コード例 #1
BOOLEAN RecruitEPC( UINT8 ubCharNum )
	SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier, *pNewSoldier;

	// Get soldier pointer
	pSoldier = FindSoldierByProfileID( ubCharNum, FALSE );

	if (!pSoldier)
		return( FALSE );

	// OK, set recruit flag..
	gMercProfiles[ ubCharNum ].ubMiscFlags |= PROFILE_MISC_FLAG_EPCACTIVE;

	gMercProfiles[ ubCharNum ].ubMiscFlags3 &= ~PROFILE_MISC_FLAG3_PERMANENT_INSERTION_CODE;

	// Add this guy to our team!
	pNewSoldier = ChangeSoldierTeam( pSoldier, gbPlayerNum );
	pNewSoldier->ubWhatKindOfMercAmI = MERC_TYPE__EPC;

	// Try putting them into the current squad
	if ( AddCharacterToSquad( pNewSoldier, (INT8)CurrentSquad( ) ) == FALSE )
		AddCharacterToAnySquad( pNewSoldier );

  ResetDeadSquadMemberList( pNewSoldier->bAssignment );

	DirtyMercPanelInterface( pNewSoldier, DIRTYLEVEL2 );
	// Make the interface panel dirty..
	// This will dirty the panel next frame...
	gfRerenderInterfaceFromHelpText = TRUE;

	// If we are a robot, look to update controller....
	if ( pNewSoldier->uiStatusFlags & SOLDIER_ROBOT )
		UpdateRobotControllerGivenRobot( pNewSoldier );

	// Set whatkind of merc am i
	pNewSoldier->ubWhatKindOfMercAmI = MERC_TYPE__EPC;

  UpdateTeamPanelAssignments( );

	return( TRUE );
コード例 #2
BOOLEAN RecruitRPC( UINT8 ubCharNum )
	SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier, *pNewSoldier;

	// Get soldier pointer
	pSoldier = FindSoldierByProfileID( ubCharNum, FALSE );

	if (!pSoldier)
		return( FALSE );

	// OK, set recruit flag..
	gMercProfiles[ ubCharNum ].ubMiscFlags |= PROFILE_MISC_FLAG_RECRUITED;

	// Add this guy to our team!
	pNewSoldier = ChangeSoldierTeam( pSoldier, gbPlayerNum );

	// handle set up any RPC's that will leave us in time
	if ( ubCharNum == SLAY )
		// slay will leave in a week
		pNewSoldier->iEndofContractTime = GetWorldTotalMin() + ( 7 * 24 * 60 );

		KickOutWheelchair( pNewSoldier );
	else if ( ubCharNum == DYNAMO && gubQuest[ QUEST_FREE_DYNAMO ] == QUESTINPROGRESS )
		EndQuest( QUEST_FREE_DYNAMO, pSoldier->sSectorX, pSoldier->sSectorY );
	// handle town loyalty adjustment
	HandleTownLoyaltyForNPCRecruitment( pNewSoldier );

	// Try putting them into the current squad
	if ( AddCharacterToSquad( pNewSoldier, (INT8)CurrentSquad( ) ) == FALSE )
		AddCharacterToAnySquad( pNewSoldier );

  ResetDeadSquadMemberList( pNewSoldier->bAssignment );

	DirtyMercPanelInterface( pNewSoldier, DIRTYLEVEL2 );

	if ( pNewSoldier->inv[ HANDPOS ].usItem == NOTHING )
		// empty handed - swap in first available weapon
		INT8		bSlot;

		bSlot = FindObjClass( pNewSoldier, IC_WEAPON );
		if ( bSlot != NO_SLOT )
			if ( Item[ pNewSoldier->inv[ bSlot ].usItem ].fFlags & ITEM_TWO_HANDED )
				if ( bSlot != SECONDHANDPOS && pNewSoldier->inv[ SECONDHANDPOS ].usItem != NOTHING )
					// need to move second hand item out first
					AutoPlaceObject( pNewSoldier, &(pNewSoldier->inv[ SECONDHANDPOS ]), FALSE );					
			// swap item to hand
			SwapObjs( &(pNewSoldier->inv[ bSlot ]), &(pNewSoldier->inv[ HANDPOS ]) );

#ifdef JA2DEMO
	HandleEndDemoInCreatureLevel( );

	if ( ubCharNum == IRA )
		// trigger 0th PCscript line
		TriggerNPCRecord( IRA, 0 );

	// Set whatkind of merc am i
	pNewSoldier->ubWhatKindOfMercAmI = MERC_TYPE__NPC;

	//add a history log that tells the user that a npc has joined the team
	// ( pass in pNewSoldier->sSectorX cause if its invalid, -1, n/a will appear as the sector in the history log )
	AddHistoryToPlayersLog( HISTORY_RPC_JOINED_TEAM, pNewSoldier->ubProfile, GetWorldTotalMin(), pNewSoldier->sSectorX, pNewSoldier->sSectorY );

	//remove the merc from the Personnel screens departed list ( if they have never been hired before, its ok to call it )
	RemoveNewlyHiredMercFromPersonnelDepartedList( pSoldier->ubProfile );

	return( TRUE );
コード例 #3
ファイル: End Game.c プロジェクト: bowlofstew/ja2
void DoneFadeOutKilledQueen( void )
	INT32 cnt;
	SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier, *pTeamSoldier;

	// For one, loop through our current squad and move them over
	cnt = gTacticalStatus.Team[ gbPlayerNum ].bFirstID;

	// look for all mercs on the same team, 
	for ( pSoldier = MercPtrs[ cnt ]; cnt <= gTacticalStatus.Team[ gbPlayerNum ].bLastID; cnt++,pSoldier++)
		// Are we in this sector, On the current squad?
		if ( pSoldier->bActive && pSoldier->bLife >= OKLIFE && pSoldier->bInSector && pSoldier->bAssignment == CurrentSquad( ) )
			gfTacticalTraversal = TRUE;
			SetGroupSectorValue( 3, MAP_ROW_P, 0, pSoldier->ubGroupID );

			// Set next sectore
			pSoldier->sSectorX = 3;
			pSoldier->sSectorY = MAP_ROW_P;
			pSoldier->bSectorZ = 0;

			// Set gridno
			pSoldier->ubStrategicInsertionCode = INSERTION_CODE_GRIDNO;
			pSoldier->usStrategicInsertionData = 5687;
			// Set direction to face....
			pSoldier->ubInsertionDirection		 = 100 + NORTHWEST;

	// Kill all enemies in world.....
	cnt = gTacticalStatus.Team[ ENEMY_TEAM ].bFirstID;

	// look for all mercs on the same team, 
	for ( pTeamSoldier = MercPtrs[ cnt ]; cnt <= gTacticalStatus.Team[ ENEMY_TEAM ].bLastID; cnt++,pTeamSoldier++)
		// Are we active and in sector.....
		if ( pTeamSoldier->bActive  )
			// For sure for flag thet they are dead is not set
			// Check for any more badguys
			if ( !pTeamSoldier->bNeutral && (pTeamSoldier->bSide != gbPlayerNum ) )
				ProcessQueenCmdImplicationsOfDeath( pSoldier );

	// 'End' battle
	gTacticalStatus.fLastBattleWon = TRUE;
	// Set enemy presence to false
	gTacticalStatus.fEnemyInSector = FALSE;


	HandleMoraleEvent( NULL, MORALE_QUEEN_BATTLE_WON, 3, MAP_ROW_P, 0 );
	HandleGlobalLoyaltyEvent( GLOBAL_LOYALTY_QUEEN_BATTLE_WON, 3, MAP_ROW_P, 0 );

	SetThisSectorAsPlayerControlled( gWorldSectorX, gWorldSectorY, gbWorldSectorZ, TRUE );
	// ATE: Force change of level set z to 1
	gbWorldSectorZ = 1;

	// Clear out dudes.......
	SectorInfo[ SEC_P3 ].ubNumAdmins = 0;
	SectorInfo[ SEC_P3 ].ubNumTroops = 0;
	SectorInfo[ SEC_P3 ].ubNumElites = 0;
	SectorInfo[ SEC_P3 ].ubAdminsInBattle = 0;
	SectorInfo[ SEC_P3 ].ubTroopsInBattle = 0;
	SectorInfo[ SEC_P3 ].ubElitesInBattle = 0;

  // ATE: GEt rid of elliot in P3...
  gMercProfiles[ ELLIOT ].sSectorX = 1;

	ChangeNpcToDifferentSector( DEREK, 3, MAP_ROW_P, 0 );
	ChangeNpcToDifferentSector( OLIVER, 3, MAP_ROW_P, 0 );

	// OK, insertion data found, enter sector!
	SetCurrentWorldSector( 3, MAP_ROW_P, 0 );

	// OK, once down here, adjust the above map with crate info....
	gfTacticalTraversal = FALSE;
	gpTacticalTraversalGroup = NULL;
	gpTacticalTraversalChosenSoldier = NULL;

	gFadeInDoneCallback = DoneFadeInKilledQueen;

	FadeInGameScreen( );