コード例 #1
ファイル: trackerMP.cpp プロジェクト: rotty11/Tfm
 * @brief Función del ratón que permite al usuario seleccionar el objeto a rastrear
 * @param event El tipo de evento generado por el ratón
 * @param x La coordenada x del píxel seleccionado
 * @param y La coordenada y del píxel seleccionado
 * @param flags Características del ratón
 * @param param Mis propios parámetros donde guardo las coordenadas y demás
void mouse( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *param ) {
	params *p = (params*)param;
	static int pressed = FALSE;
	// Al pulsar el botón izquierdo, guardamos la primera esquina del rectángulo que cubre al objeto
	if( event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN ) {
		p->loc1[p->n].x = x;
		p->loc1[p->n].y = y;
		pressed = TRUE;
	// Al soltar el botón del ratón, finaliza el rectángulo y lo dibuja en negro
	else if( event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP ) {
		p->loc2[p->n].x = x;
		p->loc2[p->n].y = y;
		cvReleaseImage( &(p->cur_img) );
		cvRectangle( first_frame, p->loc1[p->n], p->loc2[p->n], CV_RGB(0,0,0), 1, 8, 0 );
		cvShowImage( win_name, first_frame );
		pressed = FALSE;
	// Al arrastrar el ratón va dibujando el rectángulo en blanco
	else if( event == CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE  &&  flags & CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON ) {
		p->cur_img = (IplImage*) cvClone( first_frame );
		cvRectangle( p->cur_img, p->loc1[p->n], cvPoint(x, y), CV_RGB(255,255,255), 1, 8, 0 );
		cvShowImage( win_name, p->cur_img );
		cvReleaseImage( &(p->cur_img) );
コード例 #2
ColourToTrack::ColourToTrack(IplImage* image, int x, int y, float tolerance):xy(CvPoint()),decoder(MovementDecoder(tolerance)),
	lastPosition(cvPoint(-1,-1)),lastTolerant(LOST), lastIntolerant(LOST)
	// Create the mask & initialize it to white (no color detected)
	mask = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image), image->depth, 1);
	CvScalar pixel=cvGet2D(image,y,x);
	// Get the hsv image
	IplImage* hsv = cvCloneImage(image);
	//cvCvtColor(image, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
	cvCvtColor(image, hsv, CV_BGR2Lab);
	// Get the selected pixel
	pixel = cvGet2D(hsv, y, x);
	// Change the value of the tracked color with the color of the selected pixel
	colour.hsv.h = (int)pixel.val[0];
	colour.hsv.s = (int)pixel.val[1];
	colour.hsv.v = (int)pixel.val[2];
	// Release the memory of the hsv image
コード例 #3
ColourToTrack::ColourToTrack(int r, int g, int b, float tolerance):xy(CvPoint()),decoder(MovementDecoder(tolerance)),
	lastPosition(cvPoint(-1,-1)),lastTolerant(LOST), lastIntolerant(LOST)
	// Create the mask & initialize it to white (no color detected)
	mask = NULL;
	// Get the hsv image
	IplImage* hsv = cvCreateImage(cvSize(10,10),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
	//cvCvtColor(image, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
	cvCvtColor(hsv, hsv, CV_BGR2Lab);
	// Get the selected pixel
	CvScalar pixel = cvGet2D(hsv, 5, 5);
	// Change the value of the tracked color with the color of the selected pixel
	colour.hsv.h = (int)pixel.val[0];
	colour.hsv.s = (int)pixel.val[1];
	colour.hsv.v = (int)pixel.val[2];
	// Release the memory of the hsv image
コード例 #4
CvPoint functions::min_elements(vector<CvPoint> vec)
	int x_min = INT32_MAX, y_min = INT32_MAX;
	for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
		if (vec[i].x < x_min)
			x_min = vec[i].x;
		if (vec[i].y < y_min)
			y_min = vec[i].y;
	return CvPoint(x_min, y_min);
コード例 #5
CvPoint functions::max_elements(vector<CvPoint> vec)
	int x_max = 0, y_max = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
		if (vec[i].x > x_max)
			x_max = vec[i].x;
		if (vec[i].y > y_max)
			y_max = vec[i].y;
	return CvPoint(x_max, y_max);
コード例 #6
ファイル: facedetect.cpp プロジェクト: iconnect/frei0r
    void draw()
        double scale = this->scale == 0? 1.0 : this->scale;
        CvScalar colors[5] = {
#if !defined CV_VERSION_EPOCH && (CV_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3)
            CvScalar(cvRound(color[0].r * 255), cvRound(color[0].g * 255), cvRound(color[0].b * 255), cvRound(alpha * 255)),
            CvScalar(cvRound(color[1].r * 255), cvRound(color[1].g * 255), cvRound(color[1].b * 255), cvRound(alpha * 255)),
            CvScalar(cvRound(color[2].r * 255), cvRound(color[2].g * 255), cvRound(color[2].b * 255), cvRound(alpha * 255)),
            CvScalar(cvRound(color[3].r * 255), cvRound(color[3].g * 255), cvRound(color[3].b * 255), cvRound(alpha * 255)),
            CvScalar(cvRound(color[4].r * 255), cvRound(color[4].g * 255), cvRound(color[4].b * 255), cvRound(alpha * 255)),
            {{cvRound(color[0].r * 255), cvRound(color[0].g * 255), cvRound(color[0].b * 255), cvRound(alpha * 255)}},
            {{cvRound(color[1].r * 255), cvRound(color[1].g * 255), cvRound(color[1].b * 255), cvRound(alpha * 255)}},
            {{cvRound(color[2].r * 255), cvRound(color[2].g * 255), cvRound(color[2].b * 255), cvRound(alpha * 255)}},
            {{cvRound(color[3].r * 255), cvRound(color[3].g * 255), cvRound(color[3].b * 255), cvRound(alpha * 255)}},
            {{cvRound(color[4].r * 255), cvRound(color[4].g * 255), cvRound(color[4].b * 255), cvRound(alpha * 255)}},
        for (int i = 0; i < (objects ? objects->total : 0); i++)
            CvRect* r = (CvRect*) cvGetSeqElem(objects, i);
            CvPoint center;
            int thickness = stroke <= 0? CV_FILLED : cvRound(stroke * 100);
            int linetype = antialias? CV_AA : 8;
            center.x = cvRound((r->x + r->width * 0.5) / scale);
            center.y = cvRound((r->y + r->height * 0.5) / scale);
            switch (shape == 1.0? (rand() % 3) : cvRound(shape * 10))
            case 0:
                    int radius = cvRound((r->width + r->height) * 0.25 / scale);
                    cvCircle(image, center, radius, colors[i % 5], thickness, linetype);
            case 1:
#if !defined CV_VERSION_EPOCH && (CV_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3)
                    CvBox2D box = CvBox2D(CvPoint2D32f(center.x, center.y), CvSize2D32f(r->width / scale, (r->height / scale) * 1.2), 90);
                    CvBox2D box = {{center.x, center.y}, {r->width / scale, (r->height / scale) * 1.2}, 90};
                    cvEllipseBox(image, box, colors[i % 5], thickness, linetype);
            case 2:
#if !defined CV_VERSION_EPOCH && (CV_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3)
                    CvPoint pt1 = CvPoint(r->x / scale, r->y / scale);
                    CvPoint pt2 = CvPoint((r->x + r->width) / scale, (r->y + r->height) / scale);
                    CvPoint pt1 = {r->x / scale, r->y / scale};
                    CvPoint pt2 = {(r->x + r->width) / scale, (r->y + r->height) / scale};
                    cvRectangle(image, pt1, pt2, colors[i % 5], thickness, linetype);
コード例 #7
int findStableMatches( CvSeq *seq, float minRad, float maxRad, CandidatePtrVector& kps, IplImage* bin ) {

  // Return value
  int retVal = -1;

  // Threshold Contour entries size
  int elements = seq->total;
  if( elements < 8 ) {
    return retVal;

  // Gather statistics
  CvRect rect = cvBoundingRect( seq );
  int high = ( rect.height < rect.width ? rect.width : rect.height );
  int low = ( rect.height < rect.width ? rect.height : rect.width );

  // If bounding box is very small simply return
  if( low < minRad*2  ) {
    return retVal;
  // Allocate Contour array
  CvPoint *group_pos = (CvPoint*) malloc(elements * sizeof(CvPoint));
  cvCvtSeqToArray(seq, group_pos, CV_WHOLE_SEQ);

  // Calculate arc and downsampling statistics
  double arc_length = cvArcLength( seq );
  double arc_approx = arc_length / 10;
  double rect_approx = 12*(float)high / (float)low;
  double downsample = 2 * elements / (rect_approx + arc_approx);
  double ds_length = arc_length / 4;

  // Perform downsampling
  int maxSize = downsample * elements;
  int newSize = 0;
  CvPoint *dsed = (CvPoint*) malloc(maxSize * sizeof(CvPoint));
  dsed[0] = CvPoint( group_pos[0] );
  CvPoint last = CvPoint( dsed[0] );
  for( int i = 1; i < elements; i++ ) {
    double dist_so_far = dist_squared( group_pos[i], last );
    if( dist_so_far > ds_length && newSize < maxSize ) {
      dsed[newSize] = CvPoint( group_pos[i] );
      last = CvPoint( group_pos[i] );

  // Check to make sure reduced Contour size is sufficient [quickfix: todo revise above]
  if( newSize < 6 ) {
    return -1;

  // Fit Ellipse
  CvPoint2D32f* input = (CvPoint2D32f*)malloc(newSize*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f));
  for( int i=0; i<newSize; i++ ) {
    input[i].x = dsed[i].x;
    input[i].y = dsed[i].y;
  CvBox2D* box = (CvBox2D*)malloc(sizeof(CvBox2D));
  cvFitEllipse( input, newSize, box );

  // Threshold size
  float esize = PI*box->size.height*box->size.width/4.0f;
  if( esize < PI*maxRad*maxRad ) {

    // Add
    Candidate *kp = new Candidate;
    kp->angle = box->angle;
    kp->r = box->center.y;
    kp->c = box->center.x;
    kp->minor = box->size.width/2;
    kp->major = box->size.height/2;
    kp->magnitude = 0;
    kp->method = ADAPTIVE;
    kps.push_back( kp );
    retVal = 0;

  } else {

    // Interest point too large
    retVal = 1;

  // Deallocations

  return retVal;