/*********************************************************************//** * @brief Set reload value for interrupt/DMA counter * @param[in] DAC_Id the ID of the DAC component that is using, should be: zero (0) * @param[in] time_out time out to reload for interrupt/DMA counter * @return None ***********************************************************************/ void DAC_SetDMATimeOut(uint8_t DAC_Id, uint32_t time_out) { LPC_DAC_TypeDef* pDac = DAC_GetPointer(DAC_Id); pDac->CNTVAL = DAC_CCNT_VALUE(time_out); }
/*********************************************************************//** * @brief Set reload value for interrupt/DMA counter * @param[in] DACx pointer to LPC_DAC_TypeDef, should be: LPC_DAC * @param[in] time_out time out to reload for interrupt/DMA counter * @return None ***********************************************************************/ void DAC_SetDMATimeOut(LPC_DAC_TypeDef *DACx, uint32_t time_out) { CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_DACx(DACx)); DACx->DACCNTVAL = DAC_CCNT_VALUE(time_out); }