T = Cudd_T(node);
      F = Cudd_E(node);
      pf = ProbPath(F, comp, nex);
      pt = ProbPath(T, comp, nex);
      BChild0 = pf * (1 - p);
      BChild1 = pt * p;
      value_p = get_value(nodesF, nodekey);
      e0 = (*value_p) * BChild0;
      e1 = (*value_p) * BChild1;
      mVarIndex = bVar2mVar_ex[nex][index];
      v = vars_ex[nex][mVarIndex];
      pos = index - v.firstBoolVar;
      eta_rule = eta_temp[v.nRule];
      eta_rule[pos][0] = eta_rule[pos][0] + e0;
      eta_rule[pos][1] = eta_rule[pos][1] + e1;
      res = BChild0 + BChild1;
      add_node(nodesB, nodekey, res);
      position = Cudd_ReadPerm(mgr_ex[nex], index);
      position = position + 1;
      boolVarIndex = Cudd_ReadInvPerm(
          mgr_ex[nex], position); // Returns the index of the variable currently
                                  // in the i-th position of the order.
      if (position < boolVars_ex[nex]) {
        sigma[position] = sigma[position] + e0 + e1;
      if (!Cudd_IsConstant(T)) {
        index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(T);
        position = Cudd_ReadPerm(mgr_ex[nex], index);
        sigma[position] = sigma[position] - e1;

      if (!Cudd_IsConstant(F)) {
        index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(F);
        position = Cudd_ReadPerm(mgr_ex[nex], index);
        sigma[position] = sigma[position] - e0;

      return res;
コード例 #14
ファイル: mvdumpdot.c プロジェクト: saidalfaraby/DTP4TC
char* DumpDoth(DdManager *dd, DdNode *add, onum *orig_vars, int rovar, char ** lnames, FILE *fp, FILE *nfp, int *hmn) {
  // descend the add through the root_ovar's binary variables and recursively
  // write out the nodes for all sub-adds
  DdNode *temp, *branch, *newadd;
  char *nodename, *newnodename;
  char namestr[1024];
  // make up a new name for this node
  // and write it to fp
  nodename = new char[256];
  newnodename = new char[256];

  // we're at a leaf
  if (Cudd_IsConstant(add)) {
    //write the node to nfp
    fprintf(fp,"{ rank = same; node [shape=box, style=filled, color=goldenrod];\"%s\" ",newnodename);

    if (lnames == NULL) {
      fprintf(fp," [label = \"%s \"];}\n",(*Cudd_V(add)).toString());
    } else {
      fprintf(fp,"[label = \"%s \"];}\n",namestr);
    return newnodename;
  } else {
    // move down to the rovar which is at the root of this ADD
    while (Cudd_NodeReadIndex(vars[orig_vars[rovar].var1index].add_var) < Cudd_NodeReadIndex(add) &&
	   Cudd_NodeReadIndex(vars[orig_vars[rovar].var1index+orig_vars[rovar].nbvars-1].add_var) < Cudd_NodeReadIndex(add))

    fprintf(fp,"{ rank = same; node [shape=ellipse, style=filled, color=cornflowerblue];\"%s\" [label=\"%s\"];}\n",
  onum root_ovar = orig_vars[rovar];
  int next_rovar_index;
  onum next_rovar;
  if (rovar+1 < numorigvars) {
    next_rovar_index = orig_vars[rovar+1].var1index;
  } else {
    next_rovar_index = -1;
  next_rovar_index *= 2;
  int nbv(root_ovar.nbvars),tmp;
  int nbvals = int(pow(2.0,nbv));
  int *phase = new int[nbv];

  DdNode **arrayofvars = new DdNode*[nbv];

  DdNode *subadds[MAXVALS];
  temp = add;
  int coval =0,i;
  // go over all the branches at this node. 
  // we want to figure out the add rooted at each branch of the original
  // variable and then write the parent pointing to that branch. 
  while (coval<root_ovar.nvals) {
    for (i=0; i<nbv; i++)
      phase[i] = 0;
    tmp = nbvals-coval-1;
    // get the branch in binary
    while (tmp > 0 && i >=0) {
      phase[i--] = tmp%2;
      tmp = tmp/2;
    int shit;
    // descend the add to find that branch. However ,not all the variables will be present in the add in general.
    // therefore, we have to skip all the ones which are not there until we find one, and then skip
    // all the ones missing at the end. Do this by checking to see if the either
    // (a) the add is a constant node (then we've gone far enough)
    // (b) the index of the node is in the next original variable's domain (gone far enough)
    while (i < nbv && ( !Cudd_IsConstant(temp) && (next_rovar_index < 0 || Cudd_NodeReadIndex(temp) < next_rovar_index))) {
      if (Cudd_NodeReadIndex(temp) == 2*(orig_vars[rovar].var1index+i)+1) {
	if (phase[i]) 
	  branch = Cudd_Then(temp);
	  branch = Cudd_Else(temp);
	temp = branch;
    // now check if its the same as one we've done so far
    bool different(true);
    for (i=0; i<numbranches && different; i++) 
      different = (temp != branches[i]);
    if (different) {
      // recursive call - writes this branch to nfp
      nodename = DumpDoth(dd,temp,orig_vars,rovar+1,lnames,fp,nfp,hmn);
      branches[numbranches] = temp;
      branchnodenames[numbranches] = nodename;
      // may need more space than expected so check for that
      // this would work better with a list
      if (numbranches >= numexpbranches) {
	// need more space
	// save old branches
	DdNode ** newbranches = new DdNode *[numbranches*2];
	for (i=0; i<numbranches; i++) 
	  newbranches[i] = branches[i];

	// delete old
	delete [] branches;
	// re-allocoate
	numexpbranches = 2*numbranches;
	branches = new DdNode *[numexpbranches];
	for (i=0; i<numbranches; i++)
	  branches[i] = newbranches[i];
	delete [] newbranches;
    } else {
      nodename = branchnodenames[i-1];

    //now write our current node pointing to this one
    fprintf(nfp,"\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [label = \"%s\"];\n",newnodename,nodename,root_ovar.valname[coval]);
    // start back at top
    temp = add;
  return newnodename;
  delete [] phase;